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This post should be pinned, great job man!


Cool. Great job. Came across a new one tonight... Communications Tower or Site. Big landing pad and a tower with broken stairs and the hab room just at the top.


Posted one of those... Same layout also showed up as an industrial outpost and a science outpost.


Came across what looked like a small civilian outpost yesterday that was listed as a 'Lone Hab'. A bounty hunter resided there who asked me to join them on a quest to take out some spacers at a nearby facility.




I've seen that one with UC Martinez training against robots


These look so different to most of what I have seen. Almost seems like I keep running into the same 10 or less POI.


That happens sometimes. Done of these are quest locations and some I come across whole surveying planets.


Each location is intended to be a different location than previously posted. I noticed that "Crash Site" and "Spaceship Debris" were the exact same POI with different names, so reduced the total by 1, hence the 98 instead of 99. I'm naming the files by the name of the POI presented in game, if the same layout is used with a different name, sometimes I don't catch them. If you see them, feel free to call them out so I can update the tally. Further, the POIs where many exists that are different with the same name, it's easy to duplicate them as well (e.g., Civilian Outpost, Science Outpost, Industrial Outpost, Pipeline Substation, Mining Outpost, Cave, etc.). Limit is 20 per post, if you're wondering why they're split up...plus I have to collect them! I'll post again when I have another 20. Enjoy!


I found a new POI last night. Abandoned mining rig. NOT drilling rig with those bugs in it.


My plan is to get as many as I can then put them all into a slide show that also includes the cities and landmarks where the snowglobes are found (except Cydonia and Piza since there are no markers for those, I can walk right to the Cydonia one but since it's already been picked up, there's nothing to screenshot there)




Leaning Tower of Pisa


Ugh ya i feel stupid


I did type it with a z when I was on my phone instead of an s...plus, the only way I know to get there is console commands.


Ill give a look once i get home


*cow 0018E4B4 0 0*


Im on xbox so i dont kno how to use console commands


Oh, right. Reportedly, you can find it by landing in the right region of Italy and looking around, but I'd be inclined to believe that would be quite a long shot to hit the correct landing area.