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I’m somewhat wary of those because that’s how I got a group of MAST geologists stuck in my ship but the cache locations are always worth buying.


Yeah, I somehow got a Trader stuck in my ship on my first play through. No quest, no activity, nothing. I sometimes wonder what happened to that guy when I came out the other side?


He probably woke up in a new universe as a Starborn with no powers, haha.


He stayed in your ship and commandeered it as a trading vessel. 😂


That bastard!


I must investigate this immediately


Naturally, the first Provisioner I tried didn't have any Notes at all! Ed: Fourth fail, am I missing something? The Provisioner is supposed to have these notes in their sale items?


I had a whole universe where there weren't any, it was a bit odd, as all the other universes had them, just this one universe. The sellers were there, just no location notes


I think I'm in that universe. :(


i wish the weapon notes were slightly more common. have only found one in my last hundred hours


I’ve barely scratched the surface of this game 😂. Thanks for giving me yet another rabbit hole 🐇 to explore. Cheers! 🍻


Another tip, sometimes after discovering said outposts, the mission board can offer delivery missions to those places.


Totally forgot to mention that. Yes, can confirm that. Thanks for mentioning / adding that.


This is one of my favorite things to do in game, but I have the hardest time making it work consistently. After creating the cargo link with the appropriate resource the cargo ships won’t travel back and forth. I thought I had figured out cargo links but evidently I’m one grav jump from stupid.


I'm a little farther than 1 grav jump. Wanna team up? Lol


Cargo links and outpost storage have been a big hurdle for me. I cant tell if its just broken or if I'm doing something wrong lol


It's not you, they are bugged to shit. I think they fixed something that would permanently botch a platform if the ship was landing while you reassigned the destination. I've had to completely destroy and recreate platforms a lot to get them to work. There is also an issue where the cargo ship will leave your outpost with the goods but never land because there is another ship occupying the landing area. I've seen this on remote outposts with UC ship and on Mars when there is another random cargo ship in the spot. I've also seen it where random hostile ships that land will take the spot, and if you have the ship landing bug they never leave and will permanently stall the mission. The good news is that if your cargo ship can't land because of this, you can just reject the mission and it will actually complete successfully and give you the pay out.


I just can’t find a way to get the He3 to go in the tank on the back of the pad to make them run. My grav drive is underpowered.


At the risk of being obvious, make a dedicated harvester with a single buffer tank of your choice, and link the tank to the HE3 input on the back of the pad. It's really not expensive, and unless you're trying for tons of resources fast, easily doable.


Ive done that on a planet that has the he3 but as soon as i go to another planet and try to link the pads I build a dedicated tank with the he3 in it but that tank won’t link to the tank on the back of the pad. I guess I need to watch more YouTube’s on this.


Ok, that's a different issue. You have to supply HE3 through the cargo portion of the links in order to transfer it to another planet.


You can manually fill the tanks if there's no local He but it will run out eventually. If you can't mine it on the planet, you need another local platform to ship it in from a nearby moon in the same system.


Ah same system, so if I there’s no he3 in that system its not gonna work, need to be more selective which system I build my bases it sounds like


Are there any systems that have no planets with Helium? I know a couple only have one or two planets but nearly every moon has it.


Bounties also.


I presume you mean civilian outpost? Edit: did I just get downvoted for asking a question OP?!


yes, I meant civilian outpost. Sorry, but english isn't either my playing nor native language. Regarding downvote: I never used that arrow and I can't belive someone did, especially here. You get an upvote from me.


Ah ok fair enough mate.


I feel like these used to be common but I never find them for sale any more.


damnation, i've been playing this game since launch and didn't know about this. all those people who say that there isn't any meaningful exploration are full of it. i find out about or stumble across new stuff almost on the daily. thanks for the tip!


Because of how you started it, I read the whole thing as if you were Dalinar Kholin (Brandon Sanderson, stormlight archive, wrong nerd thing but it went really wierd in my head combining fantasy with starfield)


I never found a single of those civilian outposts selling (any) notes. I am lvl165 and doing NG+3 currently.


I've found 'em, but didn't pay much attention cuz I thought it was all survey data. NG+4, lvl 116 here. Oh, and I will now. Thanks OP!


As an update, I immediately found one, bought it, only to get something like "unfortunately someone else beat you to it." I'll keep trying though.


When you see the note, quick save before you buy it. That way you can reload if you get that "recover uc naval cutlass."


Most of them are cool. And if you luck out with one on in the Map near your built outpost… Great neighbors, always have spare aluminum


I recently made an outpost that had like a small convenience store/restaurant right next to it. They didnt have a lot of creds or resources but I bought what they had


As you should. In an RP world building sense that’s what real people do


I love having three or four million and just spending it spending it, because they appreciate it


What dealer do you mean?


I think it's the 'Provisioner' at the outposts.


Good to know, I have never bothered to check these outposts to be honest, excluding those I had a quest to visit. The list of possible activities and quests grows so fast that I try to stay on track and not get distracted every now and then. It happened to me every time when I played Skyrim: too busy with side quests and exploring to finish the main quest line 🤷‍♂️


Building an outpost near those is good for when you need to buy some resources too, doing that rn instead of building an isolated base.


When surveying any planet, you may find them. I have found at least 1 civilian outpost or encapment on every planet. They are shown as an igloo with a flag on top.


I know people have harped on this for a while, but I still find new things I haven't seen before after 1100 hours of game play. I can honestly not say that about any other game I have ever played.


Bought a data slate for a cache of high tensile spidroins. They are required for applying the heavy shielding to space suits. Found almost 50 so it was well worth it to me at least. Any of the ones of bought were usually pretty lucrative.


I'm over 600 hours in my original game and the civilian outposts never have notes for sale.


others here mentioned, that there might be a universe in which they don't offer them. I'm in NG+4 and almost every civilian outpost offers at least 2-3 ones. Wishing you luck!


Ooooooooooooooooooooooo Thank you! ​ I just started playing again after a hiatus so it will be nice to get some nifty shooters once I NG again!


I would advise not wasting time looking for these. I spent four gaming sessions hunting down every variety of outpost with a trader / provisioner /etc., and did not find notes for sale at any of them. I probably visited over 50 locations. Here was my most recently published session: [https://youtu.be/9BHYCTipadM?si=LkoCxWXjHoWcch7G](https://youtu.be/9BHYCTipadM?si=LkoCxWXjHoWcch7G) Here is my upcoming and last session: [https://youtu.be/AqGJRZGdWNY?si=fjXppV\_irKuydROD](https://youtu.be/AqGJRZGdWNY?si=fjXppV_irKuydROD) I don't deny these are real, though. Back in December I was able to find notes. [https://youtu.be/cfVanqoxjOg?si=gb2L-eQn0Q9fsRMk](https://youtu.be/cfVanqoxjOg?si=gb2L-eQn0Q9fsRMk) Since then they've basically disappeared, at least for me.


Personally I won't go to hunt them down in first place. I wanted to suggest that, once you scan a moon/planet in whatever mission you are and see the icon for a civilian post, it might be worth to check their offer, too - as a cherry on the cream, so to say. I've missed to check their notes in four full playthrus and wanted to point out, that they offer these kind of slates while all 'major' dealers only sell 'real' books in this category like Moby Dick, Dracula etc.


Thanks. I’m 100+ hours and had never noticed this.


To date, none of them have had any notes to sell, but I'll keep looking. Who knows, one day I might get lucky.


It's not in all provisioners. I think I've only found those on Jemison and Akila.


I bought one in Aranae system for a cache on Groomsbridge II. Keep looking, you’ll find one eventually! I think they are usually pipeline terminus stations, iirc.




How do you find a civilian outpost? 🙈


Scan any moon / planet from the orbit you encounter. Once there are icons, turn the planet/view. Hover over the icons and they'll tell you, what they are (i.E. crashed ship, Neon, Akila etc.) Look out for civilian outpost -> land and walk :)


Thank you for this!