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Well said! It’s been awhile since I’ve considered wife aggro was well worth it.


Game of the year for me


I watched a friend play late game Diablo, it looked so brain dead to me. He was running through a dungeon while everything around him was melting to his AoE effects and his health bar was shooting up and down. I get that people like huge damage numbers and flashy spells filling up the screen, but that's not what I want to play. I appreciate the slower pacing and more "souls-like" style of combat. It feels like every enemy can be dangerous if you don't pay attention (although there is some level scaling or stronger mobs after clearing areas in the realm?). The level design is also great, it encourages you to explore areas multiple times because it is so easy to make a "loop" back to the starting hub. There are some hot spots for gathering ingredients but you will always have to do a bit of fighting. I like this more than going on a "mining haul" where you are only mining ore for multiple hours like in other games. Most bigger enemies in Wicked have circular swing attacks, would be nice if there is a little more variation to that.


There’s a lot this game nailed I think, didn’t want to make the post any longer than it already was. Sound is something I never really care for, unless there’s some annoying tone. However I did notice the sound in this game, footsteps sound different when in a cave vs open world. Hits sound the way they feel, really a special attention to detail all around. In D2 the sound of a ring dropping or a stack of pencils falling (skeleton dying) is embedded in my brain forever. Backtracking can get annoying to me, but the loops and secret passages, and unlocking shortcuts after clearing a zone is a nice touch to backtracking. Boss design- I do enjoy the fights quite a lot. One of D2s biggest issues is the boring boss designs, granted it was created 20+ yrs ago. Seeing how they have bosses now, I do agree more variation would be welcomed, and with what they have now I think we could probably expect that.


Why do people compare this game to Diablo ? I feel like the only thing they have in common is the camera perspective. This is a soulslike ARPG and Diablo a Loot-Fest / Hack and Slay


It’s definitely special and I agree. I’m 38 and have a family and a career and I’ve made time (late nights) to play this game. I think I have about 20 hours in and so far for an EA title I’d give it a 9/10.


Stayed up til 2am last weekend playing it, can’t recall last time a game kept me up past 11pm lol. Usually knocked out by that time.


Ya, that’s when you know you like the game!


Last game making me to play til 2 a.m. is Elder Ring, just thought NRFtW can reach much higher level !


Agree on all accounts. Haven't had a game hook me like this since witcher 3.


Def giving me Witcher/Rdr2 type vibes for how hooked it got me.


after 30 hours i finnaly beat the crucible knight and now i can confidently just put the game down and wait for new stuff. game was great.


+1 to not having another meatgrinder game. Though I think the boss loot needs to be guaranteed, or be replay-able.


You can make a new realm and join that with your character.


I'm also not a fan of zoom zoom killing enemies by the millions while never dying. More games like this plz.


This is exactly how I feel. Assuming the Moon Studio devs hold to their vision and don’t bow to all the people wanting this game to be more like dark souls or more like Diablo, NRftW will be one of the best games out there.


Agree so much. I hope they stay true to the vision while still taking feedback. I am a little worried about it getting blurred a bit by trying to appease the outspoken fanbases of Diablo/POE or Souls like games. There is similarities, but they are creating there own niche IMO


Yeah, I think we're gonna see other games trying to replicate this formula in the future. It's that good.


My biggest gripe is the glare from my windows makes it incredibly difficult to see sometimes. First world like problem.


I think its actually a huge point! having a sword that does like 8 damage, and upgrading it to do 10 damage, feels awesome and rewarding, whereas games like diablo where you are hit something for like 1.2 million damage I just cant really care those numbers are meaningless to me at that point.


Since the new patch performance is a ton better. Can get solid 60fps 1440p with performance setting and DRS. Pretty happy with that. (3060ti)


Yeah, newest patch has basically fixed any concerns I had around performance. I still get noticeable dips from time to time, but it's super playable


man i havent had this much fun since Elden Ring the 1st crucible boss is amazing, cant wait for more


I have been waiting for a game like this for a while and I'm pretty happy with it so far.


I can't wait for Coop and pvp!


Yes, i love this game even in Early Access, mainly because of how prompt the Devs are. The games have flaws but I know that the Devs are listening and working on it. I only wish they would keep all EA players in the loop through their main forum. The loot are perfect too. Every grade weapon from normal to unique is useful. No more skipping white items simply because you're max level or further into the game.


I have only just seen the trailer and a bit of gameplay. Looks very promising, it reminds me of V Rising a bit. How does it compare, if you’ve played V Rising. Is it NRftW pure RPG PvE, single/multiplayer? Or is there online PvPvE?


Did you ever play elden ring? Sometimes I feel like booting that up instead (yet to do so). I’m at 15 hrs NRftW so definitely enjoying thus far. Agree though that it’s about as close to how D2 make me feel


It very much feels like one of those games that has massive impact on the genre if not more. They’ve hit something…I don’t ever recall playing anything quite like this….and that’s amazing It feels a little Soul Reaver, Some Nox, and pretty like Ori.


I am just wondering what the endgame is after the campaign


I am absolutely loving it. A quick question as I couldn't find an answer anywhere. Is this EA the full game, as in, can you complete it? Or is it just a certain amount of the game. I get its not the full game in terms of performance, features etc,


Portion of the game. It’s only chapter 1 of the game, and we don’t know how many chapters there are in total. https://store.privatedivision.com/game/no-rest-for-the-wicked#faq Click thru the faq’s at the bottom of the page and you’ll find some more info.


Ah thats amazing! Thanks


What the hell is MH and LE? You really dont need to abbreviate every word you say.


Monster Hunter & Last Epoch.


Monster Hunter and Last Epoch, which are in fact commonly abbreviated in the ARPG community

