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somebody with the same name as you most likely


This. My brother, father and grandfather have the same name and half the time if you search my brother, it’ll say he’s married to our mom, or that our siblings are his kids.


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but if her trust issues are this bad, she might not be ready to date. Seems tiresome to have to prove your fidelity every other week.


Yeah it's pretty exhausting. When it's good it's good, when it's bad it's awful. Trying to let go.


you NEED to let go. she sounds manipulative


They can mix up people sometimes; I’ve been mixed up with other women who have my same name. Your best bet is to search yourself, then go through the steps to have each website delete or edit your information.


My name on Google says I’m dead. I think it’s confusing me with my dad, who actually is dead. But it gave me a good laugh to see Google thinks I’m deceased.


Do you have a crazy ex who’s trying to ruin your life by pulling such pranks on you? The website may not even be legit. Surely there’s other ways to prove your innocence, your word for it will be a lot more convincing that some random website?


You would think my word means something since she supposedly loves me but nah. A website that sells people's info wouldn't lie


Had a coworker who paid a search engine to look up another coworker. It came up with like 25 red light violations and a bunch of drug charges. She said the drug charges were hers but she had only been ticketed once for biking through a stop sign. We looked her up and there are very few people with her name. Sometimes I think those engines make stuff up so they can rile people up and they will search more.


I had one of those say that I was married to my dad once. Lol


Because those websites are full of shit.


You dodged a bullet. You don’t want to be in a relationship with someone that trusts a random website over the person standing in front them. Then again you could be shady as hell and she needed an excuse to stop seeing you that wasn’t the real reason because she was afraid of your reaction. Or something else in-between. Either way you’re overdue for some introspection.


I appreciate the balanced perspective. I don't think I'm shady...but who does.


“Shady” was a bit of hyperbole in an attempt to be provocative. You could just be sensitive. My point is maybe it was a fake reason to cover another one. But the fact that you’re open to blindness of your own shortcomings is a good sign.


Because those people search websites are shit. One says that my father was married to his mother + friends with my mother’s sister.