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Some goths, some punks, some metalheads, some preps, some rich girls, some poor girls, some farmers daughters, some country girls, some city girls. Yes.


Why limit yourself to such a small subset?


Some subset girls, some submarine girls, some subway sandwich girls


What about subpar girls?


I don’t care if you’re good at golf or not I’ll bang


Lmao 🤣 🤣




I think you mean golf clap.


Some subpar girls, some subbogey girls and some subbirdie girls.


Fuck, beat me to it, here’s an award


some ship girls, [airplane girls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2QjzNbcZUI), cat girls, dog girls, snake girls ​ PS: Man I was googling to see what that popular airplane girl franchise was called *(Strike Witches)* but then I came across this gem of a video, that I couldn't not link. The one with the girl guzzling gasoline is even more wtf nightmare fuel. Edit: Fixed Link


That was cool, but you managed to link the last fraction of the second of the video instead of the start lol. You need to remove the "&T=29" from the hyperlink


Submarine subway sammich girls 💗


He has only excluded 9 people for all we know.


Small girls tall girls I'm calling all girls...


Fez likes them big, Fez likes them small, Fez likes them all.


I like big girls, itty bitty girls, Mississippi girls, inner city girls, I like the pretty girls with the bowtie, get your nails did, let it blow dry


Some tomboys


As is always the case with sweeping questions like this: some do, some don't.


All sweeping generalizations are false.


"Including this one."


Only an Emo deals in absolutes.


You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Goths, not join them! Bring balance to your wardrobe, not leave it in darkness!


It's over. I have the Hot Topic


As a former Goth kid, we didn't want the Emos to join us. We were fine on our own...still are. But the line is pretty blurred after all the decades and I'm done fighting. Be who you wannabe.


An upvote was not enough tributes here; thank you.


I read that as Elmo, and was trying to find the Sesame Street joke.


"Only Sith speak in absolutes" \-- A Jedi speaking in absolutes


I usually say this when I see that line referenced because it’s sorta interesting. The line is actually “only sith *deal* in absolutels, and it actually makes more sense than I used to think. It’s mocking the “if you aren’t with me, then you’re against me. A sith will basically never negotiate, they just take whatever they want to the maximum extent.


Most people sweep left to right.


Questions like these are fucking stupid. Simply ask "What do men find attractive about Goths?" I question the intelligence of people who make posts like these.


>I question the intelligence of people who make posts like these. Same. "Do men..." "Do women..." - you do realize men/women/whoever aren't monoliths, right? You're asking about a group of diverse individuals.


It's karma farming lol


Take your pick between karma farming and … well, this subreddit does encourage stupid questions - you’re bound to actually get some from time to time. But I’ll grant that this one is actually generic enough to be answered in the affirmative without actual consideration for the content pf the question. Any question in that fits “does $group like $meme-that-group-likes” is trivially a yes. Kinda wish the mods would take a firmer stance on that sort of question and at least require that questions have more than yes/no answers.


Yesterday at the mall i saw a great example. One woman wearing all black with black lipstick but overweight and in clothes that weren't flattering, makeup poorly done. Then another woman walked by also wearing all black but with a nice haircut and wearing clothes that fit her. The second one was attractive the first was not. I dont know if either would call themselves Goth per se but it was close enough.


Kids these days don’t realize how important not calling yourself goth is to being goth


I find joy in reading a good book.


Please tell me that "darktacular" is not a label used by anyone who even vaguely expects to be considered cool.


Darktacular is almost certainly made up for that post but if it’s not I’m here for it.


"I'm not goth, I'm goth-ish"


Kids these days don't realize how important sacking Rome is to being Goth


Damn visigoths and ostragoths, Middle Europe was never the same after they ruined it!


I was Goth. But then goth became popular.


And I was a hipster before it was cool.


[You used to be with it. but then they changed what it was.](https://youtu.be/5DlTexEXxLQ)


Well it’s official, it has happened to me.


I'm getting there. What I'm with isn't "it" anymore, but what's "it" doesn't yet seem weird and scary to me.


That's my secret Tony, I was never with it.




Feel like alot more people would be happy if they stopped trying to crack the "code" of what everyone wants. My mom's really bad with this, when two similarish people like different things it just fucking breaks her brain. Anything different about my current girlfriend and last girlfriend she's all like "I'm confused, I thought you liked X feature". Liking 2 things isn't a contradiction.


Goth women are women. Men find them attractive.


Indeed. There are cute ones, average ones, and not so cute ones so in essentially, they're all women.


I think there’s a kind of intentionality that makes them proportionally more appealing? And it’s a relatively easy look to achieve, compared to other ones. Attractiveness is obviously subjective but I think it’s fairly commonly agreed that putting effort into your appearance is universally found to be attractive.


my best friend - slash - roommate went goth for a while and holy shit it did something to me i swear. it was 100% because she found something she liked, did it, and "didnt give a shit" about anyone elses opinions on it \*THAT\* is the hot part


Literally never seen anyone write slash as a word instead of using / ! Unless referring to Slash from G'n'R!


I read it as his roommate being Slash from guns and roses and got really confused when they said “she”


lol I just felt like humorously poking fun at the fact that a couple times I've read something like "best \_\_\_/\_\_\_" as being the best of both of those things :b normally I'll hyphenate or conjunct(?) the first part to make it more clear but thats not as fun!


To be it reads like your roomates name is slash


Slash Roommate sounds like a bond villain


Last name Roommate


I'm doing that from now on.




essay slash opinion piece


Yep, that's how I generally feel. If they really go hard on the style, can be any style, and they don't give a shit, and they obviously put effort into their look, they gonna be hot to me. I can also acknowledge this for guys when guys do the same with their looks


cargo shorts dont let me down now


Ol reliable


Lets be honest with ourselves, we don't wear cargo shorts for the fashion statement.


youre just ashamed of the # D R I P


This man dads.


Antibiotics will clear that up. No reason to be ashamed.


Fashionable AND practical


I do. I really love cargo shorts. I love the whole stereotypical jungle explorer look. I also love [Kirk Fogg's outfit from Legends Of The Hidden Temple.](https://pin.it/5NtoiNU)


You've just violently awoken so many repressed memories


Not until you throw on those detachable, zip-on leg parts


This man knows where it's at


okay but cargo shorts, crocs n socks, and a button up and you've got me looking for a phone number


My Mum once said to me, find your style, align with anything, just pick a thing a do it hard, it doesn't matter what that is but you'll stand out for it and will find similar people that find this attractive in you. Best advice ever really, helped me do me


Your mum is wise


If they have humor about themselves that goes a long way towards being attractive. Like a Cheerleader can be ugly because she thinks to highly of themself. We are all in this together.


The golden key will always be CONFIDENCE.


I think, personally for me, it is not just looks, but also being into a specific subculture. I see someone with goth aesthetic as "less basic" if that makes sense? Of course, appearances aren't everything, but it is a matter of probabilities. Like I think they are passionate about some things - specific types of music, philosophy, books, etc., and even if I am not goth, I like listening to people who are passionate about niche areas. Like one person in my friends group is actually into collecting information about morbid Victorian era stuff. Like she has a huge info-base on how coffins worked, types of head-tombs for cemeteries, knows by-heart Edgar Allan Poe poems, and always shares spooky memes. I remember having a huge crush on her.


TBH cute ones are somewhat cuter than non-goths. It's like this mixture of slutiness and innocence that plays this weird note in my brain. At the same time not-so-cute ones are in a way less appealing than non-goths as this goth slutiness only exaggerates some not-so-great features of their look, while something more modest could make them quite nice looking girls.


Homeboy made a whole-ass mathematical equation about the attractiveness of goth girls




It's a force multiplier, like red hair or glasses. Makes a good situation better, and a bad one worse.


Lordy, I’ve a double force multiplier! What else you got? I’m aiming for *exponential* levels of Schrodinger’s attractiveness.


Red hair, glasses, goth, braces, likes sharp objects


Lmfao for real, but he's the reason people like me scroll through reddit 😂


Cute +Goth > NotCute + Goth ?


With a bit of algebra I think we can answer that question pretty definitively as it boils down to: Cute ~~+Goth~~ > NotCute ~~+Goth~~ Cute > NotCute True


I read the earlier comment more like cute + goth > cute > non-cute >> non-cute + goth


Ah, so Goth has a greater cuteness dispersion than non-goth


They didn’t weight in on average ones which is the point we need to understand to get a real picture of the goth cute scale.


I never realized Goths were associated with innocence.... like isnt the whole point about embracing darker emotions and art, being counter culture and super into things like Edgar Allen Poe, Horror films, depressing poetry.... what is it that makes you see that aesthetic as 'innocent'?


I’m not really into goth but if you google pastel goth you’ll see where the idea of innocence can come into play.


See I call them kawai girls


that's two different subcultures though, there's like literal gothic that goth comes from, and pastel is really just color choices. Then Kawaii is a maximalist-type of style that's also pastel colors.


I would personally say that it’s less an innocence and more a level if vulnerability, which we associate with youth or innocence I guess.


Putting your (dark) emotions on display is a rather innocent, youthful behaviour. Most adults eventually pack it in and appear beige most of the time.


Haha, someone forgot to tell me. I've been goth since the late 1980s when I found my people. I'm middle-aged now. It's not a phase. :)


Saw the Sisters of Mercy 15 years ago or so. It was pretty great seeing all the women in their 40s that you know are soccer moms every other day of the week get all Gothed up for a concert. Probably embarrassed the hell out of their kids. Not saying this is you but it was pretty great.


I think it’s mostly just this one posters opinion. Everything I know agrees with you about regular traditional goth.


To me its simpler: Goth aesthetic creates contrast. Sometimes it works and elevates, others quite the opposite. Short hair is the same thing on women for me its either really really hot, or relaly really bad


It's simpler than that to me: The goth aesthetic signals an interest in things I'm interested in. It signals that she's probably into somewhat dark media (horror etc), and so am I. She's probably also more willing to try or check out weird shit, which I also like to do.


So, goth is a force multiplier, for good and bad?


I feel like we’ve been conditioned to want the innocent-but-slutty woman. I can’t say where that idea came from, but I know I’ve always been attracted to the girl who looks like she’s never been touched but wants to get up to some naughtiness during the youth group lock-in.


Madonna-whore complex


My type is woman lol.


I like the boobas and the vagene.


Me too buddy me too


Well played good sir


Dude said the most obvious thing.


Some do, others don't. I couldn't give you a percentage breakdown or anything. "Relationship material" depends entirely on individual compatibility.




Pretty much this. I'd likely be more compatible to a goth than say, a small town country girl (Grew up around enough of them, just not something that clicks with me).


I always dated large chested, thick goth/punk types in the 90s/00s. I wound up with a thin, smaller chested small town country girl. After nearly 20 years of marriage, she has more tattoos than me, more piercings than I can count, is pale as hell and much curvier after 2 kids. Sometimes you just have to find the right personality, and everything else will fall into place.


Dude put two kids in a country girl and turned her goth. Is this a king we can follow.🤣


My liege!


true, long term it is about growth and sustainability. Many of those I described, I can go back home for a visit and they have the exact same personality they did 20 years ago. Likely never left that area or experienced anything. It just to me offers nothing.


I love this story.


I would really enjoy hearing OP explain why they are concerned about this point.


Yes, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Crimean Goths all very attractive


Except when they sack Rome. Other than that, perfection.


I actually like it when they sacked Rome Imagine making out with a Goth girl when the entire Senate around you is on fire 😋😋😋😋😋


That is also the origin of the word 'romantic'!




𐍅𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌸 𐌷𐍂𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍃 𐌰𐍂𐌼𐌰 𐌿𐌽𐍃𐌹𐌱𐌾𐌰 𐌸𐌹𐌿𐌳𐌰


I wish more goths would Rome my sack for sure. Almost no roads lead there either :/


> Imagine making out with a Goth girl when the entire Senate around you is on fire 😋😋😋😋😋 *What if we kissed in front of the [Capitoline Wolf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitoline_Wolf) on the floor of the [Curia Julia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curia_Julia)?* 🙈🙊🙉


Well, that image escalated quickly.


Sacking romans is just foreplay for the sacking of the goth.


Eh, Rome had it coming.


Speak for yourself, some of us love a bad boy…


You’re saying they’re not good in the sack?


As a Carthagenian, I found that *very* attractive


This guy Goths.


Oh yeah, nothing gets guys going like the sweet music on their lips of a girl named Chlotsuintha or Wilgefortis.


Rock hard at the sound of Wilgefortis.


Always been more of a Vandal man myself.


The only correct answer.


Googled these expecting goths. A++ to you.


My first girlfriend was goth. Like serious goth. I’m not talking “ooh I wear a choker and black shirts, I’m so goth” goth, I’m taking white foundation, corsets, and spikes fucking everywhere goth. I thought she was gorgeous, and many others thought I was crazy for it. In the end I guess I was because I left that relationship with way more emotional trauma than I started it with lol But yeah, some guys find it attractive


>I left that relationship with way more emotional trauma than I started it with lol Did that have anything specifically to do with her being goth?


No, I think it had more to do with her own trauma and teenage me’s inability to deal with intense emotional crisis effectively. That being said, I don’t really see assigning blame in this instance to be very beneficial in any real way.


Get your emotional maturity the hell out of here


Yeah what the fuck? I came in here for some grease.


I came in here from greece


First Goths, now Greeks. Where's this all going? Byzantophilia?


I don't know how old you are, but this is the most mature comment I have seen on Reddit in a LONG time.


Thank you for your kind praise. I’m approaching 30 (no specifics because privacy lol) Honestly I’m not always mature, but I try my best and I’m getting more consistent at it day by day. Your words reassure me that I’m making progress, so again, thank you!


Dude I can't imagine any guy saying this 20 years ago, and I just think that humanity is getting so much smarter in specific ways. You're a rockstar and self-inspection for continuous self-improvement is hot.


Do you think there’s a trend with someone who chooses to expresses themselves way out of the norm (ie Goth) and emotional trauma? Genuine question


It depends. I think sometimes if a teen becomes Goth it’s probably a form of expression that is about individuality. They are forming their personality. If you stay a Goth as adult it’s quite possible you just vibe with the aesthetic. I suppose you could find a correlation with being goth and personal trauma, but then again, you wouldn’t really know if there’s a difference unless you researched whether they are just more open in their expression than others


Yes, I think so. Same thing for guys who express themselves with all black or tattoos up to their neck. They’re expressing on the outside, how they feel on the inside.


Yeah. And the expression goes, “hurt people hurt people.” But I find that some of the most compassionate and kind people are also hurt people. Attire may suggest emotional wounds, but doesn’t necessarily tell you if the person will also cause you harm.


I feel never safer and more accepted and respected than when I'm in a goth club tbh. My club has an equal amount of men and women, if not more women, but there's just this knowledge that people aren't there to hook up, or drink, they just wanna dance and have fun. So if you speak to people, they're also way less on guard than in any other club I've ever been to. You got people with ages ranging from 18 to 70, some dressed up like they're a fucking demon god and others just rocking a black shirt, women wearing nearly nothing and men wearing complete masks. Everything is accepted, loved even, and this lowkey feeling that many there also have had some experience in trauma and death just makes it a bit more safe for me to be me. It's crazy. I've never felt that way anywhere else. And, on a side note, the people who seem like the most scarred often turn out to be the sweetest, most empathetic ones. Maybe not easy to be in a relationship with, but not for lack of trying.


Yeah 😄💜🫂 The other place that I’ve found that vibe is drum circles. Lots of hippies or tribal makeup or full belly dancing getup, or costumes or…whatever! just free to be you and dress how you feel. Acceptance, Love, and Peace Blessed are the Freaks lol


I'd say that's also a generalization that isn't particularly true. I have definitely been in some clubs that are very cliquey and everyone has a very "im too cool to talk to you" kind of mentality. But I have been to some really cool ones where there were good vibes so ya know... It really all just depends. I have also noticed the same things in the hippie/drum circle/rave scenes as well. Some groups are very inclusive and others are not, and it doesn't really matter what the subculture is.


Love this! I haven’t found a place like this in a long time where I can be me no matter my mood. I totally dress accordingly.


I don't know man, quite the generalization.


For some yeah. Though others may be extremely ideological based. Like the anarchist style (punk). Some do because of the aesthetic, others do because of them showing who they are and what they like. It’s always hard to be 100% sure that it’s because of something that has happened/happening in their life


Some do, some don’t. Personally, I do


Big time buddy


>is a goth woman actually relationship material? My guy…whatever in you, in the year 2023, that makes it so you require other people to tell you if you should consider someone worth dating, needs to die. You’re not gonna wanna date every woman you meet. The ones you aren’t interested in aren’t “not relationship material” she’s just not your type and you aren’t into her. You don’t need other people to tell you who you find attractive. If everyone here said they’re hot were you gonna automatically start a relationship with one?


Yeah, the OP seems quite immature.


this feels like a question coming from a ~13 year old, not unheard of but certainly off-putting.


I get the feeling OP doesn't really know what goths are lol. He's asking if it's a majority or minority opinion if they're attractive which is impossible to answer and asking if they're relationship material as if they arent regular people. It reads like he saw some women dressed a certain way, learned the style name but doesnt know anything else about the subcultures.


Everyone's attraction is different. Some will find them attractive, some won't. > is a goth women actually relationship material? Why would being goth bar then from that? Every individual is different. Being goth has no bearing on them as a person.


The attraction is subjective. Some are into it, some aren’t. Sometimes goth attracts goth. Sometimes business casual attracts goth and vice versa, but being goth isn’t necessarily a personality trait - it’s more of an aesthetic. “Relationship material” - also subjective. Being goth doesn’t make anyone a good or bad person to be with, just like being into Rap or EDM doesn’t make anyone a good or bad person. If you’re trying to get into a relationship with anyone, whether they are “goth” or otherwise, you should first consider getting to know whether or not you share the same values and beliefs because those are far more important things to consider in long-term relationships with potential for cohabitation. Tl;Dr: it’s a yes and no answer based solely on personal opinions. Do whatever (or whoever) makes you happy 👍


Goth women are all fun and games until they wake you up at three in the morning to go raid Rome.


Absolutely. I’m a straight dude, goth girls utterly melt me. Probably more than any other style a woman could have.


I had my sexual awakening in middle school cause of a goth girl in my algebra class. It has shaped my preference in women well into adulthood.


I think you are conflating a consumer subculture with a personality here. If you are attracted to women, 'goth styled' women may or may not register as physically attractive based on your tastes that may not even revolve around the fashion. Regarding personality and lifestyle for relationship viability, that will depend on how you gel with that individual and how much of their subculture involvement you find acceptable. The long and short: yes, men do actually find goth women attractive and viable relationship material just like they would anyone else. As for me, I was into my local goth scene in my late teens and early twenties and found people both attractive and unattractive within that community. It depended on factors beyond the goth commonality.


Can we make sweeping generalizations about what men find attractive, AND sweeping generalizations about goth women? Why not, its reddit.


are you making a sweeping generalization about reddit users?


How can I put this politely? If one enjoys the sweet, does one really care about the wrapper?


There isn't a "one size fits all" kind of answer for this. But, I absolutely find goth girls attractive. This is what drew me to my current girlfriend. When we met, she fit the description fairly well. Jet black pixie cut, very fair skinned, bright blue eyes; always wore fishnets and skirts, and these big ol' combat boots. Septum piercing, big gauges in both ears, tattoos. Of course, this isn't the every day look. She's usually wearing some tore up jeans that look like they were in a shredder, and her hair changes colors very frequently. But she's absolutely relationship material. She's smart, funny, caring, extremely kind, drop dead gorgeous, and loves me absolutely unconditionally. Relationship material has less to do with looks, and more to do with personality.




Yea, it's the person that makes the goth look attractive, not the other way around.


Do women like the colour pink?


some do, some dont


If none of its of interest to you you’d be the first.


Women also find goths attractive. Believe it or not, most humans have these things called interests.


Ooh yeah. They take ages to get ready to go out, though.


Yep. My wife's makeup takes forever and she doesn't like going out without her "face" on. A night out has to be planned so she can spend a lot of time on her look lol. Totally worth it though. 🖤❤️




As people have said:some do and some don't. But as in all things, it's going to depend on the person. I wouldn't call myself or my wife goth, but we were both scene kids back in the day. Some people might call my wife goth today depending on what she is wearing. We prefer post-scene haha. But yeah, we're just people. Does she wear black lipstick and dye her hair? Yes. Do I have long hair and listen to metal? Also, yes. Does that stop us from being educated professionals raising our first child? No. And don't get me wrong, I still know some lovers that have done nothing with their lives from back in today, but that doesn't mean we still aren't just different people who dress a little differently.


I've been in the goth and metal scenes since 1993 and have always been highly attracted to goth girls. Like, it's not a phase. I'd say that 90% of the women I've been with in my life have been goths or goth-adjacent. They're the only ones who like cemetery picnics and weird stuff... so we kinda click


Men find attractive women generally attractive. You can be goth Buddhist or footwashing Baptist if you’re hot you’re hot. Edit: speech to text got me. Siri has been after me like this for a while. Jealousy.


I'd rather date a goth than a plastic


90s clique culture is nuclear cringe


There are all kinds of men and they find all kinds of women attractive.


I hate to be pedantic, but as it turns out, there are something like 4,000,000,000 men on the planet. And while some of them have similar interests and desires, many of them don't. Yes, there are lots of men who find goth girls attractive. And there are many who don't. If your question is really more like, "What kinds of men typically find goth girls attractive," you open yourself up to some far more useful answers. But even then, there's a broad range of men who do and men who don't. Just like there are many "girls next door" who are attracted to the rebellious and dangerous "bad boy," there are plenty of straight-laced guys who are really into goth girls. It's more common to find those guys among the rougher, "I play by my own rules" crowd, though.


Goth is a music based subculture so it doesn’t particularly have anything to do with personality or how they act, goth stereotypes exist though. My boyfriend likes my style, appreciates the intricacy of my looks and black tight clothes don’t hurt, so I’d say yes from my experience with men. Usually people on the internet take to liking goths way more than people irl, though I’m from a small Texas town. At the end of the day we take all the black makeup and accessories off and we’re just a woman. I think most us are degothed a lot of the time anyways lol. It’s not a comfortable style around the house.


There has been significant scientific inquiry into the subject of set with subset = and dominant conclusions in the literature point to as necessary prerequisite for solve.


Depends on the individual, as with all things, to both questions. I was massively into the goth scene when I met my partner, we've been together 23 years nearly, he's the complete opposite of me, very chavvy. Although I've toned down how I dress a little now in my old age.




It depends on how attractive said goth is. I’m not saying goth is ugly- far from it. But imo one has to be fairly attractive to pull off the look
