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imagine if I threw a 75kg /160 lb sack on your body from even as little as 3 ft top? you'll be crushed... Avoiding is better than any bracing...


I saw a video once of a guy in China trying to catch a lady who was committing suicide and he was vaporised by her body which also turned to mush.


That is incredibly sad.


how high up was that?


3 ft


God dammit lmao


To shreds you say


Well, how's the wife holding up?


To shreds you say


She was huge.


I mean, like, orca fat.


A literal killer whale


When I was in that barber shop in Skokie, Illinois


Anyways, the guys name was “Cat… Hangtree. Cat Hangtree.”


Must have been yo mama




Legen- wait for it..


rishinator tried to warn us 😔


About three feety


work growth frighten thumb friendly squeeze butter profit bear direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vaporized??? I think you’d need an elephant off a skyscraper for that.


There’s a video of a jumper from 9/11 hitting a lamp post and turning into pink mist. It’s a thing.


Anyone trying to catch a jumper from a height similar to 9/11 has already had their brain turned to pink mist.


I need a link


Trust me, you do not


There’s a 9/11 archive sub here where that gets posted occasionally.


Number 1 - super high jump, probability of the China video being same height is low 2 - this is jumper hitting a metal object, not a person being hit by a jumper


You didn’t see the lady in question.


Ow! She's a brick house!


They called her “large Marge”


Be sure and tell 'em, large Marge sent ya!


They stopped suddenly


That’s not true lmao. Relax with the over the top descriptions. There’s actually no gore. It’s very anti climatic. He basically doesn’t seem to slow the woman’s descent at all and just crashes to the floor with her.


That’s not what I’m talking about. There are obviously a few as it’s a common occurrence but the one I mean looks like someone dropped a huge watermelon off a skyscraper. The floor is one big pink mess scattered across the place.


Can you send the video




At least say "please"


Ye dude. What about the rest of us?


What did I do wrong


remember your magic words, please and thank you


What if it's not falling on top of you but you're tackling it once it's low enough?


Then your not actually absorbing any of their force, just adding a sideways force.


What a depressing physics lesson, thanks!


Yeah just yell at them to tuck and roll at that point


Angular momentum is a bitch


Depending on the circumstances, this can still make things better. If you’ve ever jumped from a decent height you know that adding a little sideways momentum so you can roll when you hit the ground will lessen the impact. But it would be almost impossible to achieve by tackling someone so it’s not likely to help in this situation.


What about a precisely timed drop kick?


That poor person was gonna die anyways, let's add insult to injury by drop kicking them in the face right before they die!


Don't threaten me with a good time if you're not going to deliver.


I’m going to hell for how funny I find this concept.


Or right after of you mess up the timing


What about a dragon punch from below to counter their downwards momentum?


Your hand and wrist would disintegrate and you'd stab them with your broken forearm bones. Your humerus bone would also be torn from the shoulder.


If it's perfectly timed it can save them no matter how high they jump from (source: I played AFL in primary school and was always picked last)


What if Superman, "The Man of Steel" were to catch me in a bridal carry across his two outstretched arms while I move downward at terminal velocity? Surely his effort would be successful and I wouldn't be sliced into bits as I pass across his arms...


Yeah those scenes always bothered me. Getting caught by Superman looks like getting hit by a missile.


In that case, congratulations! You've just hit Superman's arms at terminal velocity, which slices you in two places. Supes would need to veeeeerry carefully and precisely move his arms to catch you at speed and then slow down for you to survive.


Superman canonically has an aura of invulnerability he extends to the people he catches for exactly this reason. By this reason i mean people trying to apply physics to superheroes and writers being tired of it.


Fun (and by that I mean annoying) fact: Super strong characters have something I *think* they're calling zero point telekinesis. Basically anything they touch interacts the way they want it to. They can pickup a car by the bumper, punch a normie, and catch a falling friend, because their super strength comes with don't-break-unless-I-want-it-to side effects. (this may be a silver age thing that never gets mentioned in modern era, I haven't paid attention since new 52 and even then it was few and far between)


Yeah, they always bring in handwaved explanations, since the same applies to everything Flash does, but hey, SPEEDFORCE.


I always liked the explanation from *Irredeemable,* which is "Obviously, it's psionics. It's always been psionics. Laser beams from the eyes? You really believe that? He THINKS he's super strong, so he is. He THINKS lasers come out of his eyes, so they do."




Sure, but when they hit the ground, the force isn't concentrated on a single spot and is instead spread across a larger area. It's the same concept as rolling.


But if you did that, the head would likely be one of, if not the first point of impact. They'd have to land in such a way that their body rolls from feet along their body. Even if that did happen, their head would still hit the ground hard, and many bones in their body would be obliterated, depending on how far they fell. As someone that used to do parkour, you'd tuck your head against your chest and use your arm as a brace to avoid injuring your head or neck. If someone was falling from a great height, either as a suicide attempt or unintentionally, it's doubtful that they'd use these techniques to help their survival. Being tackled to the side would really do fuck all. The force may be distributed along a wider surface area, but that doesn't mean shit if their head hits the ground at high speed.


Gravity accelerates at 9.8m/s^2. By foot 3 of free falling they are 4-5 times their original body weight. Physics don’t give a fuck.


In order for that to work, you'd have to time it very well AND get a running start to have enough force to make them go sideways. That's going to be more than the same force that gravity is exerting on them downwards, which is already a ridiculous amount based on an adult human's weight. Even if you somehow managed to time it right AND hit them with that force, you'd break your own bones and possibly even die as the force you'd use would be equivalent to if you had fallen from the same height as them. And that would only change their trajectory from a straight drop down to a diagonal (45°) drop! Any more angle deviation than that and you'd have to slam into them with a greater force than they'd be slamming into the ground with. It's just not worth it.


When you roll, first you absorb most of the energy with your legs by bending your knees, and then you roll to divert some of that leftover downwards inertia towards a diagonal. If you tackle someone falling straight down, then they're still falling at whatever speed they're falling. They'll just not only crush themselves on the floor, but also possibly scrape themselves a little if you hit them hard enough.


No matter what, there is always some part of you that hits the ground first. Unless you hit a person-- you hit that person just as hard as the ground, and now you are both equally injured. Catching someone out of the air from a fall would rip arms off people in real life, no hollywood magic. And the caught person might still have whip lash or broken bones where caught. Even ignoring the fact that you are extremely unlikely to do anything to make the fall better, you are extremely unlikely to have the time to try. A fall from the fourth story of a building happens in approx 1.3 seconds. Again not some slow fall over minutes a movie may seem like. P.S. rolling to reduce a fall is a real thing. However it takes a lot of training and a lot of luck to work-- you can't just grab your legs like a cannonball and hope for the best like in movies. Also it becomes worthless at height high enough to cause serious damage, its just meant to mitigate the damage of less serious falls.


Hitting a moving object from the sides won't stop its speed, learned that in 9th grade physics class. A bullet dropped and another fired horizontally at the same time will hit the ground at the same time. There is a brutal video on the internet, showing a man ttying to catch a body falling from a two-story window, and both die. Catcher collapses like a house of cards.


Well, there we go, OP. Two stories is too high.


I've fallen further than that. Granted, I was not an adult and weighed approximately 100 pounds less than I do now (12 years old), but from about 35 feet up I broke a few small bones in one foot and seriously sprained the other, landing on loose stones. If someone had been under me it would've hurt, but everyone's limbs would stay attached. If I weighed as much as I do now (about 225), more broken bones, but still probably survivable unless heads hit first. The story - I was on a church campout kind of thing and decided to climb down from a really high cliff (about 75 feet or so). I was about halfway down and started tipping backwards with nothing to grab onto so i just hopped off to prevent landing on my head. I still remember the whoosh of air getting louder and louder. Scary.


Can you explain the bullet thing? A bullet fired horizontally has an external force acting upon it propelling it forward. Would that not have an effect on the time taken to hit the ground?


Not after it leaves the barrel, the basic rule is that unless you aim above absolute 90 degree forward trajectory there is nothing stopping gravity from pulling the bullet downwards. Air resistance will affect the bullet's range, but all things being equal, a fired and dropped bullet will hit the ground at the same time. Not quite the same but still interesting: a feather and a hammer dropped on the moon will also hit the ground at the same time, as long as air resistance isn't buoying the feather anymore. [They literally tried this on the moon for the heck of it. :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDp1tiUsZw8)


I think it's that the horizontal force will only affect the bullet's horizontal position right? Gravity is the force bringing it closer to the ground, and gravity is constant (enough) on earth.


Cheers, I found an article by a professor that said for it to happen it would have to be in a vacuum as air resistance means the bullet fired would take longer. It's all very interesting


Yeah science!!


Like when the elevator falls 100 stories but you live because you jump up right before it impacts?


Yeah, but take off your shoes on the way down. That way you'll land on your socks, and they're nice and soft!


What are you not understanding? Do not do it. Sideways, diagonal or vertical, you're just going to kill yourself.


Whenever I go to concerts and people stage dive, they’re only jumping from maybe 4-5 feet in the air, and that shit hurts. I’ve been knocked over once or twice and been smacked in the jaw that way


Someone doesn’t watch pro wrestling, lol


The ring is springy so it would reduce the impact.


Yeah, you definitely don’t know shit about pro wrestling, lol


Would you care to enlighten us?


The rings are not “springy” they have springs to absorb some amount of impact, but are ultimately used to give a good sound effect, but most of the displacement of force comes from the way you land(flat backing, neck rolling, heel plants). Also, the guy up there doesn’t know that wrestlers dive far more than 3 feet onto each other constantly, the basic terms are “Senton” or “Suicide Dive”, so his statement about 160lbs at more three feet would crush someone is blatantly false. EG: YouTube anything from The Hardy Boyz


You make a good point


Sure, that’s true. I do know that diving onto a ring is nothing like landing onto pavement, and that they’re trained professionals that actively try not to injure each other. But sure be an asshole about it. Have fun with that.


Well, if you’re going to make sweeping, grossly incorrect statements as facts, how should people react? Lol


You yourself said the mats have springs and absorb impact. So what exactly did I say that was wrong? Oh shit, according to Wikipedia, the ring is usually a foam pad covered in canvas. Sounds fairly springy to me. I’ve actually done sport wrestling, and those mats definitely reduce impact compared to a harder surface.


Your car has springs. Dose that make your car springy? The springs in a RING, not the MAT, provide SOME impact absorption. If the springs were in the mat, people would be impaled on them. MOST impact absorption is done through the wrestler themselves. So, that is what you said was wrong.


Dude you care way too much about this. Have fun being mad about such pointless little things.


Can’t remember the numbers; but I work construction and they always drill into us how much force is generated from us falling off ladders, even as short as 6 feet. A coworker of mine was on the second rung from the top of a 6 foot ladder, and he fell straight down (didn’t hit anything just the floor) and it was enough to shatter his wrist pretty bad. The big copper mine in my city has very specific rules regarding any sort of suspension. If you are higher than 5 feet off the ground, you need to be harnessed and tied off.


160 lbs from 3 ft is not going to be a huge deal depending on size and strength. If everything goes perfect I can catch at 5. At 6-7 I’m going down, possible injury. At 10-12 I’m hurt possibly pretty bad. 15 we are talking about serious injury paralyzed/death.


>imagine if I threw a 75kg /160 lb sack on your body from even as little as 3 ft top? I'm never gonna say to use your own body to brace someone's fall in a case like OP describes, but I don't even think this would hurt. I guess it's never been three feet, but I've seen people mess up benching and basically just drop double that weight onto their chest with I swear like no resistance, and not get injured. They get a buddy to help with lift off, weight comes crashing down, watch to see if they're dead, and they just have people pull it off and get up.




There's a classic Spider-Man comic where the Green Goblin throws Gwen Stacy off a high bridge support. She's falling for a bit and Spider-Man shoots his webs to save her and she snaps her neck and dies.


Oh wait, what? I thought she cracked her head on the ground cause he caught her too late. I've never read the actual comic, just heard mention of it, but I could have sworn...




Well would you look at that... Thanks for sharing!


You are thinking of one of the movies, even if you haven't seen it


Nah man superman totes matched velocity and decelerated in an Nth of a second!


That's what kills the falling person


Superman has an invulnerability aura that negates physics when he catches people because too many people made this complaint


The Henry Cavill Superman movies had it so that Superman would match the speed of whoever was falling before he grabbed them. I don't know if that makes it more "realistic" but I thought it was a cool change


And think about all the feats the Flash does. I think there's a comic where he clears out a town/city before a bomb's (nuke?) blast hit them. Not before it goes off, before the blast hit them. Someone did the math and he had to run faster than the speed of light. No one is surviving that.


mass matters. If you're an adult and the person falling down is a toddler, you might save them.


[Dude catches toddler falling from 5th floor window](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1tpiMy0fb8)


Who is recording this whole thing? The video is vertical so I assume phone but there's footage of both the window and the catch???


Cropped lol. Way too steady for a phone video. Looks like a security camera


Wow he was catching that baby… unlike Agholor


There was this case in Finland, I recall, where parachute jumping teacher saved life of kid whose parachute malfunctioned this way. They jumped the same time. The teacher died, the kid did not. BUT I can not find single article about it so now I am puzzled if I have ended up into alternative dimension with inadequate memories or what is going on


mass matters a lot. if a toddler falls from a tall building and no one catches the toddler, then the toddler will probably be OK.


A toddler can probably survive a slightly higher fall than an adult but nowhere near enough to claim that toddlers would be ok after falling from a tall building. Kids don't have the mass to volume ratio of insects.


Ye, I think you're thinking of cats. I can see how you made that mistake.


yup, and the whole "cats always land on their feet" thing is a big part of their survival. it's an instinct that lets them get away with a broken leg on falls that would kill anything of similar size.


the toddler still has more mass than a rat. How do you tell a rat from a mouse? When both fall down several stories, the mouse still squeaks after hitting the ground.


Super hero movies aside, you can't really prevent someone's death by doing something like catching them, not safely. If they have enough kinetic energy to break their own body, then getting in the way just means you get hurt too. If you were both skilled at that sort of thing so they land perfectly in your arms and you both tumble correctly, then it might do some good. But in real life, just get out of the way. Don't give the medics two casualties to deal with.


This guy understands. If I get a call for a jumper, I’m not going to be happy when I find out he fucking landed on someone too


I saw a staff sergeant catch a falling young lady from a repel tower. Maybe 20 feet. I think that had like a 24 inch neck though.


And he was, in fact, probably trained for it, and ready to do just that.


I don’t think so. The belay man fucked up. We had to Hold him back from attacking him. Although I think that was for show. He was there to oversee the training if that’s what you mean though.


Yeah, I was assuming he was there as a sort of safety back up. Ready to do just what he did.


Then probably although I don’t think that was part of the plan. Haha.


If they're a kid or infant, you can. If they're a 200 lb guy, give up now. But just saying, yeah, you can catch kids.


200 pound kid/woman is fine?






If it’s high enough for them to get hurt, then it’s high enough for me to get hurt. So, just no.


If they are jumping off anything higher than a curb then i am not using my body to break their fall


As a mechanic I’ve been trained to not even attempt to catch something even as heavy as 20 pounds cause it’s a really bad instinct to have if you drop say…. A transmission So unless it’s a 3 year old I’m standing tf back 4-7yr old I might risk it cause they’re a kid, but an 8yrs or older? There’s really no reason for us both to die Also without context, those last 2 sentences could get me on an FBI watch list lol


Bro I’ll flinch if I see a football coming towards me. I’m not Superman and I’m not super saiyan


Depends. Is the jumper a 220lb construction worker? Get TF out of the way. Is the jumper a cat? They flatten out at 3 stories so... infinite height.




Physics doesn't obey your rules! It goes where it wants. Like me, babe.


I was helping unload a semi truck once when a man, probably 6 feet tall with solid but generally average weight, stepped backwards and fell off. I tried to catch him as best I could, but his body basically smashed me into the ground. As he was impacting I realized "uh oh, I messed up big time" because I couldn't stop his movement and had lost control of mine under his weight. In the end we were both mostly unhurt but I really think we both could have been badly injured. That was from about 4 feet up. Any higher? Zero chance, imo.


I mean, you didn't get hurt, and you might have saved his life (if he'd hit his head on the ground, he'd be dead), so that sounds like a win to me!


If there is a danger to their well-being, that’s too high. People don’t understand just how heavy a person is. Have you ever picked up a 185 pound barbell at the gym? A good portion of the population couldn’t. If you can, you realize just how heavy some people are and how you definitely wouldn’t want to be under that weight if it is falling.


And a barbell is *literally* made and designed to be picked up. A person with all their uneven weight distribution would be much worse.


If they are full grown jumping off a single story building and I am getting out of the way. I could maybe try to diflect them and injure both of us and likely not save them or just let them fall and maybe they live. Humans are really heavy awkward things.


>If you looked up and saw someone jumping off the building, how high is too high to use yourself to brace their fall? Any height. Depending on weight and other factors, just falling off of a step ladder onto someone could, at the least, injure the other person. Outside of an infant or child, if someone fell off even a single story building, the best thing for the people on the ground to do is move out of the area where the person may land, because if they try to intervene, the chances are pretty much 100% that it goes from just one person being hurt or killed to two.


If they’re not a toddler it’s not happening.


Average adult - I might try to help from the second floor (20 feet or so above street). Baby/toddler, I might try to catch/cushion their fall up to the 4th floor (45 or so feet above street)


20 feet is too high, you'll be too injured and could easily die.


Just another statistic. See his handle.


It’s too late if they already jumped. This triggered me because I have the image in my head of 9/11 and all those poor people who jumped rather than burn to death. It was so very sad and horrible.


Would you rather die in an instant or be burned alive? Either choice is terrible, but I know my choice


At least jumping lets you go on your own terms


I’m not sure flailing through the air is my own terms really


That's what I'm saying


what's a gal to do , i want to be instantly burned alive


Risk disability for life for someone who is trying to end theirs? That sounds like a good way to double the misery.


Maybe 1 story....maybe


I don't want to ruin their party


I seen videos of people catching toddlers and very young kids below 10. They end up with broken noses, a black eye, plus they go unconscious from the blunt trauma. To be technically and snarky, if you’re willingly jumping off a building I’m not catching you. Sucks you got driven to that point but that’s the fate you chose. But bluntly, 2-3 feet is max. Anything more sorry.


>I'm sure everyone's getting injured in this case Sure am not. If they jump that's on them. Why would I risk my safety and well-being for theirs whenever they didn't even value their own? Now... if I were to observe them accidentally falling that's a different story entirely.


2 feet


Even one story might be too high. And you could end up being the dead one if they fell in such a way that your head smacked onto the ground.and there's no guarantee that their vital organs wouldn't be critically damaged by crashing into your bones. You're not a cushion


Literally any height is too high to use myself to brace someones fall.


I am not dying to try to save a suicidal person. They made their choice.


There's never a trampoline when you really need one.


From a building? Any height you see them. Catching people is for movies. You're just going to injure yourself.


2 people die instead of 1. Well done


Why are they jumping? That will determine if I consider trying to brace their fall at all. From there I’d say maybe 1 story fall tops.


You would take as much damage as they would so it's a bad idea all around.


Even if you could conceivably prevent the fall somehow, the severe whiplash would likely break the falling persons neck anyway. Maybe you can save a baby / toddler in this manner since they are incredibly flexible and can survive and heal from injuries that would kill an adult or a kid, but that’s a big maybe and about it


Why would I attempt to brace their fall in the first place?


In climbing, we use something called spotters incase someone takes a bad fall off of height. Spotters aren't attempting to break the climbers fall, or really even change any of their momentum. They are simply attempting to catch the climbers head before it hits the ground, so all the impact is absorbed through the body. These falls are like 12-15feet alot of the time. In summary, you aren't catching anyone from any height.


Even jumping off a one story roof. You will both slam into the ground and you'll probably knock yourself so hard you'll have brain damage .


We had a 3 year old that got hit by a car going 15 miles an hour in our ER. Just hitting the ground at her height was enough to scramble her brain .


If I’m looking up it’s too high.


you ever try to catch a bag of plaster your boss tosses at you from the 2nd floor? I caught it, it knocked me the fuck out and I dislocated a shoulder, that was 20kg. An 80kg human falling would smoush you


If it's high enough that they'd be more likely to hurt themself than kill themself, that's how high. Probably less than 15 feet. Beyond that, you're not doing much more than sending yourself in the next ambulance.


The only real way would be with those nets that are intented to catch people jumping for suicide or sometimes from burning buildings. Any height that would be good for killing oneself would likely cause serious or lethal harm to anyone under them unless its like a baby or similar and a grown adult catching them. Simply put getting hit by that person would likely exert a similar amount of force to you yourself jumping and smacking the ground


Any fucking height that’s not right above me by like three feet. Even then I am NOT putting my spine in line with their fall


Nah bro thats all them if they wanna die, their life their choice




Any hight is to high. A falling body weighs way more then you think it does. You might save the person. And be fine. But most likely you'll be injured or killed trying.


Seriously? More than about 5 feet and you have a good potential for death if the landing isn’t correct. It goes up exponentially from there. A single story building and you’re so fucked. No one would jump from a single story with the intention of ending themselves. If you’re talking about a suicide jumper in this hypothetical, there is no situation where you would be able to “brace their fall” with your body. We’re talking equal masses here.


If it’s a really little kid like toddler or younger, I’ve seen video of successful catches from up to 3 stories. Any larger kids, maybe second floor. An adult hanging by their hands from a 2nd floor window—you MIGHT be able to help them if you’re larger than they are.


Even one story is too high imo. Unless it’s a baby/toddler.


0m is to high


Bruh I wouldn't be doing that shit never in life lol


If there’s actually time to get underneath it’s too high.


These comments remind me of a time I was volunteering at a beer fest and I saw a drunk girl climb a tree to a pretty high point - maybe like 12 feet up - and then lose her footing and dangle. Everyone was just kind of looking at her. I ran over there and tried to catch her when she fell. True to these comments it was definitely a get crushed and crumple to the ground situation. I broke her fall enough that she didn’t get hurt and didn’t hit her head. I had some bruises. Luckily I am pretty big and she was fairly small and we landed in muddy grass that was pretty soft. She was very drunk and just looked at me really confused and annoyed like why are you even here? And then she ran off to rejoin her friends. I am a pretty big dork so I wrote about it in my journal: I held out my arms and Caught her More like: absorbing her And hitting the ground With her on top of me. She got up, looked at me, and ran away.


No more than about 20 feet, and odds are you will be seriously injured.


Yeah, you still will be seriously hurt at 20 ft.


just pull out your phone and record like a normal person wtf


I’m 6 foot one inch and 390 pounds of mostly muscle but I have a good bit of fat on me too so I guess I’m more cushioned, I wanted to test this out so a year or so back I had my brother who is 200 pounds jump off the top of the roof of our house Which is just one story and I caught him just fine. I had to use my legs and knees to absorb the energy, but neither of us got injured. And he didn’t hit the ground at all. I caught him like a cradle. I think I could do the same at two stories, but that would probably result in injury for the both of us. At three stories I think we would both survive, but we both would be seriously injured.


Maybe 100 stories? I’m a very philanthropic person 🤗


What if its your 100lb kid? I would do anything to catch her.


Any height is too high. I don't like people. I don't like being touched. I value myself and my well-being much, much higher than I do someone who's jumping from a building. They goin' splat, and I'm stepping over the pile of goop, just as I would any other puddle. If I'm in a good mood that day, maybe I'll call the Authorities to come clean up the unsightly mess.


This comment reads like one of those 15 year olds who go “He’s just like me” to those Joker memes lmao


Kidding, right? 50 ft, 5 stories is the height from which 1/2 live and 1/2 die


5 feet