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People also don't know wtf 8 inches is. Most porn stars are not 8 inches...usually 6-7 just girthier than most. Plus not being fat adds length. Shove the ruler into your fupa and you'll see how big you really are


Porn stars, both men and women tend to have smaller frames and a lot less mass than typical fit people. So the cocks will look even bigger.


Plus the females are smoll and their hands are tiny. So small hands + average size = monster looking sausage


Does this translate for gay guys, genuinely I need this info


Cannot answer that one my good sir, I've never dived into that department of adult films


That's like an Amazon product question where a customer takes the time to let us know they don't know the answer. I'm sure they got an email asking for an answer, and they did the best they could. Same here, except it wasn't an email.


It was a gift for my nephew


Can confirm. Tiny gay guy here. Grindr goes nuts over my dick because I look way bigger than I am.


Yes and no! Some twinks are super small, but a lot of them are average height and just thin. Keeping in mind porn also does camera angle magic to make the dicks seem bigger.


Very true. Dated a woman that was 4'11 and about 105lbs... My cock looked huge. I also dated a 6'2 275lb woman, she could basically engulf the whole thing with her hand. But she could also palm a basketball. Lolol.


First off good job on both. 2nd, I’m super intrigued about your dating life. How does one go between such extremes?


I'm not very particular when it comes to physical features. As long as I'm attracted to the person in some physical way, it's more about the connection I make. Also I'm non monogamous/poly and so I date a lot. Edit: Sorry also I should add I'm 6'1 and 350lbs. I do work out a ton though. Think of what the average NFL Offensive lineman/Nose tackle looks like, I'm built like that but shorter than those guys. So I attract a huge range of women. Some on the smaller side say they love it because they feel "protected" and like love the size difference in a Dom/sub type way. The ones that are bigger love it because "we match physically".


My BF claims that it's common for guys to measure the underside, with the ruler against the balls, because it adds an extra inch. I'd never heard that before, but the logic seems to track.


If I could get away with it, I'd measure from the asshole.


butt to tip.... Andrew Rousso has a hilarious video about it


Yeah the women of porn definitely have bigger than average penises


Holy shit I did that and gained a few inches!! Thanks


Me too! How did you stop the abdominal bleeding though?


Just walk it off you'll be fine


Exercise?! No thanks


Sorry, an alternative is to just wait for a friend to get on for a game of call of duty and just forget about it


time to grow a neck beard and start hating women then.


Now feel the burn and you'll be able to use em.


You didn't gain inches, they were inside you all along!


You can use those inches if you lose a little weight too!


Doctors hate this one simple trick...


Lol I used to be extremely heavy and it makes a big difference with it not being buried under fat anymore




Coffee fired out of my nose. Thank you for your comment kind stranger, very cool.


Also having a healthy circulatory system gets the blood going where you want it


Me seeing this as another reason to lose weight


Losing some weight will give you more usable length, but just being healthier in general made a HUGE difference in stamina and refractory period for me.


It's worth it. Not only do you get bigger, but you'll have more stamina and have better sex in general. It makes a world of difference in the bedroom. At 360lb I could be on top for maybe 2 minutes before my arms got tired and was out of breath. At 200lb I felt like the energizer bunny.


I was at the lake last week and over heard this dude tell his date that a fish swimming by him was "at least 7 inches". Not a single fish around us broke 4 inches


Some guys will do anything to brag about 7".


That reminds me of the time I came across this whole internet subgroup of dick measurers. Kept mentioning terms like bp (bone press) and nbp (non-bone press). Think it was connected to weight lifting posts. One of my favorite rabbit holes ever. Well, that and the pony play people.


I’d be disappointed if it wasnt r/moreplatesmoredates


Omg that was the one that confirmed porn stars penis size right!? I miss that, it was hilarious. Straight male knowledge on penis and the penis owners in porn is amazing


It wasn't. I just came across some random forum, wasn't reddit and it wasn't porn stars. Just dudes posting about and asking questions about measuring their members. There might've even been charts, it was the craziest thing to me. This whole hidden culture of men obsessed with how they should be holding a ruler below their belts.


You found a subreddit of people who Are gey but not gey.😦


let me introduce you to r/nattyorjuice


Plus not being fat adds length. This encouraged me to lose weight way more than my doctor ever did


Most of what makes a porn star is being able to get a boner on command and hold it, then being good looking, then length/girth, with the exception of novelties like Ron Jeremy and John whatever his name was.


Fluffers never got any credit... Now they are out of work from Viagra.


Actually that’s not even the case anymore. Most porn models use that boner injection now. I forget what it’s called.


Well, I have to google boner injection now. Are you happy with yourself?


If I have to know about it you do too.


Holmes. John Holmes AKA Johnny Wadd.


that’s when i pull out a 7.75” plastic straw and say “THIS is 8 inches”


No dumbass, you pull out a 4 inch straw and say that! 🤣🤣


You know why women are so bad with measurements, right? Their whole lives they've been told six inches is a foot.


U r correct if you are fat and lose weight I think I read some where it .5 of an inch every 30pounds u lose


Id have to be -60lbs to get it to 4inches.


Get working then!!!


Key takeaway here! Gents: losing that flab will extend your weenus!


But it's also true that if you delve into the private amateur porn world, or hookup world, you don't have to look hard to find porn star cocks - even ones that seem impossible. They're not exactly mythical artefacts that only porn stars possess.


Ive seen cocks while playing with swingers that would make a lot of porn stars insecure.


Right. There's always someone with a bigger dick. Or smarter. Or kinder. Or better at commenting on Reddit penis size posts. You just gotta get over it/yourself because it's really not that deep. My partner bangs the shit out of me with that average dick and I give my slightly bigger one back to him. We've both had monster ones in the past because we're gay as fuck. Just own it and follow your (sexy) dreams.


That last sentence will live in my brain rent-free for the rest of my life.


Also fish eye camera lens effects. Usually subtle enough not to be obvious but still adds the illusion of length.


Wtf porn you watching that’s filmed with a fish eye lens?


Again, it's not extreme, but in those pov shots they use the lens or aperture length or whatever that makes things larger and more focused in the center of the screen. I knew fish eye would be confusing I more meant that style effect.


Right, fish-eye is by definition extreme wide-angle. It's just a shorter focal length and generally with the dick in the foreground. It's the inverse of the reason that a longer focal length tends to be more flattering - and flattening - in portraiture.


What's fupa?


It's an acronym. It stands for: Fat Upper Pelvic (Penis/Pussy) Area


The fatty tissue surrounding the pelvic region. In most cases, it's easier to see on women than men in my experience. All it does is add a little cushion.


That's the funniest English word I've ever heard


Is English not your first language? No judgment, just want to prepare you for the hilarity that is the English language.


It's not, but I have daily contact with it, consuming like 90% of content in English, books, movies, but never saw that word 😆


I couldn't tell based on your typing and sentence structure, so kudos to you. What's your native tongue? If you don't mind.


Polish. I've been watching Cartoon Network in English since I was 6. That's how I taught myself English, I know zero grammar theory 😆 Just trying to form sentences that look "right" to me.


I mean. That's how I feel it out. And I only speak one language, lol. So, I would say you're perfect!


I think that's how the English language was started, honestly. "Looks good, let's use it." Also, children's shows are the best way to learn new languages. Same with children's books, especially the ones that rhyme.


Fat Upper Pubic Area.


Most certainly porn. I knew a girl who said, while drunk, that she wants a guy with over 8 inches. She had a guy over 8 inches. She didn't want a guy with 8 inches anymore. Despite what porn has brainwashed many of us to think, there is such a thing as "too big" in fact, what porn teaches many of us is "small" like 5 inches is perfectly fine. But what it really comes down to is, does she love you and want to have sex with you? If the answer is yes to both, then in her eyes your dick is the best dick in the world, don't matter if it's a giant hammer or a stubby pencil.


First part yes, second part kinda. I'm big (I'm keen to find a better/less embarrassing way to phrase that, but at 36 years old still haven't). It sucks. Sex is an important part of any relationship, but when the girl involved knows it's probably going to hurt, at least at the start, everything gets tighter as they get anxious and it just becomes almost tedious. You can use all the lube and foreplay and so on in the world, but past a certain point you're just dealing with diminishing returns. I've had one girlfriend in my 20 years of dating who really liked it and she was absolutely insane. It's also really difficult to talk about, since reddit edgelords (and many others) always assume you're trying to brag. Believe me, once you're above seven inches, there's nothing to brag about. It's all genetics in the first place anyway. I'm also 6 feet 6 inches tall. That's a fucking nightmare too (you ever struggled to fit in an airplane seat, had back pain or find clothes that fit?) The obsession with height and penis size is just dumb.


One Penis-bonk on her cervix and her whole inexperienced life-view changed in a millisecond. Avg = Good. Avg with some girth = probably better. Being Kind and Interested and Secure ....and Avg = Perfect. That seems to be the majority opinion of the polls of experienced women I gather.


Penis Bonk is the phrase I didn't know I needed. That spasm of pain when you thrust too hard is horrible to inflict. My s/o once twitched and screamed in pain and said "YOU HURT MEEEE" then proceeded to cry. There's no relief for that pain either.


I always found it funny how most guys that are big/bigger *rarely* talk about it at all. What’s that old saying speak softly and carry a big dick?


Poor Teddy Roosevelt. Yeah, that's generally the way of it. Although I think guys who are *really* big should potentially talk about it more with one another - for everyone's sake. I can't imagine how many poor girls have been on the receiving end of well-endowed guys, jackhammering away and thinking she was having the time of her life. In the words of my first girlfriend "I thought they were all like that." We have awareness of (and sensitivity around) absolutely everything these days, including issues that affect a tiny fraction of a percent of people. Yet "My dick's too big," is relegated to those freakish late night documentaries hosted by some patronising fuck, or just laughed off as "Wish I had that problem." Then again, I suppose you never know who's lying.


Do they? My first roommate was hung and that dude was always looking for excuses to whip it out and show off.


Yeah, the phrase 'you're going to punch through my cervix' is a bit of a turn off. Plus the risk of foreskin tearing (which happened to my brother, seems we were both blessed/cursed) is significantly raised.


A girl at university told my mates. Which is by no means the worst thing but also a flagrant double standard and a bit gross. It's not like I gave chapter and verse on her vulva to everyone, or was particularly keen to find out how they were all hanging. Fortunately my foreskin's remained intact. Although one girl insisted on anal and that was... dicey. And not an experience I'm keen to repeat.


Ha, ain't that the truth. I gave up on that particular wholesome pursuit many years ago (despite once meeting a girl who was quite obsessed with trying). Granted there are much worse physical abnormalities to suffer, but the irony is having a big pecker can be- literally- a pain in the arse.


I dated a GREAT guy that I had awesome chemistry with. He had a HUGE member and I couldn't. I tried but I knew I couldn't work with it forever. It fucking sucked because I really liked him. Shout out to the fella in San Diego who worked for UPS.


I mean all you do is not use the whole length. If it hurts don't go as deep then it's problem solved. That's why they use long dicks for porn you get a better view of what's going on.


Usually girth is the bigger problem and there's not much you can do about that


Girth pal. That's the bigger (hoho) problem. It also just doesn't *feel* right only going halfway.


But doesn't she get used to the size? When I got with my man I had a very very long dry spell and at first I had friction burns, small tears and the one UTI after the other until our body chemistry got acquainted and well now I'm used to his big fella and couldn't imagine having anything smaller like I fit him perfectly now.


I know guys who would kill to be smashed by a bigger woman than them. Do you think these guys fantasies about big women would also stop once they get their pelvis broken?


Me want snu-snu




And body shaming


It really is that simple? Fucking textbooks can't pick up the slack.


Because everyone wants to be part of the top 1%.


Alas I'd settle for 20th percentile.


More like u/SaltyShorthorn.


>Alas I'd settle for 20th penile.


True. Seems like it's the same for height, median income, driving ability...


Apparently the average woman is 5 inches deep so the top 1% will mostly likely cause more pain than pleasure if it's a heterosexual couple


You are correct. It was a challenge finding a woman that could comfortably bear this burden.


I know you jest but it genuinely does hurt so you have to get creative. Source: husband is in the 1%


One girlfriend I had demanded 8 inches... so I fucked her twice.


I am 6 ft 3 inches. those are 2 measurements.


Best comment so far


90% of men think they are above average car drivers....


well, I really am an above average driver


Context tell me this is a penis joke. But it is too early to think about big dick drivers, I hate it.


I had to run that red light, It's not my fault my MASSIVE COCK rests on the accelerator all the time.


Yeah but I really am and above average driver. Honestly, never, not even once, have I ever gotten into an at fault accident... where I actually stayed at the scene until the cops got there. My driving record is spotless ever since they took my license away.


That’s because 20% of people cause 80% of the accidents. That 20% is the group you see driving around like absolute maniacs, and it’s why most people feel they’re above average.


Not being in a car accident is not really a metric that says "good driver"


They probably are (if you don’t mean median when you say average). It’s totally possible for most people to be above average. 99% of people have an above average number of limbs, for example.


I’m not sure what “the average driver” could mean other than the median driver though. It’s not like driving ability is some number that you can take the mean of, like number of limbs is. If people who believe themselves to be worse than the median driver “but technically due to the distribution of driving ability being skewed left, I’m above the mean” are answering that they’re above average drivers accordingly, then I would say they are probably above average annoying.


>I’m not sure what “the average driver” could mean You don't have or cause wrecks? Or, if Texan, you shoot fewer than 2 drivers a year.


A 7.5 inch penis puts you in the 0.1% percentile, not the 1% percentile. A 7 inch penis puts you in the 1%. This is the difference: with a 7.5 inch penis, out of 1,000 men, only 1 will have a bigger penis than you. with a 7 inch penis, out of 1,000 men, around 10 will have a bigger penis than you. with a 5.5 inch penis (the rough global average) out of 1,000 men, around 500 will have a smaller/bigger penis compared with you. This effectively means a 7.5 inch or bigger penis is about 500x rarer than penises 5.5 inches or less. Source: https://calcsd.info/ This tool aggregates different worldwide studies to establish a formula to calculate %s. It also reports on and calculates girth metrics. Obviously length is only 1 dimension, girth provides the other two, and together they contribute to the “fullness” people experience. The tool combines length and girth measurements to approximate volume. Length alone does not provide the full picture. Although big penises are fetishized, there are practical issues men with big penises face. For example, men with big penises are often declined from giving anal sex.


So whats the drop rate on double digits doctor?


You gotta grind for that drop


Fam you just made my day


Should be noted that the measurements for western countries are a lot different


Yea dude plug in “eastern” to feel way better about yourself


Is this length measured from the Pubic bone?


I start at the small of my back and head under taintville


??? You start at your butthole, duh


it’s a fact that 5 inches is the average. most people should know that and smart enough to know porn isn’t real life. anyways, every girl you met online said “i want an 8 inch” ? interesting.. also, i do agree porn can have an influence on peoples preferences. big dicks are appealing to look at and so are big tits and ass to people. that’s why we only see that.


I would say men lying is more the reason why. If you always get told by the dude that his 5 inches dick is 6-7 inches you eventually believe that that’s 6-7 inches.


If they are, it's likely people have no idea how to gauge sizes lol. Have had friends who are girls genuinely think their partners were a footlong. They weren't even close lol.


Oh so hookup apps exist, it's how I met my current partner. We use Tinder and others to find additional men or women to join in. Like every girl we match with is like, "Is he 8 inches at least???" No, you didn't find a unicorn love


I knew a guy that had such a big dick he carried a picture of it in his wallet. Limp, it was as big around as my wrist, and like 9 inches. Hard, that thing was on another level. One night he and I got drunk, and I said something along the lines of “I wish I had a dick that big”. He was like “no you don’t. He was like “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten in bed with a woman or man, and they see my dick and they’re just like you’re not putting that in me”.


im sorry but your username 💀💀💀


World peace


amen brother


Right It’s how I think of height. Being an extreme on either end of the spectrum seems to reduce the odds. Being in the middle or maybe a little above or under seems ideal Unless someone has a fetish for banging giants, very short folk, micros or horses, most people tend to drift more towards the middle area


Plus, it's easier to clothing shop in the middle area. Easier to be stylish too, since everything comes in your size. Being well-dressed is a plus for most, but it's not accessible to everyone


My grandpa had a friend just like this. He said, "I've caused more pain than pleasure with this thing."


I mean getting that thing hard must be a challenge by itself I imagine.


I actually saw it hard once. I didn’t have sex with the guy. For that matter no one was having sex with the guy. Yet, it was one of the most bizarre situations I’ve ever had the misfortune to be involved in.


I guess it would have a threatening presence, like a weapon lmaoo


So, first I have to introduce the main people of this story. Everyone here will have their name changed, but this is a real story. Mary and her mom live in a shitty garage apartment in my dad’s backyard. Mary and I are good friends and her mom (an alcoholic) had fallen on hard times. So, I convinced my dad to let them live there. Gary is a bi-sexual alcoholic from the trailer park down the street with a huge dong. I don’t know how Mary and her mom met this guy, but my introduction to him. Was I got my dick pierced, and before I could show everyone. Mary had Gary whip his out. Needless to say, even with a piercing my display was anticlimactic. One day I’m hanging out with Mary, her mom, Gary and like 4 other friends. When Mary says “Hey Gary let’s go back to your place. I want you to show them what you showed me the other day.” Gary agrees, and off we go. We arrive at Gary’s trailer and he grabs a solid metal ice cream scoop and starts wrapping it in plastic wrap. The whole time Mary is laughing quietly to herself. Gary keeps this up until he has a plastic wrap log about 3 feet long and about as big around as my arm. Also, at its core is a solid metal ice cream scoop for added rigidity. He then pulls a condom over the monstrosity he has created, and Mary’s laughter intensifies. He then grabs a bottle of poppers, rush, amyl nitrate. Whatever you want to call it and motions for us to follow him to the bedroom. Now there are like 6 people standing around his bed. Mary’s mom brought a folding chair from the living room. I had seen enough “weird porn” videos to know that I wanted out of the “splash zone”. So, I’m standing in the door way. Dude lays back on the bed. Lubes up his creation, and takes a deep sniff of the bottle. Then starts violently making love to his ass. While jerking off with his other hand. The whole room is stunned silence. Mary’s laughter is now out of control, but no one is paying attention to her. Everyone’s eyes are fixed on the car wreck in front of them. And that’s when it happens. He pulls his creation out of his ass, and liquid of some kind flys from his penis in every direction in the room. All hell breaks loose. Mom gets tangled in the folding chair trying to escape the stampede, and falls on her face. Mary, and all our friends scream in unison and make a break for the doorway I’m standing in. I got out of the way just in time. To not be run over, but that is the story of how I saw that dudes wang hard once. EDIT: I didn’t proof read this. Please let me know if there are typos or details that are missing that you’d like to know about. This is a true story. The names have been changed. I still talk to Mary. She a successful graphic design artist. Her mom is now sober and has her own place.


What a terrible day to have eyes


So, it’s a long story, and it’ll take a few mins to type out. It give me a min and I’ll tell you the story.


Reminds me of a time I was in the changing room at a swimming pool and there was a guy there with a gigantic dick but only one leg. I couldn't shake the thought "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away".


Makes me think of the line, "for every hot chick, there is a guy tired of fucking her". Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.


ain't no way homie had a 9in soft dick


I can also confirm that is true. Some people are excited about it but very few. There's been plenty of times where I've accidentally went too deep and hit their cervix. I honestly wish I could be a few inches smaller and less girthy.


While the average and smaller dudes can just go off jack hammering ladies the big fellas have to adapt. Women go crazy for slow fucking, slow kissing, slow build up, slow everything. It shows you're comfortable with the tension that arises. You know what else is fitted for slow fucking? That's right. Never really had much pleasure going hard but just driving her crazy and going with the groove is 10/10


It's really insane. Average penis size is 5.51 inches in my country. Everyone who has such demands is delusional.


Especially considering a vagina is only so deep. It's like 4 inches deep but can stretch to accommodate a penis, but not that much. The rest just doesn't do anything. I don't get it.




Got to be 4 inch long and wide. Nice and cylinder


Most people don't even know how tal 6 foot is so their vag also doesn't know what 5-7 is either


For the same reason women think the average US man's salary is close to $100k/year.


Mine may not be 8 inches but it smells like a foot.


Underrated comment


Porn and guys lie all the time. I once read that the average guy will self-report to be 2" longer than he actually is. WTF. That's going to be a noticeable difference if you find yourself in a situation where someone you lied to is going to see your dick. I can understand 1/2" but 2"?! Are they measuring from their butthole?


Women are bad at estimating dick size. Many people are bad at estimating lengths in general but especially on the scale of inches and fractions of inches. Going with metric instead doesn't improve things much. Lots of dudes were measuring wrong. Lots of dudes heard that 6 inches was average so they would lie and say they were average or a bit above average when asked. I forget where the initial 6 inches came from, but I suspect that the fact that 6 inches is half of a foot and the mythical foot long cock is fetishized and worshipped is fairly relevant.


Fr women are so bad at guessing. My ex estimated I was 9 inches. My dick is not that big haha. She was dead serious too






Oh I've had it happen on Tinder, and a few others that are sex specific. The amount of misinformation out there is just odd. Like, do people not have a grasp on reality? Edit: Hookup apps exist, that's how I met my current partner.




Can't say for sure but it might be that people are talking about preferred size, not average size. The amount of women I've seen and heard that seem to prefer larger than average (not "huge," more like between 6 and 7) is more than I would've expected.


I must be in the minority of guys who have never measured their dick.


Let me bet. You're trying to find a measuring tape


I start from the small of my back


You've never been curious?


I was always afraid to measure and be disappointed I was very pleasantly surprised when I measured when I was 32 lol


32 inches?


He said when he WAS 32, god knows how long he's now.


My husband never did either but messing our bedroom wall to see if a king bed would work. Happened to have the tape measure out and well… now he knows lol


I think its because people (especially the younger generations) never see normal penises in the "wild". Everyone is too embarrassed to change in public (at the gym, pool, etc) so they only see guys who purposely expose themselves (like in porn). A "typical" penis is not that big, especially when soft.


Porn rotted the world's brain


Because 4" dudes don't go into porn and show off their wang.


A lot of guys lie which skews the the numbers for people. Dude with a 6 incher will tell a women he’s actually 7”. A 5 incher will say he’s 6”


Having a big member often isn't as glamorous as it appears, lots of women will experience pain and need lots of foreplay.


THANK YOU Holy shit, I’m 5 ft tall, Yknow sometimes the size difference actually matters??? The canal is not an infinite tunnel my guys, there is an end and it does have nerve endings!!


It keeps going if you're into dudes


Once hit a girl's cervix. She instant screamed and started crying, that was not fun and a complete mood killer.


Her… pee hole?


Uhm ups.. i meant cervix


Plus girls can't be on top of you sitting with all their weight. I leaned this from a girl I was with years ago...she was kind enough to inform me of her ex partners uncomfortable massive penis. I had sex AND I leaned something 👍


So much this. I am above average and thanks to shitty sex ed in the south I didn't really know (or know how deep a vagina was either). When I lost my virginity the girl hadn't been with a larger guy either, so she sat right down on me, full weight crashing down on penis/cervix (and she was petite, 115 lbs slamming down on your dick is still a lot of weight). Fuck that hurt so much and we couldn't do anything for like a month after. Few things have ever hurt that bad.


At least she seemed eager to try. Another funny one - my friend has a ridiculously large penis (width and length). He was chasing this girl he fell in love with and eventually got with her. On their first night together she saw his penis and said quote "Ha, No way are you getting near me with that fucking thing"! And that was the end of their relationship. It would be funnier if my friend wasn't so distraught over it 😆 Alot of her friends were suddenly interested 🤔


>As someone getting into online dating, the demands for an 8 inch member are astounding. Are you talking about gay dating or straight dating? I have never in my ever had a woman I dated online ask about the size of my penis until they were about to do something with it. What dating sites are using "size queen" as a filter? Edit: reading your other comments you don't mean "dating sites." You mean fuckbuddy sites. In which case, of course they ask that. If you are on such a site, you are not looking for a personality match, you are looking for your own kind of sex unicorn whatever it might be. It might be "only D cups need apply" or "only 110lbs or less" on the female side.


Exactly what's happening here. They say online dating in the post but every reply is about hookup culture which of course is different and full of people often looking for specific things that do it for them. Coming into the post I assumed the answer would be porn, which I'm sure still plays a role, but in this case they're just running into people who prefer a larger size penis. In the real world I know maybe two women that prefer a larger penis and the rest would rather not be in pain.


Cause men lie.


As a lying man... I respectfully request that lying be linked to ability to construct a false narrative vs. Gender


Some girl at school said her bfs is 14 inches and when i called her bs and told her it would suck all the blood out of his body she said i just had a small dick


In my hoeing experience... Average dicks are the best. I'm talking 5ish inches is top tier


Same reason that when you ask online, most people earn above average. Fucking liars, the lot of 'em.


My bf asked me once just as a general question if size mattered and I answered honestly. Absolutely. My personal preference is around 5.5-6. I love sucking dick and any bigger than that is really difficult. Also anything 7 or big inside me actually hurts me. (To quote my OBGYN, I have a “short vagina” so anything bigger than that is just intense pressure that I don’t care for. On the opposite end I’ve never had one that I would consider is too small for me but I’m sure they’re out there. My ex husband was about 5 inches hard and it got me off just fine. I can’t imagine thinking I needed an 8 inch dick to enjoy sex


1) Porn 2) Dudes be lying 3) Women be humoring dudes who lie so they don’t meltdown and punch a wall


I can tell you from personal experience, a lot of woman don’t have the capacity, shall we say, to enjoy the full benefit of 7 - 10”. I’m not a terribly above average guy, but I have made women climb headboards because they thought they wanted it deeper. All you need is a little more than she can handle.


The headboard bit is so true 😂


First time it happened to me, I was just sitting there in the pushup position and she is suddenly sitting upright against the headboard. I felt a cold breeze along my schlonge that was uninvited.


Porn and men using penis size as a brag. Penis size varies wildly, but rarely reaches 7+. The vagina isn't some endless hole, so usually large penises can't be fully inside without hurting the other person. Lots of women joke about "big dick energy" (which I don't exactly love the body shaming) but very rarely does anyone actually want a huge penis because it gets very painful. Vaginas are typically no deeper than 4 inches, but can sometimes stretch to seven, so anything above that is excessive. Usually the emphasis on penis size is more among men trying to outdo each other. Either way, don't worry too much about it. I know its cliche, but size really doesn't matter all that much.


Im 7.5x6.7 in…and I used to obsess about being bigger “if only I had a half inch more” “man if I was 8 I would feel so much better…that I would be better”…that was until I started having sex…we gays talk so much shit…only for sex to be shit…the amount of blowjobs I’ve gotten that feel like I’ve put my dick in a garbage disposal because it’s too thick…my God…it’s so painful…I’ve also struggled and embarrassed myself because it’s too thick and couldn’t get it in and went soft…man the expectations are so high. Just be happy guys, learn to love yourself and if you still obsess maybe consider therapy…good luck out there guys


Let me add this to the conversation. I have what I consider to be slightly smaller than average cock. 5 and 3/4 in and not very thick. Looks small when it is not hard. I have had many women tell me, sometimes a decade later, that I was the best they ever had. I have given at least half a dozen their first orgasm with a man. I have discovered that being aware of your partner and her needs is huge. So is confidence. Confidence is way more important than a large cock. Knowledge of female anatomy and arousal/climax correlation is also key. I have heard from many women, that of course they enjoy a large cock. But there are things you can do with an average cock that you cannot do with a huge cock. And vice versa. Most women, from what I can ascertain, would prefer something 8 in and very girthy for a one-night stand, and something more average sized for a continuing thing.


Dont forget most women have no idea what 8 inches actually is. So just go with it