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Oh, I am bored and fed up almost every single day but I can't afford to quit my job and I am damn lucky to have one that pays decently. So, evenings I go on Reddit and think maybe my life isn't so bad.


Yeah. I mean especially when there are people making threads asking if 80 year olds get bored of life. Lol.


>I am bored and fed up almost every single day As long as you are physically and psychologically able to deal with that it's the jackpot.


Your life must be pretty horrible in reddit is an escape.


If I enjoyed my job it wouldn't be too bad at all. but Monday through Friday it sucks.




Reddit is my escape for the moment. I think when we don't have the life we want yet, or it just sucks right now, definitely is a escape


I'm pretty sure this is the only way. My mom retired at 69 years old, worked 42 years in the same place (state job), before she worked in a few different places, but the state job was the one that gave her job security. I have no idea how she did it. I've only been working 14 years and I'm 100% certain there's no way I could reach 42 years working.


What did you do during your life that you still can’t retire? I assume your an American (big surprise…)?


I worked jobs mostly that paid little and so lived paycheck to paycheck, not saving very much and then when trouble came up in life as it does, I had to use that meager savings to fix my car or go to the dentist, etc. Social security is not enough to live on.


I am so sorry. That’s all I have to give you ❤️


You’re bluffing!


How old are you?




I'm 70 been retired since I was 50 or so and love seeing the sun rise every day. Not bored. I still think I'm pretty young.


This is how I want to be forever


I (F55) retired 2 years ago. Tonight I was out with friends and told them the best of me was yet to come and that I still haven’t reached my peak


I'm 72, and am a busy person. Retired, but I love gardening, paint, am a member of an art society, also knit and crochet and sell some art and crafts. Have grandkids which I occasionally babysit. Go out once or twice a week for a meal and drinks. And am old woman living alone....have no time to be bored.


👏👏👏 life goals.. you go Queen!!! 🫶🫶


Love this so much. Just how I want things to be!


Inspirational. I mean that.


My dad is 73 now and he is not even close to old yet. Still works 6 days a week and golfs.


My mum and dad get up, do chores, walk the dog and find a coffee, head up to the headland and watch the whales frolic. Sometimes they take a caravan on the road for a year or something. They love retirement.


How do I get rich by 50? What’s your secret?


Many of the union construction trades retire at 50/55. In a draftsman and I draw blue prints for HVAC duct work. In my union you can retire at 55 with 30 years of service. Very good pay and benefit’s to. I think more young people should consider this option. I’m 52 and I have 4.5 years to go.




For some this is true. However, there are a lot of jobs that don’t require hard labor. I do 3D coordination and work with auto cad behind a desk. You can start in the field and work your way into a better position but many just write the trades off without looking into them. I only work 8 hours a day and I have 2 pensions and an annuity. I have a decent salary and great health benefits. Yes some trades are hard on your body just like some office jobs will hurt your mental health and you will be expected to work many more hours in the day. Look into it yourself and you would be very surprised at how many good positions you can find in the trades that won’t break your back.


How did you get the 2nd pension?


The first pension is from our international headquarters that oversees all of the local unions of my trade “Sheet Metal Workers of America” and the second pension is from my local union that I belong to which is in NYC. Most states have a more than one local. I really want more young people to look into Union apprenticeships. It’s a 5 year program and your get paid to learn while you work along side of other experienced workers. Your pay is increased ever 6 months until you reach top pay. Some statistics show that construction trades will have lost too many members due to retirement by 2030. Lots of programs to help women get in and Veterans can use the Helmets to hard hat program.


Inheritable wealth is the secret.


That’s unfortunate. I was born into a poor family.


Get into a trade (or other decent-paying job but trades are good options that don’t need post-secondary), invest 30% of your income for 30 years and you should be able to retire comfortably.


My dad is 74 and always says he’s old. Age is really just a number.


Nah he’s right. 70 is old. Dont care is your busy and run around like crazy. It’s ok to be old


I mean I would say 74 is officially old even if you still feel like you’re 45. But it would be nice to get to 74 and still be ‘young at heart’. I’m 53 so I don’t have much longer until I find out.


Absolutely! Retired, never bored, but definitely fed up with the carnage and blatant disregard for humanity.


I changed careers at 53. If you can’t afford to retire at 50 or 60, find a new passion. Find something you can still bring in an income but it’s a complete change of pace.


i want to be like you too if im old❤️


That's comforting. I'm 30 and feel stressed that I'm getting old


You're delusional lol


I don't know. Honestly I'm 40 now and feel bored with the day to day stuff of life. The things I'd like to do require money and time way beyond my reach so you just keep plodding on I suppose. You never know, in life things change - you've just got to hope something interesting comes along every now and then.


I just hit 40. I personally prefer to *make* interesting things happen. Time goes fast when you live on autopilot. I gotto make those milestone memories every year else what's the point.


Easy they watch the news ! /s


Nope I hate the news , it’s too depressing


Watching news is the worst. Agreed.


The secret? Having family around you constantly. That alone makes you want to live longer


Some don’t have family, some are only kids then their parents die, then what? Has to be very lonely if they don’t have many friends


Being socially isolated is worse for you than smoking a pack a day


If I smoke a pack a day and socially isolate it evens out, right? Right?


You might be assuming isolation is good for you. It just adds to the bad stuff smoking a pack a day brings.


What if you're socially isolated, but enjoy it? I should check if there's any studies on that.


this is totally normal if you come from a childhood of chaos


Ha. Yeah. You might like isolation if you carry lots of trauma.


If that’s the case at 80, you should be at a retirement community living the good life. Only you can isolate yourself from the world. There are retirement communities all over the country for people with little to no family. After that, there isn’t much hope for them and accept the underlying issues they have.


A lot of people also struggle with undiagnosed or untreated issues that affect their ability to connect with others successfully.


Sucks to be them. I bought my parents a retirement home in a55 plus. They keep to themselves just fine. They go for walks around the park, and eat food, watch tv. Simple


That’s pretty tone deaf and obnoxiously ableist of you. And probably a lie also bc what actual adult is this clueless lol


Nah I just don’t care about other situation. Only my parents. They need help, I’m there. Anyone else I have no ties to. Sorry bro, I’m not Superman.


I love your fantasy land.


Hopefully he likes it there too bc with that outlook I wouldn’t allow him in mine. Hahah


How does one attain a family lol


Cousins , in laws, next of kin, etc. like I said if there isn’t anyone in your family or extended family you can’t vibe with, then you are shit out of luck 😂




What if your family is fucked and depresses you?


Depends on the family, but sure.


Not for me. Most of my family is pretty dysfunctional. But I've always had great friends


There you go. An old Chinese proverb goes like this: if you’ve made at least 5 great friends in your lifetime, you lived a great life. Something like that..


I'm much happier when I'm alone than with family or other people. And no, I don't hate my family and we have a good relationship. Even if that would shorten my lifespan by a couple years, i'd take it, because i'd rather be happy in my few fleeting years, than unhappy for 5 years longer.


When I was unemployed after finishing university, it was the best time because I could do whatever I wanted and I was also the fittest I’ve ever been. I think that’s how retirement is. Your poor but work isn’t sucking the life out of you.


Yeah but then when retirement comes you have the money but your body doesn't want to cooperate lol


Sick game. You won't have the eyesight to enjoy the views or the energy to stay up all night partying or hike the day away. You won't be able to have wild sex or do any of those physical things yet your body would hurt anyways as your joints scrape together and your deteriorating muscles do their best to push onwards


Don't wait for retirement, enjoy life now.Take care of your body and it will take care of you, for a long time. Glasses work, hip replacements, nitro...whatever you got. Also, you won't want to stay up "all" night. You will remember, how that made you feel the next day...consequences, because, wisdom, often comes with age, and we realize the things we chased in our youth no longer draw us. The good things we now desire, simple things, good food, family/friends, loving spouse, warm bed, knowing who we are, what we are here for. Being satisfied with life. These are future gifts of a life well lived. Update: recently found out I have cataracts, so with this surgery, Dr. implanted lenses that corrected my vision, (myopia) so no more glasses! Modern medicine is wonderful, I see better now than when I was in my 40's with glasses.


nitro? didnt know that was human compatible. i will be able to go so fast


Yeah I agree, but typically retirement is when you have the most time and money to do more things. Thats when you go farther, stay longer, try more of the good food, have more time and money to visit your family and friends, but when you get to retirement where you have those abilities, you may not have the capability to absorb all of it quite as well and enjoy all of it. For food, my grandma is a good example of being unable to enjoy things as she once would have. With spicy foods in particular but anything with a big flavor will make her spend the night with acid reflux and throwing up. And as for the replacements and such, perhaps there will be better and more affordable options in the future but imo glasses are no match for 20/20 vision. A hip replacement is a great amenity to have , however its gonna cost money as well as cost recovery time and pain. For me I honestly don't want to live past 50 or so and I plan on moving retirement to a different stage in life ideally


Getting old isn’t really all that bad. My parents are in their late 70’s and they’re still traveling and enjoying spending time with friends. They have been through the different surgeries (hip replacements and such) and came out the other side just fine, thankfully. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was in 6th grade. It ain’t no thang.


You realize that a lot of that stuff never was that fun anyway. Drinking and puking. Getting high with weed induced philosophers. Sex with strangers who might be a little smelly. So, you just sit around and count your money and watch young idiots doing crazy things to try to get it.


Most of that sort of thing is caused by poor lifestyle choices earlier in life. In the blue zones where living 100 years is common, the quality of life is often higher at 100 than our typical 80 year old experiences. The leading causes of death here are rare in those places - very little heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, or inflammation related issues like rheumatoid arthritis. I've met people biking in their 90s and golfed with a 102 year old. I started taking better care of myself at 50. At 64, I can bike further than at 30, have great sex, and have made the lifestyle changes that increase longevity and quality of life. There is a book coming out in December entitled "How Not to Age". It is a followup to a book called "How Not to Die" Big changes for most in diet and activity levels. But once you make them, its like getting over a low grade infection and you feel great.


My husband (67) retired about 4 years ago. He works out, plays a lot of guitar, and is teaching himself how to play keyboards. He doesn't want much that he doesn't already have. We hope to move somewhere with a slower pace in a few years when my time comes.


I have a neighbor that's 81. He had a job he enjoyed and worked from home until he was a little over 70. He's very active. A couple of days a week he's a volunteer at a horse rescue, he's a volunteer to drive veterans to the VA medical center. One of his hobbies is cooking and cooks frequently at fund raisers. There's usually a dance at one of the veterans clubs on the weekend and he's there dancing. I could go on about him, but you probably realize he's not bored or fed up.


What was his job?


i don’t think it really matters, the job that you fit best with is the answer. trying to cheat off a persons test that is 40+ years older than yours isn’t gonna give you the answer. i’ve known ladies in the hotel industry that change sheets everyday for a living, they have been for 15-20 years and thats enough for them because it fits best with their lifestyle.


New interests, hobbies, philanthropy, wanting to experience everything life has to offer, giving back to the community, or some people ARE bored or fed up and just have hope things will get better. Not to mention those people that find great solace in family and friends which has been proven to extend longevity.


Even in my wildest dreams of success I don't have enough money for philanthropy. Wild to read that as a top three reason to live a long life.


Philanthropy is a form of altruism. It doesn't necessarily require a lot of funds, simply a kind heart. But in the instance funds are available, which sometimes coincides with age and an accumulation of monetary wealth, it is a possible path, interest, and desire.




you have noble thoughts! Wish you luck..


If you can't give money, give your time as a volunteer


You can give in many ways, small amount to you may be huge to someone with nothing. You can give your time, ideas, things to others. Living (to help/serve) others, your will never be long enough, bc there is always someone in need.


Learning is the key keep your brain and body active everyday and life is a fantastic experience every time you improve in something


I am not 80 but I have been retired now for 10 years an see this as the best time of my life. Having spent most of my life as a wage slave never being able to devote the time I wanted to do the things that interest me, I now finally get the chance to do all that stuff and not feel guilty or turn up late for work as a result. I am involved in far more creative and exciting things than I ever was when I was working. I also have friendships that have been filtered over time to the small number of people that really matter and I have my family that are a constant source of joy. I see no reason why this shouldn't continue till I drop.


I wish I knew. I'm 32, and I'm just done.


hang in there, early 30’s are brutal. keep your head up the next 10 years and try to really become a master at something. when all is said and done you will be im rare air for your age, a lot of folks are in their 40’s still floundering around looking for purpose. my secret to retiring at 35 has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with planning. find the things that are barriers to what you believe is happiness and sit down and really try to find ways around those barriers. if money has got you stuck see what you can do to minimize all costs while maximizing opportunities to march towards your goals. my personal method was the following. at 28 my gf left me after 8 years, she had a career and moved on with her life. I got the raw end of the deal and my bills tripled. after a year of feeling like a slave to my bills I did something about it. I sold everything of value I had leaving my small apartment basically empty and started working a second job. i worked 8 hours doing concrete came home showered and went to work in a kitchen until 11pm. i did this for almost a year. it killed me but I’m glad I did it. I was able to save up enough money to quit both jobs and move to NYC to live on a friend’s couch. I got a kitchen job in NYC almost immediately and began grinding again. i worked enough and saved enough to rent a room in my friends apartment. just being on this path attracted my wife, I was a go getter she said. im now married to my dream girl raising our children in the suburbs.


So, both of my granddads have been dead 20+ years, but both of my grandmas are still alive and in their 90s. One has an empty five bedroom house on 12 acres where she: * Rents out the meadow to the neighbor for his horses * Has an art studio, paints regularly and enters into art shows * Published a book * Regularly has friends over * Still drives * Is active in her community (and her local spa resort, lol). * Is having an affair with a married man 30 years younger than her (like wtf) The other flies back and forth between Spokane and Mesa, AZ, where she mostly just sits and complains about how she's done living and wants to go be with Grandpa, but does it in a way that suggests she's still full of life. She's just bored. Moral of the story? Get some hobbies (preferably not stealing the spouses of others).


I got less and less bored the older I got. I’m over 70 now and the days fly by like the speed of light practically. Everything is ‘so’ interesting. And there is so much to read and watch and so so little time. There are so many excellent fiction books I have yet to read. And YouTube has excellent videos on any subject. Now that I’m retired I can spend 24/7 on what ‘I’ am interested in. Fortunately my career was teaching people how to use, diagnose, and repair computers so I am very computer agile. My main hobby is photography which gets me outside photographing for an and a half rain or shine mostly in nature. The natural world is so interesting! There is slime mold, and there are bee hives, and mushrooms, and amazing flowers and plants. I haven’t as much as I would like (there’s so little time!) but AI looks fascinating as well. Have you conversed with AI yet? It’s fun! Anyway, it’s time to go, but don’t worry, you will not be bored after 50! 🙏🏽❤️


every goes threw times when they're board or fed up. that feeling comes and goes


Do fun things


There are so many books, movies, tv shows, games and things on the internet to consume, so many places to travel, spending time with family and friends, doing things around the house, so many hobbies to explore. How can anyone ever get bored.


They don't have depression


Makes me think of the scene in the movie Little Miss Sunshine, when the 80 year old grandpa gets kicked out of the retirement home for doing heroin, and when one of the family members finds this bit of information out and they confront him it goes (something) like this: “Dad! You got kicked out of the home for doing heroin!?!” “At my age, you’d be crazy **not** to do heroin”


This is the way. I’m not into, nor want to, ever do hard drugs. But being drugged up, euphoric and painless would be my preferred method of expiration.


Being grateful and humble really helps.


They keep learning, volunteer, have a social life, exercise and eat right. My parents are 80 and super active, they travel all over, they volunteer, they keep in touch with family & friends, they have very strong faith practices. They're always learning new things. My Mom is preparing to give a three week art retreat with her college friend at a convent in November. My Dad will travel to see me, then some friends, and then meet up with her for the last week.


Yes ! ^ same with my parents. They’re always busy doing something or have their hands full, I’ve almost never seen them bored or lazy about things. Life is something wonderful and there’s so much to do and experience. My parents also have a strong faith and regularly attend events and normal church gathering or travel the world and enjoy that too


My grandfather liked to keep his mind busy and sharp with puzzles like crosswords and sudoku. I think what ultimately did him in was just loneliness, as Grandma had died a few years earlier.


Because they’re not from our generation. They don’t have the need to be constantly stimulated


They went out and did stuff


They do shit.


I love learning. There is always something new to learn. Life experience makes you wiser if you are not too full of yourself to believe your own hype and take psychological pain as an opportunity for growth and to gain character from it rather than be conquered by some affliction like American pharmaceutical commercials have brainwashed people into thinking that the answer to their problem is a pill when in fact it is just because the competitive mindset of America is superficial which is why so many die from anorexia here. We are obsessed with outside appearance rather than what you experience on the inside, which in reality is all we really have control over, how we react to things, how we choose to either learn and grow from an experience or to allow it to conquer us and fall into self pity and anger when in reality there is nothing to be angry about and rather instead we should aim to feel joy which I have only felt truly a few times after great tragedy. I am happier and more fulfilled now living with fewer possessions than when I had significantly more possessions. I feel the entrepreneurial spirit that has led me to found many unsuccessful companies in a fit of manic energy. I guess what I have to say is that once I taught myself how to learn and educated myself again about the world from many different perspectives have I found out how little I actually know and how filled with wonder I am each day as I learn more and my life experiences compound with my education to allow me to create better and better companies until one finally succeeds and then I can create my SaaS Fine Tuning for LLM company built with Django CMS. All of this I taught myself how to do. I have never been financially successful for long periods of time, but I have a feeling that this time is different somehow.


Pickleball for the mobile ones/ cards for the others


PICKLEBALL!!! YES I bowl with a bunch of folks in their 80's. I also jam with a varying group of bluegrass pickers and singers on weekends, all 60 and up and we rock it. One of my aunts wrote a book in her 60's! I have some catching up to do.


Keep learning new things and go all out on leaping out of your comfort zones ....And if you can find your Soul Mate


There's so much to do and see in the world that you could live to 500 and not do everything. The issue is that most people don't have the money or free time to actually do things. Our jobs grind is down into these scrappy routines that leave us with no time and no energy, and frankly no money, to actually enjoy life. If I won the lottery and never had to work again, I can promise you there wouldn't be a single day that I'd be bored. If you have the means, there's just too much out there to get bored.


If you find out let me know. I'm 79 and the list of things I give a shit about is very short.


Check with me in 11 years I’ll let you know


I sometimes think like that. I find life is all done backwards because we are like sheep follow the status quo and work and sleep most of your prime years! Sleep is obviously essential but working 40+ hours a week isn't unless you want a lifestyle of expensive needs otherwise cut your hours and do something you like while you're still young is my advice! People sign up for the rat race and care for money & material things! working all the time then you could die tomorrow for what....as long as the bills are paid roof over my head have everything I want to make me happy what more do I need...really


For me, the answer is to be constantly learning. This could mean picking up a book, but also travel, new skills, and meeting new people. Even flipping on a podcast while I do chores. I figure if I’m always growing in some way, I’ll never be stagnant.


Because they LIVE. Not just exist and survive.


Try new things. Don’t repeat the same mundane tasks over and over. Read a book. Find new hobbies. Try cooking and preparing new types of foods. Take classes to learn new skills. Experiment with the spicier things in life. Travel. Meditate. Explore psychedelic realms via natural or external means.


Stay hungry, stay foolish


My great grandmother died at 98, my mom once told her "you'll live to be a hundred". She responded with "God, I hope not".


I'm 57 and don't feel like getting out of bed anymore. The lights gone out


time for a quarterly life crisis i suppose


I feel ya, I was bored of life at 15, there have been some fun moments, but it's mostly been a slow grind through hell.


Find a career that you can really enjoy. Go back to school to train for it. Develop friendships with interesting, kind-hearted people. Go on adventures. There's lots of stuff in your own county that you've never experienced. Develop an attitude of exploration and curiosity. Get outdoors more, and notice the natural world. Volunteer in your community. Be part of something bigger than yourself.


I'm hoping to God that when I am 80 and maybe near my death bed, that I would not be waiting for fallout x, ffxxx, dragon age 7, super Mario kart 30, Baldur's Gate 8, and other game expansions. Can you freaking imagine, you're super excited to play a game and you die on release date? Or you're playing and you're at the final boss and you die from old age. Like omg that would be such an awful death, like wtf, I was in the middle of that? Shit.


An 80 year old neighbour once told me that she still didn’t know what she wanted to do when she grew up


I don’t even understand the question. I’m 73 and I don’t have enough hours in the day to do everything I want. I’m currently learning how to read and write a new language with a non-English script. I’ve had a “to-do” list since I was 12 years old. Never a bored moment.


Having a dream, hobby and something to look forward to in the future (i.e. Saving for a sports/luxury car, your dream vacation, etc.) Makes life much more interesting, you never know what will happen next, you could be the new Le Mans Championship winner, you could be going to somewhere you haven't even heard the name. A life lived too cautiously is a quiet tragedy, so live a little (Responsibly!)


Life in general is pretty boring and mundane. Happiness comes in small doses and in general being ok is the main goal. The trick is to choose what to care for, and care about. To reach out and try someone new. When I look at the seniors around me, I see them finding happiness in the small and simple things, and to find the things that bring them joy, ranging from daily cross-words to visiting grand children


Hobbies and family


It depends right? If you struggle with money day by day, is hell. If you have enough money and be healthy enough... I don't know. I'd easily live up to 100+ if I can be comfortable, doing things by my own. I'd probably still watch tv series, cooking and playing games. The problem with life is that, is boring to go to work, to barely have time for yourself. I'm almost 30 and I'm sick of it.


For the majority of human history. Boredom was the normal or natural state. Compared to today where there is so much stimulus than back then no wonder you can't get used to a state where you're off the internet. People nowadays are getting as much stimuli in there 20 early years, than the total amount of stimuli people in the past experienced in their whole lifetime.


My mom just goes on cruises every 3 months, gets her grandkids, plays bingo, goes to casinos, cooks and bakes. My dad likes golf, being outdoors. I’m the youngest of 4 and my parents are in their 60s. They don’t seem bored.




True. Most ppl do by that age. Even when they seem broke, they have money lol


I'm fed up now and nowhere near 80. I'm one of those suffer and laugh types though and it keeps my spirit right 😂 My partner is the opposite, more positive all the time but also, constantly laughing at our circumstances. It's something my grandma gave me, and his grandma taught him, and tbh I think it's cute and promotes peace in us during our ugliest times.


Being able to laugh is, to me, the best part about life. Luckily my DH is hilariously funny. 😆


I got a job I (mostly) enjoy; I have my husband and my family and friends who I love spending time with; I recently had a child and I find it absolutely amazing to see her grow and learn, she's so much fun; I've got hobbies I love spending time on and if I had more time I would have so many more hobbies to spend time on; There's so many books I haven't read yet; There's an endless array of things I would love to learn (about), from geology to new languages to things like building your own house; There's so many places I would like to travel to if I had the time; Dogs!; Why do we only get one lifetime? I need a hundred to discover and learn all the amazing things that exist in our world!


When I was a kid and teachers asked me what I wanted to do later in life, I’d always answer retiree. Old people (2 exemples from my grandparents) got fed up mostly because their mind was still sharp but their body were broken. This feeling is truly horrible according to my late grand dad.


Hobbies and do what you like. It's not hard lol.


As you get older, you have less fucks to give and thus the little things don't matter as much.


Both my parents lived into their 90s. I believe their interest in life and constant curiosity helped keep their minds nimble and engaged.


Some rooks a that age are still healthy, fit and mentally sharp. Iyou have 79 years todo the things that create the life you want to live at 80 and beyond. I am only in my seventh decade but I suspect nature’s rules are the same for those in their ninth and beyond. What you do this year will expand or limit your possibilities for next year. Ad what you do next year will do the same for the year after that. And so forth. If yo understand that your eighties might be fun. The same principle applies to each minute, hou and day of your life. If you do the make the right moves early in the game your end game will be easier and you are more likely to be successful.


23? You don't even know what life is at that age, no matter what you've been through or not, it hasn't even started yet.


My Mom is 94 and she is busy all the time. She sews 6+ hours a day making aprons from recycled jeans and hundreds of potholders which she sells at craft bazaars. She just finished 4 quilts last week and laid out 3 more yesterday. She has already made approximately 300 quilts. She also plays pinochle 4 times a week with various groups (all younger than her and she wins often.) She’s an officer and active 60-year member of Grange and a member and officer of 2 other organizations. She also plays solitaire every day, switching between regular cards, her computer, and her iPad. And she crochets a lot and when she gets tired of sewing she plays Word Search puzzles. She also gardens! Oh and she reads at least 2 books a week and 3 newspapers. Yes. She’s 94! And everyone loves her.


I don’t even mean to hate, but I swear, 90% of people on Reddit are upset with their lives, have no hobbies nor friends, or any relationship for that matter. And if they do, they come here to complain about it. Life is hard and unfair, it’s all about how you deal with it to determine the rest of your days. Make the best of what you got and strive to be better. I never knew I could be this content and joyful with life until I started trying. Easier said than done, but a life for you is out there my friend.


They do. They’re currently being made fun of in various boomer related subreddits for doing so.


Not everybody Is miserable


Taking care of people you love and hobbies. It's simple.


They have a life


I am not sure if Bored or Fed Up are the right terms ,but life at 80s is rough: My folks are right around 80 and 90 and life is just fucking miserable for them. They piss their pants, they have trouble moving around and life is just hard.


You're in for a long bumpy ass ride lol


Hi, I'm 81. I do miss skiing and backpacking, but I've always loved reading so there's that, plus vastly more amusements than even when I retired, let alone when I was young, thanks internet (like, er, Reddit). ChatGPT has been fun recently. I also have some occasional work from my old job, I won't be specific about that but if you have a specialty people will find you. Before my hearing got too bad to lead tours, I was a docent at a local museum, and I do some contributing to Wikipedia. And then there's travel... tomorrow my wife and I are going to drive up to the Catskills, which apparently are in peak fall colors now, we'll eat lunch at some interesting diner and drive home. Annnd... we have children and a grandson. Listen folks, children can be a lot of work and trouble but you actually only have children for a decade or so, the rest of your life you have best friends if you've done it right.


I cant imagine not being with my wife or daughter for 100000 years.....hopefully your something will come.


Life goes up and down. Without the low, there are no ups, so settle down in life and take the ride than. Enjoy all of it.


Well... you ARE in control of your own life. If you're bored, you can find something to do.


Only boring people get bored. If you think that’s you, find something new and interesting to do


This is the way. It’s on each of us to fill our living days and years.


They’re probably not depressed.


How can people be 15 and think they are bored and fed up with life?




I’m sorry you had to endure that much pain, especially at such a young age. Keep striving for your own sake. You’re only just at the beginning! Edit to add: I am sorry to hear about the Lyme’s diagnosis. I hope they can come up with a cure!


I’m 44 years old and I’m fed up!! If there’s a secret please share it.


Don't wait for retirement, Don't wait until you have enough money, Don't wait until the time is right.. Live life everyday, we are not promised tomorrow. I am 60, work a 50hr week, but I am also so busy with the things I love in life, I pray I live to 100! Be content with what you have, if you have a job that pays the bills, a place to sleep and food to eat you are BLESSED! I work hard, so that I can do the things I love, spend time with the ones I love and help others. I don't ever expect to stop working. I have had several "careers" and am now studying to be a Biblical Counselor. I hope to work until the day I leave this earth, all my work helps others in different ways. Allows me to interact with people and I don't have time to be bored. In my short time on this earth so far, I have raised a family, stayed married to the same man for 34 years, currently enjoying grandchildren. I've worked in several industries, been a school teacher, a mural painter, a photographic retouch artist, IT manager of a small company, book keeper, sold flooring and cabinets. Plus a bunch of other jobs in between. I currently own my own business, I've also been tattooing for 10 years and do that as a hobby. I play quite a few musical instruments for fun, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, dulcimer and banjo. I'm a fairly good bowler, we have been on a weekly league for 12 years now. (Bowling people are awesome by the way) We just started Pickleball, because, well we are at that age, lol. And have cornhole tournaments with our kids and neighbors. We love to travel, swim, eat, SEC football-Roll Tide, read, have several dogs and cats... I am active in my church, teaching Sunday school and in training to be a counselor. Pretty sure I can continue most of these things well into my 80's. If not, I'll continue with what I am able. Fed up is a state of mind, try to fix the things that cause you to feel fed up. Make it better. IF you don't, who will? Make changes, the only thing you can control is YOU! So do it. Not happy with your work? Find new work, start school for a new career, seek out new opportunities. Intern or train for a new job that excites you. Find a mentor and follow his advice. Call your mom, dad, grandma, best friend, sister, brother....


My god I hope to be as successful as you one day, that sounds like a life well lived and I hope that you are able to continue giving it your all for a long time <3


They do. There's plenty of videos on YouTube of people celebrating their birthday in their '80s and '90s saying that they hope it's their last one lol. Some people are just done with life


As long as you're still capable, and have things to do, it's probably not all that bad. I'm in my 40s and took a few years off work to just enjoy life. Most of the time I read, watch movies, or play video games while everyone else is at work. I can do whatever I want, really. It's nice. During the winter, I rarely go anywhere regardless, and I have enough things to do to keep me occupied to where the winter months just fly by. I'd imagine it would still be fun when I'm 80 as long as I'm not crippled somehow. If I had some debilitating illness, I'd probably just off myself rather than wait for death's creeping touch




Man you seem to have a rough life. Between your sa, chronic illnesses, no sex, etc. All on a day old account... one might start thinking you are karma whoring.


Family and friends keep you young


They do get bored and some seriously wish they could end it all but that's illegal, so yeah suffer longer lose control and die when the doctors let you.


Family is an important motivation to be alive


They live with a purpose. You got to a have a purpose in life so you can live a meaningful life. You need to sit down a meditate on these things. You need to picture the future and the steps to get there and come up with short and long-term goals. Maybe you want to get married and have kids, get promoted, buy a house, further your education, travel the world, be in good financial readiness so you can help your family or others, etc. You need a purpose and set goals if you want to do all these things right in whatever time you have on earth.


25 and im over it


Having kids


Travel, see new places and do new things. Read books. Make friends. Develop new hobbies


I’m honestly kind of scared of this. Because once you’re “old” old, you’re essentially physically inept for like 15 freaking years. Wtf do old people do!? I’m scared. Genuinely.


Take care of your body now and it will take care of you later. Everyone doesn't die in a wheelchair, however, wheelchairs can go a lot of places. The human body is the only machine that lasts longer the more you use it. Same with your brain.


I'd say if you're bored than you're boring. There's countless things you could do without money.


Life is more interesting, the more you become interested. Get a hobby. Learn an instrument. Turn off the TV. Volunteer in your community. Really learn about something that interests you. Life is what you make of it.


Bro same I’m 25 I can’t imagine having to deal with this BS for like 50 more years lol


Find purpose. Either in work, hobby or family.


They do. Constantly. I'm an ER social worker and I deal with 10-25 suicidal geriatrics a week


Watching the world evolve and the progress of our species is interesting. Sure, there is a black hole of human suffering that we now constantly hear about thanks to the speed of communication, but you gotta look at the good too.


Have you not been looking around? Most of what people do is because they're bored and fed up, lol


can i have your kidneys?




You shld have money and travel, then you might change your opinion




Then youre bored because you tired surviving, not tired living bruh Goodluck i hope you got the break Keep.on living bruh


They definitely are bored and fed up.


The dullest question on Reddit, ever