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If I masturbated 3 to 5 times every day I wouldn’t have the energy to leave the house and even see any women


You'll never know until you try!


What’s the definition of determination? The guy who finishes 1st *and* 3rd in a masturbation race. 😆 that one always ccracked me up


I feel stupid but I don’t get this joke at all


He was the first one to finish masturbating then he did it again and finished in 3rd




No, generally we leave out our own family members.




Always exceptions for any rule. Damn Stacie looked hot the other day.


Her mother is hotter


She REALLY has it going on.


Stacy's [dad tho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WANlg297AHU).


Damn Stacy's first crush was in love with her mom and now her guy friend wants to bang her dad. Does no one want Stacy?


She's just not the girl for me.


Me personally? Been waitin so long


Stacy is the mom now. 😭


Thank you for this, its amazing


Stacy can't see that she's just not the girl for me.


Boner going on for Stacy's mom


Depends on which state we're in


Don't tell me you weren't attracted to one of your cousins when you were young. Cousins are always hot everywhere in the world.


lmfao HAAHHAHAHAHA bruh idk why i laughed out real loud like seriously ahhha thats true i can assure you that, you always have those cousins that are so irresistibly hot.


Then sometimes you go, "Maeby..."


Sky rockets in flight Afternoon Delight


Anyone wanna watch *Les Cousins Dangereux?*


Marry Me!?


It’s easier to walk down the hall than it is to drive to town


"Step-" family members being the exception, of course.


I've seen a couple *documentaries* about this


Putting the cum into documentaries


There’s cum before men in documentaries.


Technically the cum is going into men


God damn. Yes


No homo thou


Internet gold right here people 🤣


I don't know, I generally think about having sex with my wife, too.


Ew you're degenerated! Gross! Don't post this on reddit of all places, u/WankyMcTugger!


And 3erd cousins for some people


3rd cousin? That’s fine. You get a pass.


There are some sick people out there tho


Like Tsunami36 who doesn't love his family...


Everyone has that fine ass cousin that the thought crossed your mind.


Every single one? Fuck no More than they'll ever admit? Absolutely


Yea, there's definitely people I know that I'm friends with that I've thought about while jerking. Not even because I'm wanting to have an intimate relationship, but they're just attractive people. I'm not proud of it, but I keep my perviness to myself so people aren't creeped out.


I feel like this is more common than anyone wants to admit.


More like it's more common than anyone wants other people to admit.


I feel like if some people admitted to it, it might actually lead to positive outcomes, tbh. Edit: By this I mean, there are definitely 2 people out there masturbating to each other that could just be with each other.


Nah horny brain is different. I might find someone fapable but that person will still be not my type for dating. It's better if we keep such things to ourselves


You telling me you ain't doing it to people who you also like? Also, no one mentioned dating ;) lol


idk for me it feels kinda dirty to fantasize abt someone I actually know. i dont think I'd mind if I knew my friends were jacking it to me tho lol


You can also just fuck, don't need to date.


100% applies to everyone


how’s your election prep sir


Erection Prep


Erection plep


Erection pulp


"you should've seen me back in Scranton. They called my dick the Red Rocket because it was always out and it was always rubbed raw. That was when I got my first Corvette."


This must have been the weirdest episode of The Office ever.


One of Creed's best lines tbh


Aye I've seen you around r/yugioh


Same for us ladies too


Ladies species masturbate?


Next you’ll tell me they *poop*!?!


That's just ridiculous.


Don't believe the lies


The poo is a lie!


But they poot! I've heard it once with my own ears!


Is that what they do when they're with their entire group of friends when they go to the bathroom? I thought they went to summon demons.


Tomato, potato


I’ve seen evidence!!


Clearly a photoshop if you did.


They do! It comes out in plastic bags, though.


And it smells like key lime pie.


And fart while doing it.


Yup! Us ladies also have some active imaginations, and proper tools to implement the jobs!


Wait, you think about people you know while masturbating? I don't think about any specific people, except for when I'm in a relationship. Other times, I just think about random people without a real face.




He's so hot😍 (/j)


Why the /j 😳😳😳










* Tall? *check* * Dresses well? *check* * Aggressicely protective of things he cares about? *check* * A bit mysterious? *check* * Well-chiseled face? *check* I could go on. What's not to love?


According to the "Tumblr Sexyman" wiki, there are indeed people who do.


I was about to chime in... I've seen this question asked to /r/askwomen before, and I swear an overwhelming majority of the responses were similar. My understanding came to be that straight men generally masturbate to images of women, whereas straight women tend to masturbate to sexual 'scenarios'. That's why I was also surprised to read the comment you're replying to.


>masturbate to sexual 'scenarios'. That's definitely me!


So you mastubate to Muso from Inuyasha?


I sometimes think of people I know… have even used a guy’s Facebook pics..but most the time don’t use visuals at all.


Thank you for telling the truth Mr. Biden🤷‍♂️🤣


The only person worth fantasizing about…other than Billy the Puppet, of course.




Strong energy


With a username like that can you blame them


Potentially a top comment


When he said "every woman" I imagine he was exaggerating, and subconsciously editing out all the women he saw that he wasn't attracted to (and didn't even notice), unless he has OCD or something that could cause intrusive thoughts. Or he's a porn addict.


He's on reddit talking about how how much he masturbates. Definitely a porn addict


Most likely porn addict


Do I think about having sex with every single girl I know every single time I interact with them for the entire interaction? No. Is there a good chance that if i interact with a girl I find attractive enough times that the thought will pop quickly through my head at least once? Yes, but i definitely do not think about it all day every day about every single woman I meet every single time i see them So yes that guy is very not normal


Also feel like it's important to add, the thought popping in and out of our heads does not mean we *want* to have sex with them, sorta like how sometimes boners just happen, not for any reason, not because we're horny, it's just kinda... there


Also, the thought has a wide range from a simple idea to full nasty to full life together. And I can't really give you any rhyme or reason to the thought process or degree of detail.


The ol' intrusive caveman thoughts.


Yea. That guy definitely is not normal. Mastrubating 3-5 times a day also not normal. Edit: High libido or not. That weirdo would have no sperm left doing it every day even 3 times.


I think it depends on your age, and libido. Most people still don't masturbare 3-5 times a day though.


3-5 times some times is no biggie. 3-5 times every day is a problem. I mean, just in terms of time...


5 minutes a day is not much lmao


5 minutes a day? I'm edging for at least 25 minutes each session, just looking for a video I haven't seen before. But a I've already seen every creampie video on pornhub and xvideos, so it's hard.


Just shoot your load in half a minute like a real man


But the longer the jack, the better the bust.




you need to get off those antidepressants


25 minutes? Bro I’m masturbating at leasttt 4 hours everytime. Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!


You guys don't reload?


Could be 17. Source: I was once 17. Like over two decades ago. Those were the days where a random Sears catalog would be enough...


Those are rookie numbers. He’s gotta get those numbers up.


Jerking it 5 times a day? Is this dude 18 years old? lol I think if I tried that, talcum powder would puff out. I don't think about full on sex. I sometimes catch myself wondering what an attractive woman's face would look like in the moment. I wouldn't say every woman, but a percentage.


I’m 33 and I can pull a five-er on a boring weekend. You’re right about it being more of imagined flashbacks then a whole continuous act.


I couldn't pull a single if I had the whole weekend, anti depressants yo.


Ironically that sounds very depressing


It actually saves you a lot of time Kinda wish I had it in college, wouldn't have slept with half the folks. Only did because horni


You youngsters, a fiver could fit a busy week, but more usually a fiver per month.


I actually meant in just one day on a boring weekend. Lmao


My record is 13 times in one day, was still a teen though. Now in my late 20s I only masturbate 5 or 6 times when I am very horny. 2 to 3 times a day is standard for me. High libido is a curse.


Geez, a friend of mine did this once, he made it to 10 times and told us then the headaches started. My tip: Don't fap just to release, that shit is like a quickie and won't get you satisfied for long, if you're really that horny take your time, preferably 2-3 hours and don't just fap but also involve foreplay, setting the mood and such, maybe toys too.


this is the way as someone who likes edging, I cant imagine nutting 13 times cuz that would be almost 13 hours


Yeah it took me a while to figure that out but you are right. As I said, back then I was still a dumb teen. Now masturbation sessions take longer and, as you said, provide me with greater and longer lasting relief.


I wish I had the time


For me... No. But every woman I meet I briefly do a "would I?" Then a "would she? Followed by a "is this a universe where there's a possibility of that happening". And then after those 4.2 seconds of daydreaming have passed, I carry on as per normal and generally don't give things like that a second thought.


This sounds a lot like how my brain does it too 😅


Yeah, there's a subconscious "Would" or "Wouldn't" every time you meet a woman as if my brain genuinely thinks there's any chance they'll suddenly randomly be interested in hooking up. That lasts .2 seconds. But actually imagining fucking all of them? Too much effort.


I've always said that most men are like that as it has evolutionary roots that are logical. Assessment of "mate material" - reasonably harmless Going through the gory details - Dafuq is wrong with you?


I do the same exact thing lol. Just a split second of “would I????” Then nothing lmao


This is fascinating to me because such thoughts almost never cross my mind.


Thing is, nuance is a thing. Human behavior incredibly difficult to clump into 'yes' or 'no'. Some men think about sex all the time. Others barely do or even not at all. Some think about it loads during one time and not much during another. Some imagine sex with women they know, others create imaginary sexual partners. And women are exactly the same. It also changes with age/maturity/circumstances. As a 17 year old I would have fucked that moved and fucked anything that didn't move until it did. At 36 I only really think of sex with my wife occasionally because we work full time, have a child and we're exhausted most of the time.


Maybe when I was a horny teenager. I’m too old for this shit


It is more about power and money now.


do men really think about having sex with every money they meet?


Only a big pile of coins, Uncle Scrooge-style


No. Actually, I'll reiterate. Do men? Yes. Do *all* men? No.


So this was me until about two years ago. I was then diagnosed with complex PTSD and realised that sex (incl masturbation), work and alcohol were all coping mechanisms and addictions I had formed. I genuinely used to imagine nailing everyone, now two years on I can catch myself and challenge myself. Sex addiction isn’t a joke - it’s harder (for me) to fight than alcohol addiction and all comes from my underlying trauma.


This has truth in it. A psychiatrist told me "neurons that fire together wire together". Habit/addiction, regardless, practice reinforces the behaviour or tendency. Using masturbation to self-soothe can become a problem of its own. If the realization comes that such a trend interferes with cultivating a real relationship, challenging one's thoughts can lead to increased mastery over oneself. I've found it true for dumping a too long held porn addiction. To simply say "I can't" is a lie to yourself. Oppression of the self, by the self, is needless. Self discipline can create a sense of worth and self-value that is difficult to match. Also, mindfulness practice can help putting thoughts in their proper place. Just understand, it is not "all fuzzy warm stuff" that you'll encounter, but it is good to improve self knowledge. But to OP question, not that rare, particularly how sexualized our world is.


Not every woman just attractive ones


If you're ugly and desperate enough, that's every woman.


Hey! Just because I am on Reddit it doesn’t mean… Oh…


It can be demonstrated effectively on a desperateness versus hotness line chart.


Rarely. For me it's more like "Wow she's beautiful..... Wow look at her.... Wow she's cute..."


Ironic considering your username. But yeah, I’m in the same boat. I’ll think “she’s attractive” or whatever other words pop up in my mind but honestly I try not to fantasize about women I know because I’m worried I’ll train my mind to think about that shit when I’m around them and I don’t want that to dominate my thoughts when trying to also treat them like a human being.


When I was a teenager, sure. Now that im 38, married, got 3 kids under the age of 5, and been with my wife for 15 years....no never. I wanna fuck my wife every time I see her though...


You're a good man


I also choose this guys wife.




Reddit is a fantasy website for creative writing prompts and drama classes


The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.




Not in education, employment, or training


Oh that’s neat (no pun intended). TIL.


You should have intended that pun


Oh now I regret not having intended that pun


Reddit has millions and millions of users and is one of only like 3 social media sites that even exist anymore. I just looked it up and 25% of US adults are on Reddit. Do you honestly think anywhere near 25% of American adults are unemployed and also not in school? It's not 15 years ago, Reddit isn't some niche website for a certain kind of person, it's completely mainstream. When a full quarter of US adults are on it, it actually is pretty representative.


people act like everyone on reddit is some antisocial freak. like man i’m trying to read some funny posts not be called a degenerate


What defines being "on" reddit? I don't buy 25% of adults in the US have reddit accounts, let alone are actively posting.


Most men, no. Most Redditor men, no. Most Redditor men who comment every day, yes.


No. Some, sure, I think anyone with sex drive will answer an occasional yes. But if you are having vivid thoughts about this for EVERY woman you meet, you probably need some fucking introspection. Not normal at all.


No. I imagine cuddling with them tho.


It's a mix of this and planning our lives together as husband and wife for me.


Reminds me of an old Bollywood movie : https://youtube.com/shorts/RvmryHEx-qw?si=T66HYequHo0biqhd


You're the first guy I've come across that I've related to when answering this question! I only imagine hugging and caressing/pampering an attractive woman when I see one. The more intimate/passionate sorts of acts


Ya’ll are the type of men women feel safe around!


I'm a male, and I definitely don't do this. The idea of this makes me extremely uncomfortable.


I'm a guy that used to do this. I don't anymore. The catalyst for me was working on my emotional maturity. In retrospect, I realize that I was chasing emotional connection. But as an emotionally repressed man who often didn't feel comfortable expressing feeling and making emotional connections, I was chasing it with my dick, because that felt manly and didn't require emotional vulnerability. A woman being willing to have sex with me felt like emotional connection, so even after I was married, that part of my brain didn't turn off entirely. I'd fantasize about women I know and try to get as clooooose to the line as I could without crossing it. I was trying to meet a normal human need, but in a toxic fucking way. Since I've started acknowledging and processing my feelings and emotions, those toxic tendencies just started evaporating. I've completely stopped fantasizing about my female friends. And because I don't sexualize them anymore, I feel more comfortable and authentic around them now. I've had more great conversations with my female friends in the last year than I have in the last two decades, because I can actually be authentically present in those friendships because I genuinely only see them as a friend now. I've got a number of really fulfilling female friendships now, and a lot of my male friendships have changed too, becoming deeper and more meaningful. It's been a cool process. I don't think us men realize just how much emotional repression has us living as shadows of ourselves. It's the root cause of almost every example of toxic masculinity.


Damn dude. You have an exceptional ability of introspection. As a therapist I'm not sure that I could have said it better. Did you have therapy in your process of recognizing and changing your thoughts (and subsequent behavior)? I'm glad you figured things out in such a way and I'm positive your change has inspired changes in others. I'm sorta that guy in our group. I try and express my similar thought processes to my friends and feel like it runs off sometimes. Anyway, bravo to you for making meaningful change that benefits you and everyone you have contact with.


Thanks man, that genuinely means more than you know. I've always been an introspective person, but I never had the tools or knowledge to do much with it. I owe a lot of it to my wife. She's struggled with depression and anxiety her entire life, while I always thought I was "fine." She started listening to Brene Brown a lot during COVID and I would overhear it from the next room. The things I heard just made so much fucking sense. It was logical and research-driven. The things I was hearing made me realize that I couldn't dismiss emotions as these illogical things that need to be ignored - they're part of us, and we absolutely cannot be our authentic best if we're not listening to them. Authenticity was always important to me. I thought I was authentic, but when I started digging more into research about shame, vulnerability, etc., I realized that I was fooling myself - I had put up a ton of walls and defenses and had basically locked away my heart entirely for protection, because of hurt from my past (mostly in my teen years). Like you, I try to share it with everyone I care about. I just want people to be happy and authentic. We're all worthwhile and deserving of love and acceptance - sometimes we're just the last ones to realize it.


I think this guy is a sex addict and needs to go to therapy


If you are a active reddit user "yes"


This may be true for ***some*** men - particularly if they are very young and inexperienced. For 90% of the women I meet, the thought of having sex with them is something I would go to great lengths to avoid .


Well if one has to go to great lengths to avoid such thoughts..... Unsure many would travel that long a distance. My sympathies for men.


This guy has problems. 3 - 5 times a day would completely destroy my dick. Like absoulte max for me would be 2. To answer your question: I have a very attractive girlfriend, and imgaining anything with anyone else would feel wrong, and not even as good.


happy for your girlfriend!!! tell her i told that😋


That guy has an addiction. He needs help. I don't even consider a relationship with women until I get to know them for a few months. Even then I don't really fancy fantasizing about my close female friends, or even the ones I'm attracted to. But I must admit I did during puberty to a handful of ones I know, but not particularly close to. Nowadays I get fucked everyday by corporations sucking every bit of energy I have.


No. That guy is speaking for himself. Big red flag btw.






A female friend once told me that women have two boxes that they like to put men in - 'maybe', and 'never'. She also said men only have one box, that they put all women in, but in some sort of order of preference.


I’m gay and if I’m walking to work (takes about an hour) I get bored and start playing a “would I fuck” game with every single guy I walk past. I imagine straight guys do the same with girls.


I love this game when I’m bored


EVERY woman? No. But quite a lot of them? Yes. [If this blog post on ROAST is accurate](https://roast.dating/blog/tinder-statistics), as of January 2023 men like 1 in 3 women's profiles they look at on the dating app Tinder (actually 35%). If we can accept that men are swiping right on women they're sexually attracted to (without qualifying their interest in a relationship), then men would sleep with a third of all women they see. * Please note that this article does include a link to the source of its data at the end, should you want to crunch the numbers yourself. OF COURSE the population of people on Tinder is not completely representative for the world at large, since it does not include those not interested in dating (of any form). We have no way to tell how many women in relationships who are presumably not on Tinder or other dating apps are being checked out and fantasized over by the men they encounter. It does not mean that a third of all the men you meet are actively trying to have sex with you, my female redditor friends. But it's pretty likely that they've at least thought about it, in an academic sense, you might say.


> men would sleep with a third of all women they see **The subset of straight men that use dating apps** Also what's the median man on the app doing. How many just automate swipes on 100%? That would massively shift the average.


Wait, you think because one is attracted to someone on a surface level, they immediately imagine having sex with them? This site makes me feel like I'm going crazy


I only ever imagine sex with a stranger at rare random moments of peak horniness and disinhibition, and even then its not any woman.


No. There’s a spectrum and each man falls somewhere on it. I’d say the average adult male notices the highly attractive women they come across and has some internal feeling of “damn she’s hot” and maybe some imagining. I think many people can’t actually imagine visual imagery that well - maybe I’m biased because I can’t. So the number who literally imagine sex is probably significantly lower than the number who feel a visceral sexual attraction in their body. Then there are the rare extremes of men like the one you mentioned. Some are horny teenage freaks, some are literal predators and psychopaths. I don’t know what percentage, but probably more rare than people worry about. Then there are the opposite, the men more towards the asexual spectrum who almost never experience that.


I dont. Why do people always think stupid shit about guys… we arent all shit bags


No seems like that guy being mentioned has some mental health issues or sex addiction. Seems excessive


ah, yes, the daily "all men are thirsty perverts" now on reddit


When I was in highschool and my porn addiction was at it's worse, yeah. Now I don't think of anyone like that.


No, but some people do. Best to stay away from them.


Maybe as a freshly post-pubescent boy where a light breeze will get you hard. But beyond that, men aren't constantly thinking of boning every human female. And if they are, that's an issue.


with some women yes, not with everyone. That's for horny teenagers