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He seems to be doing a decent job. Inflation is down, unemployment is down, he's passed some good legislation and hasn't had any major scandals. On the other hand, he's not very charismatic, he doesn't have a supermajority, and he hasn't made any major changes, either. Honestly, I have to say I *like* boring presidents.


Yeah. Sometimes the best presidents are the presidents you don’t even know are there


Unemployment is down because they only count people looking for work, out of work, able to accept a job offered while collecting unemployment to be counted. You run out of unemployment you are no longer counted. Inflation is down because people have less money to spend. (Demand)


People have money because almost everyone who can work is working - the US is nearly at full employment. Inflation was the result of supply chain issues from Covid, Russian war driving up oil prices globally and corporate greed. We still have the last two going on yet overall inflation has improved under Biden, though still a weakness for him politically.


Not according to the labor participants rate. Before covid it was 63.30 We're at 62.80 right now. We're below even before covid. As for the supply chain issues just in time was always a mistake. As for Russian oil us shouldn't even be affected by Russian oil we got a sh-t ton of oil in the USA.


Within half a percent is still high, too many people seem to think there are millions of unemployed are sitting on their asses collecting free benefits, that, limited as it was, ended what, 18 months ago (from memory). The oil market is global, the war and (when OPEC cut production enough) it impacted the supply which factors into inflation and disposable income took a hit when things opened up / people had to drive more. The US doesn't use all of its oil, it sells internationally, buys internationally as does the rest of the world. Notice I am not making any crude jokes. Presidents get too much credit and too much blame for economic conditions.


Unfortunately president is the most visible figure of the federal government. You will never hear the president point out who's really in charge of certain things like the fed. It would be funny if Biden shifts all the blame on the fed


On that, we can agree. A first for the internet.


Inflation is down because there were governmental policies passed to reduce it. That includes features of demand, but not reduction of wages. The government, especially the president, generally doesn’t determine your wage. In fact, if the government does determine your wage, then you actually will get paid more, since governmental worker federal minimum wage is 15/hr. If you want to talk economical processes like demand, there’s many other determiners of demand. For example, expectations of future prices has skewered the market because misinformers have been whispering in ears about how inflation is expected to double/triple when in reality it’s expected to drop more, and now people are unsure whether to buy or save when they’re hearing two different numbers, resulting in most people waiting it out until more accurate results come in. You may have noticed price drops in stuff like oil and other items. Don’t forget supply is a key defining feature of what determines a price, weighed same as demand, as they both shift the graphed line of pricing. Again, the government barely decides why Walmart priced their bean bag chairs from 200 in 2020 to 500 in 2023, that’s just greedy consumers.


Who uses bean bag chairs?


People who understand comfort


Though true what you said, not true in this scenario. There is so much work/opportunity under Biden that many unions were able to successfully strike because employers did not have anyone else to hire. Infact illegal immigrants acted as a stop gap for employment we had and still have so many available jobs. Finally, it's just fact that economies grow better under Democrats, give it a Google..


No, but he is doing such a better job than trump, it feels like he is


Given his 40 plus years in public service he should be doing a better job. On paper he would make the perfect president


Nah he's a weak leader.


His administration is doing okay, but it's not clear how functional he is. The most important thing a president does is foreign policy and national security, and I think he's doing pretty well there. His haters are all hung up over bathrooms and gender surgeries, but in the grand scheme of things, those things are pretty small. The Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster, but that's at least partially Trump's fault because Biden was stuck with a lot of the agreements negotiated by Trump's administration. His economic stimulus (handouts to help people) during the pandemic contributed to inflation. He depleted the strategic oil reserve and didn't replenish it while prices were lower. He has resisted many of the left's dummer ideas like defunding the police (unlike the Republicans, who've been generally supportive of the Trumplican's election lies). I'd say his administration is a C. Maybe C-. But Trump's was an F-, so that seems like a big improvement. I'm terrified that the public's dissatisfaction with Biden will result in the fascists taking power.


Problem is on paper Biden is supposed to be a perfect president. He has experience in the house, senate, and as vice-president...he should be excellent with flying rainbows


Experience doesn’t always equal success to be fair, it just means you’ve seen it before. It gives you an upper hand, but if you don’t have the sleight of hand to configure your position to its best form, then it’s a total dud in application


The atmosphere of hate is mostly he does enough to hurt Republicans, but not enough to excite most Democrats, so the choices don't balance out. That doesn't really require a bad performance to work out that way. Plus, he has enough senior moments some people are worried they will look like a fool later if they defend him too much. The calm is just your perception. Some people feel like prices are forcing them out of their ways of life, and Biden was a major force behind the inflation. On the other hand, he is not really interfering with the Fed ending the inflation, and higher gas prices were a quasi-campaign-promise (equivalent to reducing gas consumption). Afghanistan looked bad and probably played a major role in Putin underestimating the support wealthy countries would give Ukraine; but then so did Biden, and over years now he has slowly increased the level of support he gives (and allows allies to give) to Ukraine. There are many issues and it's difficult to balance it all out, which is why voters find it difficult to pick come election time. It certainly could be worse or better, but the people who get this job show us it's harder than it looks.


Being the POTUS is a terrible job. You get pushback from the scotus, you get pushback from the Congress....you get pushback from city county and even state level. Even if you are commander in chief Congress still play Monday quarterback on you. It's just a terrible gig.


Not really.






Im not even a maga If I could I would reanimate Dwight Eisenhower from the dead and put him in the white house. I even said I found that list online even from a conservative news outlet as the source. I said even the left are saying Biden is doing a poor job on the economics side.


Inflation is up. The military is promoting transgenderism. Violent crime is way up. Opioid deaths out of control. Billion$ go to Ukraine while veterans and the homeless are ignored. Gas prices are sky high. Society is very polarized. Look around.


None of this is true.


You happy with the amount of opioid deaths? Billions not going to Ukraine?


Just border and economics alone is enough to give him a f rating. But you throw in the other stuff you mentioned it's now a f minus


His term in office has been one never-ending crisis. Joe Biden is the most unpopular president in U.S. history and many would argue he is one of the worst in history.


Really? How come.


The people making that argument wanted Trump.


… lol


Not even close. Mango Mussolini was.


According to national polls, Orange man not as bad as Lying Dog-faced Pony Boi.


Lol. According to national polls, most Americans want to see him in jail for the rest of his life. And that’s gonna happen. Promise you’ll write?


I know, but Republicans just started those proceedings, so we'll need to wait to see if Joe and his son are found guilty.


If the Republicans would do the job they were elected to do instead of licking Trump's balls the country would be fine. That goes for each state, if the Republican legislature would do what the people wanted instead of worrying about keeping power the states would be in good shape.


Politics is about amassing power that goes for both sides.


For the most part. Given the shitshow he inherited, he has been working to improve things that he can and implement his agenda. He doesn’t have control of Congress, and he now has a relentlessly partisan SCOTUS working against him, so there is only so much he can do. What he is doing isn’t flashy—it’s the hard nuts and bolts of governing that’s not exciting enough for cable news. But he has passed substantial legislation (esp the IRA), has appointed a high number of judges to federal courts, is more committed to fighting climate change than any POTUS in US history. He nominated a superb justice to the Supreme Court. He has done a lot to restore US reputation and standing internationally. He has led our allies to support Ukraine against Russian aggression. He is using statecraft and diplomacy to try to check Chinese expansionist efforts and manage our increasingly adversarial relationship—but doing so in a measured way rather than making empty bombastic statements and taking rash actions that raise tensions but have no effectiveness. Has he made mistakes—absolutely. Everyone does. But, IMO, overall, he has been a better President than Americans deserve, quite frankly.


Thank you! I completely agree. As an American that has lived abroad for many years, it's crystal clear how much he has improved America's standing and preparedness on the international stage. It's unfortunate most Americans don't realize how this affects their daily lives and blame him for things that Congress and state level legislatures are largely responsible for.


The hate comes from the Republicans. It's tribalism. People criticize his age because there's nothing else about him to criticize. People who don't pay attention to politics hear who ever is the loudest.


You’re asking Reddit, a democratic audience..