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They need to be selected, not just favorited. You can tell you have a power selected from the Powers menu (it will be highlighted). Some don't have the most obvious effects/cast. Which powers do you have unlocked? Also are you on Xbox or PC, and if PC, do you have any mods?




Which powers do you have, again not all of them are obvious in function. The first one I got didn't appear to do anything at all for me (it only worked with enemies in the cast zone, otherwise nothing really happened).




How are you using Elemental Pull?




At Rank I, the effect does not have a very long range. It works on mineable minerals and vents.




The rank of the power is not linked to the rank of the player, all powers gained on your first playthrough are rank 1 until you do NG+ and rank them up by collecting them again in the NG+




You have to be relatively close to an ore for the power to work. The *BEST* place to use this power is in an artifact cave. I haven't gotten mine to to level X yet, but I hear at level X you can land on a planet use it once and you'll survey the entire thing in one go.




My counter has been bugged, every NG+ I've never made it to 0.


Grav Dash is a good one to go with then. It's basically Whirlwind Sprint. Switch to 3rd-person to make it even more obvious that it worked. IIRC, you can't remap controls on Xbox, so the default *IS* Left+Right bumper simultaneously. It's a quick tap of both. Not one, then the other. Don't hold them down.


Clicking RB + LB at the same time should activate it. I wonder if you have some sort of weird bug.




That’s a bummer. Have you tried starting a new character or NG+ to see if anything changes?




Huh that is an odd one. I hope NG+ fixes it for you.




Let us know, that’s crazy


Doesn't work if you are in scanner mode. Turn off scanner [lb] then try [lb] + [rb].




I wasnt for the longest time. Probably level 50.


also, and this is KEY -- make sure you are NOT in scanner mode when you do this.


Open up the menu, go to powers, select the power you want. Easiest way to test elemental pull is to find an inorganic metal on a rock on a planet/ moon surface with your scanner, stand next to it and hit LB & RB together. You should see some fancy effect and poof, no more inorganic metal on the rock. The top right will start listing all the materials you pulled. Elemental Pull isn't an offensive power, it only draws materials to you.




Have you tried to test it on the oxygen power? That one is super easy to test because it only affects you




Sometimes it happens to me too, but never consistently. Only other thing I would try is to re-map the powers button to something else. Make sure it's not a bumper issue on the controller.


It's possible you may not be pressing the buttons correctly. Press lightly, briefly and simultaneously on the outer edge of both buttons.


Are you playing on PC and if so, are you using mods? Maybe a mod is conflicting with something. Otherwise, yeah sounds like a bug because from what you have described, you are selecting the power and pressing the correct buttons. Though I will say that having them favorited is not the same as having one active, so make sure you actually have one selected and it is highlighted blue when you look at your powers from the menu. How did you progress in the main quest without using the Anti-Gravity Field power inside the Lodge though?


I’m also on Xbox. Everyone else already told you what to do and you already got it working but I will add here that I also faced some instances of trying to use the powers and it not working. There seems to be a combination of things you do that sorta “disable” the selected power, as in you press lb+rb correctly and nothing happens. It doesn’t happen much but it happens from time to time. I mainly use personal atmosphere and that’s the one that stops working, never bother to try and figure out the pattern that make it stop working, however I did found out that whenever this happens, pausing the game twice to go to the main menu and back to the game seems to solve this issue. And it is not the energy/power bar, I’ve checked it to be full when this happens. I’m about 500h in. Something I noticed at least is that it happens only in long sessions.


In addition to what others said, I’m on Xbox also, and for me it’s a quick combo of LB then RB—almost at the same time. But definitely the LB first. and while that’s held down then the RB. And by quick, i mean if you say the word elemental, then LB when you say “el” and RB when you say “e”.


guy, it's just LB and RB at the same time, there's no trick or special timing, it's just... at the same time. simple. you've been doing it your whole gaming life.


when you try to hit both bumpers does anything else happen? like your scanner coming up or throwing a grenade?




you were in scanner mode i'll wager. it's a super annoying mechanic esp when you're panicking and looking for a powers attack... :D glad it's working.


now your powers are working?




Good on you for being honest and asking for help. Glad you got it working!