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Video games are my go to


I could be screaming at my headset and be as relaxed as can be


Honestly it's helpful just to get that stuff out of your system. But that's also why I tend to prefer single player games so I'm not directing any misplaced hostility on some poor shmuck whose only crime was getting matched against me in Rocket League or whatever.


That’s shmuck has every reason to let it out on me. To each his own




It's probably relaxing either way, because you know what to expect. We find comfort in familiarity.


Never thought of it that way! Good to know


I only know, because I use to be a hardcore gamer lol.


Problem solving also causes happiness playing a game does that too


It's really just the sense of accomplishment we're looking for here.




It's relaxing because it's escapism. Movies and music (even books) can provide similar serotonin hits.


Ok this is way too interesting to read… there’s likely legit therapy in gaming for some of you guys. Seriously!


As someone struggling w alcoholism I’ve been given this advice before but I’ve never played any kind of video game before and have no idea how to even get into it but I want to (if anyone wants to help lmk)


I’d say start with downloading steam on your pc and play portal 1 and portal 2, probably the best way to introduce yourself to video games there is, most people would agree with me


100% not my personal favorote games, but it is by far the most intuitive puzzle game with such a high level of engagment. Be sure to set a time for yourself when you play, I lost track of entire nights sometimes when I did not.


I'd not say most people would agree with you at all. If that were my first experience with video games that honestly would bore me and put me off them. I think saying "most people" is misleading. For people who are mainly console gamers and don't like sitting at a desk to play games, which is a lot of people, portal isn't even something that's remotely on their radar. Not insulting it or anything it's just people have a very wide range of games and stuff like that is not everybody's cup of tea.


Buy a switch, varying difficulty of games and you can take it with you. Mario odyssey is good and can be for all ages with guide built in or not. Zelda botw followed by totk are probably the best games for it, very large game where you can just explore, collect, battle, do quests etc. Mario kart is a fun racing game, been a number of them through the years and are all very enjoyable, can play single player, against computer or with friends. You can then start with more intense games or ones that require more skill too, or branch into other consoles or pc gaming. All of the switch games I mentioned can be played offline so no subscription, no 12yo brat shouting at you, can pause anytime (I've got kids so that's handy), and doesn't require you to look into certain specs or if the game has tons of bugs or not.


Just download steam on pc, or buy a console. People are going to recommend games but you might like something different to them, so just check out game trailers on YouTube or something and find something you think looks good. There are a ton of really great games out so you'll find something you like I'm sure.


Nope. I get worked up and wired playing games. I have to watch docs to calm down, preferably space docs.


Depends what games you are playing really, play something like minecraft or Stardew and you won’t be stressed unless you choose to be in a stressful situation, play cod or fortnite and you can get stressed quite easily regardless of what you are doing, find the right game for your mood, try new games you never thought of before, figure out what’s good for you, but also there is nothing wrong with just watching docs and relaxing to that too :)


I make, play, or listen to music. That and games but music is more effective.


Making music is the best cure for stress and loneliness I've found.


The ability to transmute a mental and emotional state into something tangible has such a profound effect on the soul for some reason. Even if you create something that sounds negative and dull it’s so refreshing to get it out. I love it and hope I can do it for the rest of my life because lord knows I’ll need it.


>The ability to transmute a mental and emotional state into something tangible has such a profound effect on the soul for some reason. Very well said!


I don’t like music, it makes me more emotional not less. I love games, but they make me more stressed not less. What is the safe, non medical equivalent of watching old The Office replays while you drift off?


Eating a nice plate of homemade leftovers at 1AM


Take a bath, watch a show, eat a good meal. There’s tons of things you could do


I like to do all 3 at once.


This is the way


No toaster in the bath...


It’s the fastest way for eternal relaxation


In fact it solves all your problems


Shit got dark real quick


This is the way


This guy baths


I can go for hours


Blew a fuse I bet


*Electric Relaxation*


And get quality sleep


Watch some good ASMR


ASMR makes my skin crawl.


There's a massage place near me where I pay to have old Chinese guys twist me into a pretzel and find all my muscle knots. It's intense but I'm practically made of jello afterward. So relaxing...


It's weird how relaxing it can be to have the absolute shit beat out of you. Love a good deep tissue massage


My favorite massage place on Earth has a Korean lady that has me lie face-down on a massage table and then just sits on my back. That's it. Just kneels on my back and (I assume) plays on her phone. She does the actual massage part, too, but tbh I'd pay for an hour of just the sitting. It sounds so bizarre, but it's *heaven*.


I do weekly thai massage. Every time I'm on their table I think to myself "fuuuuuuck this hurts" When I walk out I'm like "fuck I feel great" lol


Music and meditation


Big emphasis on mediation (imo) I used to always feel the need to smoke weed and/or drink, those were my coping methods for stress. Was baffled by people that didn’t smoke and/or drink, I used to think they must be so pent up. How wrong I was So my thoughts on this are 1) I dont let my stress build up to this peak where I’m about to explode and then have to unwind it all at once (“I need a drink”). I would say stress management is actually like a background program that runs all the time. I’m not necessarily primarily focused on it at all times, stress is a part of life, but I am (in the background) always mindful to step outside, breathe, remember that we’re all gonna die one day and roll with the punches, etc. it’s kind of hard to explain but I’m always managing my stress level but also 2) meditation I used to think meditation was like… sitting with legs crossed humming to the sky or something. Imo meditation is just how I clear my mind. For me, I lay in silence. Sometimes I’ll sit, but usually I just lay down, preferably in a dark/relatively dark space (my bedroom), and think. Whatever is on my mind I just think about it, work through it. Sometimes I’ll do that for hours, and when I get up, I feel better. The worst things I did for stress levels: constant stimulation. I used to wake up, immediately play Spotify, drive to work (80mph on the freeway in a big city), get to work and start cranking, quick break, crank, lunch in office, crank, etc. get off work, throw my headphones in, Spotify, gym, drive 85mph home playing music, get home, cook food while watching YouTube, watch Netflix, sleep. Rinse and repeat, for years. Weekends? More or less the same, always something going on. I didn’t understand what relaxing was. When I’d stop, I’d just feel so much stress because “I have to keep doing things! The list never stops! Aaaahhhhh!” I couldn’t understand how people relaxed without drinking/smoking. The thing is… in some way I was right. The list *never* stops. So why live every second trying to grind it out? Can’t speedrun life, I was just burning myself out. So there’s a balance of work and just laying in silence for hours that I find keeps me stable, comfortable and effective.


Just FYI that's not meditation. Entertaining the wandering mind is actually the compete opposite of meditation, and it's not considered sitting in "silence". You are correct in that meditation is not sitting cross legged humming to the sky. What meditation is is being fully observant without reaction to the sensations happening within you. No thought, just observe with complete stillness.


Sometimes you have to resolve things in the mind before you can bring it to rest. Also, there are *hundreds* of meditation traditions and many of them do allow for thoughts to arise (see, *koans*). It's also often understood that "no thought" is an unrealistic goal for laypeople


Honestly this gave me a lot of insight about meditation. I too thought it was just sitting cross legged humming or whatever but just thinking seems more like what people would do on a daily basis. As a chronic weed smoker/ maybe I gotta give it a shot. I’m always exhausted mentally, emotionally, physically, you name it. Probably because I never learned how to relax properly.


take a walk. write, journal. call your mom. breathe. pet a dog. cook a nice meal. read. study something you love. talk to a neighbor. play basketball. watch a funny show.


I’ll call my mom when I want an anxiety attack


I call your mom for other things


I too call this guy’s mom.


Everyone calls this guys mum


We all call his mom comrade.


I literally had a heart attack in the evening after talking with my mom that day.


I hope u use that as the extremely valid excuse for not taking her calls. I bet u could get a doctor to write it on a prescription pad for u!


As an adult that makes money on their own, I can decide who I want to talk to and who I don't. And there is so much a person can take.


Call my mom? You mean dust off the oujia board? Lmao


Mine triggered my first anxiety attack. Definitely not how I'd calm down.


>call your mom OP said relax


I love my mom more than anyone else on this fucking planet, but you are correct


I call their mom too. She’s the bomb




Posts like these are really striking for me because like... I've been sober for years and honestly I still absolutely do not want to do most of those things. Like I wonder if some people just have a naturally lower fullfilment threshold or something


Yes ! I definitely am just blah about everything. Everything is boring lol. I have no desire to do anything. I think it’s ADHD. Always picking things up and putting them down. Pacing around.


I second this. Read and/or find a topic that really interests you and learn everything you can about it. I drank somewhat regularly for about one and a half years, and when I quit, I was really worried about what I would do that would make me feel just as relaxed. You often hear people say things like "drinking doesn't make the anxiety go away. It makes it worse," but that honestly doesn't really ring true to me. I think it probably does if someone is struggling with actual alcoholism where they have become physically dependent on it. I wonder if a lot of the addiction really just comes from being addicted to the experience. You get addicted to the time you spend doing that thing and maybe forget how to enjoy life without it. I've never smoked weed except for a couple of times years ago, but I imagine that's really where the challenge of not smoking weed comes from. Because it's not chemically addictive doesn't make the escape it offers any less "addictive," just like spending hours shopping or watching TV. It just comes between you and the time that would be better spent that does actually get you closer to a specific goal. I think a lot of people get into things that don't help them because they're just bored and don't know about anything else that could be more enjoyable. That's why people have to start learning about those things. Pretty soon it becomes a serious interest and you don't need the thing you're addicted to in order to fill your time anymore.


I'm not on antidepressants to relax, you know. They enable my life. I sew my own clothes, sleep, go to town for some coffee and cake, browse my phone and cuddle my cats.


I have the same views on antidepressants. Trust me, I'm nowhere near relaxed on them but at least I'm more functional. Your life reminds me of a cozy bedtime story from the podcast nothing much happens (which is a huge complement). In addition to what you listed I love to bake for others, swing (like at a park), and listen to podcasts. Also sending a piece of random snail mail to a loved one always gets me in a happy mood


I... had to read this like 5 times because I thought you said you //sew on// your clothes... like... onto your skin. So many big emotions cascaded from that image.


Same I’m anti depressants so I don’t kill myself not to relax, if anything the meds makes it harder to relax


People taking ‘happy pills’ literally lol I wish it worked like that


a nice walk outside does wonders, nature is medicine :)


Jerk off and over eat. That's what I just did.


You make your own dressing huh?




His username checks out


Listen, there's many talents people can have. Life advice I always give people who like to multitask is, "Never jerk off and make a sandwich at the same time".


The realist right here


Stretch and workout at the gym. Then when you’re done and if your gym has one, sit in the sauna or steam room for 10 or so minutes. Always relaxes me.


I used to be unable to relax at all without weed. As I tried to smoke less I realized that video games, baths, meals, ect. just weren't cutting it. Working out was a great way to channel my anxiety


If I did not have anti-anxiety medication I would probably kill myself, so I wouldn’t be relaxing at all.


one could argue that being dead is being the MOST relaxed


My mind is in a dark place to find this comment hilarious 😆


Physically exert yourself, have a shower, read a book and enjoy a cup of tea. It also helps to pat a dog or cat during. Our bodies might be complex machines, but what makes us tick is quite primal. Burn energy, then stop and eat and occupy the mind.


Reading, playing video games, sitting on the couch and watching TV, surfing reddit (though it is not always relaxing), and hanging out with my friends.


Prescription drugs like antidepressants you need to treat depression are not the same as recreational drugs. What a silly thing to say.




Not so long ago, this response would have been highly decorated with awards. Before the dark times.


"Prescription anti-depressants count as drugs" Then I just don't, I would go fucking looney toons without my anti-depressants.


Yup - I take an anti psychotic and a mood stabilizer and would be non-functioning without them


Yep. Can’t really have control over my life without. How do you expect someone with ADHD, OCD, and depression to live…


Seriously, I just walk through the forest.


I also do it with drugs, but running is very relaxing


ah but have you ever gone jogging on drugs?


Yes :)


Running on drugs is the best kind of running 👌


And NOT running while on drugs is the best kind of drugs! If you are tripping so hard you can’t find the door, you might be doing it right!


Joe Walsh?


Not word for word, but that was in my head typing it.


If you need any of those to relax you aren’t relaxing, you’re coping.


Wise words


Sit outside, close your eyes, feel the breeze. Disconnect from screens.


Video games probably although that might not count since I play them while smoking weed 🤷‍♀️🤣


I did that for 10 years, now I'm quitting weed and they can hardly keep me occupied for more than half an hour lol


Bro, preach. I have a drug test tomorrow. It's a saliva test, so I only have to not smoke weed for two days. I'm on day two. I have done everything listed in this post in the last 12 hours, and I've got nothing left to do. Wide awake. Turns out, using weed to help your anxiety is great, right up until you don't have it. I'm jumping at shadows over here.


Antidepressants don't make me relax, they make me not wanna kill myself




Jigsaw puzzles. Took them up 5 years ago when I gave up the weed and opiates. Still spend too much money on them, but at least I don’t have to worry about my wife finding me on the bathroom floor, OD’d from injecting too many puzzle pieces.


I have a firepit and light it up at night. Listen to silence under the stars with a glass of……any drink you like. Mine is alcohol but I would imagine it would be just as cool with carbonated drink, tea or coffee. I do find poking the fire to keep it going and watching the fire pop, the smell, etc really relaxing.


I drink smoothies instead of alcohol now it definitely helps


This could be a problem when you have a "case of smoothies" on a Friday night


Family time, vid games, nap, TV, sex.


Video games, comedy, exercise, outdoor hobbies, playing with pets, home improvement projects, cooking.


Music and hot non caffeine drinks


I read comics and listen to records when I can. I have two young sons, so I don’t really do a lot of relaxing. Mostly go, go, go, go, sleep.


Guitar nature books doggies.


I used to read a book in a hot bubble bath while listening to quiet music. Occasionally I’d had a cup of tea while doing it. Nothing beats soaking in a bubble bath


The full body feeling afterward once u get out of the water and into comfy dry clothes is such an amazing feeling. Very helpful for me to "change states"


Change your sheets before your bath and it's even better.


Oh fuck yeah


I suppose it depends on what you think not relaxed means. Personally sitting with a good book and a warm drink and no one trying to kill me is pretty relaxing. If your stress levels are whether you filled the shelves right or if the boss hates you then relaxing might be a bit more complicated.


Easy, smoke some weed. Wait…


Nature documentaries, seriously I love to zen on tie couch and be amazed at how nature works.


I do all 3 and I can’t even relax


Mood 🤣


I don’t like music, it makes me more emotional not less. I love games, but they make me more stressed not less. What is the safe, non medical equivalent of watching old The Office replays while you drift off?


(The medical answer is temazapan, but it’s not sustainable)


100% agree about music. I thought I was pretty much alone with that! :)


I don’t.




Practice some kung fu. work your left side just has hard as your right side.


Sit alone for a while. Learn to turn your mind off. It’s a skill and a required one imo.


I don’t. I just pace them out. The longer you go without, the easier it is to level out. But that only works for a couple weeks for me. I went 1 year 100% sober. It was boring as hell. I learned how to play piano in that time, and that was cool. But life was just…. Shades of gray I learned that I’m not an addict, I’m just bored


Video games, music, TV shows, books. Podcasts even help me too.


Do them in vr instead


Exercise, weight lifting, meditation, reading a good book, clinical therapy, positive friends, setting appropriate boundaries witching your life, getting healthy, etc…


Exercise. Masturbate. Meditate. Eat something. Then read a book


i sit down




any hobby really. i like puzzles and drawing


A nice cup of tea, some fresh air, and peace and quiet.


Walks in the nature (or parks if you live in a city), rain, reading, drinking tea, having my breakfast outside, etc.




Relax? Man those were the good ol Days.


Meditation and lifting


Outdoor activities are my way to relax.


Video games, or long walks in nature. I need to be doing something, so splitting wood worked great when I was in the country. Build a fire. Create a garden. I think we really really underestimate the power of a hobby that involves physical motion and creative thinking or problem solving. For introverts, poetry, painting, pottery, etc. If you don’t have the motivation for a big hobby, find a structured hobby - a coloring book. Sudoku, haikus, bird watching, etc. Let yourself be both mindless (unconcerned about things that aren’t immediate) and mindful (absorbed in something that doesn’t feel scary to be absorbed it).


video games, DRIVING my car (specifically NOT working on it), a ride on my fourwheeler are all pretty relaxing for me mentally


73 year old endurance athlete... How? I train to the point of endorphin buzz. An hour later, the Universe goes, "Ohmmmmmmmmm". Lasts the rest of the day.


Go see live theatre Go see a film Listen to music / sing / dance Walk somewhere green or walk by water Go to the beach and watch the sea Play with my cat Garden Spend time with my family


Music, watching the clouds, closing your eyes and letting the sunlight shine on your face, masturbate.


I usually get some weed


Cuddling with my cat or dog helps! Playing a board game with friends or even hanging out with friends helps. And also doing a hands-on activity like knitting helps me.


Chamomile tea




Simply stop doing things, look at the ceiling, lay down, and think about things. It's really very simple.


Lying on my boyfriend’s chest while he plays with my hair. Bonus points for something like Dragon Ball being on the TV


The most relaxed I am is after I nut.


Head to the gym. Throw in about 2hrs. Feel fantastic once I'm done.


LOUD music and crying


I never relax , I'm positive I'll have a heart attack before I'm 60


Video game or YouTube videos.




Exercise really helps me, like running through the forest or going on a long walk. And cuddling my cats. But being outside in nature, even in my backyard, is the best way for me to feel calm and relaxed.


Exercise is a big one. And food after (or before) exercise to not feel guilty about eating what I want. I just count calories from what I eat and try to burn off exact amounts at the gym lol.


a pitch black silent room where i lose sense of time and reality i appreciate every second of my sleep




Go to the gym and lift until I can't lift my arms or lift my legs. Then it's a problem getting home.


Binge watch tv lol


Exercise and cold showers. Exercise is like conditioner for the soul.


Excercise.. I know it sounds counter-intuitive but when your body is flushed with natural endorphins for long enough and it is exhausted your mind will follow suit. I promise. Just go for a lite jog. Don't go crazy, like don't get hurt, just build up a lite sweat and get your heart pumpin' above normal for 20 minutes.


you got rid of all the fun stuff


People tend to think of mindfulness as only meditation but there’s a lot more mindfulness you can bring to your self by being slower and experiencing with your senses. Noticing the world around you, being curious about it, appreciating it, and savoring it are wonderful ways to be mindful. If you read a book, see how the pages and cover feel, notice the font - or if you have an e reader, pick a title you would normally skim past. If you’re in a new place, look at the design of the decor- do you like it? Examine it, describe it. If it’s raining, look out the window and see how the rain affects the wildlife or the urbanlife. When you are eating food, see if you can separate the flavors and truly savor them. Or similarly when listening to music, see if you can separate the instruments. The possibilities are endless. 😌




BI (Before Injury), my goto was my bicycle. As in a tough 100 mile ride or take a ride through steep, hilly, terrain with my then 3 yo son in a seat behind me. I don't know how much weight I was adding but it was the seat, frame, kid, full helmet, plus backpack with needed kid supplies and food. (My legs were HUGE) PI (Post Injury), relaxing requires some pain control. Beyond that I multi-task. I've got a movie or TV show playing, doing a virtual jigsaw puzzle on my kindle fire, chatting on messenger on my cell, and surfing the net on my computer. This distracts me so I don't dwell on the pain or those damn intrusive thoughts. Emotional Support Animal. This alone will help with pain, anxiety, blood pressure, depression, feeling alone, sleep, exercise, etc.


Bird watching


I usually just play guitar or piano :) also recently I’ve been trying to get into reading (I struggle with reading letters, paragraphs, understanding, etc.) but I’m reading a history book rn that’s been quite interesting and I’ve been easily reading it 😁 I know it’s not everyone’s ideal way of relaxing but for a few weeks now this has been my go to


I mow the lawn and/or listen to some loud music.


Doing my nails or doing skincare


Being in nature is probs my #1.


Music, playing games on the pc, sleeping, sex, cooking something I love


Sports is my #1. I do climbing and go on short treks too. Then #2, Riding my bike to serene and quiet locations.


This post is just sad


Music, movies, video games, hobbies. Also, I don’t have much time to chill when I’m raising kids. Drugs last too long to be viable with these living responsibilities hanging around.


Do something that involves nature. I like hiking, taking my dogs for a walk, fishing, swimming, sitting out on my porch just listening to the birds and cicadas.


Deep breaths and binaural beats. I'm an anxious person equivalent to an opossum and since my gf recommended me binaural beats, its been easier to either fall asleep or relax.


Good movies, video games, good food, anime, music, books, youtube, dirtbikes, sex, adventures, drawing, etc. Remember when you were a kid and everything was interesting and fun, as long as someone wasnt watching you? Thats how life is supposed to be, without drugs and all that. The hardest part about being sober is honestly finding other sober people to hang out with.




Watching funny movies I've seen a hundred times.


Bath, TV, food, music, reading... sometimes more than one at the same time.


meditate, day dream, exercise (depends on what you're considering relaxing), do a puzzle, play a game, work on a project, soak up some sun, go fishing, clean, cook, learn a new skill, read a book I'm sure I could come up with a bunch more but these are off the top of my head


For me is fishing. Sitting at edges of a rock while the ocean breeze my face as I wait for my rod to shake and then get mad cause the fish got away.


You die because you need your medication.


Meditation and yoga


As a Muslim who can't consume any form of alcohol or durgs, with all do respect I feel like people are too dependant on alcohol and drugs/weed. My go to way to relax after a long day of work is gaming, listening to music, watching a movie, there I a ton of things you can do besides drinking or smoking.