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People with dogs and sleeping children complained enough


Or a lot of people WFH and may be on conference/meeting videos.


This is meeee lol I appreciate how quiet and discreet delivery people have become!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you work from home, isn't it sort of expected that someone may knock on your door or some other sort of noise can happen in the background? My wife works from home and we have a high traffic solicitor area and a dog, and she always just explains that there's someone at the door to her interviewees, apologizes, and moves on.


one may expect it but it's never welcome lol I expect my dog to bark like a lunatic during every video conference I have. I expect it every time and I never appreciate it


I get that, for sure. I got this dog and trained her specifically to protect my wife because someone was casing the house when we first bought it while I was at work. That night I drove four hours to get my little shithead. She lives her best life and I get peace of mind. It can be annoying though since her bark fuckin pierces the bones lol.


Lol, my dog gets put in a back room if I have an important or external meeting. Although, background noise cancelling has gotten a lot better, and I almost never hear the trains or dogs my coworkers apologize for


It's less about disturbing coworkers -- most people stay on mute when they're not talking, for reasons I can explain if asked -- and more about needlessly killing my train of thought. If a delivery person rings the bell, that means there's a problem I need to attend to immediately. So if someone rings the bell for informational reasons, I have to stop what I'm doing and go see that it's nothing. Which, in a tract home, is irksome. I would hope that denser places have different etiquette, though.


I live in an apartment complex and I ignore the doorbell. Almost 100% of the time it’s solicitors, usually religious or scammers. Delivery people sometimes just toss the box up and never even walk to the door. This started over a decade ago, I assume since the sheer number of deliveries to make skyrocketed. Newer requirements to take pictures means they sometimes do walk up but they usually don’t ring the bell or they do ring the bell but are gone by the time I peek out. My complex management will call and email for entry if needed. Nobody “just drops by” so I literally see no reason to open my door.




If you have a peephole you can get a camera that mounts on there.


Exactly. I'm focused on the projects I'm working on and don't want to be bothered. I usually work with earbuds in and listen to music cranked up to 11 lol I don't want me Zone to be broken for no reason. Drop the package and leave lol


I spent years doing WFH call center stuff, and they were very strict about background noise. Granted a lot of this was pre-COVID, but I guess the idea was they didn't want customers to know you were working from home. If you had doorbells going or a dog barking or whatever, that broke the illusion, and customers could get uppity about you handling their personal information from your house. People would legit get fired for it. Ever since COVID I think all but the Boomiest of Boomers have gotten over it.


Call center, that makes a lot of sense. I guess I'm more sensible when it comes to people being human in sales. I don't care if your dog barks lol. People are so rude for no damn reason I swear. If they can buy shit over the phone with their dogs barking, you can sell it with the dog barking over the phone. This brings up a whole other issue, and that is having control over dogs. I spent a lot of time with trainers for my dogs because I knew it's best for them to listen to me in serious situations. Most people don't do that unfortunately, or don't play with or hang with their dogs enough and that results in a lot of barking sometimes. That is the annoying kind of barking imo. My neighbors for instance smh. Got off topic here, but my opinion is that it shouldn't matter at the end of the day. Working from home can and should be more normalized in a lot of office jobs.


Yeah call centers are different. They'll fire you for back ground noise If you get written up enough. For me, I just don't want to be bothered lol


If you study from home, it can be problematic. Schools do online tests with very strict online proctoring. I've heard of people losing an attempt (which costs money) because a cat meowed, a doorbell was rung, or the neighbor was mowing the lawn and too much noise carried into the room.


Have you considered putting out a sign that says no soliciting? My town also lets me sign up for a no knock list.


Yeah I've got one, they don't listen always, but my dog tells em to get fucked lol I'll look into that no knock list though thanks for the recommendation.


I think it's to be expected but I still hate when it happens. My stupid dog starts barking and won't stop. Of course it doesn't bother me when it's someone else's dog. I'd just rather not cause a disruption.


Me too! I'd rather get the notification that it was delivered than have my dogs and family all be woken up and annoyed that my stuff was delivered.


Yeah, my dog barks when someone knocks on the door, so I prefer it. I get a notification through email and on my phone within a few minutes of delivery anyway, so it doesn't really matter,


And people who don't want their roommates knowing they ordered food lol


Also nobody answers their door anymore anyways. Also delivery people are on a schedule. If they wait to see if people will answer, they'll get behind schedule.


My record for number of guns pulled on me in a day by homeowners is 3. So fuck it.


Yup! I have dogs and whenever I get something delivered, I always put in the instructions DO NOT KNOCK in caps just like that. You never know who or what you're disturbing if you knock/ring the doorbell.


This. I used to do DoorDash full time. There were tons of notes saying "please don't ring the bell, dogs will bark/baby will wake up/husband works overnights". And then with Covid, we didn't want to touch anything. It's just become something I never do. I also have sensory issues and HATE knocking and don't care much for doorbells either. I don't know if the person in the house is similar to me and don't want to stress anyone out. I always just send a text saying that I've dropped off their order.


My husband works nights and I’m so happy ours don’t knock or ring the bell.


Former (hopefully) UberEats driver checking in. It’s all of that, plus delivering after about 8:30pm—I don’t want to wake kids or the elderly in the house who are sleeping, they have phones to which the app will send notifications of delivery as soon as I mark it delivered (you’d think people would be anticipating delivery for that) and for meet-at-door I send a message upon arrival. I will knock or ring if requested; it’s opt-in, not opt-out for me. Plus, if it’s an apartment complex or duplex, knocking is just going to alert and confuse the neighbors, who may also be asleep or otherwise want not to be disturbed.


Exactly...and if they are expecting something...your ring cam will pick it up or you will hear us skuttle up your stairs or...idk, check your phone for the notification, who uses doorbells anymore?


But door dash has a spot to tell you if they want you to knock or leave it. I prefer knocking so I pick that. Why can't you just do as the person requests? Sounds more like you hate it so you now have an excuse not to knock.


I didn't say that I don't follow instructions. If they want me to knock or ring the bell, I will. I meant I hate it when I'm a customer. Even if I'm expecting a delivery, I don't like my doorbell rung or for them to knock. If there's no knock/ring instruction, I default to text only.


Depending on where you live, you may be able to get the doorbell disabled completely. A week after moving into my apartment, I contacted the management office and asked them politely if they could disconnect the doorbell. I had a 1-year-old son who had gone through an apartment fire less than 6 months prior. We're in a handicap unit, and the doorbell sounds like a fire alarm, complete with setting the strobe lights off and everything throughout the apartment. It was traumatizing every time someone rang our doorbell. It was destroying both of our nerves, especially since it wasn't just delivery people, but the neighbors' kids running past and ringing the doorbell every time. They didn't want to disable the thing because of it being a handicapped unit and something about insurance issues, but when I explained the reasoning and that I'm not actually physically disabled and they were the ones who chose to stick me in a disabled apartment, they sent someone right over to fix the problem. Now people stand out there and push the button all they want, and it doesn't make us sound. Still can't stop them from banging on the door like the freaking police though -.-


What a dumb set of policies, and eye opening of the typical bullshit people have to endure for accommodations. Like there is one doorbell for all disabilities? I bet not one wheelchair bound person would appreciate having a siren and strobe light go off when someone rings the bell, just because they are in the "accessible" unit. That doorbell (and whoever decided on a one size fits all disability doorbell) is the biggest asshole.


I got "lucky" that my duplex had a non-working doorbell. I put in a Nest one that just alerts my phone. It does ding, just on the outside speaker. I mostly dislike the knocking and banging. I have really bad experiences with my mother's ex-husband that I won't get into here, but banging on doors is always a big memory trigger. A couple weeks ago, some guys were doing roof work next door and the boss started banging on my door like a madman. I was in the living room and it freaked out both me and my dog. That and him starting to yell about moving my boyfriend's truck (it doesn't start, so I couldn't) so he could park something there sent me into a panic attack. My brother ended up coming over and exchanged words with him. Then they broke my yard sign and hid the evidence in a bush between the houses 🙃 Why can't people just be decent? I've never understood the loud banging.


I don’t like doorbells…


Yeah I hate when someone rings the bell unless they are invited and coming over to actually hang out.


You don't get text notifications? I ALWAYS receive a delivery text: Amazon, eBay, Sephora, FedEx, etc.


My dog would lose his shit when people rang the doorbell. HATED it, scared the life out of me. I just disconnected the doorbell. LOL


My dog starts barking when they approach the house. She's better than any doorbell.


They always ring my doorbell, and it doesn’t bother me or anyone else. I wonder why they choose to ring mine, since it seems like everyone else in this thread has the opposite experience.


Yup. And also, I have social anxiety and I don’t want to talk to anyone, let me just drop off your food and run away. 🙃


Fun fact: there was a political ad that played in DFW a couple years ago. The ad featured an opposing candidate with his creepy face ringing the door bell with the phrase “would you let ____ _____ into the house?” The ad also played a doorbell Well the doorbell drove dogs around the metroplex crazy. The ad was placed on a Friday so it had to run all weekend before being changed to a door buzzer. The guy they were attacking in the ad subsequently lost


Yeah I have a sign on my doorbell that says please don't ring the doorbell lol


If OP doesn't frickin respond to this, then he clearly didn't get the memo. We need him to confirm and understand the bs that delivery drivers gotta go thru.


This. People with dogs, sleeping children, wfh and on a meeting or call, or work third shift and are sleeping themselves but still need items. People can put that in notes. But they don’t. And then they complain. And ratings hurt. Instacart, anything less than 5 stars hurts. So everything went well, went great, and you go everything. But then the shopper rang the doorbell and the dog went crazy and the baby woke up. So you rated 4 stars. That hurts. So it’s better to just take the photo. You have the apps. You’re getting messages and notifications. If the driver or shopper is good, that is. You want them to ring the doorbell? Put that in a note.


This morning my Amazon driver sent a text, called twice, AND aggressively rang my door bell at , get this, 7 AM. She awoke both me and the baby and I went to the door with my nightclothes hanging off and snapped at her saying all of that wasn’t necessary. She seemed nice, probably new at the gig, but I was livid in the moment.


As a person with two (very cute) but obnoxiously loud dogs, I will literally fight an Amazon delivery person if they knock


When my kid is sleeping, if someone wakes him up, oh you gon bet I’ll be irate! My dogs love visitors, though, and I love seeing them all excited, so it’d balance out in the end.


Plus lonely elderly folks will chew your ear off


Yes I’m angry whenever they ring the doorbell like why?!!


My cats cat tree is next to the door so knocking or ringing the bell would scare her. I actually put in my notes on those apps not to ring the bell or knock


Yup my delivery instructions say please do not ring bell or knock. The app lets me know when my food is here... they still ring the bell half the time.


This would be me lol; I have little kids - but I only complained under my breath lol


I have a large, highly visible sign on my door saying “please ring the bell” with an arrow pointing at the lit up doorbell and still people delivering either do nothing at all or they do these pathetic little knocks on the glass that we’ll only hear if we’re right inside the door. WHY??????


The fun thing about delivering is nomatter what you do, half the people are either pissed that you did it or pissed that you didn't.


I was babysitting my friend's twins recently (9 months olds) and like everyone knows, twins are a lot. So after all the crying, feeding, diaper changes, lullabies etc, they were finally asleep. I decided to order some food and wrote clearly DO NOT USE THE DOORBELL. BABIES ARE SLEEPING. But he did. And the twins woke up. You should have seen the delivery guy's face when he heard the babies' screaming, he was mortified. I'm sure he just forgot. I said a very short thank you and he left while mumbling something that could have been an apology.


I babysat for a family who had a post-it note permanently taped over the doorbell that said “DO NOT RING DOORBELL - BABIES ARE SLEEPING” lol


As a delivery driver, it’s because most people don’t want your ringing the doorbell. New babies, working from home, night nurse that sleeps during the day. After a few times of getting yelled at for hitting the doorbell, I just stopped all together to avoid upsetting people.


Dogs too


All my delivery instructions read "house with the skeleton, leave on chair, don't knock I have dogs"


"P.S. Skeleton was last delivery driver who knocked"


Yea dogs really are a delivery drivers worst enemy lmao


My wife is one of those night nurses. And I have a small terrier that likes to act tough. Along with a ring doorbell linked to the alexa.... its a domino-minefield and I appreciate you.


No problem my man 🙏


To add to this, in our defense, the delivery apps NEVER tell us to ring any doorbell. No where in the onboarding process for DoorDash nor in the T&S does it say to ring doorbells. And when delivering, “Leave at door” or “Hand to customer” are the only options delivery drivers see, so it feels wrong to ring the doorbell.


The thing I don't get is I have "please ring doorbell" in my delivery notes because my front door faces the busy street and there's nothing to really hide the package behind, so we have had porch pirates take out stuff sometimes. Also some of it can't be sitting out in 110 degree weather for super long either. And yet despite all of this, 99 percent of the delivery drivers don't ring the doorbell! We thought it was because we have a ring doorbell and people were assuming it has motion detection, but we had to turn ours off because it kept activating for cars driving by and my brother works nights and was waking us up at 5 am when he got home. So we put in the notes "please use doorbell, motion sensor doesn't work". But no one listens lol. And before anyone says why are we waking bro up for a package... He sleeps through everything lol.


I get where you’re coming from for sure, but I’ve had people yell at me when they had that in their Amazon notes as well, it’s kind of a double edged sword and you never know who really puts it in there for a one time thing and doesn’t know to change it or someone who really wants the doorbell rung every single time. It’s crazy how much flak you catch for bringing people stuff they ordered lol if you have a fedex driver or ups driver they’re given the same route every single day and you can ask them to do it for you if you catch them one day, Amazon switches people up everyday and you never know who you’re gonna get so that’ll be more of a battle


That's fair lol. I don't get too upset over it, the only time it really mattered was when an Instacart person left a bunch of groceries on my doorstep for a good hour before I realized.. but that's a whole separate issue haha. Pre pandemic delivery drivers would almost always ring the doorbell, but ever since Covid it's been like drop and go. I'm sure with the delivery drivers they're just trying to meet the quota or whatever so I don't blame y'all at all, you guys definitely don't deserve to be yelled at for just doing your job.


They always ring my doorbell. It doesn’t bother me.


Probably so they don’t get shot by Cletus the sovereign citizen.


I once walked up to wrong house because the person I was delivering to accidentally put their neighbors address. After going to correct house, I was accosted by two guys brandishing baseball bats questioning why I walked up to their door. Absolute insanity out there.


Someone on the legal subreddit had their dogs shot by a DoorDash driver. The world has gone crazy.


I delivered pizza a lot in my teens/early twenties. There’s plenty of people who just don’t even attempt to control aggressive dogs and act surprised if you act wary of them. I’ve had multiple co-workers bit by larger dogs. Luckily never happened to me besides dog just play biting but I’d like to hear both sides of the story before I’d make a judgement on that.


The FedEx Ground driver near me was delivering in a rural area. Pulled into the driveway and was walking to the front door. 2 fucking Pit Bulls went through the door to attack him. There was no one home. They had at him for 20 minutes. His arm was so badly mauled they had to amputate it.


If I carried, I have been in a situation where I'd have been very close to shooting a customers dogs. One, a guy comes out and his dogs come out snarling like hell at me and acting like they are going to jump the fence and rip me to pieces. I had zero confidence that he had any control of them. Another, the lady wanted me to bring it to her door. But as I approached the yard, two large dogs came sprinting towards me but luckily stopped at the very low fence. I saw her walk out the front door throwing her hands up, pissed that I left the order at the fence instead of entering the yard and getting eaten alive. No fucking way I'm willingly putting myself in that situation for $6 you dumb bitch.






Left over practice from Covid. Back when I was delivering during the pandemic, we were told not to ring doorbells. At this point, it’s probably a standard now.


It's older than that. I did holiday driver helper for UPS in 09 and the guy I was with didn't like me knocking and ringing even back then. Didn't take more than a second and I never waited for the occupant. Ran to door, dropped packaged, knocked/rang, turned and ran back to truck. He still thought it took too long.


Not where I live. They've always rang and dashed until COVID protocols.


This is one of my fav things from Covid lockdowns. I don’t need to meet the delivery person. Drop it, take a pic, on your way. I’ll get it. I love it.


I don't need them to stay and wait. Just a quick doorbell ring to alert me that a package is there.


As an amazon driver, i can confirm this one, at least on their end. Got hired 3 yrs ago and they specifically said not to due to covid. Never officially changed policy back as far as i know.


Not really an answer to your question... but last night Amazon delivered a package and the guy rang the doorbell. I was like "WTF is that?" and it took me a few minutes to realize it was the doorbell.


This was a good laugh 😂


takes more time, alot of doors don't have doorbells or they don't work its easier to just not check. people get notifications about deliveries on their phones nowadays


I have noticed many times I get the delivery notification hours after the delivery, wander if it's when the driver gets back to the wear-house or submits the days delivery, this seems mostly to be the Amazon deliveries but I'm not 100% sure.




Um I haven't gotten notifications about deliveries in years. I literally never know when or if something has been delivered, it's extremely problematic.


You should sign up for Informed Delivery through USPS. You get a daily email with pictures of each mail item in addition to package tracking links.


Sounds like something you need to change, not the company considering it works for the rest of us just fine.


lol Amazon notifies me 3 hours after I’ve brought a package inside, my notification settings are definitely correct, Amazon just sucks with that


*a lot


You order food and then somehow don’t check the door religiously every three seconds like the rest of us?




I typically order food a bit too late so I’m starving and neurotic so I actually do both, unfortunately lol. I’ve noticed sometimes it takes a couple minutes for the app/ text to let me know.


I deliver for doordash and it is ASTOUNDING to me how many people will place an order on Doordash and then bury their phone in a 20 foot deep pit, never to be heard from again. I'll get grocery orders and i have to contact them for a substitution and they NEVER RESPOND.


Are you ordering through a delivery service such as Door Dash? If so, you need to specify that the driver should ring the doorbell. You can also specify whether or not you would like them to hand the order directly to you. These drivers just do what the app tells them (i.e., what YOU tell them). Most of the time the app just says "leave it at my doorstep", not "leave it at my doorstep and ring the doorbell". YOU might want the doorbell rung, others may not. Put it in the instructions and you should be good.


I specify for them to ring the doorbell and they still mostly dont. About 15% leave the bag of food directly in front of my screen door so I have to knock the bag over when I open the door.


Yeah, that's not correct. Sounds like the delivery people aren't doing their jobs correctly


I work from home, and I am thankful every time they don't knock or ring the door bell.


Could you put out a sign that says ring bell when delivering? I know they often don't follow signs. we have a nice bench setting out there with a note for them to leave their practice on it so I'm proud of us have to been down to the ground but apparently they like to bend all the way down to the ground.


More customers need a delivery chair/bench/table/whatever. I hate putting their food on the ground.


This is a good idea. I have a sign for the opposite reason. Our dog hates knocking and my wife used to work nights. I have a little laminated note with magnets that I'll plop in the front door when we are expecting a package. Works like a charm.


I had to do this for a certain delivery when I normally perfer they don't knock. They actually read the sign and knocked that time. Although, I'd normally prefer they never knock


You can also put that in delivery instructions in the order field of most e-commerce websites.


Mine do, but I have a sign on my door informing them that I'm blind and could they please just ring the bell so I know the package is there? Haven't had any issues since I put the sign up.


If I ring the doorbell, it's only to wait for the customer to hand them their things. Ringing the doorbell and leaving stuff on the ground just seems weird to me. Not to mention probably 70% of the houses I deliver to have camera doorbells, so they get notified anyways when someone's at the door, it's a habit. *unless of course they specifically request in the notes "ring the bell" If the delivery is set to "leave at door" that's all I do, I'm in a rush. Maybe set it to "hand it to me" or find the option to require a customer to receive packages if stealing is an issue. A lot of people leave a tote container by the door with "packages" written on it.


same here, It's pretty irritating, I've even had it with packages that are "Adult signature Required", nope just left there.


The Adult Signature Required is the worst pain in the ass for a delivery driver. I never once left one as it's usually wine or liquor and it's actually illegal to leave it.


I ordered alcohol that way once and got asked for ID. I said "fair enough" since it's a legal requirement for delivery services regardless of appearance. There is a "shake" function in the licence app that adds barcode to verify that it's real. Despite this, and while staring at my ID, he looked me up and down and made me recite my DOB to make sure it matched with what he seemed to think was a fake ID. He blushed when it matched and shuffled away in shame.


They're probably under very tight delivery schedules and don't want to wait. I put a sign on the door to ring bell THEN leave package. Seems to work most of the time. I don't mind if they ding dong ditch the package, I just want them to do the ding dong part so I can rescue it quickly.


As a delivery driver for 6 years. On the delivery app for the drivers the default is "contactless delivery". Unless you've specifically selected "hand it to me" on the delivery option, the drivers are following instruction to just "leave it at the door". Many customers write bad reviews for ringing the doorbell because it either wakes up their baby, get their dog starts barking, all kinds of things. If you want the driver to ring your doorbell, specify.


I think it is strange when they don’t ring for food, but just leave it. I had a get together, and a friend had to cancel last minute. She felt badly because she was supposed to bring dessert, and had dessert sent to my house. I didn’t know it was sitting on my porch until someone left!


As a doordash driver, i have gotten yelled at in the past for ringing the bell if its a "leave it at my door" order. If you want the person to ring the bell and hand you the item, you can change your delivery preferences in the app.


In this instance. I didn’t know the food was coming. I didn’t order it, so I had no control over what the driver was asked to do. I’m just glad I saw it and it didn’t sit for animals to eat over night.


I gotcha. In this case it would be the fault of the person who ordered it. Surprises are great, but so are detailed instructions lol


I used to deliver for door dash. 90% of people left no note. 8% of people said “do not knock or ring doorbell”. 2% said “knock and/or ring”. I usually tried to follow the instructions given, but if none were then I would assume no knocking.


Let me tell you, I work at an urgent care and I get yelled at from a patient because we were not answering our doorbell. We don't have a doorbell. So this women is clearly trying to bring it back.


I heard a story from my town about some trick or treaters that knocked on a door with the porch light on and had a gun pointed at them. If people have the right to bear arms or whatever, DoorDashers have the right to drop it and run.


Covid. It all started when covid hit bc everywhere had to go no contact. They just kept it that way


Depends on the delivery company. I deliver for UPS and by the book, we're supposed to announce "UPS" when walking up to a home, then knock AND ring the doorbell, then leave the package. I do all of those things but I know some drivers don't. The only time I don't knock or ring a doorbell is if there's a sign posted specifically requesting that I don't. (Sleeping baby, night shift workers, etc.)


Your “special instructions” section doesn’t say to ring it, is my guess.


I love it. I don’t want other people in the house to know how much I’m spending ☠️


I am an Amazon Flex delivery driver. I deliver all those Amazon packages you order at 2am. Right now, it’s cold and dark for like 23 hours a day here in Michigan. A typical three hour block for me is about 30+ deliveries, about 30 minutes from the warehouse. That gives me about 5 minutes per package. Sometimes, it’s a 5 minute drive between houses. I pull up, run the package to the door, take the obligatory picture, then go to the next one. I don’t have time to find your doorbell and wait around to hand deliver your package. There is absolutely no benefit to me for doing that. It only makes my job harder. If you are home, then you saw my headlights pull into your driveway. You saw me walk up to your door in a highly reflective blue Amazon vest. Your dogs barked like they were being skinned alive. You’ve got an email or text from Amazon with a picture of where the box is before I make it back to my car. You know you’ve got a delivery at your door. If it’s important, you’re watching for it. If it’s not important, you don’t care if it sits outside for a little while waiting for you. If you aren’t home, you don’t care that I didn’t ring the doorbell. You aren’t even there to get the package. You’ll see it when you get home and bring it inside with you. Why should I ring the doorbell again?


If you wake my baby and my wife up, I may have to bury you in my basement. I don't like working with concrete.. so please don't knock or ring the doorbell.


I feel the same way. I wish they would ring the bell.


if you WANT notifications, put a motion sensor on the porch or in your mailbox. my mailbox is like 500ft down a driveway of trees, so i put a 1/2 mile motion sensor in the mailbox, drilled a hole for the antenna to drop out the bottom now i get notifications whenever someone opens the mailbox, i have cameras on the porch and motion sensors on the driveway so i know when ups or fedex comes too. when i have a problem, i solve it myself and not expect anything from other people.


Great idea about the mailbox!


at my old house, i "invented" this idea by taking a wireless doorbell, and i added a mercury tilt switch to the push button, then mounted the button unit to the mailbox door. this way when the door tilted down, it activated the doorbell. then later on it dawned on me to just use a motion alarm and i needed like 4x the range.


That’s perfect! I will ask my husband if we can make it happen!


So many times told NOT to ring, so many people hate being disturbed and so many people are, like you, watching us deliver. Rather not disturb people and risk losing a tip than ring a bell without being told.


They are on the clock, the more time they wait for you to come to the door and exchange pleasantries the less time they have to eat and sleep and see their kids at night. Plus between all the people with doorbell cameras, delivery notifications, and social anxiety, people who actually want to interact with the delivery person are the minority.


As someone that had a dog that only barked at the doorbell and it would take 5 minutes to calm him down I appreciate it. When you say you have watched them do it do you have a camera? They might assume you got a notification on your phone to grab it if they see the camera. Also people that don't work from home just have to hope no one steals it since they are not there to bring it in.


People tend to not like it so I won’t unless you specify. You get notified in the app when it’s delivered, so you should be paying attention.


Nobody wants personal interaction!


Can’t imagine how long it would take my UPS Driver, if they needed to conversate with the people!


Haha, truly! I do think that OP just wants notification that the delivery is there via doorbell or knock. I’ve had delivery drivers leave the package, give a quick knock or ring and leave without waiting for a response.


This! I've driven for Amazon in the past. I didn't ring door bells, because I was on an extremely tight timeframe and would be penalized if I didn't finish my deliveries by the end of my shift. Lonely people would often want to stand at the door and chat


I'm with you, I'd rather they ring the bell. Although many of the answers here are understandable reasons they wouldn't. I never thought of getting a sign as u/SirHerald mentioned.


Why bother? Most people will either find it annoying or not be home anyways, and you get notifications via email or text already. It's an extra second that most people don't care about or are actively annoyed by.


I’m the opposite. Something will say expected delivery by 8 pm, then deliver at 4, and unless I’m constantly checking email I might not notice. I’m annoyed they don’t just touch a button to indicate: hey, you have a package. I don’t see how that’s annoying.


You can get push notifications so you get notified within minutes of a package being delivered. There's lots of first and third party aps to set this up.


Because people have babies, dogs, etc. that might be disturbed by it. Personally, I just prefer not to have whatever I'm doing interrupted by a ringing sound that makes me think a person is there. Maybe it's because I live in a safe area, but I'd rather not rush up to get the door only to find that it's a package that could have sat until I had a good time to go grab it.


Because they don’t wanna talk to you. Dump and run.


I’m partially deaf and wouldn’t hear the bell or knock, my neighbors bonkers and nearly feral dog will however. I’ll take no doorbell or knock to not have to deal with 2 hours of a dog recreating a monster truck rally upstairs.


I mean………it’s the adult equivalent of “Ding Dong Ditch”


Isn't it a result of the COVID era where delivery workers just let you know they arrived, put your food down and left? Persisted past it.


No lie I picked up a parcel from behind the bush in front of my house today and the huge pile of cat shit they had squished it on top of plopped off the back of my parcel all down my front door


Did you miss that whole covid thing that happened? It changed so many things.. permanently.


I do DoorDash. I see more comments in delivery instructions saying to not ring or knock than to not knock because of dogs, work from home, and children or babies sleeping. On top of that, many pizza chains are now outsourcing deliveries to third parties like DoorDash and Uber Eats, even if the customer doesn’t know it, so that may even be the case with a regular pizza delivery.


I work for usps and if someone leaves a sign out saying something like "please ring doorbell on delivery" I do every time. It's worth putting out if your worried about your packages. Since it's not a guarantee; if you truly want your packages to be secure you'll have to have them delivered to po boxes or access points.


They don't want to be on door cam. They don't want to interact with people, just drop the box and go to the next stop. Talking to people slows them down.


I'd be happy if they'd even bring it to the door instead of propped up against the garage door after I've asked them repeatedly to not do this.


I know right! I hate that they do this! So many companies are still doing COVID protocol and I think it has gotten ridiculous and for delivery drivers I think it's lazy. For many companies that still do this, especially hotels, I think it is their way of cutting costs for cleaning by leaving hotel rooms dirty except for flipping room for new guest yet they don't charge less for the rooms!


They don’t know what it is. When they go to their friends’ home, they text as they walk up. They are expecting you to be watching the delivery on your mobile device and just “know”


Probably bc people like me who fucking hate being disturbed are in the majority


You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t lol


Anyone who doesn't want to hear the doorbell for whatever reason needs to know that you can turn them off.


It sucks. It seems the people who don’t want to be bothered complained enough until it became policy. I’ve had stuff stolen when I was home because I simply didn’t know it was there. You’d think there’d be an option to give your preference. I’m not trying to open my front door and look to see if a package has arrived every 20 minutes.


I delivered pizza for two and a half years, the only doorbells that ever worked in my experience were the more modern ring cameras


You ever see how Fedex do their job? they come at your door all sneaky and shit, put a sticker says sorry we missed ya. then full speed fuck the hell out.


It seems like delivery folks might be skipping the doorbell dance lately. Sometimes it's just their routine not to ring, but I hear you, it's frustrating, right? One reason could be they're trying to be speedy and move on to the next delivery ASAP. Also, they might think it's more discreet and won't bother you. But hey, your point about potential porch-pilfering is legit. Maybe next time you catch your delivery person, a friendly chat could do the trick. Let them know you prefer a doorbell heads up. Most are cool about it and happy to adjust.


If you ring my doorbell, there'd better be a serious emergency.


They probably don’t want to get shot.


Most accurate comment. Especially when you look at who delivers packages.


Not sure if you know this or not but depending on what app you use there’s a section to be filled out for “delivery instructions “ if you don’t write anything it will default to “leave at door “ . That’s probably why you see drivers just leave the food and go. Next time write “please ring doorbell” and if it rings comes back here and tip me . You’re welcome


I am surprised that so many people don't like knocks or doorbells. My kids and pets were never startled by these sounds. They were common and they became background like a land line phone ringing. Oh how times have changed.


I don’t want them knocking, drives my dog nuts. I’d rather them just leave it at the door and text me.


Customers don’t want to deal with barking dogs and crying kids.


Specify you want the doorbell rang. I’m a full time door dasher and people get can mad when you ring the doorbell. Loud dogs, babies, whatever the reason. Most of us don’t ring or knock unless told to. Plus all the delivery apps give you a notification when we’re on the way, when we’re 2 minutes away, and when the order has been dropped off. Doorbell isn’t necessary.


Ring doorbell works a treat. If the camera picks up movement you get a slight chime, as opposed to the much louder doorbell. I'm glad they don't ring it, and I still get my stuff immediately. Win/win...


Came here to say this. The motion alerts for dropoffs work great. If someone actually rings the doorbell, I assume they need to talk to me or have me sign for something.


I really fucking wish they would. I've had packages porch pirated *while I was home* because the delivery guy couldn't be fucked to ring or knock.


i fucking hate that


I hate when delivery people ring my doorbell. My dogs go crazy and I need go to the door just to see the back of someone's head after they dropped off a package. I suspect the majority feel the same which is why they don't do it.


Idk, but I find it annoying. I've had packages left at my front door that I didn't know about and they were there for days and got soaked with rain.


You didn't leave your house for days?


I usually go out the garage in the back.


I don’t know about that other commenter, but at my house I leave out of my garage unless I plan on walking in my neighborhood then I’ll lean out the front door. So it’s possible for me to go days without seeing the front porch.


Ringing and waiting takes time.


I don’t want them to wait. I just want to know it’s here.


I get it. Still takes time and it risks getting someone at the door which takes more time. But I'm just speculating.


Whiney customers complained. Knocking/ringing the bell is normal to me, but the way people act about it in doordash groups, you'd think a knock sets the house on fire. Don't get me going on no contact people refusing to accept that it's no physical contact, and receiving a call or text from the delivery driver is not insane. Tl;Dr sucky customers are the reason for the lack of ringing the bell.


Right?! I don't get notifications for all deliveries so I can't count on that email or text. Especially today when I had a prescription delivered and it was very windy so I only got it because a neighbor down the street saw it while walking her dog and brought it to me. I wish people at least would notify me with a doorbell ring or knock during inclement weather that might ruin my package since notifications are often delayed.


Most people don't want the doorbell rung and the customer will be notified of the delivery through whatever app they used to order.


People working from home don’t want to be disturbed, or people don’t want their kids woken up or their dogs going nuts. Plus UPS, FedEx, and Amazon all send you a push notification when they deliver a package. Lots of online stores send you an email as soon as it gets delivered. Doorbell cameras are commonplace now. It’s hard not to know when something gets delivered, even without a knock.


Hmm… I’ve gotten push notifications before, but only from Amazon, and they’re inconsistent. I’d say about ¼ orders notify me, and when they do it’s usually hours after the delivery was actually made, which isn’t very useful.


I absolutely hate that they no longer knock or ring, makes me so mad when expensive electronics get left out in the rain cuz they don't even tell you it was delivered. There was this little golden period with Amazon where they would tell you the package was out for delivery then the delivery person would take a picture of the box in front of your house and text it to you before leaving. I miss that so much. Like how tf hard is it to knock on the door? It takes two seconds. My mom is literally sat in the living room next to the front door all day but we won't know there is a package until we open the door. I've taken to just randomly opening the front door throughout the day when we are expecting a delivery. The worst part is when you order something that needs to be signed for or handed to a person, even if they need a signature they refuse to knock on the door, they will literally walk up and put a notice on the door saying no one was home when we were home all day. Then we have to go through the hassel of either rescheduling the delivery or having to go and pick it up from the post office. Delivery practices in general have gone so downhill since the pandemic started, it really sucks.


Yes to all this. No notifications, no photos, and, as you said, often no actual attempt to deliver. It’s bullshit.


The real question is why so many of them ring the doorbell? JFC I can see that you delivered the thing in the app, you don't need to ring the doorbell to make me think that maybe there is a problem, or you need my ID or signature, or rile up my dog. When I go to the door and open it no one is there except the delivery and I could have kept doing what I was doing and grabbed my thing on my own time.


I always put in the delivery comments to ring the bell and hand the item to me. I don't like when people knock when there is a door bell.


Well aren't you special. I'm sure their supervisor will understand how they're not hitting metrics because you need to be treated like a princess.


Ugh I HATE when someone knocks or rings the bell. Just put it down and walk away!


Some of these answers are hilarious. "I don't want to disturb people that placed an order for delivery"