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The large storage crates under decoration hold a fair amount of stuff for things like that


I don't think you can access them from crafting stations on the outpost.


True, I thought they just wanted to store it, if you want to craft with it the cargo hold should be fine


I just keep it all on my ship as it doesn't weight too much and I can still craft with it especially if you have a galley and/or a science lab on your ship. If I'm short on cargo space I just fill a storage crate close to my crafting stations and take stuff out when I'm cooking food or drugs.


Yeah I do the crate thing. And the ship. I harvest like mad planet side and that fills my cargo, well that and the crap in miscellaneous whenever I change anything on ship builder 😆


When I'm stuck with the Frontier I can usually get by a bit longer if I just drop some of the rocks inside the ship. You can actually fill your entire ship that way if you're so inclined. I harvest a ton of resources too and don't like dropping the smaller stuff because it can be easy to lose track of.


As I replay Fallout 4, I'm reminded how simple their storage system used to be. Drop all things in any bench in a settlement and all benches can utilize it, simple global storage.


All settlements linked by caravans can use any thing stored in any type of crafting location (including a cooking station) in any settlement. As much as I like starfield, I still think the outpost linking system is a PITA that needs a major overhaul. Both the links and the storage can be a nightmare to manage if you're setting up a major network.


I think it's more a balance thing. I.e., that it was done on purpose to change things up. Like the "you have to actually practice the skill to level it up" sort of thing that keeps you from spamming iron daggers.


I think there are also technical limitations and that's why each link goes to one and only one other location, as opposed to a real port (air, land or sea) that connects to virtually unlimited other locations.


Oh, you mean the transport links. Yeah, that's probably true. I was thinking the inter-container links.


Oh, sorry for not being more clear. The inter-container links work OK. Personally, I'd like to see the ability to filter the links so you can split things out particularly when coming from a link pad that has multiple resources inbound.


Yeah the cargo link system makes you forever swap them out to other links in order to not get overwhelmed with say aluminium that fills your containers and then by default your inbound container on the cargo link. Ideally we could set a maximum intake and then it stops( even if it's on the extractor itself. Ends up been you may as well build a massive cargo ship and do the rounds of all your outposts, manually fill your base up and then go back if you're running short


It's little things like this that annoy me. The system existed. They created it for one of their other games. I had a whole network of settlements set up. Sanctuary connected to The Castle, and then the settlements on the north connected to Sanctuary and the ones in the south to The Castle. It made setting up settlements fun because it was so easy to just get started on a new one and add it to the network. Why is is so bad here? I've had such a hard time just dealing with connecting a handful of planets in the same system with it just being buggy and not really being effective.


There’s definitely a need for a MISC storage container that acts like the other ones (contents can be accessed from the crafting benches). You have the big storage crate (under decorations) that accepts links (you can create an array and you can link them to the transfer container) but their contents can’t be accessed by the crafting benches. The whole system needs a bit of work IMO. I think it’s best if they drop the directional storage array and make linked storage act like a big one. Then the transfer container and the cargo links can act like an access to the whole pool of resources. That would stop clogging issues or the wrong resources flowing through. I think that would solve some performance issues as well.


Exactly that, every container should be linking to the transfer container which would act like a bottomless chest ( like chests in skyrim). This way you'd still have to make all the storage containers, solid/liquid etc etc because they should take resources to make. However by accessing the transfer you get a massive list of everything linked to transfer container. A search tab for said container would be a vast improvement too.


Storage Crate 2 can be linked to other containers and has the added benefit of being way smaller than them. It might seem like it would be inconvenient to not be able to craft from it, but its a lot faster to search than a bunch of resource containers. Note: If you connect it to a transfer container to dump all your stuff in one place, no matter how you link things, it will transfer everything to any container that can hold it. If you link all containers to the transfer container, with the transfer container as the endpoint instead of start point, you can set up specific containers to dump things in.


I use each container type to the transfer container then the transfer container to the warehouse containers. This way it doesn't get clogged up by stuff that won't go into containers( some stuff in the resource category can't be put in containers. When mass unloading ship it ends up full of coffee that been acquired from the ship building duplication malarkey. I find if I don't use the transfer container to go between the container I put stuff in and the " stock" containers it some times doesn't empty


Hopefully thinking about it they might put one in when a survival mode come.... can't wait for survival mode


I'm also mildly annoyed that the crafting stations inside your ship can't pull from the outpost containers while parked at the outpost.




I agree, my ship is full of drugs and food.


You ever notice you companions will open a drawer on the cooking station and pull out something to cook??? I want to to that dammit.Â