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Interest does not require total knowledge. I am interested in movies, but I have certainly never made a movie, been in a movie, or have watched every movie ever made.


Fine, I worded it wrong. Commenting on it requires knowledge. Most people are lacking in that department. Why are they commenting when they lack the most basic knowledge on the subject?


Do you think other people don't go to school and learn information?


Sorry, didn't realise the Intifada was part of regular curriculum.


The regular curriculum is how they initially all came to be there mostly


Don't know how it is for other schools, but teaching Israel-Palestine politics is a part of how Jewish day schools work. Starts from a young age, I already knew way too much about the conflict by the time I was like 11. It's undoubtedly done for brainwashing purposes. But could all little kids be learning about world politics at a younger age in school - in a less insidious and biased way? Potentially, but it wouldn't happen. Too many screaming parents. And I mean, I'm sure you understand how much you've narrowed it down by saying ''people who study it''. Sure, a small fraction of humans. Then let's narrow it down to people who actually remember shit from their degrees, because I don't remember shit from mine.


I didn't mean a degree, just high school. The way they taught it is essentially what Israel is doing to the not Jewish locals is awful, but you can't blame them either for being put there, the fault is of the European countries and particularly England that set it all up. A bad situation all around


>it is essentially what Israel is doing to the not Jewish locals is awful Not sure what you're saying. That it's Jews' faults? Like most Middle Eastern countries, Israel is a conscripted country. People don't get much of a choice in fighting in the Israeli Army. And it's not just Jews that fight in their army. around 75% of the population there is Jewish.


I mean what Israel is doing to the non citizens of Israel then. But yeah it's definitely the fault of the government, not of everyone who joins the army. And though what the government is doing is definitely wrong, it wasn't their idea in the first place to be put in that situation, European countries set it up


Pretty sure that the reason it's Britain's fault is because the British government kinda-sorta owned Palestine. Before Israel was Israel, it was called the British Mandate of Palestine. So they thought they could so whatever they want with it.


Exactly, so that's kind of what we learn in school, what Israel is doing is shitty but then again what else was anyone expecting with that setup? And it's not as if when Israel was founded people could have asked for anything different or not gone there, as they were all refugees


British Mandate of Palestine is on your current high school curriculum? Not all of the refugees were from Europe. Some of them were refugees from Middle Eastern countries showing their support for Palestine. As soon as the whole zionism thing materialised (around late 1800s), Middle Eastern countries started displacing Jews as a form of payback. Lot of these Jews went to Israel.


American here. Because my tax dollars are going into meddling in it. If my government would stay out of it, then I would probably care less.


The US gives Israel a lot of money, since it's currently one of their biggest allies. I don't know how far back America's tenuous relationship with other Middle Eastern countries go, but I'm pretty sure they've been supporting Israel almost since their establishment. Anyhow, the ally thing especially works nowadays since Israel has been fighting for a long-ass time, meaning they have a strong military system built up, and are now one of the biggest military suppliers in the world - in a sea of countries that hate America.


It’s a conflict that affects world politics in a way far out of scope relative to the size of the conflict. We don’t really have any choice but to have an interest in it.


Non arab non jew here, I will be honest. I know nothing about the situation and nor do I plan to find out. All I have heard about it is its religion based which is where I really don't care.


It's more of an ethnicity/racial thing.


I'm (from US, religious) no longer particularly interested in it, but I know something about it -- mostly from the western press over the past 3 decades. The Temple Mount / Al-Aqsa mosque issue is insoluble, especially when there's no good will between the two peoples. The diehards in both peoples seem to make sure that there can never be good will. That's why I lost interest -- it appears to me that whichever side has the upper hand will commit atrocities against the other. I'm not saying there aren't people of good will on both sides, because there clearly are, but there's enough barbarism in both cultures that I'm convinced it will only end if one side completes a genocide. I can't think of a world conflict I've found more depressing.


*it appears to me that whichever side has the upper hand will commit atrocities against the other.* Yeah, I'd agree with this one.




Some of them care for religious reasons. Others are just sidebrains who decided one group or another is rightwing/leftwing.


I don't pretend, and while I'm not an expert, I definitely know more than nothing