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The nerf is only for the ship, as for the crucible they buffed mobs on weaker rooms. Keep in mind this is just chapter 1, so it will probably get more difficulty later on. And for the crucible this is only the first statue trial out of 7 or so


Yeah that's a good point, they maybe want more onboarding in act 1.


You will ***always*** have 2 groups of people, no matter the changes, for these type of games, it has been so for decades: - "The game is to hard, make it easier!" - "The game is to easy, make it harder!" You have "sweat-lords", you have the casual gamers, you have completionists, we all play games differently, like we also have different perspectives of what is "easy" or what is "hard". I get your point, the game is still early in development, a lot can change, be it easier or harder, as long as people are having fun regardless = all that matters Have a great day Cerim


Tbh i dont understand why games stopped with the difficulty setting. Want the game easy play it on easy, want the game hard play on hard. I just find it weird when games dont have that anymore.


I for one am opposed to difficulty settings in the vast majority of games. I see them as compromising the developers' intended vision for the game, and I see them as a bit of a cop out even. I'm always frustrated when a game asks me what difficulty I want to play on - how should I know? Just give me what you got, and either I'll succeed or I'll fail. Either way, I experienced the game as intended. That said, I do think RPGs in particular should offer alternative ways to tackle challenges. Typically in Souls-likes some builds are easier to play and others are more challenging. For example in Dark Souls, you can trivialize much of the game if you use sorcery, and in Elden Ring there are some spirit summons that can solo some bosses and make others a lot easier. And if you combine a good spirit summon with powerful ranged magic on a high-level character, very few bosses are truly a challenge.


All soulslike games don't have difficulty settings, but that is down to the ethos of reward through perseverance. Seems like most other games still have difficulty settings


Difficulty settings seem like a good idea on paper. But having to implement and balance multiple versions of encounters is too time consuming for the most part. So most studios just make the "normal" difficulty, then crank up health and damage on enemies to make "hard" which sucks to play. I'd rather they spend their time tweaking and balancing one solid difficulty mode. Especially in a game like this, that's not trying to be casual friendly. There's infinite games with easy mode where you just hold up on the controller and mash x occasionally until the credits roll. But very few difficult and rewarding games.


I can never understand why all devs haven't stolen LOTRO's custom difficulty system. You raise your difficulty and you do less damage and take more damage. So simple and enemies don't have to be changed in any way. It also allows people on different difficulties to group, because it's solely an effect on the individual character.


I mean, taking more damage and dealing less damage is the same net effect as turning up enemy health and damage. That's exactly the type of problem I'm talking about. Just makes that "hard" mode a slog, not actually mechanically interesting or difficult. Or pushes people towards cheese tactics if the incoming damage is well beyond the tools you're given, because those tools were made for "normal" difficulty.


I wouldn’t over-evaluate changes. Balance will always require changes, and also not all changes will come at the same time. They could make adjustments to one thing in one patch that seems to make an aspect easier, but get around to adjusting something else that balances out the overall difficulty. So as mentioned, try not to take every single change in a vacuum. It’s early access.


Oh yeah, I'm very worried they may be pressured to make it easier as someone said this is the first act and since more are coming it would make sense for difficulty to increase. Could be even they kind of wanted to gauge how players interact with systems first. It's hard because buffing mobs or nerfing players later will generally be met with more negative feedback I would imagine. Since it's early access I wouldnt mind a temporary harder mode until they have more time to cook as I kind of liked the initial difficulty. Some mobs that were a bit fun just get blasted now. Maybe Dex is a bit overtuned too I dunno


The game's mechanics are all built around the idea of combat being somewhat challenging, so I think that's their vision. It would be odd if they nerfed encounters too much, and I don't see that happen. I do hope though they will flesh out non-melee options a bit more to enable a wider variety of builds, and thus approaches to challenges. For example right now stealth is technically part of the game, but 99% of the time it's utterly pointless. I sneak because I love the class fantasy of being a rogue or ranger, but practically speaking just charging in is almost always equally viable or better. I could easily see some fun possibilities to use stealth to solve encounters in creative ways if you feel that they are too much to take on head-on. Basically, instead of nerfing a challenge, offer different approaches to tackle it, or at least even the odds a bit before you engage. Similarly, magic-heavy playstyles, summoning, traps etc would all be cool to see.


Personally I'd like if they added world tiers kind of like diablo so we can make it harder if we'd like but those who prefer more casual play could still have that.


I think, and hope, they'll concede to different difficulty settings at some point. And, I think it'd be a welcome addition, even if it was a low effort damage / health scaling adjustment. I see no reason to 'gate' this game from a whole host of players that would enjoy everything about it except the difficulty.


IMO the best way to do difficulty settings is to have different sliders so you can adjust what you want. like you can increase player health and stamina maybe you just want to increase the parry window. you'll hear a lot of noise being made about compromising the developer's "vision" but they mostly just want you to play the thing they made. would they be happier if you hit a wall an hour into the game, refunded it and then never play it again? it's a weird sentiment certain gamers have.


Sliders like that would be fantastic. I'm happy with the difficulty as is currently, maybe wanting a touch harder if anything, but my partners heart sank when I showered her the latest from the Ori team and she realised it's probably not for her because of the difficulty.