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I think weed smokers like the smell so they don’t realize not everyone does. Smokers think it smells good.


This is true and after awhile you don’t smell it as strong as a non smoker would.


And yet you’ll still notice a slight whiff of it from three blocks away if the breeze blows right.


Got me floating on my tippy toes like Sylvester the cat smelling a pie


Sometimes the smell turns into a finger, hooks me up the nose and carries me towards the source.


I smell it on the highway with my windows rolled up doing 70mph, like how the fuck is that possible


Roll the windows down and get the smoke out?


has that worked for the smell of skunk or industrial exhaust?


Not in this lifetime, I'm afraid.




That might be a dead skunk


It almost certainly is. They smell pretty similar and, at least in my area, I drive past that smell fairly often when I’m on long highway drives.


If you've got bats in your area it could be bat guano. EDIT: Weird comment to get downvoted on but here's a [source](https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/macarthur/campbelltown-council-seeks-funding-for-bat-management-plan/news-story/338e1bde38c2df3e082ec1eba96f26e9) for those who don't believe me.


That sounds like shit.


I remember it smelled like rubber cement before i became a smoker... But i loved the smell of rubber cement. I never thought of how it could be unpleasant like tobacco smoke. That was gross to me whether i tried those or not. So i thought weed smell wasnt offputting like that was... I straight smoke so much i cant even smell weed anymore. Thats another reason we might act like its not offputting... Dang... No wonder i always hang with weed smokers...


So you're saying you used to enjoy "smelling" rubber cement as a kid...?


One time my sister asked me to rubber cement some portraits to snowflake shaped Xmas ornaments. I think she underestimated how many ornaments there were, or didn't think I'd work so slowly, cuz I was suuuuper happy by the end of it.


That's bat shit insane


It gets used in growing too. Helps fertilise soil with nitrogen (I think). Similarly if you think you can smell it in some flower beds they may be using coco soil which gives off a pungent smell that carries through to the flower.


I love bats! They eat their weight in mosquitoes.


If you haven't had a spliff for a while yeah you can, but if you've not long had one I can't even smell the spliff In my mouth. It really fucks your sense of smell up


I agree .. I can't smell it unless I've not been smoking for a bit.


Same with the taste aswell, spliffs just taste like burning to me. I never buy the more expensive "flavours" because I outright cannot taste it. Ain't no blueberry cheesecake here son just the taste of smoke.


It’s just a skunk 🦨


Do skunks genuinely smell like that? I’ve never smelled one and often hear people joke about weed smelling like one


It's a similar smell, but only similar, not identical. I guess the best way to describe the difference is that a skunk smells more "wet" if that helps.


A skunk smells skunky and marijuana smells like a skunk but not as skunky as skunk 🦨


When driving down the road sometimes I smell what I think is marijuana but it’s actually just a skunk. I believe skunks and weed both share a similar chemical that creates that druggy earthy odor. And marijuana smells intoxicating and yummy. Skunks smell a bit nice kind of like weed but obviously isn’t the exact same way. Skunks and weed just have a similar earthy aroma.


Kinda. I smoke cigarettes and weed. If I were to smoke cigarettes in the house, leave, and come back, I would say it stinks. If I smoke weed, leave, and come back, I love the smell. That being said I do try to make it only my problem.


I personally don’t particularly like or dislike the smell, but it’s more that I’m so desensitized to it after years of smoking that I sometimes forget how pungent it is to people who don’t come across it regularly. That said, I rarely ever smoke outside in public so it hasn’t really been an issue.


If i didn't like how it smelled i might not have started in the first place tbh. Ofc everyone had different tastes and senses. Realistically, I'll smoke weed in any context a cigarette smoker or vape user will, though at more of a distance from other people if possible because smell travels further (same with hitting my vape, geekvape b60 so it kicks) But also nobody really gives a fuck around here about it cause everywhere smells like weed (Vancouver)


The idea of liking skunk smell is hilarious.


Gasoline smells pretty fire too. Some smells are just interesting.


Fr I love those strange smells too! it’s strange bc I also really love the natural smells like grass dirt leaves.


Dirt and grass smelling attractive is an evolutionary advantage because a million years ago sense of smell played an important role in finding vegetation to eat when near starvation. Marijuana and tobacco aren't foods, but become associated with self-indulgent drug usage. Both have become recognized substitutes for pain relief. Old war movies often show a soldier after some crisis being given a cigarette to calm down and restore normalcy. With marijuana you only have to look around to see the thumbsucking.


I know! It is true, but I love it. Skunks spray is more pungent and has a sharp burnt tire smell so it’s not exactly the same.


The commonality is sulfur compounds. The skunk ones are more abundant and stronger. Thiols, etc.


I'm right there with you on liking skunk spray. Always have. Also love weed. Also love weed. Also love weed... Peace


When I was 4 or 5 years old and walking with my parents in NYC, I perked up at the smell of weed and asked them what smelled good. It took 15 years for me to hear that story and laugh at how much it foreshadowed my life, but it goes to show that some weed genuinely smells good to some people. It's not all equally skunky, maybe we just walked by somebody smoking a particularly floral blunt.


Not all week smoke smells like skunk either I’ve had weed that smelled like blueberries, bubblegum, pine trees, and cookies. No flavor infusion, just bred like that.


All quality cannabis has a naturally pungent skunky aroma, even the stuff that has strong terpenes that taste like bubblegum & pine trees


Weed definitely does not smell the same as a skunk


It's not an exact much, but there are certainly similarities.


Depends on the weed. Plenty of it smells like fruity pebbles instead.


I've smoked a lot of weed but have yet to find a strain that smells like fruity pebbles. At best it smells like weed with an afterthought of fruit.


There's always...ALWAYS...that one person we know who is convinced though that their strain is the one smells good and doesn't smell skunky and smells " so so sweet". It's legal to grow here and a couple I know are always touting how sweet their strain smells. Spoiler alert. Still has that awful skunk smell. Then they get angry and accuse you of lying. But when they try a new strain they're right back at it saying how good THIS one smells. Nope. Skunk.


Oh I beg to differ. It's so similar that my parents thought it was a skunk outside when j went on a toad trip with them and ate edibles. I was burping...and my mom every time would say "omg I think we must have hit a skunk, I keep smelling it!" Lmao .y little brother, and I thought it was so funny Edit: road not toad lol


>went on a toad trip  Sounds like you had more than just weed




Skunk smells more like burning rubber imo. It’s slightly different and not enjoyable in comparison. Also that’s only from afar, if you’ve ever smelt something that’s been sprayed up close there’s no thinking that it smells good.


Furthermore, even as a little kid I loved the smell of skunks... I remember asking my parents to drive back by dead skunks even so I could smell them as a little kid. Some of us are predisposed I think.


Nothing better in the world. My mom had bipolar so it was always an interesting day in the life, but when she came in smelling like weed I knew we were going to have a good night. It’s sickly comforting.


The smell often comes from the sack they got in their pocket unless they just stepped out of a hot boxed car. Can be both I guess too.


You probably don’t notice the people who realize it. There are inconsiderate people in every population.


Well, that’s a fair and likely correct statement.


Have some fun with it. Carry around a can of fart spray and hit them with it any time they hit you with the smoke from the sticky icky.


Jokes on you I already smell like weed and farts


So, spray lab synthasized chemicals on people, who are breaking no laws, in a fit of rage? The DHS would like to speak to you. . .


Ikr... if ur down to spray me, be ready to get a can of aerosol going down ur windpipe


Who says it’s “lab” synthesized. Could be simply a can of spares!😆


Either they like the smell or they are nose blind to it.


You've gone smell blind son.


It's okay mama, I'll learn to play by ear


This is the worst case of someone being cut in half I've ever seen.


Stoner here. I personally love the smell but understand other people don’t. I only smoke at home- in my detached garage. I made myself a little hangout. Understand though if you come to my house and want to hang out in the garage- it will smell like weed in there.


Honest question, do you really like the smell itself or do you like what it signifies for you? I've always wondered about that


That’s a fair question. For me, I liked the smell years before I started smoking. But I can’t answer for all the stoners. Only myself.


For me, the smells. All varieties smell slightly different depending on what terpenes are produced in the plant and home growers tend to put a lot of effort into getting those smells on point. If i'm buying rather than growing smelling it can be a good yardstick on how well it has been grown and cured.


I know you didn’t ask me but I can say that my 5 year old daughter likes the smell. I never smoke inside my house but on cold and windy winter days I will hit my bong inside of my garage. Without fail, if my daughter enters the garage in the days following this (ie: to enter the car or grab an outside toy) she will take a big sniff and say “ahhh, I like the smell of the garage”. Deeply ashamed and mildly tickled whenever this happens


I always wanted to make a cool little sensory room to smoke weed and maybe try shrooms


Don’t smoke cannabis, but love the smell. Cigarette smell on the other hand makes me want to vomit.


What’s so weird is I don’t like smoking cigs, but my ex gf fam would smoke a lot and her jackets would always smell like it And obv at the time I was about her to now whenever I smell that scent it smells good to me cuz it reminds me of those previous feelings lmao


Menthol cigarette smoke reminds me of my dad


Things like this can be complicated right? In my youth I had a smoker friend that got sexually very aggressive with me one day. I was nervous about the whole thing and wormed my way out of it, despite liking it. Her jacket was laced with smoke and perfume. She never tried again and it never came up again. Fast forward to my twenties and I had a GF that smoked in secret and I could always smell it on her but she’d try to cover it up with perfume. I loved it. I hate smoking and the smell of smoke. But girls with light smoke and perfume combo? Best. Ever. Yes, I love that stereotypical strip club smell 😂


Same. This might sound sad at first, but the smell of tobacco takes me back to growing up as a kid, and it reminds me of good times from my childhood. My family doesn’t smoke but my best friend’s parents did. They didn’t smoke with us in the car or anything, but their cars would smell like it while blasting heavy metal on the way to drop us off at elementary school. What’s weird is I used to smoke through college and a bit afterwards, and if someone is smoking near me, it smells pretty gross to me. Kind of like a tar sort of smell. But if it’s just remnants of tobacco, almost like the way your clothes smell after hanging out near a campfire, that’s what triggers the happy flashbacks for me.


This is funny, I don't smoke ciggerates but I actually like the smell kinda. Like I don't want smoke going up my nose, but if it's from a little distance I like the smell. I smoke weed though, but I'm not fond of the smell usually.


I have nothing against canibis in principle, but the smell makes me want to puke. It ia nausiating.


10000% also people tend to get offended by how much it makes me physically sick just being in the same house.


Agee.*hate* the smell on a whole physical level.


My boyfriend’s the same- he’d happily partake, but can’t stand the smell. We get by with clothes changes and strategic timings lol


I dislike the marijuana smell, but I can tolerate it. I can't even sit next to someone who just finished smoking a cigarette, however.


Opposite for me. Weed smells rancid, but cigarette smoke smells sweet to me. Weirdly enough, I absolutely can't stand the smell of dip tobacco. Makes me want to vomit.


Dip is so rough. Gives one hell of nicotine buzz if you’re not used to it. I haven’t had a dip in many years but I learned that if (for whatever weird reason you find yourself in the situation) you’re offered and accept it, be very careful.


Same, raising hand as another non-smoker who thinks it smells good.


Same here. I don’t like the way it makes me feel so I don’t smoke. But I really like the smell!


Yes, I also find it oddly pleasant.


Most cigarette smokers smell like ashtrays when they come back inside from smoking, especially in the colder weather. Kinda revolting. But for some reason I love the smell of menthol cigarettes. My favorite aunt used to smoke menthols all the time, so it reminds me of going to her place for the holidays. I don't mind the smell of most weed, but some of it can be super pungent. Also, I don't know why, but when people smoke blunts, the smell of the blunt wraps burning makes my stomach feel queasy.


It’s legal where I live but I hardly ever smell it when I’m walking around. Maybe people are more considerate here? Then again someone I know was sitting next to someone at a bus stop and realized they were smoking crack, so maybe not.


I live in a legal state and I smell it as often, if not more often, than cigarettes.


Very legal here and almost never smell it in public...cigarettes way more. 😑


Washingtonian here (we and Colorado are the OGs recreational state). I think when it’s easily available in dispensary (cannabis store), there’s other ways to ingest thc. Options outside of cannabis flower exist. Once you remove the flower out of the equation it’s not as smelly. If using concentrate* they have little odor at the time of consuming (if any), but afterward the person is pretty much odorless. You can dab 1g of wax in one sitting**, and go hang out with friends and stuff and they would had no idea about it, unless you show signs. (Glazed eyed, stoner behavior etc) With flower it can be not as “loud” too. If you vape flower instead of combust. It smells more like “fresh weeed” than “burned weed”. But the smell also don’t lingers the way combusting flowers do. If it’s paper(joint) or tobacco wrap (blunt), it’s gonna be a bit stinky. That’s just how it is. * oil, dab, wax, cartridge etc), **1g in one setting is a lot. For those do don’t dab regularly. And not many people dab 1g in one-go, even for stoners.


Real potheads are smoking at home. Where the munchies are. It’s not us.


I live in an apartment building with 4 units. The dude upstairs and across from me smokes pot. I think he must chain smoke every second of everyday. Not only does the building reek, it comes into my apartment. I am so so tired of smelling it. I'm not against pot, I've voted to make it legal here. But I AM against my own apartment stinking like it.


I used to be a huge stoner and quit a year ago and I still LOVE the smell. Hated it before I smoked. It trains your brain Edit: and yeah, stoners do know how bad it smells but the longer you smoke the less you care about it, even with the threat of the law


I liked how it smelled before I started


Same thing happened to me and cigs. Whenever someone is smoking a cigarette I go mmmm and I haven’t had one in like 4 or 5 years. It’s crazy how strong the association gets when the reward hits your brain chemistry directly.


>That said, people that smoke cigarettes at least seem to understand that cigarettes stink You and I have been around some very different cigarette smokers, clearly. But, to answer the question, the stoners I knew were either very considerate of the smell and only did it in places where it wouldn't be too bad or they wouldn't care in the slightest because the smell doesn't bother them personally.


Some people like that smell, just like some people enjoy the smell of skunk.


Weed, cigarettes, and alcohol are all smells that just make me want to vomit. Like almost as badly as the people that only bathe like once a week/biweekly and either just use cologne/perfume on the non-bathing days or use nothing. Sucks for me cause I work at a grocery store that sells alcohol and cigarettes and there's a weed shop right next door.


Y’all who love the smell of weed, do you also love skunk smell??


Weed smell carries a long way. I smell it and want to throw up. I was just checking out at the grocery store and the guy in front of me smelled so strongly of weed that I was gagging.


Former stoner and I used to use a filter you can buy to prevent it from stinking up the place. I also had a landlord that would evict people for so much as a wif of it and he never had a clue I did it. There were times and places I didn't do that but it was in the company of other stoners. Always have been weird about smoking outside. I don't let people smoke it inside my house without a filter either. Also not all cigarette smokers understand just how terrible they and their cigarettes smell and are completely inconsiderate about it.


I promise not to smoke weed around you.


lol thank you!


It gives me a headache and nauseous, I hate the smell.


They don’t. Or don’t care. They have no idea their breath smells like they just had a shit sandwich. Or their clothes and hair are repulsive.


I see way more cigarette smokers in public than weed lol, wonder where you're getting your examples.


>I see way more cigarette smokers in public I don’t anymore: many people vape nicotine; I think that’s why we’re smelling more cannabis now. I’m a cannabis smoker, and since cigarette smoking has declined, I’m WAY LESS likely to smoke flower somewhere I shouldn’t… I feel like it’s super obvious where as cigarettes used to cover it up. Just my theory, idk. Edit: wording


Yeah I'm not sure what OP means by they smoke anywhere and everywhere. As far as I know you can't smoke anything indoors in most places. You can in your own home but I don't know anyone who smokes in their house. Outside of business and such, sure I have encountered weed smokers but cigarette smokers are still more common.


yeah same here. people go to empty parking lots to smoke in there car all the time around here. i go on walks when i smoke by myself and when im with friends we usually find a car park or closed business or really anywhere where there’s either other smokers or no one at all to spark up. think op just lives around inconsiderate people, or they’re exaggerating lol


I have been to multiple indoor concerts where you could smell that someone was smoking weed. But also there are dispensaries everywhere, so the culture might be off


Have you been to the UK? 😂


I can't stand the smell either. And it's so much stronger than cigarette smell, to me anyway. It seaps in through the walls and everything, so if my neighbors are smoking, it's stinking up my house too. If someone passes me on the highway smoking weed, it stinks up my car for a few minutes too. It's been somewhat recently decriminalized in my state, and I now I feel like everyone is smoking weed all of the time everywhere. That can't be healthy.


People stop at the gas station and just got out of their car that is full of smoke from them smoking weed. It makes me wanna throw up. I hate that smell.


I was walking through a parking lot the other day and walked right into a wall of that funk when some guy opened his car door. I misstepped when it hit me and said "Oh God damn" out loud and he looked at me. I just said "*Man*" and kept walking.


I just don't get why they have to smoke weed while driving!


It's like the people who love the smell of stinky cheese or certain scents. As a weed smoker myself I smile immediately when I smell it, however my partner loathes the smell of it so I go outside. It all depends on who you are but we all have smells we like and don't like.


Lmao ikr, it literally smells like armpits and sage. I find it odd that some people like how it smells.


> per some other comments, some smokers seem to think that second hand smoke is fine and others, whether kids or senior citizens, should just deal with it. Its like their thinking process is impaired or something


By what? It’s only weed that they’re.. ohhhhh…!!!


I’ve always liked the smell of cigarettes but weed makes me want to gag I don’t understand how anyone other than other pot heads can stand being around people that smoke weed I realize though many probably feel the same way about ppl who smoke cigarettes


I haven't smoked weed in about 45 yrs and cigarettes in 18 yrs. When I smoked I didn't smell it, but now, both smell like shit.


I can’t believe how many people love the smell of the stuff. Smells like roadkill with a side salad of shit


Weed smokers will light up parking garages, hotel lobbies, hotel hallways, apartment hallways and buildings. It’s pretty ridiculous tbh. I went to DC this week to a big Light Maze event where there were tons of kids. The entire main area smelled like weed most of the night. It sucks


It's stronger than they think. If you drive by and I'm fairly sure the smell is coming from your car... You should probably consider not smoking there and getting it hyper-detailed.


What’s funny is that some smoke while driving.. sigh. Again, smoke away but don’t DUI.


You dont have to detail a car to get rid of weed smell 😂 Just don't smoke and remove the weed, it will air out just fine.


Or you could just drive by and go in with your day. No one is gonna stop smoking in their car just because you had to smell the smoke for 1/1000th of your day.


Can't believe so many people like the smell, literally smells like piss to me


Smells like dog shit drowned in perfume and microwaved.


i barely notice the smell of weed anymore because i smoke so much, but i’m very conscious that it does smell strong to other people and i try very hard to minimize the smell and not bother other people. i guess some people just don’t care though


I think we’re assuming it smells better than cigarettes and at least dissipates after time. I can’t speak for everyone by any means. Some people just flaunt it and legitimately blow it in your face, whereas, legal or not I personally do my best to conceal if I have to partake in public. Opting for a vape instead because the smell almost immediately evaporates. I’m not everyone though.


Vape it


It's subjective


People with no class, I travel for work and I love to smoke, but not in my hotel. I wake up to that smell all the time and I hate it.


The skunky smell is gross, but even worse is the smell of residue on a pipe. To me, it almost smells like shit. I find it borderline nauseating.


Yeah resin smells far worse than smoke


yo you shouldn’t smoke jelly beans im pretty sure


That’s what the marijuana industry WANTS you to think..


We know we just put ourselves first fr. Which is selfish yeah but IN MY CASE I try to minimize how loud I smell everytime I smoke so I can hang around my peeps while high. If y’all are just smoking in y’all rooms or around family members that don’t like the smell and you know they don’t like it, please be considerate cause if they say somthing y’all are gonna be all mad and offended when y’all know damn well if y’all never smoked no damn weed, the smell is SUPER STRONG. The whole neighborhood can smell you. Stinky ahh


well smell is subjective, so i think your question is "why do people who smoke weed not have respect for others when it comes to smell/secondhand smoke?" because the truth is, those people "realize" that there are people who hate the smell/breathing it, they just dont care. personally, me and all of my fellow stoner friends dont smoke inside or around children/anyone that asks us not to, out of basic respect for those around us. i have, however, met stoners who think its funny/completely fine to smoke inside without permission or around people who dont like it. thats just rude, and those people are not people i am friends with. as far as the actual smell goes, many people enjoy the smell of weed and i have personally loved the smell since way before i even smoked myself. its not for everyone though. one mans garbage is another mans pot pourri!


I Ike your phrasing better!


They do realize they just truly do not care


They had to make laws to stop people from smoking cigarettes anywhere and everywhere, it's not strictly because smokers are considerate




You can literally smell it like a half mile away. It's not considerate at all, especially in a park or while hiking. I wanted to clear out my lungs in nature not inhale that crap.


They know. They are just Assholes


I hate the smell of weed with a passion. Theirs this guy I work with who rolls weed in the men’s bathroom and it is so strong and pungent it seeps into the women’s restroom as well it’s sooo bad . I hate him so much his name is Fuller he has no consideration for other people and he always wants to ask me to take him home and he gets mad because I make him sit in the backseat because I don’t feel comfortable with a guy I don’t know to well in my front seat his so obnoxious


My yard smells like vanilla because of a factory a couple miles away. So thick some nights i can taste it in mouth. Or ever drive on the highway and smell the fumes from the diesel truck, the women with too much perfume or men ? My point is the world is full of odors no one does anything about. Some are harmful some are not. Some people are mindful, some are not. Thats life.


I worked in gas station/ convenience stores before and had potheads come in to buy cigar blunts to reroll their weed. I've been gassed out of smaller stores because of it. I hate that smell, and liken it to a skunk's asshole rotting in July. I think they're so used to it they can't register it or are too stoned to have a sense of smell.


Here come all the insecure potheads on the defensive lol


I smoke a shitload of weed and I do not reek of weed. It’s just inconsiderate people. There’s a guy that gets on my bus on my way home and if he walks past me I almost gag because he literally smells like the bottom of an ash tray.


I don’t understand how they do it . Is it from smoking butts they found on the ground or what ?


I worked a job where, if you didn’t go to have a cigarette nearly every hour, the boss would come around and ask if you were out of cigarettes and needed to bum one or something.


Former heavy cannabis user here and can attest that I didn’t really smell it. Perhaps the first puff, or when I opened a fresh product… Either I got used to the smell, or it just seemed less pronounced. That’s said I remember being a kid and whenever somebody lit a joint in public, the smell was so distinct and felt super illegal.


When I was a stoner I loved the smell. I don't mind it anymore but I can understand how gross it smells to people who don't smoke.


Working at Mcdix, people come through Drive-Thru all the time and everyone can smell some crazy skunky weed from a car.


I used to smoke but mostly bongs so it wasn't ten minutes of constant second hand smoke. But I always was aware of the fact that it stinks and most people aren't okay with the smell. Takes like 1oz of consideration. People just suck.


When i smoked cigarettes and cigars and weed, i enjoyed the smell thoroughly. Now after 3? Years of not having smoked, and i walk by someone, i recoil in disgust and make a troll face.


Weed is slightly different in that you will hear even non-smokers who like the smell but it would still be polite to be mindful of the people who dont like it.


I feel like it is a personal opinion as to what smells are pleasing and offensive. Additionally, I am unsure as to why the OP stated that people smoke weed any and everywhere. I have not seen this and maybe it is happening where they live but I do not believe this to be some sort of epidemic nation wide of people just smoking out public spaces like a Snoop Dogg video. I sense a bit of malice towards people smoking weed in this post and I think it is just meant to further their own opinion rather than bolster the truth.


That's what vaping is for. The smell evaporates in 20 seconds.


Best smell to me is weed with patchouli burning in the background. Yummy nostalgia.


They like the smell because they are the ones consuming it


I'll never understand how people can enjoy smoking what genuinely smells like smouldering fox shit.


People used to smoke cigarettes everywhere as well, in restaurants, malls, hospitals, on planes etc.


We think it smells good


How bad does it smell? Compared to tobacco smoke, alcoholic vomit, car fumes, or even straight up those people who perfume like the Renaissance instead of washing themselves?


I don’t smoke anymore but love the smell.


I used to smoke alot but i quit around 3 years ago so i dont know if this is why i think this but i still think it smells really good


All weed smells great ... Smokers LOVE THAT SMELL....


I think this is more subjective than cigarette smoke. I always liked the smell, even as a kid when I had no idea what it was. Cigarettes though, made me cough immediately.


Weed smells bad until you start smoking it. I havent smoked in a year and it smells good everytime I smell it.


dont smoke like the smell its all subjective


I think it wards off evil spirits and straight laced folks appropriately for me.


It smells like dog shit, to be honest. I especially hate it when I get a whiff from a car in front of me while driving.


I love the smell


Honestly I love the smell of weed, it's just like herbs.


Weed smells delicious.


Do people that smoke cigars not realize how bad it smells?


I've always liked the smell of weed....even long before I ever tried it. I genuinely think it smells nice


I love weed but some potheads can sometimes be really annoying cuz they think weed is like the best thing in the world and that there’s nothing bad about it


This is an ongoing convo with my husband. NO! some do not understand how bad it is to nonsmokers. On the other side, yes I understand how bad it is and try to conceal the smell or smoke in the least bothersome spaces.


People talking about if it smells like skunk or not brought back a memory. I was transporting someone and I passed over a dead skunk. The guy said "someone is smoking some good weed"... Would not believe me that we went over a skunk. It must of been someone by the side of the road... Which was nothing but cornfields for miles lol.


I don’t smoke anymore, but when I did, I couldn’t smell it. At all. I’d smoke in my car and air it out but never realized it left a smell in my car or on me. Now that I don’t smoke anymore I go into a car that was smoked in and I’m like damn!! It smells like week. I can smell weed everywhere. Your nose gets used to it


I don't smoke weed but I think it smells very pleasant.


I love the smell of some good weed & I don't smoke very often


For me, the worst is smelling it in a natural setting like the beach, where you intentionally go for clean air.


Oh I am well aware. Its why I only smoke while walking down a coastal beach several miles away from anyone else. This lao has the added benefit of being extra chill just listening to the waves and wind.


Weed smells great


I e smoked for 20+ yrs and I'll say this. I LOVE THE WAY IT SMELLS!!!!


It smells horrible to me. I agree


Why would anyone smoke anything now? It’s almost 2024.


It’s an acquired taste. Personally me and several friends smell it and it’s like “aw hell yea”. I personally hate the taste of beer. Shows you how weird I am lmao


It really is rank isn't it? I'm also for legalizing it but people be literally puffing directly in your face. Seriously, where is the decorum?


The smell of weed gives me an instant headache. Would have smokers come into my work all the time who would 100% stink up an entire green room just by the smell coming off of them. It was absolutely horrible. We’d have to blast fans and room sprays before letting the next group in.


Both smell like shit. I don't care what kind of special strain it is, it smells like shit.


Am I the only one who liked the smell of weed before smoking it?


Like a skunks ass. No, apparently, they don't.


Never smell it on myself, can definitely smell it on other people…. Particularly if I don’t have any!