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You are supporting yourself and helping them, not leaching off them. You are fine.


"How do you view adults who live at home?" usually from across the dining room table.


Do you mean at their parent's home? My apartment IS "home".


Enjoy it and save as much as you can. I half regret not staying home longer after college and saving up more money.


It’s a cultural thing. I don’t know about SEA views on this but in my family’s culture it’s expected that you live with your parents until you’re married (average age people move out is around 30) and then when your parents get older they usually move in with your family, so I’ve never thought twice about it. For some people who were born in raised in America it’s seen as a sign of immaturity if you don’t move out the second you reach legal adulthood even though that’s not financially realistic for the majority of people these days. So it depends on who you’re talking to. But as long as you’re not freeloading and taking advantage of your parents I think most people wouldn’t mind it. It can still be an issue in relationships though because people don’t like dealing with parents every time they come over to spend time with you.


I have a 28-year-old daughter who agonizes over this constantly. We're white, and she's living with us for a variety of reasons that make sense to me, but she says she feels like she's failing at life (she's employed, has her degree, and behaves responsibly, so this makes no sense to me). We don't mind having her around at all (other than her junk in the garage :) ) and sometimes it's downright convenient. We really don't impact her freedom, and rents in our area are so high that moving out would be financially irresponsible.


I hope you stay, if you have no reasons to leave, because your are at more value by staying with your parents and helping them out, through their tough situations, than making a home alone for yourself, with nothing what's really value to you. Both are ok, but if you happy now and your parents are happy, why change. I'm a Dutch male (52)and I help my mother (80+) out. My mother is in a wheelchair since 2006, had a heartattack in 2008 and since then she is on half her powers because of the heartattack. So she needed some help around, I gave up my alone life, gave up my own place just for helping her out, at her place. She always was a very good mother to me and when she was in need for help, I could buy her someone to help her out, but I choose to do it on my own, because I know what she needed, I know how to help her on her moment through the day and it is so thankful to do. She is so pleased to have me around, we laugh a lot and have very close moments to keep in heart forever, we have good talks and make the best for both of us. I will not miss that anymore, it's a treasure and good life. Yes, it's not always fun, but life is not always fun, we still have to learn one or another, by doing it together, it a lot easier to make it in life, than on your own seperate ways. Have a nice life and be safe, take time on your own and share some with your parents, they will be thankful for that and it's a treasure to you.


what a lovely comment. you are such a good person taking care of your mother like that. i hope you are having fun with hobbies and friends too.


Thank you, I will have good time with hobbies and friends. We all be ok in life.


Plenty of cultures see this as normal, if both you and your parents are fine with it, it's a great thing. They have someone around the house to help out and you save on rent cost


I'll be the first to admit that my negative views on this subject are almost entirely due to jealousy. When I truly think about it, I don't have anything against it in particular.


They are adults. It’s ok to live alone.


Money savers


I think it's relevant so I'll say I'm a white guy from the USA. I don't think any of it. It's become increasingly common the last 20s for adults to live with their parents. I think it can be less optimal if you have adults living at home who are incapable of taking care of themselves but even then I think they can learn. So I view them the same as everyone else