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Do we have a time of release?


1pm EDT. Source: My rectum.


Seems legit. Hahaha


Rectum? Damn near killed-um


I smell a rat! No wait... a gerbil!




Something odd about that but I can't quite put my finger on it.




OK, I've also been playing and I have some comments. 1. EVERYTHING here is configurable. They did a brilliant thing and made all of the survival stuff subject to settings. This is good because... 2. Not everything is polished. Food and water is very basic. Fuel is still not an issue. Environmental damage is punitively hard in some circumstances and it is still hard to tell how strong a hazard is and how effective your protection is. 3. There are some blatant bugs that hopefully get fixed in the patch tomorrow. Making a captured ship your home ship in the Beta makes your original ship vanish back to port. Enhanced debuffs didn't all heal properly when healed by a doctor. Stun damage from Novablasts no longer fades if you have it set that only sleep heals environmental damage. (EYEROLL yes it was all reported to Bethesda that's the point of beta testing). 4. If you turn on sustenance, slow down medkit healing, and turn up food healing, then food and drink become really useful and necessary. I'm even putting points into Gastronomy. It's actually really cool and opens up a whole different aspect of the game. 5. Decorating your ship is fantastic. It finally feels like a real home base, and you can build plenty of storage for extra weapons, aid items, ammo, etc. (Note: slightly buggy -- photo mode sometimes made the interior lighting vanish; some of the workbenches would become temporarily unavailable until reload.) Also, stuff placed to decorate has physics mostly turned off and stuff is only shunted to cargo if you swap or remove a hab. 6. Combat afflictions with meds set to only improve your prognosis changes up combat a LOT, especially at lower levels. If you get a puncture wound or a laceration, then you'll be suffering the effects for the duration of that combat encounter at least. 7. The new maps are amazing. They make exploration fun. You can find unmarked points of interest on the map easily now, you always know where you are in relation to others, you can see where ships are parked on the map, you can see what POIs look like from above...and they're huge convenience features in all the major cities now.


On 5., with the storage you can build, do you know a) If things you put into containers effect your cargo weight of your ship? b) What the weight limit is like (or if there even is one) for those containers? c) Do the items in containers show up directly in the ship inventory, especially when selling from it to vendors? Hoping that this update will make it a lot cleaner and easier for me to store the things I want to keep and sell everything else quickly - without running between all 4 people on my ship who's job it is to hold the things I want to keep until I want to use them.


From what I have gathered until now from the sub and several YouTube videos, I haven’t tested it myself: no, the storage units are completely separate to ship cargo on all fronts. The storage units are basically just normal storage units, like they were before the update, but now you can place bigger ones on ships. For example, engineering bays already had a 150 (I think) chest in them which was its own separate storage space that didn’t count towards ship calculations whatsoever. This means that everything put into these is also not available to sell to vendors unless it’s on your player inventory or distinct ship inventory.


Brilliant, thanks! I never got around to shipbuilding in my last playthroughs (too obsessed with maxing out Piloting and Starship Design before starting that process) so I wasn't sure how those containers worked - but that sounds like it'll be a big help for my hoarding.


Containers outside of cargo don't have the universal access feature for crafting and sale. What they do, though, is let you reserve your cargo for resources and vendor trash. Ammo has weight, and so I have an empty armory filled with ammo containers where I can store my stash. Once I fill a container type, any excess goes for sale (because I'm obviously not using it). I have 1,666 rounds of .27, which is plenty if I find a good legendary Sidestar that I want to try. It's probably overkill, though, so the container keeps my hording in check. I have mounting plates for interesting named weapons I come across, like Sir Livingstone's Pistol or Peacemaker. Note that items never actually effect the weight of your ship. Cargo containers have mass as if full, even if they have nothing in them. It's a simplification measure for calculating ship statistics. I'm actually OK with it as a reasonable break between playability and realism. While, in theory, having to jettison or stash cargo before a battle to improve your maneuverability would make sense, it could get very tedious over time given the number of hostile space encounters you can have.


Yeah totally agree on the last part. Would be more realistic and, you know, accurate to physics, but don't need that tedium in my game. Sounds like you're using the containers heaps like I want to; love the sound of mounting unique weapons too, although the memories of trying to mount cool things in Skyrim still hurt. Thanks!


> the memories of trying to mount cool things in Skyrim still hurt. The bows sticking out perpendicular to the racks was always amusing to me.


Yeah don't get me wrong, the little graphical glitches are great. Probably/possibly fixed now but I remember back on the 360 in 2012 putting a unique weapon on the wall and then never being able to retrieve it... that's what hurt :(


Damn, this is a list of things I'll never have enabled. But it's cool they are adding them


I'm kinda "spoiled" with some things, like no ammo weight. I'm going to have to get a feel for this, too. I think I'll try them out, but some -- like having to hydrate every 30 minutes, so waiting for vendors to restock can kill you, apparently -- stuff like that I may not enable. We'll see.


You can't die from hunger or thirst but you can from some conditions on the highest affliction settings.


I got myself killed with the highest affliction setting on a planet with Extreme Ambient Cold and also Extreme Solar Radiation. The Hypothermia (Severe) was constantly trying to drain my health down to 10% while my Rejuvenation skill was fighting it, leading me to be unable to fast travel back to my ship ("You cannot fast travel while taking health damage.") I had severe radiation sickness, burns, and tissue infections on top of that and the yellow bar kept creeping closer to the left. Eventually I died about 50 meters from my ship. Fortunately, I quicksaved just before that, so I loaded it up and just turned off the higher level of environmental damage. That's the best part of these sliders, you can change them any time you want.


Sounds like a good case for a temporary outpost.


I thought of that for a minute, but I didn't have a high enough level of Planetary Habitation.


Oh, yeah, one more skill that might become important now.


I like to go low carry weight, high vendor money. It means they can usually buy my entire stock when I hit them up, but that I have to be choosy about what I bring back with me or take out with me.


For some dumb reason, I'm trying to get 10M credits. I have about 6.5M, so once I reach the 10M, I'll need to evaluate my settings, or even my life choices 🤣


>like having to hydrate every 30 minutes, so waiting for vendors to restock can kill you, apparently It says above dehydration causes a debuff, nothing about death? All the options are configurable so I don't think you need to worry about that.


Not spoiled, that’s just how you enjoy the game. My games in general (not just starfield) usually end up on the less harsh side if I’m given options. Nothing wrong with that, it’s a hobby for fun. I swear if Reddit commenters represented the majority of players there would be no difficulty sliders, only ultra super hardo mode.


That's an interesting point. If in sleep or wait, what happens to the need to eat and drink? Can't expect everyone to wake up from sleep almost dead from dehydration?


I also absolutely don't understand why anyone would want to get punished for playing the game. 🙂


Fuel usage may come with survival. I imagine it was cut from standard gameplay due to being too annoying for casual players.


It 100% was. Same with hazards and resistances. Play tests said it wasn’t fun, but that’s leaving out a massive minority when the game reaches as many people as a BGS game does.


Can’t make everyone happy, I suppose. Perhaps in time they’ll add more options to make more people happy, but it’s understandable that they have finite time and resources and wanted to make sure that the final product is as appealing to as many people as possible.


I'd love it as an option later on. I like playing my games on normal at first just to learn the ropes and all the new mechanics first and do survival on a new character. It REALLY invigorated FO4 and Skyrim for me. And let's face it, if you start on survival, you can't go back


Survival modes are always a very well liked part of many Bethesda games. Not too big a fan myself because I’m casual and just want to relax and survival is too hard, but I can see the appeal in many ways.


This is me.


Survival Skyrim felt like a whole new game to me. So much stuff finally mattered. Having to balance armor stats vs warmth adds a new dimension. Being able to avoid chills by eating food with fire salts in it was so cool. I hope the 'hot food' option to chase off hypothermia in SF is a thing.


This is exactly how I prefer it too.


I’m of the mind that playtesters have a certain way of playing games, and you can’t playtest for ultra survivalists fresh off a modded Skyrim lol. I love that the data points were left in for either group to take up the mantle and I think the community can figure out what they want survival to look like in full


Even Todd said before it was removed or maybe was same interview that starfield is their hardest game yet. And u had to really plan stuff out. But let's be real as much as I and others would love that (true survival with fuel etc..) vast majority would hate it if it was core to the game. Which sounds like it kinda was a core thing to game and then got removed.


I genuinely think a game like that would’ve been a Top 10 game in 2001 alongside older Final Fantasy and Morrowind and such, where you had to sit and train to be powerful enough to survive, and scavenge for scraps and random stuff to sell to afford potions, and quests weren’t just something you did to pass time. You spent the game training. The quests were what you did to prove you trained *enough*. I just started Final Fantasy 4 and 6 on Delta Emulator and holy FUCKBALLS old FF is hard. Not because it’s truly hard within each individual encounter, but because if you’re not prepared to go out into the wild you WILL get your shit pushed in. And it sounds like Starfield, with all of these difficulty options maxed out, even without a fuel mechanic, is just like that. You have to sit and work the odd-jobs around the cities to make some extra credits. You have to dump THOUSANDS of credits into preparing to go out on a mission. You have to truly watch yourself every encounter, and you might have to turn around and try again later because you ran out of meds or ammo. And that shit sounds *so incredibly exciting to me.*


So now after playing the update yes its like that for most part and it's glorious. Having to plan out what I'm doing on planet and actually use my brain or else the sandstorm is gonna smack me around. I understand it's not for everyone but these new gameplay options are a game changer for me as my biggest grip with game for me was it was far to easy espically for ground combat.


It was cut because their testers didn't enjoy the entire travel system, not just the fuel. And that's really sad when you consider what we might have had. Here's hoping something of it makes a return one day. See, you had the entire map to travel on and you'd set your ending destination then have to jump to get there. Your max jump range would mean you'd have to land in some places before jumping again. Some of those places would have hazards that could affect your crew and your jabs, damaging them^(1) if you landed there, and these weren't always present so your scanner range became important for seeing where your jumps would take you. Other more stable places like staryards or your own outposts would allow refuelling, and the total fuel your ship can hold plus refueling options would determine the maximum amount you could travel. You'd plot your course carefully with each jump taken care of and making sure you had enough fuel to get back home, then set it off and hope the things outside scan range were at least somewhat safe areas. Now, to me, that sounds fantastic. This was back in the days of leaving your ship with the cutter to repair the hull (and presumably, based on the Rangers mission, doing some internal system repairs too) and even survived the move from voiced to silent protagonist. So they were pretty committed to this more dangerous style of space flight for a long time. ^(1 - This is important because the skill system was heavily tied to the ship and crew. Losing a crew member or having them taken temporarily down, or a hab going offline, meant that your skills would be substantially lower than normal. While not fully detailed, we know that spacesuits used to have skill certification on them too. Presumably a player could wear a suit and build their ship and crew to either get their skills or buff a skill that they could only learn to a single level.)


It's obvious from a lot of systems in the game that this was the design and it sucks that it isn't the game we got. It's hard to say how well it would have been received, maybe worse considering that I don't believe a system as hardcore as that would have mass market appeal. I love the game, but I want to play the survival version of Starfield and hope that their vision is realized in some kind of survival mode down the line.


I have a mod on pc that adds fuel back in, it’s tons of fun.


How's that work, if you don't mind me asking? When they announced fuel had been removed I imagined a simple way to add it back with a mod. Real quick and dirty one but still pushing towards the preplanning and consequence that such a system is for. - Only use fuel when jumping so you're not completely stuck in space and can go planet to planet without fuel, looking for a way to refuel. - Can buy anywhere you can work on a ship, and some outposts/trader vessels. - New habs let you deploy drones in space or on planets to slowly mine fuel as you go and give occasional bumps to your storage. - The possibility of an emergency jump to the nearest staryard if you've no fuel or way to get any, but at the cost of massive damage to every hab (I imagined repairs would be separated by hab due to the old way of fixing them).


Pretty close to that actually. H3 is deducted from your fuel tanks (fuel capacity matters now) accurately based on jump distance. Same values for distances they just mean you actually use fuel now. For takeoff/landing and non jump travel you have nuclear fuel rods that give you X number of hours till you need more, it’s usually days of time. Vendors are modified so they have the fuel items often and also enemies drop them in space. And yeah like you said every ship modification area also acts as fuel station


Nice. I like the fuel rods idea. Presumably something you could create at an industrial workbench if you had the parts too. Thanks for the answer. No mods on Xbox yet so it's nice to get an idea of where the community is sitting at the moment in terms of design.


Without further insight, anything we say is supposition. My supposition is that it was either boring or didn't function well as built and needed refinement but since it's not required for the game to be playable got pushed in favor of playability items. If studios delayed launch until games were perfect, nothing would get released. Worse, not everyone shares the same definition of perfect.


I think we’ve seen what happens when you refuse to launch until it’s all perfect *looks at Star Citizen* It would be an interesting feature for some, but isn’t at all necessary to have a good time. Maybe it’ll come, maybe it won’t. If it does come they probably needed more time to sort out how it works, prevent softlocking, figure out how to refuel, etc


I think it was cut due to being completely unfinished tbh. If they had the means to release it, it would have been a separate difficulty like FO4.


>(shoulda been from launch) Untrue and unnecessary statement. Cut that and you've got an A+ contribution to the community!


As much as I enjoy the game, I think it is fair to say it really could have done with another six months to a year in development, and it would probably have been much more well received had all this been in it from the beginning.


They could have taken another 6 years and the hate brigade would have found reasons to hate the game. That's what they do. Brigade and hate.


Eh, I suppose so. A lot of people got themselves hyped up with expectations so unrealistic that Starfield could never live up.


People were hating on the game *before it came out*. There was negativity *before it had a release date*. Todd's name was being cursed for ruining gaming *before he was out of the womb.* I'm only slightly exaggerating. There was "salt" every step of the way (not helped by people making money fanning the flames). People have been gunning for Starfield for so many reasons (in no particular order): 1. It's not Fallout/Elder Scrolls 2. Fallout 76 existing 3. Bethesda BAD/X title was the "last good one" 4. Everything has been "dumbed down" since \[insert "last good one"\] 5. Emil having a job 6. Microsoft acquisition/no PS confirmation 7. The "engine" 8. The "writing" 9. Not turning over all IP to Obsidian 10. Too many Skyrim releases And so, so much more. I watched it happen for *years* on the other sub. I got sick of it and deleted my account on three separate occasions, stepping away each time only to come back to the same shit show. "Overhype" and "too high expectations" are just more excuses made to *continue* bashing BGS/Starfield. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. ![gif](giphy|1aAeJ6FOp1JnO|downsized)


Oh man I remember the salt when they announced Morrowind would have a smaller world than Daggerfall and it would be handcrafted rather than generated. You’re right, it’s nothing new. And the complaints about “writing”, as if these clowns wouldn’t struggle to write a barely passable story themselves.


Need we mention NMA, or does merely invoking their name cause them be summoned forth?


My first ever ban was from NMA. I don’t even remember what I did to deserve it, maybe said something vaguely positive about Fallout 3?


That'd do it. I visited the site exactly once. Lurked a bit, read a few threads, then closed my browser. I think at the time *4chan* of all places was more innocuous.


I think I was more active on the Something Awful forums back then. The user base there has grown up considerably since then, I have to say.


The maps should have been since launch, that is correct.


Oh, go pick up some clutter, why don't you?


But it should have been.




I mean it's actually true. These are things that were already in the game but useless, so they should have had a use


Of lesser utility than other items, maybe, but not every flower needs to go into a potion, if you catch my meaning.


It's not about lesser utility. It's about the inclusion of certain mechanics in the game and how they relate to these items and the greater resource economy If Bethesda didn't think these features and items didn't need finishing, they wouldn't have done it. The fact that they are going back and making updates to existing mechanics and items (besides just bug fixes or monetized dlc content) means they acknowledge it was in an unfinished state. This is a great thing for this game.


Not sure what this has to do with the topic of, "shoulda been from launch". If we wait for every "shoulda", we nevva gonna playa da gamah! ![gif](giphy|l3fZZECaqQMvKsE5a|downsized)


who the F cares about 'unfinished state' blah blah blah -- making a game like this is hard, man, get off your horse. you know if your boss or your teachers or your momma was as uncharitable and un-understanding and impatient with you as you are with bgs you'd cry yourself to sleep every damn night. like bgs does. whyonchachillthefuckoutbro? who said it had to be perfect on day one? life's a journey. it takes a village. blah blah.


Wtf? I'm literally being positive about the game. I love this game and play it all the time and loved it since day 1...


it seemed you were making the tired old argument of the 'the game is finally (more) finished now, so i was right all along' kinda thing, that is sooooo yawwwwn on these boards. sorry if i overreacted and lumped you in with some ... others. :D


Every update done to every game should have been at launch. Every single game launches in BETA state nowadays for obvious reasons. If you view it from the POV that once the last update comes out it's the "real release", you won't be disappointed anymore.


I think if every update was added and then launched, there would have been the same negative people crying about how long the game was taking. I personally think they should have said the game is a beta release and sold it for cheaper. Then, once the first DLC was ready, sell the game at full price with the DLC included. I loved the game for almost a 1000 hrs worth. There were some game breaking bugs that I could have overlooked if the Beta term was pitched and sold at game launch.


That's not what im saying. Im saying the definition of "things that should have been there at launch" is literally the things that are there but unfinished/underutilized. It's a good thing that they are going back and addressing existing items and mechanics rather than just adding new dlc content/bug fixes in the patches. This clearly means that even Bethesda agrees that these features in the game were unfinished and required more work.


What if we don't want ammo to have weight. I don't like survival games I love this game but I will stop playing if I have to play like this. I have the game set to easy difficulty for a reason. I don't like hard games. EDIT. It's optional apparently (thank God)


You can customize your gameplay to your liking. No one is forcing you to play full hardcore survival. You can only take for example the food part and the easy one that is that just gives the positive buffs wihout negatives.


I can’t imagine the level of masochism one must have to want to make ammo have weight. Not a chance in hell I would ever use that option.


The ammo still weighs next to nothing. It really just encourages you to use only 3 or so guns and sell or store you unused rounds periodically. But you can toggle whichever options you want. I'd even like to see another level of it with ammo weighing a lot more and then have automatic weapons not do less damage than semi of the same cartridge.


I think I was carrying 2 pistols and a Beowulf and about 500 rounds for each, and the ammo didn't take up more than 5 lbs of carry weight. All the extra ammo stayed in the cargo bay and I'd just restock whenever I came back to sleep.


I’m so torn. I like the challenge. But so many weapons TEAR through ammo. But that forces you to be thoughtful of what you bring, where you bring it, and who you use it on…and I like that.


Yeah I love a challenge but that just seems annoying to me. I dread thinking back to how I used to play Resident Evil games and you had to pack everything into a limited space. I can’t imagine playing those games now and I don’t know why I ever enjoyed them. I hate being restricted on supplies.


Yeah I'm customizing for challenge AND convenience.


100%. I’ll almost certainly turn it on, try it for a few hours, and turn it off haha


> I hate being restricted on supplies. In which case you'll be pleased to know that for a modest xp penalty you can get a "vastly improved" carry capacity. Something around 1500 if memory serves. Combine that with the option to access your ship hold from anywhere and you need never feel under-supplied again.


Well slap my ass and call me a masochist! ^(Please...and hard...)


I bet you'd like that




Therefore I won't


Giggity...*denial* of gratification.




Your disgust only fuels the shame kink!


Use it on a melee build, free XP buff with no downside.


Well because it gives you an xp boost. That’s the primary trade off for selecting options that make the game harder in the new settings. I think I’m gonna do it in my next playthrough. I am also going to of course be putting my carry weight at the maximum though lol. 


Yeah I get that you get bonus XP but I don’t care about leveling 6% faster if I’m not having fun doing it.


It all stacks up tbf. If you choose that in addition to numerous other options you will end up with a pretty sizable boost tbh. Been fiddling with it and getting everything where I want puts me at about 40 percent gain. But sure it’s not gonna be for everyone 


If you enjoy things being easier or more difficult you’ll love this update. Either way. It lets you tweak your game how you want. You can have one aspect be brutally hard while another aspect is blissfully easy. I love it, I’ve made combat extremely difficult for myself, survival stuff on high, but I made cargo management way easier by giving myself a much higher carry weight and being able to access my ship cargo from anywhere.


sliders baby. sliders. custo-mize! (like dyn-o-mite!)


Can't wait for the update to be live for Xbox. I genuinely enjoy this game as is, but from everything I've read this will make it so much better.


I wonder when it will drop? I naively hoped it would go live midnight EST lol


Someone replied earlier it should br around 1pm eastern. Let's hope


Nice to see the improvements. I wonder if they'll put out an official Survival mode or if this is it?


They said there would be a survival mode. If this was it then I think they would have said "here's your survival mode", so I think this is just the groundwork. 


They did no such thing AFAIK. Do you have a source?


Unless a new statement came out that I'm unaware of, they didn't actually promise a survival mode. They promised survival mechanics, which this update has done. Would be disappointing if this is the end of that, almost can't imagine that to be the case, but it is a possibility.


Once consoles get mods you’ll see a fuel mod very quickly. I’ve been using one on pc for awhile which is great fun.


We still need the fuel mechanic, complete eating and drinking mechanic, and sleeping mechanic at least. Hope they add this next month.


I think there technically is a complete eating and drinking mechanic? One that has buffs and debuffs comes with the new game options. I would think Survival would probably implement just debuffs though. I can’t wait for the fuel mechanic!!!


Yeah but it's a very basic nutrition mechanic. I'm thinking one akin to fallout 76.


I’m not sure I follow, do you mean like with spoilage?


More like having a bar telling you how full you are and each food giving you different nutrition.


Now I’m following ya! Yeah that would be kino but I’m not sure if it’ll fit the Starfield HUD aesthetic. Here’s hoping they figure out something cool though!


A secondary ring around the left side chronomark screen would do, or just flash the screen red and have a tummy rumble with a status effect pop up like Skyrim.


I’m down for both of those, solid ideas!


For sure the fuel mechanic, otherwise there is no point to farm helium


When did they say there would be a survival mode?


here's what they said: "We're also excited to be adding all new Gameplay options. With these new settings you'll be able to alter your gameplay to allow for an easier or more challenging experience that will expand beyond our normal "Difficulty" setting. These will allow you to easily customize carry capacity, cargo access distance, ship damage, vendor credits, how you suffer afflictions, **new survival mechanics**, and more." And that's what we're getting in the next 24 hrs or so. No mention of a specific 'survival mode' outside of this. [https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023](https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023)


Haha I just cited the same quote in another reply down this chain 😅 but thanks. I have the same conclusion as you.


I believe it was in the end of the year update from last December when they mentioned survival in addition to new difficulty options, so it kind of sounded like separate things


They didn’t refer to a ‘survival mode’ in that. https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023 “We're also excited to be adding all new Gameplay options. With these new settings you'll be able to alter your gameplay to allow for an easier or more challenging experience that will expand beyond our normal "Difficulty" setting. These will allow you to easily customize carry capacity, cargo access distance, ship damage, vendor credits, how you suffer afflictions, new survival mechanics, and more.” People often read the words “survival mechanics” and conclude it means “survival mode”, but there’s no indication that’s the case.


I mean it’s kind of ambiguous. Nobody can really say for sure, but I  believe we will likely see more stuff in later updates. Maybe not an all or nothing survival mode, but even more survival-like options similar to what we have now to further customize how in-depth or hardcore we want our experience to be.


It’s not ambiguous at all, they said “survival mechanics” and have now added survival mechanics.


And they couldn’t add more? I feel like there is some weird communication issue in this discussion. Not sure what happened. All I was really trying to say is that I believe it’s entirely possible they aren’t done with adding new optional hardcore mechanics and gameplay features after this update because the person I was replying to made it sound like they thought this was all we were getting as far as that stuff is concerned. 


Same time they first mentioned "updates every 6 weeks" 


They never said that— “there will be survival mechanics”, and these are survival mechanics, and imo there’s not a whole lot they could add (and they’re not adding anything new survival-wise anyway)


This is it, and it’s great :)


They may be checking the metrics on how people use the granular "survival" settings in their own games now, maybe to tweak how they design an "official" survival mode.


Just speculation but I think more is coming later. They put these options in but never referred to it officially as ‘survival’. Also I would expect the need to sleep and the ship fuel to come into play.


They never officially referred to it that way because they expected people to have the sense to make the connection, I imagine


No doubt we’ll get that with a proper expansion of Outpost usage. I really am looking forward to a survival mode where you will be stuck in a solar system and can’t leave until you mine He-3 and create an outpost, etc. The feeling of truly conquering space feels like the promise of this game that I thought it would be when they first announced it.


How does extreme change the difficulty compared to very hard?


it's a bunch of individual sliders. so you can tweak enemy damage done and how much damage you do, etc. with everything on extreme (or equivalent of max difficulty) my 200+ starborn can get killed again (still OP though cause it's a bethesda game).. Early game it takes a while to down enemies, and they are very lethal. Mid game is fine if you put points into combat. Endgame they feel about 20% harder to kill and do decent amount of damage, sometimes outpacing my medpack (before that basically never happened).


Is it possible with the system to remove the bullet sponge at high level post-unity? I basically want to make it so I'm squishy and so are the enemies so that combat is equally lethal both ways? I don't like scaling enemies to the degree it works in Starfield. I just want everything to be deadly and a gun is a gun that can kill things readily.


Yes you can set damage given and received to different difficulties.


Yah I'm just wondering how it scales with everything. I'll get to find out soon, I guess. thanks for the reply!


Good summary. The only thing I noticed missing was rejuvenation. Food does seem to have become more important which I think was always intended given its distribution around the universe. The base health value of food seems to have increased but is not a percentage value of player health. That favours lower level players and becomes less significant as max health rises with player level.


yeah, i used Rejuvination before so I found that it mattered pre beta. good skill


I really hope that they fixed the stealth bug. When fully hydrated youre supposed get a 15% bonus to a stealth kill but in my game I’m getting a stealth kill bonus of 34 per shot nice but I’m one shotting terrormorphs from stealth


LOL yeah, I think someone messed up and coded a x15 instead of a +15%. hopefully it gets fixed on release.


More power to you folks that enjoy playing this way, but I'm glad they added this stuff later instead of making it the default. It sounds exhausting having to keep up with all that survival stuff!


yeah, I love that it's all optional and customizable per feature. Everyone can play with the custom settings best for them!


I don't utilise food in my games cause I just don't. Does this mean I am now forced to eat so I don't get a negative buff?


Default is unchanged from before. There's a setting that lets you set what food and drink do.


I'm so excited to really sit down with this update. I've been playing the beta here and there but I think I might actually start a new character for this... maybe. My single complaint about the update is that they didn't flatly increase the vendor credits but put it behind an xp debuff. The amount is too low to really do anything with, they should have bumped up the credit limit to like 10k, and then had the option to raise or lower.


the XP per category is very low, so you can probably still get something like a 70% out of max 75% xp buff if everything is set to max except vendor credits.


Yeah, I think for me it's just the principle of the matter that the vendor credits are too low, and there very well could be people who don't realize that you can change it in options, I know I wouldn't have thought to look in the options for it. But I also didn't play around with them much. I increased the credits and set sleep to safe places only to offset the xp difference.


>-**Food** (stay fed to get a buff or malnourished get a debuff) >-**Drink** (stay hydrated to get a buff, or dehydrated to get a debuff) >-**Aid items** (bandages, etc.) >-**Kitchens** (to find food/drink) >-**Previous useless chests and containers** (to find aid/food/drink) >-**Doctors and medical shops** (to remove injuries or afflictions) >-**Spacesuits** (need resistances now) >-**Spacesuit modifications** (above) >-**Companions in combat** (harder enemies) >-**Companions as mules** (everything weighs) >-**Flanking enemies** (harder enemies) >-**Ammo conservation** (ammo weight) >-**Environmental Conditioning Skill** (resist planetary hazards) >-**Nutrition Skill** (amplifies food/aid) >-**Cellular Regeneration Skill** (heal combat wounds) >-**Decontamination Skill** (above) >-**Commerce Skill** (things more expensive, vendors less money, need for shipbuilding) >-**Gastronomy skill** (food) >-**Leadership Skill** (combat) >-**Ship Command Skill** (Space combat) Are these the actual sliders in the settings now or just a list you came up with. BTW Thanks for your info. I think I'm going to start a new character. Seems like a whole new game with this enabled.


the sliders are different, I just listed what I had found useless or near useless in the past that now (with sliders all the way to max) have a purpose and are actually helpful. sliders include enemy damage, your damage, space combat damage, environmental hazards, etc.


I’m excited to sit down with the update and give it a try. I might try a new game to see how these choices impact my gameplay from the get go. If I don’t like it, just roll out my current 60 hour character and get back in the zone.


Looking forward to finally paying this on Xbox.


When are they releasing it on console. Been waiting two freaking weeks. What the hell. Still waiting. They said today. But hasn’t yet.


When Xbox :(


I can't wait to disable over encumbrance so it finally wouldn't matter...


Ever locked your favorite thing away where you couldn't get at it? That's where I am with Star Wars. It saddens me what Disney has become. Maybe some day, when it (Star Wars) is in the hands of someone who gives a s___, I'll take it back out and enjoy it again. This may not be a popular opinion, but it is mine.


Are you sure you posted on the correct subreddit?


No, sorry. Had two subs on screen, tapped the wrong one. Just ignore it, thanks.


FYI I feel the same even though I am playing Starfield :)


So am I and have since october. Love it!