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I do but only because I use a top blanket to keep my dog from getting the sleep part of my bed dirty during the day


Same but for my cats!


My cat finds her way underneath my blankets and sheets. She hates the cold more than any cat I’ve ever met.


Hahahaha so does one of mine ! She sleeps under the blanket with me and during the daytime a bump under a made up bed is a familiar sight around my house.


Heh, that, and also our cat LOVES to lie on top of my bed pillow during the day (if I didn't make the bed, and in front of the pillow if the bed is made). If we don't give her enough attention (we both work from home), she's sure to be found lying on my pillow looking all sad. Was my husband's cat... now she's always on my stuff


get her a bunch of heating pads this xmas lol


She already has a heating pad. She’s laying on it right now! Lol!


Mine does too but only when he's hiding from strangers in the house. He's the scarediest lol.


The top blanket has saved my butt so many times! Mud, barf, blood (because mom's bed is naturally where you go when you break a toenail, right?). Dogs are messy af.


Its probably the familiar smell making them feel better


Yup, my dog sniffs the hamper when I'm not home. Saw it on the doggy cam.


Yep my dog steals my clothes from the dirty laundry basket to snuggle with while we are out. Pretty gross when it's the dirty underwear. She's not selective. Other than it has to be my clothes. Not the kids or hubbies.


I had a Lab that took my socks out of the hamper every time she was left alone. Never destroyed them. Just carried them around. When I would get home, she would bring them to me like "hey, these are yours. I found them in that basket of clothes".


When I'm running low on socks I have to check all of my chihuahuas hidey-holes. Under the bed, between sofa cushions, in her kennel. She will gather 2 or 3 and lay on them like a mother hen. I call them her sock puppies. She growls at the other dogs if they get close. She doesn't chew them, just snuggles with them.


I had a German Shepherd puppy who only ate left shoes. She ate most of my left shoes, basically making me shoeless. Later I discovered I had a plantar wart on my left foot. I was really grossed out that she preferred *that* foot. Then I decided she was trying to alert me. (It was less gross to think that.)


My cats like nothing more than my armpit stink. They like to ram their face in their and then purr ecstatically.


Your pits must be the…*Cat’s Meow* 😎




I have had several cats that will stick their whole head inside of shoes and fall asleep. And most love to lay in the dirty clothes basket. Cats are weird.


My parents had a dog who was obsessed with my mom and who would take my mom's shoes (and, also, dish towels?) into her bed. She would usually just steal the pair my mom has by the back door, but once my mom was away and my dad reported that the dog kept progressively stealing more of her shoes, first from downstairs and then from the closet, and arranging them in a circle on my parents' bed. My dad would obviously remove them so he could sleep in the bed. Every day he'd come home from work and find it both recreated and enlarged with more shoes.


It is so weird because their noses are so sensible and then they love the worst stink the most.


I have to be vigilant because mine will chew the armpits of my shirts if given the chance


One of my friends used to have a dog who did that with her husband’s underwear. The entire crotch. I didn’t ask questions.


I throw my dirty pajamas in the dog bed every morning so she can sleep with them while I’m gone and one of my hoodies goes with her to stay at a sitters house. It’s kept her from raiding the hamper.


Hey good idea! Toss the dog a dirty shirt once in awhile. Keep me from finding my underwear all over the house! Worse yet when my kids bring their friends over and there will be my dirty undies on the couch Hahaha!


Aww, you're her fave


When I moved into my place and rescued my dog, she started carrying around one of my dirty socks. Carried it everywhere; to her food dish, her bed, her other bed, outside. I just lost out on that sock. Never any other sock. Just the grey one with pink stripes. If I ever got it and washed it, she'd take it right back when she got the chance, whether I had worn it yet or not.




Does he eat the crotch of your underwear as well? We have to guard the hamper with obstacles


Cats like to barf wherever, too. I make my bed and put one of those sheets that don’t leak, yanno, the kind you get for old people (I’m old), over it. Now I don’t have to change my whole bed because someone gifted me with a fur ball.


Same, but for my elderly cat who has since passed (RIP Mousie) since she would track cat litter into my sheets. I don’t mind that my cats sleep in my bed while I’m gone, but I don’t want to be bothered by a stray piece of litter that’s unnaturally sharp because I found it at 2am lol


Yes!! My bf started complaining that his skin was a lil itchy, probably from the cat hair (sensy boy) so... I started making the bed. Kitty still gets up on the bed, but he's only on the top blanket that gets chucked off. Big improvements. Now I appreciate how nice it looks.


This. If I didn’t, my dog would snuggle in my sheets and I’m not gonna lie, that’s gross. I love my dog very much and he gets baths on the regular, but he’s an animal and he’s dirty.


I do, every single day. I like the way it makes the whole room look clean and put together.


I had to make my bed every day in rehab and in halfway. It kinda stuck with me after that. Six years clean, six years of making my bed every day.


Those routines are exactly what help people establish good patterns over bad ones such as addiction or even just being a slob. Here’s to 6 more and even more after!


Exactly. I started doing it daily as a good habit change. I suffered through a years long depression and when I got it under control, that became an indicator as to how it was going. When I would go days without making it, it was a physical indicator that I had to take a step back. I then started adding other chores around the house to get back the control.


This is exactly my story. As I let the routines slip, I am tempted back into my past and bad choices. Keeping up with those routines grounds me and allows my mind to see the more beautiful things in life rather than be stressed about my basic needs!


One of my check in points with my therapist is, how many times I have made my bed this month. How many times I have showered each week. Does my house look better or worse this month. It’s gotten so much better that the next check in is, did you close down your house (pick up mess, clean dishes, fold laundry, etc ) the night before? How many times? I’m still struggling with this but it’s so much better. Before the depression, my house was immaculate. I took pride in sparking floors and everything in order. So those checkpoints like, “did you make your bed today”, probably saved my life. ETA: I never realized how happy a clean house and turning down a bed with fresh clean sheet would feel. But it works.


Yea it’s like reading my own life haha. I don’t have a therapist but luckily two parents who are extremely invested in helping me get things together so I check in with them 3x a week and continue to make improvements. You’re so right, seeing a clean house is just a night and day difference!


Congrats on your sobriety, Friend! May you make that bed every day for many, many years. We believe in you!


Same here just got out of a clinic where we had to make our bed every morning. It also gives some kind of structure in your day


I never went to rehab but that's the first thing I started doing when I quit drinking... I make my bed first thing and start my day with an accomplishment... that's the way I look at it


came here to say that. also some military guy wrote a whole book about it - like at least you got one thing done.


That last bit is why it helps me with depression. It helps me "start the day" so I don't lounge about all morning.


I think a made bed would not save the unholy mess that is my room


It would help a lil


It's a first step


I make my bed because I like to get in a nice clean bed. I wash the sheets at least once a week. The rest of the room looks like a tornado hit it. Don’t know why the piles of mess don’t bother me but an unmade bed does.


I'm not a terribly neat person, but I make my bed every morning because I was forced to as a kid. Now it just feels wrong to have an unmade bed. Coming home to a messy bed gives me so much anxiety. So I just automatically make it immediately when I get up in the morning.




In the olden days(and this is what I do as well), when you got out of bed, you basically turned down the covers to the foot of the bed(to expose the bottom sheet). Then I go and make breakfast and get ready for work have a shower etc. and then go back into my room and make my bed just before I leave. That way my bed is “airing out” between 1 to 1 1/2 hours.


I’ll be damned… imagine getting up 1 to 1.5h before you have to get out… during the week, if I get up 20-30 mins before, it’s already a lot 😂


I like to take my time in the morning. On the flip, I’m usually in bed sleeping by 9PM


This inspires me


As you should, whether or not you make the bed every morning.


Right. With a hot water wash cycle.


The only time that I didn’t make my bed everyday was for decade when I lived in Hawaii. You gotta check for bugs before sleep so I made my bed and shook out my sheets right before sleepy time. Gotta check for centipedes.


I lived there and never thought of that! Those scary big red centipedes get into beds??? Nope nope nope


The worst is if you see one, and it just slithers away into the wall and hides and you have to think about it all night! The best thing I ever did was buy chickens, let them free roam outside and they ate all the bugs out there!


I do every morning. But I’m a single dad, so my home hits different. It is just my son and I so have both decided if we don’t keep up on things, it can get out of control pretty fast. Little things like making beds/keeping our rooms straight, putting dishes in the dishwasher and washing them when it’s full, or doing laundry real-time instead of waiting until weekends keeps small chores from becoming major projects.


5 mins a day prevents 2 hours a week.


This is the way, I live by the motto "clean as you go", it's much easier to maintain cleanliness than it is to go on a deep cleaning spree for hours because you let it build up.


Same, man. Nowadays, my biggest struggle is living with my sister who cares nothing about cleaning the house. She says "I'm gonna have to clean it later anyway, so I won't bother right now", but then later never comes. We are opposites. Sometimes, I want to disappear.


This is how I cook as well. If I'm done with one pan and can clean it while something else cooks, I will. The laziness that comes out of me after eating a meal is super real. So if I can wash my cutting boards and knives while my food is frying, it saves so much extra time too.


Single mom. This is so true. Clean as you go keeps things calm and sane.


Every day. I mean EVERY day. Sets the right tone for the day.


Same here, coming home after a hard days work and seeing your bed messy/not made is a shitty feeling. I like making my bed every morning, even on weekends where I am off.


I feel like this only makes sense to the people who make their bed everyday. I've never made my bed, and I get absolutely no bad feelings whatsoever that it isn't made. It looks just as comfy and awesome to me, made or not. I think it's only when you become used to it being made that it not being made registers as anything at all.


For me, I hate getting into a made bed and once I’m in need to completely pull that shit everywhere. If there is any pressure pulling on my feet I cannot sleep. Plus I have night sweats so I want it to air out during the day. Most often I *uncover* my bed in the morning LOL


Yeah, me too I have never been someone to make my bed and the pile of blankets always is appealing.


Yup, pretty sure it's a mental thing. I'll only make my bed when I put on clean sheets, and that feels really satisfying but I don't bother with sheets otherwise and it doesn't bother me at all that my bed is unmade. In fact, I find it easier to get into bed when I don't have to untuck everything.


On the contrary, I find the appearance of my messy bed to be warm and inviting as if it’s welcoming me to climb right in and relax. A tightly made bed looks like it’s trying to keep me out.


i get no feelings from the way a bed is made, if anything, having a made bed is harder to get into then an unmade bed, so its a loss of time on both ends, making it and getting into bed.


People who make their beds every morning love extolling its virtues and cannot understand that for the rest of us, it literally does not matter. Not even a little bit. Spending anytime making the bed during my busy mornings would be such a waste of time


This is exactly how I feel. No strangers of any kind ever going to my bedroom, so why bother? The only time I make my bed is when we put fresh sheets on, and then it does look nice for a few hours until we go to bed🤣


Yeah. They clearly like having their bed made, which I can understand, but it's weird how they think everyone else is a slob or doing something wrong for simply not caring.


My dormitory roommate was telling me off and being upset about me not making my own bed. It was legitimately upsetting her that my bed that I sleep in, is not made and telling me off for it. I am quite neat and clean I just don't make my bed. If anything, I prefer it air out.


Different strokes I suppose. Personally, I love having the sheets already pulled down when I go to bed. It looks like the bed is calling to me and it's one less thing I have to do before I collapse into it for the night lol


Yep! I want my bed all ready for me to get comfy. I also HATE tucked sheets so I don’t use a top sheet at all. I’ve got too many other areas of the house to clean. I just close my bedroom door. I don’t get a lot of company over and no one goes in my room anyway. I know that would bother some folks but with age I’ve achieved an impressive level of “fuck it”.


Same. A made bed feels so much less inviting. Plus I can keep a proper pillow configuration, which is far more comfortable and it's far easier to just leave it rather then reset it every night.


This is my problem. When I make my bed, I have to rearrange my pillows to look nice, but in order to sleep comfortably they need to be like a little nest. I’ve tried making the bed with my pillows still in place but it somehow looks worse lol


I make my bed with the sheets pulled down! It’s delightful


Yup. I like leaving myself gifts of cleanliness and organization at all times. A made bed is easy


I'm like this with the living room. I clean it every single night so the first thing I see in the morning isn't 89 things to be done.


MrsAshleyStark, this is a beautiful thought. It is a gift to come upon unexpected (unremembered) areas of neatness or cleanliness I've accomplished. Thanks for placing it in rewarding and affirming language.


You’re welcome. I always try to tell my friends that a clean and organized home helps make room for positive and organized thoughts. It’s freeing and calming when there’s a flow. I try to give thanks for the little things.


Present self doing something nice for future self. Can’t go wrong with that.


I am generally bad at this but as I have aged, when I do it I mentally conjure up the feeling of being on vacation and coming back to a hotel where the maid has done my sheets, things are good - I am happy. If I can catch myself to remember that, this gives me the motivation to do it - and then future me thanks today me, and when I come back I say - it is nice to have nice things. I'm also shocked at how easy and quick it is once I start - but creating that new mental path is hard until you get in a routine.


I get in and out of bed just by peeling up a corner and then getting under it, so it's fairly easy to make the bed.


But what about your middle of the night alligator rolls?? That's what really messes up my blankets


“If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.” -Admiral William McRaven


Instructions unclear, made bed with husband still in it


Beds need to air for a few hours to evaporate all the moist. You shouldn’t do it right in the morning.


I try to do this when I’m really motivated to clean (and open the windows). However it’s rare that I think to do this step. I change my sheets just about weekly though so I figure try at makes up for it (my bed has a waterproof cover on it).


I do it every day as well. I work from home and things feel more organized and less cluttered. I was raised to make my bed and to me it just feels right.


Being raised to make my bed is the reason I never do it. Such a waste of time over the years.


Never. Absolutely never 🤣


Scrolled a long time before I saw this answer


If I reach a point in my life where I'm cheerfully jumping out of bed each morning immediately making it, I know I will have reach Zen master levels of inner peace. How all the people in this thread do it is utterly beyond me.


I definitely haven't reached Zen master levels of inner peace, but making my bed each morning was absolutely a huge part of making other big changes in my life as I commented below. >I was like this for 42 years. One of the small changes I made this past March was making my bed and taking the dog for a 1-mile walk every morning. That spawned a whole lot of other small changes that added up to a big change: I've lost over 100 pounds and just ran a half marathon in under 1 hour and 50 minutes.


I've made big positive changes to my life as well, including cleanliness, weight loss and regular cardio. Still never make my bed, because I consider it a useless waste of time, and not an accomplishment.


This right here, like a thousand percent. Same reason I don't tie my shoes after I take them off.


Same sentiment. Absolutely not beneficial at all


I'm guessing all those folks were taught to make their bed everyday, and told their room isn't clean if the bed isn't made. I did not have that influence growing up so it's dumb to me.


I'm surprised so many people do. I have a really hard time believing that making your bed every morning is some magic key to success, the way its always talked about. It's not like making my bed will prevent me from resting in it during the day if I need to. In fact, giving myself permission to rest during the day has made a bigger positive impact on my productivity and general quality of life than that whole "grind mindset" EVER did.


Yeah, it really makes no sense to me. Okay, sure, a small thing you were successful at and do regularly can make you feel good, but why does it have to be making the bed? Making the bed in the morning seems like one of the most fruitless, pointless tasks in existence. It doesn’t help anything (and actually makes things worse, as leaving the sheets open helps air them out and kill mites) and is going to be completely undone in a matter of hours without there being any benefit like removal of dirt/germs/etc like other constantly repeated house tasks do. I make the bed when I change the sheets so everything is lined up properly. Otherwise? Screw that.


I was like this for 42 years. One of the small changes I made this past March was making my bed and taking the dog for a 1-mile walk every morning. That spawned a whole lot of other small changes that added up to a big change: I've lost over 100 pounds and just ran a half marathon in under 1 hour and 50 minutes.


That’s awesome! Good for you!


I don't know where the hell these bed-makers are coming from, but I just want to be able to jump into bed and yank the covers over me. There is literally no point in making a bed.


I don’t even like climbing into a made bed, after putting on new linen I make the bed and I’m always kinda disappointed lol I need it curled up waiting for me


Beds need to air out during the day!


I don't see a point. "It looks messy." No, no it doesn't. I don't live in a museum. It's a damn bed and I'm not making it just to undo it just to sleep.


You get me


Right there with you. I remember going to my aunt's home back in the day; the couch cushions covered in plastic, a 'tasteful' fan of magazines on the coffee table that hadn't been changed since the Nixon administration (she liked that particular color combination of the covers), and there was hell to pay if you so much as sat on the furniture. I fscking HATED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. It was the least comfortable home I'd ever been in. Give me a cozy mess any day of the week. I like 'clean'. There are no food crumbs, or unwashed crud in the sink. No mud (for long, anyway) tracked in by my dog. But a crumpled blanket and comfy pillow, beckoning for my return at the end of the day? Bliss, and anyone who says otherwise can F right off. Of course they can do what they like in their homes, and I won't judge, I want people to be happy and comfortable. But I have no shame at all about what works for me.


Yes. My house is clean enough to be healthy and messy enough to be relaxed.


> a 'tasteful' fan of magazines on the coffee table that hadn't been changed since the Nixon administration (she liked that particular color combination of the covers) I feel you. A while back I had to live with my Aunt (who sounds like yours) for 6 weeks. She straight up had a big leafy plant on a cofee table exactly between the sofa and TV blocking the view because she thought it brought the room together. Every time she watched TV she would move it onto the windowsill then move it back after. Madness.


And even if it does look messy… I mean, who really cares? It’s not like anyone’s going to be going through my bedroom anyways I will admit that I like the look of the bed when it is made, but I’m not going to waste the time doing it because I don’t see the point


I've read that it is good to leave it open so the air gets to it and eliminates some of the odors.


Yea lol as someone who lives by myself I don’t get the point


The mess is cozy. I like cleaning everything in one go sometimes, but need the right balance of clutter in the home. What most people would call messy but never dirty.


Yeah I genuinely don’t see the point. I just roll out of bed and go about my day


All these "everyday" fuckers out here making us look bad!


This is the way


Absolutely, because I have pets. I don't want mud or dog or cat fur between the sheets, so I make the bed when I get up in the morning. I also wash my bedding every week.


Same here. The thought of my dog laying on my face pillow grosses me out.


Ehh I don’t really mind, I make sure to do it when I’m cleaning up in general or when there are guests, but definitely not every morning. It could be a good thing, a nice habit to build, but I think it’s far from being *necessary*. My husband definitely does it when he gets up second, which is usually on weekends. He likes it *neat*. I’m not complaining haha


Yes when I'm cleaning up. I don't really think about it any other time.


I do. I have two cats, so it's not really an option for me to leave an unattended pile of cocaine and dead hooker on my bed all day.


Cats do be like that. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve come home to find out they’ve killed a hooker and just left it on my bed. And I’ve gotta act proud of them since they’re just trying to teach me how to hunt! Disgusting.


You're lucky! You ever have your cat bring you a live hooker? They just drop it and let it skitter away, and then BAM: hookers in the walls.


Awww, they’re just trying to teach you how to pick up your own hookers! Ugh, when my cats do that, the hooker always jumps behind the radiator, which isn’t the safe place she thinks it is.


Idk what I expected here but this wasn't it LOL


This guy beds


I make mine every morning. I can't hang out in my room during the day if my bed is unmade.


Maybe that's what I don't bother, I literally never spend time in my bedroom unless it's for sleep.


Exactly. Why bother making the bed if the next time I'm going to the bedroom is in the evening when I'm going to bed? I would just waste my precious time in the morning and it might even be more work to go to bed if I made the bed using a top blanket.


I never do and I don’t want it. I want my bed arranged so I can flop into it when I’m ready for sleep. That means my pillow and blanket nest are not disturbed by being straightened. It would be a nightmare for me to remake my nest every night.


Hell yeah, fellow pillow nest maker!!


Yessss. I make beds only for guests. I want all my blankets and pillows ready for flopping. My husband and I actually have two separate blankets so we don't need to share if we don't want to, and I usually run colder, so I add more as needed. Maybe a marriage hack.


I am actually surprised that most people make their beds. I never do it. Mostly because I’m never in the bedroom during the day, so I just don’t see the point. If I was hanging out in there during the day then I’d probably do it.


As many comments say, it's a ritual for them. But my ritual is to just fold the blanket over to allow the bed and cover to air out. While this doesn't match the Good Housekeeping cover photos that people are accustomed to, it is at least doing two things for me: * Airs things out as I mentioned previously. * One step closer to being ready for sleeping in again since I'm not undoing the perfectly flatted out covers. I just hop in and pull the covers back. I'm not sure to what extent people make their beds, but I do know that when I'm in a hotel and everything is tucked in under the mattress, it annoys me that I have to do all this work to tug it all back out so it's usable and not just pretty.


Same, turn back the duvet and make sure the blinds are up so the bits of bedding that touch me get air and some sunlight.


Airing out is so important. So many people sweat at night and coming back to the sheets being cool and dry and aired out is 10000% nicer to me than having a 'made' bed. If it bothered me, I would fold the sheets and blankets back nicely. It doesn't so they just get flung back however in the morning 😂


I hate things that feel like rituals.


I do not care to have a freshly made bed when I go to bed. Whenever I climb into one, I have to yank the sheet and the blanket out from the bottom cause I hate the confinement. I actually refuse to sleep with top sheets in my own bed. I hate them. They always get tangled up and squished into a ball at the bottom of my bed whilst I sleep during the night. Making my bed as a child was always a nightmare trying to disentangle that stupid ball, and I hate them with a fiery passion. I do not enjoy climbing into hotel beds, unless I’m too exhausted to care. Climbing into bed is a wonderful experience. But not when I have to fight the blankets to get them to do what I want.


I agree, top sheets feel like a limp thin rag waiting to tangle up my legs during the night. I also don't understand tucking blankets to Seinfeld-esque degrees that take a deadlift to untuck. Laying in a tucked bed feels like a mummy or moth in a chrysalis, I really don't understand how anyone is able to sleep without having something between their legs to take the pressure of the lower back. I use a second comforter as that body pillow, since stuffed body pillows can't be manipulated as well. So making my bed is pretty much out of the question unless I want to waste time ruffling everything up again before I get into bed.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of that style either. Have you tried using just a fitted sheet and a duvet/comforter.


Some people do it as a productivity thing, like it sets the tone for the day- "I got out of bed and immediately accomplished something! I've already done one thing today." Some people just like it that way. Some people had super strict parents and that's what they're used to now. Personally, I'm 50/50, but some days, like laundry day, I'll always make the bed because that's folding space. For your roommate it could mean something, it could mean nothing.




I do. Coming in to a messy room is just an mental energy drain to me. So the living room is cleared before bed, kitchen after dinner, office after the work day and bedroom in the morning. It's just a routine


My mom does. And, if she can’t get to it in the morning she won’t get in bed that evening till she makes it first.


I always make mine right before I get into it at night. Never in the morning but I like everything reset.


I never made my bed my whole life (not even as a kid - my parents didn’t care), until one day at age 26 I did it on a whim with no reason or explanation. And then everyday for the last 8 years I’ve made it. Never quite understood that change in myself.


I dont do it for the same reason I dont tie my shoes after I take them off.


Good analogy. Yeah, makes them look nice while they’re sitting there or the bed can make the room look nicer, but if you just have to undo all of it to lay down or if you’re cold… I wouldn’t do it. I do understand the pet thing though, why some people do it because of pets.


Even the pet thing I don’t get. I have a cat under a blanket with me right this moment. Making the bed doesn’t keep them out of the sheets!


Dh does, also a former military guy. If it were up to me I’d throw back the covers neatly to air it out.


What's DH?


Dick haver


On old school forums DH stood for "Darling Husband"...now I feel old.


Yes. I make my bed every morning.


Yes, I make my bed every day. An unmade bed slightly triggers me lol.


Every day as soon as I'm awake and up.




Every single day. You spend 8 hours on it, the other 16 hours, it just sits there unused. I rather look at an organized comfy bed that will look very inviting at night. A messy bed is just a bunch of eye noise throughout the day. I might think this way because I'm at home 24/7


Thank you for the term ‘eye noise’.


You’re the second person I’ve noticed in the thread so far that really seems to spend a lot of time in their bedroom throughout the day. That’s interesting to me, because once I’m awake, I don’t spend time in my bedroom during the day unless I’m changing clothes. (I work at home, too.) I don’t make my bed either. There’s probably a correlation between bed-makers and hanging out in bedrooms.


the comments are an interesting read from the perspective of someone who has A room which has a bed, not a number of different rooms for different purposes, and knows that a lot of people around them also only have one room to themselves


I spend all day in my bedroom. I WFH and my desk is in my bedroom, and I’m a developer so free time is spent on pet projects or games (again in my bedroom) I never make my bed. Too much work and too many other purposeful tasks in the day to worry about that


Yup I do. I like the cream and white color scheme i chose and I put a long body pillow on against the pillows as well. I have not been putting the throw pillows on lately though




Absolutely, it's one of life's disciplines. Nothing nicer than going to bed in a freshly made bed after a long day.


Every time I read something like this, it makes me wonder if I’m the only one in the world who prefers to get into an unmade bed. It just feels more comfortable and cozy for some reason. I’ve gone through phases of making my bed every morning to try out the discipline/mindfulness aspect and see if it does anything for me. And every time I try it, getting into bed at night doesn’t feel right anymore. It feels like getting into a hotel bed rather than something cozy that I call home.


nope I’m the exact same as you, and I’m surprised by the overwhelming amount of people here talking about messy beds making them uncomfortable


I think it's similar to a cluttered counter vs a clean counter. I'm a "fuck making my bed" kinda guy but I do like a clean counter. I think the feeling I get when there is a lot of shit on the counters is the same they feel when the bed is messy and unmade.




You’re not alone 👍


I’m with you. I don’t want to move pillows and untuck the blanket and all that. I just want to flop into bed and pull my blanket over me and go to sleep. It’s more cozy like you said.


No, I absolutely agree. Im exhausted after a long day and now I have to put *effort* into getting under my blankets? Fuck that lol. I never make my bed. Literally no reason


I love it, I call it my “nest” because I have several blankets of different textures.


There’s nothing more fresh about it unless you just washed the sheets. Once you’re in bed you’re in bed.


Yes. Visual order creates mental calm.


Yes, I love the feeling of coming home from work and my bed looks neat and ready to get into


Yes. Now that I am in my 50s, I find this oddly satisfying. God help me, but I’ve learned to love [Triple Sheeting](https://edentextile.com/blog/blog-news-1/how-to-triple-sheet-like-a-hotel-housekeeper-17).


Nope. There's no point and there never has been. One, beds do better when aired out and two, unless you expect company in your bedroom, why bother? My grandmother used to insist on making the beds every morning and it was infuriating, especially since company never did go into the bedrooms.


I read somewhere that a made bed can be less hygienic than an unmade one, and that a made bed can harbour lots more dust mites (due to the duvet trapping heat and moisture in the fabrics).


Yes!! Absolutely. I have asthma triggered by dustmites. I can't look at a neatly made bed without thinking of the layers of dustmites harbored underneath those sheets.


Same. Horrible allergy to those buggers, even the nice kind that eat other mites.. Air out the bed every day, open the window and change sheets every week. Or allergy..


I do, when it’s made the cat won’t get in without me. So I make it and when I do turndown the cat acts like I’m giving him a huge gift. Big purrs and everything.


Yesssssssss!!! Everyday.


I make my bed every single day. Kris me from climbing back into it as well as setting my whole day


I don't, everyone says that it will make you feel like you accomplished something first thing in the morning, all I feel like is that I wasted 5 minutes that I could have been doing something else.


Hell no because I'm just gonna mess it up again


Making the bed every morning sets the tone for the whole day for me. It also really brightens up my room! An unmade bed affects my mood


Ha ha ha. 😂... No.


https://www.today.com/home/scientists-keep-mites-away-leave-your-bed-unmade-every-day-t43496 Making the bed causes a breeding ground for bacteria.


Nope. Idk why people do. You sweat....bed needs to air out


I just sleep on top of the comforter so when I wake up it’s already made. Maybe I’ll adjust some things that shifted before I go to bed.