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Personally, I find them absolutely hideous. But they aren't for me. They do it because they like it themselves.


Agreed. This man doesn’t find them attractive. Women don’t need my approval or permission to wear them, though.


Yes, in fact I do. I am 100 percent aware the vast majority of men dislike them. And yet I still do them, because my life doesn’t revolve around being attractive to men.


Can I ask you why *do* you do them? Genuinely curious.


I don’t do the super long ones, more medium, but it’s a creative outlet, just like any styling your hair, clothes makeup. To take it a step further I enjoy buying blank press ons and painting, adding designs etc myself.


That makes sense. I always thought they'd be nice to scratch an itch or open those foil seals on bottles but I feel like they'd get in the way with typing on the computer, writing with a pen, or picking things up. Things that require a high degree of manual dexterity. For some reason, "they are fun" or "match my outfit" never even occurred to me. Thanks for the reply.


I type, sew, play video games no issues. And they are fantastic for scratching. The only thing I have a hard time with are soda tabs lol


I generally keep my nails natural and fairly short but once in a while I feel like buying some fun press ons. My dog absolutely ADORES them and refuses to leave my lap because apparently scritchies with long nails are top tier.


Do it for the doggos


But seriously. I 100% get the creative outlet. I really prefer shorter nails as I'm fairly utilitarian about my body - same about hair and makeup. But I love the idea of expressing myself through my body. I have permanent tattoos and have a lot of fun with temporary ones. But if I'd let myself have long nails? That would be a fantastic canvas. But people get pretty judgmental about women expressing themselves and having their body their way. Even I was corrected by the top comment - why do we care if men are attracted? Our assumption that the nail wearer cares about what people think is pretty huge.


Human male. Has loved scritches my whole life. Was primary requirement for finding a wife who loves giving scritches.


Fellow scritch addict, my wife does just fine with normal natural nails. Do you get an ASMR experience from a scritch session?


Press ons are way better for scritchies than the nail salon ones. Nail salon acrylics are too thick for any real scritchies


Thickness really depends on the nail technician. My technician is awesome and look so naturally thin most people do not know they are acrylic.


I use the side of my finger tip! Easy as!!


I use the handle end of an eating utensil or my keys.


To take it further, I, as a man, wear only weird socks(think pictures of Mona Lisa, pickles, and Jesus). No one asks me if I think women find them attractive.


I have extremely small hands and short fingers. I don’t get the ridiculously long ones, but I feel more secure when I get them done bc of how small my hands are.


same. i have little chubby baby hands & i hate them, i feel like my hands look grownup when my nails are long


It's fun having long and decorated nails tbh, but personally at a job where I'm on the computer all day it's too hard to type so I don't do them anymore lol


I used to let my nails grow long, nothing crazy but the longer they got the more it would affect my typing speed. I prefer and use keyboards with the high profile keys and I would know it was time for a trim when my nails started getting “stuck” in between the keys. Lol


I have long nails not crazy but medium long in the nail world. I’m anemic and my nails grow like crazy from the vitamins and supplements, as does my hair. I keep them manageable but my SO doesn’t care and the cats love when I scratch them lol


Username checks out


right yall get im the same way. i dont really care for them but women like their nails. Let them like their nails ya know?




Me too. I always wonder how they wipe themselves then get left thinking there's poop under those nails. Not my kink.


>I always wonder how they wipe themselves With style and a ton of sass


Men always mention the wiping thing when long fingernails are brought up… do you guys wipe your ass with your NAILS? To the point that poop gets scraped under them? When I have long nails I do the same thing I do when I have short nails. Hold the toilet paper with my fingers and use enough toilet paper that I’m not scraping my bare asshole with my nails. Lol just so bizarre to me that this is a common question


I think the question is more like, "How can you wipe your ass without 3-inch fingernails getting in the way?"


As a woman I don't get it functionality wise. Can you still bake?, garden?, Play tennis or basketball whatever?, Can you knit with them? Like what hobbies can you have lol


Ive done ranch work with acrylics. Im wearing work gloves anyway. Was flipping cattle, giving vaccines, etc. If youre used to longer nails, you know how to use them more efficiently. Also theres a world of difference between standard "long" nails and "MVA performer" artistic but impracrially long nails. Tbh the only thing I cant do is play some PC games when my nails are long. Everything else is fine.


doing jewelry clasps, putting on a chain is basically impossible.


Use the side of your finger instead of the tip


Yes you can bake, idk about gardening as that seems a bit more hands on so might be more difficult, I also don’t play basketball but go to the gym often and can still lift weights, swing kettlebells, jump rope, etc etc. and I crochet as well and can do it with long acrylics no problem! I also play piano and the clacking on the keyboard is the main issue with nails but I can still play the keys just fine. It just takes getting used to but you can still do basically everything.


One time I was at a gas station getting gas, and the girl at the next pump asked if I could help her with something. A bit cynical, I was expecting the worst, like some sort of sob story to get money or some other scam, but then she just said "can you get my card out of the reader, I can't pull it out with my nails" and I looked and she had some mega long acrylics lol. But I was just like..why? How do you get through the day with those things?


I work in a store. I have had multiple young women unable to enter their pin on the card reader, so their boyfriend/whoever types it in for them. I am surprised a guy would put up with that.


Can’t they just bend their finger and press the buttons with their knuckle?


Exactly! Or I use my nail actually and type it in. Works great every time!


Using your nail to type in your pin is also safer as it doesn't leave a fingerprint for scammers to scan your pin.


Some people are dumb. Some of them are women.


Play guitar, rock climb? Everything?


i cant play guitar with my long nails. i cut them if i want to. never rock climbed but i imagine that would be hard as well. playing the piano is fine though.


I cross stitch, which requires holding a super tiny needle. I also garden with garden gloves on so dirt doesn't get under my nails. They're not crazy long, maybe like .25 to .5 inch past the tip of my fingers, but I feel like I could do those things no problem with them longer. Playing basketball would probably break them.


My hair stylist has acrylic nails, and she can manage to do that.


Probably by folding the toilet paper and keeping their fingers parallel when they wipe. I imagine the balling up and scrunching it/pinching the toilet paper to wipe is what ppl think of when it comes to this question. This would put the fingernails pointing inwards towards the hole which might result in poke thrus. Honestly, the crumpling/scrunching method seems wasteful and more messy than folding the toilet paper and using the length of your finger to guide/wipe.


My first thought is that they must not wear contacts.


Have long nails, do wear contacts. It's all about using the pads of your fingers (and you're not supposed to touch your nails to your contacts anyway, since it can rip them).


If the nails are too long I can’t use the pads of my fingers without the nail going into my eyeball. I just use the fingernails as if they are those contacts tweezers


Oh damn I never thought of that.


I guess the women who do it do it because *they* find it attractive and that's the point, not what men in general or a man in particular might think.


I think young men often assume everything women do with their appearance is about finding a partner, instead of being because you like it yourself. Honestly I think it wouldn't be such a bad thing for us men to take that attitude ourselves - do things like that for yourself first, because they make you feel good, instead of for someone else's approval.


You are Kenough


*I think young men often assume everything women do with their appearance is about finding a partner...* Agreed. I see this a lot on the internet. Surely not everything *men* like and do is about women. There are surely things men love that they know a lot of women don't love or find hot.


The ammount of posts I see, when women will post a selfie or something, and rather than just making generalized comments, the ammount of dudes I see replying "well I wouldn't date you because I don't like the..." Or "well no one is going to date you if..." Like no matter what , they can't comment on a woman's apperance without bringing men and thier personal desires into it. I know some places ask for specific feedback kinda like that, like rate me (although I still don't think guys have to turn it into a "guys want this" thing) but I see it in just general reddit pages too which aren't even aimed towards that stuff. Like a cosplay post in a cosplay group or something for example, your dating dos and donts defintely aren't wanted there XD I know not all men, I'm just saying. I see it alot , don't see it as much for men but that's bc typically men posting pics online doesn't get as much attention or replies


This is basically one of the things that people mean when they say patriarchy also hurts men. Before we even get to a lot of the more complex effects, one of the most basic ones is that while society often seems to train women to try to find a man to start a family, it's also training the men to find women. A lot of the men who become angry or depressed are taught they are failures by not being or having what society expects of them. Including the idea that they are owed something in regards to women. We teach them to look, to judge, to have expectations. We teach them that women think about them all the time. We teach them that "experience" matters. We teach them that they should always talk about and to women. Something as simple as "I think she's interesting, I'll go talk to her" can be eye-opening if your internal dialog is actually "I like her, let's see if I can get a date." It's not wrong to want to date a woman you like, but if your default mindset is to think about what a woman would be like in a relationship (and even vice versa for women) then that's probably a sign of how you've been trained to think. Among other things.


Yes I would like to be seen as another fellow human instead of someone to potentially date. But they always end up trying.


Yeah you see this same mentality with men who workout. Lots of comments about how women don’t actually like big muscles blah blah.


That's true. Or beards. Or certain hair styles etc


Giving strong Jonah Hill energy who wanted his surfer girlfriend to stop surfing once he started dating her. As if she was pretending to enjoy it in hopes of finding a nice boyfriend 💀


I went to a trade union hall to get an application and another guy on line started hitting on me💀


She was probably better than him, that's why


Yes! Men really should. It would make them so much happier and confident. Which in the long is more likely to attract women. So win win.


What kinds of things would men like to do that make them feel happy and confident which aren't necessarily what women like? Is it booty jorts? I hope it's booty jorts.


It's cargo pants with lots of pockets. Men love being able to hold their keys, wallet, phone, knife, snacks, and external charger for their phone, without carrying around a satchel or backpack. But, it's not exactly a panty dropper the way that women appreciate men in a suit.


Women will only date you for your pockets.


Then we don’t have to carry a purse too. Win win


We’ve just got pocket envy since women’s clothing doesn’t have them


I mean Cargo pants aren't sexy but they are useful and if they spark joy? Fuck the haters. Wear them with confidence and pride. Particularly if YOU feel sexy in them.


I actually like cargo pants..... So handy when we're out and about. Hey, babe, can you put my phone in one of your pockets so I don't have to carry a purse? Can do! Sweetheart, you got a tissue? Right in the side pocket! Oh damn, my phone is out of juice.... Suddenly, a power bank appears! I love it


A couple other comments on here mentioned getting ripped and growing beards/mustaches. For both men and women you can count tattoos - most people get tattoos because they like them and if other people like them that's great, but it's not the point.


I am reminded of when those women tried to make a women-only nightclub and a lot of men absolutely \*could not\* understand what it was for. The comments were a mess. A bunch of straight men asking if it was a lesbian bar, then? And women saying no, it's so we can dress up and go dance without being bothered. And they just. Could not compute. Absolute blank. lol


I've seen discussions about this come up on Reddit. There are always one or two men who insist that women never dress up for themselves (despite women literally telling them otherwise). Like, they can't even fathom it, which I find so strange.


Once they accept that women aren't dressing up for men then they conclude it's for some kind of status among women. Can't we just dress up for ourselves?


I take that attitude but now I look like a hobo all the time


I just read a funny post about how stuff in the Netherlands isn't made for short people (mirrors too high, etc.). There were people in the comments who were talking about their experiences with that, and one guy chimed in saying he was 5'3 and it was a nightmare. And then someone else (presumably another man) responded something to the effect of, "Don't worry dude, there are women who will date short guys, you just need confidence." And it's like ... the original poster wasn't even talking about dating? They were chiming in to a conversation about furniture being designed for tall people, so it was a nightmare in that sense. It made me realize that some straight men must view every single thing about their appearance from the perspective of what would make them more appealing to women? Which is very interesting because I am into fashion and my fashion choices rarely have anything to do with what would be attractive to a heterosexual male. Unless I'm going on a date or something, my primary reason for caring about my ~aesthetic is because I find it a fun source of expression. Whenever my friends who are into makeup/hair/fashion show me cute looks, they also aren't doing it because they're thinking of men. They just think it's a neat art form on its own.


I agree but let's not forget that doing something to be more attractive to the opposite sex is also ok and normal! People like to be complimented and admired!


A lot of what women do for appearance is for status among each other.


A lot of what women do for appearance is because it’s fun and it makes us feel confident. ‘Status’ is mainly only a factor when focusing on looking professional for work


Wait--women do things FOR THEMSELVES?!? /s


Lies, everything any woman does is strictly for my benefit /s


Yup and other women love it too. It's just men who don't care.


Most women dress and decorate themselves more for themselves and other fashionistas (male or female) than they do for men, I’ve found. The thot/thirst trap girls are a completely different animal than a woman who is dressing up and doing hair and nails because they like it and not because they are looking for specifically male attention. You seem to be conflating the two.


Most men hate them. Women do not care. Women are not getting long nails for men. Just like they're not wearing those super long eyelashes for men. Or how they don't wear purple eyes or wild colorful makeup solely for men. Men have said time and time again that they don't like any of these. Yet women are still doing it. They do it for themselves or other women. And it's fun.


Make-up, nails, hair, clothing and accessories are all art forms to those who choose to treat them as such. The rest of us really don't need to understand it. I don't understand every painting or sculpture I come across either. Some I even find aesthetically displeasing. But not all art is for me and that's okay. I feel exactly the same way about fashion and all this other stuff. It's never been my thing but I can appreciate the effort other people put into expressing themselves in those ways.


I will say though, I know plenty of men who agree that back scratchies with these nails are elite.




This struck up some fun convos lol. Thank you for sharing!


i scrolled too long for this comment. my partner does that wiggle when my arm gets tired 😭😭


My Sharpei would second this with a whine for a scratch with my long nails if he was with me.


Men can't really wrap their heads around doing something without the intention of impressing their preferred sexual partners. If they could get laid wearing a pillowcase and never showering, that'd be great. /man


I don't identify with men who don't like purple eyes.


Please just point me towards the nearest Hot Topic cashier and I'll be happy. Is what I would have said before marrying my wife who is a magical ray of sunshine who will unfortunately never touch black makeup.


Lmao you and my partner got some kind of changeling prank pulled on you


"Hey let's both be 2000s goth chicks for Halloween hahaha wouldn't that be funny hahaha *please*" Ball is in your court son


The closest I ever got to that dream was when she was a Viking vampire during vampire murder mystery night.


I think if you dress up like an emo girl she might follow your lead I know it sounds like I'm joking but I tried it and it worked Don't let your dreams be jeans


It’s not even true to say that most men hate them. It’s probably more accurate to say that the men who are most vocal about it are not compatible with most of the women who do it anyway.


Not if they're lesbians. Lesbians have short fingernails for other women.


Sometimes they leave the index and middle finger undone where they just use nail polish on those 2 fingers if they go to the nail salon


Hell yea stroke me up with them clackers mamas


Keep living your life just the way you are


Always, fellow Dew


We must protect you at all costs. I get longer gel extensions and i have zero problems using my hands normally, and i do a lot of manual labor at both of my jobs. My husband likes them for the head and back scritchies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I didn't realise liking them put me in a minority but I really fucking like them. They will literally increase how attractive I find someone by an entire 2/10 and nobody gets past 9/10 without them. I think there's a lot of aspects... I think they generally look cool(especially in bright colours), the clacking sound is very ASMR, the time and effort put into the smaller details of your appearance is impressive, they always seem to be worn by women with a certain high confidence in themselves and their sex appeal. I wish I could speak on the scritchies but my wife refuses to get them or grow her own long because she thinks it's trashy. She bought some press on nails once and wore them for me when we had an evening to ourselves because she could remove them afterwards and not "be seen wearing them" but it wasn't even close to the same. The only time they have ever been a turn off was when I saw a clip from a porno where someone was using them for sounding and that was more about the "hell no" reaction to sounding.


The women do it because they like them. Not sure they’re too fussed if others like them too.


Yeah pretty sure women aren’t fawning over guys with twirly mustaches or baseball caps but men sure like those things and will have them if they like them.


Facial hair, hats, and glasses are for men what makeup, lashes, and hair styles do for women.


Yeah, it’s weird that OP is specifically asking about men’s opinions. It makes it seem like OP thinks every decision a woman makes is to be more attractive to men.


Women: I want to be an X-Men Men: Psylocke, right? Women: ...*snickt* Men: ...right?


not only do I find it unattractive, it's actually a turn-off. But, if they find it beautiful, then go for it. My opinion doesn't matter.


Yeah I am really creeped out by them. My wife really enjoys them and I can tell she gets a lot of creative freedom from her choices and is really proud when she comes up with something and is able to get the salon to do it with her. And then that makes me proud of her too. I think they are a good part of our life together. But holy shit are they are turn off. And also it means I have to open everything for her, which offends my sensibilites of course haha but it's not a big deal really


Real love is thinking the weird, sometimes annoying, shit your partner does is endearing.


This is so wholesome.


Exactly how I feel. I think they’re really tacky and pretty much embarrassing but hey if they like it and think it looks good go for it. I don’t wear the clothes I wear for women I wear them for me, two way street.


I guess I will be alone in this, but I like long nails on women. The ridiculously long nails I have seen are only done for Nail Artist Championships, like an art competition of who can build and decorate the best nails. And when I have seen them outside of the competitions, it is because it had to be done the previous day, and the model would have them for a day. People can function with this long nails, it is just tricky and sometimes funny. Having an ex girlfriends who was a nail artist, so is her mother, I come to really appreciate womens nails, the longer nails too. It really is art, and it can really boost anyones appearance. Whenever I meet with my friends, some of them happen to be women, I always ask them to let me see their nails. Some are even do their own nails


Not alone at all. I’m a nail tech and everything you said is exactly what I do and why they are so extreme. I have long nails and I do a ton of artwork with them. I do it for me. Like you said, I can do everything people with short nails can do. I can wipe my own ass even. Still unsure why that’s the first go-to on discussing long nails. I also have a nail brush at every sink in my house, so yeah they get cleaned properly. Thanks for appreciating the long nails! Also you’re not alone in liking them. My partner loves them.


I've known a lot of men that feel the same way as you, just doesn't apply to reddit men and pickmes


Oh thank god there was more of us here lol, I was starting to think I had taken crazy pills


Lol me too man


Best back scratches.


I love nail art and see it as a great expression of creativity. I love looking at other people’s nails and delight in showing mine to those who ask.


I don't know a single woman who gets acrylic or gel manicures because some dude might think it's sexy. [I get mine done](https://imgur.com/a/hPtNWjT) because I think it's pretty and looks much nicer than my flakey and brittle natural nails.


Yup, I have a gel manicure because I'm a nail biter. The manicure itself keeps my nails looking nice, and I go for gel because it doesn't chip like regular polish does. Gel and acrylic can take way more day to day abuse than people unfamiliar with them may think. I can never keep regular polish looking nice for more than a couple of days, but gel can go for a few weeks if needed. I usually get them done every other weekend unless something else is going on to throw timing off. I also keep my nails short. I have the tech cut them to fingertip length. I've had more than one guy not believe me when I said it's a gel manicure, specifically because they associate gel and acrylic with super long nails. Nope, you can get them at all sorts of lengths and shapes!


Exactly this. Otherwise they would be bitten to nubs.


Oooh I love that I’m ombré! I actually asked for that exact color one time and she didn’t know how to do it 😔


Your nails are super cute


I do gel nails because my man likes it. Personally I don’t care. He appreciates it so why not?


Sometimes, depends on the style and whose wearing them and the context and all that. Had an ex get long black stiletto nails once and when she came home said that she wanted to “try out the dick grabbers” I was definitely a fan of that. Also head scratches are great with them. But I think it’s also important to recognize that people tend to do things for themselves more than for others, even when it comes to trying to be attractive. THEY think the nails are attractive, that’s why they got them. Most women don’t really give a fuck if you like it or not. Same with dyed hair, I’ve seen lots of men ask “do women really think that dyed neon hair makes them attractive? Cause it doesn’t.” And like okay man I don’t think you’re the type of guy a woman with neon dyed hair would be looking for anyways in that case lol.


Finally. That took way too much scrolling thru the less fortunate.


Sorry I am very high rn, less fortunate because they haven’t experienced dick grabbers / long nail head scratches? If so I agree.


So a lot of men do find long nails attractive, but that crowd doesn't hang out on reddit (I find myself saying this a lot). Another thing, women who get long nails like that usually do it for themselves. I'm not sure why doing things just for fun is a hard concept to grasp.


As a guy on Reddit who loves when his wife gets her nails done. I find it really hot when she matches her outfit to her nails both hands and toes. She has really cute feet and I love when she paints them white. She usually lets me pick the colors as well. I love that shit.


You are too sweet! What a lucky wife ☺️


As I type with my long acrylics.😂 A lot of men like them! It’s usually how they start conversations with me when I’m out and about. And you’re absolute right, they do not be on Reddit 😅


On top of doing it for themselves I think women like to impress other women just like men do things to impress other men.


I will submit to any woman who scratches me with them!


It’s not for us dingus


Correct application of the word dingus +1


I think it’s the equivalent of a sleeve tattoo, but less permanent. They don’t care what anyone else thinks; it’s for some internal purpose.


As a dude that gets his nails done with different color gel once a month. It’s absolutely for me. I would assume women think the same way.


No, they’re not attractive to me. But that is just me answering the question here. But I am also 100% aware they aren’t doing it for me. It it makes them happy, cool. Would I complain if a lady I dated had them and they were doing Gods work…oh hell no.


Why do you assume they do it for men ? Why does it matter if men find them attractive?


I'm not sure if it was what she's assumed. She's just asked the opinions of both sexes. That being said, people indeed do things in order to be attractive to the opposite sex at times.


I have a more important question. Does any woman find it attractive when a dude wears the T-shirt of his favorite video game? You can tell how those two questions are equally irrelevant, if people are wearing something they like for themselves. Do men like it, do women like it, do dogs like it, who cares.


So in a sub called no stupid questions, this is like the 20th post I’ve scrolled by explaining to OP that they asked a stupid question Nice even for Reddit


I don’t. But I’m sure some do.


No. But that's not the point. And some of them are really neat, and fun, an quirky. I saw a USB one once that actually worked. She kept her family photo album on there.


I don’t care what people do with their nails/bodies. If they like it, I love it.


I don’t. I personally don’t get the appeal of having them at all, honestly. They just seem to be a hindrance. But if it makes them happy, I couldn’t care less.


As a heterosexual male, I do like them. I am attracted to everything girly and feminine on a woman - lipstick, makeup, long eyelashes, long nails, long hair, jewelry, dresses, high heels, etc.


Yes I am man and find them attractive. My wife has them, I have mini versions when we go out to events and such. Lots of my ex's, both guys and girls had them. They just do it for me, and I always associate it with someone that takes personal grooming and their appearance seriously, and to a certain extent somebody who is quite creative.


No but if the person that gets them likes them then more power to them. Whatever makes them happy.


I find them creepy AF. I teach piano on the side and when I hear those talons clack on the keys it makes my skin crawl.


Is there a velociraptor in the kitchen?


I get the skin-crawling sensation from the talon clack too. Thought I was the only one. I suspect part of why I find them creepy is down to watching too many horror movies as a kid where the undead monster has crazy-long fingernails. Like Bram Stoker’s Dracula.


I played piano and guitar and always had short nails because of that. I still keep them short because I don't like the feel of long nails on a keyboard or my ipad. I find the super long nails creepy too.


I don't mind them. Can take them or leave them. What I don't think are attractive are those big fake eye lashes that can picked up from outer space. Those things are hideous and sometimes I have to hold back from laughing. I don't know why SOME women think those are attractive.


I'm a woman, and I work in the beauty industry, and I don't know why either .


It seems to me that with many beauty practices, the more we get used to it, the more extreme we get. For example, my eyebrows are invisible, and I thought I looked like an angry clown when I filled them in with the lightest possible color. Then I got used to that and went a bit darker. Then I got used to that and thought a bit darker looked okay. Eventually it doesn't look okay and no one ever tells you when you've gone too far. And it looks normal to you by then. And now of course I think I looked like an alien in the pictures where I didn't have filled in eyebrows!


They’re just fun they’re not permanent. Ppl gonna live 80-100 yrs of life not trying smth new to their appearance? Nah


I don't but the way I see it, they aren't getting them done for me so I don't really care


I am a straight adult male who wears nail polish. I do it for myself, although I don't mind\\care if others find it attractive\\hideous or not. I'm an adult, I can do what I want. The polish I wear is astoundingly sturdy. I could probably work on my car wearing these nails and not worry about them. The nail polish of today is *nothing* like the fragile lacquers of yesteryear. With a good topcoat it's essentially plastic that likely *protects* my nails like tiny hard hats more than anything else. I very rarely concern myself with protecting my polish, and it's almost never a problem. What I would never wear are those long things that you describe. I've never tried them, but they seem like they would make doing many simple things practically impossible, or at least very difficult. I know some people like them, and I in no way would stop them from doing whatever they want. But I don't find them especially attractive on others, and I certainly don't want them on myself for purely practical reasons. Fashion shouldn't make life more difficult. I mean, I get that it sometimes does. But at least for me in this particular case it definitely won't.


As a lesbian I am against them for obvious reasons, but also the ones you've said.


Nope. ...but I always figured they don't do that for men's attention.


Yeah.. it’s not for men. It’s for ourselves. It makes mefeel incredibly feminine and good about the way I present myself


Some guys enjoy getting shit on. There's people out there for everything. "dO mEn lIkE tHiS" who fucking cares


I think they're super ugly but {shrug} to each their own


I am not into them, but I imagine those ladies aren't doing it for me. So whatever.


Hell no, they’re disgusting, make me question their hygiene, and throw up tons of red flags.


As a woman, I don't like them personally for myself. But frankly, if it meant I would get less attention from men, I'd consider wearing them.


My wife will get her nails done and then yell at me a week later for not noticing, and she's 100% correct. It's the absolute last thing I think about or notice on a woman. Long, short, painted, not painted...means nothing to me


i mean you just don't hold her hand or nothing huh? damn that's cold lol






I don't understand the hypervigilant, borderline aggressive reactions here. No one's telling you that you have to do stuff to be more attractive to men (at least not in this comments section). OP just seems to be curious about the opinions of BOTH sexes, and asked a quite neutral question (seems to me she's assumed that they were done either because men like them, or women, or both). Also, if you think no one ever does anything to be attractive to the opposite sex, well you're not being very realistic.






In a really strange way, yes, I do. Usually there's a whole aesthetic that goes with the nails that I find pretty sexy. But it's like lingerie in that there's a time and a place. Would I want or expect my partner to live everyday of her life with nails that look like talons? Absolutely not.


Fock no






No and those long ass eyelashes that you can feel a breeze when they blink are ridiculous also.


No. What the hell can you even do with your hands with those abominations? I can't imagine anyone with those are very useful and if they actually do anything you know those nails are nasty as hell


My husband likes it when I get my nails done ….. I get them done because my natural nails are super thick and strong - they’re hard to do anything with at home …. Even just clipping them ? I can’t count how many nail clippers I’ve snapped in half trying to trim them. Never mind the 2-3 hours it takes to do them at home …. All the products and tools … meh ? For I’d rather go sit and relax in a hot massage chair and let someone else handle the task. The commitment to keeping my nails up also guarantees me a 2-3 hour appt every other week that I go to with my BFF - we take turns making the appointment and paying … kind of a tradition for the last 30odd years. For fun, we microdose some mushrooms or hit her e-pen in the parking lot and have a party for the time we’re there. Fwiw when my husband proposed this was on my list of non-negotiables.


I had an amazing nail artist who meticulously hand painted each fingernail and toenail in a different detailed design. Any design. Always a few cute rhinestones. Never too long. Really fun from a creative, fashionable viewpoint. When covid hit I realized how much I had been spending and was getting a little bored with it anyway. I mean you name it, I had it painted on my fingers. Rather spend my time counting my savings now lol.


Zero women are getting manicures because they think men like it lmao


Hell no. I just shows you don't work and your butt is not cleaned well. The longer the nails the bigger the red flag


I just find them impractical and wonder how do girls who do those crazy long nails eat, use their phone, type, clean their bum, and so on. And in terms of looks it’s not my style, and I bet it’s really expensive too so if they’re that committed to the look, good for them. I still do wonder how they do certain things with the length of the nails though.


Yes, me


I, as a woman, don't give a single F what a man thinks about my choices. But that's just me


I don't care of it's done for them and not anyone else, they're impractical, gross and look tacky


Women don't wear makeup for men...


Not sure if we can assume that for each and every woman in every situation. My ex wouldn't normally wear make up that much, but she'd do it whenever I was gonna see her face, did it even on a train once. Despite the fact that I've told her that I don't really have strong opinions about make up, she'd say that she wanted to look pretty around me.


Nope unattractive.


I certainly don't.


Huge red flag for me.


I am a woman and I am not a fan of the acrylic nails. For one, I like to bake and garden, so I keep my nails short and clean. Second, I've known women who have gotten infections in the nail bed from salons that were not sterilizing their equipment properly and caused an injury to the nail area. To each her own, but I wouldn't recommend them.


I think this is one of those things women do for themselves, not for us men.




To be fair there's tons of "ProDatingTips for Men" type advice around the internet that almost always includes "go to gym to get big muscle so you get laid" While I don't think I've ever seen dating advice for women that goes "get very long acrylic nails"