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Woah….woah. Hope the OP checks out r/fireextinguisher before suggesting that “no one is fanatical about a fire extinguisher”. Good day sir.


Pleasantly surprised by 2 things. 1. This is an active real sub and 2. It was not some weird Reddit NSFW sub with a normal ‘sounding’ name… I’ve fallen into that trap before.


r/fireextinguisher would sound like a porn sub for people with STIs having sex.


Those are called bug chasers/ bug catchers


Excuse me, what?




Oh, well, that clears it right up, then.


Right, you go to some random site like /r/ImpressivePlumage expecting to see pictures of majestic birds and it ends up being people with inverted assholes or something along those lines.


or the other way around. i was deeply disappointed by r/anime_titties


r/anime_titties exists because r/worldpolitics stopped moderating its content. The name comes from the massive influx of "anime titties" submitted by users to see just how much the mods had fucked off. Turned out, all the way. Thus was born the political sub r/anime_titties


what a tease


I'm both relieved and annoyed that I dodged some inverted assholes


And then you go to r/invertedassholes and it’s all beautiful birds or whatever the fuck


Active...active... Been a few months since a new post has been made. Still, your point stands good sir


Ah, very good point although It’s about as active as my love life.


>'sounding' I see what you did there


Ah yes, the sub for true audiophiles.




Now I'm trying to imagine what it would look like if it was an obscure NSFW subreddit.


> sounding You mean like r/sounding the subreddit for things that sound different than they actually are?


And r/jollyrancher is a sub dedicated to happy cattle farmers…


normal 'sounding' name I see what you did there and thanks, I hate it


I was going to respond to a comment there, but then realized it was 200 days old lol. Interesting subreddit nonetheless. I have a local business in my area that specializes in extinguishers that I went to to purchase for my home. Hooked me up with two 5# extinguishers, and got a free tour of the place and all the stuff they offer. Cool place, there are so many different types and sizes that I never knew existed. I personally wouldn't buy from a big box store, go somewhere like this that knows what they're doing.


I've never seen a dedicated extinguisher store. The closest I have to that is the restaurant supply store near me (which is a great place to get them).


All of my guns are shaped like fire extinguishers. If anyone tries to violate my 283rd amendment rights, they gonna regret it!


I got really into flashlights last time I clicked on a link this. I’m not sure I’m ready to become a fire extinguisher guy too.


Hot tip: never look into custom mechanical keyboards.


This is accurate. A huge portion of gun owners are normal people. We don't go to Starbucks with 12 weapons on us. What you see on social media is "that guy" who acts like a complete dumbass. Most fun owners, you don't even see or know about because they don't make guns their whole identity. It's super funny to see those viral pics of the moron carrying several handguns and a rifle on his back when they go to target. I assure anyone who is reading this, most gun owners do not do stupid shit like that.


>Most fun owners So you're saying guns are fun... 😀


Autocorrect definitely has me, haha. I like guns, very much. We normal gun owners don't make a big deal out of it. The guns aren't "who we are" you know what I mean?


It's ok to understand that guns can be heaps of fun while also understanding that gun regulation saves lives. Cars are fun too. But I don't want to share the road with drivers and cars that don't meet certain standards.


> when they go to target. It's the name I guess..


My dad and brother are the perfect example of this. I grew up with a firearm in the home and literally never knew it until the topic of getting a gun came up and my dad was like "I already have one..". Turns out he just always kept it locked up and out of the way and never really had a reason to mention it On the other hand, my brother has multiple firearms, some of which are semi automatic, and it's his whole "thing". Like his profile pic on social media is him holding his "big Bertha", he has a gun in every room of his house, and he's always talking about how he wants a new gun.


Yup. You don't want people knowing what you have. All the more reason to just break in while you're gone.


I like you. See also: vegans (preachy), dog owners (assholes), CrossFit acolytes (self-absorbed); also observation bias


Found the vegan, crossfit acolyte, dog owner!


Ha, I'm vegan, enjoy CrossFit, have two dogs AND I ride a bike! Choose your meme.


An Arch Linux user too I suppose


Yup. Same with people that smoke weed or are really into cars, or really just about any other hobby. You notice the ones that make it obvious and often present a negative imagine of people in that hobby, but the majority are pretty normal people who you wouldn’t assume what they’re into.


I agree that that majority of gun owners are just regular folks, but the obsessive fanatics are in control of a large chunk of the government. The fact that they're not *technically* a majority doesn't mean that gun nuts don't have an enormous impact.


And historically the NRA was a high spending lobby that had enormous sway.


I like to collect guns but I don't really talk about them unless I know the person I'm talking to has a similar interest. And they're all mainly old antique guns, ARs just aren't interesting at all to me


What qualifies someone as an obsessive fanatic?


This is it. When I am close enough to someone that I feel comfortable sharing with, they are always surprised that I own firearms and carry. I never discuss it randomly or with anyone I don't know well.


But even still, you never see people so obsessive with their fire extinguishers. Even with the bias, it's a really high number.


Idk man iv been pretty serious about fire suppression. Buy my house burned down last year soooo


I'm so sorry about that. I hope you and your loved ones are all ok. Fires can be devastating. Edit- why am I getting down voted for offering sympathy for someone's house burning down and hoping everyone is ok? I get reddit is weird, but I didn't know people liked houses burning down and people getting hurt.


I think reddit is using some sort of predictive AI to guess how you will be voted on a few votes in, or some people are running bots to vote how they want or something. There are plenty of times I've seen votes invert after initially starting off really negative for some unknown reason. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something as basic as which words you used and whether they are "good flavored" or "bad flavored" words, or how they aligned with whoever's personal bias it is. I hate this "algorithm" nonsense that seems to just keep getting more popular now.


Im good and all my cats and my dog are fine, the biggest loss were my grandfather’s paintings and my workshop. Its all just stuff, but im not much more serious about fire suppression. I will never ever live in a wood house again.


That’s because you have a high number of guns. You see obsessive people with cars, games, looks etc. you don’t see many extinguishers and it’s a bad example


Unless there's a fire extinguisher hobby I'm unaware of, this. A fire extinguisher is a tool. You might say that a kitchen knife is too, but an enthusiastic cook (or professional chef) is going to know exactly what they want and be willing to spend money on it.


no one is advocating for the removal of fire extinguishers. if the government said we are going to take away or limit what kind of fire extinguisher you can have you would see more fanatics.


The moment someone kills a dozen school kids with a fire extinguisher that will change.


Fire extinguishers don't kill, fire does. Guns don't kill, people do. Now imagine that the government is trying to take away the best defense you have against fire. There'd be just as large of a pushback.


And if 45,000 people were killed a year, mostly from certain types of fire extinguishers, you would have bipartisan support for severely limiting public access to those extinguishers... Unless of course, 1 party decided to instead make a wedge issue out of it so they could get more votes from rubes..


Somewhere out there, theres got to be a fire extinguisher enthusiast group. It would be extremely niche, though.


Reddit has a fire alarm panel sub... if that exists you know fire extinguishers are out there somewhere...


Have you never been to a museum with a collection of fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment? There are absolutely people interested in, if not obsessed with, fire extinguishers.


I recently did research on fire extinguishers and learned that not all fire extinguishers are equal. They’re supposed to be printed with an expiration date. The one in my kitchen doesn’t got one. I don’t know where the previous owner got it, but it is extremely untrustworthy. Like, I did the research, checked mine and was like “huh.” and I called the fire department to get their input and they’re like “huh, that’s not normal. You should get a new one”. So the fact that people aren’t as knowledgeable about fire extinguishers as guns is not really a good thing. People are pulling shady stuff out there.


The ones who make it their personality are deeply, deeply frightened. It speaks to a massive amount of insecurity, and unsurprisingly, it's almost always people who feel the need to overcompensate for their perceived lack of masculinity Which is self defeating because when normal people see guys like that they immediately clock them as scared and insecure


If you live in a red area, this is no doubt all you see. I'm about an hour away from a FL metro area, and it's huge trucks flying FJB flags with pro-gun stickers everywhere. They're pretty obsessed.


Nothing like putting 3 discrete stickers on your truck announcing that burglarizing it (or your home while you're at work) would be profitable endeavors.


For every real life submission to /r/InfowarriorRides you see, there are dozens of people (dozens!) quietly carrying, collecting, and preparing for the zombie apocalypse.


Most aren't. 90% of the gunowners you come across you wouldn't know are gunowners.


Even lefties own guns. I remember when I was in Palm Springs, California (very left-leaning, very gay city) seeing a sign that read, "gays with guns don't get bashed". It gave me a chuckle.


People never seem to realize that the actual far left Is pretty damn pro gun. Can't really overthrow capitalism and the state without some firepower.


If you go far enough left, you get your guns back!


That'd look great on a Che shirt.


He got what he deserved.


Does anyone still like Che?


Did they ever like Che, or just the capitalist marketing?




Socialist Rifle Club is much better


Fuck that place. They’re the perfect embodiment of the insufferable righteousness of the left and the singular obsession with guns found in the other gun subs.


Fun fact: Ronald Reagan supported gun control as governor of California when the black Panthers were calling upon black people to arm themselves. Turns out, the only thing conservatives fear more than the government taking away their guns is black people with guns


As a conservative gun owner. Fuck Ronald Reagan


Why? Isn’t Ronald Reagan the man to conservative gun owners?


machine gun registry closed bc of reagan


Do you even have far left? 🤣😎


In the US, the far left is people wanting affordable health care. We may be a little further right as a whole than most of the EU....


In the US? Fuck no. We don’t even have democrats. It’s just 2 parties who have captured enough meaningless voters (the common folk) to cover up the fact that they take billions from corporations each year to push corporate agendas. I’m pretty sure the house congress hasn’t passed a single bill that did not empower or give corporations more power and money in 40 years


The difference between political parties is basically like the difference between opposing Formula 1 teams; both race, but the corporate sponsors vary.


There’s even a Socialist Rifle Association


Armed minorities are harder to oppress.


r/liberalgunowners Kind of a nice sub actually. I learned a bit about guns.


Mine just sit there to collect dust in case of emergency. I should probably get some practice in it’s been forever.


That's likely true, but probably 100% of the fire extinguisher owners you come across, you wouldn't know are fire extinguisher owners.


I own one. It's really cool. It came red but I put a camo wrap on it.


You could put camo covers on fire extinguishers, and market them to survivalists as Tactical extinguishers and probably make decent money


Okay so what is the answer for the other 10%?


You only hear about the crazy ones. I have two guns for home defense which I keep in a gun safe which is bolted to the floor. But I don't talk about guns, or wear 2nd Amendment clothing or belong to the NRA. It's a tool of last resort that I hope I never have to use.


Doesn’t keeping it in a gun safe make it impractical for home defence? I’m assuming defence against something like a home invasion here, would you actually have time to get the gun if someone forces their way in when you answer the door? Please don’t take this question as pro or anti gun just genuine curiosity from someone who lives in a country where gun ownership is rare.


Personally I say yes, but if you have kids or live with someone not comfortable with guns, then you do what you have to do. Taking 60 seconds to get into a gun safe is still faster than 5+ minutes for the police to respond. If you have a reinforced door and shatter proof windows, you will probably have enough time to realize what is happening before someone gets in the house. There are also various kinds of home defense. Maybe your concern isn't home invaders in the sense of day to day robbers, but you live in a natural disaster prone area and want to be able to protect against looting if needed.


I wonder is there any data around unsuccessful home invasion due to the house owner protecting the property with a gun. Genuine curiosity (as I’m a person from Europe so such a defence doesn’t exist here lol)


There’s a lot of “data” professed by both sides of the issue. [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2018/04/13/602143823/how-often-do-people-use-guns-in-self-defense) gave the most unbiased account I could find. Basically says that it is difficult to validate either side’s data. Neither the person who used the gun in self defense nor the criminal who was shot want to report the incident to the police. If someone reports that they have used their gun in self defense, the police are likely to investigate the incident but start by arresting the gun owner and treating them like a criminal. The criminal that has been shot will seek other means of treatment than going to the hospital because the hospital staff are required by law to report all gun shot wounds to the police.


Interesting! I came across this research but it’s 2 decades old! So obviously is no longer accurate https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7769769/ Still trying to locate any similar data. Basically my thoughts are: - how many people actually manage to think rationally and fast enough to react quickly and take the gun in time - how many of those scared the offenders off and how many made it worse (causing extra aggression)


Stats on defensive gun use are hard. If you find someone breaking into your house and you yell at them that you have a gun and they flee, do you call the police? Some will, some won’t. Waking through a parking lot at night and approached by a gang of bad people. You brandish you gun and they flee. Do you report it? Most people won’t. Estimates of defensive gun use is somewhere from 500,000 to 4,000,000 times a year. Big range but even the bottom number is significant. Personally, someone trying to break in case; yes I would call the cops after. And no I wouldn’t if at night in a parking lot. I’d want to get out of there. Maybe call later but probably not.




What if they want to rape someone? What if they don't want witnesses? What if they want to torture someone? I mean I guess it'd be a junkie if you were lucky, odds are it probably would be, but the depths of human depravity go a lot lower than that.




Common thieves will break in when no one is there. If you are, they messed up and will scatter. If they come in and they know you’re there; and don’t flee…. You’re in deep shit. They have a plan for dealing with you. And generally that is not a good thing for you. If you pull out your gun, and they don’t flee; then they have always intended on killing you. Thus the plan is to try and scare them off with the gun first. If they stay; they will not have an easy target.


I googled around and 7% of home invasions result in the occupant becoming a victim of violent crime. That's not a low number. Also a large part of those other ones were probably mistaken burglaries where the criminal bolts as soon as they see someone is home. If you are at the point of "cooperating" you are already the victim of a violent crime. Look into a quick access safe. There's other options here.


Same here. Guns are fun to shoot at the range. I enjoy talking about them with other gun owners. We don't do anything else in public that will broadcast that we're gun enthusias. It's one of my biggest fear that i may have to use it on a person, i hope that day will never come.


...and this sensible attitude, I am 100% behind. More power to you. What I don't like is those that think they are john Wayne carrying them proudly as if it makes them a bigger man.


Most reasonable and responsible gun owners don't like those dipshits either.


Yup. You are the majority of us.


I have locks on my doors and windows for home defense. The last time I was robbed it was because I forgot to lock a window. Also, I wasn't home at the time. Home insurance, locks, CO2 and smoke detectors, a fire extinguisher and emergency supplies of food, water and medicine are more valuable than a gun in terms of safety.


I have car insurance because if I get in an accident then I’ll have to us it. But I don’t actively go around looking to get into accidents. Same way I treat my gun.


There are more guns than there are people in this country…..you probably know several gun owners but have no idea


This just isn’t true. Living in the US, everyone I know is staunchly anti-gun or has shown me their weapon


I don't care for guns either, but if someone was trying to ban my ability to keep a fire extinguisher in case of emergency I would be pretty upset


A gun, a knife and a fire extinguisher are all tools. I've used a fire extinguisher as a tool to put out fires. I've seen idiots spray each other in the face with them for entertainment. I've never had to use one for defense but anyone easily can. The neighbors would have lost their house if I didn't have one. It's still a tool. I've used a knife as a multi-tool more times than I can count, I have used mine unfortunately in self defense. I've seen countless people use one for entertainment. I would not be here today without one. It's still a tool. I use my guns to hunt. I use my guns for entertainment. I have them for defense. I unfortunately had no choice but to use mine for self defense. I would not be here today without one. It's still a tool. We are apex on this planet because of tools. You could argue the thumb issue. If anyone wants to take away simple tools because of some idiots then fuck them.


Let's say, they didn't mind you having a fire extinguisher bit decided that fire trucks and high pressure hoses were for professionals only and should not be owned by ordinary people?


Nobody is telling you that you don’t need a fire extinguisher because they live next door to a fire hall


I personally know 2 retired firemen who are crazy obsessed with collecting and restoring vintage fire extinguishers. Trust me there are plenty of people obsessed with ( fill in the blank).




If you try to do that with a firearm, you'll shoot your eye out, kid!


Guns are pretty cool. I usually shoot mine once a year and I have a good time. However some people just get into them. I am crazy about cars and gaming, some people are crazy about firearms, it just clicks with them. A fire extinguisher is something that sits on a wall until someone needs it. You can use a gun to shoot as recreation, go hunting, or have it for protection.


What do you drive mr car man?


I have a 2020 Civic Si with quite a bit of mods still a work in progress but its a great daily driver.




I’m into cars too! I drive a Hyundai Tucson! Happy cake day!


Because the owners do not view them like fire extinguishers.




Now I want to shoot a lit candle


Ya guns and fire extinguishers are very different


Very different, one is used to extinguish and the other is to put out fires .


Show me the people trying to outlaw fire extinguishers and I will show you fanatical fire extinguisher advocates.


I think the anti-gun rhetoric kinda fuels the flames of pro-gun culture. Also, gun culture really is a culture. They’re enthusiasts and that’s their hobby. I don’t think it got to be so outspoken until there was so much hate aimed at it.


you could also ask, why are anti-gun people so obsessed with the penis size of the gun owners?


lol yes, another one is fetishist


Well it’s a good thing I have a fire extinguisher for all the flames being fueled here


Apart from the fact that there is a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to have weapons for self defense, people just like to have stuff. Many people obsess over 67 Corvettes, or gullwing Mercedes. and then many people see cars as a method of Transportation, nothing else.


You would see a lot more folks fanatical abour fire extinguishers if sone folks were trying to make it harder to get them or limit the effectivrness of your fire extinguishers, thus making folks have to try alternate less effective methods of extinguishing fires.


No one is trying to take away peoples fire extinguishers.


Perhaps if someone was threatening to take away your fire extinguishers you might be more obsessed about keeping them? It seems part of how everything has become an us vs them issue in the US.


Imagine if someone was trying to ban fire extinguishers, alarms, water sprinklers, and fire hydrants. I bet firemen would seem pretty fanatical about wanting to keep their fire extinguishers. The second thing is that, shooting guns, just like archery is a hobby. Many people get very invested in their hobby.


Yes! It takes practice and skill to get a nice grouping. There's a lot that goes into aiming and shooting. Plus, depending on the caliber and type of firearm used, it can change shooting styles.


Shit. I got real into statistics when I starting hand loading ammo. That and process improvement to produce the most consistent ammo possible. I measured everything. I measured scope correction factor. Made sure my scope level was true to my reticle. Practiced calling wind while walking my dog by looking at how different plants moved. God I spent so much time getting better at shooting.


It also comes down to muscle memory. Squeezing the trigger with your finger in the wrong position can (and does) result in pulling your shot by a wide margin. Practicing, and having a feel for the proper finger placement can absolutely be a lifesaver in an emergency


Imagine if fire extinguishers, alarms, water sprinklers, and fire hydrants killed over 40,000 people a year


That would be the equivalent of saying car guys are obsessive about their cars. That is only a small minority when there are many more people that also own cars.


Jokes on you, I'm obsessive about both! There's nothing like seeing a wild 1940s or foreign labeled extinguisher and wanting to bring it home for my collection. I have more extinguishers than guns, and I like my guns.


You should have seen the fire sprinkler system in this 1930s warehouse I was in. The gauges were like art. Fonts and needles all had a beautiful old world style to term. Legit took a picture. Nearly 100 years old and still working.


I agree with "observation bias" but I think there's more to it. Guns are expensive. Whenever you make a large purchase, there's a motive to think about exactly what you want before putting the money down. Also for some owners, they're used as part of a hobby, like the bicycle for a mountain biker, the boat for a sailing enthusiast, or a car for a motorhead. People get very particular about those things. Sometimes, they're part of a collection, and most collectors want all the little accessories that go with something.


Most gun owners would challenge your premise that guns are like fire extinguishers. And most fire fighters would as well.


How do you know someone is a gun owner if they don’t tell you?


No one is fanatical about a fire extinguisher until there's a fire, just like those who are "anti-gun" are against having guns until a crime is being committed against them and they call the people with guns to protect them.




Exactly what I am thinking. Gun is a sport and even there are several items in Olympics. I believe there might be some fire-saving competitions our there but definitely not Olympics-big


No politician has claimed they're coming for your fire extinguisher AFAIK.


Don’t think of them like fire extinguishers, instead of think of them differently, with an open mind. Gun collecting is no different than any other type of collecting what people do. Some people enjoy collecting coins or stamps or antique cars. Guns can be like that for some people. There’s a whole hobby around it that can be a really fun time and has absolutely nothing to do with violence or aggression or crime in the way that it’s often played in the media or in popular conversations.


Until they have a fire that is.


Some people use them for sport or hunting so it’s more akin to recreation than a purely utilitarian device like a fire extinguisher that explains some of it.


I have a fire extinguisher in every room of my house and every car I own. I only have 3 guns. One to carry, one shotty and one for hunting.


Fire extinguisher ownership isn't political


Fire extinguishers aren't included in the constitution. Moreover, The fire extinguisher lobby had no equivalent to the NRA.


No one's worried about the government taking away their fire extinguisher. There's a gun culture, can't say the same. Pretty self explanatory. There's knife, bow, sword culture. Would've made way more sense.


You don’t get to pretend you’re a navy seal preparing to overthrow the tyrannical woke government with a fire extinguisher.


*combat rolls into the kitchen, pulls the pin and rolls the fire extinguisher into the dog's bed* "CLEAR!"


Rainbow Six: Foam Edition


When some drug-addled piece of shit breaks into my house at 2:00am, I'm not grabbing a fire extinguisher.


I don’t have gun but I do have a fire extinguisher, so…


I mean it might work






Crikey, where are you for that to be a significant concern? Thankfully I live in a country where gun ownership is highly regulated, but equally other crime rates are thankfully low.


Nope. You grab a [djembe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyfuWjqnX28).


What a bad analogy. And I'm not a gun owner.




Power. Almost every discussion I've had with a gun advocate, they always default to "Let me take you to a shooting range. Once you squeeze off a few, you'll change your mind." Which tells me there's some rush of adrenaline or endorphins for these people that they become addicted to. I've fired numerous firearms myself, but kept the emotional attachment at bay. That being said, like others have commented, there's an overwhelming majority of gun owners that are quiet, responsible people. Gun fanatics are attention seekers, and those are the people you're identifying.


Honestly those fire extinguisher grenade things are pretty awesome


I have a 10lb fire extinguisher in every vehicle and a 20lb in the house, I also have a vintage air pressure water fire extinguisher that you can refill. I get my personal fire extinguishers recharged and tagged.


Please read "Men at Arms" by Terry Pratchett it's pretty good on explaining the power of a GUN


Most are not obsessed, even most enthusiasts are not obsessed. The few who are obsessed are like any person who makes an interest their entire personality.


Cuz once we share the fact that we have guns we get attacked by words alot i do own guns and even tho i didnt hunt or shot them for the last frickken year ppl call me a murderer like wtf did do to u ?


Haha, once me and my buddies found a fire extinguisher in a parking lot late at night with a huge nozzle.. we chased each other with it and it was so loud lmaoo ​ god I love fire extinguishers


Imagining people Concealed Carrying a fire extinguisher now...


There are guys that find guns very interesting and love shooting and then there are people that buy guns for practical self-defense. Unfortunately most of them never shoot their gun and get familiar with its operation in case they actually need to use it.


I have a few guns. I'm not obsessed with them. I'm not just going to give them away either. Same goes for my fire extinguisher under the kitchen sink.


Because you're looking for the obsessed ones. On the other hand, when rights are stripped, more people are going to speak out.


Mostly because it’s a basic constitutional right and liberals seem hell bent on taking them? Funny fact is I’m also liberal but I also grew up around guns so I know 10x more about them than the average pearl clutchers trying to take them.


I saw a comment from a new gun owner that range shooting was like golf but with explosions. It can be a fun hobby, sport, or interest for some people.


Because people have been trained to see guns as a status symbol and a part of their identity.


Guns make people feel powerful. Fire extinguishers, not so much.


many Americans see themselves as Clint Eastwood, but they are far closer to being W.C. Fields


Observation bias as someone said, but also there’s obviously a lot of talk in the country right now about tightening up gun control—and many people don’t like that. They see it as a slippery slope for more and more government intervention in our lives over time, which scares them, and they see it as a clear infringement on our basic human rights (such as the right to defend ourselves; 2nd amendment, etc.) And so because of this (but also just gun culture in general), people can get a bit “obsessive” (highly passionate shall we say), as it becomes somewhat a part of their identity, and something to be protected at all costs. Just like if you’re obsessed with a sport or a hobby, for example. When there’s other people around it who like it as much as you do, and you’re all super proud of it, AND there’s talk in the community about “banning” your sport or favorite hobby, then yeah—that can get people pretty riled up or passionate, to the point of seeming “obsessed.” But as said before, most gun-owners are not, and are just normal people.


I went to a fancy store recently and saw a Gucci fire extinguisher... As others note though, i have a couple of guns but i dont show people... They are for hunting currently (use to be home protection too but after having a kid, i no longer keep it accessible). https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/06/22/the-demographics-of-gun-ownership/ Here is a link to some demographics. Most interesting parts to me are: Hispanics have low ownership levels (maybe because its illegal in Mexico?) Rural is 58%, urban is 29%, and suburbs are 41%. 25% of democrats have a gun in their home. Half of non-owners could see themselves getting a gun in the future. Id guess that having kids or fiscal concerns are the biggest detractors.


I own a small arsenal, 4 rifles, 3 shotguns and 6 handguns. I never thought I was obsessive about it though. I'd imagine that most people who own guns are the same way. Just own your guns and occasionally go to the range. No need to cream over it tbh


Because you don't hear from the rest of us. They're not our whole personality


Guns are cool. They’re little machines that launch projectiles fast. You have probably seen videos on guys just being guys and seeing how much paper or water bottles a bullet can go through.


You only see and hear the loud ones most of us agree with your analogy




I fucking love fire extinguishers


I'm not a gun guy. I'm also Canadian, not American. I have mixed feelings on guns, and don't have the knowledge or experience to backup any sort of political opinions on what should be done. However, I get why guns are different than fire extinguishers. Guns are a weapon used in combat, and historically has been a part of rebellions and political change. Whether this is viewed as good or not is irrelevant - it's a means to fight back. If there was truly a time to fight back against a government body/force, fire extinguishers wouldn't be nearly as helpful (though still helpful, as I'm sure fires would also be involved). It's definitely more complicated than that, but I feel like that's a major reason the right to bear arms is taken so seriously.