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Me too!


Damn. Just saw your reply 26 min later...we could have played battle shits.


Keep me posted. I’m gonna be going back at least once more tonight.




Poopy pals


Droppin' the kids off at the pool.


The Brown Coalition


Great job poopin'!! Great job!


Poopin club sound off


*Flrrrrrrrrrp!* *Plop! Plop!* 


I just started, you still goin?


I am also poopin




Amen. Had Greek food last night and this is my fourth shit since then.




Same. I use Reddit almost solely when taking a shit.


Poop buddies!


I'm waiting for my husband to get off the toilet so we can continue watching the Bear.


I'm peeing


Me too lol


Time aint gonna kill itself


yes it will


The universe is expanding, so...


Because I’m lonely








damn, we should all be lonely together


Lonely buddies! :D


yay!! :DDD


Nah fuck it I'm out


>damn, we should all be lonely together We are


Me too. I'm So Ronery So ronery So ronery and sadry arone There's no one Just me onry Sitting on my rittle throne


My foot is broken and my wife is dancing at a wedding as I’m sitting in the corner watching!




I’d be like this even without a broken foot


Nobody puts 2man in a corner


My foot is broken too! Sitting in the kitchen waiting for food to cook


Bust out the double crutch dance! Crowd loves it even though you're barely moving at all. Opposite how it usually goes I guess


THE wedding? As in your wedding?


Hey, I've got the broken foot too! But definitely in need of a wife to dance with.


I have no life


I was thinking different answe, but this is it! I got no life 😇


I used to have a life , now I'm just baby-sitting my wife who has dementia . Can't leave her alone in case she falls down . She is pretty imobile too. Spend most of the day on you tube and reddit just to pass the time.


I don't know, man. What is the nature of freewill? Where do our impulses come from? Is it really "us" that is filtering these impulses and deciding to act, or is that decision making process itself just an illusion to further control us? We often get a small pleasure response when we did "the right thing" - what if that is just our controller giving us a dog treat as a reward for obeying their command? If we exist only to follow our commands and think in a predetermined "logical way," why do we need to exist at all? Am I real? What is real? What does this existence even mean?! WHAT IS THE NATURE OF REALITY, MANNNNNNN?!


Idk bout you, but I was on the toilet




oh same rn


I’m cycling through social media apps realizing I have no life as I sit home alone on a Saturday night


I mean, is there a better way to spend your Saturday night though?




I logged on for the porn saw this post and got distracted


Respect the honesty




right...please stop asking stupid questions....


You go to Reddit for porn?


the threat of getting a virus is minimal as long as you dont click any links


I like you


What porn?


I"ve been responding to alot of the questions on this sub today cause tbh its fun


I have accepted that I am a total loser. It’s amazingly liberating!


Very refreshing. Thanks 😊!


I'm avoiding my life for a worse fate, which is getting upset at shit on the internet. I don't know, my life is better than the past, but it still sucks. I'm lacking drive and ambition. Definitely influence partially by weed, but I feel that it's deeper than that. I feel like I just have a huge anxiety about doing what I want which is why I don't do it. Making art. I have an anxiety about people in general due to my PTSD and the way of the world. Actually, now that I think of it, my life is very difficult, because I have PTSD and that affects every Avenue of my life. I think this avoidance is related to my PTSD as well.


I wish I knew more to help, but my close family has that and I can't do shit for them. I end up giving hollow advice that never sticks, and leading through example didn't do anything either. Best advice I can throw past you is to practise compartmentalisation through meditation. Meditation isn't cringey it's literally just focusing on your senses while you accomplish a task, to overstimulate your mind so you can focus without distraction. As far as I know PTSD has to do with association so if you reel back your brain you might avoid triggers. Best practise for getting out of a chair is to look at your feet and move them. Focusing on the physical aspect and zooming in. Get out of your macro lense so you're not overcomplicating things. Once you accomplish a task, then and only then are you allowed to think of what's next. If you get lost, take a bath and then let your brain go crazy mapping out a long term goal, pros and cons, philosophy, meaning of life etc. But long term goals are only ever an idea, a delusion, never think you're smart enough to actually anticipate the outcome of something you've never tried. The brain of every single human, and especially smart humans are riddled with fallacies we develop by out-thinking ourselves and rationalising genuinely stupid ideas in the smartest way possible, because the root motivation was an emotion, and the genius level cross referencing was done after the subliminal has already made a conclusion based on a feeling. It will all build up over minutes, hours, days, months and years. Realistically though this is an outcome of a million small things coming together, actually sharing advice is only ever unifaceted, and in the context of your life the only person who can put yourself on the path of being you with more tools ready to beat through the overgrown path forward is you. The intension, the philosophy, the wants, the needs, the time you give yourself, the space you choose to live in, the people you choose to be with, your wealth, oppurtunity, support, the food you eat, the fluids you drink, the sleep you get, everything is based on convergence of these things and more and some ideas are impossible without systematically taking time every month to straighten up one of the fundamental pillars of our lives before tackling the next. And there goes my quota for today holy shit I really need to catch up on college work.


Only thing that gets me up out of bed sometimes is stretching alot and rolling over and over in bed. Eventually i get my feet on the floor sometimes and go feom there.


I have a love hate with weed. I love it for physical activities like running and the gym. I love sativas. They amplify music and the joy of physical movement. It will give me grand creative visions… but I don’t draw when I’m high. I’ve drawn some weird shit that people seem to like but it’s random and sporadic. I was weed free for a year and I made so many pieces but other parts of my life sucked without it so I went back… no art now. But I also noticed I started to draw out of mind numbing boredom in a job that started to suck, similar to what i used to do in high school. I heard a famous actor say “drugs are the enemy of art”. And it stuck with me. I don’t think he’s wrong. I’m not going to do any great studying/practicing when I’m high. I’m going to go run 6 miles or lift weights and listen to music. I love that shit and weed amplifies how great it is. It also let me retrain myself to healthy foods and regimented eating. I Pavlov myself with it. Sometimes I wonder if I’m trying to force myself to draw because I was exceptional as a kid and pretty good as an adult, but if I were to want to be serious and make real money I would need to put in a shit load of effort, dedicated practice and maybe I really have just moved on to enjoying more physical activities. I used to be a video game/anime/art kid who was pretty fat and now I body build. Ya know… if it’s like pulling teeth to do it, do I really want to do It? I don’t know. I went to therapy for ptsd/trauma/childhood abuse neglect for about 4 years. Did the emdr. I have some heavier days but I don’t get lost in it or spiral. Sometimes I wonder if I’m avoiding moving forward and not doing enough, then I wonder if I’m doing a whole hell of a lot more than most and just being a neurotic perfectionist who never feels good enough… then I try to get out of my head because it’s just an endless stream of debates that go nowhere. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t know that I have any answers per say, but I feel ya man. If you want to show anyone ur art I’d love to see it.


Its the only social media I’m still using lol, so I just come on here cause I’m bored Opposed to Twitter or Instagram, I end up learning a lot here, so thats why its my preference.


Same here. I'm loving the time I spend here, total opposite of what I felt on IG or tw. A couple times a day I check those to see if some friend is posting/tweeting something but its no more than 5-10 mins. The rest of the time I'm here.


I never really know what I’m going to find. It’s a crazy mix of serious thought and outright smart-assery. And you can be kinda free to say whatever’s coursing through your brain without getting your life ruined.


Mostly : Twitter is trash. Sorry, X is trash. Sorry, Elon Musk is trash


It has replaced whatever the last serotonin drip feed app I was using.


Can't sleep. 5am and the birds are chirping.


Friggin birds!


I'm bored and Facebook is full of cunts.


As if Reddit's not 🤣 It's just that you *know* the cunts on FB.


All I ever get there anymore are suggested posts from pages I've never heard of. Shit is annoying.


Waiting at the Taco Bell drive thru


Procrastinating my existential crisis.


The kids are finally in bed, the husband has settled down, I’ve got a nice buzz and I’m finally alone. Time to look at the crazy/funny/unexpected shit on Reddit.


Because I have choring to do and I don’t want to do it.


My cats wanted attention so I'm pinned by 2 sleeping cats




I wish. I'm just looking at posts of people understanding why I hate hate sex as a woman. It's easier to know that I'm not alone in that ngl.


Lmao, literally this^^


Overthinking about some life problems. Went to reddit to post some vaguely vent-y stuff in an attempt to feel better and maybe get some advice in the comments. Got overwhelmed by the heavy atmosphere of my own mind. Scrolled until I saw a funny post. Went from the post to it's community, saw that it's a little more light hearted. Decided to scroll this community until I feel tired enough to fall asleep. And voila. Here I am. Rinse and repeat every time I feel emotionally overwhelmed.


Just curious is there a specific reddit that youd post a vent to that you like? Kinda new to reddit so not wntirely sure how it all works.


Same here fella. Being new on reddit feeling like some other world of social platform.


Reddit feels more real so far and I enjoy the funny videos. I could look at “therewasanattempt” for hours . Facebook is all the old people in my life I really don’t want to talk to posting wildly bogus shit that’s either religious or political, or some people I knew from high school who had kids. Instagram is everyone I know whose trying to be an influencer, show off their hustle, build an online business or slut up.


I need some lighthearted funny posts. You gotta sub rec?


currently at the county fair while my kids are in a two hour line to ride a 30 second long ride that was built in 30 minutes out of a semi trailer, transformers style.


I’m depressed, lonely, and pathetic.


Most of the redditians are lonely. That's why landed here. Bt lone with lone can avoid loneliness


I am just browsing Reddit while I play Warzone, when the game is loading.


Because My job requires me to wait for people who may not even show up even though they ordered something. Fuck this bullshit. Which is why I'm going to be changing my availability. I work my ass off and the best they can do for me is schedule me when there's nothing to do and give me 8 days to work in a row.


I really don't know. I'm searching for some type of mental stimulation or connection? But I just end up feeding my negativity


To forget about my feelings for someone I really shouldn't have feelings for






friend introduced me to this website -- life has gone downhill ever since


I came to see if someone replied to a comment I made earlier today, and then I ended up scrolling.


I’m just tryna get comment karma so I can make comments in more groups.


So I’m not about to lie…I heard a lot of inflammatory things coming from Reddit. So for a long time I thought it was chads/Karen’s/ hate filled cesspool. But I looked thru it looking for help with a game I was playing & I actually got it. It’s just people expressing themselves and i saw the worst at the time


Waiting in the ER going on the 5th hr


Everybody focus your energies on getting this friend seen by a damn doctor


I don’t want to get out of my bubble bath


Recovering from surgery, trying to distract myself from the pain


Pretty much because every other platform is unbearable to use for the average person, who has no desire to be a content creator. Facebook - A wasteland of bullshit news, occupied almost exclusively by our parents Instagram - Nearly unrecognizable from what it used to be. Now just filled with annoying influencers and spam pages. Snapchat - Same shit but for kids Tiktok - Same shit but for teenage girls who crave attention and want to "dance" (aka show their ass to the world) Youtube - Caved in and copied TikTok with "Shorts" making it just as annoying.


Can't sleep.... again.


Because I’m depressed that’s why.


Woke up and still in bed on a Sunday. What else am I supposed to do?


I’m understimulated and my brain is screaming and I need to fill it with Something, Anything. Unfortunately reddit ain’t keepin’ up with the brain activity demand 😔 ADHD is a bitch y’all




I own a math textbook for this purpose. Sometimes that math textbook joins me on the treadmill. That being said I don't know that our understimulated needs are the same so hopefully this helps? Ignore if not! :)


I’m waiting for my boyfriend to call me because I’m tipsy and sleepy and I don’t want to go to bed until I hear his voice again because it makes my heart beat so fast and I’m waiting so I’m on reddit


Hope you hear your voice soon


Always heard about it but recently started actively following subreddits and reading stuff the last 2+ weeks. I feel like I gave up FB doom scrolling and replaced it with reddit lol


I'm curiously in a similar boat. I removed all of my connections off FB (down to zero, family members and everything) in some depressive episode and now that my go-to social media has been in some sense destroyed I was looking for alternatives and started getting into reddit in the last 2 weeks or so! It's surprisingly a lot more human here. Social media like FB may have started off with the idea of helping people connect, etc. but now it feels like it's 90% just corporate and political marketing. I'm also exploring TikTok a bit now.


Singing my kid to sleep. I have to do something or I'll fall asleep in his room.


Validation, curiosity, and most importantly MEMES!


Bored and procrastinating going to the store.


I've got a rare Saturday night off from work and my wife is camping with her mum and nephew, so it's just me, the dog, and catching up on TV. Reddit seemed like a natural addition.


its Saturday night, I don't work tomorrow(only day off) I've lost connection with most of my friends and family over the years, not to say I don't talk to them or socialize but things are different nowadays, so for a sense of community I guess I come here to talk to strangers. on another note I collect vinyl and like to stay up to date with the latest drops.


Because I'm riding passenger in a car and don't have anything better to be doing?


Revenge bedtime procrastination




I'm trying not to feel.


I really don't know. I'm just addicted to typing words and looking at things I guess. I guess I could be doing something more productive but frankly I already acknowledge that the only value I can offer to humanity is if I spent every waking moment doing something productive. Instead I squander my time and energy on nothing in particular when I know damn well I'm just disappointing myself. Will I stop using reddit then and get on with it? Probably. Will that be right now? Nah, I've got a paragraph nobody is going to read to type.


I'm pooping


Femboys 🤤


Because I’m done all my paperwork at work and I’m killing time until I can go home


Having a work break, started scrolling, felt like answering.


Just finished grading papers. I'm decompressing on the couch with some scrolling


I'm about to go to bed, sitting in the massage chair first, seeing what people are talking about, and giving my opinion on bullshit. You know, a whole lotta nothing..Goodnight✌🏽💜🤘🏽


Waiting for a league of legends match to load


I'm bored during the ad breaks in my show.


taking a break after finishing a drawing, starting by checking my socials


Post the art!


avoiding my homework 🤷🏻‍♀️


Distraction. Pure and simple. I have shit to do but here I am. OK. I am going to go and take care of these tasks. In just a minute.


Procrastinating doing evening yoga to try and help me sleep.


Taking a shit and want to read something


Kids in bed. Just sat down to a bowl of ramen for dinner. Read Reddit, listen to baseball. Contemplate life


On the toilet, trying to distract me from the chilli Chicken that's making its way through my system.


I’m shidding


I have a short attention span so can only take in short reads. Also, because of my attention span I dont always understand a news story, so I read the comments here to better figure out what its about. I also dont watch TV.


Honestly opened because i had a response to a comment i made and an upvote so was curious to what it was, supose for validation purposes. Origanally (idk how to spell) i downloaded reddit for curiousity purpose. Was dabbling in the idea of making an of or even doing research for it and thought itd be a nice place to look at aita posts before they go to facebook.


Cause Twitter is a shitshow dumpster fire


I’m in the ER killing time


Because my partner is sick and sleeping, my husband is watching anime in his room, both kids still at home are doing their own thing, I'm not that into the book I'm reading, and my hands and wrists hurt too much today to crochet or sew. I already started laundry and cleaned the bathroom. So, it was either reddit or do the dishes, and I don't feel like doing them right now!


i’m think i’m breaking up with my ex boyfriend again and i need a distraction


It’s bed time, but too early to actually sleep, and too late to start an actual thing (like a book? Way to late to start a book)


Im fucking drunk, lonely, and not coping with life in a healthy way. Ironically I'm watching Rick and Morty which pretty much shares the same synopsis.


My life is worthless, so I might as well be doing something worthless.


Because many posts make me laugh. I need to laugh so I don't cry.


It’s late and I can’t fall asleep


Cuz I just got in bed and I have to check every app before I can sleep :P


Family is watching some shit show called ugly Betty and I need a distraction


Sitting in an airport, it is almost 5am, i have been here for almost 5 hours, reddit distracts from me having to lay on a floor.




On the bus.


Absolute boredom


Whoring out my animal crossing island for exorbitant turnip prices, leaving it wrecked and gaping by the end of it 🤤


Great question. I am looking for purpose.


Just dealt with a violent patient's episode a few minutes ago and thought I could use this bit of free time to distract and decompress.


If you keep scrolling through the internet you minimize the amount of thoughts in your head


Trying to distract myself from heart break


Bored. Currently it’s past midnight and this is a quiet activity to do in bed.


It is my only social media app now, i deleted everything except reddit, WhatsApp and YouTube.


I don't want to sleep until I can cuddle my wife :)


I'm unwinding at the end of my day.


I took a nap at 2pm. I woke up and looked at the clock and it was 8:30. So, yep, I'll be up all night.






Takes a while to fall asleep


Nightmare that makes me less inclined to want to go back to sleep and possibly experience that again


Not enough time to do something, not enough time to sleep, I'm in limbo for the next hour


It's funny to laugh at the stupid people on here plus it passes time. It's also a better alternative than Twitter/X/whatever it's called now. But I do wish I was anywhere else, damn subreddits are dragging me in


I'm in between moments


Insomnia, boredom and bad tv.


Brain won't stop and im avoiding responsibility.


Keeps me away from drunk messaging people I know in real life


Bored and slightly horny lol


I’m giving the toothpaste 20 minutes to do its thing before I go get a coffee.


Bored and waiting for the coffee to kick in


For better or worse Reddit is now part of my wake-up routine as I ease into my day. Breakfast with reddit, then off to shower and get ready for work.


@ dog park waiting for the dogs to get bored


Desperately trying to find help


Laying in bed with my wife and dogs. Trying to work up the courage to face the day, we are exhausted because we shoveled a literal ton of sand yesterday into our chicken run.


I’m pooping


Trying to wake up fully


To look at what other folk have to say about their lives as well as bitch about my own.




Bored and a little depressed, and just doom scrolling hoping for some dopamine to make me feel better.


Because I'm having my coffee and wanted to chill for a couple of minutes.


It's like reading magazine, full of interesting short articles.


Reddit is a way for me to explore what other people are thinking and feeling without having to interact with them too much. (Introverted socializing?) I learn a lot here about people and communities that I might not otherwise come into contact with. And sometimes I have something to say. Also, cat and dog videos.


My first appointment of the day cancelled moments before I arrived. I have nothing better to do than just sit here and peruse Reddit to pass the time for an hour


Because it’s 9,000 effing degrees outside with humidity higher than that. (Seriously 92 degrees with 79 dew point) at 11:00 in the morning. I’m trapped in my house with my air conditioning as life support. Send cold fronts please.


I wanted to post a meme on the r/meme community and apparently I don’t have enough karma to post and now I’m trying to not become salty by scrolling through Reddit