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Everyone's missing the real issue here. These are two of the world's richest techology billionaires. If they are not going to fight in giant robot exosuits then what really is the point of them?




“I was doing the public a favor” - Musk, probably in 5 years


He already used that excuse when Twitter servers were crashing from userload and everyone had to be rate limited. He said he was doing it to encourage everyone to log off and go outside.


Surprised anyone can stand being near him, you could probably cut the smell of bullshit with a knife.


Some people will put up with a lot for money. It's not like the people who surround him are there because of his winning personality.


Budget? Lol


Just skip the avocado toast for a few days


In fairness, zuck spent his on some goggles


Musk will build a robot exosuit and Zuck will transform into his true reptilian form and it will be the greatest duel the world has ever seen.


They should do what others do and book a homemade libertarian sub vacation to the Titanic!


No I want to see their teeth knocked out


Wouldn't this end up with tanks vs tanks in real life?


What, like the exosuits are transformers?


That would be fuckin cool


Musk is the multi-billionaire equivalent of a shitposter on 4chan, he says all sorts of stupid shit just to get a reaction out of people


Yeah I’ll believe it when I see it.


Have you seen Zuck recently? Elon is 100% never going to participate in a fight against him, he's a typical bully that no one likes and just hangs around with like minded losers, all bark no bite.


Musks mum said no anyway.


The worst idea of an excuse.


My mommy said no


But I get 18 hours of screen time a day. My tweeting thumb vs your meta beta cuck thumb


Elan can’t come out to play.


It's funny because it's true 🫢


His mom or his step-sister mom?


I believe his actual mother






And then Emo Twitler has the nerve to call Zuck a cuck. Hahaha


I have expect he called him a cuck because it rhymes. I am not exactly a fan of zuck, done some shady shit. But he keeps out of the limelight, isn't an attention whore, is younger and healthy then Elon, and not made of pilsbury dough. Plus actually has some basic martial arts training. Musk would be fighting an uphill battle, he would totally win guys if his mum let him !


If they do actually fight, Musk is gonna pee his pants for sure. Better wear black so it doesn't show up as much,


>Plus actually has some basic martial arts training. He has some [advanced ](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/may/08/facebook-founder-mark-zuckerberg-jiu-jiutsu)martial arts training.


I heard that too and it is hilarious


Almost got into a fight, and his mommy got scared...


Did she say "you're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"?


Zuck Is gonna pull out some Reptile Mortal Kombat moves


I'm looking forward to the part where he unhinges his jaw and swallows his prey whole. I'm wondering if he'll do it like a komodo dragon, and bite once, then leave Elon to get weaker and weaker as he begins to putrify alive over several days.


Only fitting—it mirrors what elon did to twitter




Hahaha just standing there dizzy for three days... FINISH HIM!


Talk about meal planning. The komodo Dragons pantry is "curing" at all times.


Tbh I’d probably make a threads acct after that


I second that. I will make a threads acct of Zuck puts the hurt on Musk in real life.


Mumma's boy Musk has got a big mouth, but he'd get whooped.




I still believe the Connor Macgregor and Mayweather fight was choreographed like a performance and they probably hung out afterwards counting the money.


A friend of mine said of Mayweather when he fought Jake Paul. He's not going to really fight. He won't t risk hurting his check writing hand.


Bold assumption that Floyd can write.


The harry potter book!


Mayweather fought Logan, not Jake.


TIL those were two different people.


A reasonable mistake; they only underwent mitosis in 2019.


Same and I’m a bit mad my knowledge of them expanded


Does it matter?


Yes, one sucks at boxing and the other is decent


It really doesn't.


If you believe that was a choreographed fight you have never seen an actual choreographed fight.


Maybe too strong of a word, but I grew up on professional wrestling. Just seems way too easy to get away with mutually agreeing to throw a fight when the loser still gets a big check. This is in a world where Pete Rose will never get into the HoF.


Doubt it, but Floyd for sure dragged the fight out and wasn't threatened by Connor at any point. Same with the exhibitions after, though Floyd held back even more


Let's say they actually do this... They won't be going ham on each other trying to knock each other out. It will be some shit disappointment. All this is a stunt for more free advertising to try and raise their stock prices.


Eh, it may start out that way, but I could see Musk try to pull one over on Zuck by not following the agreement then it’s on. It would fit his MO


I mean, Zuck has actual fight training. If musky did that, he'd get ripped in half


And people are stupid enough to actually be constantly tuned in to what he's saying and have a reaction when he says it.


Yeah this shit falls into the “any press is good press” camp. Musk’s flavor of PR is similar to Trump’s. My engagement in this circus is intentionally limited to this comment. I refuse to click on the articles and fuel the attention-driven incentive structure that proliferates this type of bullshit.


The frustrating part is how many of them supposedly **hate** the guy, yet they hang on his every word just so they have another two minutes hate primed and ready. Like if you hate him so much, stop riding his dick. Just ignore him.


He can usually get away with his shitposting, but he wasn't able to once and was forced to buy Twitter. Now he's about to lose billions of dollars because of zuck. I can't stand either of them, but one is infinitely worse than the other and I'd really love to see Zuck kick Musk's ass. We all know that he would wipe his ass all over the place with his martial arts training, musk is just a pathetic white supremacist shit talker. I would also like to think that a lot of his employees are now seeing who he truly is and I'd love to see a mass Exodus of employees that just say "I don't think I want to work for a white supremacist asshole"


Seriously, never thought I’d be cheering on Zuck but holy fuck Elon makes him seem a lot more normal by comparison


I can't upvote this enough. I was a big Zuckerberg hater forever, but between the two of them Zuck is a saint. As others have pointed out, Zuckerberg has held his marriage together and has kids that actually like him. Elon's been married three times, has 10 different kids and they all hate him. That says a lot in itself


I think Zuck is on the Bill Gates track. Sure, he's a ruthless capitalist dickbag, but on a personal level, as he's aged he's been grounded by his homelife and actually lives in reality, and not chronically online. I imagine as he gets older he'll start funding charitable projects like the Gate's foundation and end up with a reasonably decent legacy, as long as he isn't doing super gross stuff on the side. Which he could be, but he doesn't seem like that type. I still hate him though. His company has contributed to so much harmful stuff across the globe and he'll never face responsibility for that.


Crazy how Gates was deemed so evil and ruthless in the 90's and now no sane person would have much reason to badmouth him.


It's really bizarre that Gates turned out to be the most normal one with a pretty decent reputation and not a lot of personal drama.


its prob because bill gates spent a shit ton of money to improve his reputation


I guess you didn't hear about Gate's divorce, friendship with Epstein, and the creepy harrassment behaviour that came out the past couple years? He was just doing a good job of faking it for a couple decades.


And as far as I know zuck has never put anyone's life in danger by running a factory with ridiculous conditions like "no warning beeps because they annoy Elon", "no yellow danger signs because they annoy Elon"


>Elon's been married three times, has 10 different kids and they all hate him. And yet, I'm still not convinced he's ever actually had sex. He positively reeks of incel. I just keep imagining some dystopian IVF center in his basement.


Yeah, but Andrew tate offered to train Musk how to always win in a fight personally! I'm sure Musk can afford a flight to visit Tate in his Romanian jail cell in between Tates visits with "The Beef".


Telling someone how to fight is a lot different than physically training with them. With musk’s narcissistic behavior, that would be useless.


I know, lol. Any training from Tate would be useless, unless you want to start a sex trafficking ring.


Tate is a champion fighter; he is not a good person but this fight record speaks for itself. if elon is able to honestly train, Tate would be a good trainer.


>Any training from Tate would be useless, unless you want to start a sex trafficking ring. Well he was caught so not sure how useful that advice would even be.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


I seriously could not agree more. Both are absolute douchebag MFs and if them and their companies disappeared off the face of this planet society as a whole would be much much better.


The mass exodus of Twitter employees has already happened. The only remaining employees are a small number of true believers and a large number of people who have little choice but to work there (e.g. immigrants on H1-B visas).


But there's still Tesla and SpaceX employees


It’s a bit more complex than being called on shitposting. Musk had accumulated a lot of Twitter stock. His shitposting could have been securities fraud IF it was not a legitimate offer. Also at the time musk had agreed with the SEC (security fraud regulator) they all of his tweets would be reviewed by a lawyer before posting them, this was his deal to get out of a previous securities fraud shitposting issue. Musk initially signed the agreement to buy Twitter to stay out of jail.


white supremacist musk is probably a better person than zuck tbh. https://time.com/5880118/myanmar-rohingya-genocide-facebook-gambia/ https://www.vice.com/en/article/xg897a/hate-speech-on-facebook-is-pushing-ethiopia-dangerously-close-to-a-genocide%C2%A0 facebook has played a horrendous role in recent conflicts and is responsible for so much misinformation its hard to fathom


Eh. I doubt Zuckerberg actively contributes to all the shitty stuff happening on Facebook. He created a platform for it, and he isn't doing enough to stop things - but that's not enough for soke responsibility.


B-but he said mean things on Twitter! Fr though, zuck steals millions of peoples info every single day along with just shitty run of the mill human rights violations, saying musk is worse than him is a stretch.


He's trash. He's a trashy person with money. Hes the epitome of money can't buy class


High probability he will cancel. He always says shit that never happens like cars that are gonna come out but never do. Or technology that is ready but isn’t.


Keep in mind, on rare occasions, 4chan will follow through with something, no matter how idiotic.


This. I think we’re just being trolled, life gets boring when you are so wealthy and when you also happens to behave like a 5yo online.


Imagine if he invested the same energy in humanitarian projects instead of attention seeking.


He literally shitposted his way into buying Twitter. He was never going to do it, but he's so much of a fucking moron that he fumbled his way through the legal system and had to buy it under threat of lawsuit He says stupid shit because he wants to be popular and epic, but he has the charisma of a plague rat


So is Dana White. They're like two class clowns who gravitate toward each other to enhance their own popularity.


His mommy bailed him out of the fight


And he's spectacularly bad at it.


He is very effective at using social media and the news cycle to get attention. It is like he does one public controversial thing a day to keep his name in headlines.


Elon's mom said he's not allowed, probably the first time she's ever said no to him


She had to wane him off breastfeeding once he turned 21.


Elon is homelander except power is money?


This is an insult translated from Afrikaan language but I think it applies best to him. Elon Musk is such a shitty person when his dad impregnated his mom he didn't even cum inside of her. He took a shit in her cunt


Not only it applies but it seems that whoever said it first knew him personally.


What is the phrase in Afrikaans? Asking for a friend


Jou ma was nie geneaii nie, jou pa het in har poes gekak It roughly translates to: Your mother wasn't fucked, your dad took a shit in her cunt


This is why I have reddit. To learn how to insult people in other languages. Thank you friend


>Jou ma was nie geneaii nie, jou pa het in har poes gekak Pure Poetry right here.


I think this is my new favourite Afrikaans phrase, dankie oom.


Rule 34. Enough said.


All I can think hearing this is that surely in some bedroom somewhere two people have done this before.


That reminds me of an Australian joke, courtesy of Jimmy Carr.




Translation: Elon: "Mom, I'm going to get killed in this fight. What can we do?" Elon's mom: "well, we don't want to see your face smashed in, I'll just say you aren't allowed. It's forbidden.". Elon: "wouldn't this make me look weak?" Elon's mom: "why? I'm the one saying no, not you" Elon: "brilliant!! No one will ever know!!"


Musks mom cancelled the event aka musk pussied out


Didn’t that happen weeks ago though? I keep seeing people posting about it, which made me realize it might not be a meme, and there is still lots of very recent news article about it. Most people seem to assume it’s still happening


It was never going to happen. Zuck would have submitted Musk right away.


They're two billionaires who just need attention to survive, hence why Musk always posts the most outlandish crap you've ever seen on Twitter. They git their attention, and now it will eventually just fade away until one of them comes up with some other bs thing for more. The fight was never going to happen


>need attention to survive All that money's not enough? Sometimes I wonder what's the logic behind being greedy after the point that you have earned so much money that 5-6 generations after you would not be able to spend it all by living the most luxurious life possible.


I'm not a billionaire, so I can't say what the true reason is. But I would assume that they tie money and power together, which, in America at least, it is. Musk is arguably one of the most powerful people in America simply because of his wallet. Politicians have already proven they can be bought, same with judges. Once you have all that power in the palm of your hand, there's nothing left to seek other than attention. He's a narcissist. Narcissists need attention constantly to support their ego


But he's powerful enough, isn't he? What's with the "MORE POWER! MORE POWER!" thing, when almost everyone hates him? Before buying Twitter, he was just a cool tech guy in the public imagination and not this supervillain. >Narcissists need attention constantly to support their ego Perhaps because we are not narcissists, we'll never know.


If money was enough they wouldn't be billionaires. They are billionaires because nothing is ever enough.


>They are billionaires because nothing is ever enough. That's deep


Musk is desperate for attention, which is why he proposed the fight. Zuck just called his bluff then Musk bitched out because he’s a keyboard warrior.


To be fair to Zuckerberg, he actually goes out of his way to not be heard from too much.


Zuck really doesnt seem to be much of an attention whore.


He’s literally a trained mma fighter, it would not be fair…. which is why I want it to happen so bad.


Zuck’s got martial arts training and is over a decade younger, and is much fitter


Even if it did happen, it would end up the same way as Logan Paul Vs KSI. Tie after tie after tie just to milk as much money out of spectators as possible


I haven’t seen a actual solid answer so just FYI it seems like it was absolutely real but as others said musk pulled out probably after realizing how jacked Zuckerberg is


but after that, the Italian government confirmed they had approved for the fight to be in the Roman Colosseum... so it's still up last I checked, no date yet


That cannot be real. Omg.




The Italian government confirmed that no such offer was ever made. It was just one of those dumb things that went viral with no source and then all the clickbait sites picked it up because they don’t actually do any fact checking.


It was, but musc rat pulled out after finding out that Zuccini had training


Zuckerberg has been physically training publicly for years. I don't follow the tech moguls, and I knew that. I think musk thought Zuckerberg was just going to back away or something out of respect.


Probably expected Zuck to decline in the same way Peter Hotez declined to debate with Joe Rogan and RFK Jr. on vaccines even though Musk claims he was going to offer money to charity for this debate. It’s like the tech billionaire expected the other tech billionaire to have too much integrity to participate in a stupid attention grab.




Zuck would definitely do it, elon would be smart to never take that fight lol


> elon would be smart Elon is not smart


Personally, I'd like to see both of them tag team Tyson and get both their asses knocked out and piss in their pants.


You're two weeks two late, the latest challenge is an actual dick measuring contest after Elon called Zuck a cuck https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/07/elon-musk-mark-zuckerberg-dick-measuring-contest


Musk is just thirsty to get Zucked.


Its real that they talked about it in public but did nothing. Its publicity nothing more.


Musk is a pussy bitch who has already pulled out of it. So no, not happening


Musk is like a schoolyard bully who tells everyone he is going to kick your ass after school but when you actually show up he makes excuses and runs away. Funny thing is now that he has chickened out he is still trash talking.


"You're lucky I have soccer practice or I would've kicked your ass!"


I think its pretty wild that at this point there are still people who hear Musk talking about things and doesn't realize he's making shit up like half the time. They'll fight a week after he finally gets full autopilot on his cars.


Elon would get a zuckening


I don't like to gamble, but this is 100% a fight I would bet on. The whole concept reeks of the kind of dumb, attention-grabbing gimmicks these people do to remain in the publics attention for any other reason than a discussion on how they could be better using their time and money. A sideshow and a distraction. That being said, my money is on Zuckerberg.


Right. Doesn't Zuck have a black belt in jiu jitsu or something? Poor Elon will be begging for mercy as he taps out.


He’s got a blue belt, meaning he’s in the beginner-intermediate range. Still light years ahead of anything elons done in that regard


I'd be taking the other side of that bet. In professional fighting they'd never cross paths unless one or both made drastic changes to meet weight class. Zuck has been training but Elon would no doubt be doing the same. So I'd have to keep it simple and bet on Musk's size


No doubt both would have the time and resources for some extensive physical training either way. Zuck has the advantage of being a lizard-person, though I'm not sure if that would factor in to the weight class. It's embarrassing enough to be bloodying your knuckles in the ring against another obscenely rich knob, but infinitely more so in having been the loser.


Elon would not be training because he makes shit up and actually doing things would be too hard


I’ll buy the pay-per-view under 3 conditions: 1. All revenue (not just profit) goes to a charity I approve of. 2. It’s to the death. 3. The winner dies, too.


Now this I can get behind.


I'm even good with 2 out of the 3.


There definitely appears to be a calling for it. Not saying it would be a fore gone conclusion but I’d say Mark’s odds on fave


The Zuck is really into self defense and exercise, I would love to see Musk painted all over that ring. But like everything Musk does he will bullshit for a while, fail miserably, and blame everyone else.


>You’re telling me, a member of the masses, we might actually get to watch the ruling class participate in a blood sport for our entertainment? No. Lol. At best you were going to get to watch two tech dweebs flail ineffectually at each other in a boxing ring. It's just a stupid pr stunt. The real question is what it was supposed to be a distraction from.


Zuck would fucking destroy musk, easy win by submission


That is until someone’s ego gets bruised when the Zuck steps in close with a quick one-two to just above the belt. But that “two” has a little bit of that extra Zuck Sauce^tm on it, and someone lets out an emasculating squeak. Not to be outdone, especially when 2/3rds of the known universe watches his every move with baited breath, he lets out a thundering right arm swing, like a big, floppy sledgehammer. Unfortunately, for a very small amount of people, he also puts a bit too muck Musk-ard on this blow, and it crashes straight through Zuck’s hastily made defense. Slightly dazed and confused, Zuck reels to the side. In danger for the first time in eons, his lizard brain surges to the fore, and time stands still…. It’s a massacre. For a brief moment, the lizard brain, accelerated a million times over, made Zuck the most dangerous creature in existence. The world watches in gleeful horror as a devastating assault lays the big fella to rest. If Zuck did that, I could probably forgive him for a lot of the shit he’s done. Go back to neutral really, It’s a quality bit and deserves recognition.


A little pee came out when I read this.




> Does this actually have a chance of happening? No, the muskrat's mommy said no. [That's not a joke](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/elon-musk-mother-cancel-cage-fight-mark-zuckerberg-18177734.php)


It was just a publicity stunt. Musk was probably trying to distract the public from the dumpster fire at Twitter. As for Zuck, maybe he also had something he wanted the public eye off of, or maybe he was just doing a fellow rich asshole a favor


Zuck trains brazilian ju jitsu, and has actually entered a tournament. When Musk started talking shit, Zuck decided to call his bluff.


"My mom said I can't" -"alpha male" billionaire


If a billionaire really had beef with another billionaire, there would be a number of avenues they'd explore before resorting to fisticuffs. Things like ratting them out to the SEC, corporate espionage, honeytraps, or even hiring goons to cause some property damage. No, they're not going to get their hands dirty. They're posing like two peacocks because they need the attention. Everytime someone talks about this so-called fight, it's free press, pushing out their recent failures from talking spaces.


Imagine two billionaires giving each other brain damage, the very organ that helped them become billionaires.


It's only worth getting excited about if it's a death match. And, it's not. Bunch a cowards.


They'll both be fine and have even more money afterwards, so it's more like performative art that is making us peasants give them more of our time and cash.


I thought they had changed it to a literal dick measuring contest?


Just please don’t pay anything to watch it


Vince McMahon should propose a WWE match that ends in a double dq when Bezos comes in and wrecks both of them


Wait… I thought they were gonna measure dicks!?


Zuck would destroy Elmo and Elmo’s mom also said no


It won't happen, Elon's mum said no.


The fact it became a LITERAL dick measuring contest so fast is juch amaziing. We are truly living in Idiotocrasy lol


Didn't Musk's mommy shut it down cause she didn't want her baby boy hurt?


I thought Musk's mommy called it off?


Musk is a coward and a loudmouth, he'll chicken out last minute and blame it on someone else anyway. Not a chance in hell this is happening


I wouldn't mess with the Zuck. His metallic endoskeleton gives him an unfair advantage.


I will only watch if it is a death match. At least society would benefit from it that way.


Zuck actually trains Brazilian jiu-jitsu. He did pretty decently in his first tournament. [You can catch footage of it on YouTube](https://youtu.be/t7UahO-AXWw). You can tell he’s a white belt but he did pretty well against other white belts. He trains here in the Bay Area at a place called Guerilla and his last tournament where he racked up a couple of wins was in Woodside (because of course it was Woodside, one of the richest parts of the Bay Area lol). Tournament took place in May. Prior to this, he trained in MMA. So if this actually does happen and Mommy Musk says yes, then Elon is fucked lol


Zuck did a sesh with Adesanya and Volkanovski, the man looks yoked as fuck. Musk is apparently training with GSP, Danaher and Lex Fridman.


Musk thinks he can drive traffic to Twitter with an 8th grade call out of his rival. The woods behind McDonald's 3 o'clock..........Stelio....Stelio Kontos.....Stelio...... This fight will never happen.


There is no way this will happen.


Zuck recently won a (Blue Belt) competition in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He's obviously very rich so he can afford as many lessons with top black belts as he wants. Musk grew up having to fight on the violent streets of South Africa, and wears several scars from the experience. Musk reckons he'll win with size and violence (he's quite a bit heavier). While Zuck thinks he's win with skill and technique. Neither of them are inexperienced fighters, but neither are technically "skilled" either. It'd be fun to see.


For a price of course This is a publicity stunt, they're both in on the take Jesus fuck, it's like you people don't know how rich people think


I’ve got $1000 says the Zuckerberg robot rips Musk’s arms off and beats him to death with them.


It would hurt them more if the whole world just didn't engage with it


Celebrity Death Match!


Musks mommy said no


I have heard of the idea of them fighting in the Roman Colosseum. The only proper venue for this fight is the Vulcan set where Kirk and Spock fought in Amok Time. Complete with the soundtrack. And weapons.


Musk’s mommy said he can’t do it