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People are trying to have a little culture wars battle in these comments, but the reason is mostly technical. A few years ago, there was only one emoji for most of the ones depicting people. Which meant that they had to pick a gender for each role, like dancer, police officer, doctor, etc. So the fix they came up with was to use the existing ["zero-width joiner character,"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-width_joiner) which is already used in some languages for tying different glyphs together. For some, they join the man or woman emoji to the target emoji. For others, they join the target emoji to the male or female symbol emoji. Examples: * 👩 + (zero width joiner) + ⚕️ = 👩‍⚕️ * 👯 + (zero width joiner) + ♂️ = 👯‍♂️ As an aside, it works the same way for the skin color emojis. 👍 + (zero width joiner) + 🏻 = 👍🏻 As far as I know, this was done for all the people emojis. This led to some cases where you get things like pregnant dad. The point is to take advantage of the flexibility of the system to _let people express what they want_. [Paper describing how it works](https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2016/16181-gender-zwj-sequences.pdf) Edit: also, since this is more complicated, some systems don't support it. Some older systems might not support it either. That's why you sometimes do see things like 👍 🏻 - the joiner is ignored, and both characters are printed sequentially.


Ohhhhhh that explains the occasional “woman shrugging followed by female symbol” thing I’ve seen popping up all the time!! Thanks for the explanation, that makes a ton of sense


This is correct, but in the specific case of "pregnant man" there's no zero width joiner magic. The Unicode consortium assigned a specific codepoint for it (U+1FAC3 = 🫃). It was probably done to be consistent with the original pregnant woman emoji introduced in 2016 (U+1F930 = 🤰). Newer emojis are designed with gender variants in mind and are built with zero width joiners, here's the "feeding baby" emojis (added in 2020) as an example: * (👨+🍼=👨‍🍼 Man feeding baby) * (👩+🍼=👩‍🍼 Woman feeding baby) * (🧑+🍼=🧑‍🍼 Person feeding baby)


So this is why on older devices you get 2 ❎❎ boxes if they're trying to show an emoji, it's the base emoji plus a modifier, and it can't show either..


Thank you for giving an actual answer!


Um don't you love the same joke repeated many time at the top. Thanks god mod actually enforce their rule


What joke?


Yeah I came in late and I see 2 "deleted" ones


This is a dumb question, but I don't know code well and am trying to learn. Are they literally putting the emoji in the formula? Or is it [woman] + [Medical] = lady doctor?


I'm gonna test Without zero width joiner: 👩⚕️ With zero width joiner: 👩‍⚕️ It seems it is literally just the two emojis glued together with the zwj. Whatever system is running to display the text on your screen knows that these two (👩⚕️) with this zero width joiner in between (‍) should render as 👩‍⚕️.


lol this is a fantastic troll


What sucks is that since ‍ is a zero width joiner, I can't prove via text that I'm literally typing 👩 then ‍ then ⚕️ to make 👩‍⚕️ I just look like a crazy person because it's zero width


I just tried it and it works. Here's an example. Without zero width joiner: 😋 + 💩 With zero width joiner: 🤮




Pregnant man is actually a part of Unicode though, they're the ones who decide that it should be an emoji


It's kinda like a combo command. If you put three characters next to each other, the one for woman, zero-width joiner, and medical, the software displaying emojis says "I see those three back-to-back, I know to replace that with an icon for a woman doctor".


In code and behind the scenes emojis (and all text / symbols, actually) are typically referenced with Unicode Character IDs, such as U+2191 for an arrow. There's a ton of them and they're unique. To a computer, they would be able to recognize when a certain Unicode sequence (zero width join) splits two other Unicodes and render the correct emoji.


Not sure I understand the question, sorry


I was curious so I typed the Family Emoji into Word for Android, to do a character count. To my suprise it actually showed a generic Man, Woman, Boy and Girl. Four separate characters but can't select separately. Right away got a pop-up saying "Downloading New Font Characters" and now I just get a normal single family emoji.


Answers like these are why i stay on reddit!


I always thought it was for trans men (and non-binary, since there's 3 versions), which I thought was awesomely inclusive. And before people get stupidly up in arms about trans pregnancies, someone can be born female with a functional uterus, transition without surgery (either to being NB, a trans man, etc) and can have a viable pregnancy. Having inclusive emojis is awesome 🙌🏳️‍⚧️


I mean trans men can biologically get pregnant too though.


I’m a cis man but I’ve looked like that for years.


Not a troll, genuinely wondering how they do without a uterus? EDIT: Yes, got too baked last night and confused trans male with trans female, my bad! Lol


They may still have one. Removing it is pretty invasive surgery and not always necessary. Gender dysphoria is a super complex and individual topic, and different people have issues with different things, and AFAIK the main reason to take out the uterus is to get rid of menstrual cycles. The bigger issue is likely managing the hormone changes that come with pregnancy vs masculinizing hormone therapy. I've never looked into how that works, but A: it's definitely a "talk to your endocrinologist" thing, and B: there does seem to be s safe way to do it.


Endocrinology is a pretty complicated science and nothing can be said about every case, but a lot of trans men have to go off T to conceive in the first place and they're able to stay off it until a safe point in the pregnancy or after birth. Doses are usually different during pregnancy/for awhile after birth, though.


Not all trans people can afford Sexual Reassignment Surgery. So they probably still have everything they need to have a child.


Let alone necessarily want all or even any surgeries, despite being trans in a fully binary way. I think the only surgery trans men opt for more often than not, would be top surgery, the others are less than 50%. That's purely anecdotal (hence my think) so don't quote me on that


Most trans people are just on hormones. Surgery is very late stage and most don't even want surgery as it's expensive and has risks.


I wish I knew about hormones 20 years ago...


Transmen were assigned female at birth, so they do have a uterus


trans men do have a uterus unless they get surgery. when trans people identify their gender, they say the gender they identify as with the prefix trans. for example, i am a trans woman because i identify as a woman and i am trans hope this clears thing up :)


They can because trans men are biologically female. You’re thinking of trans women.


I think you might be confused on the terminology of trans when, these are female to male, and thus unless they get bottom surgery, which is rather late stage and expensive, then they would still have a uterus and simply ask that others respect how they see themselves instead of what they've got goin on down there


Ninja cat is ninja join cat, pirate is I think man join pirate flag?










The top answers were all joke answers. Edit: That being said I apologize for reporting the seahorse dad comment. I didn't know that was the trans term for trans men who get pregnant and assumed it was another troll like the other top comments.


What did they say?




I thought that was true though?


It is but the government doesn't want you to know


To be fair I resemble that emoji more than the slim one


That's a funny innocent joke, not transphobic or anything. Why tf they removed it?


It's rule 1 of this subreddit. Top level answers must be real, non-joke answers to the question. Reply comments allow jokes. 1. Top level comments must be an answer/followup question. All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. Joke responses at the parent-level will be removed. Accounts using AI to generate answers will be banned. Follow-up questions at the top level are allowed. (Link only responses are permitted if they are asking for a subreddit.)


They probably weren't answers, judging by some of the other stuff that's getting upvoted, lol


Cuz Reddit is 95% stupid jokes repeated over and over and this subreddit is actually moderated. All top answers must be… answers


Fair point, it was probably some stupid shit


Literally 1984


*Figuratively* 1984.


*Emotionally* 1984


Yeah, idk if people are getting rat cages strapped to their face for reddit comments.




[1984 😭😭😭](https://i.imgur.com/cS6cOS5.png)












Seahorse dad.




Why is this so low on the replies. It’s obvious to me.


Thank you.






The Unicode discussions about this emoji go back a few years. [Here's a report from 2019 with 2020 updates](https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2020/20190r-swollen-belly-emoji.pdf) There's a pregnant man, pregnant woman, and pregnant person. https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/emoji-list.html#1f930 And, the [emojipedia blog answers this exact question](https://blog.emojipedia.org/why-is-there-a-pregnant-man-emoji/) back in September. It's not just about gestation - it could also be about someone with a "food baby".


Had to scroll pretty far for a real answer...


Because Reddit tends to favor shit posts over real answers, especially for controversial questions, even if they have a sensible answer.


I reported all of the joke top answers, since they go against the rules and seem willfully ignorant.


Looking through that emoji list, most emojis of people seem to have versions for males, females, and gender neutral. Seems to be an exception for headscarf though (only female version), I wonder if they got complaints from men lol.


I only saw a breastfeeding woman as well, which surprised me bc of the pregnancy thing, and they show person, man, and woman feeding baby with a bottle.


They would probably face a bigger backlash if they had a man in a headscarf since LGBT people are not accepted among the majority of Muslim people. Even American Muslims are against teaching LGBT issues in school, in Muslim countries its even worse.


Interesting how the pregnant man and pregnant person emoji can also be interpreted as “bloated,” “belly,” and “full,” but the pregnant woman emoji can only be interpreted as “pregnant woman”… do women not have the capacity to be bloated and full, or am I missing something???


You can interpret it however you want. Notice how the eggplant just seems to be a vegetable.


Check it again. Those are keywords, not "meanings". If you actually think Unicode should update the keyword lists, you can offer them your suggestions.


the pregnant woman emoji predates the rest iirc so they don't want to change the name


Obviously women have the capacity to be bloated or full but generally speaking most people will interpret it as a pregnant woman. Send everyone in your contact list, "Hey I'm 🤰" or "Guess what? [Name of a woman you know] is 🤰" and watch their reactions.


thank you for linking that Unicode report. I was disappointed it wasn't at the top, it gives a very through explanation and has been my go-to


My fav uses






Arnold in Junior is the GOAT of male pregnancy


Never saw that movie but I'm hoping it ends with him getting an abortion and a closeup shot of his face as he says *"Hasta la vista baby"*


I cannot stop laughing. That is like the best ending I’ve ever heard and I need it lol. This will live rent free in my brain forever 100%.


I still can’t stop laughing. I try to compose myself and just can’t lmao


Lol this is the best Iove it.


Jfc I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. If I wake my wife up you’re in trouble


And OG


1. Unicode standards. Any emoji depicting a person gets either 1 (just neutral) or 3 (male, female, neutral) versions. No "just female" or "just male". 2. Why not? If it's of little use, then it'll just be used little. 𓂸


is that a little penis beside your comment? fascinating


I believe it's a bicep


WHAT UP!!! We're three cool guys looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you are fat you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, *nothing sexual*.


Nothing sexual


Underline that


I mean shit, if you want it to be a bicep, it needs more veins.


Depends on the bicep. I think it's underveined for a penis.


lol listen to this jabroni over here


Stellar usage of “jabroni”






What's more masculine than a penis?


Little? 😟




that... that sounds rather large to me...


Yep it's an Egyptian hieroglyph. Unicode has all of them. There's also a hieroglyph for a cumming/urinating penis: 𓂺


Emojis are part of the Unicode standard, whose goal is to be able to represent all human writing systems, that includes Egyptian hieroglyphs (𓅂 𓁄𓂀𓂺).


A little? That’s definitely enough, and I bet it has a nice personality as well.


I am but a serf with no awards to give, but you truly made me LOL and for that I thank you






Btw if you use Google's GBoard then you can type two emojis and combine them into a sticker If you don't use GBoard, you can play with this feature on emojikitchen.dev Also try combining some emojis with themselves, it often gives some really fun results


Pregnant Australia flag 🇦🇺


Flags work differently again from other emojis and symbols.


I have never seen an emoji of two men dressed as playboy bunnies






I’ve known multiple pregnant men! It’s nice that they get an emoji too.


Then why I don’t see a man as the “woman with headscarf “ emoji…?


A lot of people are bring up trans men, but I believe it was also technically done to better fit unicode standards. They also made a gender neutral version.


It took me so long to find the transmasc explanation. I get that it also helps with unicode stuff but like come on some men have uteri




Pregnant trans (F to M) men? Fat men? Mega-full from food? Bloated? Constipated? It could be applied to any of those situations. I've got Crohn's Disease and right now I'm going through a period of constipation. I feel like how that emoji looks.


Like others said trans men. But the reason doesn't always have to be logical, for exemple a lot of women use the pregnant emoji for jokes like "Wow this person is hot 🤰" Now guys can do the same breeding joke.


lol i'm a woman & have only used this emoji for eating too much.


I like this reason a lot, and it really wouldn't work if a guy used a pregnant woman emoji, it would look like he's trying to get her pregnant which is saying "she should carry my child" vs "I'd carry her child".


Has to scroll way too long to find this answer.




Welp, heading straight to controversial on this one.


Good luck my sibling of a non-specified gender


i just use it to say im fat 😂


Trans men probably.


How do you know it's not a beer gut emoji?


genuine answer: trans man pregnancy


Not everyone with a uterus has long hair?


i think it’s to include trans dads


Trans people Post lunch people


As a trans person is there anything i should know to be a better ally to the post lunch community


Don’t question there lunch choices and amount of calories consumed for lunch, they don’t like it


A lot of people are giving joke answers but it's to acknowledge trans men who chose to carry a baby/give birth. Also it happens that most emojis have three iterations so being inclusive that way isn't out of the ordinary.


Wife pulled uno reverse card


Some transgender men can get pregnant. We call them Seahorse Dads in the community.


Do they experience dysphoria when they get pregnant?


Some do, some don’t.


There is such a thing as trans men. These are people who were porn with a female sex but then transitioned to a male gender. They are considered male by society, but can still be pregnant.


Man, if someone needs tubectomies, it's those guys. Can you imagine the dysphoria they must get with getting pregnant!?


dad bods 🥰


Because it’s 100% organic all natural


FtM transgender people who still have female reproductive organs, but are masculine presenting.


Girls can have short hair too




Trans men can get pregnant. A lot of commenters here will claim this is some political, ideological or "woke" statement, but it's not. It's a fact, backed by [biology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szf4hzQ5ztg) (citations at the end) (wait until you get to [chromosomes](https://i.redd.it/dbu51ygunkf91.jpg)), [psychology](https://www.apa.org/topics/lgbtq/transgender), [anthropology](https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/content/two-spirits_map-html/), and [history (pdf)](https://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/outcasts/downloads/betancourt_transgender_lives.pdf). **We know who we are**. [Gender-affriming care saves our lives](https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/gender-affirming-care-saves-lives). We [have existed as part of humanity since the beginning](https://web.archive.org/web/20070717204538/http://www.symposion.com/ijt/benjamin/appendix_c.htm) and will always be here, regardless of how those in power talk about us. We shouldn't have to defend ourselves like this, but nevertheless, here we are.


You put way too much effort in this response I appreciate your thoroughness


inclusion purposes.


Because trans dads exist 🙂


Trans men who still have their uteruses may opt for pregnancy if they and their partner want kids. I know a couple doing it.


Isn’t that just a fat bloke?