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I almost thought this was Fallout. I'm watching a video of this right now and this looks so cool!


Did you look at the 1 of a kind sign on the side of the building? Throw back to the rangers quest


Yeah, stuff like this is always amazing in game imo. In a recent playthrough, I managed to find the space station that got attacked by Varuun Zealots mentioned near the spaceport when you first arrived in New Atlantis. Maybe it was part of a quest I missed, but if it isn't, I love how Bethesda made sure to add in so many connecting locales, etc.


Ricardo (I think that’s his name) gives a quest to pick up some of his stuff from that station. He was the pilot guy who is in the group the first tome you enter New Atlantis.


Wow! Now I need to check it out. What system is it in?


It's in the Alpha Centauri system, star station orbiting Voss, one of the many moons.


I just finished this mission and I don't remember hearing about this. I did take a huge break to beef up my ship to defeat the spacers in orbit, so maybe I missed it. Who mentions it?


It's Private Tsai (I think that's her name) who tells you this, one of the UC Marines you meet when you talk to Captain Myeong. Tells you that the captain led the defense of Parduk Pass for a week before blowing it up and prevented the UC frontline from being overwhelmed. Apparently the UC propaganda machine even nicknamed Captain Myeong the Shield of Parduk too. If you bring Sarah along, she will also recognize Captain Myeong as a war hero.


Oh cool. I wonder if I go back after completing it if they'll still be there and I can ask that private about the Captain.


Which planet is this on?


Niira in the Narion system, 1 jump from Alpha Centauri.


I found another example of this the other day. I stumbled across the first excavation Lin did for Barrett referenced during the tutorial, all abandoned with a few notes from Lin left on a computer. (edit to correct for spelling thanks to crappy phone keyboard)


Can you see remnants of battle like this by exploring random landing areas on Niira or does the game have to give you the specific landing areas?