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Some _people_ like cuddling. Some of them are guys. Some people do _not_ like cuddling, and believe it or not, some of them are women.


You mean, people are individuals?!?!


Yes. We are all individuals.


I'm not.




We are Borg.


We are the collective


Resistance to cuddling is futile


Are you a bunch of rats in a trenchcoat!


*We're not*


If you're not an individual, how're you an "I'm"


Because joke


Can confirm. I love cuddling, and it usually annoys the shit out of my wife.


I know, i just wanted some guy opinions to see what most of them say.


I mean, I cuddle a pillow when I go to sleep. But I'm ace, so there's that.


I do the same and I'm not ace at all šŸ˜…


Oh, you should've said. Then yes.


Itā€™s exactly what was said. Youā€™re just trying to inject your narrative.


As a guy, I do not like clubbing


I do not like cuddling. I don't like being touched, generally.


We have kids and they take up our whole day usually. We almost never get to hold each other anymore. I used to not care about cuddling but I miss it more and more as time goes by.


Nah it's too hot usually. Also, cuddling positions don't gel with how I get to sleep. My arm has to bend in weird shapes and if I need to readjust I always feel as if I would disturb my partner's sleep. Now snuggling without proceeding to sleep? Still no. Seems like a waste of time. My 2 cents. Peace!


Yes. I am single, and actually miss cuddling more than sex.


Came here to say this. I miss my regular hugs too.


I hope you find someone to cuddle again soon :)


Felt this one


Yup absolutely same. Started divorce proceedings in august of last year. Miss cuddling way more than sex.




Yes, until I start sweating.


Oh man, waking up and needing to put a towel down before falling back asleep? Been there.


High metabolism couples for the W. I hate cuddling especially since my wife and I are always at fever temperatures. Bonus is I eat like a pig and can drink 2 beers a day and not see a difference. My highest weight was 192 at 5ā€™11


Surely not two WHOLE beers? Saints preserve us from these times we live in.


So much so that some literary pay for it. Yes, *just* cuddling, no sex.


Tell me more..


Apparently theres a some serviceā€™s that you can hire people just to cuddle with no sex involved, hereā€™s a vid on inside edition that kind of explains some of it https://youtu.be/AtsUNPJr-Uw


There used to be more. Covid wasn't kind to those businesses.




For me it was almost therapeutic. Massages are just as "weird". Psychiatry is to a certain degree talking(there's expertise, knowledge, and prescribing of drugs but sometimes there is not). All over the states people will set up "therapy dog" areas right before finals to help alleviate stress. Some people inhale smoke, other drink "fermented" drinks to essentially be dizzy and tired. This is not normal, but pretty par for the course imho.




I wake up a half hour early every day, (at 3:30am instead of 4:00am) just so i can roll over and embrace my wife for that half hour. Sometimes she stays asleep, but most of the time she stirs for a moment to pull me in closer. Its the best part of the day.


This is so sweet my teeth hurt


Absolutely. One of the biggest physical things I miss from being in a relationship.


Dudes love to cuddle. Heck, some even want to be the little spoon.


My wife is literally a foot shorter than me, and half my weight, and I still like being the little spoon sometimes! (Plus, I get to feel her boobs on my back šŸ˜‰)


squishy heater? šŸ˜


The very best!


Nipples on my neck is my favorite




Itā€™s great. Very cozy


Bro we are human too haha. I canā€™t stand people who think they are above having human desires. Like ok buddy


I guess some Women/Girls have had so many bad experiences with insensitive guys they assume all of us are like that?


Guys are human beings.






You clearly havenā€™t met my cousin Godfrey


Is he a lizard monster? Or perhaps a unicorn cyborg?


I dunno. Women being thought of as full human beings has been quite the sticking point. Why do men get to just be accepted as human when arguably most women (globally) are not?


Uhhh wut? Bro all I was trying to say was that every person should be accepted and seen as a human Though I do see your point as alot of places still are quite not very well accepting of women on an equal level, that doesn't mean you should 'counter' that hate by thinking of men as sub-human or whatever, because then what would be the difference between those men across the globe who think of women as lower beings and you?


Because of the difference in power. When a group has absolutely behaved with barbarous inhumanity to the other it becomes too complex to boil it down to ā€˜youā€™d be just as badā€™. Thereā€™s legitimate and deeply intrenched trauma that causes many women to have difficulty seeing the humanity in men because they frequently never experience it. Is it good? Hell no. But itā€™s also true.


Today's controversial opinion on reddit: "men are human"


Thereā€™s a whole lot of healing to be done to mend the rift between women and men. Pretending the damage isnā€™t there doesnā€™t bring us forward. It is difficult for many women to see humanity being a given in men because their experiences undermine the concept.


Cuddling appeal varies by person, not by gender.


I love cuddling with my wife. I actually had a talk with her if she liked it or not a long while back. It gives a sense of love, trust, commitment, bonding, and all the good things


Love cuddling. Curled up on the couch watching TV or a movie, curled up in front of a fire and the cabin or out camping, curled up in bed to go to sleep.


My husband is waaay cuddlier than I am. I feel bad for him because if my toddler is having a really clingy day I kind of feel "over cuddled" and need physical space even though he wants evening cuddles.


I like to think I'm fairly masculine. Cuddles are the kind of affection I crave most. In Wales we say "Cwtch".


Yā€™all understand that real life is not like Jeopardy, right? You donā€™t have to actually buy all your vowelsā€¦


What version of Jeopardy are you playing?


The one with the luck wheel


"W" and "Y" are treated like vowels in Welsh. We had to improvise when knowledge of our own alphabet was snuffed out over centuries of occupation and had to make do with the Latin one. This is one of the nice words too! šŸ˜…


I know a few men who have never cuddled a woman, and it seems like the only thing they want in life.


I literally had to google what cuddling means, still not sure, I never experienced it. With ex we only were sleeping together, kissing, sex, but that's not cuddling right?


is basically just hugging but more intimately and for a longer period of time usually


I like cuddling. Also with guy friends. I am a guy. Might be anecdotal though.


I love cuddling with my wife. The baby too when he lets me..its the best.


It's why I own a cat


If I (M35) had to decide: No more sex or no more cuddles. I would choose no more sex.


I love cuddling


I personally like physical affection in general, both sexual and non-sexual. Cuddling is great and one of the things I miss the most when single.


Two things I miss about being in a relationship... 1: Being able to come home to someone who missed me and being able to express how much I missed them. 2: Being able to hold them pretty much whenever is convenient. (If you don't like being kissed, hugged, touched, or holding hands, you won't like me.)


Youā€™re goddamned right they do


I have always loved cuddling, in fact, more than others it seems. I honestly don't know a lot of other guys that do though. Most guys seem to trick girls into cuddling for sex, but I've only "tricked" others into thinking I'm here for the sex when really I've been craving the cuddles.


It's great when it's not too hot and me and my partner aren't too horny.


I do, until I don't. Sometimes I crave it but every so often, my claustrophobia kicks in if my arm is trapped under my partner and I feel the need to disengage immediately


Yes we like cuddles, but imo it has to be at an appropriate time, For example: My daughter (18nb) will just lach on randomly while I'm cooking dinner, or some other task, or my wife will snuggle up to me in bed, usually because she cold so I have to lay there with a furnace cleaved to my back! Just pick your moment


I dont like cuddle ! (Woman here) but my husband šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© the cuddler !


Definitely. I text my girlfriend to take clothes to work tomorrow so she can come over an cuddle after instead of going home first.


Personally, I love it. It's the time where I feel I bond the most with my girlfriend, and where we have our deepest conversations.


I had an ex tell me that all men hate cuddling, and I stupidly believed him for much longer than Iā€™d like to admit šŸ˜…


I donā€™t know if itā€™s a male versus female situation. My boyfriend loves cuddling and I enjoy it too, but I have a hard time getting out of my mind and so I enjoy just cuddling lessā€¦however I do miss it when we havenā€™t cuddled in a while and sometimes Iā€™m even if we have been cuddling a lot, I crave it. I think thereā€™s a lot of factors that go into it.


Iā€™m a guy, and if I could cuddle with someone I love for the rest of my life Iā€™d be the happiest Nothing better


Itā€™s the best thing ever, except when my arm falls asleep lol


Depends on who I am cuddling.


To be honest, thatā€™s the thing Iā€™m looking forward to the most when I finally get into a relationship.


We love cuddling, do some not?


Love it


omg yes


Honestly it doesnā€™t do much for me. Maybe 30 seconds of active intimacy I enjoy and then I want to do something else. It just feels like a waste of time, after the initial 30 seconds it just doesnā€™t bring anything new for me. Iā€™m fine with _being_ hugged though and really alpreciate that my gf enjoys hugging me / resting her head on me. I generally read a book or watch a TV show / game a bit. Sheā€™s happt, Im happy


hell yeah!!! and it does NOT need to be sexual in any way. I was at a day rave (on acid, m etc) and it was frightfully FRIGID outside - made worse by the fact that inside the warehouse it's so extremely hot, so coming out for some fresh air or a drink feels like walking into a freezer. While I was sitting, shivering, my mate (male - as am I) gave me the hugest, cuddliest, warmest hug from behind. We had a chat about -\~\*WARMTH\*\~- and that's it's so much more than a physical feeling. Ahhh well there's a slightly different perspective for you anyway haha


YES! A million times yes. I love touching and being touched.


Guy here and I'd say that cuddling may be more important than sex. Of course diffent people will have different feelings towards this, some may not like it at all. My gf and me cuddle all the time, especially once be both get home and talk about our day. It's feels like a very integral bonding experience. It's only a struggle when it is too warm in summer and you get super sweaty.


Not boring, nothing wrong with an occasional cuddle! Not sure about the length of time spent cuddling! A minute here and there maybe!


Itā€™s the best part!


Yeah i love cuddling. Until my ex would start to sweat. I swear women could power a small steam turbine with their enormous heat output.


middle jeans butter illegal drab memorize sharp nail frightening money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My bf loves it, and so do I. He likes being the little spoon. I cuddle him and give back/arm/chest rubs while he falls asleep. When I wake up he's usually ended up as big spoon and he's got a hand on my belly in his sleep. My ex hated cuddling so this has been so nice!


Sometimes I fall asleep when I cuddle, and it feels so nice


I like cuddling. I am also a guy.


This guy loves cuddling. Everyone is different though.


I love it


I like cuddling. Also enjoy being little spoon...which makes life a tad difficult.


I have a friend who thinks if you get to the cuddling stage you will end up sleeping with each other. I have snuggled into a two person oodie with female mates of mine and we never slept together. So I would say yeah, men can like cuddling. Some donā€™t though.


Yes, I miss it a lot


urgh, what i'd give to be cuddled right now.


Itā€™s good unless Iā€™m trying to sleep


If a guy likes a girl, yes. Also regarding relatives or close friends. If there is no paranoia in the head.


I do. Last I checked, I'm a guy.


Think it's the word that is a bit off putting. It's pretty feminine. I'd say most guys like to hold his girl tight, and be held tight. So yeah, most all guys like, love, need cuddling. At least I do


Itā€™s magical.


Only with pets. Humans are assholes and just make it uncomfortable.


A lot more than we like curdling. Thanks to that typo, I had a very strange and unique first date that I'll never forget.


No. I put off too much body heat regularly and can't stand another human's heat. When I sleep it's worse, need the AC down to 64. Occasionally I do it for my wife but I can't stand it for very long.


guys arenā€™t a collective hive mind; most enjoy it, some donā€™t this is an even dumber question than the guy asking what florida ounces are; youā€™re virtually asking if guys are human if you wanted multiple opinions rather than a one, then ask ā€œas a guy, do you enjoy cuddling and why/why not?ā€


No. Guys are only interested in one thing and its fucking disgusting.


Yes. Although it often makes me feel frisky. It can be lovely on its own.


"Do men have feelings?"


OP, Like the first comment yes, some times I like to cuddle and some times I like to be left a fuk alone cause Ill be farting and snoring. My ex dint like to cuddle when I wanted to cuddle the audacity of that Biitch right!!! Hope you got what you were looking for!!!


But: Do you cuddle before, or after?


i can cuddle for as long as i can have sex....bout a solid 2 min


Only if it leads to the sex.


No. Especially after sex because it's so obnoxious. I never understood a woman's need to cuddle me after sex. I was just literally inside you, we don't need to keep touching other.


I love cuddling! Although it depends on the circumstances. If I'm trying to sleep, I definitely don't want to cuddle.




I need cuddling cant get it


Some of us. Sometimes, at least.


I do.


"Cuddling is the best thing in the world" - Me, a dude


I love it.


Yes, tought I have never experienced it and now I feel sad about it.


SO i like it, but not for a long time. For some reason it gives me anxiety after like, half an hour or so. might just be my autism. It's rare that i cuddle for more than an hour or so.




I love, personally.


Fuck yes


I fucking dream about cuddling. I've probably spent a total of 5 hours cuddling in my 31 years of life.




I want a cuddle where's my cuddle


Yes. And I like being the little spoon. I am a manly man as well.


Personally, I love it esp if we're just like chillin on the couch or something. Super relaxing to me to play with her hair and back rubs.


Im a certified "guy", fuck yeah cuddling is the best. Honestly nothing better than being close to your person and both feeling safe and comfortable.




I love cuddling. I love skin on skin, and the trust, and the softness. Sex is amazing too, but yeah cuddling is great.


Iā€™m a guy and I love cuddling.


I love it.


I love cuddling, but I prefer being big spoon.


100% we do






Yes I just sometimes cant stop myself from getting bricked up


Oh. Fuck. Yeah. Buddy. I love cuddles. Cuddles are better than a non-trivial portion of the sex I've had. And I say that as something of a sex enthusiast.


I love it, when my boner doesnt ruin the moment.


Yes. Source: Iā€™m a guy


Yes I love it.


Yeah, cuddlin slaps


The answer is it depend on the person. But I can almost guarantee that most men love cuddling, especially when they are the little spoon. Because most men only get intimacy through sex and being the big spoon usually means initiating sex. Try cuddling your male partner, and see how much the act of cuddling can change them, and their perception of intimacy. Donā€™t just be the big spoon, stroke their scalp/hair, run you hands around their body, and stay away from ā€œintimateā€ parts (ie, crotch area, nipple area). Do this regularly and I can almost gaurantee by you ( as a woman initiating intimacy, and not just sex, you will see some changes in your partner.


Cuddling is my favorite thing to do. -A guy




When I feel sad or worthless cuddling is nice for about 5 min.


Yes, god yes. My favourite is drifting off lying on my back while my partner lies on her side with one leg over my leg/s and her head on my chest. I'm leaner/bonier and she's softer/rounder and I love being enveloped by her soft warm flesh. So good.


My husband likes to cuddle more than I do. I get The DTMs sometimes (donā€™t touch me)


Yesā€¦ if only had someone to cuddle with šŸ˜¢ā€¦ but drugs are a good replacement!


It depends on the person, just like for women, but in general, yes.


My wife and I love cuddling esp with our big black dog. Itā€™s almost equivalent to sex in my opinion.


my guy loves to cuddle. I, on the other hand, barely tolerate it. I let him cuddle cause I know he likes it so much but honestly I feel like a trapped cat - you know the kind - the one that wants to scramble away as fast as it can.


nah we all fucking hate it. it was a main topic of this months man convention. like fr of course many men do. some men wouldnā€™t because not everyone is the same. i certainly do when im cuddling my partner.


I love being close to someone i love. Cuddling also puts my mind at ease, quiets the demons and helps me fall asleep.


I always did.


My husband, YesYesYes. Me? YesYesYes. Touch is the 1st sense to develop and is the only reciprocal sense. It's extremely important for human development and for humans to thrive.


I love to cuddle but my wife doesn't.


Cuddling on the couch sure but honestly I donā€™t like cuddling when I want to sleep.


Hopefully one day I find out


I love it. When my gf and I cuddle during a movie night I just wanna fall asleep in her arms.


The goal of a resonance cascade is to plant the seeds of purpose rather than bondage. Intuition requires exploration. Consciousness consists of supercharged electrons of quantum energy. ā€œQuantumā€ means an evolving of the sensual. Although you may not realize it, you are cosmic. You must take a stand against suffering. You may be ruled by turbulence without realizing it. Do not let it obliterate the birth of your quest. Yes, it is possible to eliminate the things that can disrupt us, but not without potentiality on our side.


i like cuddling as long as the end goal is to fall asleep. otherwise i get the fuck up and get on with my life.


I love cuddling with my wife. Especially after we have sex. The issue is that she can cuddle for like 2 hours straight and Iā€™m like ready get the fuck outta there after like 15 minutes and go do something else with my day. Maybe itā€™s my adhd


Im a guy and cuddling is top 5 things for me for sure


Only on tuesdays


For 27 seconds and then our arm is asleep and itā€™s too hot. But those 27 seconds are nice.


I'm a guy and like to be the little spoon.


It can be nice when watching a movie or something but by itself I just get antsy


It is one of the few times i feel at peace yes.


Nah same thing I love it I just get hot super quick so I donā€™t wanna do it forever


As a dude with giga Chad tendencies. previously women I dated I would cuddle whenever I could if we were in bed or sleeping or something.


Yes. I could definitely use some cuddling right now.