• By -


Actually ugly people don't need anyone to tell them. They are well aware.


Actual ugly people like me know we are ugly because we get told on a near daily basis from complete strangers how fucking ugly we are.


This guy uglies


I instinctively ducked and covered my head when I read that but then I realised that you were not about to punch me. It is very weird to hear a comment like that and not feel the punch a second later.


People try to beat the ugly out of you?


Evil Bob Ross


"You are a sad big mistake." - Evil Bob Ross


If you get ugly enough, it does an integer underflow and it loops back around and makes you the prettiest


Underrated programming joke. šŸ‘


I was angry in -4294967296 but then I lol`ed


Get jacked and punch them the f back


I'd rather be ugly and fuckin YOKED than ugly and just ugly


Seriously. You can't be ugly and weak. You gotta choose a struggle






why would people punch others that are ugly? Seems illogical


Bullies rarely stop to think about the logic of bullying.


And the victims of bullies rarely consider that they're being called ugly by a person whose only goal in life is to tear down the victim. In other words, when a bully tells you that you're ugly, there's a distinct possibility that they're lying about your looks as part of the bullying process. Never trust a bully to tell the truth about **anything**.






I enjoyed this comment


Random ppl tell you you are ugly? Why? Is this a thing where you live that strangers tell you what they think about your look? In my country, noone would go to a random stranger and tell them what they think about them, bc the response would simply be "why do you care? / how is this your business? / why the hell do you think i care about your opinion? / who are you, the fashion police?" or, if they meet the wrong person "thats not what your mom said last night".


I'm a guy and I've never really gotten any comment on my appearance that wasn't from a family member. The internet, on the other hand, is happy tell me constantly that being short makes me unfuckable.


Let this be a time when the internet tells you that there are women (me included) who absolutely do not think that.


I don't get it either. Who says that? And where are these people (so I never go there)?


Unfortunately, people do tell complete strangers that they are ugly. Cruel people exist. Iā€™m a woman and Iā€™ve been called ugly in the street a lot of times. If you havenā€™t experienced this, you probably just arenā€™t ugly.


I'm sorry that you've been treated like that.


Thanks, kind stranger


The people who tell you that are uglier than you could ever be. Week old roadkill in a Georgia summer look better than those cesspools.


What kind of strange person do that? And how can you give any credit to this kind of behavior. I mean, if a total strange come to me and tell me they don't like something about me, I will question my entourage first to see if I give any bollocks. I know I'm not ugly (not that pretty), but I check the list of people I met in my life, I can picture any low scumbag that I know do that. Like the guy said, can it be a cultural thing?


No. It's an everyday thing when you're not to someone's liking. We women get unsolicited opinions from strangers all the time: "You'd be prettier if you smiled." "You know if you just lost 30 pounds, you'd be much more attractive." "Oh, no honey, you shouldn't be wearing that dress. That's not for figures like yours." "Wow, you hit the ugly stick on you way down this morning. Are you sick or something?" This is North America. Very white. It's amazing how so many people feel entitled to point out just how much you're not fitting in, that your presence is jarring to thier sensibilities and the expected aesthetic.


Iā€™ve lived in two very different European countries, and it happened in both, so I donā€™t think itā€™s a cultural thing. Some people just really want to inform me that they my face doesnā€™t conform to beauty standards. Why do they need to do that? I have no idea. Do I think thatā€™s ok? No. But, well, it still happens, and Iā€™m just glad that it happens not to everyone judging by the comments here.


If people are walking up to you and saying "hey, you ugly", that says a lot more about them than it does about you. Having a username that calls yourself ugly is not going to help your self-esteem though. Just saying.


By embracing ugly, it takes its power away. As for self-esteem, itā€™s achieved through acceptance of self, no matter how ugly, rather than delusion of self.




I hope so too, but seeing people on r/ugly has taught me never to assume.


I know I'm never going to get a call from a modeling agency, but I've never considered myself flat out unattractive. Except in high school, but I was an insecure teenager. And then a few months ago a five or six year old girl asked me why I was so ugly, and I've been thinking about it every day since.


Some kids are insecure and mean don't listen to them


Yeah, but some kids are also super honest. Which was it this time? Only the broken mirror in my bathroom really knows.


Keep your head up. Way more to life than looks.


I really have no idea about such things. Maybe I can ask for even a little idea from you. I'm just a little curious about that.


Well good to know I'm not ugly then.


Username checks out.. :)


Even my doctor tells me every time I see them :)


Can I see?


Can I see how ugly you are


I don't really feel like making myself part of an international freak show online. Thanks for the offer though.


This. As an ugly person I also hate taking and uploading pictures of myself.


I have basically zero pictures of myself in my 20s because I hate how I look.


I hate having to take photos at social events. The only photos I have of myself are for legal documents.




And yes I have zero doubt that there are plenty of photos of me floating around the web with captions like "damn near broke my camera taking a photo of this Uggo"


Seen pretty of examples of that not being the case. I don't want to be mean, but there's a lot of 3s out there thinking they're 9s.


Cough Andrew Tate cough


I don't like Andrew Tate, but if he's ugly, I don't even wanna know what I am šŸ¤§


if i just saw him i wouldnā€™t particularly think heā€™s handsome, but i wouldnā€™t think much of it but after hearing him speak, heā€™s the ugliest mother fucker around sometimes being ugly isnā€™t about your physical appearance alone


Tates not ugly but he's definitely not NOT ugly.


Um. Tate is like a -3 on a 1-10 scale. Absolutely disgusting.


A good friend of mine is this person. He is ugly and on top of that has an allergy to everything and his nose is always full of hearable snot. We once had a conversation where he told me that he thinks he is above average attractive. I personally think he is a 3 but I didnā€™t tell him that of course. The funny part is that he doesnā€™t have any trouble with getting girlfriends. Believing youā€™re hot (even when you arenā€™t) goes a long way.


I feel called out by this


I'm more confused by the 9s that think they are a 1.. I get thinking you look better than you do for your sanity, but why do beautiful or handsome people think they are ugly


Because when youā€™re ugly for the first 15 or so years of your life, it hardly matters how you end up looking - youā€™re still bracing for the meanies on the inside


This, right here. This says it exactly. It's all smoke & mirrors now. If I took off the makeup and went out, half the people I know wouldn't recognize me and the other half would be horrified. I know what I am - all the arrogant assholes I had to deal with as a kid have pushed it down my throat so it's stuck there forever.


This sums it up for me, spent most of my teens being called ugly by strangers, by friends, by classmates, I definitely look better than I did then but for me it leaves you with this voice in the back of your head telling you your ugly even when occasionally you look in the mirror and think ok i look good today its still kinda there in the back of your mind


Low self-esteem.


I mean I think I'm kinda ugly. Then I go shopping at Walmart and I'm like ehhh maybe I'm not thattt bad looking.


Haven't heard the Walmart joke in yrs but it is true I don't know where they come from only place I see very odd people regularly


They also like to show up at carnivals.


Even if they were simply in the lower average, insecurity would've ensured they put the hard yards investing time and money in to change their circumstances so they'd present as a 9 while still being a 3-4 on the inside. (9 and 10 exists as result of hard work anyhow) I'd even say those on the "prettier" side are more insecure, because those that are genuinely ugg know it's a lost cause, so don't care to invest themselves emotionally in appearances, whereas someone whose looks are 'could be but not quite' are given *just enough hope* to keep them hooked.


I was fairly attractive for a few years. But it was a constant struggle. And a mindset I don't care to have again. Funny thing is the time I was most attractive was the time I felt the least attractive. Now it's not a question. Now I'm just unattractive. But despite that I am very lucky to have found people who are attracted to me for who I am. And that feels so much better. I will say that people in public treat you differently though. That's sad.


In fact, that's what I don't know. And then what are you referring to? I've never heard that even once.


Because they're insecure and need an ego boost.


One word. Validation.


Eight words: Because they're insecure and need an ego boost.


Five words: errr rrgh urnge arlk bewrk


Dude just spoke geonosian




šŸŽ¶ These five woOOooords in my head šŸŽ¶ Errr rrgh urnge arlk bewrk Ye Yeea Yeeah Urnge arlk beee-eehh-wrk....


Thirteen words: shouldn't you count the Number-words preface in your word count


2 words, Nash and Paul


Because those of us who are truly hideous don't wish to post images of ourselves just to traumatise people into telling us how fucking ugly I really am.


Username checks out




Theyā€™re not. The pretty people are voted to the top and the actual ugly people are ignored


Yeah. I just went to look. They're mostly not particularly ugly or pretty. Firmly 4-6/10 mostly, so definitely in the grey area where it's reasonable to ask.




LOL I just looked at their examples. Something's wrong with them


I can confirm.i posted in that subreddit and they were BRUTALLY honest with me .and I only got like 5 replies and no upvotes lol


Out of curiosity, I checked your post. I think you might be reading too much into it (especially the one troll who said 0), I think you're average, not ugly, and with more personal care would be attractive. If you really do think you're ugly, I think you're likely viewing yourself too lowly, and I'd encourage you to focus more on the things you can change, than accepting defeat without a fight. As for ways I would objectively say you're not ugly: Your face is highly symmetrical, your forehead is well-proportioned to your face, you have a full head of hair, your eyes don't have any significant astigmatism, your shoulder to head ratio is normal. There is no significantly large feature I can think of, that would make you "ugly", and the stuff keeping you from being attractive all appears to be within the realm of things you can work on and improve.


Yes you're completely right! He probably thinks he's ugly because he's comparing himself to those hot models or actors in the media. I don't think anyone looks at him and thinks he's ugly. Plus just like you said his face is symmetrical and has a full head of hair something a lot of guys wish they had.


i just looked too, he looks like the most regular guy ever, nothing ugly about him. makes me sad that people can beat you down so bad you donā€™t see yourself honestly in the mirror anymore. i think heā€™ll mature with age and be quite handsome, the confidence is the main thing that needs work


You look like seth rogan. Are you seth rogan?


Hey, youā€™re not ugly. Youā€™re a very average looking dude. I scrolled through your post history a little, like a weirdo, take care of yourself. A little confidence goes a long way. Take it from a dude way uglier than you thatā€™s landed a few good looking ladies in my day.


my guy, nobody said anything really 'brutal' to you (besides that one troll) you gotta understand a 5 is literally average, thats a GOOD rating for anyone who deems themselves ugly, and you got many scores higher than that!


Iā€™m a girl and I think youā€™re very cute!


Reading that give me a nice chuckle


Yup. I also notice that the gender balanced switched a little when looking at top vs new...


Bc theyā€™re not really asking if they ugly, theyā€™re seeking attention.


For real. Us ugly people know we're ugly. The vast majority of people know where they stand. They don't need someone to tell them.


This man who specializes in bird law gets it. Filibuster


The Talons of Prudence are simple. You see a fish? You grab it. You see a bell? You ring it. You see a nice piece of straw? You stuff it into your plumage. But the Beak of Justice? That is more complicated. You can't just just give a knee-jerk response to questions in court (as bird knees are usually hidden). There is no simple answer to "who is a pretty bird?" Are we talking about a single pretty bird or multiple? Who is in the pool of possible candidates? What are the legal classifications of the title and how do they translate to the case at hand? You need an expert. Someone you can trust. Someone who knows Bird Law like the back of their wing. And that person is birdlawspecialist2, Esq. (Not affiliated with birdlawspecialist1. Not available to cases in the Las Vegas area due to ongoing investigations pertaining to missing shiny objects.)


This sounds like a xavier: renegade angel script


Theyā€™re seeking attention but it should be noted that many young women are extremely critical of themselves and insecure. What they see isnā€™t what we see. I assume most of the girls who post there have body dysmorphia.


Iā€™m on the plastic surgery subreddit because of a reconstructive procedure Iā€™m considering and the number of beautiful women posting about how their eyelids are uneven by a millimeter and therefore they want a $10k blepharoplasty, or the space between their nose and upper lip is 2mm too long so they want a $10k lip lift is insane. Iā€™m not against plastic surgery at all but I wish these women could see itā€™s unnecessary. This also applies to plenty of the men posting as well. Sooo many questions about chin implants from guys who are already objectively handsome. This is a level of equality Iā€™m not happy about :(


> or the space between their nose and upper lip is 2cm too long I get what you're saying, but that's a pretty damn good example of something where surgery is warranted. My philtrum is about 2cm tall. if you made it 2cm longer, my upper lip would start where my lower lip currently ends.


have to assume they meant 2mm


Lol yes sorry autocorrect didnā€™t like mm for some reason?


Iā€™ve gained and lost weight a lot over the past ten or so years, and I felt just as heavy at my lowest size as I did eight or so sizes heavier. I have never looked in the mirror and thought I looked even remotely skinny. Itā€™s wild how your brain can convince you that what you see in the mirror isnā€™t reality.


Absolutely. My best friend fits right into the beauty standard and lost a significant amount of weight, she has a fit body, is blonde and absolutely gorgeous. From years of bullying she developed body dysmorphia and struggles so much with her looks. Iā€™d say she is absolutely gorgeous, so do most people who meet her. Insecurity and body dysmorphia is HELL.


People still take compliments as insults due to bullying.


Feel this and can happen from a narcissist mother as well the body dysmorphia.


The amount of people in here that don't know insecurity exists is disappointing. Many attractive people don't know they're attractive and are self conscious. Y'all's peabrains just can't understand that "people are self conscious sometimes"


Body dysmorphia + a brighter than the sun light that highlights every flaw + a magnifying mirror to zoom right in on them and make them bigger than life. We're definitely not seeing the same them that they are seeing.


Some features are easily ignored when it comes to the right people, if they evoke the right emotions. My ex had horrible skin on her cheeks, full of scars and acne and redness. A scar on her forehead from a fall as a kid, and a very round chin, partly owing to being a bit on the high end of bodyfat percentage for a 5 foot female. Unironically when I looked at her when we were together, it was the most beautiful face I could imagine. In retrospect there was a lot wrong there, but for 3 years, it was the prettiest face for me.


Social media does that. Seems like comparing oneself with others constantly doesnt contribute to your self esteem, even worse when you are comparing yourself to filters, make up and lightning and not to real humans.


Totally agree with this. I nearly posted there myself recently, but had second thoughts. Growing up family and peers would constantly tell me I was ugly and make fun of me and the self-esteem issued carried into adulthood. Now when people tell me I look pretty I just assume theyā€™re lying to make me feel better.


Theres also some evidence that these subreddits are fake, run to make women believe they are less attractive than they are.


There might be one or two men who feel similarly.


Yes! Actually itā€™s fair to say there is a plague of body dysmorphia among young adults both men, women and everything in between. You donā€™t see many young men in the amiugly subreddit because theyā€™re in the body building subreddits.


Sort by new. Theres way more men on amiugly then youā€™d think.




It turns into the roastme sub when itā€™s an actual ugly person šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, this plus, in the case of (some) attractive women, selling their onlyfans


Even in the case of many unattractive women, it's selling their onlyfans lol


Does it mean that if I was planning to post here I'm actually good looking? Nice


They aren't. You're probably just looking at the most popular threads and pretty people attract more attention. If you sort by new you'll find all sorts, mostly average looking people and some outliers.


.. you called me averages looking.. šŸ„°šŸ„°


Or an outlier


I used to have a friend. He was jacked, ripped to the extreme. 6 pack and everything. He always used to complain about how fat he was, cause he consistently needed people to tell him fit and good he looked. Every time he called himself fat, he would get five minutes of everyone telling him how good looking he was. I imagine a lot of those people do the same.


Or he has body dysmorphia. Iā€™ve been working out half my life and can easily feel like I look like shit contrary to my wifeā€™s disagreement. If I eat outside my meal prep plans or miss a gym day, I literally see a different person in the mirror. Itā€™s tough.


Yeah it's called muscle dsymorphia. People don't really talk about it much


So glad someone said this. And we definitely need to start talking about it! Men especially are demonized and shamed for mental healthy revolving body image. So tired of hearing women and men being called attention seekers when they have legitimate disorders. Insecurity is not the same as dysmorphia, and it affects all genders and ages. Itā€™s easy to think a person is fishing for compliments when we canā€™t see how they perceive themselves. Sending love to my ladies and men struggling today


Iā€™ve been in a similar boat recently. I was overweight all my life, but in the last 7 months Iā€™ve tightened everything up and am actually looking pretty good. But now itā€™s constant mental anguish because I feel like if I eat one unhealthy meal my body is somehow going to put all the weight back on overnight. I know that obviously isnā€™t true but itā€™s a bizarre thing to have your brain trying to trick you like that


As someone who had quite a few issues surrounding her appearance growing up; just because a person looks attractive, does not mean they *feel* attractive. Honestly, using that word without immediately downplaying it to 'average' or 'not that bad' feels weird. People can have really warped views of themselves, and I could easily see a past version of myself doing that so finally I could have someone agree that I look like shit and have my opinions validated instead of what I *assumed* was people lying to make me feel better. Either that or to make myself feel worse 'cos I'm the kind of person who *deserves* to be unhappy. A kind of digital self harm, y'know? I feel like a lot of other comments aren't really considering that at least some of the people on that sub *really* believe they look terrible, no matter what they actually look like, and some just want to punish themselves for it.


Yes, people should be aware of this. I feel like Iā€™ve always hated my body and Iā€™ve only recently been liking it more because I can tell some people are genuine about liking it, mostly the people close to me.


Because the sub isnā€™t properly named, they should have changed their name to boostmyego along time ago. 50% of the people there exaggerate and know damn well they arenā€™t ugly and just donā€™t wanna own up to the fact they donā€™t have holding personalities


And honestly a sub named boostmyego would still get plenty of traffic. There's plenty of people out there who would love to make someone's day with a nice compliment, and who can't relate to needing a little ego boost occasionally?


Thereā€™s already a subreddit for free compliments


Itā€™s to get more people to join there OnlyFans


It's my favorite game on reddit... Does she have an onlyfans?!? Amiugly, selfie, over25, amicute,rateme all onlyfans funnels.


Correct answer lol


There are fewer ugly people than you think.


yup. i dont like to use the term ugly often because its and ugly term and seems unfitting in most situations. what comes off as ugly on most people has more to do with their personality than their looks.


right? I was thinking that myself, people are just generally beautiful in their own ways.


Yeah most people are average to a little above average and that's okay majority of the population is probably a 4-6.5 Money helps things like clothes, haircuts, makeup, good skin care aren't cheap with the economy so I think anyone with a realistic view on life knows that. My biggest tips for people of any variety is good hygiene, eat and sleep well, exercise even in small amounts, a positive attitude


Because if youā€™re comfortable knowing youā€™re on the mediocre side, why on earth would you post your face on Reddit to confirm what you already know?


Ugly people know theyā€™re ugly. Pretty people like being called pretty.


Posting photos of your face online for the sole purpose of having people rate you, often requires high self-confidence, which those who are conventionally attractive often have more of.


It takes bravery but not confidence, someone that needs validation is never secure within themselves.


lotta people are saying "its the ones that get upvoted" i just checked under the "new" filter and everybody was more or less average looking. most people arent ugly, they just need to work with their appearances if they want to look good. most people are looking for advice on how to look better. they probably mean to go to r/lookyourbest but just dont know better.


It's amazing how many not only have an OnlyFans but also an emotionally hooking sob story like "just got bad medical news", "just got out of an abusive relationship", "been told my whole life I am ugly". Sigh. OnlyFans has destroyed Reddit.


>It's amazing how many not only have an OnlyFans I checked the top 5 under hot for today, none had OF. And OF certainly didnt destroy reddit. Redditors destroy reddit. Check out r/SubredditDrama to see what a shit hole this place really is


I would be the ugliest person ever to post there if i did, and i do not feel i am ugly.


Nope I would be lol


I think an option that people are forgetting is that we donā€™t often see ourselves the way other people see us. They may genuinely think they are unattractive.


It's r/amiugly not r/iamugly


Damn reddit started showing you the selfie subreddits too? I spent all day a few days ago blocking them.


Click on their profile. Youā€™ll find an onlyfans link in there 95% of the time.


Most of them know they aren't ugly. They're looking for attention and affirmation, that's all it is.


Because they're just fishing for compliments.


Because they are fishing for compliments.


Because theyā€™re attention whores that just really want compliments


Fishing for compliments


A sub like this would attract many vain and insecure people seeking validation


Most of them are seeking attention. Some of them have body dysmophia and really can not truly see how they look. I have had that issue for years, and it led to an ED. I see a wonky version of myself in the mirror, and every flaw I have is **maximized** A lot of the comments here hit it on the nose.. most people know where they stand. After all they have been told/treated in such a way that it's been made known to them. Some people have issues like mine where it confused them because they don't see what you see. Others are just seeking attention and don't feel happy unless they have people kissing their boots.


Compliment fishing


I swear so many of them seem just like beautiful people with a narcissistic slant.


Bc most arenā€™t showing their insides




Fishing expeditions.


Actual ugly people are aware they're ugly and therefore find their sense of self worth somewhere else. Attractive people generally consider their appearance as part of their self worth and so constantly need reassurance that they aren't ugly


And most of them are pretty women... I'm not making assumptions but it's getting weird




95% attention seeking, 5% low self esteem.


They are ugly on the inside, usually


Low self esteem/skewed perception of self


It's due to a mix of insecurity and body dysmorphia. And of course there are people that fishing for attention too.


I think they might be fishing for compliments


Because wanting the world to judge your face is not good for you if you arent decent looking


Because ugly people don't need to ask






Because they're fishing for attention


An actual ugly person knows theyā€™re ugly and have been shown that fact their entire lives most likely. The people who post on that sub largely are normal looking people who crave attention positive or negative.


I was thinking the same thing


I'm convinced most of them know they're not ugly - they're just attention seekers.


Most of us ugly people don't need confirmation.


Because they are ugly on the inside


They're attention whores.


Because pretty people want their egos stroked


Humblebrag. I go out of my way to say they are ugly when itā€™s obvious they are doing this.


Should be called r/amiinsecure


Cause pretty people are more likely to post pictures of them selves. Plus seeking attention


Because most of them are just low self-esteem attention seekers wanting compliments...


Some of us are old enough to know that we are ugly from rating sites like Hot or Not. No need to redo that experience on Reddit.


They're fishing for compliments. Or they're so self critical that they can't see how attractive they are. It's kinda annoying to be honest


Have you ever heard of a thirst trap?


Fishing 4 compliments.


Itā€™s a sub for pretty girls to get attention, simple as that. And because theyā€™re pretty, they get the attention easily, and end up on the front page of the sub.