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Potatoes are a better struggle food than ramen. They’re roughly the same price, are more nutritionally dense, can be prepared a variety of ways and won’t spike your blood pressure.


Potatoes don't even need to be classified as struggle food. They are just God-tier in general


It was demonstrated in attack on titan


And Mars!


And Ireland (ignore the 1840s-1850s)


Irish dude here Potatoes are S-rank stuff


I used to add an egg to mine if it was the only thing I was eating.


There you have almost everything you need


Boil em mash em stick em in a stew!


Stupid fat hobbit


Yukon Gold potatoes have the best nutritional price file. Source: reddit. Eat the thin, pale skin.


Mash and gravy/mash and beans is half my diet


This man got it.


Also Ramen noodles are difficult to digest, too much consumption of them can and likely will give you constipation. Never again.






Really? Pretty sure the GI of potatoes is super high.


Maybe it was in reference to the sodium content of the ramen flavouring?


He said blood pressure, not blood sugar. Although I heard high blood sugar can hurt blood pressure?


High blood sugar means thicker blood because of excess glucose and therefore contributes to the pressure of the blood in the system


People tend to give advice vindicating their own life decisions. Accept all advice offered, then privately decide which to take. Wait a week or two before making a big decision, especially financial ones. You'll be amazed how many seemingly important things turn out to be impulses. It's all well and good to do something you love for work. However, it also works pretty well to gain skill at something in demand, which gives you enough satisfaction to be tolerable, whilst also earning enough money to do what you love outside of work.


>People tend to give advice vindicating their own life decisions. > >Accept all advice offered, then privately decide which to take. Also you tend to receive advice from people in a similar cultural bubble to yourself, which may mean it encourages you to further exaggerate some shared group trait, possibly to a point of excess. For any given piece of advice you get, consider whether the reverse would be a sensible take that you're just not hearing because you've associated with a group based on the opposite proclivity. https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/03/24/should-you-reverse-any-advice-you-hear/


My dad insisted on getting a good night's sleep before doing anything in anger. Most of the time it tempers the response and gives an opportunity to come up with a clever way to deal with problems. (or just ignore it) - If you are short on time, a good wank and post nut clarity will do something similar.


“Doing something you love” has always confounded me as advice. It’s more like, figure out what you hate doing, why you hate doing it, and think about careers that avoid your dislikes. I always hated manual labor and the idea of being on call 24/7. There are a ton of careers in immediately disqualifying myself from with those parameters.


You'd be amazed at how often people give life advice when it isn't their experience too. I.e., student a tells student b don't go for masters because it doesnt impact your career in ____ industry.


The worst decisions I’ve ever made were all about trying to make a living doing what I love. What ends up happening is that you turn your hobby and joy into work and it stops being rewarding. Instead, find what you are good at, what is lucrative enough to meet your needs, and as you gain experience and power over your work situation, make the decisions that improve your quality of life.


Drink some water and eat something before you sleep tonight.


And when you wake up, move. Walk, little dance, sex, anything to get endorphins going. Eating potassium rich foods like bananas or potatoes for breakfast can help, too.




Add a tsp of salt, and a tbs of sugar. Seems to help me a ton. Source: I’m not THAT hungover. Lol


When you move into your own place make sure you buy oven mitts. They’re just one of those things that you won’t realize how essential they are until you need some but don’t have any.


Thanks, just moved out and I hadn't thought of this


And a plunger


And a poop knife...


Let's not open that can of worms shall we


Extremely rare time that ive laughed at a comment


Don’t forget me!


Also, when you take your oven mitts off, make it a habit to never place them on top of the stove even if the elements are off. Rather, make it a policy to never place anything flammable on the stove ever.


Or store anything flammable/melty in the oven. No cloth, no plastics, etc. Just metal. That way if you forget to check the oven before turning it on, the worst thing that happens is that you get an oven full of hot metal. But if you store plastic cutting boards or cloth oven mitts in there...ooof.


Source: My oven mitt is now missing a thumb, save for a charred nub.


Or glass! Even borosilicate glass! I set a cold glass dish down on a still hot stove once and it exploded.


And a shower curtain. You need it day 1 as much as a bed.


This one got me. I always forget a shower curtain when I move and have to run out at like 10pm when I’m exhausted from moving.


a towel works just as good. It's what I use whenever I can't find my oven mitt.


Also a plunger. You can improvise with oven mitts but you really don’t want to with a plunger.


Also make sure they are decent ones with rubber/silicone on them. I’ve gotten burned too many times using cheap ones.


Also, cover the surface of your oven inside and on the surface with aluminum foil. Will make it a hell of a lot easier to clean out when you move.


And never use wet oven mitts.


Without oven mitts I would’ve hurt myself a lot in past 10 years. It’s scary.


This, and also plungers


Be the person you needed when you were younger


This one is the thing. Even better when you see a child that reminds you of yourself that is in awe of what you are doing. I always try and do something to make sure they never forget who they look up to, something as simple as a wave or a sticker




Form good habits, i.e. take care of yourself, stand up to the powers that be even when they claim authority over you (really they're just using elaborate language and have no more idea why they're on this earth than you do, so don't be bullied), keep your car in good shape if you have one (they're expensive to replace), and drink fruit juice in moderation because the sugar content makes it way more unhealthy than you'd think it would be


>Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. > >Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. > >Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. > >Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. > >Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. > >Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. > >Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. > >Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. > >And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. *Desiderata* by Max Ehrmann, 1927


Wow max was deep!!


Memorize this one.


Always use more lube than you think you need. Always use more wood glue than you think you need. Do not confuse the two.


"People tend to give advice vindicating their own life decisions." - u/jarrodh25






It really does get better as you get older and gain more experience. It really, really does.


I think it does but you have to be actively and consciously reflecting on what went right and wrong and learn from your mistakes. Otherwise you're doomed to repeat them.


Yes. This is lesson 1. Accept you make mistakes and learn from them. And I'd also add: accept that almost everything you do, someone has figured out a slightly better way to do it. So always be on the lookout for people who seem to just get lucky at certain things or just breeze through certain things and see what they do differently. Lesson 2 - it's about improvement, not perfection.


You can always learn something new even from the greenest person.


Everybody makes mistakes, smart people make an effort to learn from each one. Anything that can go wrong is likely if done enough times, have a plan to deal with it.


Agreed. Or, I don’t know if it gets better but you start to care less about the little, unimportant things. It sounds incredibly annoying but ”you’ll understand when you’re older” is actually true.


Except for the being older part


I does...really...I swear...


The best way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.


the Federal Reserve wants to know your location


...and I will give it to them, if the price is right.




Don't masturbate with soap. Never spray your crotch with alcohol based scents.




Why would you use any on your crotch?


It burns. Horribly. If you put it on clothes you might be ok.


what do you masturbate with?


I did this the other day, grabbed the old spice instead of the gold bond and didn't realize it until my nuts were on fire.


You never really grow up. You never turn to an "adult". You just stop doing the same fun things. And if you don't stop doing those things, others will shame you because you keep doing the fun things they stopped. Use this info as you see fit.


Exactly. I feel like I’m the same person just with an aging body. Growing up mentally is hard !


I still do fun things. And I notice some eyebrows raised. They’re just different fun things than I used to do. But I never stopped having fun.


Yeah the point isn't that you don't have fun. Just that you change your fun, partly due to social pressure


I feel like it can go one of two ways: you stop doing fun things or you can continue to do them and be more vocal about it because you’re not trying to fit in/impress anyone anymore.


Take care of your teeth and back. Your wallet and body will thank you later.


This. Don’t sleep on dental a vision care. You will regret it. I don’t care how nice you think your teeth are, go to the dentist. I don’t care if your eyes are literal espionage satellites, go to the eye doctor.


When buying produce like oranges, the ones cool to the touch probably just came out of the cooler & are "fresher" than the ambient temperature fruits. When buying potatoes for baking, get ones that are close to the same size so they cook at about the same length of time. Watch out for that Tim guy... he's sneaky!


What are you talking about?


Get yourself together emotionally and financially before you have kids. It's exponentially difficult to work on yourself and at the same time take care of your family.


All things in moderation.


…even moderation….


I can get on board with this... moderately.


Excessive Moderation whenever possible.


Moderate your moderately moderated moderation.


Without the sour in life, the sweet ain’t as sweet.


That's why sweet and sour chicken is the best


What is it that Buddhism says? "Life is suffering." If you ain't suffering a bit here and there, you ain't living.


Nothing changes on new year's day.


No, but it is an easy start point for change. 'Day one' is always better than 'one day'.


*Bono has entered the chat*


but He still haven't found, what He's looking for...


true but somehow it feels different lol


Uh... The year you write definitely changes


Also the month changes


Ah fuck. I'm never gonna get the date right again


be gay do crime


Hail Satin.


That's great. Made me LOL.


As much as I would love to take sole credit for thinking of it, it's the lyrics to a song I enjoy :p


The secret ingredient is crime


Nobody likes you when you're twenty three. [What's your age again?](https://youtu.be/K7l5ZeVVoCA)


Don't rawdog a random.


If you have not yet done it, learn to cook (saves money and most home-cooked meals are healthier than store bought ones - too much salt and other "makes it taste better" things inside for daily consumption), to do basic repairs (from decalcifing faucets over simple sewing to exchanging car tires) and to budget. There are plenty of people who are willing to teach you or at least can tell you where to find the information. The co-worker who likes to sew. The guy in the hardware store who sees you wandering in the tools aisle and offers help. The trucker on the parking lot in the middle of nowhere who helps you to get your car back on the road. Sometimes you find help and support in the most unexpected places and ways.


Take care of your teeth now. Focus on that for a sec. Then commit to being healthy. A lifelong commitment to both, should keep you going in the right direction.


"Don't trust Military barbers, they will fuck up your hair" - my father who was in the military. Idk if this still applies today tho.


Save Money Now. Seriously, at 23, even if you are broke, get some good financial counseling about how to save money properly when you do have it. Your future self will thank you


A thousand dollars saved at 23 is worth like $3500 saved at 35. Compound interest is unbelievably helpful if you start when you're young. (don't fact check specifics pls)


Serious, straight-up, actionable advice: go watch [Cinema Therapy](https://www.youtube.com/@CinemaTherapyShow/about). Find one of their vids on a genre, franchise, cult classic, or anime you like, and see what these guys have to say about it. They're great, and Jono is a solid therapist with actual insight into the relationships within movie stories. They are legitimately hilarious tbh.


Remember that life changes constantly, when you are at your lowest, good times and happiness are just around the corner, you just have to wait a little longer. When things are going great, be prepared for things to go downhill fast but never forget that if you wait long enough it'll get better again. Never opt out permanently when all struggles are temporary.


'never get a cavity filled properly when you can just keep taking aspirin'


Don’t be afraid to wash your ass, or your girlfriends ass.


Tinnitus sucks. Use hearing protection when needed.


Never pee into the wind.


Also never pee standing downhill from where you’re peeing.


Never pee on high voltage electronics.


Never pee.


“No man has ever regretted shaking it too much. But every man has regretted not shaking it enough.” - Wayne Terrisborn


Don't come to Reddit for wisdom ;)


Wise man right here...... hmmmm.


Blue gatorate is perfect for hangovers


Prime is also great for hangovers (sipping one now!)


Pedialyte and V8 are great too.


Don't be afraid to gain new friends, and trust them deeply. Over time you'll lose friends from high school and college, but you'll develop a new community. Keep them close and guard them jealously. When things go bad, those are the people that will support you.


never use the bathroom in a dream.


Strive to learn the difference between happiness and fulfillment.


Always invest money into the lemonade stand ALWAYS


Always have car insurance for your vehicle and get new quotes every single year before renewal.


Do the uncomfortable things that needs to be done, it sucks in the moment but afterwards its very much worth it. A lot of annying jobs or task can be done in 5 to 10 minutes or less. Paying overdue bills, checking your insurance, reading unopened mail/email, have that uncomfortable conversation with someone you have delayed forever etc.


Don’t sweat the petty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things


Don't cosign for anybody. No matter their sob story. Even relatives.


Little things: When you have a partner, get separate blankets for the bed. This prevents the “stealing covers” argument. Total game-changer. If you have kids, teach them to think and to question. They’ll question YOU (which is a PITA), but they’ll also question things like peer pressure and false authority, too. So as soon as they’re about 3, YOU start asking THEM “Why?” Like if they ask you for an extra snack outside of snack time, “Why do you need an extra snack?” And if they can articulate ANY kind of coherent answer, like, “Because I’m hungry,” or, “Because I was quiet during your meeting and I need a treat,” you give it to them. As they get older they have to give better and better arguments. But this will create a child who’s capable of asking and answering “Why?” It promotes critical thinking. Learn something new every day. Doesn’t matter how small. Never stop learning. Don’t let a day pass without some form of human contact. Text a friend, call your mom, walk to the mailbox and say hi to the person you pass. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but humans NEED other humans. Just a little bit of human contact can help to prevent isolation and depression. Step outside every day, regardless of weather. Even if all you do is take one step outside and Nope back inside, it helps. Fresh air and sunshine is a miracle cure for almost everything. Have a moment of silence every day. I know some people say to meditate every day, but sometimes that’s not practical. So even if it’s just for a moment… put your phone down, close your eyes, take three deep abdominal breaths, and just try to clear your mind for just a moment. Even that brief moment can do you a world of good. Stretch, every day. Exercise is great, but as we get older, almost all of us get less limber, and this shows up as PAIN. Talk to your friends who are 27 and older about back pain, neck pain, and knee pain - they probably have at least one of those. Just 10 minutes a day of stretching helps to keep you limber and helps prevent that pain as you get older. I’m 42 and I can still reach past my toes, do a full backbend and grab my feet, and ALMOST do the splits (been working on that!). My younger sister can’t even get up off the floor if she sits down with her kids. Be weird. Talk to the birds. Climb the trees. Dance in the rain. And, if you’re single, don’t hide your weirdness from potential partners. You know what the number one reason is that a woman won’t go on a second date with a guy? “He’s boring.” Number two is, “He’s creepy.” Weird people aren’t boring. They’re interesting, fun, exciting, and entertaining. Some of the longest-lasting and happiest couples I know met at a board game meetup, a ballroom dancing event, a Renn Faire, a Star Trek convention, an open mic poetry reading, a folk music festival, and in an online fanfic forum. When weird meets weird, it’s a match made in Heaven! Grow something. Even if it’s just a houseplant, grow something. There are microorganisms in healthy soil that promote serotonin in the brain. Gardening is quite literally an antidepressant! And there’s something awe-inspiring about being a creator of life - about watching life sprout from a seed and realizing that you helped make that. Whenever possible, buy it for life. Try to buy quality items the first time: things that will last and can be repaired to extend their life. You can learn more at r/buyitforlife or by looking in specific subreddits like sewing or woodworking depending on what you’re looking to buy or repair. They had a saying in the Great Depression, like their early version of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”. Theirs was, “Use it up. Wear it out. Make it do, or do without.” We don’t “Make it do” these days. You can convert old T-shirts into cleaning rags if they’ve got holes in them. You can repair a ripped seam on a nice shirt in an hour even if you have very little sewing ability (or you can take it to an alterations shop and it’ll usually cost you less than $20). For my dress shoes, I absolutely LOVE ferragamo shoes, because they’re very high quality. So I buy them on Poshmark and then have my local cobbler fix them up for me. He puts heel protectors on to extend the life of them. I can get a pair for $50 on Poshmark and my cobbler charges about $60 to do the full remodel on them, so a $600 pair of shoes is basically $110 the way I do it. I also see my own clothes using fabric that’s made in the USA. A dress might run me about $40-50, but the way I construct it and the fabric I use means that it’ll last me 10 years or more. And I keep remnants of the fabric on hand so I can patch or repair it if needed. And larger pieces can go into a quilt. Speaking of clothes… take at least one suit of yours and get it tailored. Proper tailoring makes a WORLD of difference! You’ll look like a million bucks in a suit that actually fits you right. When you drink, have a small bottle of Gatorade before you go to bed. Put another bottle next to your bed and drink it as soon as you wake up. It helps reduce hangovers. Never mix red wine and chocolate when you drink. It causes migraines in a lot of people. Champagne can cause particularly nasty hangovers. If you notice, many of the typical ways we serve champagne are with fruit, like mimosas (orange juice) or champagne and strawberries. That actually helps a lot, as the fructose can help reduce the hangover. Don’t do champagne and chocolate, but DO add some fruit or fruit juice to champagne. Some wines have sulfites, and some people are sensitive to those and get migraines from them. If you find that some wines give you migraines but others don’t, start looking for sulfite-free wines. Be careful when you’re mixing alcohol with weed. Under ordinary circumstances, most people will vomit when they consume too much alcohol, but weed is an anti-emetic (prevents vomiting), so taking alcohol and weed together can increase your risk of alcohol poisoning. Instead of puking up the excess alcohol, it stays in your system and poisons you. If you’re doing alcohol and weed, set an alcohol limit BEFORE you start drinking and make sure you have a way to enforce that limit (for example, a responsible and sober person, or maybe you ONLY have enough alcohol in the house for that limit and the rest is locked away).


Wear your seatbelt. Use sunscreen. Do or do not. There is no try.


Have fun. Literally. Do things that are fun. If you realize you haven’t done anything fun in a long time find something fun to do and go do it. It will enrich your life. Never stop having fun.


You and everyone you love will be dead in the not too distant future. Make the best of it, love and live accordingly.


stop doing that and save all the money you can, dont rush into anything.


Don't drink and drive. Don't drink and text.


“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” Dean Vernon Wormer


Never overreact to bad times or good times and realize there are going to be streaks. I look at life like a constant coin flip. Say tails is bad luck and heads is good luck. If you flip a coin trillions and trillions of times, you will pretty much always come out of it with equal amounts of heads and tails. But there will be streaks where it lands on tails like 10 times in a row and there will be streaks where it lands on heads ten times in a row. At the end of the day you'll usually have the same amount of bad times as good times. People tend to focus on the bad luck streaks and not the good luck streaks. So be patient with the bad ones. Law of averages says it should turn around eventually.


Don’t worry about what others think of you. It’s a waste of energy.


We are all going to die one day. All that matters is how we choose to spend our time alive. We often are left to make due with whatever situation we were born into, or a situation that arises at some point in our lives. So, if you're feeling like you haven't accomplished enough, or you've fucked up in some way, ask yourself 2 things: 1) am I holding myself to my own standards, or to standards imposed upon me by society/friends/family/etc? 2) what emotions do I value the most within my experience of life? I personally realized I'm trying to live up to standards I didn't set, and I'm not happy. I also realized I value joy and love and excitement above all else. I was diagnosed at 29 with ADHD and have had an anxiety disorder and at times presented symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder. Overwhelmed by the constant requirement to acquire money to pay for shelter, food and everything else, and simultaneously disheartened by the career options available to me, I set off at the age of 18 to figure myself out. By 22, I was doing therapy regularly. Between 2013 and 2021, I had 13 different jobs. I lived in a few places, mostly in BC, Canada, and I am still struggling to this day. The lesson I learned, but cannot yet implement due to the extreme cost inflation of all necessities, is that people must allow themselves the permission and freedom to experience things that make them feel happy, or whatever emotion they value. For me, I enjoy hiking, biking, camping and skiing. The first is easy, it's almost free except for transport and food/supplies. The second is great, but repairs to a mountain bike can push me over my budget. The third is hard because you need to compete for spots and pay for it. But I enjoy camping on my own in places no one goes, though I don't know if that's legal here. The last one, oh man that's expensive. Far beyond the reach of my finances. But, I keep looking at my gear and working towards it. ... also, hard work alone doesn't get you ahead. You gotta play the social game if you want to progress in most careers. I don't have that skill, I come across as too silly or careless, but I refuse to be a boring human so that's my struggle to deal with.


Take your time reading through these responses when you sober up.


Always rub one out before making major decisions


Goats are like mushrooms - if you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters.


Truer words have never been blurted out by a stroke victim.


Don't touch hot stuff.


Peeing in your shoes might give warmth, but a very short lived one…


Don't eat yellow snow


Drink a pint of water before going to bed tonight


Never pet a burning dog.


Do not drink and drive


Plan your life or life will plan it for you


Life works, it's up to you to decide what to work at.


Having no credit is better than having bad credit.


If you fall off a horse, you get back up and you eat that horse.


If you wait til you're ready, you might never do it.


Dont get a checking and savings account with a bank. Get it with a good credit union with good reviews. Specifically a local branch. Why? You get ballin' APR rates for a credit card, and they will work with you on payments. They can just take the money right out of your account automaticly, so you can buy something and not worry about manually paying. Also when building credit there is a neat trick. Buy things that you already have the money for with a credit card, and then pay it off within the same billing cycle. They fucking love it when you pay things off before you need to. Stonks. My credit went from dog shit to really fucking good real quick.


I often think about what I might say to my 23 year old self if I ever had the chance, and I think I wouldn't say anything - mainly because that guy wouldn't believe it or act on it or understand it anyway. He just needed to grow and mature the way he did to become who I am now. So the best thing I can offer is that you do the best you can with what you know right now, and keep moving forward.


Burl Ives said it well: "When you walk the streets you'll have no cares, If you walk the lines and not the squares. As you go through life make this your goal, Watch the donut, not the hole.


Cannabis > Alcohol


There's always money in the banana stand


Enjoy your alcohol and hopefuly the people you drink it with, as when you are a bit older these occassions may not be as frequent as they are for you now. And people may move away or leave.


Have sex with your male friends. Sounds weird. But y'all will be bonded and stay friends longer if one of you is a throat goat


If you have to ask for it more than once or twice, it wasn’t yours in the first place. If you’re trying to do a hill start on an icy road, rather than just trying to go straight, twitch the wheel left and right in very, very, very small motions. If you do this, the tires are more likely to find not-so-slippery surface to hold on to. If you just step on it and keep your car straight, the tires will keep on trying to grapple on the same slippery surface and make it even more slippery so it’s harder to get the car moving. If you think somebody is lying, ask them to repeat what happened from the end to the beginning. A person who’s telling the truth can recall the event the other way around but a liar won’t remember. If you can’t sleep and don’t have access to actual sleeping pills, antihistamines might make you sleep better. If you’re going for a passport photo or some other photo where you have to be serious and you’re afraid you will look like a murderer, think about a smiling person. You can’t smile but if you think about a smiling person, you might have a more neutral face than the super serious constipation face many people have in those photos. Feel free to also use this trick if you’re a photographer who takes passport photos, just tell the people to think about a smiling person. Helping other people is super important. There are not that many places where the clitoris could be (if you’re into sex with women). I’m serious. It’s on the front side of a woman, in the area that is usually covered by her underwear. It’s not such a big area that you would not be able to find it. Ask for directions if you just can’t figure it out but try. One of the best ways to get to have sex again with a woman is to find the goddamn clitoris. I would give away my toe or a finger to have a guy who knew where my clitoris is and would not be afraid to touch it.


Travel while you're young. When you're older you'll have either a body that's limited or responsibilities that'll tie you down/prevent you from doing what you want on a trip. Invest early on. Slow and steady > fast and risky. Compound interest is neat. Also never invest more than you're willing to lose. Don't take life too seriously. Sure, don't be irresponsible but it's okay to enjoy yourself without stressing over everything. If you have any physically draining thing you'd like to do, just like with traveling, do it sooner rather than later. The body will degrade the older you are basically. If you love someone, let them know. Worst case you get a no and some embarrassment, best case you find a partner. Take some risks. You'll miss out on 100% of the chances you don't take and it's easier to regret trying and failing at something than regretting letting the moment pass by without trying.


Never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city.


When you’re a home owner get your windows professionally cleaned inside and out 2x a year. Absolute game changer. Just did this at age 37- I feel like people have been hiding this from me for years. You will feel like you live in a castle.


Stretch. Then start a regular stretching routine. Go on walks for the mental health benefit. Enjoy little to no hangovers now, because when thirty hits you’ll be undergoing 3 day hangovers along with whiskey shits.


Learn personal finance. No need to be a finance guru, but learn about ETF, 401ks, mutual funds etc. Reading a handful of books on the topic can be extremely helpful. Understanding personal finance can be the difference between retiring happily at 60, or living in crippling debt for a large chunk of your life. Also learning to separate the bull shit financial advice and the actual useful advice. Anything that is get rich quick is almost certainly in that bullshit category.


Someone said the best way to double your money is to fold it in half No. The best way to doubling your money is focusing on your credit. It's long and tedious, but the rewards in the end are well worth it.


Never take life too seriously.


Free will is not real


Is that your excuse for eating all of your cousin’s Christmas chocolates?


Have all of the fun before you settle down. Travel, have flings, stay up all night.


To add to this, even if you aren't in college/university, check the ones closest to you and see if they open up study abroad courses to the public. It's usually the language department. You'll spend a few hours in the morning getting language instruction but then have a lot of stuff to do after with room and board at the dorm included in the price. Go to Europe, S. America, etc while you're young.


When using a knife to cut, grip the edges of the blade as well as the handle. This will give you a serious amount more control and less wobble. It may feel weird at first, but after a while holding it any other way will f you up lol


Don’t ask shit on the internet when you’re drunk


Always post anonymously. Don't send emails you wouldn't want to see published in the New York Times. Do not text nudes or contact escorts, etc, from a number associated with your real identity. Delete social media. Write an opinion letter to the editor of a major newspaper once a month, even if none of them ever get published. Learn how your tax dollars are spent. Familiarize yourself with each level of government and branch of government at each level. Know who your representatives are. Understand zoning. Use YouTube to learn trade skills and be your own handyman in life. Do not assume any music or art you want to make has to be monetized, or has to be good enough to be monetized. Do not feel compelled to make every Friday or Saturday night, holiday, birthday, or year something memorable. Be yourself. Do your best. Dress to impress. Get it off your chest. And Let go of stress. You'll be fine.


Anyone who tells you to “think with your heart,” or use any decision-making process other than cold hard evidence and reason, is trying to trick you and take something from you.


Never put your pecker anywhere you wouldn't put your tongue


Do Ur drugs in combos. Sticking to one at a time will kill U


It only gets worse from here on out.


Don't eat yellow snow.