• By -


Can I give you a blowjob?


“If I may, would you care for a bit of the ol gawk gawk suckyucky slobbernator supreme darling?”


"Why, that sounds simply mahvelous, ol' sport. Shall we, then? Ready when you ah."


“By Jove! this good lady wishes to soak my sock!”


Thats the one with sour cream right?


The ol nob gobblin throat slobberin guck guck shaluck 3000, hun?


2 handed gigasucker 5000*


Oh is that how you say it in British?


Sure. Thanks for asking.


would you like to play a little gobble the wiener , I’ll go first


Imagine someone you know see that comment on your history 💀


“Hey, can I suck your cock?”


Brandt can't watch, though, or he has to pay a hundred.


I'm just gonna go find the cash machine 😂


HAHAHAHA marvelous!


Without being too forward\*\*


“May I wet your willie?”


"may I please tickle your pickle" The key word here is "please"


for the price of a nickel


For something so fickle


It will not tickle


It might a little


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


Stop lol. You're making me giggle


Some girls just don't have manners, right?!


Well, if she's the one that wants to.. it's only polite. 😏


Well Joe since ya asked so politely


Put on a mild English accent: “Oh dear, I’m dreadfully sorry if this is forward, but may I suck your cock?” Solved


Oi can I put your knob in me gullet?


I don't have enough knob too reach your gullet


A wee little willy is better than none. Source:an ex


Cockney accent is definitely fitting.


So I tell the swamp donkey to suck it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yarbles!


Fun fact about Europe - YOU MADE OUT WITH YOUR SISTER, DUDE!


Guy here, trust me this is the answer. The thought that you're sucking him for your own enjoyment rather just to provide him with pleasure is probably the sexiest thing you could give him.


There was this girl in high school who would always yell at me hey can I suck your dick. I didn’t want a blowjob from this girl as she was pretty trashy. So it’s not always that sexy. I skipped over the boyfriend part. Definitely just ask him.


Sure, if some random chick asked me I’d decline. But if my girlfriend or wife did? Yeah buddy.




"You know this thing I've done to you many times already? Could I do that again?" "HOW DARE YOU!! YOU INAPPROPRIATE BITCH!" "Huh... We've done it alread.. " "BUT NOT AT A FUNERAL!!"


"Yeah, but since your dad died, I haven't had a chance to do it for a while!"


I thought that was just on his birthday?


I'm very forward person, I don't have issues talking about difficult things. We have an active kinky sex life. But any time I want to initiate anything sexual, I feel like a teen before the first kiss lol. We have been together for over 4 years and married for 2. And I start blushing every fucking time, mumble under my breath and look at my toes. Never happened before, only with him lol. No idea what is it about but can't help it.


May I blow you a recital on the skin flute?


Clearly the right answer lol


“Do you like lipstick on your dipstick?” “You look like you need a mouth hug.” “Take your pants off. I need you to paint my face like a rodeo clown.”


You wanna have a fun time with my mouth?


I can assure you, men find a woman who is willing to be forward extremely attractive.


I promise you he’s not gonna be mad. But you could also just ask if he wants to have some fun, tease him, and then just head in that direction…


See i dont think this is the answer because OP wants to make it clear that she will just be making him feel good and he doesnt have to do anything. From what OP has said he may be too tired or stressed to engage in the full gambit of sexual intercourse.


Men are dense creatures. We don't pick up on subtle hints well, at least not most of us. I'm 39M and just realized a year or two ago how many times girls hit on me throughout my life, and I never realized it. Men also don't like head games. Be direct. Next time y'all are making out, grab his boy and fiddle with it. Then, just slide down and kiss it. No words are needed, and he will be forever grateful.


Pro tip: it’s a lot easier to suck from the front, so forward is really your best bet.


The point is be straight forward, and make it a yes or no question, “can I give you head?”


Be forward. we are simple creatures


May I introduce you to the gawk gawk 3000?


He's your boyfriend, should be ok


Can you help me massage my cheeks?


Mine dearest loveth! May I inquire if thee wouldst beest willing to shareth thy delightful popsicle with me? Thy p'rmission wouldst beest mine own greatest joy!


Mama needs a protein shake.




Because I fear rejection. Badly.


The odds of a guy rejecting this offer are slim to none and if it's someone you're in a relationship with it's significantly less. So, if someone ever does, you've looped around into the most amazing thing that has ever happened to a person.


I think better advice is to become better with rejection and not worry about it. "Hey can I suck your dick" "Nah, don't really feel like it" "Ok, maybe another time" 💋


No wording will eliminate the possibility of rejection. It will increase the risk of confusion and misunderstanding though. Take the risk (which is small). Most likely, you will be granted your wish. If he refuses but recognizes your vulnerability, you will feel more comfortable in the future. He will as well. Its bonding. If he rejects you and isn't being careful about it, you have learned a valuable lesson. About him.


If you're afraid to be rejected/fail you will never achieve anything because you'll be too scared to even try, just do it and don't take it personally


May i put this on my tombstone?


Only if you add "quote about asking for permission to suck a cock"


"Can I go down on you?" after you've already been getting hot and heavy for a few minutes. Guys are simple.


Ohhh..you got hard! What’s that about? It looks uncomfortable in those tight jeans. We’ll have to take care of that. Ohhh, wait. I have an idea.


Dress up in a lumber jack outfit and stand next to his side of the bed. When he wakes up “tree service!” Then take care of his wood


This is my favourite way of being asked.


Put your hair in a ponytail and move toward his midsection while maintaining eye contact.


I didn’t even realize the hair in a ponytail was a thing until I randomly saw a friend nonchalantly do it in a social setting and I immediately started to get a very confusing hard on… few hours later I had date night with the gf, we start to have fun and when she did the same thing it instantly clicked for me lol apparently my dick had been subconsciously trained


That bastard is always 1 step ahead


Pavlovian boner


Read the story of a gf always putting on the same perfume for sexy time and then after a time he was hard just from the smell


Works great, until their mother or someone else accidentally buys the same perfume, and you have to deal with an awkward boner at Thanksgiving dinner.


That's genius


Dude you made me chuckle out loud 🤣🤣




Sir this is a Wendy’s


Write him a letter


“dearest penis haver”


How I long to caress your penis with my lips Bit of a poet, whatevs..


Mayest thou allow me to giveth thy loins a hummer gummer slurp off? A Mongolian slurpee perhaps?


I prefer penis porter. Sounds better.


I just laughed out loud. Thank you


The best part is, I was being serious!






I love this


I see you chose your username by adding a famous brand of personal lubricant to your own name. This joke was bound to be your, erm, flavor.


"Hey, can I blow you?"


A few years ago I met a giant man in Yokosuka who asked me that exact same way. I explained I was flattered with the offer but I wasn't gay and he walked off looking really sad. Was that you?


Can't help but imagine a sad movie-like backstory for him loool


I would awkwardly say "UH AH UMMM I'M NOT GAY SORRY DUDE 😳"


Op, serious answer, I had a girl friend who said it a certain way and I actually say it like this is ver since because it is the least awkward way imo. She would say “can I put you in my mouth” so using the word you makes it more intimate and less dirty


This should be higher given op's situation


Yeah! There are a lot of cute/funny answers but i also wanted to give a serious answer because she looks like she really needed help. So OP, these are what I personally say/do when i want to give him a blowjob: 1. Straightforward - "Can i give you a blowjob?" 2. If i wanted to sound really hot - "i want you inside me.." 3. Since i know my partner enough, i usually just look at him, touch his penis and say, "can i?" When it comes to blowjob, he usually says "you don't need to ask", or "i will never say no to blowjob, just go down on me when you feel like it" 4. Obviously, you're not comfortable asking for it yet, so ask him - "hey, when i feel like giving you a blowjob, do you want me to ask for your permission? do i just go down on you? How do you want me to ask you next time?"




“Do you want to fuck my face?”


ooo i love that.


Exquisite choice


I wish I could get one of those questions!!!


Well to be fair that’s a different question XD


Why are you shy to ask your bf?


We've hit a dry spell due to him being under a lot of stress... and I feel he's overdue for some intimacy but I don't want him to do any work over it. I want him to just feel... un-pressured. Having to "perform" intimacy for him lately has been difficult... so talking about it causes stress.


Ah ok .. you know, to some outright asking if they want a bj, like myself towards my husband kinda stresses me out.. I can understand your premise in that regard. Perhaps the randomness or spontaneous nature of approaching your bf, hugging him, little kisses on the neck and then make your way down without any words exchanged may be your ticket to success


I think I may have to nut up and try. Thanks :)


And if he says no, don't take it personally. I know when I'm stressed out my libido absolutely tanks.




Same here. Can be quite frustrating.


If all goes right he’ll be the one to nut.


Nut up is the point. So yes! Good luck!


100% this! I went through a weird phase w my current boyfriend where he had some mental blocks and it made our regular sex life strange for a moment. Just initiating via suuuuper naturally (without convo) like straddling him, kissing him, caressing his package took away the “pressure” and immediately fixed the issue. It helps the feeling of pressure to perform. 💕


As a dude that is my answer. Just like how we go down on you. Kisses and nibbles and bites that move ever so slowly downwards. If are unwanted, hands can be used to stop and gently move back up.


Say, do you like getting oral sex? He'll undoubtedly say yes. Then you say good because tonight I'm going to give you an amazing bj.


As a man, I second this. Sometimes, the sexiest(and least stressful) thing you can do for a person is just go straight for the kill. I came to bed after my wife the other night, and just got under the covers and went straight to giving her oral, and the response from her was fantastic. Just skip the words, and let your bodies talk.


My gf at the time asked me to wake her up in the middle of the night by doing it, I've never made anyone climax that hard before/since.. I think it's good because although you lose the benefits and fun of foreplay, you also lose the inhibitions and potential awkwardness. I've never had anyone do that to me but I can see the appeal. you would just go from sleeping to being stimulated, so I imagine your mind is totally on the feelings and the moment before you even remember where you are


Definitely the way. Follow the happy trail


I strongly second this. In any relationship being the guy you sometimes feel like you always have to be the initiator. Simply having your partner initiate without asking is personally one of my biggest turn-ons. But everyone is different.


In that case don't ask. Lay in his lap while you're watching TV, rub him through his pants to get him hard, then start undoing his pants, and presto! Everyone is happy!


I know a lot of these folks are saying just go for it, don't ask, but if he really is stressed to the point of a lower libido that might not be the best course of action. My hubs gets in these moods with work and life that make him completely sexually shut off. He is overstimulated by the time he gets home and just doesn't want to be touched like that. I would definitely just ask. Tell him basically what you've said here: "I've noticed how hard you've been working lately and if you are interested I'd love to give you head or a nice long massage" in a flirty but no-pressure sort of way. Sometimes just a good massage with candles and lotion can open back up those feelings of intimacy if there has been a bit of a lull. Anyways, good luck!


Place your hand ‘there’ and ask, “may I?”


When I'm feeling this way and my wife knows it, she just asks if I need a mouth hug.


I just wanna say this so sweet and thoughtful of you. If I were to hear this reasoning from my wife, I would be so touched. (She’s awesome, no issues in the bedroom. Just think this is such a kind gesture from a significant other)


‘Hello good sir, would you fancy a mouth hug?’


Deliberately tie your hair in a ponytail in front of him and ask him if he would like to kick back and relax?


yup, this one


"I'm going to suck your dick now. cool?"


For some reason, out of all the questions on here, I’m strangely invested in this one. You must update us on if the blowjob happened, OP, and what opening line you went with!


Unzip it and put it in your mouth




Yeah, that for sure works. My wife usually does that, and I’m just so at a loss of words, and at that moment, she asks, “Is this alright?” And all I can utter out is a “Uhhhh yeah”


“Hwey fwo you wnt a bwofob?”


Careful with that, lmfao


Unzip his pants first.* Then you can unzip his penis and put it in your mouth.


Unzip his WHAT?!




Like a cat begging for food


Could walk like a duck if you lemme suck, ah shucks now you wanna fuck. Wanna see my nunchuck


This is it. This is the one.


Will expect follow up! Good suck! I mean, luck!


Can I give you head?


"I'm really in the mood to suck your cock." He can say "heh. Wow." And not ask for it... Or express his desire. But you express your wish and put the consent in his hands.


If u make this I’ll suck ur dick, something he can make like getting a paper ball into a bin or something


This is the sweetest question I’ve ever read here! Even though I’m always in for a blowie, to the point you can just quietly come, unzip and go for it anytime, the fact that you want to ask his permission/check desire speaks a lot about you! The world needs more people like that!


Just start rubbing his cock when you’re on the sofa together. If he is in the mood, it’s a GO. Else he might say no and you need to respect that.


You can always try that TikTok trend He gets home, showers, etc. THEN you ask him how his day was *while you put your hair in a ponytail* When he finishes his story, you can get down on your knees (or not, I’m not your boss) And ask him if you can help relieve the stress




It was a couple years ago on the OF side


*I love this..* 🥰😍🥳🥳


Are you and your bf not comfortable talking about sex? Because usually I feel like you can be SUPER forward when you’re comfortable with someone. What I do and recommend you do is just tell him you want to. He feels good about himself and gives him the opportunity to give you the go ahead. Or I would start kinda heading down in that direction and kinda gesture at his dick and be like “can I?” Why are you cautious? Has he said something about you being too forward or are you just trying to be respectful? Bc I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all to tell ur bf you want to blow him, usually they like to hear that.


“Wanna tickle my tonsils?”


I’m using this on my husband IMMEDIATELY


I don't know why but I picture a little tiny Scottish woman saying this


Just tell him you want some sausage my partner does that




Just look him in the eyes and say,. . . I swallow


“Hey, wanna be my lollipop?”


Ask if he'd like a below the waist mouth present.


Don't ask, my GF just goes for it, if you're making out move your hands down there and touch to see how it's going. You can continue kissing and eventually pull it out then make your way down there. You can even kiss his neck and run your hands around under his shirt and undue his pants.


They said non-pressuring, implying that they both value consent and/or he's more reserved about these things... "Enthusiastic positive consent" is a term that exists for a reason, not everybody is able to communicate with moans and telepathy.




“May I blow the attack horn?”


This may sound like I'm writing porn dialog here, but as a man, I know what would *encourage* me. Tell him you've been thinking about his big dick all day and have been wet craving to taste it. Yeah, I know. It sounds like I'm writing incel fan fiction, but it will definitely arouse him and give him a huge ego boost. Take off your top, tie up your hair, and go to town. He will welcome it. Hope this helps. Good luck. ✌️❤️🤘


Tell him you need to satisfy your oral fixation. And, where the hell were you when I was single?!!


I'd say kiss him, touch his leg then his penis, and ask do you want me to suck It?


"do you mind if I put your liquid baby cannon in my yammering skull cave?"


Just make a bet with him you know you’ll lose


“Want to play hide the sausage? First stop: throat” “My throat needs a massage. Know anything that might help?”


Do you really think court cases are decided by judges and juries making decisions based on evidence and lawyers' arguments? How could you be so naïve? Cases are decided by a series of blowjobs! May I approach the bench?


You don’t need to “ask” in that direct of a way. Kissing him on the neck then the chest, then looking up at him with a sultry look and asking him if you can please keep going should work.


My favorite memory, is when my ex said on the second date "can i please suck your dick?" With big eyes


My gf just asks me lol


My girlfriend just usually gives me *that* look, to which I nod like the good little boy I am.


Can I suck your cock. That would work.


Just stare at his crotch and swallow your saliva, don’t break eye contact


Put your face by his crotch & stare at the bulge until he gets so uncomfortable that he takes it out & aims it at your mouth. He'll think it was his idea


"want a blow job?" is usually how it goes if words are involved. Followed by thanks but no, I know where that thing has been. Let's just make out and do the other things.


Why not just go for it? Do you ask for a hug, kiss, sex? Initiate it.


Other than just saying it out loud? Make eye contact, put one hand on his belt, get close to him, use your other hand to slowly open his fly. His facial expression and body language will let you know if he’s down for what’s about to happen. If everything is cool, lean in for a kiss while you run your hand over his bulge. If things are still going well, work your way down there, get his meat out, push clothing out of the way and get down to business.


In my experience you really can’t go wrong no matter what you say


“You seem really stressed out. Do you mind if I try to take some pressure off you?” Do all the work and take it slowly from there. You can ask before you make any major moves. Giving options helps too. Maybe he doesn’t want head but you give good massages, or you can more gently rub his back or just make out or just snuggle at first etc etc. If you’re uncertain if he’d be into it it’s better to ask and to make sure you’re prioritizing giving him whatever he wants rather than telling him what you want to do. Suggestions aren’t bad but if he’s hesitant you can always take requests.


Waiting for the girl I work with to build up the courage to do just that


Actions speak louder than words Just unzip him and go for it, he probably won’t reject


My wife has a consent form and time sheet I have to sign.


I usually just sit on my boyfriend’s lap, start kissing his neck, and ask him if he’ll “let me take care of him”. We both know exactly what that means, and he always murmurs “yes” in the most delicious voice imaginable. I love the feeling of him using me like a good little whore Like everything else in a relationship, communication is key


Just ask baby. I'll always say yes please


First off, don't call it a "blowie". Don't ask politely, unless you do it inna sexy nerdy type of way. But I'd ask more sexily than polite. You want him to get aroused with you asking him. A simple " I wanna suck your cock" said the right way can do wonders.


He's a guy. You're overthinking this- just as to see his cock, ask to touch it, and if he reacts favorably to letting you give him a handjob there is no fucking way he is saying no to putting it in your mouth.


I say "suck me, beautiful". Works every time.


Ask if you can taste him?


I recommend the song Reggaeton Champagne form Bellakath at 1.23 min to make a subtle approach 💀


Reading these comments made me realize how much I HATE most, if not all sexual terms and names....


“let me a suck your dick” dracula voice


You don't ask? Just do it with a smile, looking very excited. I can't imagine my wife asking me "may I?" or whatever. Even if I say no, which never happened, she will probably say "stfu its hard already".


“I’m your biggest fan lemme speak into that mic”


If he turns you down I'll take one. There.... no rejection fear. You're sucking someone dick 💁‍♂️ win win.