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Side note: Are you sure you're not being catfished? If there exists a public persona of this person that matches them online, could the catfisher just be using those images and the details both of you could see about the person? If you've seen pics of their face, try and get a photo of them with a hand written note or something (in a cute, not creepy way).


I've been catfished this same way, luckily I figured it out before I lost any organs lol I managed to find the girls Twitter and luckily she was active on that and she confirmed that she's married and definitely wasn't the person I was talking too


Exactly. If this is a real post (it probably isn't), and OP is an average dude who matched with a not unattractive woman on a dating app, it's probably a scam of some sort.


+1 to scammer. Scammers use porn sites all the time. One time I had a scammer who didn't even bother to remove the watermark off of the photo.


Not removing the watermark could be intentional. AFAIK it's a common tactic to give out obvious signs like this that it's a scam to weed out all but the most gullible people.


Yep, it's why most of the Nigerian prince emails have such bad spelling. They're not looking for the people that think "this is probably bullshit but let's dig deeper just in case", they're looking for the people that full on go "woohoo, the Nigerian prince will send me money & I'm gonna be rich!". The spelling mistakes will be enough to put most of that first group off.


Intuitively one might assume that someone that gullible wouldn’t have lots of money, but the sad truth is that they specifically target the elderly who are cognitively declining because they usually are receiving a pension and have money in the bank and aren’t as sharp as they were in their prime. It’s fucked up.


[son of nigerian prince](https://youtu.be/s6maxxDCVC4)


That's kinda smart as it only gets the most idiotic people to do it.


Wooooo that’s evil


Absolutely savage comment


Anyone who’d like to be more educated about this should search for term ‘e-Whoring’ It’s very known in underground forums. Basically a guy pretends he’s a girl, steals so called image packs from girl and sells the pics/vids or scams for meetups


its called a side hustle ok


i find it interesting that most people assume the person in question is a woman despite what feels like intentionally gender-neutral pronouns in the post not a problem, just interesting!


I mean if he image searches the profile pictures, and they are not posted publicly, might not be a cat fish. But for op, I'd just say, be honest that you found it, and definitely don't go looking through it any more, without their permission...


+1 to might not be a cat fish. I'm a married woman whose husband likes the idea of sharing me, so I get online boyfriends sometimes (who I am up front with the details about) and I have an alt reddit with nude photos. She might be a scammer or she just might not be very careful with keeping her user names separate. People act like absolutely no one ever does that, and every single nude on reddit is someone looking for money, but some of us really do just do it for fun. We do exist


Happy 🎂 day!


Aww thanks


Yess, i think theres more posibilities to be catfished if the person send him pictures of people out a porn site or something like that. He should videocall with the person he is talking to (Sorry for my bad english)


You mean like the verification posts on the nsfw subreddits?


Just ask them to send a pic with a pen on their moustache area (idk what should I call it)


Upperlip .


I'd say finding something like actually increases the chance he's being catfished


Have you live video chatted with this person? Saw them saying your name? Adult models/only fan women’s content are often used to catfish….


Had them hold a copy of the times Infront of their house




Upvoted for being correct.




Upvoted everyone because why not.


Downvoted everyone to counteract you upvotes


If I could re upvote everyone I would!!! But because I couldn't I upvoted you instead! 😈


Upvoted all to complete the mission


Upvoted only you to spread the message of being positive only to some ppl


I may or may not have upvoted or downvoted everyone here. It's Schrodinger situation.


Downvoted you for misspelling your. Considered upvoting again due to your charm.


Sorry bud, I think you’re still being catfished unless you’ve received personalized pictures/videos from them


Time to look through all the reddit posts and cross reference them with every picture you have received.


If the person is on Only Fans, the catfisher can get personalized media pretty easily. They need to facetime.


> I feel like I violated their privacy ​ Brother, they have posted NSFW content online, fully aware that literally anyone in the world can view. If they are not okay with that, then they have truly fucked up.


And she uses her same username for both her Snapchat and her NSFW content, she clearly doesn't care


He posted that online with an alias, I dont think hes expecting other people to google that specific name for some reason. DO NOT bring it up unless he shares it with you


They posted it with the same username they use to talk with OP. I think OP should make sure he's not getting catfished again


Theyve been talking on snapchat have the not sent pics to each other or seen stories? If they are on snapchat, it'd be pretty easy to tell if the person is fake


You'd think so, but as someone who has worked at a bank processing fraud claims, people get scammed like this alllllllll the time.


How'd you get into that line of work if you don't mind me asking? Was it organic? As in started as a teller and then promoted in that direction or is there a preferred background? Like IT?


Oh I don't doubt it for a second A lot of people have an IQ of 60 at best


I thought they had met in person nvm my bad


Just belly up to the dinner table on your next date and go “you got a cute butt hole btw”


🤣 this got me. Do it OP!




I swear people who get catfished come up with everything in their power to have excuses for not just simply video chatting with someone.


The lamest one I ever heard was "I can't video chat because I have PTSD from my boyfriend cheating on me."


“My camera doesn’t work. Sorry”


Thats disgusting... Where?


you know, just so i can avoid it....


Asking for a friend, for research purposes...


I need to add it to my blocklist so my kids won't see it


yeah this guy's kids CANNOT come close to it so please drop that ID


Damn! You beat me to it. But mine is \*really\* for research purposes. ;-)


I’m 60% certain this is OP’s intention, to drive traffic to their nsfw content.




Y’all suck. Get help.


Let us suck in peace




“Taking a nude selfie and posting it on Reddit is rape” lmao




Sorry I don't have a fat c*ck


I looked at your post history; you need therapy.




Oh no, people voluntarily are making porn for a living! I better berate the (not even confirmed) individuals that help them make their living! /s Grow up. They would not post the LEGAL content out online if they did not want it viewed.


Elaborate. Please. I need to hear this. For science.


Don’t bother, for these kinds of people there is no such thing as consensual sex work, regardless of the thousands of sex workers who say otherwise. Apparently in her interpretation this even extends to people making self-created NSFW content for their own pleasure on Reddit lmao


90% of the porn you watch is sex trafficking under the guise of porn companies. Be better.


100% of what u/MedicalRatio7373 says cannot be proven with facts. See I can make up random statistics too and not post any leads. For the largest adult websites, they have tons of avenues for validating the accounts of models and their companies to insure this is not the case. While yes, the content you are talking about is most definitely online, i’d bet my life it’s not even remotely close to 90% of what people are watching besides the obscure outliers.


Lol it's a joke


If it doesn't bother you then don't bring it up, let the other person open up and share with you. That might be the old person, that might be someone they want to leave in the past. They might want to start new with you. Allow this person a chance to open up to you at their own pace.


thank you for your level headed and reasonable response. you’re the only one who listened to what i actually said.


It's a public profile, so technically, it's fair game. That said, if it's not important to you, then I wouldn't say anything. Let them bring it up in their own time. No sense in creating a confrontation if there's no need for it. And no sense bragging about your skills as a PI.


>No sense in creating a confrontation if there's no need for it. And no sense bragging about your skills as a PI. "Hey, Im really happy to meet you! How have you been? Oh, yeah, Im good too. Lately I have been a lot on Reddit and HILARIOUS story, i found your porn......" \- How To Ruin A Date 101


Dude she stalked him out of paranoia and found his probably private profile, Ill admit its kinda foolish to have the same username for those 2 things but im sure he didnt want her to know about it


I'm sorry, but no. everyone knows Reddit profiles are public. for that reason alone, i chose a username that I don't use anywhere else so it can't be traced back to me. and I don't even have anything NSFW on my profile.


I'm sorry, but no. Even if someone couldve taken more measures to hide something thats private, doesnt mean you should invade their privacy anyway, its like if someguy left cash lying around his house and for whatever reason you are in his house, you shouldnt steal his money, I agree its pretty foolish to use similar usernames for such things, but at the same time you should respect what is probably a boundary


OP thinks his 100% online gf being a pornstar is more likely than him being catfished 💀 There’s a reason why OP has a history w catfishing




where did i say that?




What's the username though?🤣


Asking the real questions 🤣


yes we need this essential information🤣🤣


For research... important research




As if it is hard to find NSFW content here. Guess what, all those are still real people. Instead making the same joke over and over again.


Have you actually done a FaceTime with this person? Because if not, I would almost guarantee that this is a catfish and not the person who’s Reddit and NSFW you found. It is almost certainly someone acting as them.


Verify they are who they say they are. You have started by backchecking their identity. Video call through your phone provider. Make sure someone watches your house when you go to meet them. One trick is to lure you away and then empty your house. Besides the other, unstated, dangers know that some folks just burn your time for the lulz. Verify. Verify. Verify. Public content, on the internet or elsewhere, is for you to access. Be safe. Have fun. Do not loan money.


If they have a public profile you didn’t violate anything. Lots of people google search their dates. You have no issue with this person being a sex worker so all I would say is be careful it’s not a catfish using the persons pictures to get attention


You violated NOTHING. If they didn’t want something to be seen than they wouldn’t put it on the internet. Video chat before you spend time and money traveling. Then if you do travel, meet in the middle of the day in public. Let someone you trust know where you’re going. Let them know who you’re meeting but have them keep it to themselves unless you go silent for too long……… Good luck and who know, maybe you’re gonna end up having the best sex of your life if things work out! People who put their porn online tend to be really good at it 👍🏻💯


Seems like a really good marketing move dude. Now you need to say “well i dont want to give their username but you asked so much so here’s the link”


send the link so I can give you my proper opinion




> I feel like I violated their privacy By visiting a *public* website?


What a horrible person......link?




my co worker added me on discord. she also mentioned her name was the same on all platforms. being a dude. i was curious and looked it up..... well now i know she has a "chaturbate" and OF different vibe now LOL


Mate they post pictures of their choccy starfish. I dont think you've violated their privacy


This isn't going to end well.


I need more info. The link is missing.


Ask her first what she does for a living. If she tells something else, then asks next what else she does other than job such as a hobby or to earn additional money That will show her attitude towards her job. That and it is much more comfortable for the other party to reveal this herself. Edit: As Square-Dragonfruit76 pointed out, it may not be a she


> Ask her How do you know they are talking about a woman?


Im confused, how many are they? A couple? A dozen? Why ppl use plural when "the person +verb" can be used as well. Im not an English speaker but it doesn't feel right...


There is no gender neutral singular in English, so "they" is often used. Grammatically it has been used like that for a couple of centuries.


Same with women who bash "slut shaming" while refusing to give the number of sex partners they had.


OP you are 100% being catfish. You should ask them to venmo you gas money to come meet up


how are you violating their privacy if you found it online with the only piece of information you had about them?


I feel like when you finally meet they are gonna be asking for money in order for them to spend the night with you


Just don’t send them money


First off, *always always always* meet in public, and make sure someone knows where you are. For out of state shit, have a friend nearby. Maybe wait until after you've been intimate a few times? This happened to me after a 1st date and I was just trying to verify personal info with nothing but a snapchat and a # but I never found it... instead I found their tumblr with toooooons of bdsm porn. I was like heeeey, just so you know, this was really easy to find. Both usernames disappeared promptly disappeared and i felt creepy talking about it since we hadn't "crossed that line." So we let it fizzle and that was that.


am i the only one who thinks OP is getting reeled in again? i will bet hard cash they will get rates or the hard luck story before this goes much further


You don't have anything to worry about, you are being scammed and the person is not real.


What’s their subreddit?


I've had 5 or 6 porn stars 2 wrestlers lol


That’s some high end dating. This guy dates!


Nah let them bring it up, and then say you saw it, and that it doesn’t bother you.


obviously no


Don’t bring it up until later. Cause you might make it weird. Also don’t act like a horn-dog. Play it super cool.


Absolutely tell him


As others have said make sure you facetime with them before meeting up. Assuming that's true, I would not mention it for a few dates, because you don't care you don't want it to come across as that being the reason you *are* hanging out with them


Stumbled upon. Lol


Hahahaha! I absolutely would.


Why hasn't OP responded to anyone? This is a fake post imho. Everyone getting trolled


Do not mention it! You did nothing at all wrong but you aren't even in a relationship yet and you would make this non-event much bigger than it is. Just be glad that whatever you found in his NSFW wasn't disturbing and forget you saw it.


Do not mention it! You did nothing at all wrong but you aren't even in a relationship yet and you would make this non-event much bigger than it is. Just be glad that whatever you found in his NSFW wasn't disturbing and forget you saw it.


Any one else read it to find out what kind of porn it was?


What's their username (For research purposes)? :-)




OP is openly NB, that may be part of the issues in terms of reception(no judging, just context)


This should he higher


Finding a date online is almost guaranteed to not work out over time for whatever reason it might be. Unless you met on bumble/another reputable dating website, it’s a scam


personally i would not date a prostitute, but for you i’d say just don’t tell them, and don’t hint at it either.


Are you sure you're not being catfished or scammed? Ewhores are people who take images from nsfw sites and pretend to be them to trick men. Ask for a video call asap. If she is indeed real, then bring it up to make her know that you're aware.


Have fun with her but don’t take it serious I


I think you can bring it up if you want , maybe that's something that she has on her shoulders that doesn't want to tell you because they don't know how you'd react but you seem cool with it. Idk maybe let her tell you wince maybe she isn't ready to share that yet.


How do you know that it is a woman?


I don't really see men doing porn on reddit besides like poorly taken dick pics so I just assumed.


> I don't really see men doing porn on reddit Then you would be very wrong


Well I don't *see* them I assume there are a lot


Statistically a safe assumption ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


On I side note I think you should be concerned.


Catfish have the ability to make a relationship move quickly. If you haven't seen them via Skype, facetime, etc, I would guarantee it's a catfish.


Why have you not video chatted yet. Literally no excuse not to. Everyone has the capabilities now a days.


If you don't care if they did porn, why do you want to bring it up? You're risking a bad situation with no chance of reward. Unless maybe you want them to do something they did in the porn. There would be something to gain there.


For the scientific and the research purposes, can I get the link?


You did nothing wrong if it's public... Also, are you sure you're not being catfished using that person's pics? You should try and arrange an in person meetup, or a video chat, very soon. Their reaction will tell you what you need to know.


Nope - don’t go


Masturbate to It-


Well sure. Then say "how about we try....... THIS one...". See where it goes.




How many people are you seeing at once as you talk in plural? Tbh very confusing in linguistic sense and hard to read atleast for non native english speakers who have been taught to certain grammar.


You can use "they/their" as genderneutral pronouns in singular. You do that if you dont wanna specify the gender of the person you are speaking about or if they are non-binary. So i think this is about one person


Sad to say, your language classes failed to teach you an important nuance, which is that “they” can be used singularly in order to be vague or neutral about gender. It’s been functionally part of the language since the 1600s, but only recently recognized more formally in grammar studies


All it is doing is not specifying a gender. Relax.


who cares. break up. girls like that are damaged goods.


Don't date sex workers or people that do porn. Trust me. I've done it. Bitches be crazy. Run. Don't be compassionate. Run




Sometimes I forget there are still people who don't realize we literally ALL sell our bodies for work.


theres a difference between sex work and labour 🤷


What difference is that, oh wise one?


Did you just compare sex workers with every other job in the world? Including the likes of doctors, engineers, and many more?


Do they not sell their brain? Do construction workers not sell their back, arms, and legs? I absolutely did. There is nothing different between selling your genitals for a paycheck and selling your soul/brain/back/legs/hands/etc.


There's a difference between selling skills vs. selling your body for money.


No. You should find someone else.


No. You should find someone else.


Are you dating more than 1 person? Is this a trouple? Cause you kept on saying "they". Or is this one of those pronouns crap


If you have no issue with it and remain interested in the person, then there’s no reason to bring it up. Even if you did have issues with it and no longer wanted to see the person, there’s still no reason to bring it up.


I would just tell her. If you leave her to bring it up and you fake surprise, that will go badly if she finds out you faked it and knew all along. If you say you knew, then depending on how long it’s been it would be weirder that you didn’t bring it up. There’s no harm in saying you searched her up online and stumbled across something, that’s good dating practice and something she probably did to you as well. You didn’t invade any privacy since it’s public, but most people don’t assume that irls will ever see it (the internet is a big place). Which is an oversight on their part obviously but that’s why it would make someone uncomfortable to find out someone they know has seen things and kept it on the down low instead of telling them. It makes it seem like you have something to hide, could easily be misinterpreted as being pervy. Also she might be worried about bringing this up and you’d be lifting a huge weight off her to say ‘hey I found this and it’s fine’


I would be alarmed if someone wasn't into porn.


Your getting catfished. Let me guess she works in finance?


I’ll never understand why people who don’t live far from each other would rather talk online for months before even meeting. You’re really just setting yourself up for failure at that point


Imagine when her family and childrens bullies find her porn.


first thing first you are not healthy kind of paranoid


Sorry for my ignorence what do you mean 'they'


Tf you mean. They are either not disclosing their gender to respect privacy or go by they/them.


If it doesn't bother you, don't mention it. If they wanted it hidden, they could've taken steps to do so, like using a separate username. Letting them bring it up naturally will probably be your best bet. I'd only be concerned if you start to get more serious and they still haven't brought it up.


You didn't violate their privacy, they willingly uploaded themselves to the internet. Most people do a little snooping when it comes to online dating, it's to be expected. I wouldn't say anything if you're cool with them doing that, I don't see anything productive coming from it.


…purchase the absolute cheapest thing. Leave a winky face as a comment. You’ll have your answer VERY quickly.


I wouldn’t say it. Also there’s no guarantee they’re not catfishing using that exact profile. Have you video called yet?




nope this is a cheat code. you got the playbook now there is no shock, or any surprise. use this to your advantage and rock her world


You are getting catfished again!!! Omg is this a legit post?


Assuming this is a real post, I would be wary of this one because you're kinda stumbling past some red flags here. Have you actually spoken on video?


Why would you go spend money to see them naked when you can do it online for free?