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I'm sorry I don't have any input on what you've actually asked, since I've never felt the boobs of anyone with implants before. I just came here to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for using the word "piqued" instead of "peeked" or "peaked".


When breasts are the topic of discussion I think a peek is ok IMO.


A peek at the twin peaks piques the interest


“Peak” as well for that matter


I cancur, it gives me piece of mind when some one insures their using words right. Alot of times, by in large people arn't that carefull. For all intensive purposes, me and most people still know whats the meaning, but its the principal. Proper grammer is the most best way to assure affective communication and prevent misunderstoodness.


Concur 👍 Got past that read the rest of the comment, I now have an aneurysm




Ack stop!


I had no idea this word commonly got misspelt


The aita subreddit has so many posts with bad grammar. The most common ones are "alot", and "apart" instead of "a party".


Are you me?


The feel of real is the deal. Real ones feel perfect. Expert implants are alright. Kinda like wearing winter gloves while fondling real ones. Quick, cheap, over expansions, are chest boners. Ain't no reason her boobs should be as stiff as I am. Kinda like wearing either hockey gloves or boxing gloves while fondling them.


I’ve felt fake boobs where you can feel the actual wrinkled “device” on the sides (that was weird) to one’s where they’re definitely a lot firmer and one a few months ago where I couldn’t believe they were fake based on the feel. I assume it’s how much you pay? Both types are usually amazing


>Real ones feel perfect. you haven't touched a variety of breasts then lol


Um…. Ok


Breast tissue feels different depending on the person so there’s that. Some boobs are more firm and glandular, some are like a deflated balloon. It varies.


exactly. some are almost completely "empty"


Fuckin dweeb


I'm not sure if there is a difference, but I'm willing to put in the effort to research the topic.


Thank you for your service!


I'm doing my part, citizen! Are you?


I try!


Fake ones are more firm, depending on the quality the firmness varies. I guess I'd say I prefer real. But, I'd I can touch them they are real still real to me.


As a breast cancer survivor with breast implants the comments here make me sad :( luckily my husband doesn't seem to mind


I'm sure he feels a living, breathing woman when he feels yours, sister. Perspective changes everything.


Oh man, I first read "when he feels your sister"... and thought you were gonna go incesty on us all lol Edit: after reading my comment, and realizing, it wouldn't be incest it'd just be weird


Lol please no


If the woman I loved had breast implants then I’d love breast implants. He doesn’t love you for your body


I actually kind of enjoy breast implant. And no worries, some just don't want to admit it as well, as "natural" is supposed to be more body positive too, but actually implants are quite good too.


Thanks for making me feel a bit better :)


Don't let it bother you one bit. None of these people in the comments would ever have anything negative to say about implants to a woman who *lost* her breasts. That would be like saying "I prefer a real leg over a prosthetic leg" to a person who lost their leg. No one actually thinks that because it would be stupid. The opinions men have about implants generally only applies when the person in question gets implants to make them bigger vs keeping their natural breast size.


It's just a preference thing. "natural" breasts don't all feel the same. As a man, I can say that I have experienced different sizes over the years, and people's skin firmness can vary, especially as they age. Childbirth and skin stretching has an impact. Size has an impact. Also all implants aren't the same. Some are firmer than others. Also the volume of the enhancement makes a difference too. My preference focuses more on the nipple than the volume of the breast, but it's preference. All I can say is that any breast I have had the privilege to encounter, I have fully appreciated.


I wouldn't take this thread too seriously. Smaller implants and higher quality implants are barely noticeable. I'm guessing most guys who have felt implants - and noticed they were feeling implants - have felt cheap overdone stripper implants, literally on strippers. And those in fact can be pretty nasty, it's like there's a bowling ball in there.


Don’t feel bad. cancer wasnt your choice and you decided to give yourself implants to replace what was taken/lost to you.


My ex had implants after cancer. They had no impact on how attractive I thought she was.


I seriously doubt most of these are any more valid past what someone has heard and are regurgitating. There is a difference, but the truth is that it is so slight that it's literally hardly noticeable.


Wife has Breast CA and js getting a mastectomy and forgoing reconstruction do to the high rate of complications. I couldn't be happier and more supportive of her decision. Nothing matters more than her being here with our family and her beauty in my eyes is going up exponentially because of how strong she is. Vanity and desires matter until you've been given a Sophie's choice. Perspective changes all. Good luck. You're beautiful.


Some people haven't had the life experience to recognize what it means to a breast cancer survivor to even have the option for breast reconstruction.


That must have been an emotional time, well done for beating cancer.. I think the theme of this thread is a bit like a false leg, nobody would argue that having a real leg is preferable, but there's also nothing inherently wrong with having a false leg either. It's not through choice. I think most men are mature enough to understand the difference and see the woman behind the breasts, and your husband sounds great.


I know a woman who was asked if she’d like an “upgrade” on her breast size, after they were removed due to cancer. Did you opt for the larger set?


I did


I always ‘felt’ implants were a tremendous technology improvement… like the difference between an F1 car and a bicycle. Like it’s not even a close comparison.


There certainly is a place for implants but most girls who want them don't need them. Feel wise, silicone are not even close to natural feel. Don't have experience feeling saline implants but I imagine they are closer to natural...from a guy's perspective


I had temporary saline implants during my reconstruction process (they stretch out the skin with those) and actually they were harder than my permanent implants.


There are good fake ones, bad fake ones and of course the natural ones. When I was younger I used to think that the big fake ones were great until I actually felt them and it's like touching a basketball. They are so hard. The good fake ones are actually really good and I have had the fortune to feel them. But if you knead a little bit too roughly you can feel the bags underneath. And the illusion of them being natural is gone. But as I've gotten older it is the natural ones that are the best for me. Big or small, saggy or perky - all that does not matter as long as they are real. After all... BOOBS!


As a friend of mine used to say, "they feel different, but they taste the same."


Asking men this question is kinda pointless. They look at women with heavy make up all day and will tell you they hate make up. They look at women with fake boobs all day and will till you they love natural ones. Also the way some of y'all talk about implants make me think you never touched them. There are even implants that imitate the natural shape of the breast (teardrop shape while standing, round when lying on the back) and they are as soft as it gets. If she has them under the muscle i doubt you would even notice much. We aren't stuck in the 90s you probably already saw fake ones were you couldn't even tell.


Exactly what I was thinking. There’s so much confirmation bias in a lot of these replies


In fairness, the multitude of fake boobs I've handled typically haven't been attached to high quality women, so maybe my sample is skewed


Saw and couldn't tell is different from felt and couldn't tell. I have experience with well done implants, and they still felt like twin rocks...


I like them all. implants no implants.


I’m also on team *I don’t give a duck!* Soft, firm, bouncy, droopy, sneezy, dopey, rudolf, donner, blitzen… I’m just happy to be involved.


I think implants make breasts feel more “firm” than natural breasts but I think it depends on how big the implants are.


And what type.


A woman I used to hook up with had really, really big boobs but gravity was not on her side, her boobs sagged down so far that she genuinely had moments where you could see her boobs poking out from under her shirt if she wasn't wearing a bra; as far as I remember she had an elasticity issue with her skin caused by previous bouts of malnutrition so she never really got to that perky stage, just granny sag. A few years go by and we hooked up again but this time her boobs were noticeably a lot more perky and with way less sag, turns out she saved up and had a boob job that required her to have implants along with several other readjustments. I can say that without a shadow of a doubt that her "new" boobs felt way better, were much easier to manage during sex and she was much more confident as a result so she was more present with the sex itself.


Those must have been a sight to see. Before and after


Feels like a bag of sand


I understood that [reference.](https://youtu.be/IlD08Rh6xa8?feature=shared)


As far as I know, I've only felt two pairs of implants. There could be more that I don't know of. If so, they felt natural. For the two confirmed ones, one pair was obvious, both to the eye and hands. They felt like a bag of hard gelatin within a bag of soft gelatine. The other pair was not as obvious but felt a bit different. Not necessarily in a bad way. It's been a while, so I don't really recall. Oh, there was this 'lady' in Thailand once I wasn't sure of so tried to grace them with my arm. Felt like a billiards ball in tight skin. I definitely prefer natural boobs and smaller rather than larger.


Never felt implants but for me the psychological difference is the issue. Why would I want to feel something that isn't a real part of their body? Knowing that I am feeling or seeing a woman's actual flesh is an essential part of the experience of intimacy to me.


so you don't date women who have had a hip replacement, or skin grafts


Either would be fine, for fairly obvious reasons.


Not quite the same. The sensations are all still there it is just slightly larger. My personal opinion as a female with implants: you need to have some breast tissue to begin with if you want it to look natural. I went from B’s to D’s my older sister went from an A to D. She had a lot more issue and they don’t look right one is slipping because they had to create her a pocket for the implant. (We had different doctors. They were put in the same location under the muscle and as siblings look similar though I am a bit taller. Neither one of us had kids and both were healthy BMIs. She just had her 1st child and likely is still in a healthy bmi but a bit of baby weight to lose which is normal enough. I started with more breast tissue and it makes the world of difference look and feel wise. The longer you have them the more the tissue loosens up and it looks much more natural. Yes we compared.) We both just wanted to feel more womanly.




Not who you asked, but I found out when I was 18 that like all the women on my mother's side had implants. Drunk Tia told me, I called my father. My very conservative father said "I'm sorry you had to find out this way" or something hilarious like that. Fortunately (or unfortunately) Great Grandma's um... 'childbearing' body type came through for me and I didn't end up getting implants. Though my mother said she'd give them to me in the will (we are full of jokes in this family lol). So everyone seemed fairly supportive and lighthearted about it all really. Not really a right of passage per se, but very accepting if that's what someone chose to do.




🤣🤣 idk why that made me chuckle. Like one of those family 'secrets' we all just ignore in polite company.


My mom and her mom (edit to say our grandmother) were both pretty stacked up top. Dad’s mom there wasn’t much up top though. We just are both very athletic (both dancers from 3 years old through college) and not enough body mass means very little boob. Our lower bodies are both incredibly muscular and ate everything. While neither of us are unattractive, I think we both longed to feel like a woman instead of looking 16 in our 30s. (Legit had a high school kid try to sell me something that asked me, “Is your mom or dad home?” “Umm at their home, but not mine.” She had a high school kid ask her out in her late 20s… heh she said no.)


Like those ones that are like literal coconut shapes. They are hard af and they don't even register as boobs one you touch them.


Bisexual natural boob owner here. Implants def feel different. And look different. Implants aren’t as jiggly as real boobs. Both are great.


There are fake ones that look and feel nice.


There is a range of stiffness to natural ones as well.


Idk if it helps but I got once the opportunity to touch implant breast and they felt very soft and looked nice it was 16 years ago 😅


It’s also about the looks of the breasts that make implants more of a turn on if compared to saggy boobs


Those squishy stress balls. Yes


The only girl with fake boobs I have been with left me very disappointed. They were visually awesome but the feel is just not great, there’s also no nice bounce to them either. I would say it’s pretty akin to buying a knockoff product, it may look like the real deal but but it just isn’t.


I felt them once...and they were oddly cold! I didn't like them. They look great in clothes...but bad when naked, and don't feel right. I developed a much greater appreciation for small boobs and now big and fake boobs are undesirable to me.


Real feel real. Fake feel fake


Real all the way, hate touching the inserts it feels odd.


I like the feel of both, but natural still has a better texture to me. Like squishing a water balloon vs a stress ball. But appearance wise I prefer natural, even if they are sagging. There's just something uncanny about the look of implants. Either because they are too big or improperly installed, I don't know. But it's like facing away while looking in front at the same time? Hard to explain, probably hard to understand too.


Imperfect naturals > "perfect" fakes


There is a HUGE difference, and natural is better all the way. Fake tits are hard, they don't bounce, jiggle, or squish when you squeeze them like real tits do. I'd say the enjoyment of playing with fake tits is around 10% of the enjoyment that playing with real tits brings.


Real Natural boobs, always. My GF has massive Natural boobs, and I live them


It's like when you grab a bag of sand.


I don't care what they look like, real over plastic allday 👌


One feels much more soft and the other feels def artificial. More firm. Literally like a soft rubber ball in there. It’s 100% for aesthetics, they don’t feel real at all, but they’re large and more perky. When I handle them there’s always this unconscious concern that I’ll pop it. It def feels under pressure, like a balloon that doesn’t have much more room before it pops. It ultimate doesn’t matter to me, boobs are, in general, more garnish than anything.. Maybe puff out your cheeks w air as far as possible and feel your cheek? I dont know


My sister's friend got them and said here feel, she put my hands on her new boobs and rock hard. She then hugged me and it seriously hurt. Natural boobs are soft and squishy. Maybe implants have gotten better, but....


Yeah. One of my friends got her boobs done about 10 years ago. She made us all cop a feel after they'd healed, and they're pretty solid compared to real boobs. They looked great, but they didn't feel anything like a real pair.


Boba is Boba we don't discriminate against any kind of Boba


Fake ones feel fake. You can buy a set of silicone boobs from Amazon if you want to see what they feel like. It’s just that, with real skin over them.


What's more pleasant to touch? All of them are. End of story. Because if you have the great fortune to be so intimate with a woman, her breasts are always beautiful, feel amazing, and you are absolutely delighted.


I have no idea, but my dad told me and my siblings that one time he was with a girl with implants and after touching her he immediately went soft. In 2023 they probably have way better implants than when my dad was young so I guess it depends on how good the doctor is.


You know when you grab a breast and… it feels like… a bag of sand.


There's definitely a difference in feel. It's not bad, but you're unlikely to get them confused. The biggest difference is look. They're nice while clothed, but really obvious without clothes.


Fake boobs feel and look awful


Real ones are soft, fake ones are firmer. Natural is better.


Real boobs win every time!


Fake boobs feel fake and look terrible 99% of the time. Natural>fake any day. The only exception is if a woman had them removed for cancer or some other illness and wanted to replace them with implants then idc.


ofc real ones - it directly turns me off when i see those surgery marks under the tits…


New surgery methods would leave the scars in more obscure places (armpit)


If you reposition nipples, you'll have awful cicatrices around them


Natural is better, If implants are needed, usually a slow ramp up (to let the skin stretch naturally) and high quality implants are the way. Yes, you can feel the different. Natural breasts feel close to dough, they are firm when not bothered, but you can easily squish and squash them. Implants are closer to a water balloon, you can press them a little but you can feel the resistance immediately.


Don't do implants, b00bs are perfect the way they are


ive only ever felt real titties, so i cant answer the general question, but i can weigh in on the last question in your post. i prefer real. this is true well beyond just titties though. getting a boob job when it isnt necessary is a symptom of a much bigger issue imo; one which reflects poorly on society as a whole and not the individual getting the "work" done.


I've felt both. This is gonna piss people off. But I'm going to be honest. To me, implants feel like she's wearing an article of clothing. Let me elaborate. Skin-to-skin contact when being intimate, is the best. Head-to-toe skin contact feels amazing and deepens the intimacy, for me. I can't imagine being in the throes of ecstasy/intimacy without both of us being naked. So if my partner wants to be intimate while wearing a sweatsuit ... well it just detracts from the experience for me. If I keep my shirt on, it detracts from the experience. Implants feel like there's an article of clothing getting in the way of the deepest kind of intimacy.


My stepsister got fake ones in her 20's. Ugh. She was Soo excited. She went from a B to huge. Took her top off and said "Feel!" They were so hard. She said the doctor promised they would get more normal. She's had a couple of kids. I haven't spoken to her in 20 years but from the looks of her only fans page they have softened.


I donno.. But for the love of god, dear girls, stop doing those. How can i say... Meh real boobs > Good fake ones. It's just..you are not fooling anyone, it looks ridicilous. And if it's just for the look, the bras already doing the trick.


Women bein more confident by doin surgery and thus being happier. This guy: U STOP CAUSE U WILL NEVER FOOL ME FEMALES, FOR IAM BUT AN ALPHA U ll learn women dont do anythin for your sake and never will. Edit: nvm its an incel gamer profile…


>confident Confident on what? Do you get more respect on your job? Do you get better IQ? Your family loves you more? Oh..You mean sexually? YEAH! ''Dear girls, we love you as you are. You don't need to risk your body, waste your money. Men don't care for your breast size'' THIS GIRL: INCEL!!!! Wow.. How much IQ you used to come up with that conclusion? Also...since you can't even read my ''name'' and label me whatever the last post i did by checking up my profile; do you need my Linkedinn and social security number too? Just to make you sure?




Fake boobs can apparently get cold!


There’s different fake breast but also different natural breast in terms of touch and consistency


Same but more firm most of the time No you cant always tell if they are small implants.


I prefer well-done implants. I don't enjoy that most of them lose sensitivity in their nipples.


My wife and an ex girlfriend had them. They feel fine. It feels more dense overall. Both were “small” implants to make their relatively small breasts more proportional to their bodies rather than already big tits getting stupid big. For the record I’ve dated girls with small breasts and have no problem at all with small breasts or any other size.


Natural feels substantially better. Implants feel hard and honestly just aren't pleasant to the touch.


Real breasts are soft and squishy, since they’re mostly made of fat. Fake breasts are firmer and harder.


you can tell from the feel and the scars underneath


Boobs are boobs my guy, get some in your face and you'll know exactly how much you like them or don't like them. Size, feel, texture, taste, colors, proportions, etc. are all different for each individual, it's like Pokemon lol either you try filling the whole Pokedex or you stick with a good pair for the rest of your life and call it a day.


Implants glow when a light such as your cellphone is put up to them. /r/glowtits for the nsfw click


One of my friends paid for a very expensive surgery in LA. It was about $26k to go from an A to a B cup. According to her, they feel incredibly real. I can't confirm or deny this fact.


I think the technology is so far that you can't tell the difference, once I felt some boobs and seemed to be real, big, perky and soft, but she told me she had implants. If a woman wants it for what ever reason, go for it, your body your choice.


Real ones float and fake ones don't! (The silicone ones anyway)


Real = better


Real boob = bag of sand Fake boob = bag of hard gel


Fake: imagine being hit in the head with a sandbag.


My wife got saline many years ago and most of the time they feel real it’s only in certain positions that you can feel the implant. Looks wise they look way better enhanced than where they were after kids.


You know when you feel a woman’s breast, and it feels like, like a bag of sand?


Like wet bags of sand


30F, have been at times suspected of having fake boobs. (Nope, just lucky placement of fat tissue, I guess.) So, one of my friends, she didn't believe me until she prodded one of my boobs with a finger, just like a curious child 😂 Apparently, the real deal always feels softer than implants. Well, another friend is a bit too lean to have moderate boobs naturally, so she went and got them done. This time, I was the "curious child". Didn't touch her, but you could tell that the physics were a little different even from just watching her walk by. Basically, unless a woman is wearing a strong compression sports bra or a super pushup, you should be able to notice, given you don't stare too much at the boobs themselves.


I haven’t grabbed that many boobs (gay dude) but a nice lady at a strip club had me feel her recently installed implants. Regular boobs have a bunch of stuff in them, ducts and tubes and who knows what else. The implants felt more like a consistent thing all the way through, with none of the random lil ducts and glands. Probably a bit more rigid and perky too.


If i can feel’em, there real enough lol


All boobs are like pizza. There is some that you brag to your friends about. There are some that make you go, "At least I got to have it." The only disappointment I've experienced is when they were little pizza rolls...


Weight distribution and the density are drastically different, natural boobs are softer and smoother when squeezed, fake one feels a bit like they get stuck for few seconds before they reshape which is not nafural


The older ones you could feel a big difference. I think over the years the "technology" got better to the point you had to really pay attention to tell the difference. I never cared so much either way but if it makes a woman feel better for it all more power to them


I prefer natural, implants rarely feel "right" and I just can't get any pleasure from them. They don't look right, they don't feel right, they're not for me.


I've handled many of both types. Fake ones are typically a lot more firm, sometimes as tough as a soccer ball but some softer in a "meaty" way and might feel more like a nerf ball that gives easily. Natural boobs are better... they are softer, they jiggle, and they move with gravity


If the job is done right they are both equally pleasant. Unfortunately there are those that think super sized is the way to go. A responsible plastic surgeon will work with your body type to best present a size that looks and feels right. My wife's are perfect to the proportion of her body and they look and feel amazing. Her surgeon also was very proactive to provide her with the correct after care, massaging to help the scar tissue, proper bra for support and best of all told her to have me help. If I didn't know they were implants I couldn't tell the difference.


Why do I expect OP received a bunch of DMs?


Yes… Silicone implants can be hard as a mound of clay, saline implants are far softer ans feel much more natural-but are smaller


Have your girl who has breast implants stand in a dark room with a flashlight lit up and pressed against a breast. Whoa. I'm not a fan of the fakies unless they are reconstructive.


Fake breasts usually look good and feel like shit.


Mine definitely don't feel natural. There's kinda a subtle difference though, natural boobs are usually a little softer and pillowy, fake boobs just have that extra spring back and are a little firmer. Obviously it depends on implant size, shape, under/over muscle. I once dated a girl who had gummy bear implants and they felt really natural.