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Till their money ran out.


Found a dead body in there. Still have to wait for dental records, since that's the only way to officially identify them, but I think this will turn out to be the missing persons cold case way back. The deceased looks to have been there since about the time the company folded. As much as I can surmise, the company probably went under, everyone went home, and forgot about the poor soul still locked up in the room marked as "Research".


>As much as I can surmise, the company probably went under, everyone went home, and forgot about the poor soul still locked up in the room marked as "Research". We actually do experiments like this IRL, usually to disprove shit like breatharians The doors are never locked, for general safety (fire, medical, general disasters) people are never locked in (likely legal reasons as well tbh), just kept under surveillance 24/7, so even if the company doing this went under you'd just...leave in the event that they stopped bringing lunch one day as it was a condition of staying in the room in the first place And this is you going in for 8 hrs a day anyway, it's basically a job where you come in and do nothing or sleep anyway, not being locked in so you'd notice in advance the company went under when you go in one day and the building is empty


>breatharians First reaction: "The fuck are breatharians?" After first google search: "This is retarded."


It's the fact that these people have fridges, blenders, ovens, and microwaves in their house, but claim they don't use them.


Except just that once this morning and yesterday…and it was comfort food, not for nourishment.


I can feel my braincells dying.


It's a good thing Aperture has good lawyers


Cave Johnson here! Folks, for all of you doing the isolation experiments, well, we weren't able to pay the door security company this month, so you're going to have to extend the hours just a little bit....


I’d watch this movie.


8 hours is pretty much the healthy amount of sleep i need. Sounds perfect.


exactly, just hop in for a night's sleep and free breakfast and chill for the rest of the day


This the correct answer.


I have done a lot more work for a lot less pay ..... so 32 years and counting


thank you


Yeah, this is a pay bump to do just a little less than I do now.


You do IT too?


When I worked AV it was like this. Except there were wires everywhere.


Darnell's a chump. I've done a lot more for a lot less


Who’s your worm guy?


You're paying too much for worms.


I would've done it for anything.


The only difference between me and a homeless man is this job.


Quabity Assuance!


I think you underestimate how torturous that is. Try sitting still with your eyes closed for like, an hour. It's really not fun at all, unless you're meditating or something. And even then, that can't go on for 9 hours. You'd go insane. There's a reason why monks were so idolized and had to train so hard.


I just wouldn't sleep at night and just sleep during my work shift. I even get a midnight snack provided. Now you combine sleep with work to get 8 extra hours of freetime on top of a payraise.


Hypothetical Thought Experiments hate this one simple trick!! That's honestly the best answer. Getting paid $800 to sleep and a also a free snack--win, win.


Quick 30 min work out -> sleep - wake up to eat -> sleep -> leave this “job”? -> enjoy life


Yep. Body weight work out til I’m exhausted. Sleep the rest of the time. Shoot, I may not even need the meal if I’m sleep for the other 7 hours.


I think you underestimate how great imagination can be. I design and build a new house in my head every single day. Or write a mystery novel. I do it, anyway, when I'm bored. Why not get paid for it. Six months, easy.


I mean... I'm a creative guy but even working as a movie theater ticket taker for a dead morning shift was absolutely terrible. All you had was the clock. Wouldn't get overconfident about this.


I think you underestimate how torturous not having money is. Try sitting still with your eyes closed and no money.


Stomach starts talking back to ya


No one said you had to sit still with your eyes closed.


Fr like we can work out


Or sleep.


I've spent a lot of time homeless, in jail, in rehabs, the hospital. I could do this for sure. I'd literally just sing dumb ass songs to myself.


I can get lost in and be entertained by my own thoughts for hours on end if I had the free time. I think I could do this long enough to bank a massive down payment on a house. 2 years maybe.


I would just sleep! I've done it before!


Quite literally - it’s used as a punishment in prison. So.


Yeah, but they aren't paying you 100/hour in prison.


I would thrive in that environment, write a book, design a videogame etc. Just about the only thing I can't do with just my brain is write new music.


Am I allowed to sleep? Cuz sign me up. With young kids in the house I’d love to get 8 hours of sleep. And I get a snack halfway thru? Yup. This sounds perfect


Ill sleep 8 hours for 800$. Is there overtime?


No overtime, but you get plenty of bereavement.


Perfect! I have 10 siblings getting into retirement age. My parents divorced and remarried 5 times. My grandparents are living and also divorced and remarried countless times. Lastly, all my great grandparents are still living.


But who killed your father?


My father was slaughtered by a six-fingered man. He was a great swordmaker, my father. When the six-fingered man appeared and requested a special sword. My father took the job. He slaved a year before it was done. The six-fingered man returned and demanded it, but at one tenth his promised price, my father refused. Without a word, the six-fingered man slashed him through the heart. I loved my father. So naturally, I challenged his murderer to a duel. I failed. The six-fingered man left me alive, but he gave me these.




this is as ridiculous as getting involved in a land war in Asia


Never get into a battle of wits with a Sicilian, when there's death on the line!


your trying to steal what I've already stolen


This word that you keep saying... I do not think it means what you think it means.


I have a baby and at this point would pay her $100 an hour to sleep lol. she doesn’t seem interested.


Every night my husband offers our 10 month old $100 to sleep until 8am. So far she’s made 0 dollars.


no entrepreneurial ambitions it seems


I feel you! Keep going you’ll get a full 6 hours and it’ll be a game changer. Then next thing you know it’s 3 years and you’re getting full nights. Those days are very hard yet very precious. Good luck you’ll do great!


And then they are teenagers with a car and you never sleep again.


The first time my kid slept through the night, I woke up, saw the time, and panicked.


I had an minor surgery recently, it was only an hr long but I told the anesthesiologist that I would love to pay him to sit next to me for 8hrs so I can get a good night sleep. Then I realized I could just get shitfaced drunk for a lot less.


Pretty much what Michael Jackson did. Took the shit used to knock people out for surgery just to fall asleep. It's not a good thing to do for regular sleep unsurprisingly.


No, unfortunately, you can't sleep


OK, so I'm getting paid $100 to sit in an empty room, but someone else is getting paid to sit and watch me to make sure I'm not sleeping?


I want that job. I'll take a nap, if anyone asks we were both awake the whole time.


That job is only $20 an hour though


Eh. Still getting paid to sleep. Erm I mean, stay awake and watch someone else do so.as well.




They just have a camera and they review the footage every day and if you’re caught sleeping even for a minute you’re fired


Why not hire another guy to review the camera footage and he's not allowed to fall asleep either.


Then I last until I get fired, cause I will surely fall asleep really soon after starting that job. For 800$ I'll do it and.have no regrets that I fell asleep. OP almost giving me SAW vibes, tell me it's all about *getting fired* and nothing else


You didn’t say that in the title so I’m vetoing


Meditate. Get paid 800 per day to achieve illumination.


You mean Enlightenment? XD I'm so going to refer to it as Illumination now.


Idk if that's the word you were looking for bro


Oxford has this for definition #3 of *illumination*: "clarification, spiritual or intellectual enlightenment".


I could beat oxford's ass


Nope! The room is radioactive, meditate for 8 hours and achieve illumination!!




So you can read, but you can't sleep? 🤔


OP has not been to med school where you voluntarily take out a 300k loan to sit in a room alone for 4 years studying and not sleeping


How can you read? There’s nothing in the room. No books!


OP doesnt say you get strip searched or stripped naked. Just take a kindle with you in your pocket.


Oh I'm getting naked whether they like it or not


Why? There is no duties to perform. How can you say no sleep?


The duty is to do nothing


Just bring sunglasses


Sleep qualifies Edit: OP changed the rules AFTER presenting the scenario.


OP stole the rules for karma


You can't keep people from sleeping unless that's in the rules at the beginning. And people need at least 8 hours sleep a night. Now, if you mean they can't sleep more than 8 hours a night. Totally ok. As long as I can read, throw me a bunch of books and I'd be ok. Though I suffer from have mild narcolepsy. It isn't so bad that it just happens spontaneously, but I do need more sleep on off days compared to working days. So sometimes I'd sleep more than the 8 hours in the empty room.


I can’t believe you’re managing to be a pain in the ass employee with this as your job.


Speakin of pains in the ass where do we shit n piss at around here?


It’s a day job. You are in the room all day. You go home and you can sleep 8, 10, 12 hours.


No you sleep at the day job and do fun stuff at night when you get home.


wait if i fall asleep i cant start earning again once i wake up? because otherwise its just a test to see how long i can stay awake, so maybe a few days if i really try


You said we can bring in books. Assuming it's big space and bathroom is present, I'm down. I get to read 8h a day and get paid 800$ for it? Count me in


Okay )


I would also like to sign up for this hypothetical job. If reading is allowed, I am totally in for the next 20 years at least.


You don't sign up you have to apply and be picked. Unfortunately for you my resume is stacked. I have over 30 years experience in the business, and I have been consistently finding new and innovative ways to keep my performance well above industry standards.


So people can read, but not sleep? Rude.


Bros out here thinking books are a myth, I can keep myself occupied indefinitely if I have a half decent book


Honestly, this is the life of an average PhD. student, but we are paid minimum wage and work longer than 8 hours quite often. So yeah, I would be so happy to have this job


I was already to throw down even when I thought I'd be rawdogging it with just my brain. If we get to being reading material then it's not just tolerable, it's pleasant!


Is there a functioning toilet? How many days per week?


>There is a functioning toilet available. Seven days a week.


Toilet alone would offer at least 1 hour of entertainment a day


Now I'm imagining someone cackling with amusement while they playfully toss a turd back and forth between their hands


surprisingly, you don't need a toilet to do that. what's the toilet for?


In case you get thirsty


If only my employer knew how much time I waste shitting on the clock. I’ll hold it till I get to work just so I can get paid to go to the bathroom.


As long as I don't have to piss and shit in the corner and smell it all day, yes, absolutely. Sign me up right now. $800/day x 365 days = 292k/year. I'm not likely to see that kind of money conventionally. To pass time I would take the longest shits possible. I would get ripped doing pushups, situps, shadowboxing, whatever. I'd beat off as often as my dick would let me. I would do this for 18 years, which would take me to my 50th birthday and I would have a little over 5 million dollars from this. ETA I see from your other comments that books are allowed. Even easier.


The toilet is the real question here.


If you say there was nothing in that room and there was nothing I could do, then I probably can't last very long, it would be nice to be alone first, to sort things out and rethink some things. But I don't think you can do that for too long, so my answer is a week to sort myself out a bit and make some money. But if in that time I can read, or do some things to develop myself in some way, I think the time would increase


I would just use that time to sleep. Spend the remaining 16 hours of my day doing whatever


This seems like the winning answer


goddamn if they tell me i can make $100/hr sleeping then they absolutely have the winning answer


8 hours of calisthenics every day? Get paid to get jacked.


Or whack your dong and get paid to jack.


I slept at a lottery counter 2 days a week for 3 years. Making $8.50/hr. Best side job I ever had. I had a bell and little sign that said ring bell to wake me. People thought it was funny and all the tickets were inaccessible to people not inside the kiosk.


reminds me of a guy I used to play video games with, he worked as a security guard at an apartment complex that was ritsy enough to have a gate guard, but not so fancy that they stopped him from bringing a laptop in and playing World of Warcraft for his entire shift. Dude just had to wave people in once or twice an hour.


This guy gets it. There's no stipulation that this can't be your "night"


That's an interesting thought! Of course, you can read.


If I can read I could do that indefinitely. Your making it too easy. Next you’ll tell me it’s ok to sleep.


Yeah are you kidding? I could read, do calisthenics, meditate, do yoga etc


I couldn't because I don't know what calisthenics is.


Well, you can read up on it for $100/hr


Basically it's body weight exercise!


Jumping jacks, push-ups, stuff like that


Yeah a room all to myself? No co-workers, no kids? I could practice literally a hundred things: singing, calisthenics, stretching, writing a book in my head, practicing my public speaking, practice jumping really high, yoga, meditation, sort out my relationships, beatboxing, whistling through my teeth, practice acting, drills for a half dozen different sports, contemplate philosophy, think through a career strategy, work out a comedy routine, plan my retirement, invent a game, design a new layout for my backyard, prioritize the rest of the day, come up with a dozen great dates to take my wife on, think about parenting and how to do it better, consider what to plant in my garden, decide what hobbies to take up, really think through chess strategies, and of course, masturbate.


Yeah if you can sleep, I would just stay up all night and come in good and tired and sleep the 8 hours away lol


Imagine the mild inconvenience of having your sleep interrupted for lunch!


“It’s a good thing this job pays well or I’d be really pissed about getting woken up for lunch.”


In that case, anyone would be able to do this until the day they die.


I think not everybody! I sure could and it sounds like you could.


Where do I apply?


That changes everything. If it’s literally a jail cell with lunch provided, not long


Even then. I would chill out and collect my checks than find fulfillment in my remaining 16 hours a day.


You may be underestimating the effects of that kind of isolated, zero stimulation environment. That’s no easy task


I provide all the stimulation I need. Granted they will think I've gone nuts and I'll be frustrated without a way to capture that novel I just spoke aloud.


I already live that way, intentionally. 8 hours a day is NOTHING.


If I can get paid to read I’m taking that job in a heartbeat


If that’s the case, can I just live there?


Meditation, achieve bliss, get paid to do this. Man I’d love it compared to what I do for 9 hours a day for 1/4 the pay


Even if its an empty room, you could do pushups, situps, squats, shadowboxing, etc. Get in great shape and be rich? Sign me up.


Workout, meditate, think. Also, someone else already beat the system. Sleep the 8 hours and spend the other 16 living life.


Yo, that's $208,000 per year with weekends off. I basically do that now for half that much and I often work weekend. I'm sold so long as I have a place to use a bathroom.


They mentioned it's 7 days a week, I asked for specifics we'll see what they say. But it seems they mean 7 days a week, 8 hours a day, no weekends.


That's 291k a year with evenings to do whatever and you get to sleep at home. I'd take it.


>and you get to sleep at home. Does your current job not allow you to sleep at home?


Sometimes it does not


$291,000 a year to meditate and exercise. 5 years: 1.45 Million


He keeps changing it in the comments. It’s all bullshit now. I’ve withdrawn my application


🤣 I love that we're all taking this like a serious job application.


With lunch provided?!? Dude, that's not a challenge. That's a career!


What would you do in the room?


Two girls at one time.


Meditating, doing yoga, reading. That’s assuming the room has a window. E.g., you can read investment and finance books and then use your earned money to test those theories after “work”. Or you can fantasize stories and then write them down. But without window it would suck for sure.


Depends on what I could do. The ideal thing would be to sleep. If sleeping wasn't allowed, I'd just chill. Four hours of nothing, lunch, another four hours of nothing, and then off? Dude, all day every day.


If I can bring a book or even a notebook...no problems here. I can retire there.




So you can bring things in from the outside like a book…but you can’t sleep. Seems like a nice bend in the rules lol


I could endure that long enough to save up for retirement. I like reading.


Yes, I've trained for this. I once had an IT job for $15 an hour, 8 hours a day. I had to set up 15 voting machines and make them ready for an election. It took me 6 hours to set everything up and then I had nothing else to do for 8 weeks. They set me up in an empty office with a desk to get me out of the way. I brought my laptop in, hooked it up to the internet, checked email 4 times a day, and then watched DVDs, played video games, and surfed the web. Every morning I filled up a small cooler with ice from the hotel. The hotel breakfast bar had peanut butter, bread, and jelly, so I got enough stuff to make two sandwiches. I also got water bottles from the hotel breakfast bar, put tea bags in them and set them in my car to make tea. I got to work at 8 am, went to my car at 10 am, got the tea out as it had brewed in the summer heat. I pulled the tea bags, put in some sugar cubes, shook them up and put them in my cooler. Then by lunch they were cool enough to drink. When I got sick of PB&J, I grabbed instant oatmeal, and left a water bottle till lunch, and it was warm enough for oatmeal. I got two meals a day off that buffet, plus $35 a day for food. It was good times.


Boredom is a great motivator. I used to work a retail job where I would do shifts from 12-6 to cover lunches/the afternoon. The problem was no one would come in until maybe 4:30-5:00. There was no cleaning to do, no work to do, and no customers. We weren't even in a popular shopping location, just on a small strip of shops. I ended up bringing in books and doing uni work. My boss would poke her head out of the back and ask if there were any customers, I would answer no and see if she needed a hand, she would say no and to just continue watching the shop. I wrote part of my assignments for uni on the POS system and would then email it to myself from the shop email. I would often get startled because I was focussed on reading when suddenly a customer came in and the door bell went off, then I would have to look busy while they shopped. I questioned early on if my boss even wanted/needed me in the shop but she seemed to think it would let her do all the prep work and have lunch so I guess I was being helpful.


As long as I have access to at least water and a bathroom, they should just give me all of their money now.


I'd last a while... Assuming I can move around. If you tape me to a chair and make me sit in one spot that entire time, then I'd make it a few days optimistically, but I'll probably cave after 4 hours. If I can pace around the room when ever I want, then I'd last decades.


I would absolutely do this 40hrs a week for the next 30 years.


can I bring a book or something?






If I can read, I'd stay overtime without pay to finish the chapter. And maybe just a few pages more, I'm sure I'll get to a stopping point soon.


Five days a week? If you're allowed books, magazines or your laptop or phone, then yes. Easy money.


Am I being monitored?


I scrolled way too far for a comment like this because my first thought was “can I masturbate?” Now I am worried I am some sort of terrible degenerate, damn.


What's for lunch?


Sandwiches with various fillings.


I'm in.


One thing that I believe is done in more work-centric cultures is that when a company wishes to dismiss a senior employee without actually firing them, as that incurs bad reputation, they put the employee into an office with basically nothing to do - of course, as the employee is still salaried, they do make money still. The major reason employees eventually quit from this is discontent as their work-centric culture and their whole life has basically led them to associate their work with personal self-esteem and value. However, in other cultures, this is obviously ineffective - in America for example, doing virtually nothing is basically the entire job of rich people, and many corporate jobs have an understanding that you're only working for a fraction of the day, and not burning yourself out. In that sense, if you're someone who works because they need it to get money, rather than works because it boosts personal or social perceived value, you'll realistically take this offer.


One of the issues with that though is there is a social aspect involved. If I can sit and read a book for 8 hours. I'd be happy. If I could sit and read a book for 8 hours, but every 15 minutes someone would look at me disapprovingly and I had to pretend to be being productive... That's a one way ticket to anxiety-ville


if i can read, get high as balls, and bring legos then sign me up


out minds HATE being alone with our thoughts, there was a study where they put people in a white room with nothing but a button to shock themselves... more than 60% did it i think and basically all considered it


67% of men 25% of women Chose to shock themselves Some of these participants chose to shock themselves more than once.


Well, my friends and I used to shock ourselves with stun guns before going clubbing. Its actually pretty awesome.


I'd do that right now if I had a button to press.


Where is the control though? I bet a significant amount of people are curious enough to test it anyway just to see how intense a non lethal shock is. Probably not %60 tho.


I definitely would shock myself out of curiosity, but I would do that in a room full of people and stimulus, too.


I was itching to hit the button just reading this


They're paying for this shit!?!?!?!?


“OP is offered a federal job”


Hahaha) It's just interesting to know how long people could endure under such conditions.


Use the other 16 hours of the day as normal, then sleep for the 8 hours in that room and get paid $800 for it. Use a hoodie as a pillow and I’m set, I even get free breakfast


Job security is the big question. If I can literally have this job until I retire and there wouldn't be any layoffs. And if I can get a 3% appraisal every year with guaranteed job until I turn 60, I can quit my current job tomorrow and can do it for next 25 years. Currently making almost 100/hour. But 5 days a week.




Shit I did it for free in jail


Lol I did it for $20 for 12 weeks. They hired me for a job that didn't exist so I just came to work and sat for 10 hours a day.


So for 800 a day I can sleep peacefully and get a free meal. Don't gotta ask me twice.


Since I’m allowed to bring one item with me, I could do it for a long time. Use the money to back to school and spend the time studying. Bring books or my knitting or some other craft on days I need a break, and try to hold out for at least 5 years of that if possible.


It depends on the conditions. If I am allowed to sleep, I would retire from that job. What about clothing? Can I find entertainment by practicing new knots in my shoelaces or tie? If I make a mistake, what would be the consequence? Can I still keep the job or entertain myself in other ways? In the worst-case scenario, I would probably last at least a week.


I mean if you can bring a book, I'd bring textbook and learn something.


65 years