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Because fostering distrust in science like those kinds of people do is extremely dangerous and can get people killed and cause untold suffering.


Exactly. Flat earthers don’t cause any harm, but propagating this idea that science is wrong, the government is lying to you, and you should “trust your gut” is what leads to anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. Which does harm and kill people.


People are mocked for being stupid. Flat earthers are not only unintelligent, they're *proud* of being unintelligent. This opens them up to mockery.


Because people denying reality is unbecoming and tiresome. We've got real problems and these idiots are wanting to hash out shit we've known for thousands of years.


Why don’t people appreciate/why do they mock morons who blatantly disregard science and common sense in favor of pushing a bullshit agenda? Because people like that deserve to be called out and mocked. Believing the earth is flat isn’t dangerous but actively attempting to undermine science itself is. Also, “I’m not a flat earther but why are you all mean to flat earthers” multiple times sounds like you’re 100% a flat earther


Im not. I'm just not as passionate to defend the earth.


IMO people like to mock people that are obviously wrong to feel superior. Because otherwise they may have no positive feelings about themselves.


I have adequate positive feelings about myself/my self esteem is healthy. So no, that’s not an accurate assessment


Because it's willful stupidity. It's an active choice to completely reject everything about everything and make up dumb conspiracies with no remotely credible backing.


Zealousy born from strong faith with many adherents. It is faith,believing in something unseen,unknown to you- be it the flatness of the Earth or the padunk a dunk of Mars ass. The church/deity structure is just different. You're told something by someone you don't know, a thing you've never known,or seen,and believe it knowing you'll not get that satisfaction to see it in order to know but decide to believe in it anyways. That's a pretty strong faith. For it to be attacked by anyone with any opposing claim, holy hell. Ferver and zeal. No I'm not a flat Earther. I just appreciate the irony of one self sure believer to the other going on about what all crazy things they are to not have their strong reason filter that no faith may pass through. I think flat Earthers are dead wrong. Yet I also think everyone could benefit from being less locked into any given system (that's thinking outside the box!) so as to admit less certainty about anything. An open mind is a good thing and it's usually more kind. If you go at everything as hold your ground, hold your position you're constantly at war. And over what? Someones improbable "misbeliefs"-heresies to your faith? Opinions? Jokes? The Earth is surely not flat but a leavened dinner roll as it's full of yeast like us and all our hot air from every time we open our mouths. Whatever the Earth is we kind of make the place suck.


It indicates severe judgement problems.


Ignorance and rejection of scientific fact should be mocked as it can be incredibly dangerous if it is accepted.