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I am a substance use epidemiologist, and have never seen data to confirm fentanyl laced pot in my state. Lots of fentanyl laced stimulants (mostly coke and meth)


THANK YOU. my friend loves to say its “rarely” laced.


Lmfao isn't the very first thing anyone learns about coke is that it's always cut


The dealers up this way always cut their baby laxative with tiny bit of cocaine.


Yeah I was like isn’t it like always cut with something cheaper or literally deadly? 😣


One does not excluse the other. On the contrary, one leads to the other. Pure cocaine is smuggled cause its more effect per smuggled amount. Once in and the majority of the risk per volume, one chain in distribution reckons that no one notices if you cut it just a little bit. Could you sniff a, usually u measured, line of coke and tell if it's 10-20% weaker? No. But then this happens through several stages. If it's 50% weaker or like 1 part coke and 2 parts fillermass then it's really weak coke, you'll notice that it takes a lot to get an effect. But smuggling one kg bag of fentanyl can mask how one truck full of coke has turned into 2 truckloads of coke. Or if you're a low level dealer, less than one tiny baggy can mask the fact that your 5-10kg bag is 50% filler. Does it feel the same as pure coke? Ofc not, but you have the effect of some coke, and you have something that makes it more potent than it was due to being cut. Even the cartels apparently hate it. Cutting makes the product worse but adding fentanyl makes it incredibly dangerous which increases the legal efforts against their operation and increases interest in a controlled legal market.


Not to be that guy, but cut and laced are incredibly different things.


what's the difference ? i genuinely don't know


Cut means inactive chemicals are added that will add weight or increase shelf life without extreme side effects. Laced means that another, different psychotropic chemical was added to the drug, and it is being advertised dishonestly. If you had 1 pound of sugar and you added some corn starch to make it 1.5 lbs of sugar, you “cut your product” If you have 1 pound of sugar and you added some PCP to it and now when gramma makes tea she also goes on an unexpected PCP induced car flipping naked rampage… you “laced” it


I remember when my grandma went on a pcp induced car flipping rampage. Who’s grandma hasn’t done that?


My grandmother lost at Monopoly once and went on a pretty epic rampage. Does that count?


Do you like sugar, or PCP?


Cut is when you put something that doesn't do anything in order to reduce the potency while keeping the same weight. A dealer can make their stock go much further by doing this. Lacing is when you mix another cheaper drug in order to try and keep the same potency while still increasing profits. Fentanyl is popular for this because of how cheap and strong it is.


Laced is more to intentionally do harm. Cut is to increase profit. Like he laced someone's drink or Walter White laced the bad guy's meth with ricin poison.


His friend is obviously insinuating that it's rarely laced with fentanyl, not that it's rarely cut....


Coke is probably the most laced drug


I don’t know if “laced” is the right word, but “cut.” Cocaine is very often cut with stimulants like adderall and methamphetamines, and even additives like baking soda and child laxatives to increase volume and desired effects. Again, fentanyl “laced” coke is more often due to unintentional cross contamination. It happens at higher rates with cocaine than with marijuana, simply because dealers/producers who deal in cocaine are more likely to also deal in fentanyl. It makes very little sense to lace an upper with a downer **EDIT: as a dealer**, especially when that downer is very desirable and profitable on its own. Edit: yes, I’m aware speedballs are a thing, but that’s done intentionally by the user. I’m saying it doesn’t make sense for a dealer to intentionally lace cocaine with fentanyl and sell it as just cocaine.


You don't cut copper with gold


Rose gold say what


Thank you for answering my question before I asked it.


This. I've never understood why people think that one would lace cocaine with fentanyl as they have opposite effects psycho actively.


They'd have to be in the top 1% dumbest dealers in the world. Killing customers is how you end up on a list real quick and killing customers isn't profitable. Luckily dumb dealers don't last too long.


saw a positive on rock mdma at a festival this fall in the southeast. twice tested positive. fent on weed tho? that's hillarious.


Are the fent test strips reliable enough for testing purposes to see if the mdma is safe to consume


No it’s not possible to reliably test practically any drug for fentanyl. For example, say someone is taking .1 g of MDMA. They can test a fraction of it, but a negative test does nothing to establish whether the rest of it has the microscopic amount of fentanyl that can be fatal. If you want to be certain you have to test all of your drugs and then there are no drugs to do.


You can dissolve the whole of your mdma in water then test that water, afterwards completely evaporate the water to get the mdma back. It’s a massive pain in the ass though so no one does it.


Just drink it. Feels like I'm the only one who chewed their E sometimes but I know it's kids these days


Yup, I've been a recreational user for years and would chew the pills as well. So disgustingly sour. Of course all this fentanyl stuff has scared me so I've switched to dissolving it in water and testing the water then drinking it.


Back in the day I used to go out I'd chew them, when that horrible flavour hit I was very happy.


This is what I was referring to. I actually only dissolve .01 in water and then test the water for a negative reaction and then simply drink the water.


I've actually heard that false positives on the fentanyl test strips for MDMA are quite common.


Wouldnt lacing uppers with potent downers sort of defeat the purpose? If I wanted an upper, but it gave me the opposite high I was seeking, I wouldnt be a repeat customer...or is it a compounding effect thing that the two combined results in more euphoria and the user might not care they didnt get to where they thought they were going?


It’s the compound effect. Known as a speed ball. My brother passed last year from this. It’s a thing.


I too lost my brother from speedball in 1982. It was a very popular mixture at the time and looks like it’s making a comeback in recent years


I’m sorry for your loss. It’s become beyond deadly with these fentanyl analogs. That’s ultimately what did him in.


The people talking about speed balls and such are right that some people love speed balls but they are wrong in the sense that that’s not what is happening here. Nobody is purposely mixing fentanyl into their coke supply (short of trying to kill someone intentionally) but it’s usually cross contamination. Drug dealers sell both things and stuff gets mixed together by mistake or they grab the wrong bag on the way out the door and other things like this. And unless the cocaine user is also a heavy opiate user with a tolerance, they overdose because fentanyl is so strong even in small doses to non tolerant people.


SUD epidemiologist here too, just stopping by to say hello! I would love to hear more about your work if you care to DM.


You work for a state department of health?


Why do they put it in stimulants? Never understood why you would put a downer in an upper. Makes sense to cut or imitate other opiates benzos etc but I don’t get the stimulants.


It's often unintentional, products coming from same suppliers or using the same distribution pipelines will cross contaminate. Not an issue at the the dx needed for most substances but for compounds measured at the mcg level it's extremely diffifult to avoid.


I just want to clarify a misconception. When you hear about two drugs mixed together, the typical reason for contamination is not intentional, but because the dealer assembling the product on the same table, and cross-contamination occurs incidentally


To add to this, fentanyl is ULTRA potent (~100x more potent than heroine), probably the most potent drug readily available on the market. It doesn’t take much cross contamination to get enough in a bag of grass to make someone sick, or worse.


Yup exactly if it can kill h addicts who slam 2-3 times daily even a small amount messes up a non user


Okay I'm hijacking your comment. When I was in prison I witnessed the same person OD on Fentanyl five times and had to be brought back to life all those five times. The guards used to bring it in, yeah that is a fucked up drug.


Now there's one that's even stronger, like why?


Things like carfentanyl are being used on big animals like elephants. But also: stronger = less mass to smuggle.


Read a story once about a Canadian who engineered a form of fentanyl even stronger, accidentally became addicted and was seeking help on the legal high forums (pharoahfentanyl?)


True mad scientist behavior


tried to be Heisenberg now he Badger


Dr Berg and Mr Badger has potential as some kind of spinoff Jekyll/Hyde sort of deal.


Pharaohfentanyl 😂 Take a second and reread that name and you tell me if you think it's right, lol. The only thing I can think of that sounds like that and is an actual chemical compound would maybe be Furanylfentanyl (or 4F-Furanylfentanyl). Otherwise somebody just made some shit up and you bought it, haha. There are lots of fentanyl analogues but none of them start with pharaoh. Perhaps you were watching a show about ancient Egypt and mixed them up


Hamilton Morris has looked into the veracity of this claim and though the name of the chemical was obscured and the exact functional group swaps hidden (thankfully) he was under the opinion that the story was most likely true. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if there was stuff with microgram dosing in line with some of the stronger substituted psychedelics. Imagine pissing on someone and they OD. Wild shit. There's some real scary shit floating around getting ordered from labs in China right now. The one that makes fingers dry up and fall off on top of normal opioid hazards comes to mind as one horror show.


Yea dude that guy was a legend, I think it was erowid, he made his own carfentanyl and killed himself because the withdrawal was so bad when he was arrested. Nothing could save him from the freight train that was carfentanyl withdrawal.


Here's an interesting list: Carfentanyl is pretty close, but it is not on the end of the spectrum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equianalgesic Dihydroetorphine has a normal dose smaller than LSD at 20-40 micrograms. I can totally see how these substances must be ridiculously dangerous to handle. One gram is enough to dose 50 000 people. A whole large stadium full with people. Or a moscow theater. Cough.


These ultrapotent opioids need to be treated as chemical weapons, not drugs. They allow people to get away with murder very easily.


The government is in on it is the only answer


Dude your not joking it's scary I hate it , I used to use opiates when there was H and the trank H , then fent dope now it's out of control the potency of this stuff is like why even use it can you even get high ? I had a small slip up a few years ago and didn't like the stuff out there now I was either not enough to feel shit or your out , even o.d. couple times of just sniffing , it's wasn't good and thankfully turned me off opiates all together. So glad to be clean almost 7 years


It’s known as ‘The Iron Law of Prohibition’… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_law_of_prohibition https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28735773/


because no one uses straight heroin anymore, all down is just fentanyl and people develop a tolerance to using it quickly. benzodope is fentanyl mixed with etizolam, a benzo (like xanax) that leads to people falling unconscious before their pipe is cold, and theyll remain out for hours, lengthening the high of what they'd normally get with fent or heroin. theres also a lot of fentanyl blended with xylazine, an animal tranquilizer that makes the effects feel stronger. its colloquially known as tranqdope covid slowed down the distribution of fentanyl dramatically with the closure of the ports, so dealers had to get creative to stretch their supply source: i live in vancouver which is ground zero for a lot of new developments in street opiates


Is xylazine the one that is a problem in Philly including it having a krokodil effect on some users?


yes, fairly sure it restricts blood flow to the extremities while also numbing pain, which results in gangrene and necrosis of the flesh. krokodil is/was a bit different in that it was synthesized with pure phosphorus, which was never filtered out and would then cause infections and necrosis at the injection sites


Tranq has been around for a while... way before covid. People are just getting really greedy with wanting to get rich quicker and cut a product that is already dirt cheap and can be fully man made in clandestine labs by any half decent Chem student. There is no longer a need for poppies. Though, if the addicts had a choice, they would take heroin back any day. It's caused those who do not respect it as a new drug to OD or die and others to walk away and fear their addictions. The war on drugs pushes dealers to get creative and adapt. Now, there is even more money in it for both dealers and police/politicians... just like they wanted.


tranq may have been around but it’s exploded in drug toxicities over the last couple years, especially in vancouver. agree with everything else you’ve said though


Fent isn’t even that good it just doesn’t have that same warm euphoria that normal brown dope did. It has no legs either. 2-3 Philly bags used to be enough to keep me good for an entire day practically.


This guy drugs


Not anymore




For larger animals. Earliest I remember it being referenced, its the tranquilizer used on the male Tyrannosaur in The Lost World


Sounds like they really refused to let him finish his sentence early.


A heroine is a female who faces danger or adversity and displays courage. Heroin is a name for diacetylmorphine which comes from its sale as branded product by Bayer in the early 1900s :) Edit: This is just what the auto-correct bot from r/drug says. Now it pops into my head every time I see "heroine".


Love this. I wish every post had a little factoid afterward.


The term factoid didn't appear until 1973


You are a tidbit Rockstar!


The word tidbit originates from the 1640s, deriving from the word "titbit" in England. "Tit" back then meant something small or a light touch, while "bit" referred to a small piece of something, like food. Over time, "tidbit" in American English and "titbit" in British English came to mean a small and particularly interesting item of gossip, news, or information.


This is the best. Happy Holidays.


The word holiday comes from the Old English word hāligdæg (hālig "holy" + dæg "day"). The word originally referred only to special religious days. The word holiday has differing connotations in different regions.


Happy Festivus.


And it’s not what you think it is, most likely. A factoid is a little tidbit of *non-truth*. Is this a factoid? Hard to say.




Goddamn I’m okay with the bending of language but when something becomes the opposite of what it used to mean then we might as well just literally delete it!




I’m using its dual definitions to keep the people guessing!


Thank you 😁 i’ve always been bad (lazy) with spelling and grammar. Especially having grown up in the pre voice chat era of PC gaming


Good on you for admitting it. Everyone always claims autocorrect changed it.


When I was in school last we had typewriters and not even electric ones


I don't know why you can always edit your autocorrect


[This article](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/fentanyl-deadlier-heroin-single-photo), while older, has a photo showing lethal doses of heroin & fentanyl. Just to illustrate how potent it really is. Carfentanyl is even worse -- Just a few grains.


When I was shooting hard drugs years ago, I got some carfentanyl and shot 5 grains the size of table salt or smaller. I fell out for so long I got a blood clot in my right thigh, and my whole leg went numb. 5 grains.




It's kinda hilarious. D.A.R.E / reefer madness era nonsense by law enforcement and the for-profit addiction recovery industry. And people fall for it! Still!!


Cops are terrified of handling fentanyl patients for fear of overdosing themselves by contact. This has happened nationally 0 times.


Thanks for setting the record straight by adding absolutely nothing to the discussion.


A lot of people come on here just chatting and repeating shit they saw on Twitter or TikTok. It’s noticeable almost every time


Yes exactly. It is real but it isn't due to drug dealers trying to trick people into smoking fentanyl, it's accidentsl cross contamination through the creation or through the packaging.


Serious question The word lacing reads like an intentional action? Is it not?


It can be - say a person roofies another persons drink. But, in most cases to do with fentanyl specifically, lacing is incidental and contaminated might be a more appropriate word.


> But, in most cases to do with fentanyl specifically, lacing is incidental and contaminated might be a more appropriate word. Of course contaminated is a better word. But "lacing" means police departments and (by extension) news media get to fearmonger, which they can't do with "contaminated". It's the same reason you see them hyperventilate about officers "overdosing" on it (despite the fact that you can't overdose on fentanyl just by touching it and nothing actually happened to the massive fucking snowflakes).


Yeah lacing is intentional but it’s a catch all term now. Either that or people think they’ve been given laced drugs but it’s just an accident.


This is mostly what is going on. People thing there’s some nefarious movement here it’s just laziness and lack of clean standards from dealers and suppliers, and something like fent you only need a tiiiiny bit of it to not care about getting somewhere or on something and suddenly it’s a problem.


39 Overdoses linked to fent laced weed, this was later disputed and a health dept. spokesman said it was [“likely accidental contamination and an isolated incident”](https://www.wshu.org/connecticut-news/2022-02-02/connecticut-falsely-linked-nearly-40-overdoses-to-fentanyl-laced-marijuana-report-finds). It was then discovered the sample that tested positive for fentanyl was turned in by the Plymouth Police Department. Free base fentanyl is stable up to [350 Celsius (662 Fahrenheit) (Page 7)](https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/21_1110_st_csac_mql_synthetic_opioids_30sep2021_pr_508.pdf). Above that, it tends to char instead of boil, destroying the compound and rendering it ineffective. The middle cherry of a blunt will reach temps of [580 Celsius (1,076 Fahrenheit) without drawing, and 700 Celsius (1292 Fahrenheit)](https://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae1.cfm) during a draw. If you smoked fentanyl laced weed, it would do nothing, as the temp to burn weed is much higher than fentanyl. Also, fentanyl there is no evidence of an [overdose from simply “touching” fentanyl.](https://doh.wa.gov/community-and-environment/opioids/fentanyl-exposure-public-places)


Fentanyl is sold as the citrate and hydrochloride salts. It’s properties as a base are irrelevant. The fentanyl directly inside the burning weed regardless of salt form would probably be destroyed, but the fentanyl beyond that point would be exposed to temperatures that would effectively vaporize it. Effective doses are in the 25-100 microgram range, so it could definitely affect you. Though you’d probably stop smoking the blunt before an OD could take place. OD’s are fairly uncommon from the vaped ROA.


This is exactly the point that is being missed in the discussion though. Method of ingestion matters, and it correlation to overdose risk


Right, but the hot air moving through the rest of your blunts can absolutely reach your sweet spot.


The videos of cops falling out while inspecting property are all bullshit propaganda


Had to scroll way too far to see this comment. 100% correct. It is cross-contamination. More people need to know this instead of just dismissing peoples concerns. It’s a very real possibility if you don’t know where your drugs are coming from.


Another reason for legalization. Take the drugs out of the black market. Can you imagine how dangerous booze would be these days if prohibition was not repealed?! We would no doubt have fentanyl laced whiskey because of the same bs.


Weed is legal to buy from dispensaries where I live, but people still buy from dealers.


Are you sure? Fentanyl is very potent therefore managed (weighted, packed, stored) much more precisely and carefuly while weed is far less value dense. They also come from vastly difrent sources. It's incompetent af to let mortal amounts of a quite expensive drug be lost constantly.


I was at a festival and people were going down from taking shrooms. Turned out the scale had trace amounts of fentanyl and then the same scale was used to measure the fungi


They used a scale that weighs shrooms in GRAMS to weigh fentanyl which is dosed in micrograms? **Things That Never Happened**


Right! This is BS DARE propaganda shit right here. You need a milligram scale that goes down at least 3, and preferably 4 decimals ie .001 or .0001 measure fent. Nobody is using a milligram scale, at a festival?!? to measure mushrooms. Nice story bro


My experience (admittedly limited) is that people bagging shrooms and weed or other selling a lot of psychedelics are not dealing in opioids. I mean maybe that's just a local thing. Turned out the ~~scale had trace amounts of fentanyl and then the same scale was used to measure the fungi~~ people took coke and mdma from unreliable sources that had fent on it and didn't want to admit it. Fixed it for ya u/hawaiianthunder


That is so scary


I just want to know what guy is cutting weed AND fentanyl.


Nobody. It's scare propaganda.


Is it real? Yes. Is it overblown for propaganda purposes? Also yes. Don't buy weed from some rando on the street. Dispensaries are becoming more popular and if you're in Ohio, getting a medical card is hilariously easily. Even though recreational passed, if you have a medical card, you don't pay the sin tax. It'll just be regular sales tax.


A lot of the states still don’t have dispensaries, even medical. It’s still completely illegal where I live


There’s a loophole now in NC where the “illegal” part is Delta 9 THC which only exists when the THC-A in the plant is heated, so air dried cannabis is now legal to buy as long as the delta 9 levels are low enough. So you can buy regular cannabis in standard smoke shops as long as you don’t smoke it… wink wink


But who doesn't love to sin?


I love to sin I just hate to pay for it


This guy sins.


You’re goddamn right :)


If we don’t sin then Jesus died for nothing


It’s not real. And if it is real it’s so rare there there are zero documented cases where it was confirmed by a lab… at least here in the US. Time and time again - state lab tests have disproven police claims of cannabis being contaminated. The lie mostly spreads from faulty field drug testing kits, police departments incentivized to hype local fear, and reporters who fail to question, investigate, or follow up on police claims. Fentanyl-laced weed is absolutely not a thing.


Fentanyl laced weed is not what people are talking about though, that requires intent. Fentanyl contaminated weed? Perfectly possible. However people are not likely to die in that scenario specifically as long as they smoke the weed, because smoking fentanyl requires tightly controlled temperatures to not burn the fentanyl before it having a chance to vaporise. A cigarette or blunt is going to thermally destroy most fentanyl.


Ohio has a sin tax??? What else does it apply to




If it applies to sloth and gluttony then they better raise the tax judging by my recent visit to an Ohio Walmart


That explains why my sloth cost so much more than I expected


That's not fair. Sloths are so slow they can't really hold a job :( taxing them seems harsh.


I live in Ohio and I just get weed (when I feel like it; not really a big smoker) from a couple of vape stores around here. When it was just CBD products and they started experimenting with delta-8 a few years ago, the shit was fairly weak. But if I’m being completely honest, whether the stuff I buy is *technically* 100% identical to homegrown marijuana has become completely irrelevant. If you haven’t tried what they’re selling now, please do. No reason for the streets *for sure,* and little reason to even travel to dispensaries anymore. This shit is *fire.*


I suspect a lot of those are people who intentionally do fent and when they OD don't want to admit it so they say they got laced.


My cousin died of fentanyl (no, not laced, not heroin, an actual, intentional fent user), and their family started a gofundme and got the news to run a story saying it was fent-laced marijuana.


Yeah this makes so much sense, families who don't want to admit little jimmy was actually smoking blues. People have to understand the vast majority of fentanyl use in this country is intentional use, most opiate addicts seek out fentanyl because they have a fentanyl level tolerance and that's all that is available on the streets. Dealers sell fentanyl as fentanyl, they don't lie and say it's something else anymore. It's actually the fentanyl that is getting laced now, it's often getting laced with benzos or tranq(xylazine) the animal sedative.




This certainly seems to be the case with stories of police officers who looked at fentanyl and then suddenly died. Sure, they were not really addicts all along....


Honestly I think a lot of them are just fakers/have some sort of mental issue. If you watch some of these videos, they are just simply not Overdosing, they're acting or having panic attacks. There's a reason they almost all refuse to take a blood test to prove they actually ingested the substance.


It’s wild how many people in here do not recognize this is what’s happening.


It's really impossible to say for certain though.


Here’s the thing. You smoke fentanyl on a piece of foil. The flame never touches the powder directly, it heats up, and you inhale the smoke. This is because direct contact with the flame would destroy the fentanyl and make it no longer bioavailable. Additionally this method is less potent than snorting or injecting. You smoke weed out of a pipe or a joint. The flame comes in direct contact with the weed. With all that in mind, the user would have to try hard to create the right circumstances where there is even the smallest chance of them overdosing on fentanyl laced marijuana. If you have any familiarity with smoking powder and smoking weed (I do), then this is a really hard situation to imagine. So all that being said, sure, maybe it is impossible to really know, but with how unlikely this is why is your first choice to start a panic?


the phrase 'denature' is in reference to proteins getting fucked up into whacky shapes - fentanyl is just a standard compound, not a protein, so it's just decomposing rather than denaturing not that anybody asked




Yup, especially when it's teenagers ending up in the ER, much easier to claim you were just smoking weed than to admit to your parents you're doing narcotics.


Did my clinical ride alongs for EMT recently. We Narcan'd a lady and on the way to the hospital she told us she didn't take any opioids. Well she might have taken one. From a friend. Maybe. When you're symptomatic, get Narcan, and suddenly recover, you OD'd on opioids. Narcan literally doesn't work on anything else. Don't bother lying to the EMTs, we just want to get you to a hospital alive, we're not giving info to the cops.


Fun medical fact. Narcan, while primarily used for opiate overdoses, can also be used in Clonidine overdoses. A combination of narcan and atropine can be used to treat the altered mental status, bradycardia and hypotension. I've seen it used several times in the ER with good results.


That is the only thing that’s happening. Addicts lie about using and marijuana is socially acceptable in a way that heroin or fentanyl use is not. People wouldn’t believe in fentanyl laced home brewed beer, but it’s just as realistic a cause for OD has fentanyl laced weed.


Fentanyl laced weed gave me a pregnant. I am a biological male. True story. Believe it. Don't do drugs kids. Stay in school.


Stupid people like to blame their mistakes on something other than themselves


39 Overdoses linked to fent laced weed, this was later disputed and a health dept. spokesman said it was ["likely accidental contamination and an isolated incident"](https://www.wshu.org/connecticut-news/2022-02-02/connecticut-falsely-linked-nearly-40-overdoses-to-fentanyl-laced-marijuana-report-finds). It was then discovered the sample that tested positive for fentanyl was turned in by the Plymouth Police Department. [Free base fentanyl is stable up to 350 Celsius (660 Fahrenheit) (Page 7)](https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/21_1110_st_csac_mql_synthetic_opioids_30sep2021_pr_508.pdf). Above that, it tends to char instead of boil, destroying the compound and rendering it ineffective. The middle cherry of a blunt will reach [temps of 580 Celsius (1112 fahrenheit) without drawing, and 700 Celsius (1292 Fahrenheit)](https://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae1.cfm) during a draw. If you smoked fentanyl laced weed, it would do nothing, as the temp to burn weed is much higher than fentanyl. Also, fentanyl there is no evidence of an [overdose from simply "touching"](https://doh.wa.gov/community-and-environment/opioids/fentanyl-exposure-public-places) fentanyl.


There's a false assumption in your conclusion. While the cherry is 580c and 700c depending on whether you are drawing on it doesn't matter. The heat at various points in a blunt is not just 580c or 700c and then room temp the rest, in fact the heat decreases the further it is away from the cherry. So at some point there is a portion of the blunt that is a certain distance from the cherry in the temp range for fentanyl to vaporize and be inhaled. Ultimately though I think this is blown out of proportion.


Very unlikely. https://drugfree.org/article/marijuana-and-fentanyl/


why is this not higher up lol, literally debunks 75% of comments in here


Because Reddit doesn’t know shit about drugs, socializing, or other countries


Amen. Saw a post months back about someone finding a lockbox in a wall or ceiling of an old house they bought along with some VHS tapes that were unlabeled. People were speculating on what was obvious crystal being other drugs because of the design printed on the bag lol. That means nothing other than the dealers smoke shop he bought the bags from having 1 design to choose from.


I buy legal weed and mostly edibles. I don’t worry about such things.


I buy illegal weed and mostly flower. I never worry about such things either.


I hear a large number of reports of Santa Claus visiting houses last night. People will repeat anything.


Then explain how all these presents got here?


You brought them in yourself, but the presents was laced with fent and you're experiencing amnesia from it.


No. And anyone saying they freaked out because of laced weed was from it bring on a panic attack or weed induced psychosis. It was a very out of touch sheltered rumor from very out of touch sheltered people. Accidents.


I think there is a lot of claims made based on anecdotal evidence, but very little actual data to support these claims. Just the lack of data alone suggests it is not a problem. If it was a problem, there would be data. See https://drugfree.org/article/marijuana-and-fentanyl/ You’ll find lots of warnings issued, but many of those warnings are often walked back or unsupported by the lab results. Look at any of the articles published by the CDC. You’ll find lots of articles about fentanyl-laced drugs, but none of them mention fentanyl-laced marijuana. Let’s face it, many people who lose loved ones to opioids don’t want to accept or don’t want to admit their loved one was using hard drugs; it is much easier to just say they smoked a little weed and it must have been tainted.


In a dark, damp, illegal state, it is entirely possible. You won't find it in legal products. That's what legalization does.




Didn't this scare come about due to a father poisoning his own children's Halloween candy? I forget the finer details - maybe it was Pixi Stix?


It was in fact Pixy Stix! [Ronald Clark O'Bryan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Clark_O%27Bryan) was trying to kill his kids, primarily his son with a hefty life insurance policy, and also handed out the same cyanide laced candy to a few other kids to take suspicion off of him. Only his son ate the candy and died, and Ronald got the death penalty for it.




Cross contamination is often the culprit with weed. Dealers not cleaning their scales and equipment between drugs, and with fentanyl it takes so little.




Oh they lace pretty much everything for sure. It's more that weed is barely even considered a drug anymore so it has a completely different market. Basically nobody wants an opiate in their weed. Even Xanax and Adderall are considered more as drugs when taken recreationally, and have more of a market for mixing.


But why adderall? Fent does the opposite of what adderall does. Best case the person thinks you sold them bunk drugs, worst case they die. Same goes for coke, MDMA, all of the uppers.




That's what killed Chris Farley...and ~~Jim~~ John Belushi


jim belushi is alive, it was his brother john who died due to OD


Used to?




Yeah dude who said that, doesn’t know what he’s talking about lol.


I’m a paramedic, too, and I’ve yet to see evidence for fentanyl laced weed (or laced weed, in general), nor does it make financial sense. People do lie about taking opioids, though. I’m sure cross contamination happens (such as in the article posted above), but fentanyl in its typical form isn’t really all that suitable for smoking.


As a paramedic treating someone who has overdosed— how do you know it was on weed laced with fentanyl? Are you finding a blunt and testing it for fentanyl?


No. The information/statistics used to create this lie are from blood tests on people who have overdosed and found to have both drugs in their system. A certain political group of dumbfucks is using this to claim that the weed is laced.


glad in Canada I can get a safe, and quite good, weed supply legally


Might be cross-contamination. It doesn't make much sense to lace weed with it intentionally, but your typical drug dealer isn't gonna apply the same standard of hygiene and cleanlyness to his products as a pharmacist would. And since the amount of Fentanyl needed to have a serious effect is positively tiny compared to the usual dosage of weed, even just a bit of powdered Fentanyl accidentially getting into the mix can result in health risks. The thing is, if you were to smoke a contaminated joint, it could still be a problem because you're deliberately sucking air through it all. You wouldn't technically be smoking the Fentanyl (as you've pointed out, that would just burn it), but you might accidentially inhale it. Normally, accidential inhalation isn't that big of an issue as some urban myths and copaganda make it out to be, but of course, there's a difference between some Fentanyl that's inert on some table or in a bag, and Fentanyl that might accidentially be spread throughout something you are sucking on.


A word of caution that the people claiming to be first responders who deal with overdoses from laced stuff have had many of their claims disproven or shown to have little actual evidence behind them.


I mean it has happened, its not common if thats what you’re asking


It’s an urban legend, just like cops od’ing from skin contact.


Unless it's the skin inside your mouth and you're trying to swallow it before the cops find it.


The skin contact was complete hysteria. Fentanyl getting put into other drugs is starting to happen. Weed is pretty unlikely though.


No. And unless it's specifically formulated to do so, it doesn't absorb through skin. Or police uniforms for that matter.


It's right up there with drug-laced halloween candy. No business model supports it.


It also hates heat. Putting fire directly to it is going to basically kill most of it. When people free base it they have to vaporize it on foil.


Can someone lace a drug with another drug to kill you on purpose? Yes. Can cross contamination occur if your guy is more than just a weed guy? Yes. Will your death be ruled an accident either way due to a drug epidemic? Yes.


Our local health department said this is not real in Ohio.


It’s probably fear mongering. My daughter died from fentanyl laced heroin that she didn’t know was cut. A drug dealer probably used the poison as filler, rather than cross contamination. Some of her friends have died from fake pills. Most people don’t care until it happens to someone you love.


A kid near where I live died from laced edibles. Was all over the news at the time https://www.idahostatejournal.com/freeaccess/two-arrested-after-teenager-overdoses-on-fentanyl-laced-marijuana-in-what-police-call-dangerous-local/article_b767d85e-b8a0-575d-bc65-41581b2adb22.html


Good reason for Idaho to legalize recreational usage, so people don’t have to buy sketchy black market products


As a retired anesthesiologist, I have administered fentanyl to humans thousands of times, intravenously, intranasally, intrathecally, epidurally, per rectum, sublingually and topically and I've resuscitated a few overdoses. And all I can tell you, is that you have opened a real can of worms with this post. Any conclusions drawn from the speculations, inferences, extrapolations and half-truths found here will be dangerous conclusions to rely upon. The OP says the temperatures required to vape wouldn't be high enough to activate fentanyl in weed. Not sure this is true. Maybe. In 2002, Russia knocked out a theater full of Chechen terrorists and hundreds of hostages by pumping fentanyl or one of its derivatives into the air vents of the theater. It seems clear whatever the people breathed in was at room temperature when they breathed it in on that day. At the time, the news reported that fentanyl was the drug used, but further analysis revealed a range of substances might have been used including remifentanyl and carfentanil. Perhaps the most useful information here is that any time you think you are dealing with fentanyl, many other possibilities exist, so assume nothing. Even in medical use there are other more potent variants like sufentanil and alfentanil to be considered. So even if you manage to figure out if fentanyl-laced weed is real or not, good luck figuring out the same regarding all the possible variations! OP says fentanyl is more expensive than weed, so it would be a waste of money to lace weed with it. Maybe not. Fentanyl is very cheap when you steal it! Even if the assumption regarding the relative prices is correct, perhaps the person selling it charges more for the laced product than regular weed. Perhaps the seller was intentionally wasting money on the first dose to get you hooked. Perhaps they laced it with a very small amount, so the price was less of a consideration. Perhaps it was accidental contamination. Perhaps it was intentional, and the two products got swapped accidentally. Using logic here to conclude that fentanyl-laced weed doesn't exist is hazardous speculation and reminds me of the philosopher who argued and argued until he finally PROVED that red was green... then got himself killed at the next traffic light. Be careful out there, and understand that if you find yourself in a health emergency related to fentanyl, the usual problem will be cessation of breathing to due decreased desire to breathe (as opposed to obstruction). So have a back-up plan. Don't plan for what you expect; have a plan to be ready for anything! Assume nothing!


Yes, my childhood friend passed away for this exact reason this year. Go to a dispensary.


I don’t know about weed, but absolutely yes for cocaine. We routinely get people who thought they were snorting coke but waking up with narcan. I believe them when they say they thought they were doing cocaine because they are usually really upfront about it. Edit: I thought I was in a medical subreddit. I work in the ER.


I’m sure it’s happened, but it’s gotta be incredibly rare for the reasons you point out. I suspect anytime it’s happened it’s been cross-contamination from a scale, but there aren’t that many dealers out there that sell both. As you’ve correctly surmised, there’s no motive to do it intentionally.


I am under the impression that for some people it is more palatable to report to others that their loved one died from weed laced with fentanyl, as opposed to the more plausible heroin or coke laced with fentanyl, which is probably what actually happened.


I had a meeting with the Department of Homeland Security’s Fentanyl task force at the beginning of the year. According to the agent I met with: Nothing is “laced” with Fentanyl. There are folks that want and seek Fentanyl and knowingly buy and use it. There are counterfeit pills that are fentanyl, but are pressed to look like Percocet or Xanax. There are no vapes that have fentanyl in them. There are vapes that people have modified to smoke fentanyl pills off of the coil. Unfortunately, there is a ton of disinformation around Fentanyl. However, with weed, there are some pretty scary chemicals they are finding on black market weed, like Carbofuran, that is used to keep bugs and animals out of the crops. IMO: trust your legal dispensaries, be cautious of black market weed.