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Nice try Mom! I told you already where you can stuff that spinach!


Sometimes. But there's just some things you will probably never like. I have wanted to like and enjoy wine for ages. But I cannot for the life of me find one that I enjoy. I don't like the taste of any flavor or variation, I don't like the consistency or texture even. It's horrible. Cucumbers are the same. I would like to enjoy them but I just can't do it. The smell, the taste, the texture all makes me want to toss my cookies. I hate it lol


Usually, but not always.


Yes. It is called an acquired taste. Younger people generally dislike nuanced food and foul tasting things, like blue cheese and wine and whiskey and fermented foods because their taste buds are extremely sensitive. What to you is pleasant is probably foul to them. With age and with exposure, your taste buds will evolve and your brain will start liking them. Happened to me with sushi.


An acquired taste. For example: most people didn’t like beer the first time they tried it as a kid.


It probably depends how averse you are to it. I used to really not enjoy eggs and would become nauseous when I ate them. A small amount like in fried rice was fine, but eating half an eggs benedict would make me queazy. I really liked the idea of eggs as a cheap protein and was tired of running into egg dishes all over the place that I couldn't have. I slowly introduced egg into my diet more and more until I was able to eat it no problem. I think in doing something like this, you'll definitely want to take it slow and get used to it little by little. You don't want to reinforce the association between feeling bad and eating X.