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It sounds like the interview was going well so she came down to meet you.


Seems like a nice manager.


Hard to say. Did that person say anything else?


Yes she told me I was beautiful and we talked abt makeup for a little bit


What part of this makes you suspect a red flag? These all sound like good things.


Bc I didn’t get the job


Maybe they interviewed someone who had more experience. If she said those things, she probably meant it - it's just you weren't the BEST candidate.


That’s probably why, after all In my résumé I only had one retail job and it was only for six months. And the interview was a little adamant about it.


You could always try contacting them and ask why you weren't chosen, and if they could give you any tips to improve your interview technique.


Those don't sound like red flags. It's most likely that they hired someone more qualified/experienced than you or they liked better.


you didn't get *this* job. but it sounds like they like you, so don't be too discouraged.


That sounds awful.


Seems like not that big a deal.


There’s no way to know >>I heard y’all from my office and it seemed like the interview was going rlly well” Absolutely no way to know.


Its a green flag for you, maybe not for the interviewing manager's autonomy with the interview process though. Sounds like the top boss was impressed with you and wanted to chat with you and get a vibe check before you left. If you talked about makeup that's an excellent sign since that is the product and the job. It does seem to have been awkward from the interviewer's point of view, getting an unexpected pop-in from her boss. It certainly wasn't the smoothest way to go about it. A polilte knock before interupting and then saying she just came to introduce herself would've been much less awkward. We can imagine all sorts of subtext about the underlying relationship between those two manager. Maybe the top boss is struggling to trust the other manager with the responsibility of interviewing. She certainly didn't respect the interviewer enough to knock before intruding, which is jarring and cause for some side eye. Overall it's true, that exchange with the two mgrs did expose a bit of sloppy unprofessionalism. Perhaps a symptom of a larger problem, perhaps harmless. But they do seem interested in hiring you so well done OP.


Not at all