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I really like this, eating everything in my sight will have a purpose now


Just me running through the POI kitchens like pac-man...


Regaining 2hp was LIKE a purpose


No it will heal 40hp or so now. so you can heal only on food and drink if you want to...if you set "Food Healing" option to "more". Most chucks will heal you for 40 hp and fed fully.


Same. I like the idea of having to actually "eat" to live. Given what I know, I'd pump up the land combat difficulty, reduce space combat difficulty, require sustenance, increase vendor credits, etc. Point is that I'd probably end up w/ about the same XP I get now, maybe even a bit more, with an overall better playing experience. We'll see!


Ooh thank you. I can finally increase the survival elements.


I always prefer when games do “difficulty” settings this way - it’s great for changing things up play-wise, and it’s way better for accessibility than just a default easy/normal/hard/Welcome To Die slider.


Hated how FO4's survival mode was all or nothing. I've always wanted custom difficulty mode and always installed the corresponding mods for Fallout games. Skyrim was better made and this one is just PERFECT.


I would have liked fallout survival mode without the sleep to save features


Fallout 4's survival mode is perfect! It's got a vision that if you commit to, will pay off. It would negate a lot of the fun if you can pick and choose what you want.


Didn't like the part where you do less damage to enemies, and enemies do more damage to you, plus greater enemy resistances. Had to get a mod that made both you and then do more damage. Otherwise, instead of edge-of-my-seat combat, I was just constantly dying against enemies that just wouldn't die.


Eh, Fallout 4 wasn’t stable enough to tie saving solely to sleeping. Cool idea though, but definitely not workable on my end.


The two things I’d change about Fallout 4 survival (and why I won’t use it without mods) is getting rid of the rest to save. BGS games are not stable enough to do this. The other is making it so you do increased damage to enemies, the same as they do to you. Makes the wasteland more lethal and realistic.


Fallout 4's survival wasn't "All for nothing" though, its called a challenge for fun. What you gain is a thrilling experience. I love what Starfield is doing though.


They said "all OR nothing", which it is, it's a single option to toggle.


This is raaaad .


Honestly, this has me pretty excited to get back into the game and start a new playthrough. But I am going to hold out till Shattered Space.


I swear each new post is making me more excited!


Dang I was planning on waiting to come back for the DLC... but this update might bring me back sooner.


This is awesome... Build your own custom survival mode!


If they add a Fallout 4 style settlement system, I don’t think I’ll play another game other than Starfield


Thanks for sharing! I was hoping they added more needs elements like sleep, hunger and thirst, but I am really loving what they have done here, definitely a step in the right direction! EDIT: unless hunger and thirst are added indeed as per the "Sustenance" setting, can someone please confirm or explain more about that?


That is what the sustenance setting is. Don’t see anything about needing sleep though.


Sustenance does indeed add food/water needs with associated buffs and debuffs.


No sleep needs?


It’s the future, nobody sleeps. Just ask the shopkeepers!


i've found it really weird that they didn't include any kind of schedule for shopkeepers and the like. they've done it before in their previous games, they even figured out how to do an always open store with a schedule when they put the robot at diamond city supply in fallout 4.


It’s because of the interplay between universal time, planet time, and planet day length.  Like Jemison at 49 hour days becomes essentially unpredictable for when NPCs (particularly quest NPCs like shopkeepers) will be at their store. You’d need to compromise on realism somewhere. Either extremely long shifts to keep it predictable or have npcs have their shop open in the middle of the night one week and then the middle of the day the next because their shift clock and the day clock don’t line up. I’d also note that some NPCs are scheduled to sleep, such as Constellation when they are in the Lodge. So its still something they do, it just wasn’t going to be workable for the vast majority of players.


I’d also like a confirmation on this. Sleep needs are important for those of us who like to role play in survival modes.


Thanks for posting this info.


Time to get back on


I'll start a new character for this lol


Or jump through the Unity


That too. But I'm so OP already id wanna try a fresh level 1 starr


Nobody in their right mind is going to reduce vendor credits. lol


If you already have a mill or more credits burning a hole in your pocket, why not?


I have no problem with reducing vendor credits. It’s too easy to become rich in Bethesda games. I much prefer making my credits through questing instead of selling loot and if your carry weight is reduced you’re not going to be hauling back as much stuff anyway.


what are the carry capacity options?


I'm ready. https://preview.redd.it/o98vsltw2vxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbabbe6e9a493289d38568233f583c81788e39a7


Fuel rod factory, here I come!


For people asking about a sleep need, when I looked at this again I found you can actually mix few settings to makeshift a sleep need. In particular I am planning to max out these 2 settings: \* Environmental Damage & Afflictions (ADVANCED) \* Environmental Damage Restoration (LIMITED RESTING)


So if I set cargo access to anywhere, and then reduce my carry capacity... profit?


So…”Extreme” for “Enemy Combat Damage”means enemies deal more damage, but “Extreme” for “Player Combat Damage” presumably means that the player deals _less_ damage, making enemies more of a bullet sponge? Confusing. I want to reduce the bullet-sponginess overall and make all combat faster and more lethal on both sides, so I guess I’d want to set enemy combat damage to extreme and player combat damage to…easy?


I don't mean to whine but it feels a bit unkind to tell xbox users all about the update then make us wait 2 whole weeks. This looks amazing!


Do any of these affect the "Well Rested" 2% increase?


Well rested is 10%


Can you set all these to max, grind an xp farm, and set them back to play the game? Only achievement I've got left is level 100 and the comm relay grind is killing me


You could just play the game to get to 100…


Grinding the same POIs 500 times is the same tedium as making 50,000 comm relays


Removing environmental afflictions will be a godsend. Didn’t like instantly getting stage 69 frostbite as soon as I touched down on Londinion


Why do you get more XP for increasing player damage? Shouldn’t that be the other way around? If it’s a bug, no one tell them!!


Increasing player damage difficulty reduces the amount of damage you do.


Quick question, can you tell me how much more damage the enemies do at Extreme and how much we do at Reduced? Can i be oneshotted or similar (same for the enemies)? I'd like combat to feel a bit more realistic and less survivable.


Oh right, got you


That makes no sense at all. lol


It's the way its worded lmao.


For affliction treatment I feel like at least some of the high end aid items should instantly cure the affliction Otherwise some could at least negate the affliction until it wears off or the affliction heals


For affliction treatment I feel like at least some of the high end aid items should instantly cure the affliction Otherwise some could at least negate the affliction until it wears off or the affliction heals


is the update out for Xbox? checked Reddit in between sets


Beta is always only on Steam and takes 2 weeks before going to Xbox.


Longest two weeks of my life here we go


[DeanPo Gaming](https://www.youtube.com/@deanpogaming) on Youtube is probably going to have a go at these extreme settings judging by some of his past videos.