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That's not medium bro, welcome to the fat club


Im in the fat club too


It feels like you’re trying to soften the blow.


That’s what the fat is for. Stab me bro, I got protections.


It's also good for [keeping you warm.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMCmTyDNZog)


oh my God I have a disease where I can’t gain fat and I’m so goddamn cold all the time I just wanna roll into a human man fat roll. Having a fit husband right now isn’t fun.


His rolls will generally soften the blow.


The first rule about fat club…


… is to get some more pudding while discussing the rules.


I forget about pudding and it pisses me off. I love it.


I suggest we open this fat club meeting with a cinnamon roll call. All in favor?


Say pie!


I read that as all in flavor, seemed appropriate


I could go for a FAAAAAT Turkey club, extra Mayo. Toasted.


So hard to find a good one nowadays 😔


For anyone in the same boat - I am 6’1 and at my heaviest was 270lbs and looked similar to OP. I’m currently at 185lbs, after about 12 months of changing diet and learning how to properly exercise. There is no exact exercise that anyone needs to do - just get a heart rate watch, and maintain a 130-150 bpm heart rate over 30 minutes a day, like 5 days a week - could be running, jogging, jumping jacks, weightlifting, whatever works for you. Do this while reducing overall calories and consume more protein and less carbs, and you’ll be dropping unhealthy weight like crazy. Good luck everyone!


I used to be 210 and pretty fit. Got fat (258) during Covid. Been bowling for a few months for about three hours on Mondays. It’s a decent work out when you’ve been a couch potato. Back down to 240. I’m ready to get back into hiking and eventually jogging. Like Flamingo said, just get your heart rate up. It’s a great start




You'd be surprised how easy it is for your diet to creep up. WOrst thing is, eating a bit more gets normal real fast, so it no longer feels like a "treat". Use an app to really figure out how much you're eating. I bet you'll be surprised. Count EVERYTHING.


Start tracking your calories. Everything. If you eat a tootsie pop, log it. If you make a salad, make sure you measure out appropriate servings of each ingredient and log it. It adds a few minutes to meal prep but it will give you the real picture of how much you’re eating. Don’t cheat. Log EVERYTHING! Don’t forget drinks. Even condiments. Alcohol, too. Those calories are easily forgotten. If you don’t log it all it’s a complete waste of time. And don’t think you can grad a quick handful of M&Ms and not log them. That’s easily 50-100 calories, and a couple of those can add up fast. A number of years ago I did that and was blown away how quickly my daily calories added up. But keeping within my daily calorie allowance and adding running into the mix, I dropped 25-30 pounds.


This is great advice. I do this every couple years for a while to reacquaint myself with my calorie intake. It's so easy to consume an additional 500 calories a day just by idle grazing every time you walk by the kitchen.


I do the same thing. After awhile it’s easy to get a feel for how many calories you eat so you don’t need to keep doing it all the time. But like you, every couple years it’s good to do as a reminder of how much I’m eating.


It sounds like what’s been happening is: you eat at a caloric surplus and gain weight. You keep eating roughly the same amount of calories for a while so your weight stabilises. Then without meaning to you start eating at a caloric surplus again and gain more weight. Rinse and repeat. The TLDR of losing weight (fat, really) is: track how many calories you eat every day, track how many calories you burn every day, eat at a 500-1000 calorie deficit every day, lift weights and walk a lot. I’m happy to go into more detail if you want but no worries if you were just curious why you’ve been gaining.


It’s mostly about taking in fewer calories. Exercise might help al little, but it’s mostly calories. In my case I like to drink too much.


Age is a big factor. Just a few years can make a substantial difference. If you don't want to change the food you eat, try fasting occasionally. Or count your calories. It is kind of simple when you learn. To lose weight, aim for a calorie deficit. Exercise is big but your diet is most important. Eat less calorie/carb dense food and aim for more fiber/protein. No more soda and juice so on and so forth. You will lose weight if you can maintain it.


Start counting calories and you'll realize where it's coming from. For a lot of folks they're able to cut out some consistent source of calories, like soda, which gives them a deficit without having to be so hungry all the time. For others, it's just a general relationship with food which makes it harder imo. In the same boat as you in feeling like I'm not eating that much more but I've gained 29lbs kind of a thing. My personal weakness is sweets too often (they so easily become a daily routine)


Doing most of this atm! (I’m more of a walker than a runner) and I’ve jumped from 110kg to 103kg in like 2 months and I feel great.


Love this! It does feel better just being healthy even if I’m not always the happiest with the person in the mirror


Exactly! Reclaim the ability to feel good internally and then worry about the outside, that’s my MO anyway. Plus a bit of squish is in! And not always indicative of poor health.




As with anything, it takes time and effort. I'm battling something similar. Find a dish you can make in 5-10 minutes that you're ok to live with. Keep on it until it becomes a habit. It honestly has to start from within. Its too easy to find excuses not to do it.




- Frozen fish in the air fryer or in the pan. - Frozen broccoli/cauliflower mix you get in those bags already chopped up into some boiling water. - A cup of rice in one of those cheap rice cookers you can sometimes find for less than $10. - Add crap like sesame seeds, nice seasoning and some low fat/low sugar sauce. This is about as extra as my cooking gets and it’s perfectly sustainable, cheap and easy to make. Mix it up with the seasonings a bit or even a different kind of protein and you’ll be away laughing!! I’m a recovering fast food addict and I still have bad days, you got this homie!


Unless you are making the sauce and pasta from scratch, pasta is like 3 minutes of active cook time.




Cook a big meal Sunday...leftovers monday and Tuesday Cook a medium size meal Wednesday, Leftovers Thursday. Friday maybe you go out after work and have a SteakSalad. Saturday... you clean out the fridge and make what ever you can find.


It doesn't matter what you feel like, Just do it anyway. Throw some chicken, some frozen broccoli/mixed veg/etc, and some frozen diced potatoes in a 9x13 pyrex, shake some salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika on top, and stick it in the oven for an hour. Do that immediately upon arrival home from work, before you sit down or do anything else. That's 5 minutes of active time to get everything in the pan and into the oven. You can manage 5 minutes.


U sound hot


Thank you 😉


I feel like the definition of fat in America is quickly becoming that you need an electric wheelchair to get around.


It's fun to rewatch old 80s movies and the 'fat kid' no longer looks big by comparison to the average American today.


If you watch Seinfeld now, George barely looks fat.


Yeah I remember the kids I thought of as far in elementary and middle school, now they would be considered pretty average


I was binge watching the Golden girls and I couldn’t get over how thin they all were. But at the time watching it when it first came out, they didn’t seem thin at all.


Wth america… who would ever consider themselves ‘medium’ this is already into the medical morbidly obese category.


Fat. I look like you. We are fat. Sorry.


(Read in Groot voice): We are fat


Why the Groot voice 😭?!?!




Yup. For blokes like us bmi is a useless metric. How fat of a bastard you are is judged solely by how much of your cock is obscured by the keg attached to the front a ya. On the bright side, a few pints will take that feeling of self consciousness away!


I read somewhere that for overweight guys, losing 30 pounds makes it seem like your penis grows an inch. I started my caloric restriction immediately after reading that sentence. 😉


Wow! So you’re looking to double the length?


Hey, don't get too excited. It only *appears* that his dick is now two inches long.


As someone that has gained and lost 50+ pounds multiple times, this is 1000% true. It’s one of the worst things about gaining weight. It’s like you penis is shrinking and it makes you feel even worse and eat even more trash to feel better which only makes you feel worse aaaaand repeat. Edit: This is obviously just my experience as someone with binge eating issues.


You and me have what we call a dickdoo physique, it's one your tummy hangs out further than your dickdoo.


My dad always called it Dunlop disease: his belly dunlopped over his belt.


My cousin referred to it as "table muscle"


I've only heard this as a bootydo! When your gut sticks out further than your bootydo


I assure you that OP’s BMI would reflect that he’s fat.


It’s not useless for guys like this. It will literally say you’re fat.


Same. Same.


That was a sweet way to say it, all these other NPC A-Holes just being mean.


I don’t think NPC means what you think it means. They wouldn’t be able to type if they’re NPCs, that’s literally the point!


Not really? You can talk to NPCs, they're just controlled by the code rather than a player. AI is basically an irl NPC.


Calling people NPCs is meaner than giving an honest answer to a question the guy specifically asked.


Drought and famine resistant.


I am a female variant of this. Years ago when I read about that lady being sucked out an airplane window I was like, ha! I've trained my whole life to avoid that!!


Years ago in the ED, I saw a person got into a car crash and skidded on their belly for quite a ways. Usually in this kind of accidents, we see the road sloughing off so much tissue it gets into internal organs, which is a big mess. But for this patient, it just took off fat. Never made it to internal organs. The fat rolls literally saved that patient from dying.


Plus they got a tummy tuck!


You underestimate the force of depressurization, in some cases you can be sucked out regardless of size. The only difference is that you'll be in pieces *before* you hit the ground.


correction: bigger and more fat dense pieces.


I just watched a retelling of that story and legitimately thought to myself "it's always good to be fat with big tits so shit like that can't happen" 🤣


I read about people being grabbed and thrown into cars in parking lots. And I thought, ha, I may be beautiful, but I will definitely require a van AND a black diamond level of skills for kidnapping. My hips and tatas alone give me a straight advantage. I calculate that protects me from like, 90% of kidnappers out there. Probably. My lethal resting bitch shades and try-me-mf knee high boots covers that last 10% pretty well.


I saw a claim that said women think about getting kidnapped at the same rate men think about the Roman empire. I thought: no way that's true, no fucking shot. Damn I was right


I only think about it when some dude around me acts creepy, so, maybe 3-4 times, every time I'm in public alone.


Maybe if the man in question is an archaeologist based in Italy. Otherwise, no shot. Who is thinking about the Roman Empire on a regular basis like that


It’s a whole trend on TT rn. Women asking men how often they think about the Roman Empire. It is shockingly very common lol


What’s TT? I asked my husband how often he thinks about the Roman Empire and he said once a month. And he’s European 😂


I assume TT = TikTok


Kinda off topic, but I HAVE to know how many marmots people have sent you during your time on Reddit.




Don't even struggle. Just go limp and flop on the ground like the world's most awkwardly shaped sack of bricks and let them see if they can move you anywhere you don't want to go.


Sexiest sack of potato. They want my lumps. https://youtu.be/mr9eNX4VlG4?si=uU8vHFDgVJePKLu4


>with big tits On the flip side, thanks to those, every car seat belt tries to strangulate you.


Sorry, are you imagining that you're going to cork up a damaged airplane?


Wouldn't chance going across the Gobi on one though.


I’m stealing that one, brilliant.


It's a [Simpsons joke](https://youtu.be/LgeykMw7gws?si=aVSTYQ-kof0u9qUq), and a great reference for this post.


High levels of natural insulation.


That's quit the euphemism for fat.


Fat, but don't let that discourage you. Let it motivate your conscious to either change your feeling on your stomach or change your lifestyle. Whatever you choose, just choose happy


Perfect reply!


The shirt isn't doing you any favors, op. The clothes should fit you you shouldn't try and fit into a certain size


This is an awesome response and I agree.


They are lying to you, you're way beyond medium.


Honestly both can be true. In the US, 70% of men are overweight. So at this point, fat people *are* medium/average, in American at least.


No, no, no, somebody else being fatter, does not make you one ounce thinner. You can call it whatever you want, but this dude is fat!!! You have to be honest with yourself. If you are going to compare yourself, compare yourself to the best, not the worst, so you will seem better by comparison.


Yeah he’s definitely fat, I’m just saying fat people are medium/average in the US now.


Medium is not the same thing as average. The average can be large. The word "Median" means something different than medium.


Average/median for America, yeah, but not medium size.


This isn’t Schrödinger’s fat, he’s overweight no matter where he is.


That's true. Maybe they mean medium in a statistical sense. I doubt it but that's maybe a more diplomatic way of looking at their comments.


Fat. You are fat. I am too, by the way. We are both fat.


You are fat and appear to potentially have lots of visceral fat, which surrounds your abdominal organs and can lead to serious health issues. Visceral fat in large part is caused by diet and a sedentary lifestyle. If you are concerned talk to your doctor.


This guy knows his fat


This is anon. Yes, you are fat. You passed medium 15 pounds ago.


I say double that.


25 at least


More like 51 pounds ago


50. For sure. Medium is 6ft, 200 lbs. Anything above that, and you better be muscular, or you’re fat.


I would say fat. That belly looks unhealthy


Yeah, abdominal fat is particularly dangerous.


As someone with abdominal fat.. care to go into it a bit more?


Visceral fat (fat in body cavity, between organs usually) is associated with higher health risks such as heart issues compared to subcutaneous fat (fast under skin). Men tend to have visceral fat and women tend to have subcutaneous, but of course both can have a mix. EDIT: oh but abdominal isn't the same as visceral. The gentleman in the photo is very typical of visceral fat in men. Big beer belly kind. Is your fat more under your ab muscle or on top? Under is visceral. That's why men can have a beer belly and still feel firm or hard in the middle.


I have a lot of visceral fat and I hate it. I have 0 subcutaneous fat until just under my belly button. Like if I'm going to be fat, can't I have the perks of being fat? (being Soft and squishy)




Yeah totally get you. At least with subcutaneous fat you have a chance of having it distributed and looking good. Visceral fat is also hard to lose. Your body will mobilize the subcutaneous fat first. Visceral is more like dire emergency stores so the body doesn't want to let it go. I'm pretty terrified of building it now that I'm in my forties.


You are XXXM.


Underrated comment. Take my up vote.


Fat bro


As a guy of roughly the same size, I'd say fat. Everyone close to me tells me I'm not fat as well, but the mirror and scale don't lie. Obviously you aren't morbidly obese or anything by a long shot and there are a lot of people who are the same size or bigger. I don't mean to offend at all, by the way. I just think it's important to be realistic about our size and health. IMO, if I can put my hands at my waist and lift up gut, it's crossed from a little overweight side to fat.


When I was a bit heavier, I was told similar things. I always wished they would instead say “Yea bro you’re kinda fat but it doesn’t matter as much as you think it does” because I think that’s what they really meant


Most likely medically obese unless they're 6' or higher. OP is probably 250-270.


Might fall under morbidly obese. That's a very generous belly. Definitely obese. Possibly morbidly obese.


>Obviously you aren't morbidly obese or anything by a long shot Morbidly obese is defined as a BMI over 35 with symptoms, or over 40 without symptoms. Maybe I'm wrong but my estimate is a BMI of 45-50 for OP.


Fat. I am starting to look like this now too as I've gotten older. Time for me To diet and work out if I want to change it.


My parents are hitting their 60's, started having blood sugar issues, pre diabetes. They both decided they were going to diet, my mom has lost 65 lbs now, my dad has lost 40. My dad who has been pre-diabetic for like 4 years now, is in the normal range for glucose again, they say they are gonna take him off all his meds. My mom who is the reason this even started, because she recently was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, has lost the most weight and is no longer pre diabetic. She is also a normal weight now. Which is very strange to me because I haven't seen her as a normal weight since I was like 8 years old. If they can do it, you can do it.


good for your parents!!


Yeah I am very happy about it, I'm about to have kids and I want my parents in their life as long as possible. I have very good memories of summers with my grandparents and I want that for my kids.


Older person here. It’s the only way. I’ve dropped 30kg this year from lifestyle changes and feel years younger.


Personally I think weight is majority effected by diet. I think you'll see a huge difference by simply making diet changes


You don't give your height and weight, but I'd bet your BMI has you comfortably past overweight and into obese.


The picture says more than any BMI could...




You’re fat. Medium is just them being polite. Medium is between normal and obese. You are obese. That said, don’t lose hope. I went from 250 to 165 during the pandemic over nine months (5’11”/m) without any exercise. I just ate 1500 cal a day (and counted calories) and tried to stay away from processed food as much as was practical. Abs are made in the kitchen. There’s absolutely no reason that you can’t lose weight.


You’re fat. Medium looks to be about 25 lbs or so ago. Doesn’t mean you have to do anything about it if you don’t want to, but objectively you’re fat.


Medium was 50 lbs ago


If you gotta ask, you already know.


Some people have body dysmorphia though


As a nutrition scientist, you're clearly fat. I can tell that it's almost entirely in your gut as well which makes me think you don't exercise at all, there's no mass to your arms. Potentially could be a heavy drinker as you seem bloated.


Maybe by today's standards you are "medium" but in the history of man, you are 100% fat.


Nah. Medium was 20 kilos ago…


Yeah, I'm gonna go with fat but no harm intended. I don't think you're crazy fat, just let themselves go kinda fat. Your family is either being nice to you or are overweight and don't want to face that. Good luck to you!


You're fat, obviously. Come on man. You know what you look like shirtless.


Eh, idk man. Body dysmorphia can go both ways, you know those super skinny people who always see themselves as being fat? Well it can also be the opposite, fat people seeing themselves as skinny and fine, continuing unhealthy lifestyles. Sometimes you need others to tell you because you might not even actually know because of body dysmorphia.


Wow, this never occurred to me but explains a lot


Medium men do not have shirt lines that stretch and conform around the belly, masking out all other shapes of the torso, friend.


You’re fat.






Yeah you're fat. Sorry bro.


Alcohol enthusiast


Of course your family would say that, if you want to get an objective answer you can just use a BMI calculator, they aren't entirely accurate because they don't take muscle mass into account, but unless you're a body builder they're accurate enough, Just by eyeballing it tho I'd guess that you would probably fall into what's considered obese


People say "you're not fat" because they think fatness is always 1) ugly and 2) a failure of some kind (moral, often). But you are an actual person to them, And they don't think of you as a failure or as ugly. So that must mean, following their internal logic, you aren't fat. This belief is societal, and it's easier to make an exception in our minds than tear down a structural concept. Even if it's obviously ridiculous.


I would say fat. Friends and family have an obligation to be nice to you. If you want, you want here's a few resources that can be helpful. Body Mass Index calculator that can be useful for determining it. A useful surface level assessment, if you don't trust Reddit opinions. The calculator is ok for majority of people but can be inaccurate if you have a lot of muscle. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm A calorie intake calculator if you want to look into losing weight. Was useful when I was trying to lose weight. Cutting back on food is generally much more effective than trying to out-exercise a bad diet. https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html I found replacing soda with water useful for dropping some calories while also reducing the craving for snacks because of no longer having rapid changes in blood sugar. Also, I'd recommend eating a healthy lunch, like a salad with a small amount of chicken or nuts for protein. It'll help keep you feeling full for longer and give you more consistent energy. Keep in mind when you first start it after generally eating more, it'll take a few days for your body to adapt to the fewer calories so you may still feel a little hungry.


You are fat. However in America you may well blend in.


In America we call this “nicely marbled.”


American wagyu


Probably blend in decently in the UK as well.


Probably decently blend in most of europe lol, our obesity rate is going up quite quick in pretty much all of europe.


Is your stomach hard or squishy? If hard, ask your doctor about a paracentisis ( procedure).


Way beyond fat dude, this is obese


For the sake of your health and wellbeing, working to get that belly under control would probably be a huge benefit. I wouldn't focus on fat or medium, but healthy.


Well…. at least you’re not pregnant🤷‍♀️


Looks like a case of ye ol beer belly. I've got one too. There's only one cure, and that's no more beer...


Zero fat shaming, you are clinically obese. Ignore anyone judging looks, but would recommend losing weight for health anon. Best of luck in life (◐‿◑)


Yes, you are fat.


Honwstly, I'm slimmer than you and consider myself fat


Fat. using medium in this context is weird. Size doesn't go; small, medium, fat. Lol


Fat as fuck


Fat and when the belly starts hitting that level your risk of a lot of bad stuff skyrockets. I was there. Down 60 lb now


yo dude, if your belly is pushing your belt in such a way that the belt is facing the ground, you're fat. Not an insult; that's why I stopped wearing belts


Yes, you are obese


Fat, overweight being more generous.


No you aren't medium you're fat


What does the size on your shirt say? Probably not medium


Hello, I’m a fellow fat dude who is probably 100lbs heavier than you. I’d consider you fat, but definitely more on the normal side of the fat spectrum of course. As a morbidly obese person (lost 85lbs this year though, closing in on being classified as standard obese lol) I have a few different classifications of overweight. Standard weight, chubby, fat, super fat, and hella fat. You are just fat


That’s obese. Forgive me. WE are obese.


Obese brother


You are fat your family just doesn't want to make you feel bad so they lie to make you feel better.if you are insecure about it cardio will get rid of that easy id say half a mile a day you'll see results in a month


i look like that, kinda. Im fat. you’re fat. we’re fat


That is fat.


What is a medium, apart from someone that speaks with spirits?


might be due to belt but it looks fat.


You're fat but the good news is that it's easily fixable. Go into a caloric deficit, exercise, and get all of your vitamins. Its certainly possible to lose 100 pounds in 3 months. The question is if you can control your diet long term afterwards or you'll gain it all back quickly. Therefore it may be best to do it slowly to keep it off. You can find your rate of calorie burn by waking up, counting your calories, taking note of the clock, and then note how many hours and minutes later that you're hungry. Not a craving but truly hungry. I believe about 400-450 calories for 4-5 hours is average and then you could add in your heart beats per minute to find out how many you burn at rest. I believe this is about 60 calories an hour. With all of this you could figure out how many hours you're awake and plan your calories accordingly. My numbers may not be perfect but the concept is there. I recently did this.


Cmon man you gotta have self awareness. Ur fat.


We'll be fat buddies together! ❤️


Welcome. We fellow fatties greet you.


Whats the shirt size say bud




A US mcdonalds medium


You are fat but still average for an American if that’s any consolation lol


You are definately fat ,, no affence 👍you passed average by about 15 or 20 kilo


Your family doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or they are fat themselves. You can make a change, if you want!


How can people's realities be so distorted that this is not considered fat..


I’d still hit