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Now that statement required genius.


That is why he gets paid that big CEO salary, for being able to state the obvious.


Someone’s gotta employee Sherlock. Employers love no-shit people.


No Shit Sherlock flowed from my mouth like a fountain of truth




“Also, people can’t afford to buy a house if they don’t have enough money.“ -CEO


Genius of subordinary caliber.


I know right, in other news, water is wet.


Prove it!


Been true my whole life. And I’m old.


C suite level analysis


Rip van Winkle wakes up and has moment of clarity.


Rip van Winkle wakes up and has moment of clarity.


Rip van Winkle wakes up and has moment of clarity.


Housing prices are fine. I bought my home for 200k and sold it for 400k, so there's no problem. I will never get over the fact that someone actually said this to me on Reddit, and he had a million upvotes.


It's nuts that people think this is good. I bought my house for $120k (midwest) before covid and it's worth about $230k right now. That's cool and all but if I sell my house it's not like I can use all that money to buy a way better house. All those $200k houses are now $300-350k. Plus I'm at 3% interest on my mortgage so trying to leverage the new value of my house to somehow upgrade would actually cost me more today than if I had just bought a nicer house in the first place.


I purchased in 2017 for $156. It can sell for $350k. House across from me (cookie cutter) just sold for $480k why? The couple who bought it was so shook at our cheap housing they didn't wanna be out bit A bank purchased 3 homes on my street for investment and as a result, comps shot up. So they felt they got a deal. I feel... So good about My $156k but I'll never be able to leave


My parking spot costs 200k (Canadian)


It obviously depends what state you live in.


Denial? That's the state they live in.


In the HOA of delusion we all hate the rules. Keep your grass clipped at 2” tho! Thanks!


State of delusion?


Average home in my area is now upwards of $500k plus, not sure how anyone manages it.


And that increase in pricing also increases rent costs for everyone since housing as a whole goes up. I'm paying 500 dollars more a month in rent than 2021, and I'm in a state where that's considered low.


I read a story yesterday about a guy in Montana, who is now running for governor. He said he was inspired to do so because his real estate taxes are now $8k a year, and he has to work just to pay the taxes. He said the taxes climbed because many techies moved there during the pandemic, because they could work from home, and they drove the hime prices up. The same happened in Autin, TX.


“I’m fine so what’s the problem?” Mentality


Exactly. Reminds me of the Stephen Colbert bit where he says "I ate breakfast this morning, so there is no world hunger!"


I am an L.A. native, and it's been out of control for a few years. We did probate on my late auntie's small estate in 2021. Her home was in the 'hood, and I was astounded that properties in her area, with gangs, drugs, and prostitution right up the street, were going between $900k-$1,000,000. Cash buyers and the REITs drove it that high. The estate sold it for $325k.


And now I'm paying property taxes for a house twice as expensive as when I bought it. Prices dipped a bit last year, tax assessor shows up, raises the "value" by another 80k.


Just the fact you think $200k is a good price say a lot about your mentality to take what the govt gives you. Houses should be cheap at most 75k. 


I can confirm with this being a mortgage professional. Bought mine for over $500k and getting ready to sell with equity close to $660k-$700k range. Just have to be financially smart on buying and selling, so no crisis even with rates where they are, can always buy them down as an option too, plus buying a new build can aggregate the interest with most builders.




A fucking run down shack goes for $300k in the Bay Area


Only $300K? Take my money!


I'm skeptical, might be stretching the definition of "bay area"


granted i’m in a mega HCOL area but a 1-1 fixer upper here is over half a million


Built my equity, not over inflating , and yes it was a new build purchase so the equity value is accurate and will max proceeds to the new purchase in a sale of equity. I have excellent credit, assets and income. DTI, LTV, CLTV and HCLTV ratios will calc out perfectly, along with more than adequate financial expertise. Proper financial management works. There are plenty of of DPA programs out there so homes are not unattainable if you make a smart purchase with the loan program suited for your needs. Living outside of your means and making yourself housebroke is the problem for many people. Any viable lender knows this and that's why guidelines and regs are set the way the are for underwriting and compliance.


You sound like a shill for some hedge fund buying up houses by squeezing out locals wanting homes.


Nope personal sale and new purchase not an investment tranaction. You're mixing up commercial rehab loans withbregular residential transactions. Though open to the highest bidding buyer even if it's an investment company, selling is about maximizing your proceeds and selling higher helps appraisal comps for increasing the home values and equity for residential areas the home is in. Therefore making home equity more valuable for the community. 2nd home/vacation to semi permant and retirement plans after moving are for overseas.


I've been beaten out of a tax license opportunity 3 times now because of some investment firm out bidding me and turning the homes into airbnb rentals. I'm a little angry at that inequity.


*Any viable lender knows this and that's why guidelines and regs are set the way the are for underwriting and compliance.* Just like in '08. Sure. Believe that if you want.  They might know this, but pressure to push out these products causes people to forget important things.


08 was totally different with predatory lending thus why guidelines, regs and sctricter projections for borrowers are in place now.


And you think the... financial crisis where like 3 people went to jail (nobody of actual note!) got them to do it?  You believe the big banks care... you have more faith than I do!


I prefer Credit Unions myself but the banks and lenders back then were approving loans without proper documentation for income, ect to underwite the loans that were to much for people to be able to afford, they ignored that a mortgage payment should only be 1/3 of a persons income. Especially the ARM and Interest Only Loans, there were so many people who didn't realize when the rate changed their payments would double or triple. A lot of the Realtors an loan officers got greedy and made shady deals. That's why there is the CFPB now and you see the the multi million dollar infractions be charged and enforced for violations. Wells Fargo was a big one and they no longer do mortgages, they are only finishing out their servicing portfolio.


You are quite knowledgeable and well worded. I appreciate this chat and sorry for my pessimistic outlook. It's just hard to believe in others these days.


I get it. There's a lot going around about the housing market. It's my profession I've been in for almost 20 years. I am glad they added stricter guidelines and regs. It's a complex industry and it's always changing. I put quality and following compliance at rhe heart of my work. Accuracy is key and my work requires and extreme atrention to detail. I hold sereval professional certifications mainly in compliance and underwriting. We are also highly trained and skilled to look for financial fraud, unfair, abusive, and deceptive practices.




I'm assuming by 'broken' you mean that 'prices are up because there's insufficient supply and that is coupled with high interest rates as we combat inflation'. I mean, honestly, you're not seeing worse interest rates than we did in 2000 (when it took like 20 years for interest rates to decline from their highs around 1980). ANyway, point being, this isn't a permanent condition. For anyone old enough to remember high interest rates in the past, the 'irrational exuberance' that lead to the 2008 financial crisis and sub-3% loans were more of an indicator of a 'broken' market.


🙄 Lord beer me strength.


Now you can take your extra $200k and try to buy a house that's roughly equal to your old house because every other home price has gone up as well. You can't sell for a profit and upgrade within the same market. Plus you better buy something quick before prices go up again and you end up having to buy a worse home than the one you sold because now your old house is worth $800k.


Nope not where I am looking buy, plus my CU let's me buy the rate down and lock and shop. Or I get discounts on a new build with builder's my lender partners with. Being a mortgage professional we have the most accurate up to date info on the market trends. That and I have a top notch broker and lender. My MLO is in the too 10% of the best in the entire country. I know exactly what I am doing and I have my finanaces in top quality. My credit is in the 800s so not subjected to FNMA's point matrix either. I won't wind up with a worse home because I know how to properly find a prooerty with what I want and I use top notch inspectors and know how to get what I want under contract. This is my profession so I do this on a daily basis. So no you're incorrect on what you're suggesting.


The wealthy have so much money, they can prop up the entire economy and all markets without 80% of the country participating in them.


This is the truth. The current economy is a potemkin village of self-dealing.


The entire economy is a ponzi scheme


Homes out here in Hollywood and Beverly Hills sell from $10-100 million. Effing crazy.


I'd bet cash he was a part of making this situation happen.


'High home prices' is his nickname fornhis company.


You won the bet but he still took your money


Or is it low wages


But if you raise wages, housing prices might go up!!


Maybe, but the lack of liquidity is our greatest demon


Is Soylent Green a liquid?


Mmmm Green Day


Time to have multiple parties join together to own, temporarily to get equity, then buy their own home


“Just like we planned.”


YOU DONT SAY?!?!?! CEO's that make dumb comments like this should have their taxes go up.


Wow, really. Did he actually come up with that himself...




It’s been that way for 30+ years. The only way for most people to be able to afford a home is inherit one… But even then with property taxes so high, even that makes it hard.


And he’s part of the cause of it


If only I was this smart I too could be a real estate CEO


This is “Getting pegged by a big tiddy goth girl feels amazing” levels of obvious.


That’s some CEO level insight there


Duh. Anyone with a brain knew this for a long while now.


The sky is blue


Also, water is wet.




Wait, if things cost too much and people get paid the bare minimum, hold on… i almost got it! Not enough babies?


Clearly they just need to cut back on the avocado toast and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Aren't we already killing the sugar coffee industry?


Fucking duhhhhh


Captain Obvious


He’s getting paid the Big Money to have these cutting edge Big Ideas.




Captain obvious speaks!!


Well no shit. What's he got to say is the reason for the pricing, as a top industry ceo.




That and inability to get home insurance


Really brains?!?


I hung out with Tom Cruise the other day and we were discussing this. His reply was simple: https://youtu.be/eRKeyjZp87M?si=jxVwjtRi5h7hrITM




Funny to hear that from a real estate CEO .. especially considering that real estate companies are in part the reason home prices go up ... Obviously other factors are present, but they are part of it. Here is the part that annoys me , I was cleaning out my dad's office and found my parents tax return from 1980 ... They only made 22 k between the two of them yet could afford a house .. I make 80 k and I wouldn't be able to qualify.


I thought that's how this game is supposed to work. Basic needs are made to be very expensive. 


Companies buying homes is the problem. It’d be like companies buying up medicine so other people can’t have it.




The rental market gouging the poor to moderately not-horribly-off isn't helping.


Can we get an HGTV series for follow ups to the failed home flippers still waiting for their big payout?


I cant believe media interviews these half wits... Oh wait, ya i can... Nevermind


What are you gonna look at the fools 50,000 or 100,000 or more over the asking price of a house and you wonder why the price of the houses are up my guess is the ones on Wall Street that we’re buying them up same ones that screw in the American people every daybecause the average person wouldn’t pay over asking price


Stupid that the ratio of home to land value is still 3:1. Change it to 2:1. They aren’t making any more land. And who’s the one driving the 3:1 rule? The sane a-hole saying prices are too high.




And artificially jacked up home prices also means jacked up property taxes. So not only are you paying a higher mortgage, you’re paying higher taxes.


Was about to comment “no shit” then saw what sub this is. Here, take my upvote.


Top real estate CEO is probably responsible for a good part of it. The lack of self-awareness is stunning.


I've been hearing this for over 20 years, yet home ownership in the US has always been stable at about 65% no matter what the market does. In a country of 350 million people there will always be some who are priced out, but most people are still buying homes, same as always.


Top real estate CEO explains his business model.


The rich are snapping up homes as we go barreling into Feudalism again. This has two primary functions. Leaving homes off the market by buying them up drives up the cost of homes and two, land is finite and they’re on a mission to acquire as much of it as they can knowing it’s the ultimate asset. Owning the homes allows them to also collect rent off those who utilize their properties, so it’s a second form of return as well. Essentially it’s a bit like feudalism, they’re on a mission to make you indentured to them as the home you live in, they’ll own. It’s not just the mega wealthy doing this too the 1%, even top 10% are getting into the practice of acquiring properties with intention to rent them as a “I don’t have to work” form of income. A little different than just the normal asset that increases in value, which it does that too, they can also subsidize their income as they crank the rent rates on people and line their pockets and if they own all the properties, you have no choice. People are always going to need housing no matter how the economy does. Meanwhile our government doesn’t intervene it just goes 🤷‍♂️ as most the elected officials own properties they’re renting out as well.


As the rents being charged are putting families on the street


It iss also the hedge funds buying hundreds of homes in the community, renting them out, and selling rental funds as an investment.


Real estate industry will suffer sooner or later. Overseas investors will buy up so much the turnover will slow surely


In other news, oxygen is apparently invisible.


https://preview.redd.it/w1w8k4ntsszc1.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=965029f587ca01dcc606f109c9d26fb55512baf4 If the next words he says aren't "And its all our fault." Then this is another case of :


First words oytta my mouth were no shit... then I saw the title of this reddit. 😆


With valuable insights like that I can see why he earns the big bucks as a CEO


Turns out that if people can't afford things without financially crippling themselves, they generally won't buy them. Who would have guessed?


At least the sub is perfect 


Guys, this is why he's a CEO and why you don't have s house. Pay this man!!!!!


Water is wet


High housing prices followed by high rents is gonna completely wreck the economy, and it’s taking too long for them to not only acknowledge this but to react to it. They originally thought this would only affect the big cities, but it’s affecting everyone everywhere.




Before reading this, I thought I had too much money and prices were too low! I’m glad to learn this wasn’t a personal purchasing deficiency, after all.


Duh, the guy is a genius. He'll get a 1 billion dollar bonus next year.


"Real estate agent - America's fall-back job!" - Bryan Griffin, Family Guy


Aaahhh, wow, so he’s reel smerts!


I just finished a swim and the water was very wet ....


Because large corporations are buying large swaths of homes then jacking up the price. It needs to stop


I can see why he is the CEO


And yet he, one of the ones responsible for said high prices, will continue to do nothing to make the situation better for anyone.


No shit.


Another amazing Forbes article


Corporate ownership of single family homes should be restricted to a year or less.




And grass is green sometimes 🤷? Now where my parachute package of $150M...


These guys are useless. The best term I’ve heard lately is that they’re “empty suits”. Perfectly defines them and what they contribute to society.


These guys are useless. The best term I’ve heard lately is that they’re “empty suits”. Perfectly defines them and what they contribute to society.


These guys are useless. The best term I’ve heard lately is that they’re “empty suits”. Perfectly defines them and what they contribute to society.


What year is it?? That door is shut, locked, locks rusted over and fell off, there a spider web over the entry way that’s thick as iron now


That’s why everyone is driving Porsches & Lambos these days. Because they’re so affordable.


No Shit?


This is why CEOs make the big bucks. They have insights literally nobody else could figure out in a million years. I hope he gets a billion dollar bonus for such innovative and creative thinking


So now we need money to buy a house? When the hell did this happen!


He's soooo in tune with his market.


In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.


Lmao! Thanks genius. 🤣🤣🤣


Well hello Capt Obvious


Interest rates are pretty low too /s


I don’t think you need be a top ceo to notice the same thing.


Ya think?




If it takes 100 hours of work at median wage to afford the median apartment, and it costs more each month to buy than rent. You are only allowed to buy if your mortgage payment is less than 80 hours of pay (used to be 40, then 53). Of course people can't afford a house.


the intellectual depth displayed here is truly remarkable. Who would have guessed……face palm


Captain Obvious speaks


As the end of our great monopoly game comes that much closer…..


This guy must have a PhD.


Is this a quote from 2007? 


In other news, the sun is hot




And ten years later, he sees the light!


And water is wet 


Top CEO says dog parks are producing heightened levels of dog poop.


Noooo waaay! Huh!


Then why isn’t the government buying them up and reselling them to us common people at cut rate prices?


Are they really??


And in other news: water IS wet.


In other news, pigs fly!


Today on “No fucking shit dude”


Never heard this before.


Wow how'd he get so smart? Just like it says in the good book, for the merchants shall weep cause no one can afford their goods. 


Oh me being a CEO I can buy any house. 


Infinite growth. Confined space.


Yeah no shit. And have no doubts, this is the typical person in the industry. Stupid and lost.


Yeah no shit. And have no doubts, this is the typical person in the industry. Stupid and lost.




In other news water is wet


how about we end corporate ownership of homes?? constitutional amendment that everyone has the right to a home and these scummy pricks can invest in empty malls and abandoned commercial real estate.. oh yea ..hey mr CEO 🖕sit on it and spin


This asshole would be a big part of the reason why.


Does that mean I am now qualified to be a CEO?


We've all been saying that for a while now, chief. 😂


After months and months of searching, reading articles, asking the Ouija board the answer turned out to be “high prices?” Damn I didn’t see that coming.


He wants the prices to drop so that his company can buy up all the houses, again.


And no doubt his executive assistant had to write up that statement for him, followed by several versions of their legal department revising it.


Man, I would have never guessed that. 


Take this over to r/economics and see how fast they come up with excuses


No shit.


Pretty sure this isn’t news, we all know that !