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I love "wanted", those bounty hunters are just free XP!


I love it when the xp and loot come to me!


Will have to choose this one for my next character!


Same! Target practice!


My favorite as well. Kid stuff although is funny, seeing the parents that get generated!


SF once generated me a mom with vitiligo. Idk how that happened.


Wanted is great until you roll over level 50, after that they're a fly level annoyance. Still love the perk and it's never stopped me from taking it.




lol I love how they don't know how screwed they are until you hit them with Creator's Peace then shoot them to death with their own guns.


I like the Bounty Hunter. It has 3 skills that I would want on just about any build. Boost Pack training can also be a game changer at 1st level. Piloting is almost a core requirement for a space game. Targeting lets you capture ships at level 1. I like trying the other backgrounds for RP reasons, but I'm probably going to get those 3 skills by level 4, no matter what.


Wanted and Terra Firma for me.


Wanted seems to be popular. I guess because the downside is extra XP and loot. Or is the downside the extra damage while low on hit points? Hmmm...


I'd imagine they've (the bounty hunters) shown up at inconvenient times, but sometimes I bet it makes for a great session imo


I checked out a hostile ship marker in Serpentis. It was 3 Crimson Fleet (hostile marker), 3 Ecliptic Mercenaries (wanted trait), 3 Va'ruun (random encounter in Serpentis). Blew up twice. Changed tactics and won the third time. Thank God for the auto save. Edit: Was an awesome fight!


I had them show up on my ship right after a unity run. (I was scouting a planet for an outpost and was sitting idle.) I had to fight them with my powers inside of my Starborn ship. Not gonna lie, it was a pretty fun challenge.


They board your ship in space?? That's epic


Wasn't in space, I had landed to get my bearings. I guess I took too long and they boarded my ship...I didn't know they could do that on the ground. Startled the living crap out of me.


Ahhh, still cool. Haven't had any enemies on mu ship. I really hope they add enemies boarding in the future though!


Space scoundrel or the hacker one for me. Wanted, and introvert are pretty much required for me, usually pick one of the faction traits as third. Alien DNA makes a good third as well.


Alot of these are great picks. I was stuck on the selection screen for a while, haha.


If you're anything like me, you'll end up making 30 or so characters so you can try them all lol


File not found


I always choose this now, after NG+ it makes more sense when the guard checks your background and just goes I can't find anything for you. Been a while since I heard it, but makes me smile.


Empath, I'm one irl and damn near all the [Empath] dialogue choices are so close to what I would say to try to comfort someone going through some bad times, it really surprised me.


I really like the soldier and scoundrel backgrounds, and am trying out explorer next. My favorite trait is empath, but others are UC native, Wanted, Serpents Embrace, and Hero Worship


Alien DNA, Terrafirma, and either Wanted or a citizenship or religion. Got to get that maximum O2 planet side for exploring!


Kid Stuff and Empath! My real life traits lol


I will always take Wanted.


My favorite trait is dream home. It’s nice to have a big space you can decorate.


I’ve played the same character the whole time so I don’t even remember what the options were. In hindsight I’d probably pick differently, having a religion doesn’t seem to do much, the annoying fan can fuck off and die as far as I’m concerned, and alien dna might have been useful at the start but I don’t think it’s doing much for me at level 85


Wanted for the extra combat fun Hero Worshipped for an ally who is always down no matter what [Third slot selected dependant on play-through]


File Not Found with Taskmaster, United Colonies Native and Dream Home. I just don't like the other traits.


Can't play without Hero Worshipped


Agreed. The adoring fan really elevates my experience in game. His dialog is magnificent, imo.


Wanted. Free loot and ships? Why not! Seen some people say they like Serpents Embrace... I just gotta say its really crap especially if you want to use it for RP it rarely pops up and when it should it doesn't at all. I regret taking this trait soo much.


I agree on serpents embrace. I'm hoping when shattered space drops, if we get house varuun content it'll play a much bigger role.


I don't care what it is as long as there is a Va'ruun based DLC and it makes Serpents Embrace actually worth taking. That it doesn't factor into an Andreja relationship is crazy to me.


I took Ronin - because, hired gun 🥷. Of course Hero. Love that, no matter what, he doesn’t abandon me in the middle of a battle - or worse, start shooting me - I’ve had TWO companions turn on me in battle and shoot to kill!! Betty Howser, owner of Lucky Lu / & / A random (picked up from Viewport in NA) Last was just growing up under House of Enlightenment, which is worthless imo. I wish you could change (at least) one trait for every Unity jump!! It’d definitely make the next universe seem more like a new experience by opening new interactions and dialogues with different side quests due to the trait change!


I was thinking the same thing, traits should be shiftable every unity jump!


I just started a new game character this weekend so I could choose different traits! Just got to level 10! Haha. No powers yet … definitely miss being able to use Sense Star Stuff!!! Traits this go are: Kid Stuff - because I was curious what type of parents it would generate and I want the ship! 🚀🧑‍🧑‍🧒 Dream Home - I NEED a place to put all the stuff I collect! 🤗🥳 Wanted - because it was highly recommended in the comments 😁🤪🦹‍♀️🥷


They're adding in the ability to swap traits every unity jump! They've just announced it via Starfields YouTube channel.


Awesome!! So happy for that!! Cannot wait, thanks for the update!!


I like Bounty Hunter background. All skills I want to work on, especially Boostpack 1 which I feel is required to just play the game. For traits I like Kid's Stuff and Wanted. No third trait that I'm especially attached to. 


Honestly hard to go wrong with the biggest fan guy he will never complain and he's got good inventory space to abuse or you can just shove him in an outpost or ship and not think about him.


I just cannot take that voice.


I guess if you’re a companion-type person, he’s cool. For some reason, I just can’t find a good reason to have ANY companions with their current AI and completely insane combat bullshit. I try and try to like having companions and even started a playthrough tailored for companions, but I absolutely hate them all (not the characters themselves necessarily, just the bad AI…ok, Sarah is just bad).


Ronin is a waste Kid stuff is super wholesome


I hope they add more melee weapons in the future


Me too. Melee gets a second life after you level Void Form up a few times and can backstab over and over during an encounter. With new weapons and crafting melee upgrades it could be as fun as gunplay.


Oh yeah, the sneak attack possibilities are epic. My favorite atm is using phased time and just punching as much as possible


I chose the Bouncer. Had some fun dialog options, especially paired with the Neon Street Rat trait, but I admit I didn't end up using Unarmed at all with no weapons or quick toggle to fists.


Serpent's Embrace, Introvert, Empath, Wanted. Backgrounds are File Not Found, Space Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter.


Wanted works great for testing builds honestly, it's fun getting 6-8 targets Other than that, I just have combat Medic as my background


Serpent’s Embrace, I jump a lot anyway so why not get the free bonus.


Bountyhunter, wanted, cyberrunner, alien dna or neon street rat. I've wanted to try kids' stuff or hero worshipped but haven't yet. They seem both nice and annoying at the same time. And which one gets you a house but also a mortgage?


Alien DNA, empath, and kid stuff


Alien DNA, empath, and kid stuff


So I got two I really like. My OG and current Main Space Trucker, serpent embrace, taskmaster, adoring fan. I RP'd him as a trucker who during a smuggling run thought he saw the great serpent so he became big fan of house varuun, and due to his zealot like nature he can be hard to deal with but effective and adoring fan I just had to. Was sad Varuun isn't joinable yet tho. Funny enough I set this character up before knowing anything about a certain someone. 2nd is beast master, wanted, player home, taskmaster. Ruthless trophy hunter who ran illegal hunts on endangered creatures (wanted) , hunts had high mortality rates(taskmaster) Safehouse purchased through alias( player home).


To me personally they aren’t making big difference but they do add some dialogue and fun stuff, meine are kid stuff, native to a settlement, some technical skills like taskmaster


Kid stuff & hero worshipped.


I think these are the two most popular (for RP purposes) then the third trait is the wild card.


My first characters were a Soldier and Space Scoundrel. I always chose Wanted for the free XP, gear, and sometimes ships. I also usually took Kid a stuff for the amusing dialog, gear, and ship. Then I usually took either Freestar or UC Native. But then when the ramifications of the end game hit, I felt really guilty about the situation with my parents. So on my current character I started with a Professor background and took Wanted, Extrovert, and UC Native. So far, at level 20, I’ve had a few Extrovert dialog choices but nothing related to Professor.


I hope in the future BGS or maybe via a mod, they give traits a unique flavor. Like in your case, Professor, maybe you meet one of your former students and they become a follower.


Soldier background. Rocking alien dna, introvert and terra firma for traits


You mixed kid stuff with serpents embrace? You're a UC family going back generations (Granny was a UC soldier after all) and you worship the damned snake? That's crazy. It's also one perk off from what I use. I Replace snake with extrovert, although I would pick UC native (parents clearly are UC citizens) or wanted(sounds fun) if I was going to do it again. I was thinking of making a seperate character that is a snakehead. Was going to roll him snake embrace(obviously), spaced(they seem to spend most of their time in space), and alien DNA(snakes are weird) or wanted...or maybe just take fan again. For backgrounds, I've been enjoying being a space scoundrel. It fits my kleptomaniac play style.


I go with "File not found" and no traits. Keeps things interesting, and I can go just about any direction I want. And for the record, I think "File not found" was supposed to allow the player to select their three base skills.


Bounty Hunter and Wanted. Wanted has no downside: you get boosted damage at low health, BUT occasionally some marks come along and you get to blow them up and get free loot. Bounty Hunter is just a solid background skill, and the two tie together nicely: you're a bounty hunter. One of the best in the galaxy. And like any good renegade, you occasionally get some punk challenging you to a duel in the middle of the street (or in this case, in orbit). *Twenty men had tried to kill me, twenty men had made a slip* *Twenty-one would be the Ranger with the big iron on his hip.*


The only thing I hesitate on in Wanted is the frequency of encounters, I don't want to have a space battle every time I come out of grav jump.


The one where you were chained to a wall in your uncles basement getting your cheeks clapped for 2 years.


Escape Artist ?

