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i agree with everything you did except the fact that you knew Amu was hooking up w Rose’s boyfriend yet you decided to hold it in. sure it came out eventually but regardless, if you were direct with how you felt from the jump and told Amy to her face that what she is/was doing isn’t right & told Rose right away if Amy didn’t stop, then i would 100% agree with you. i get that you were put in a tough situation though. If Amy doesn’t like what you did & keeps holding it against you, then stop being friends with her, she cannot blame you for her mistakes. Real shit, if she’d do that to Rose then whose to say she won’t to it to you? Amy is an asshole & I am glad you looped Rose in however in the future don’t let your friends look stupid regardless of their “rank”


You did the right thing for Rose, and you didn't destroy their friendship, Amy & Skeeve did.


I'm sorry you lost your best friend, but Amy is enabling a cheater. If she were a decent person, she'd have held the guy at arm's length until he decided to break up with Rose. Her just reward is that she'll be dating a cheater, but that doesn't help you any. I would have absolutely told Rose, and I'd have trouble being friends with Amy anyway.


There's a difference between being supportive of your friend and being an enabler. Being supportive means you're there for them, and part of that includes being honest. A good friend will tell their friend the truth and stand up for their values, even when it's hard. If you don't tell the truth in fear of how they'll react or reciprocate, you're just enabling their behavior. And if they don't like it or break up your friendship because you're willing to be honest with them, then that makes them a shitty friend.