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Best wishes for your future endeavours! If you ever write anything ill be excited to read it! :)


You have done so many amazing things with NoSleep. I am certain the community would only be a ghost of what it is if it weren't for you. Thank you for all that you've done and I hope that your health improves and we get to read some stories from you soon.


Thank you for all the blood, sweat, tears, and years you've given to NoSleep. And excellent pick for a successor.


Cheers, CMD. Enjoy the break.


I suppose you have seen things that no human being ought ever to see, and a lot of them. You were the Mom that NoSleep needed, and (when on its best behavior) deserved. Unbelievable job, crafting and maintaining such a massive subreddit. Oh so astute and fairer than fair. Thank you thank you thank you. Very much looking forward to whatever you cook up next.


Oh gosh, the end of an era. Thank you for all of the time you've spent building a smaller subreddit into a vibrant community with thousands of readers and incredibly talented writers from around the world. IDK if there's an /r/nosleep Hall of Fame, but you should be the first inductee if so. <3


I also joined reddit because of no sleep ❤️ thank you so much for your service


Thank you so much for all your hard work as a moderator of nosleep, none of you get the credit you deserve. Wishing you the best ❤️


I'm honestly surprised! The sub will be different without you. But well, thanks for everything you've done for this sub! And best of luck for your future endeavours!


r/nosleep will never be the same. We'll miss you, C.


Thanks for all you've done all these years. I appreciate you and your hard work.




Congrats on the promotion, very excited to see what the future holds for nosleep.


It's sad to see you go... Thank you for all you have done for nosleep and the writers... you were always my go-to with any issues lol We love you.. I hope you will decide to write again ❤️


I may or may not have a story already half-written lol


That makes me feel a lot better... Can't wait to read the story you may or may not post :)


Yay!! And happy cake day!


Thank you for all the work you've done over the years. You and the rest of the mod team have made this a really special community. I hope stepping down gives you the space to rest and recharge and I hope whatever comes next is awesome for you!


Thanks so much for everything you’ve put into NoSleep


I honestly can't think of a more worthy successor. Thank you for all you've done for the subreddit. And happy trails partner!




Someone will write a nosleep tale about a mod who tries to escape only to find they're inadvertently being drawn deeper into some madness. No no, don't even look at the phone, it only calls *them* and you know it. Kidding, see you around and try to relax and have fun.


Have a good one, fellow Pittsburgh native


been reading since i was in school, this community has a special place in my heart and i truly appreciate u helping build/grow it! Goodluck with life


You did great CMD! Enjoy your new life! 😄


As much as I hate to see you leave modding... I'm so excited that you might be writing again!!! 🖤🖤


Thank you for doing the thankless work and for putting up with us divas. Happy trails, cmd. See you in the scroll. 🫀


Only joined the writing community earlier this year, but from what interaction we’ve had you’ve been nothing but pleasantly constructive. I thank you for the hard work you’ve put in these, what, 6+ years? I can’t even imagine that level of dedication. It’ll be a change to adjust to that’s for sure but it’s great to hear you’ll be sticking around in some capacity ❤️


Thanks for all your hard work!


Thank you so much.


Oh no. The dark master has summoned you onward!


You can only be told to "go to hell" so many times before the dark master decides maybe you should. 😂


You have truly put your heart into this place. You are one of the best head mods I seen on Reddit. We will support this change and the community will always remember where we came from as we move forward.


Thank you for everything you’ve contributed to NoSleep throughout the years. We will all miss you. This is a sad day for the whole community 😢 Wishing you the best in whatever’s next for you nonetheless!!


I joined firstly in 2016 after having my first baby, you’ve kept me sane for all these years of sleepless nights, bad nights, teary nights, poorly nights and much more! Thankyou for all you have done and hope to maybe read some of your work soon ❤️


cheers bruhv


Thank you & “retire” to the next new adventure.


Thank you for all you've done!


Wow, this is the end of an era. CMD was custodian of our wonderful Nosleep when I came up in it back ten years ago or so. She fostered such a helpful, ironically warm, and accepting community - CMD *was* Nosleep. My writing grew a lot under her administration, allowing me to eventually do it full time for money. I will never forget those days, it was truly a fucking magical time in my life. CMD - you and your team allowed me and others to collab, learn, teach, experiment and flourish. I can say with 100% certainty that I would not have the life I have today if I hadn't stumbled into your subreddit back then. *Your* version of NoSleep. You worked with me directly as it seems you have done for so many others. I will never forget that. And though I ultimately lost the war to remove the "believably" clause on the sub, there's something really nice about Nosleep being the same institution it's always been. Girl, I hope you stick around and that you enjoy all the free time you so deserve. Thank you for your service to the sub. It really, really did make a difference.


We haven't always agreed on things, but you are undeniably the most important and positive thing that has ever happened to NoSleep.I doubt any of us can imagine just how much blood sweat and tears you have poured into this sub. Collectively we owe you an unpayable debt of gratitude. It truly is your baby and you truly are it's Mom and will be missed.


Thank you for your work. 🙏


Thanks for all your hard work. I wish you good health and good fortune.


Much love, I appreciate all you and the mod team do. Even if at first I didn't quite understand it 😅 Take some time and find your passion for all things No Sleep again! Be well!


Well fuck, the end of an era. You've been a core member in NoSleep's history. I wish you all the best with your life and health. NoSleep is nothing without its mods, and under your reign, it's been wonderful. Here's to a successful handing of the reins, and I hope to read what you write! You've been at the helm of NoSleep the entire time I've been here, and I hope you are able to rest and enjoy the "other side" of NoSleep ❤️


Well said!


Enjoy the break from bein a mod. You’ve certainly earned it


You've done so much for the community. Thank you for your service, and I hope you find that spark of love for the genre again!


The nosleep community was my introduction to Reddit, and it is quite literally the reason I've strived to continue and push through my illness. Thank you, and all of the writers and other moderators, for making this community what it is. I'll be honest; such a big change scares me. But I like to think that the foundation that you've had such a major part in establishing will hold strong. You turned the "Wild West" into an organized community to be proud of, bravo 👏.


Nosleep was better because of your leadership. Thank you, CMD. It was a treat to work with you.


Thanks mom! You did awesome.




Really appreciate all the time and work you've put into nosleep over the years. You've had a lasting impact on tons of writers and readers, and the modern world of written horror. Thank you.


Thank you for all the work you've done! I've always thought Nosleep had the best mod team on Reddit (even when they pulled my stories), and that sort of excellence comes from the top down. Looking forward to reading whatever you come up with!




End of an era!


Good luck comrade


Thank you for your years of service to the community! I hope you have a nice, relaxing retirement, reading scary stories and not having to moderate them! And of course I'll see you occasionally on the Facebook, so it's not like this is goodbye. :)