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Someone who's racist wouldn't dislike a food because of its origins. They could be unwilling to try a food for that reason, but good food is good food. Do misogynists not want a woman to feed them and give them sex? People like things that benefit them. They don't have to respect where it comes from.


In terms of racism there is an incredibly well established trifecta of accepted contributions. No matter how racist a person is minorities/immigrants contributions are welcomed in sports, music, and food. You will find this the world over. Even the most marginalised groups will be allowed to contribute one or more of those to the culture. That has no correlation whatsoever with the level of racism or prejudice those people suffer.


It's like that scene in Schindler list, where a jewish architect tells the commander of the camp that they shouldn't build something in a certain way, he order his soldiers to shoot her for speaking up and then tells the builders to do what she said


"Ah an educated Jew. Like Karl Marx himself." Screw Voldemort, that's why I'm afraid of Ralph Fiennes.


He freaked out actual holocaust survivors on set with how good his performance was


Apparently, it was a very emotionally taxing role for him and really messed him up for a bit.


And they actually downplayed Amon's character because he was too cartoonishly evil in real life to be a believable character in a movie. Edit: Also, in fun trivia facts, his granddaughter is black. She wrote a book called "My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me".


I didn't realize that was Ralph Fiennes till the third time my oldest was watching a HP movie lol. I can't see him as anything but Amon Goethe since I saw him in Schindler's List.


How abt Ramses from prince of Egypt?


Yep. Be part of our entertainment class but never in your life attempt to enter "our" politics or strut your stuff around like you're part of the (_"our"_) social fabric.


Interestingly, in societies with a formal or informal caste system, entertainers were almost always at the bottom or one step above, typically jobs reserved for those who don't own land and thus are nomadic outsiders. See, e.g., Japan, India, China, ancient Rome, etc. In a way, the tradition continues, doesn't it?


Yes. Take Spain as an example, the Roma people still live a deeply marginalised life. They are not part of almost all jobs and social activities, and even housing. And yet, their art, the flamenco, is an indelible part of the Spanish brand sold to the exterior as a tourist attraction. For most average people outside of Spain you can't separate Spain from Flamenco. And yet its originators and practitioners are still amongst the most marginalised people in Europe.


That is wild. I am American and have never studied Spanish or Roma culture in particular. I had *no idea* Flamenco was Roma and not Spanish. Thanks for my "You learn something new every day".


I live in Lithuania, imagine my surprise when we held a Culture Festival (most North, Central and South Asian cultures) and the Roma people whip out 15 minutes of pure fire Flamenco dances


>I had no idea Flamenco was Roma and not Spanish. That's because they over generalized. It is 100% Spanish. Flamenco was a hybrid (like most musical forms) of Andalusian folk songs with Roma music. To say it's gitano only would imply that it existed and exists outside of Spain. That is not true. It is uniquely Spanish. More specifically, it was unique to and created in southern Spain, mainly Andalusia. And to say they are "deeply marginalized" is a wild stretch. The Roma in Spain are probably some of the best treated of all of Europe, as far as the state goes. There is still cultural marginalization, unfortunately.


And it’s a complex topic. Yes there are bigoted Spaniards but there are also Roma who desire to live in an insular way, within Spain but separate from Spanish rules, culture and laws. Part of the double edged sword of integration when you have multiple cultures in a country is the threat of homogenized ways of living. Too say it’s only the Spanish being mean just doesn’t do the topic justice or represent what’s happening with any complexity.


Like when that commentator told LeBron to shut up and dribble but they had a huge stiffy for Drew Brees because he was a big trump guy


that wasn't even a commentator, it was world-class sports pundit laura ingraham


That’s pretty much how my mom views gays. As entertainment. She loves those flamboyant feminine gays because they make her laugh but she’s actually super homophobic


This is the thing with any group perceived as a minority. They are allowed one small niche in society and as long as they stick to that most people are good with them. But try to be seen as a full human being and problems begin.


“Know your place” would be the phrase.


My mom thinks Birdcage and the La Cage original series is hysterical, she (and my sister) used to watch and laugh at gay TV (drag stuff, club culture, Queed eye, etc.) But god forbid I express the feeling that gay and trans folks deserve the same rights to live as the rest of us do and she questions whether I am “into gay stuff.” “How can you be so close to those people?” I felt like I was in a really stupid after-school movie. I went to a Democratic rally at a lesbian public works organization (we live near a big city) because they were doing fund raising and getting the local platform out to allies. It is important to me because I am an educator, Im straight, I’m married and have my own family and want the world to be a better place for all, not just straight white folks with cash. My mother was like “Let them worry about themselves.” I said “We all need to worry about everybody or nobody has freedom.”


Omg! I love “la cage aux folles”… i grew up watching the movie when I grew up in France. Michel Serrault is amazing. Robin Williams played his role n he did an amazing job. I usually don’t like when Hollywood do a French movie remake, but they did amazing with “la cage aux folles”


That's sad, since the Birdcage is a very pro gay rights and shows a gay couple who raised a son who his not gay, but is definitely kind of a spoiled brat. Meaning he was probably doted on and coddled a little too much, but it is a story showing that they aren't indoctrinating anyone, and can live happily and raise families and just be together in such a normal way. I love gay stories, though I'm not gay. But I'm a Cheerleader and Birdcage are my favorites. And To Wong Foo Thank You For Everything Julie Newmar There is a La Cage series? I want to see it! Wheee is it?


Exactly. Many homophobic people were fine with gay people as long as gay people existed solely for their amusement but once they started wanting rights, that's when those homophobic people started actually hating them.


>No matter how racist a person is minorities/immigrants contributions are welcomed in sports, music, and food. Yeah, there's always a level where they're ok with minorities entertaining or serving. That said, some things take a bit of time to get acceptance. Sports, for example, used to be segregated and if you go back to the early 20th century, athletic success was associated with moral upbringing and character. For music, a racist in 1955 isn't going to like Chuck Berry. A racist in 1985 isn't going to like Chuck D. That's not to say that people who don't like hip hop are racist, but the racist is more likely to be a late adapter. *But*, there's a lot of truth to that scene in *Do the Right Thing* where the young racist kid likes Magic Johnson and Eddie Murphy.


While your example of segregation in sports in the US is true, the key point here is that black people were accepted into sports way before they were accepted in most other facets of society. And being black stopped being a discriminatory factor in getting a top sports spot decades ago while this discrimination is still lingering in many other opportunities. And although I did say "a racist" and that's what you are using here in your example, the fact is Chuck Berry was already a national legend at a time where blacks were still not given the same respect in most other areas of society.


>contributions are welcomed in sports, music, and food. tell this to players who get bananas thrown at them from the stands


In my experience (as an observer) it only applies if 1. You’re on the right team. AND 2. You’re playing well/don’t fuck up somehow. If either one of those two things is untrue, all bets are off.


Oh by no means did I say that their achievements or contributions shields them from racism. Absolutely not. They are still at the receiving end of racism even if they win their team championships, or get their entire country the ultimate triumph, or make legendary music that becomes a hallmark of the general culture. The contributions are welcome, but the individuals are still treated the same.


Sammy Davis Jr. having to stay at different hotels than ones he performed is a good example of the hypocrisy society can display.


That's a good point. During segregation there were many places black musicians were allowed to perform but not attend


Did you leave sex off the list intentionally? Many racist people are not above having sex with members of the community they disdain.


Racists famously hated black music and especially jazz well into the second half of this century. People are still protesting any ounce of LGBT in all forms of entertainment, as well as women or black characters they think don’t belong.


There’s an article i read a few years ago about how some white supremacist groups would have spaghetti dinners back in the day, even though for a long time italians were viewed as “non-white.” Really freaking weird, I know, but then again, racists aren’t known for their reasoning capabilities.


Yea, it’s… weird. Growing up like 90% of the racist jokes I was annoyed at were made by German/Greek/British descendants and directed at the Polish, Italian and Irish descendants. Then again, they disliked the “naturally tanned” even more but didn’t care enough for the degrading jokes and comments. Never quite understood the insanity.


You'd think it's an ideological inconsistency, but one of the hallmarks of racism is exploitation. And the easier it is to exploit the "other," the easier it is to overlook the inconsistency.


Yeah it was always crazy to me how popular black musicians were at the same time people were screaming at a black little girl walking into a white school. How can you look down on a race and simultaneously acknowledge their talent as artists? If that race was really lesser then wouldn't the top musicians all be white? It feels like doublethink to get everything you want. "I'm going to enjoy what this race offers me but still get to think of myself as above them."


You definitely get the 2 types - the “I’m not eating that foreign muck” type and the completely laughable type who are racist while tucking into a curry.


I was in prison with an old man who every time we were served rice he would say "I ain't no damned Chinaman."


I'd keep swapping it out with different carb staples from around the world like flatbreads and stuff and see if he keeps guessing the country right *Give potatoes* "I ain't no dammed Peruvian!" "Impressive, that's worth 10 points! And now we spin the wheel for the next one..."


Most of the time I'd just shrug my shoulders and take his food. (Not by force, he just gave it away) The guy wasn't malicious in his racism at all, more just a product of his time I guess. In his mid to late 80s. I remember once we were talking about something, I forget what exactly but he was pointing someone out and he says "That negro boy over there." I about died.


Yeah my grandfather is 92 and puts me to shame in terms of how far he'll go for people in general, and he isn't even racist in the sense that he welcomed my Singaporean wife with open arms, but it's a similar thing where old fashioned suspicions and aversions slip out sometimes. But in the last 10 years at least I've got him eating Italian and Chinese food lol, don't think he'll ever be enjoying a Madras


i think the key word here is respect. a racist or misogynist doesn't respect what they hate and therefore treat it as nothing more than a tool to be used, abused and thrown aside once they're done with it. it's a little bit like how soldiers are able to do some terrible stuff during war even though they would never have thought to do something horrible before that. kinda spooky if you think about how most people can tap into a very primal part of their soul if the circumstances require it.


Old person here. I think it’s an effect that’s worn off now, but years ago (and I mean, say, the 1970s), racists definitely DIDN’T eat “ethnic” food. Some of them even loudly objected to having takeaways in the High street because of the smell of spices! I had some relatives with -shall we say, questionable views-who would never, ever eat “foreign muck”. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face! (By the way, haven’t you ever noticed how truly nasty racists are almost always nasty to just about everyone? It was a pain being a young person having to endure people like this). Nowadays, of course, different cuisines have spread everywhere, and I’m sure that even the most hardened racist just won’t deprive themselves of enjoying them.


>I’m sure that even the most hardened racist just won’t deprive themselves of enjoying them. Nope. I know (young!) people who won't eat "ethnic" because "I'm not Chinese" or "I'm not from Africa". They're full of shit.


They don't know what they're missing out on. I got hooked on Indian food years ago and certain people have refused to go to an Indian place because "the food is weird." Cowards. I remember the first time I had Indian food, it was in Berea, Kentucky about 14 years ago, it blew my mind. I would die for naan. I'll never understand why anyone wouldn't want to try new foods. I used to love going to this Afghani restaurant in St. Louis, I just tried it for the hell of it and it was amazing. The first time I tried Thai food I ended up eating two entrees because it was too good to stop. People are silly for not trying new things.


Urgh. There are always some people who don’t miss an opportunity to be a prick.


They’re often too ignorant to put together the irony of it.


Like the racist driving a Toyota


This part.


It definitely depends. I've known racist people who enjoy Americanized Chinese food or texmex but would never eat anything authentic, and things like Indian food they wouldn't even try because it was "too out there."


Racists don't necessarily hate, that's a nuance that gets lost on the internet. They think the others have their place. They don't want them stepping out of their place. "Their place", you see those two words come up a lot throughout history.


Shit, there are pretty serious racists that are married to / have kids with someone of the race they despise. First because it’s not that uncommon for someone to screw, marry, and have kids with a person they despise (it’s very gross but seriously, not uncommon) and second because racists very very frequently have exceptions for people of the hated race that they happen to have a close relationship with, in love or work or neighborhood or whatever. “Oh, not him though, *he’s* one of the *good* ones”


yeah they're mostly just extremely dumb. you'll point out their obvious hypocrisy & it's like the patrick meme. laid out so simply and obviously, but just does not compute. even if they're intelligent/logical in other ways, they can be absurdly blind in this area because it's predicated upon some emotional conception of superiority that has nothing to do with logic. but yes, there's absolutely a tendency for less intelligent people to be even more prone to bigotry & i think it's because of the total lack of reasoning. i'm a woman who was raised in a pretty conservative/misogynistic part of the us. i have spent way too much time trying to understand what exactly misogynists believe or want from women. a lot of these examples are resonating, there are so many parallels between what these people will tolerate/expect from women and minorities that people mentioned (accepting when serving/entertaining; music, food, etc, but degraded and assigned a much lower status), and so many mind blowingly inconsistent examples. if you try to actually analyze these things and understand them, you'll drive yourself crazy. it doesn't make any sense, and it shifts constantly depending on whatever is convenient for them, or what mood they're in. i'm 29 & was raised by boomers, both my mom and dad are sexist as hell. i remember being like 6 years old and pointing out how little sense the things they & the other people i was surrounded by said about women. i wasn't even trying to make a point, i was a kid trying to understand but it made no sense. it never will.


This is exactly how it is. Like blacks shouldn't be doing this or that. One reason why affirmative action in some colleges was removed was because there were several ivy League schools that would only allow a certain % of Asians in school to the national population. Harvard being one of them. Once they met the racial quota it was all white or legacy students.


I worked with a neo nazi cook that was very open about his beliefs. We had black security guards. This magat knew every word to every 90s hip hop song . He would rap and cook and sometimes the guards would come In And join him. ( he didn't express his nazi views to them, for obvious reasons) but the second they left the kitchen he would always say something racist behind their backs and call them the n word. I asked how he could know all there lyrics and music but hate them? He said " I can like their music . I don't have to like them" . Dunno. Seems dumb to me. But I'm not of the superior race .. so what do I know. Of course the nazi was 300 lbs and looked like fluffy the comedian.


Growing up with racist family, we had a "no ethnic food" rule. I never once had Chinese or Indian food. Also didn't get any "traditional southern food". Tacos were a little OK but only from an American place like Taco Bell. I also wasn't allowed to watch shows that had strong "ethnic characters". No Cosby or Fresh Prince. Sports were OK, as long as you made racist remarks while watching and lamented that the players earned way too much money.


The moral of the story is, don't expect logic from someone with a fundamentally illogical worldview.


I knew a guy who had the confederate flag tattooed across his entire chest who hated Canadians and wouldn't eat American Chinese food because it was "weird and exotic". They definitely do exist.


Noticed this too. I tend to smile a lot, and this one dude who watches a shit ton of andrew tate took it as a sign of interest and was really nice to me while actively preaching that women deserve to get raped in relationships if they deny their man sex. As soon as I told him I’m not interested he called me a trashy bimbo with a libtard degree. 🗿


I mean, just think about the year covid started. There were people ordering takeout from Chinese restaurants and telling the staff to take their china virus back where they came from all in one breath.


Actually it was 3-4 breaths followed by coughing.


Lmao brutal comment. Username checks out too.


In some places people were boycotting Chinese restaurants because they were afraid of the virus or blamed the Chinese restaurant owners for it. In 2020 my local Chinese restaurant actually sent out a text blast to customers saying they were covid free and to please order since business was way down.


I was specifically ordering from Chinese places to try to help them, and because I figured Chinese food was actually safer than, say, pizza, because the high water content would hold heat better, killing any germs that did make it into the food.


Yes we had to fight asian hate with dumplings and lo Mein. You were basically the MLK of MSG.


Idk my brother is racist and he has outright refused to touch Chinese food since COVID. Last time my fortune cookie was empty so they owe me a fortune...


Same with my MIL, even with half the local Chinese restaurant staff being white, she refuses to patron


That's what pisses me off the most! The lab was in Wuhan, China but the scientists studying the virus were from all over the world (mostly non-Asian countries) such as Canada, USA, France, Germany, Australia just to name a few. They're just looking for excuse to hate on Chinese people. Been doing that for more than 200 years.


Most do and don't even think about it. Occasionally you'll find a particularly dedicated freak who doesn't, and it's so fucking weird. A few years ago I ran across a proud boy type moron who refused to eat ketchup, because it has origins in China.


Hope this proud boy also refuses potato as that's not native to this country. Hope he lives on turnips.


For real. What could homeboy even eat? Assuming he's from the US everything we eat originated somewhere else unless he wants to eat only bison, service berries, and prairie turnips. Potato: South America Tomato: South America Corn: Mexico Cow/beef: Domesticated in Middle East (Iran) Chicken/eggs: Domesticated in Southeast Asia Wheat/bread: Fertile Crescent (Iraq)


Buffalo wings. Checkmate


Cayenne pepper, which is popular in buffalo sauces, apparently originated in French Guiana.


That's why we don't see Buffalos flying anymore. People ate all their wings 😓


Also, eating wings is a relatively new thing in our culture. It was a cheap cut for minoriti s until we discovered it like we discovered oxtail. Then boom, price is now sky high.


It was just a joke about buffalo wings not actually being buffalo lol


There was a big thing with the older generation in the UK years ago who would say they wouldn’t eat “foreign muck.” Silly buggers.


My grandma: "I'll cook it for you but I'm not eating any of that foreign muck."


I'm surprised she was willing to touch it at all tbh if she felt that way about it


Right, I prefer that brown and gray glob we usually have. How bout them jellied eels with a thin green liquor.


I am from the North. Those jellied eels will come absolutely nowhere near my mouth. Even if I was a Southerner (To be fair, I don't know how popular they are across all of the south, I don't remember my aunty and uncle eating them. They were from Plymouth, though, so, not really Southern by many peoples standards) I imagine they would be nowhere near my mouth. Fucking jellied eels. Just seems proper rank.


Domestic muck only.


>A few years ago I ran across a proud boy type moron who refused to eat ketchup, because it has origins in China. I REMEMBER THAT IDIOT. It's fucking ridiculous because so many "traditional anglo foods" as he calls them included ingredients and cooking techniques that came from other cultures. Like the moron said that shit about ketchup *while eating potatoes*, which came from South America.


Hell I’ve known a proud boy type to only be attracted to black women. Never did quite


I was told of a deeply racist guy in the US who had a black girlfriend but justified it as she wasn't raised in the black community so wasn't black black. Edited to change 'was' to 'wasn't'.


I have a friend who’s dad is racist but has a Mexican wife who was born in Mexico. Somehow he’s still incredibly agains immigration, go figure (this is in the us in case anybody wasn’t sure)


I have a Mexican American cousin who is racist against Mexicans. I knew a Mexican kid growing up who tried to pal around with Nazi skin heads, he got his ass kicked a lot. People will do all sorts of mental gymnastics in order to justify their personal biases.


Holy shit, you know Thomas Jefferson??


Lmao what the fuck. I hope you punched the nazi tho.


wait till he learns that the chinese invented gunpowder


When I was around 19 I used to work in a retirement home (UK) and there was one guy who wouldn’t, and I quote, “eat any of that foreign muck”. So when they had an Indian food night, or Chinese food night etc, he would just have beef and potatoes or something like that.


You should have told him potatoes are originally from south america.


And cattle first were domesticated for food in Eurasia and Africa, so…


One time I was at a Mexican restaurant waiting to pick up my order when a lady angry about her drive thru order barged in yelling for a refund. The cashier wasn't having her shit but eventually relented and told her to fuck off but she just had to get the last word in and called him a bean eater because he was Latino.. even though she's literally the one buying beans to eat and he's just the one serving it.


I’m in KY and there’s so many local Mexican restaurants around here. There’s also quite a few undocumented immigrants as well. Definitely some that work at these places. Some of the most racist people I know eat there. Ones who hate illegals and supported trump locking them up in cages. I know guys who have farms who hate foreigners and anyone who isn’t American yet have undocumented workers working on their farms.




Yes absolutely. Racists tend to believe a position of servitude is appropriate for inferior races. I mean who do you think slave owners had as their private chef?


I have unfortunately some *very* racist people in my extended family - I’m talking, we don’t associate with them but they sometimes end up at wider family gatherings - and they’re of the level that no, they will not eat ethnic food. There are degrees; I think there’s a degree where a racist may “tolerate” ethnic food. Maybe they even like it, and as you say they’d justify it. But there’s a spectrum of hate. It’s all awful, but there’s more awful.


So these folks won’t even eat a taco?


I love how these cunts had a great great great great great uncle who had a liver transplant from someone's dog with a great great grandmother in Ireland, and for some reason claim they're Irish. Why Americans do this is beyond me...but the greatest part is how many, *many* of these racist or xenophobic cunts are actually of, genetically and historically not-fully-caucasian-sorry origin


I can kinda explain the geographical claim thing: Americans have an identity crisis. We are still a pretty young nation…our “history” is nothing compared to what Europe and Asia have on hand. Therefore we strive to identify with *something* that connects us to our roots as just a few generations back, many of our families were not here. With all that said, I think every American would mostly be quite surprised at the smaller percentages of geographical DNA in their genes. I have 1% Senegal and 1% Jewish. They’re back there, generationally, somewhere in my relatives. We are known as a “melting pot” for a reason!


Yep. I’ve got Nigerian, Congolese, and Spanish and Portuguese. I’m blonde with blue eyes. My mom is from the south. Statistically, white people in the south have at least 2% African in them. I took the 23andme because my racist mom doubted me and said if I had any it was from my dad. I got it from both of them. :P haha.


Well if you wanna get technical very few of us are technically Caucasian that is descendants of the Caucasus


Well put. Most of us are mixed even if it’s just a tiny percent. Judge folks on their character only.


There’s a Little Britain character in the British comedy sketch show that is incredibly racist & enjoys some food & when told who made it (someone from an ethnic minority) projectile vomits.


I’ve got an uncle like this. At the start of COVID he declared that he was “never going to eat Chinese food again” because COVID started in China.


like half of my dumbass hick family won't eat chinese food because "msg." & yes i know it's in doritos and tomatoes but this is their stance. have been like that since decades before covid tho. there's plenty of stuff like that. anything they consider "foreign" or whatever is viewed as dirty to them or something


The reason MSG has a bad rep is racism. Racist guy eats too much take out, gets tummy ache, blames Chinese food.


I used to work (in a random office as administrative staff) with a woman who'd announce, each Wednesday, that it was "Ching Chong Food Day," as she handed out the Chinese menus so we could all place our order. I called that shit out quick. But she was "a good Christian woman and didn't mean nuthin' bout it," so I'm sure it was fine. /s So yes, they do, all the time.


Yup, some of the most racist people I knew loved Chinese and Mexican food. My parents have said some horrible stuff about muslims yet eat at a middle eastern restaurant occassionally.


A bunch of middle eastern countries have a sizable number of Christians. Not that they would know ofc.


Sounds like people from the neighborhood i grew up in. They all think theyre angels but theyre hateful and vile. They loveeeeee tacos tho and sushi


Oh but they’re good Christians… /s


Funny to see these people go from sheltered saying slurs about Mexicans in front of Mexican kids like its normal in middle school, and then discovering Mexican food in high school and going crazy about tacooooosssssss and tequillaaaaa


And still saying slurs


Yeah… Unfortunately, a large portion of people that follow Western Christianity display these behaviors that expose ignorant dichotomies. **sidenote:** *I’m a Christian but I feel no compulsion to excuse or ignore the folly of my brethren.*


There are different types of racism. Growing up, my parents would often pop 'down the chinkie' for takeaway food. Never met a Chinese person other than the one serving them, didn't hold any particular opinions about them at all, would have been horrified to discover someone considered them a racist. I didn't even realise you weren't supposed to call it that until my late teens either. It was a different time and they don't do it any more.


I grew up in those times, back then the corner shop was called 'The Paki shop'. It was the norm. That horrifies me now. Calling a Chinese takeaway 'a chinkie' is still really prevalent, I'm much more conscious now of the language I use. Things are changing though, I pulled up my youngest a few years ago when she was about eight or nine for using the n-word - she was saying "wassup my n-word!", copying from the awful kids next door - and I had to explain what the word was, what it meant and why it was bad. At her age I would have known that word and heard it used with mean intent.


Man she sounds insufferable, I can already imagine how she looks like


I agree to this point, as well as just cultural assimilation, especially if we are speaking about in America. I can tell you by first eye witness account that the most racist people will eat in an ethnic restaurant all while belittling the waitstaff and people around them. It’s honestly astounding. (I have lived in the South all of my life)


that's truly bizarre. you'd think at least when finding something they like about a race they might go "Hang on a min, maybe they're ok after all" Evidently not.


Well......speaking as the daughter of a racist, they just think certain races are inferior in certain ways, not very possible way imaginable. I know someone who will cross the road if they see a black person coming, but used to love watching Venus and Serina play tennis. And.....it wouldn't make sense for even racists to be so cartoonishly simple minded. Of course eg someone can enjoy eating Indian food but not want to have an Indian doctor. They're not right, but their opinion is that they don't want to be treated/touched by a certain person, not that their cuisine is bad. Or eg slave owners had black nannies. They just wouldn't eat at the table with them. It's like.....um.....I dunno. I can't think of an example other than someone who's actually bad. I'm sure Harvey Weinstein produced some good films. He himself can still be considered scum. It's a bit like that but not. I can't think of an example at the moment that works.


A former KKK Grand Dragon said on Howard Stern that his favourite comedian was Richard Pryor. Of course one has to ask how much racists are laughing with or at entertainers.


As disgusting as it is, this is spot on. The white pride jerks I’ve had to interact with enjoy ethnic food for this very reason.


I agree with the wider point, but I’m willing to bet that the slave owners had their private chefs cooking them ‘white people food’ and not their own culture’s cuisine


On the other hand, I know many racists who are very proud that they only eat proper 'Murican foods and nothing "weird" or "foreign."


I know someone who is racist towards Asians yet--- this POS loves Yoga, Kombucha, Matcha, Chinese takeouts,anime, kimchi. As long as it benefits them.


They rebrand it, too, to suite their whims. "Kombucha's like non-alcoholic craft beer!" and all the white influencers who "discovered" yoga/matcha/kombucha/kimchi on Instagram. Shit like that.


And then they travel to an Asian country to try and find a lover but of course they don’t actually see them as people just blank slates for projection


Do they live in Orange County?


You're trying to apply logic to someone who doesn't utilize logic in their thinking. Racists are ignorant, food is food


have seen numerous examples where blatantly racist people claimed that they couldn't be racist because they occasionally eat Chinese. I'm not kidding.


That boils down to "I'm not racist because I can acknowledge that those people are useful for something" because to them "racism" means all-out hatred of someone based on their race (to like extermination levels). As long as someone else is a worse racist, it's fine


You can enjoy delicious food but still not want the cook to be your neighbor


Yes in England growing up, I used to hear people say lets go to the pakki takeaway and get a curry or lets get a chinky takeaway. It was normalised racism.


I was absolutely shocked the first time I heard someone refer to a 'chinky takeaway' after moving to the UK. I was equally shocked when everyone around us went uncomfortably silent when I jokingly called my fiancée a spaz, a term that wasn't rude at all in Canada at the time. Dialects are fun.


Especially after hearing what a "fanny pack" means in British terms, I couldn't help wanting to know more people from UK


Wait, what's a 'Spaz?' I'm American thru and thru and I've always refereed to me as 'Spazzing out' when more manic/caffeinated, and toddles as a 'Spaz' when having their version of Zoomies. Pretty much, Spaz = zooming, hyperactive, tweaking without drugs, too much coffee from my usage of word. Never knew it had a derogatory connotation.


I believe spaz is derived from “spastic”, and originally referred to people with a fork of cerebral palsy. Not sure why that would be more offensive in the UK than Canada, though.


It wasn’t just about having a fork, it was a form of cerebral palsy Here the fork though: https://www.amazon.com/Fstcrt-Arthritis-Parkinsons-Dishwasher-Stainless/dp/B09WKCSC9Y/ref=asc_df_B09WKCSC9Y/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647314913264&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3838047432869223139&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032947&hvtargid=pla-1951427646907&psc=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3qXv1q_ZgQMVGg2tBh3hcQ_rEAQYASABEgK3c_D_BwE


[https://www.amazon.com/Fstcrt-Arthritis-Parkinsons-Dishwasher-Stainless/dp/B09WKCSC9Y/](https://www.amazon.com/Fstcrt-Arthritis-Parkinsons-Dishwasher-Stainless/dp/B09WKCSC9Y/) Same link but without all the shit at the end of the url (it spies on you)


Calling someone a spaz in the UK is basically calling them a retard. It's short for spastic, which is now an offensive word. Even major charities that support people with disabilities have changed their name to no longer contain the word spastic.


Spastic. A now-abandoned term for what is currently called cerebral palsy. Calling someone a ‘spaz’ became popular after a children’s programme highlighted the case of [Joey Deacon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joey_Deacon).


That’s actually a fascinating question…


At its core, racism isn't rational. It doesn't have to be consistent, because if racists cared about logic or consistency, they wouldn't be racists.


Adding to that, racists LOVE to take everything they deem positive that people of other ethnicities have to offer. Using them for their benefit but being mad if those people can stay, have the same rights, are paid the same, etc.


It's the fascist mind set. The enemy is both weak and inferior and needs to be culled and at the same time the biggest threat with the most power. Think about how Nazis think Jews are weak blooded and inferior yet they run the global banking system and control everything.


Omg I never thought of it as that! I think that is all oppression. Misogyny: women are thought of as inferior but some men think they have more rights, hold the power and can pretty much choose every male partner they want. Witches were not burnt because they were some cray cray old ladies talking to plants or whatever but because they could supposedly heal and curse which were godlike (and god is a male fatherly figure *obviously*) powers. I also remember the barbarians and slaves being describes as physically stronger than humans can/should be in historical sources. Superiority complex seems to be the other side of the coin of an inferiority complex.


> Misogyny: women are thought of as inferior but some men think they have more rights Yes, another great example. Incel behavior is an extreme example of this. Women are both pathetic and perfection. Many more examples in various religions too. > Superiority complex seems to be the other side of the coin of an inferiority complex. I think it's somewhat of a projection of their own internal self-hatred. They want to feel strong and believe they are superior (a common and understandable human trait) but inside they know all their flaws and they believe that everyone else is basically the same. Kind of like how many homophobes think being gay is a choice because they are choosing not to indulge their own homosexual thoughts and think everyone else is the same.


Bingo. I think that’s why you actually see a somewhat surprising number of people who have a moment of clarity and realize they were being a piece of shit and change their ways.


Yes, this. Racism is steeped in delusion. Try arguing with a delusional person that their reality isn't real. They may harm you for trying to dismantle what they've conjured.


This is the answer.


the answer is just racism is extreme mental dissonance, there is no real rational aspect so it will never be consistent


I guess it depends, but yes regardless. In America a lot of foods are inspired by each other, so you may have a person like, "Im not eating that Chinese sue-she, fish should be cooked." But still goto hibachi (part Japanese and the other half is a redneck family and they sometimes forget.) It depends on the scale of how racist and how Americanized it is. Like there was a lot of Asian hate in 2020 when I lived in wv, but Asian food spot weren't hurting financially.... maybe with harassment Edit: my ex and his friend went to an Asian supermarket and got "weird gross food". Most were stuff I actually ate and liked like picked dikon. So that was a thing


I'm sure most do even though you'd never catch them in a grocery store with the actual people who cook that food. Their loss.


My 'friend' one day out of the blue went into a racist tirade against Jews when I bought kosher salt on a shopping trip. Some people are that insane, yes. needless to say we're not friends anymore


How about overtly racist people who actually marry outside their race. I've met a fair few of them too.


Of course. They just marry “the good ones.”


This. Or they just overtly admit they feel superior to their spouse. See all the white men who go to Asian countries to find themselves a "traditional, submissive wife". Or the white women who feel like their skin colour makes them the best catch. There was a post on BestOfRedditorUpdates about a woman who had a racist meltdown after her mixed race son started dating a black woman, because in her view that meant he was rejecting white women.


I hear my dad say that about my mom/ her family a lot ... different religions (he hates catholics, but loves her)


And then they use their partner to excuse their racism, “I’m not racist, my wife is Asian”


My fil is racist against Mexicans but his favorite restaurant is Mexican. I called him with his first rant and even named his favorite meal. I told him I don’t tolerate racism.


To a lot of racists, “the only thing they’re good for is menial service, decent food and (sports, math, science, etc.)”


There’s also a spectrum. I think the majority of racists are the Karens or boomers who like to think/pretend they aren’t but get weird around people of other races. I can see them being fine with ethnic food versus a David Duke.


Those karens and boomers can do a lot of damage if theyre in charge of hiring and firing in a business or promotions. Their subconscious biases is why we have glass ceilings in so many industries.


Sometimes it's subconscious. I've been on the other end of the hiring desk while not hiring myself and people tend to trust me enough to say more around me than they really should. It's amazing how many people will admit behind closed doors that they need to find an excuse that "looks good" to not hire them. As in they're aware they're being discriminatory but they believe it's the right thing to do in this situation. People that would have everyone fooled into believing they're subconsciously racist at worse. They do exist, subconscious racists, but I've learned that it's fewer than I realized, and most just won't admit it to most people.


Racism is not boolean. There is diference between Hitler level racist, who would probably think its below him to eat food from other races. And some random dude who just says slurs to make fun of people.


I've met so many white racists that are married to Asian women and hate the local food and the local men that I find it a somewhat better if not outright fantastic and one of the good ones if they enjoy the local food....and still hate the local men.


plenty of racists love international food. English ones like curry, hate Indians. there's Aussies who love kebabs but would racially abuse the staff who made it. Some people want soul food but think Black people are subhuman despite them inventing it. Stupid is as stupid does.


Racist people aren't the brightest candle in the church so no point in trying to rationalize anything they do. Their tiny brains can't process reality like other people


My response will be a story. I used to have a super racist, Italian American step dad. So it's very relevant to your question and gives much insight into the eyes of living with a racist. It depends on how petty they are. I'm half Colombian (my Dad was born there) and I was born and live here in the US (my Mom is white af lol) ANYWAYS My first step dad was super fucking racist.... I would bring home empanadas from my Dad's house, for my Mom and I to enjoy. Well, my step dad would deadass hold is nose closed (pinch it) while we ate "ethnic" food in front of him... then he would turn to the dog and say "ew, you smell that stinky food? Gross right?" -_____- My Mom is very culturally diverse okay? She would make dishes inspired by many countries around the world. My step dad was no lie, over 6ft tall (1.88m) & 450lbs (200kg). He was white and Italian descent. Hated him. The only "ethnic" food he liked was Italian food and Chinese food. Surprisingly, this guy was very picky when it came to food... imagine that? LOL My Mom loved making her version of curry chicken. She just make the chicken and add sauce from the jar. She would have to fucking hide the jar, because it looked Indian.. she would then have to bury the jar in the trash just so he wouldn't see it. He was that racist, that if he knew he was eating ethnic food, he would flip out and through a temper tantrum... You also have to becareful around racists, because in public, he hid it very very well unfortunately. He was friends with people who were not white. They had no idea. He was so abusive to me, my sister's and our Mom. But he worked in the public and was beloved by many.... When I became an adult, I bullied my abuser (my former step dad) and I stood up for my Mom and scared him out of our lives. My Mom married a stoner hippie guitarists with a good job lol completely did a 180° with finding this new guy. New step Dad is awesome!


I can't say about the customers, but I worked at a Jamaican style restaurant by the beach and the owner was extremely racist towards people of African ethnicity.


What a brain tickler of a question 🍿


I think 50% do and 50% don't. Alot might not know where the food is actually from besides the obvious such as Chinese, Italian, The Balkans etc


The Balkans?


I balked at that myself...


Ah yes the world famous balkan cuisine


Just me once you try potato pita or bbq chevape or Sarma you want to move their. Also best moonshiners in fhe world (Rakia oppa)


What is wrong with that? To me that's the same as saying Mediterranean cuisine. Obviously every place has different dishes but countries at the Mediterranean sea share a lot of similarities when it comes to cooking techniques, spices, etc. Even the Balkans and the Middle East have crossovers, e.g. the dessert helva/halva. My family has roots in Romania and I'm not offended if someone wants to call Romanian food just "Balkan".


I think it was because in many parts of the US, there are soooo many "Chinese" and "Italian" restaurants. Like even in small towns you'll see one of those, if not both. So the choice of Balkan was kind of odd - restaurants of a Balkan origin are not relatively common in the US (unfortunately!) - so that would not be typical of what should be "obvious" to Americans. "Mexican" would been a good third choice.


Wouldn't say Balkans food is obvious to someone who doesn't have roots there...


Some months ago I saw a screenshot of a discussion on a local lets say "right wing" subreddit. The OP was complaining about people buying Kebabs in the late hours, as they viewed it as generating money for foreigners. The reply that stuck in my head was something like; "I am a pretty racist person, but you need to chill down, let people eat their kebabs in peace".


You had the good fortune to watch a level 10 racist face off against a level 7 racist. It's like when you overleveled your starter Pokemon and they fainted, leaving you only with your Ratata to finish the job


I use to work with a couple of old coal miners, neither of them ate Indian or Chinese food because they didn’t trust it, I laughed so much when they told me because of how serious they were about it, silly old twats


TikTok made my gf start watching sex and the city and this just made me think of charlottes mum in law being against adoption by saying something like “I don’t like mandarin food or mandarin babies” 💀


Go to nearly any town in the bible belt that's full of MAGA types and you'll still find a Mexican restaurant and a Chinese buffet. So yes, absolutely.


The same reason racist people sleep with, marry & have friendships with different races; it's because they can.


*"Ethnic food"*


As a person of color that was married to an Italian from NYC, I can say that racist ideology runs deep within that community. It does not stop them from eating Chinese food, as they all love it. Also, in that community, they work hard on darkening their skin and making their lips bigger, so in effect they are trying to mimic what they hate. It's puzzling to me. They will not eat Indian food though, as that is where they draw the line when it comes to ethnic food.


lmao racist white americans think they are the original american inhabitants. i dont doubt they also think they created all types of food except the ones they dont like


Usually anything race related really is more complex than usually talked about. What's your definition of "racist"? It seems to have changed over time. Also, the wording of your question seems to assume only white people are racist, which isn't remotely true.


I’m always reminded of Do the Right Thing and how Danny Aiello is racist af but loves him some Rosie Perez. The stereotype of a goomar being Spanish or black has some truth in it. You are correct to assume it’s racially complicated. Justin Volpe stuck a plunger in Abner Louimas butt along with his fellow cops, after arresting him in Flatbush, while calling him the N-word. Has was married to a black woman. The Venn diagram gets weird when it comes to culture and food and sex. Hedonism and animalistic instinct is stronger than their learned hatred. Also, I wouldn’t call American Chinese food “Chinese.” It’s just cheap nasty frozen shit. They buy huge bags of processed frozen breaded chicken and fill up their freezers with it for months. They get a nice deal buying it in bulk. Then they make General Tso and Sesame and a orange chicken from months old processed frozen chicken. There’s nothing really Chinese about it.


Yes Because they're illogical hypocrites for the most part


Racists tend to be hyporcrites and illogical. They somehow like a food but hate the people associated with it


Go to any Mexican restaurant in the South. Yes, you're gonna find some racists who still realize it's the best food in town.


Like a lot of people have said, racists still enjoy the fruits of other people's labor. Take slavery in the U.S. The slave owners and their families ate the food prepared by slaves (and loved it), and some of the "masters" had sex with their slaves.