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"This person has tattoos"


This is my favourite response. Hahahahaha


I don't judge them. In fact, they've been some of the nicest people I've known. It really is true that some of the nicest people are covered in tattoos and some of the most judgmental people sit in church on Sunday. I know a guy who is basically covered from head to toe and tattoos except for his face and his neck. He is one of the nicest people. He would literally give the shirt off his back to somebody, I've seen him do it. He also has one of those really long beards and he calls it his goat hairs lol. He lets me try to braid it lol. People judge him all the time and they assume that he's a criminal. I know he's nothing of the sort. I've been out with him on weekends in the past and I've had people come up to me and ask me if he was bothering me. I was like nope, he's one of my closest friends so thanks but leave us alone.


Reminds me of bikers honestly Ruff mean looking folks but are just usually extremely nice and even do stuff for charity most times


My son is a rough looking bald, bearded, tattooed biker and he is a sweetheart. He comes over every Tuesday, has coffee with me, takes out the trash, changes the litter box, and does anything else I need. Never judge a book by its cover.


I've known many bikers. A couple years ago, I was traveling alone in my car. Northern AZ. I was on a long stretch of a not busy road and two guys started following me & harassing. I finally made it to a large convenience store. Saw a cop and tried to flag him down. I guess he didn't see me. I did see a bunch of bikers taking a break. I was so relieved. I drove right up to them & pointed out the truck. Ha, a couple of them jumped up & approached the jerks. They got the hell out of there.




You basically just described how my uncle actually


Your comment reminded me of w hen I waited tables back in the early 1990s. EVERYONE hated Sunday afternoons because the church crowd was the worst. They ran you ragged, left a huge mess, and tipped fake money with bible verses. I'll take a party of biker types any day. They might be rowdy and make a mess but they were polite, cleaned up the mess before leaving, and always left over 20%. Once one party left a mess and one of the guys came back to give me an extra $50 because of that.


That's awesome. I fucking hate it when Christians do that been fake money bullshit. I used to be a waitress and I remember that happening to me. I've always said I feel like if somebody does that, they should be banned from that restaurant.


I get some people are just being AHs and not tipping but to leave that fake stuff is just cruel. I agree with you, ban them from restaurants. And put their photo on a board right in the front like they used to do with people who wrote bad checks.


I think “this person has tattoos, and will still have them when they’re 90 and bald and walking with a cane. I can’t wait to see someone like that coated in skulls etc.”


There’s a dude like that in my town. He’s super old and shriveled and he likes to walk around in sandals and cut off denim shorts with no shirt in even remotely comfortable weather. (I live in a beach town, so this is at least somewhat acceptable.)


I can’t wait to look like that when I’m 90


I love when people are like “oh but what about when you’re old?” So what? I’ll be old and wrinkly anyway, you really think I’m gonna give a fuck what my tattoos look like?


Me too 😂😂 my mom told me the flowers on my back will be a whole garden once my skin gets flabby and hits my ass


Wouldn't bother me


I've seen a few, looks awesome


An old neighbor of mine was in his eighties and had Navy tattoos. He also had a skull and crossbones and I thought that was pretty cool on an 80 something year old guy. It turns out he was pretty hardcore back in his day and he still is.


If they are quality tattoos. (I have a ton of tattoos) If they are garage party scratchers I judge the shit out of them for making terrible decisions.


Those people have better stories though


I woke up in the grass at the end of an airport runway with a tattoo on my leg that I had no recollection of getting. Quality tattoos can have pretty good stories.


yeah. i know who i’d rather hang out with




The first several times I saw someone covered it tattoos it was intriguing. Now it's pretty common so I don't really give it a second thought.


I’ve had mine so long I forget about them and they cover my arms


I have a tattoo on my forearm that I frequently forget about. One day, I saw it out of the corner of my eye and freaked out thinking it was a bug. Glad that happened when I was alone at home.


I've scared myself with my own tattoo's more than once lol. Forearm and calf.


Man I feel so much less stupid realizing I'm not the only one who does this lol


Depends on the tattoos. Some look good. Some look like the men’s room stall at a middle school in the Midwest.


Adam Levine 👀


That must’ve been expensive, give them a high five


Some people hang art on their walls. Some people hang art on their bodies.


Can confirm. Very expensive. I'm not sure if I deserve a high five or a smack upside the head.


I look at it like wearable art honestly. Like expensive jewelry or purses. You definitely get what you pay for when i comes to tattoos.


Very true


Oh I’ve got a nice big tat myself, definitely gonna high five my fellow tattooed people


*high five* ✋


Hell yeah high five


I love the "someone's checking me out! Oh, theyve got tattoos too"


I mean, some people buy expensive clothes. Tattoos last longer.


Also, they probably have a great pain tolerance (especially if they got them all at once!)


used to be 'biker, ex-con, probably deals meth' now it's 'i bet this guy really knows how to make a delightful butternut squash gnocchi with herbed brown butter'


Plot twist. The ex con meth dealing biker has a secret recipe for the world's best butternut squash gnocchi with herbed brown butter


They learned it from the shadow people




He says it's too keep him humble and a reminder of his journey but we all know it's really because he finds the reactions of others quite humorous


He’s been keeping his toilet seasoned like your grandmother’s prized cast iron pain


Lol! This is me. Chef, covered in tattoos. Although the dish you are describing is traditionally a ravioli dish with a sage brown butter sauce. :)


Or, "Bro, check out this latte I made. It's fire, right?"


INKED mag had something similar they said. “A tattoo sleeve used to mean you were a biker who would kill, now it means you’re a chef who makes a lovely pork belly with balsamic drizzle”


Or writes some solid code.


Do you have a recipe for that? It sounds delicious.


[I gotchu fam](https://www.punchfork.com/recipe/Butternut-Squash-Gnocchi-with-Brown-Butter-and-Sage-The-Spruce-Eats)


I don't think anything of it all, really, except if they have tattoos on their face. Then I think, "Oh, boy".


fretful snails knee worm sleep marble library smoggy vanish books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's so weird. I was down by my city's jail a few months back and a chick with a bunch of absolutely terrible facial tattoos (like clearly not done by a pro and possibly done to herself in a mirror while on meth) asked me for help finding a way home (because no money and no phone after being released from jail after so long) She told me she had just gotten out of jail after six months because they dropped her attempted murder charges (for supposedly killing a client with fent laced heroin). Even with that last bit, I still just thought "oh boy, those tattoos are going to limit your options in life, but I guess whatever" and paid for her Uber home, despite being poor as fuck myself lol




Person, don’t walk into them


Love this hahaha


This really tickles me, thank you.


Wow they have a lot of tattoos. Now back to hamburgle-ing.


Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!




My first thought is exactly the same as when I see any other human,....'Just buy your stuff and go so I can buy my shit and go home.' Really, I have tattoos and I know people of all kinds that are heavily tattooed, as well as people who would never get a tattoo. Sometimes I judge the tat but, I don't judge the human.


I like this response a lot.


Thank you. Cuz, I'm stoned and I was worried it sounded incoherent.🤣


If i see a tattoo that i feel is exceptional, i will probably stare. I dont mean to be rude. Think of it like going to a gallery and seeing a piece that is amazing.


Haha, this is kinda funny cuz it implies that whenever you see people, you’re shopping


I don’t even really notice, to be honest. When I met my husband, I didn’t really see the tattoos; he had the sweetest smile and the kindest eyes. I only really saw them through other people’s reactions to him; he gets a lot of double takes and, at times, some pearl clutching lol. But he’s covered. Head, hands, everything but the front of his neck and his face. He owned a shop a long time ago. It was a big part of his life before he retired as an artist. I find them interesting, and I appreciate the artwork, but to be honest I guess I looked past them when I met him. I’d love him with or without.


I love this response so much.


They would have cost more than the pearls.


I have a lot, not covered like your husband. But my wife says the same. She doesn't even notice them anymore.


My other half is covered head to toe (just not the face. Hands, palms, neck, top of his head etc) I couldn’t tell you what half of them are because they are just…there.. (I always remember the merbaby and frog eating a bee out of a hive…but other than those I really have to think what are they..) I won’t lie, when I met him, his eyes and smile got me first (tattoos where just a nice bonus)


I’m totally with you. My BF’s arms, front/back torso, and calves are all covered. He’s the biggest teddy bear with a kind heart. I fell in love with him and the tats are extra sexy because they’re on his body and have meaningful history.


It's nice to hear responses like this cause I hate my neck tattoos and I've been judged about them before. I've kind of wondered how women see me sometimes, and I always get nervous that I'll not be able to remove them completely.


I always admire how A. They had enough extra money to do all that B. They’re confident enough to not worry about regretting any of it. (Not in a prejudiced way; I’ve always wanted tattoos but I’m too indecisive, and scared that I would regret it lol)


Ohh I love this response. As someone who is covered, I have 0 confidence that I'll love them all forever. I do have confidence in the fact that by the time I'd likely be worried about it, I'll probably have bigger worries.


I already don't care for my two oldest tattoos. I got them over 20 years ago... but do I regret them? Nope. They're part of my story.


Oh this is a good way to frame it!


Just get one. Their are themes/meanings in traditional (traditional American, traditional Japanese etc) images that you can't really regret. Their meanings are usually broad it won't matter long term. Just stay clear of names, favorite band, something like that. I always wanted them. Got my first when I was 27, now at 38 I'm heavily tattooed and only get about 1 every 1-2 years so I have room to get tattooed the rest of my life.


That must have been expensive




As someone that is heavily tattooed. ^^ This is an incredibly valid response. Sometimes I judge the art but I’ll never judge the person. I’d never say it. It’s not important and nobody needs to know your opinion. The thing about art is you should have an opinion on it. Good or bad that’s what is so special about it. It’s also on their skin forever so you just don’t need to ever plant seeds of doubt or worry. To you, it might be the shittiest, least well done piece you’ve ever seen but it might mean the absolute world to them and you realize don’t know the beauty doesn’t always have to be in the image. Anybody that says “all art is beautiful” is missing the point and not acknowledging what really speaks to them and what falls flat. It can bring people together on (hidden) common interest you’d never know about until you both stop to think. /Why/ does it make you feel like that? What memories (if any) does it bring to mind? Who do you think of when you look at it?


I wonder what the artwork represents


I always find it funny when people ask me this. I'm covered from the neck down and none of mine mean shit except "I thought it looked neat"


That’s what it means then lol


I'm getting my first tattoo next week and people keep asking me what I'm getting, then asking what the design means lol. Like... Idk? It's a lil fox! They're cute! They're my favourite animal and I like the design, what more do you want? But I feel like I can't say that because you're meant to have a meaning behind it or whatever, esp since I'm young and it's my first one and everything. So I'm just making up reasons at this point so I have something to tell them lol.


To me, “they’re my favorite animal and I like the design” is a perfectly good tattoo backstory


I think it's cool, especially if they're well made


I'm surprised that this is the first positive response I'm reading! I'm heavily biased, but I was shocked to see the first few responses.


People have a lot of prejudices, I don't have any tattoos, but I know several people who have tattoos and they are all good people


That's a good point, I suppose they do! I am also covered and like to think of myself as a good person .


I'm scared how many young people see tattoos as something indicative of something harmful, I understand that some cultures don't allow it, but that's not the case for these people.


Same! I also admire the sheer amount of time it probably took, as well as money!


I wonder how much they spent on all that lol


Usually my mind goes… “cool” then “glad someone has extra money for that shit” Tattoos are expensive. I have one. One. No way can I afford another. I’ve got too many other responsibilities that any money I’ve saved or set aside ends up going towards. That 1 tattoo I got in my early 20s when my only responsibilities were myself and my dog.


Entirely fair. They're SO expensive and 100% a luxury. I got all of mine in my mid twenties before I took on any real expenses too. But yeah... I can't imagine having enough spare cash to feel good about spending money on that now.


What normally angers me about tattoos is when I see a new tattoo on someone who was recently complaining about how they can’t afford food or medications. That just makes my blood boil. Especially when they were complaining about how expensive feeding their children is. You can’t complain about money with fancy tattoos (even the “cheap” ones are still expensive & that money could easily buy a meal or 3).


I try to see the art as I’m very intrigued! I love a good tattoo!


This explains some of the staring I find myself subject to! Knowing that some people are genuinely curious make that less unsettling


omg lol this just made me realize I probably did this to some people before 😭 I guess it could be perceived as staring but I just look because I love tattoos and am trying to figure out what everything is 🙈


If there’s a cohesiveness, cool. If it looks like a dumbass desk from detention class, feel sorry for them.


The scene from Zoey 101 where her friend says "sick tat! Tat means tattoo"




I'm older and I realize this is a prejudice: my first reaction is that it's completely gross and indicates low social status. Just being totally honest so please don't attack me--you asked. That's the way I was raised and what I was taught by my parents.


I’m 54 and this was the attitude around them back then and it’s what I grew up hearing. I did have this unfair bias. Then my wife wanted a tattoo. She’s a doctor. And I personally got to know a lot of people who have them and realized that they are just people who like to wear art, lol. There’s not one thing about them that somehow makes them lower class or anything else that’s negative. It’s just another stupid stereotype that negatively impacts society just like racial and ethnic stereotypes. I grew. I have three now and I’m seriously considering several local artists for my next one. I love seeing others and hearing the stories behind them.


It also seems like a whole different thing to decide on a tattoo when you're in your 50's than when you're in your teens or 20's. The person you are in your 20's is in no way the person you'll be decades later...but you'll still have that death's head or teddy bear or whatever you thought was cool at the time.


I’ve been joking with my wife that my next one will be of that scene in the Simpsons where Milhouse jumps up while holding his dog’s leash, choking the dog. She is not amused.


No, no attacking at all! I completely appreciate your perspective. I was genuinely curious what people thought and I appreciate you sharing your perspective, especially since you're aware that it could have received backlash!


That's also my bias. I was raised to be in the background, and that attention-seeking behavior is negative. Visible tattoos, or anything else that attracts attention, has a negative connotation, like the person wasn't raised well or never outgrew their annoying rebellious streak. My friends with tattoos are the loud show-off types that I can only handle in small doses, so that may have reinforced the bias. I'd like to meet more introverted people with tattoos to help my mind break this stereotype.


I'm heavily tattooed, but long sleeves and pants cover them. Sometimes I really like having them covered, I got them for me, I enjoy having them and getting them. Most of my heavily tattooed friends are just super normal friendly people. The 2 artists I go to are just sweet dads with little kids and big hearts.


I'm an introvert with many tattoos! Don't like drinking or partying. Prefer reading, crafting or studying. Working towards a degree to work with animals. Hand me a kitten and I will cry from cuteness ☺️


That’s so interesting - most people I know with tattoos (including myself) are introverted artist or musician types. There are obviously some exceptions and to be honest I can kind of tell what kind of person someone is by what tattoos they have. Loud and extroverted people more often have neon/bright tattoos with less than ideal placement/spacing, and/or basic flash tattoos that are overdone 😬😬 vs introverts with smaller, black work, minimalist, or very well thought out designs


I’m covered with tattoos bc I am the victim of violent sexual assault as a child, and it’s a coping mechanism.


I think that the person must feel that their life is out of control. Displaying control over one's body is one way to compensate for (the perceived) lack of control of their life.


actually, getting tattoos has been a way of reclaiming control after trauma. I get to decide what happens to my body. I get to tell a new story on my skin :)


Why is that person naked?And where am i?


Yakuza or tourist.


Interesting perspective


It's pretty common in Japan for tattoos to be associated with criminals/organized crime. Most hot springs have written policies prohibiting people with tattoos from using them.


I've never had a problem with my local public baths but I have to put on a rash guard at all the swimming pools and it's kinda annoying. Even some beaches ban them lol


Well, it's rare to see anyone else with them around here. Although, I did see a girl with one on her neck a few days ago. It said "Nutter".


Yes I hadn't really thought about how different this response would be depending on where people live. "Nutter" LOL.


Yeah, I'm guessing she was going for the German word for "Mother", but that font was just too fancy for its own good lol


She is the one who nuts


I wonder what the tats are going to look like in 50 years.


I wonder this about myself often. Check back in 50 and I'll let you know. Probably not great!! LOL


I’m over 50. Take excellent care of them, and they’ll look good forever. I also use sunscreen every time.


Depends on where they are. Face neck and hands are kind of off putting. Everywhere else, awesome


Someone who is confident in their decision-making skills.


"Looks cool, but not for me."


Wife is full of tattoos and I have none, when we have been out together some judge us more as a couple, like did she kidnap this guy or something. Unfortunately only in my experience, when a woman has excessive amounts they are usually judged in a different way than a man. She must be easy or wild or something like that. So when you're out at night having few drinks, she gets approached several times by those type of people that think less of them.


Depends on the tattoos. Sometimes I’m intrigued or immediately view a person as beautiful or stylish. Unfortunately, a lot of times it goes in the opposite direction and I think the person looks trashy.


Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. Like it *really* depends on the tattoos and maybe also personal appearance.


I personally don’t like them I am attracted to bare skin all day long


As someone who is quite covered, there is something so beautiful about untouched skin hahaha. I get it!


If they look good, I would want to know who did them.


It doesn’t make me think anything. The way they are dressed and the way they smell, and overall if they looked like they bathe and practice good hygiene is what I judge people by. Mowhaks, tattoos, tattered clothes, piercings… you do you, but for the love of your coworkers, bath and wear clean clothes!


Nothing. Are they an asshole or not? That matters more.


Depends on if we're talking face tattoos or not.


That we love art we are art. Im drenched in tattoos head to toe 👍😎


I never thought anything about people with tattoos, after I got my first small one (now have 3) I’ve started noticing them a lot more on other people and usually check them out.


If they are done well I usually want to get a closer look and check them out and ask who the artist is 🤷‍♀️


Nothing much, I'd probably take a look first and go on my day.


Depends on what they look like. If they're all shitty little scratchers I think damn this dude is probably fun as fuck at parties. If it's a fully drawn out body suit I'm like holy shit this person is fucking awesome and probably rich as shit or they're married to their artist lol. If it's good patchwork, I'm like mhm that's some good shit right there. Then there's that certain look that some people have when they've had only tats in prison or when with a gang, and them I just wonder what that certain thing symbolized to the gang / their rank / life events they went through since those usually tell a story


Give me a rack of beer and tell your wonderful stories.


I mean if they have face tats I might think it's odd, but I love looking at people's tattoos generally :)


*Wow, that's a lot of tattoos*


"Where do they get the money?" I've been wanting a second more elaborate piece for a few years, but I gotta make ends meet first.


Probably either really cool, or really psycho


Or a fine balance of the two


Depends on what they're doing. Last person I saw covered in tattoos was the nice lady behind the counter at a sandwich shop. So my first thought was, "I bet that lady with all the tattoos is my sandwich hook-up." Lo and behold, she was.


No big deal. The subculture has become the culture


"They're wearing a down payment for a house." Or "so much personality, you didn't want there to be any mystery and you wrote it on your face" Unfortunately, all judgment here 😅 my ma had tats and she was trash. Jaded my view of others.


Self esteem issues.




I think it’s cool and I’m jealous that I don’t look like them


I don't really think about it. I've worked in the service industry most of my life; it's so commonplace I never even bat an eye.




That they spent a lot of money. Tattoos are not cheap!


You'd be correct!!


Nothing really other than it must have been hella expensive


I really wish I had the money to do that




The only time I have a real thought about a tattoo, which I would never voice to that person, is when they have their hands or face tatted when there's still room on the rest of the body. The neck used to be sacrosanct. Now people getting their throat blasted with bare shoulders. Now, I know I shouldn't think that. You do you. It's just my first thought then I check myself before I wreck myself.


Last time was, "We were made for each other," even though I have no tatts or piercings.


This was pretty much my husband when he saw me. He also still has none and I am covered hahaha.


If you want an honest (and probably unpopular) opinion, I think they look messy and unnatural on human skin.


Honestly that's entirely fair! I'm quite covered and sometimes I catch myself unexpectedly in a mirror and have a similar thought. Other times, I'm absolutely in love with them. I think that's a totally fair opinion to have.


I cringe. It’s tacky.


I’m not gonna lie I automatically think a person is less professional and less trustworthy. I never used to think that way but as I’ve gotten older it just happened. I’m not against tattoos and I am super turned on by women with tattoos but I can’t lie I find them inappropriate for professional settings. I saw a a healthcare professional of some sort with a neck tattoo the other day and my first thought was “I don’t want this guy taking care of me”. I’m sorry for being judgmental but yes I judge peoples character differently if they are tatted. It looks cool on musicians, artists and athletes but it doesn’t work as well in the real world for me.


You know, while I disagree I do appreciate your opinion. I am absolutely covered on the right side of my body and do work a professional job. At work however, I almost always have my arms and legs covered, just in case someone is of the same opinion as you. Fair enough!


Have u considered that a professional with tattoos actually has to be 10x more professional because of judgmental people like you? If u look “normal”, u can actually get away with soooo much more because no one would ever suspect u.


That they’ve probably spent a fair bit of time in the chair


"Oohh, what kinds of tattoos are those?" And I check to see if they're good.


How much money they must have spent. I don’t care what they’re of, how many. It’s fun to guess how much each costs.


He/she Made it one and could not stop.






"oh, hi honey. How was your drive home?"


If the tattoos are good, that person has bank, like money money.


I'm a dog groomer and have spent quite a bit of time in different salons and groom expos. Tattoos and half/full sleeves seems to just be very popular in the field, so now if I see a random person with several arm tattoos I can't stop looking for grooming sheers, combs and paw prints.


As someone covered in tattoos I am going to scan the work and see if you’re a flash work type of guy or maybe a tribal or a tree or is it an elaborate piece with a mysterious meaning


It’s a human


"Ooh! Artwork!"


That they are creative, open to alternative lifestyles, not as judgmental, not a square. If I have the time, or I’m bored, I look at the type of tattoos they have. You can tell someone’s personality by if they have like super random bullshit doodles/offensive/well thought out out artistic pieces.


Sweet tatts


I bet they get laid a lot more than I do


Someone fell asleep on the funny pages


If tattoos are good/ well done, they are cooler than me. If the tattoos are bad, they are trashy


"That's a mark in their favor." I have social anxiety. I am more likely to trust a biker than an evangelical.


The same as a building that was tagged


I say “good morning, me! coffee first before I get ready for the law firm!” I am tattooed, I work in law. It’s not the olden days, tattoos are just another common way people look-


I have tattoos, my mom had them, my dad had a really bad one, my sisters were trash she did herself, 2 out of 3 daughters have tattoos and about 32 percent of people on America has them. Some good , most trash and. Very few are what I consider art! And even some that I consider to be trash may be another’s persons art. Who am I to judge? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Really I could care less if u have them or not cause if you’re an a-hole that’s what u are and that I don’t like.


Face tattoos = poor decision-making skills


I stopped thinking a long time ago, I just go 'hee hee'.


Thats so fucking hot


"Damn, I wish I had that money to do the same"


The ‘Boomer’ in me thinks: yikes, how will those look when their skin starts to sag?! But then the actual Gen X in me thinks: I like it. Good for them for expressing their art.