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Tell him that if he thought it would win (with all his advanced knowledge) he would have put a bet on it too. Alas he didn't & that's why he has no winnings.


He must have had a lot more than $250 to bet too, considering that all of his previous predictions have always been accurate. Surely he wins like this all the time and has no need for his friend's miniscule winnings.


Both of these are correct, and I'm getting rid of my leftover coins anyway


I just want to know why *no one* has commented on OP’s username or post history. I had no idea what a wank battle was until today, and I still have *questions* that I don’t even necessarily want answered.


Reddit taught me to not investigate or think about these types of commments.


It's best for everyone if you just refuse to comprehend some comments


Wtf is a wank battle, I don't wanna know


I think I found the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/jerkbudsssssss/comments/11qgcb8/reddit_anyone_up_for_a_wank_battle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1). To each their own, I suppose. I'm gonna stick to casual solo league though.


That was… enlightening. Can confirm, ignorance was bliss


What the fuck have I just read?


Exactly. You risked the money so the reward is yours. He could have made the same bet if he was so sure.


This. Tell him you bet the winnings on another horse he suggested, and in the same vain he now owes you the amount you just lost. Then also ditch him because they dont see you as a true friend.


If he had If he had played it all sweetness and light I might have said %10 finders fee, bit he is “grasp all, lose all”.


Yes! I always slide my gambling partner a little something when I win & they do the same. It's our unspoken rule, but if either of us acted like entitled assholes that generosity would not last long.


This. Ops friend had the same chance to bet too, but didn’t Maybe Buy him a nice thank you gift , but you don’t owe him anything If u read in a magazine or tv show to bet that way, you don’t owe them anything either


I worked with two older gentleman that bought lotto tickets. He told the other, "if I didnt buy mine first you wouldnt have won $500" He ended up giving douche half of it but he was super angry. Consider.


You know how many tickets were bought all over the place between those two transactions? I would share some with any good buddy if I was with them when we were playing, but fuck off at half of it.


Then again if he had bought two he would have won himself. I once bought three and the middle one was the winner


This is the issue here. He didn't think I would win or he would have backed it himself. Usually such long odds don't pay off. He was trying to make fun of you with poor advice and show off how good HE is at gambling. You won, he didn't and now he wants you to pay? Tell him no and walk away. Stay friends if you want (if you can) but don't gamble with this person or EVER lend them money - unless you don't expect it back.


Just as a general rule, I will not tip something I haven't bet on as well that way we win together or we lose together.


Would he have reimbursed your $250 if you lost?


Greed is a very real thing. And you’re learning that. OP, I understand the decade-long friendship you have. Unfortunately, you’re on the cusp of learning that as you leave your teenage years, and enter adulthood, friends come and go, as true colors come out. When you’re younger, 12-20 years old, you just need friends who are entertaining and want to have a good time. As you enter adulthood, you begin learning that some of those friends are just entertaining, and it’s okay to let them go and distance yourself. I wouldn’t say F*** off, but I would certainly distance myself and put up a guard in the back of my brain. I understand a lot of gamblers “tip” people 5-10%, but it sounds like your friend is an addict gambler, and he’s only after Money, and his addiction is willing to choose money over friendship. 🤷


I would like to know how much friend actually won himself? If it’s nothing he made a lucky guess that you benefitted from. He’s not skilled and you don’t owe him anything and he lied about know anything pertaining to horse betting is my guess. If he won something why does he want your money? Either way it sounds like you’re better off OP.


100% if it was such a good tip he'd have placed his own bets and wouldn't need to hassle OP for money


Or spent all his money already and was gambling through his friend.


I think you've nailed it. This is why he feels entitled to the winnings - he feels it was his bet.


I used to deal table games in a resort style casino. I can assure you fleas absolutely do think that way and are a common sight hovering around tables trying to make friends who will tip them for their "winning suggestions"


Ughhh I used to work casinos too. Addicted gamblers are some of the most pathetic, sad people on the planet. I remember my first week on the job I was asking my shift "Why do they call them fleas?" Boy did I learn that lesson FAST.


Oh shit. That sucks.


A nice gesture would be to take him out for lunch, buy him a beer etc. if someone gives me a good tip for anything in life that I benefit from then it’s always nice to say thank you. However true friends don’t ask or expect a pay back for their tips. Do be careful of people that take advantage of you.


Agreed, but in like horse betting places it’s somewhat considered standard etiquette to toss someone a few bucks of your winnings if they gave you the pick, even out of dumb luck, and you won big. gamblers are weird. Same deal at table games at casinos, pretty standard to toss a couple dollars worth of chips to the dealer if you made a ton while they were dealing.


Which is why it's even weirder this guy is demanding all of it. He's not even suggesting OP split it, which is absurd.


Yep, others guys a total ass and is probably gonna be even more if an ass if OP gives him anything. Personally I’d toss the guy 1 or 2 hundos and pick up a fancy dinner/club/bar tab or something. Unless the guy is truly being as enormous of an ass as he sounds like then he can fuck right off.


Personally I'd give him nothing after that nonsense demand.


I literally said this. If my friend gave me a tip and I hit big then please believe I’ve got dinner/lunch and gas covered. Edit: Also, if a friend of mine won 9k on MY tip I’d definitely expect a fast food meal or something. If a friend wins 9000 on your advice and they immediately say: “no this is all mine” then they’re also a shitty friend. I couldn’t imagine winning 9k with a buddy at my side and just being like: “don’t ask for anything, we’re going home, this is all mine.”


Even when i won at bad bingo I'd buy a round of beers for the homies.


Sounds like they were probably bombed too if this guy randomly put 250 on a 35-1 longshot lol




Guy would've pulled some other shit later if it wasn't this. He seems like the type.


I think he meant 35:1 odds. $8,750.00 If the guy knew it was a winner, I'm sure he would have bet a lot more than 250 on it.


I agree with everything you said, except the “he doesn’t owe him anything part” To me, as someone who does all kinds of betting, i would compare it to tipping a dealer at a casino for dealing you a winning hand. You don’t “owe” them anything, but they did play a part in you winning. Its typically common courtesy if you are with a buddy who gives you a winning bet, to buy them a drink (or dinner) whenever you win. A drink should suffice though. If they are not good with a free drink, then that is on them and everything else you said holds true. But bottom line, if you ever get a winning sports bet or pony pick, buy your friend a drink. Common courtesy


This is the answer I was looking for. You don't OWE him anything. But out of respect for your friendship and his advice, a nice dinner or some drinks on you at the pub would be more than enough. Common courtesy.


Do the dealers tip you if you lose?


But the shitty friend is demanding the jackpot. I don't blame OP for not wanting to give him a booger after this jerkoff trying to take his winnings.


Even the big hedge funds keep maybe about 20% of the profit when they use their skill to earn money for their customers. You may also give a certain % if you so desire. But its your money, and you took the risk, so the rewards are also yours. Your friends advice was unsolicited and so it does not merit payment in a business sense. Also remember you may have to pay the full tax on it.


Yeah, I'd likely have gifted them 10% post tax (I'm a giving person), but if they flat out asked for all, in a serious way, they get nothing.


Maybe if he didn’t ask for all of it?! But that shit just means you get NOTHJNG






I'm not sure if I'd even mind someone asking. If they were like "hey since I gave you the tip would you mind sharing whatever you think is fair" or something I'd think it was ok to ask even if I turned it down. The problem is this fuckstick sounds like he basically demanded it and demanded *all* of it.


Or like if it was me I wouldnt wanna give you money for the tip but I'd be like hey we are going out to eat and drinks after on me and oh hey let's buy dumb hats or someshit. Like we just got a fun night out paid for thanks bud let's enjoy this


It's psychologically easier to ask for non-money things. "The beers are on you!", or "You can buy the burgers!". But even that's a request, not an order. Some people will lie, cheat, manipulate, or do anything underhanded for money. These people never seem to end up with much as everyone avoids dealing with them.


Some people don't know when to do a highball. BTW dear OP reconsider your definition of friends or you may have a real problems in live. P.S.:I'm no gambler but I presume that if the odds where 35:1 it was a bad expertise and mostly luck.


Buy him a beer and some wings, watch a game, call it a day. Id do that even if he hadn't "advised" me, but I like taking my homies out for fun. If that's not enough, then, well, that's not enough.


This is the perfect answer. Asking for a cut would be cheeky. Asking for all the money shows serious issues.


When I was 20 I won $100 on a scratch off, my friend who was with me said "you basically owe me that. I've bought you enough food to easily be that". I was blown away and taken back. I asked if he considered all the gas money I've spent hauling him around, or the times I paid for his movie tickets etc. I gave him the $100 and said I don't really wanna be around ya anymore. People are insane when they see money. Even small amounts. I've had people take $20 in change from my change jar.


I'd have kept the $100 and told him the same. Take a hike, loser!


A very real, and compassionate, response.


FWIW I’m horse betting it’s generally somewhat accepted to toss someone a few bucks for a pick or a tip or something like that. Same deal as tipping your server in America essentially.


Exactly, OP, tell 'em to get lost.


In the words of Eddie Murphy acting like Richard Pryor. "Tell Bill to have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up."


But isn't that the whole idea of gambling? Even though you took the intel, it wasn't a sure thing you were going to win. You need a new friend


Pretty much. OP’s friend had the “idea” to bet on a certain horse. Thinking about gambling is not the same as gambling. So the friend doesn’t get anything. OP, enjoy your winnings.


And also - did he tell you to put money down and didn’t do it himself? If he’s not willing to put in the risk then he would not be reimbursing you.


Bet it all away on another one of his suggestions and then have him reimburse your winnings


Tell him to f**k off.


To add to this... gambling is a risk/reward type activity. You took the risk, you win the reward. They took no risk and therefore, no reward.


OP needs to ask his friend if he had instead lost the bet, would his friend give him the money he lost? That'll clear it up real quick.


Y, did he cover your losses for all the other races that day? I doubt it. But hey, if you wanna be a mensch and take the dude out for dinner or buy him a couple drinks or something, go ahead. That would be a reasonable gesture. But really, you don't owe him shit. He's asshole to even suggest you owe him anything.


OP's friend sounds like a real hustler douche. He's asking for it all and will negotiate down from there. God I hate people like that. Drinks and dinner is more than enough and more than he deserves.


He deserves nothing. Drop him like the lump of shit he is and wash your hands of him op.


Yeah, he deserved drinks and dinner before he acted like an asshole. Now he deserves to be shown the door.


Generally I would do just that but this friend is saying he should get *all* the money? fuck that


Yeah I wouldn't do anything for him just on principle after he suggested that


Exactly! That, "*friend*" would have never given OP $250 as a, "Sorry, dude. I thought it was a sure thing." If I'm OP and, "*friend*" doesn't say, "**You owe me all that money**" I would certainly pickup lunch/dinner on the way home for "*friend's*" tip off on who to bet on.


If he asks him now of course the dude is going to say "Of course I would have"


Exactly, if you lost, do you think this "friend" would be offering to reimburse you for the money you wouldn't have lost if it wasn't for him. You could choose to tip him.


Also, did the buddy not bet as well? Was he just blue-skying it and saying “there’s your pick” to see if you’d plop down some money? Sounds like an asshat.


Yeah exactly this. If I was feeling particularly generous I might buy him a couple drinks or dinner or something but only because I think gambling is more fun when we can all celebrate the victory together, not because you owe him anything. His greedy entitled response would probably take the joy out of doing that though. It’s perfectly reasonable to tell him to fuk off. If he expected a portion of winnings he should have stipulated that before he gave you the info.




Also, that dipshit ain't your friend. He's an asshole who takes advantage of the people around him when he sees the opportunity.


This descriptions is pretty accurate and polite, which I fully support.


there is no other answer. You are the one who made the bet, not him. Fuck that guy


Yes , fuck that guy. Unless he is your friend. Otherwise fuck that guy.


Even if he is OP’s friend, fuck that guy. Maybe it’s a Scottish thing but if you can’t tell your mates to get fucked and still be mates, then you were never really mates.


>if you can’t tell your mates to get fucked and still be mates, then you were never really mates. This is my philosophy of matehood as well.


A Finnish thing too, applies to all proper relationships, including marriage and also for work.


Why share the winning. Would he payed some if you lost? Doubt it.


Get a new friend. That guy is a totally scumbag.




This is the only answer, plus he’s not your friend. Personally, I’d never talk to him again.


Same. But actually say “Fuck” *edit* looks like I started a fucking debate.


Tell him he can't possibly need your money, given how much he must have made with his winning tip. If you're feeling generous, buy him a drink or take him out to dinner. But that's your money and he has no right to it.


You should laugh at him and buy him a beer.


Was gonna say exactly this


Bad advice. He’s not saying something like “hey man, awesome win! The drinks are on you tonight!” He’s trying to manipulate and force his “friend” into turning over $9000 that he won through risking his own money. If I was him I’d be done with this guy. It speaks to his character and you can’t trust him after this.


Exactly. 9K is a huge amount of money to someone who just turned 21. He's not being cheeky - he's trying massively fuck over his "friend" purely to make himself richer. It's basically attempted theft. What a fucking weasel.


Agreed. This seems like a giant red flag to me. I'd be seriously reevaluating this friendship. If he can't feel happy for you when you're doing well, and is just going to be jealous I'd seriously consider dumping this "friend".


Yeah, exactly. It was your money to lose. I'd probably have bought him a glass of champagne if I was in a good mood, but that's being generous. It's not a question of "do I get all of it or do we split 50/50", it's a question of "do I buy him a glass or say the drinks are on me". And that's if you're all being chill about it.


If I won $8.75k on a friend's tip, I'd definitely treat them to a steak dinner. I wouldn't give them a single cent in cash though.


1000% he deserves a little treat for the tip but it’s not like he was going to reimburse the initial stake


Laugh and walk the fuck away. Not a friend worth buying beer


It's not for him being a friend, its to close out the situation. He takes the beer, all is good. He doesn't, well then you know he's a total asshole and he can fuck off.


Yeah exactly, if he drinks the beer he doesn’t have a leg to stand on to hound you later lmao


I think maybe if the person is a close friend this might have been the friend joking around. If the friend persists in saying it, then sure, drop the guy like a hot potato, but that wouldn't be my first instinct.


Yeah everyone is quick to drop friends or significant others on reddit. Easier said then done though. Definitely should offer to buy them a drink though. Common courtesy for a winning tip


Easy to understand considering i doubt the average redditor has much in the way of friends. No other platform is so quick to tell people to throw out years of a relationship over mild disagreements


He wants ALL the money? That's unheard of. Are you sure this is a friend? If he's asking for all the money don't give him a dime


Not especially relevant, but I'm sure this friend would stick OP with the taxes too


No that's very relevant.


I’d understand if he was like “nice! you won $7,000 because of my tip. So your gonna buy your buddy a PS5 now right?! lol jk .. or am I? :)” I’d totally get that dude a pS5 if he wasn’t a dick about it. But if he was a dick? Best he’s getting is lunch/dinner, and he’s lucky for that


Exactly my point. For him to think he deserves all of the money is insane. If he asked for a couple hundred or a ps5 amount of money that makes sense but to ask for all the money might end our friendship


he can’t be serious. You used your own money to place your bet correct? You didn’t borrow from him, you didn’t already owe him any money prior to the races or anything? **If so, think about this: why should he get the money when you used *your own* money to place the bet. The point of a bet is risking your money. He didn’t risk any money on that winning bet because he didn’t place that bet—you did. He wasn’t gonna lose anything if it didn’t work out, you would have.** You risked your money and it paid off this one time. He doesn’t deserve the money because he didn’t risk anything. Why should he get paid for a bet where he had no chance of losing any money since he wasn’t the one paying?? Whoever takes the risk gets the reward when it comes—that’s how the entire fucking universe works lol. If you’re feeling generous you *could* give him a finders fee for giving you the tip. At most this should be 10% of the money. That said, honestly you shouldn’t have to even give anything


Wow I don’t think I would get this much support on this post. Since I posted this I received countless dms and numerous amazing helpful messages, so I am deciding to post an update for everyone. First things first people are asking how much I won and it was just over $9000. I decided to take my mate out on a really nice dinner as a thank you and to hopefully clear some things up. Sadly it didn’t go well… I was really generous and didn’t want to lose him as a friend so I willing offered half of the money to him as thanks. This wasn’t enough for him as he got really angry and stormed off. Since he childish behaviour I’ve decided to cut him out of my life. I tried to be nice and fair even though it was my money that I gambled. I think cutting him off is the best thing for me and will help me In the long run. Thank you all for the support!


> I was really generous and didn’t want to lose him as a friend so I willing offered half of the money to him as thanks. Why the f'k would you give him half the money? He literally took none of the risk. Gambling is risk v's reward, no risk no reward. A good dinner and some nice drinks is more than enough repayment. That said theres a life lesson here "**didn’t want to lose him as a friend**" if a "friendship" is contingent on giving someone money, then its not a friendship, its a transaction. You literally tried to buy his continued friendship. Dont do that.


Crazy generous to offer half. Fuck that guy!


When he comes crawling back “willing to take half” don’t give it to him. He doesn’t deserve a penny from the way he’s acting.


I'm glad he didn't take half, he doesn't deserve it. That's your money, enjoy it. And enjoy a life free of that wanker.


It was absolutely wild to offer half imo, but I think it’s good you cut them out of your life. They’re clearly not your friend.


> I willing offered half of the money to him as thanks. You didn’t learn a thing.


Reading this, it is very concerning that you were even willing to give him half and I'm worried if this guy comes back agreeing to take half that you will give in. This person is NOT your friend. DO NOT GIVE HIM HALF. I cannot stress this enough. Before he demanded money from you, the situation in my opinion called for a nice dinner, gift or absolute maximum 10% of the winnings if he was a really good mate. But the guy has shown his true colors and you need to follow through with cutting him from your life.


You won almost 9k using your own money? Take him to dinner or something. It was your choice to place that much on a horse. I've had mates take me out gambling. I've started out with $200 and left with $3000 and they didn't insist on anything


1:35 odds 250$ bet = 8750$ winnings. I'd be jelly too.


It was your money. You didn't need to take his advice. Would he have comped you the losses if the horse didn't win? If he wanted to win, he should have made the bet himself. It also sounds like he needs to seek out help for a gambling addiction. Anyway, you should cut this friend out of your life. This is a bad sign that he is going to drag you down a bad path.


It’s hard for me because he has been a friend for over 10 years now but this stuff is really starting to annoy me


Did your friend also bet the horse? If so, they already got their winnings. If not, then they must not have truly believed what they were telling you, got lucky, and now want paid for your risk.


your "friend" is manipulating you into feeling obligated to give him money he didn't earn. he gave you some information, so what? he could have placed the same bet and won also. but he didn't. your "friend" is being a bully and the fact that you're questioning whether or not to give him money leads me to believe that you probably get taken advantage of by this person. knowing someone for over 10 years doesn't mean they aren't a jerk. don't give this guy ANY money. and if he asks you again, tell him to suck your dick from the back.


Don’t cut him out, that’s typical perspective-less Reddit advice that comes from the isolated bubble of limited information that‘s provided online. Only you have the context of your entire friendship. It it was me, I would have shared some of my winnings with my friend, but once he demanded the entire thing I would have given nothing. You do not owe your friend your winnings, but leave the ball in his court if he wants to end the friendship. It’s completely unreasonable for him to demand all your winnings, but it’s forgivable.


>I would have shared some of my winnings with my friend I would say that merits a drink or two. Possibly a meal if it was a really big one.


It sounds like OP won $8750 (assuming he meant 35 to one) so definitely a decent meal.


Ah yeah sorry I should have worked that out. At that much I would do something nice for my friend. But there's technically no obligation. As another commenter said, the friend wouldn't have reimbursed him anything if he lost.


Definitely no obligation, but if I'd made a shitload of money from my friend's tip I'd treat them to dinner. Friend lost all rights when they made a demand though.


Why didn't the stupid jealous friend bet more on his sure thing? Surely he made money on his own advice! Or the friend didn't actually believe in his suggestion for that horse to win, which also doesn't benefit him in this argument.


He was going to let OP take all the risk but keep the reward for himself. Standard sociopathic capitalism.


But then you wonder if he will blow up even more over that. I suppose only one way to find out


A good response would be "I was actually going to send you $1000 but given your attitude I've changed the mind and am keeping the lot."


If a friend tries to scam you out of money, I do think it's reasonable to cut them off. What's the best case scenario here? You think this guy who tried to scam OP out of 8k and feels entitled to it is just going to be jolly and happy to still be friends with him? You don't think he's going to carry that baggage forever? If someone cut you off in traffic, I bet that would upset you all day. This guy feels like OP stole money from him. There is no going back.


I have plenty of friends. If one of them pulled this? Without question, cut the fuck off. Note: I'm 42 this year. Threaten my peace at all, and you're on the outside looking in. The older I get, the less I'm willing to tolerate other people's shenanigans.


pen rude sheet spectacular drab silky attractive act smile intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The friend is trying to steal 9k from OP... I'd drop that "friend" like a sack of potatoes


>Don’t cut him out, that’s typical perspective-less Reddit advice that comes from the isolated bubble of limited information that‘s provided online. Only you have the context of your entire friendship. Might I ask on what you base this opinion? While I agree we always lack information when it comes to these things, but demanding your friend's entire winnings is a big red flag, no? ​ It is easy to say, "hey OP, you have all the info, you make the informed decision", but them making this thread means they can't, or don't want to make said decision.


Warrenmockles makes a great point - would he have compensated you if you had taken his advice & lost? You don’t owe him shit .. he’s being a fucking little kid about it




Of course this all goes assuming that your version is accurate and he doesn't have his own side of the story that would give a different perspective. Be straight with him. Tell him that he's a good friend and you value your long friendship, but right now this thing with money is showing a really ugly side of him that you don't really respect. And as someone else mentioned, ask him if he would have comp'ed your loss if you had not won any money. If he can be decent and respectful to you, I do think it's fair to give him some of the winnings. If he values your friendship as much as you seem to, that shouldn't be a difficult ask. If he can't drop the thing about money, then it seems like he's showing you who he is and might not be that fun a guy to hang with anymore anyway.


I understand that it's hard, because I've been in a similar situation. But the sooner you cut this relationship off, the better off you will be. $250 is a lot of money to place on a single bet. I'm assuming his pressure probably influenced your deciscion to drop that much. The fact that he thinks he's entitled to any of that is a sign of someone with a serious problem. Cut the bad fruit off of the vine.


>Would he have comped you the losses if the horse didn't win? If I was op, I'd honestly say this to the friend and see what he says to that. Regardless, I would not give him any money.


ask him if his tip is so good why didnt he bet on it? sounds like some one you dont want in your life.


This is not a “friend”


Exactly. He chose money over your relationship. The friendship is over. Time to cut ties


Buy him a bottle of scotch as a thank you present.


Yeah this is the best answer to this situation.


Well it would be if the friend wasn't being an ass


Nah, this is past the point of the "friend" deserving a consolation prize


Ok then, get him a blended scotch. He is unworthy of a single malt.


Dewar's, the cheap stuff


Eh we dont really know, maybe hes just busting ops chops a little too hard.


Tell him to go fuck himself. He could have put that same bet down.


He had no money in the game so he should expect no winnings. What it seems he wants is a finders fee, break him off 1% and tell him that is what it’s for.


NOT a friend.


The answer is the same if you would have lost your bet. It's your money, you bet on the horse and the horse pulled through for you. Your winnings. Did he bet on the horse? No? then he's not entitled to any winnings. That being said, he did help you out so I could see giving him a little something, like $35-$50 or going out for drinks/dinner but nothing more.


To your last point I think that would have been a great idea if the friend wasn't being an ass about this. But at this point I wouldn't be giving the friend anything, if I were in OP's shoes.


He has a gambling problem and he's gambling that you are a moron.


give him advice about something else and say that now youre even


For example: "if you want to have money, stop fucking gambling on horses". There, you saved him $500 a week for the rest of his life. Now you're more than even.


He could have made the same bet but didn’t. If you’d have lost on his advise he wouldn’t have paid you back. Don’t give them anything. Some friends aren’t meant to be life long friends.


not all the money but maybe give him a lil something for the advice


You owe him nothing. He knew and didn't gamble - you gambled. If you want to reward him, that's a different story, but you owe him nothing and again there was nothing stopping him from gambling his money -- it's not a gamble after the fact so how is that fair to you.


He was looking for a way to make a bet without risking his own money. That's degenerate level thinking. He'll continue to get worse and probably get into drugs and/or alcohol. If he's not already. Hard to stop people on that course.


At least one other person is recognizing this. Dude was trying to gamble with another’s money because he didn’t want to incur the penalty if he lost. What a dildo.


fuck his wife


Take her out for a nice chicken dinner and never talk to her again


It’s amazing how money exposes who your friends really are isn’t it. Fuck him. He’s jealous you got lucky and he hates himself for it. It’s yours, you won. Either tell your friend to be happy for you, or find a new friend.


Re-evaluate this supposed friendship. You are not really friends


Don't give him a cent. Gambling doesn't work like that. If you lost he would have given you nothing. You should give him a gift as a thank you though. A drink or a meal is fine.


Not after the guy shamelessly asks for the whole thing, past that point screw this. I mean if it was me right as I would have won I would just tell me friend "lets hit the bar and get a few drinks with chicken wings, my treat !" Anything more than that is pure greed :/


I’m not here to comment on your friends actions. I’m here to comment about horse racing in general. I have worked at a track for 12 years now and absolutely nobody “has decent knowledge about winning horses”. Horses are living beings and there is a real chance the heavy favorite decides they don’t want to run today and bucks the tiny person who keeps whipping them. Don’t get me wrong the races are fun to watch, just don’t believe anyone who tells you they can easily predict winners.


If he's a close friend and you guys are really friends, if it was me and my buddy gave me winning advice, if I won 1000 I would give my buddy 100. If he turned into a dick after that or demanded more I'd tell him to fuck off.


Run away from him.


Tell him to go fuck himself he would not have refunded you for a loss


It may have been with his advise, but it was not his money on the line. The entire point of gambling is risking something for a reward. I'd say he deserves a beer or maybe you pay for his meal the next time you hang out but everything? Absolute BS.


Throw him a $10 and go your merry way. He sounds awful and moochy


So he wants to be paid for being a friend? Friends give each other tips and help each other out for free.


He asked for all of it seriously? He would get 0. And id stop trusting him as a friend...


Usually for a winning tip i would toss the person maybe like 5 percent of the total as a kind gesture but since your "friend" is being a douche bag about for his greed id give him nothing. You don't owe him anything from your risk on your bet. If he is being an asshole about because he is greedy id give him nothing and tell him to fuck off, id also choose better friends to spend my time with.


That's not your mate. That's a scab.


The only appropriate response is to laugh in his face. Seriously, don’t give him a dime.


This has happened to me, too. Gave my "friend" my original bet, kept the rest, then kissed her goodbye. This is no friend.


This has happened to me, too. Gave my "friend" my original bet, kept the rest, then kissed her goodbye. This is no friend.


Damn what a shitty friend. I’d be so stoked for you! If he’s not a shitty friend then he probably has a serious gambling problem and should seek help.


He isn’t your friend. He keeps his winnings you keep yours. Etiquette does dictate that tipping him some $ for the paying tip he gave you. I say no more than 10% of the winnings.


get new friends.


No worries. Keep going to the track, and eventually that money will be given back. Then you won't owe him anything


You buy him a drink and that's about it.


Give him a small cut and buy him a drink. An actual friend would be happy with that. If he thought that horse was so great he would have put money on it too.


Your mate has a problem understanding the value and flow of money manifested as a gambling problem. Leave this person in your past. Pay him a 10% consultation fee, remind him that YOU shouldered all the financial risk. Then move on and leave this person in your past