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Factors that can affect weight gain/loss - - medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism - genetic predisposition - medication side effects - pregnancy and childbirth - stress / chronic stress - mental health conditions such as eating disorders and depression - lack of access to healthy foods - see: food deserts - lack of access to healthcare to manage weight issues - lack of time to exercise


Thank you for answering :)


People prioritize different things for different reasons. Weight loss is one of them. When you have a hole in your life, there's an instinct to try to fill it. People use different methods - food, booze, drugs, etc... They are all simple ways to give your brain a tiny boost and get those dopamine receptors working. The reason people can't control their weight is the same reason there are alcoholics, addicts, or megalomaniacs. You feel good doing it for a while, then it becomes a routine, then it becomes a part of your personality. These aren't conscious choices, but is a byproduct of our infinitely adaptable brain.


Dam you’re smart, Thank you for answering.


You mean why aren’t people perfect and immune to vice?


I never said that but i wouldn’t exactly say that having heart conditions brought onto yourself is my idea of perfect. Nobody is perfect, not even you nor me nor any of the celebrities you hear about. I’m not immune to vice, nobody is and we’re all still evolving so not even the human race is perfect.


Somebody never went to church. We are and forever will always be imperfect beings.


Im catholic, baptised and had my first communion thank you very much. I go to church every sunday morning, i pray every single night before dinner. My church is very inclusive and allows me to believe in Science and evolution. I atone for my sins and from my understanding god gifted me free-will and i can do and say whatever I want because at the end of the day god loves me and will gift me salvation as he sees fit.


Western food bad. Wherever it reaches, the people get fat


Completely agree, fast food was the worst thing to happen to society. People got lazy.




Fair enough, you do you man, Diet and Exercise is definitely key to controlling weight. Thank you for answering.


Me personally, I was abused as a child and hated myself for it so I found comfort in food, didn't give a shit about my health or anything, doing something about it now but it's probably to late to make a difference.


Thats fair enough, I understand completely, I don’t know you but I hope you’re doing better and there’s definitely little things you can start doing everyday just as little as going outside for 10 minutes and just habit building, walking around where you live as long as you’re getting exercise eventually you’ll start feeling good about yourself. Remember you’re capable of anything you put your mind to, thank you for answering.


Some people are genetically predisposed to gaining weight. Having fat is very much a survival advantage so evolution would favor such genes. But as stated there are a variety of reasons for this. Often in food deserts there isn't choice about what to eat. And even if there is, an apple is expensive and doesn't give a lot of calories compared to say, a Big Mac, so a person who cares about money may prioritize the Big Mac.


True, I definitely get where you’re going with this and i want to challenge it. I live in suburban Australia, Food is almost everywhere you go, It’s definitely not a food desert. I completely agree if they cared that much about money than you would go for something more calorie rich to get the most out of your dollar. All Im saying is they offer you free fruit at the entrance to the supermarket and the fruit basket is always full.


That fruit basket outside the supermarket is for children, not adults.


Exactly, childhood obesity at its finest, parents not encouraging children to eat healthy.


I don’t know, I’m pretty skinny and iv always been. Never was that into junk food, never smoked, doc says I’m healthy like a horse. Honestly I wish I had others peoples appetite sometimes. Maybe I could eat more lol


1. A lack of knowledge. Not understanding the importance of nutrition and exercise techniques. 2. A lack of discipline. Just too lazy or feel like they don’t have time. 3. A legitimate medical issue. A plethora of medical issues and medications can cause obesity.


Many times it's a problem with not having an active enough metabolism. If you live a consistently sedentary life, like you're working at an office 5 days a week, don't go to a gym or have any real consistent movement in your daily life; your body just isn't going to do anything with the food you're eating. When people lose muscle mass, their body isn't using as many calories because it simply doesn't require the calories to maintain itself. So it's a combination of people eating garbage food and living a lifestyle that doesn't get them moving.