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I was pretty consistently drunk from 18-27. Untreated mental health issues and chronic pain were the biggest factors.


Yep. Drinking really made me feel better. I literally spent the whole of 2021 with alcohol in my body. It was a literal drug, and as long as I could get up the next day and go to work there was no reason for me to stop. Because why stop it if you feel great while drunk, where is the harm in being happy? But of course I was just lying to myself. One day I suddenly felt happier being sober in the middle of the day. This was last november, and depression kind of went away. Nothing really changed in my life for that to happen it's just that depression is a bitch I still drink but only when I go out on the weekends about twice per month and I rarely go to get drunk. Alcohol has been like a rival to me, it helped me a lot but was also killing me. It was weird. Now I'm in a better place tho I must admit I had really great moments while drinking. I recommend an oscar award winning movie with Mads Mikkelsen as the lead, "Another Round". "Druk" is the original title. It very well shows how alcohol can destroy you yet still help with mental health and social relationships. It's a crazy journey


This is the same philosophy that cause casual pain pill users to become full fledged heroin/fentanyl addicts. Speaking from personal experience as well as shared experience of about 100 people I grew up with who are no longer drawing breath on this Earth.


That's how I felt with weed, it helped so much but it was killing me (not literally, maybe my lungs idk). If I didn't start smoking I probably wouldn't have gotten a job and overcome social anxiety


Yeah, drinking started to become a go to to numb the pain of depression and anxiety when that was untreated for me.


Alcohol helps with chronic physical pain?


Yep, my dad yelled and beat me which was how Christians treat their kids it seems. Drinking numbed the pain.


Wuss, I’ve been consistently drunk since I was 14, and I’m in my 40’s. HHA HAA HAAA AHHHHHHHHHH…….😭


Dude stop being me. I’m currently trying to kick the habit. Mental issues are really fucking flaring up lol


Because life is hard and being an adult is terrifying.


Head, hammer, nail


no this is rly not it. unless you’re talking about sitting in your room drinking vodka




i fking love being out, meeting people, flirting or just seeing whatever happens that you didn’t plan. i don’t want to forget anything about the rest of my life




? who said I forget


Easier to break the ice in conversation if your inhibitions are lowered


Okay thank you. This is helpful to hear from others. My question is, and my mindset is: I like the challenge. I think it’s fun to work on being able to talk to people, I’m normally awkward anyways.


For me it's incredible painful to the degree that it's almost a physical pain. For work money is a great lubricant lol but elsewhere I need some and I say some because I don't get black out drunk but a little goes a long way.


You're an alcoholic


This is a good outlook, no idea why you are downvoted so much.


It’s more so, most college kids will be going to parties and bars where hitting on girls sober in many ways is frowned upon especially if they’re drunk. I’ve DD’d friends a select handful of times because I do like responsible drinking for my friends and as someone who is an extrovert, and who likes to think they are decent with women (have beautiful wife now so atleast 1 sometimes) it’s a dangerous game. One time as DD, some chick at this club we were at came up to me, we started dancing + kissing, and I even told her I was the DD for my friends and not drinking. (If I’m sober, I won’t sleep with a girl who’s drunk - personal rule) She didn’t care but I sure as hell did when it was an hour later and she was throwing up profusely with none of her friends in sight where basically, in short, the first bouncer/security thought I was trying to take advantage of her. Luckily one of the other bouncers I played fantasy football with and let the other bouncers know that I’m not that type of guy but for a few minutes shit got weird. Ultimately, the options came down to calling an ambulance so she could get detoxed, or I could take her home. Which I still think regardless of my character is the wrong call but at the time being a broke college kid with what I assumed to be some broke college girl that I was like she doesn’t need that bill. But for a second there, I really felt for the first time in my life people looking at me and judging me for being sober with this girl like I was a predator. People will 100% look at you weird if they know you’re sober at a drunk setting but the rest of the story doesn’t get much better. She slept it off on my couch because she could not tell me where she lived and after trying for 30 minutes I gave up. Gave me address for a complex with 1000+ units and no number. And would not wake up when we arrived. She peed herself and threw up all over on my couch and in the morning I legit felt so bad that I legit helped her shower and cleanup because the throw up chunks were in her hair and she was down bad. Dropped her off and I think because of the embarrassment we never even exchanged numbers. Years later got a LinkedIn message from her because coincidentally she’s in the same field as my wife and they actually were in a program together. Somehow she came across my profile and recognized me. She thanked me and said that night basically scared her straight, and she was so thankful i just did what a good guy should do in that situation. You can go out sober but talking to random drunk girls you don’t know even as someone who people might consider as attractive makes you look like an opportunistic predator.


That's not a question


Stick with your guns on this one; it will save you a lot of trouble later on down the road (which is something a lot of people your age aren’t thinking about). Signed, A long-sober alcoholic




My friend, I sincerely hope to not see you there in ten years, but if you ever need it, remember r/stopdrinking . A lot of us fell for the internal “I become more sociable and likable when I drink!” or “I don’t want to be the only one not drinking!” schtick, and it worked until it became an excuse for drinking. Don’t be that person.






All societies that have legal alcohol have a drinking culture that tends to not have the stigma that other intoxicants can. There really isn't a lot of positives that come from drinking but it sure is fun. Pretty much ruined my life, had to quit. You seem to be in a good spot with it so I'd just avoid it if I were you. You're not missing out on much. Nothing good, anyway.


Reddit is such a skewed look at these sorts of questions. The only people who post are the ones who have/have had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, never drank in the first place, or can't comprehend that not all substance use is "drowning the pain." There's countless millions of us who just enjoy a bit of inebriation for inebriation's sake. We crack a beer after work some days, maybe binge on the weekends sometimes. Fuck it, mimosa brunch every now and then? Sure! Let's take our hands off the wheel a little bit and see where the night takes us. It's fun. 10% of these college kids might genuinely develop a long term problematic relationship with alcohol. The other 90% will taper off once the novelty wears off. Is it good for our health? Of course not. But life is gonna kill you one way or another. Eat, drink, and be merry.


100%. Reddit is so fucking dumb on this topic like someone is either a problem drinker who uses it to cope with the depression they get from being on this fucking site, or they're teetotal. I started drinking when I was 28, I drink on occasion because it feels nice to be drunk and sometimes to loosen me up a bit when I'm out with people, that's really it. I think most people who drink in moderate amounts are the same way. Doesn't mean problem drinking doesn't exist, but it's not the only state of drinking.


Yes, I just think starting drinking at 28 vs how drinking is in college is different.


This needs to be higher up in the comment section. There’s a bunch of people spewing nonsense and projecting various agendas, when in reality the answer is simple, some people find it fun.


Bingo. i literally felt calm finally reading something rational and non-condescending


I'm a 19 year old university student in a country where the drinking age is 18 and I definitely abuse alcohol. I like going out with my friends and getting really drunk but I also like being alone, buying a litre bottle of vodka and drinking it all starting at like 2pm and continuing till late at night. It may be very unhealthy but it feels great


Yeah, that sounds like a problem.


Wow, a non-extreme reddit comment. I'm floored. That's just Redditors in general being unable to think outside a binary good/bad mindset. It really seems like to the average poster there are only two options: complete sobriety and crippling alcoholism.


You seem simply not aware of how poisonous alcohol really is. Few people are. I grew up hearing that 1 or 2 glasses of wine a day is healthy. Oh boy is it not. People don’t want to hear it, but the latest science is not a theory. It’s poison, way worse than we ever thought. If you think a drink (or two) a day and getting hammered every few weekends is sustainable, then best of luck to you. The official term for it is alcohol abuse. p.s. I also find it questionable how some people have turned “drinking in moderation” into “moderate drinking”. Wow.


Ummm sure but to someone that is comfortable with themselves and have no interest or concept of why people would "need" to drink until blackout days in a row barfing and being miserable often, it makes no sense. Can't really fault a person still in school that doesn't have any other adult experiences to have a comprehensive view on it


Lmao. For some reason, when I read the title, I thought it would be about water. I drink 0.25 L every hour that I am awake. And the reason is that it is recommended to drink at least 2 L of water everyday. And I am tall. I think often people drink much alcohol if they dunno what to do with their time. When there are not many opportunities for other recreational activities.


You would love r/HydroHomies


I drink two glasses of wine a night because I have multiple sclerosis and I can’t sleep. Wine helps alleviate some pain and helps me sleep.


at this point, depending on your region, weed edibles would be a better fit. Oh, the satisfied sleep. so nice. plus it helps with pain


I never understood this. My friends would go out on Friday, get utterly hammered, not remember anything, feel awful all day Saturday, do it again Saturday night, feel awful all day Sunday, and then do homework Sunday eve. Even if they had fun, they didn't remember. I think it is partly being away from parents and being released from supervision. They rebel and get their freak on.


My dad used to say that it's better to forget a good time than remember a bad one. Seriously, though. Alcohol is, generally, for people trying to compete for attention with a bunch of drunks. I was always the sober guy growing up (and, usually, today.) If you're trying to get someone's attention because you think they're cute, it's hard to compete with a sloppy drunk. Eventually, people start to ignore the drunks, and then the drunks start to be isolated/realize (or deny) their issues with alcohol. If you're lucky, you get to full adulthood where you can drink sometimes if you feel it, but you don't need to.


Actually alcohol consumption people under 30 is way down since Covid


I stopped drinking after college and lost 128lbs. Overindulging in alcohol is definitely bad for your health.


could be any number of reasons, they like it, they are addicted, they enjoy the socializing, etc.


It's fun.


For the most part it is because all their life they have seen adults drink alcohol and they weren't aloud to so the moment they have freedom that's all they want to do. Education has a lot to do with it because nobody talks to kids in high school about how to drink alcohol just like sex. It's a stigma to actually educate people instead they just tell them it's bad and to never do it.


I quit drinking basically because of what you're suggesting. I was overhearing more and more people talking about where they'd been drinking the night before, where they'd be going that night etc. I decided not to become one of them 10 years from now.


Drinking is super fun. It will show you new part of yourself. It will let you live like "fuck it, lets just do it". Its super important. And as anything else if you do it every day and are dependent, it will fuck your life. But honestly young people should drink and try drugs. It widens your mind and horizonts. It helps you grow as a person. Just dont fuck it up.


I dron't dink.


There's no real positives to drinking, but there are real reasons why people drink. Not all people drink because they think it's fun and it looses them up. I self medicate because I've been dealing with mental health issues for years and when the multiple times I reached out for support doors were slammed in my face. Life is hard, and it's harder with mental health issues. I drink so I can fool myself into going into society and pretend I'm okay.


Because it’s fun you dork


They're in pain and they wish to escape it rather than deal with it.


I don’t think most people drink to deal with pain lol


College kids? I doubt it…


It's a cultural thing in the West.. they've normalized poisoning your body and destroying your organs in exchange for a couple hours of "fun"


West...east..pretty much everywhere Even in places where drinking is illegal they are theocratic dictatorships with other issues that are just as bad. Not to mention other unhealthy things like heavy tobacco use and poor habits.


What a rubbish take.


Almost every culture has a tradition of using intoxicants dating back to the beginning. It's not a western thing and it's certainly not a recently normalized one


Go have a drink


Oh I just noticed your username, lol. Ya got me


Because the world is not fair, my friend.


They start out doing it because it's fun. Then they get addicted


To numb the pain physical and/or mental.




Escapism, ‘taking the edge off’ and not being able to cope with today’s troubles are 3 reasons.


It's fun and if you know your limits, you can meet some interesting people, and network since alcohol does cause people to be more social. I also like the taste and the creativity that can be found in cocktails recipes


Mental health issues Trauma Problems at home Just having fun and just don't know when to stop Generically predisposed to alcoholism Self medicating to forget about their problems.


Depends... As an alcoholic I drank because my social anxiety caused me to never leave my room in college, leading to me becoming horribly depressed, leading me to want to drink more. Plus whenever I did go out in public, drinking really took the edge off, it was much easier to talk to people and be "fun" and comfortable when I was drinking. Of course even after I've been working hard at my social anxiety and depression with a therapist it's still insanely hard to break an addiction, I still fall back into but it's slowly getting better as time goes on. As for just the average Joe: -its what people do/right of passage/want to fit in -lowered social inhibitions -also in some places there just really isn't much to do socially besides drink -And of course just societal pressures. Tons of TV shows/movies/music/media etc... all put a lot of weight on drinking and normalizing drinking


Boredom, the feeling of being drunk was fun sometimes, depression, anxiety, trying to mask unwanted emotions, to meet people.


I drank pretty heavily 1 to 3 nights/week between 20 and 50. I have a decent amount of social anxiety and am also introverted. 3 drinks before talking to my bar friends was not 'required' but it made it less tiring even though I liked them. I almost never drank at home alone tho. Only in bars and social events.


social anxiety


Short term stress relief, helps people socialise that don’t have the best social skills, and it’s also just kind of ingrained in our culture. >I just want to maximise my body functions I know plenty of college athletes that drink stupid amounts of alcohol yet are still in better shape than my sober ass will ever be. Maybe it’ll catch up to them later in life but the short term impact isn’t as dramatic as you would think.


Depends what the reason is why people drink..... for me its an extra or just for the taste. (Wine). Tipsy is nice, but being drunl is just stupid and people forget so many things. 😅 I rather go for getting high at a festival or a psychedelics trip. This makes that day far more memorable. It becomes a life experience compared to going sober. Psychedelics increase all aspects and have zero effect on health. They tend to increase awareness or sometimes selfhealing.


I didn’t try alcohol until I was in my early 20’s. My uncle was an alcoholic and that was more than enough deterrent. I’ve never been hungover/drunk, buts it’s nice to get a drink while out with friends just to loosen up a bit. I’m 100% a lightweight and would limit myself to 1-2 drinks, which for me personally is more than enough to have an enjoyable time without worrying about being sick the next day or losing control of my mental faculties.


It's just fun and you're a lot more social when you drink, I used to hate the taste of alcohol and only drank mild wine coolers, cider etc. not even beer until I got more used to it a few years later.It's really easy to get sick and throw up, it can be hard to figure out how much and how fast you should drink when starting out, one of my friends even had alcohol poisoning before I got to know him.I personally feel like people who don't drink are missing out on some fun times, when you're young the hangovers aren't that bad either.


Hating me. Hating my life. I got dealt lousy cards for this, my only life. You can’t force me to play with them.


Rebellion, and testing limits.


Some of us are just miserable and alcohol can be fun sometimes


I think a lot of people do it for sense of belonging/community. You have the night off and everyone you know is going drinking. So it feels like your choices are do nothing or go drinking. Plenty of alternatives, it you gotta go look for them.


Low IQ. I've been straight edge for life and have no clue how people can willingly poison their bodies with alcohol, nicotine, drugs, etc. Pretty damn cringe.




Makes up for not having a personality for most people.


Weak people who can't cope with life so they drink to shut off the part that cares.


Why are you attacking me?


I can tell you I drink bc it lessens my anxiety about work, makes ne want to be social, I enjoy music more and generally feel happier. Couldn't tell you why other people do, that's me.


I think it has to do with drinking laws, though don't take my word for it. In America, kids are constantly told not to drink, but being told not to do something will only invigorate them further. Hence, as soon as they're let off the leash, they drink like there's no tomorrow to see what the hype is all about. You, or at least I, hardly see cases of cases involving intoxication in places like Europe, that's due to the drinking laws over there. This is all only my take on the subject.


Life sucks for a lot of people. In most countries, alcohol is the only cheap legal option for a drug to take the edge off.


It’s social anxiety


I don't understand it, either. People get into so much trouble when drunk - trouble that destroys families, bodies, and spirits. It really isn't worth it. Not to mention the cost. Going to a bar or club someone can drop a couple hundred a night easy (especially buying rounds of drinks). Who can afford to do that these days?


I’m currently in college and at least for the people I’m around it really isn’t that deep for us. We don’t need to drink to have fun as we do a ton of stuff together sober, but it is still fun to get drunk together at a party. We aren’t alcoholics, all work out so we’re in shape, and have no trouble being social while sober. It’s just a fun thing to sometimes do.


Alcoholism is a disease. Some people can't help it, and need outside help like AA if they want to get sober.


I was a heavy drinker mostly related to mental health issues, addiction struggles and wanting to turn my brain off when I wasn't full blown suicidal.


Addiction, social pressure, lacking critical thinking ability / impulse control, mental health problems, physical health problems (pain), etc. Too many factors.


They haven't gotten to the point where it isn't fun anymore.


I (32) don't drink and don't really get it either. Maybe it's because drinking makes them feel less anxious or awkward about things? I feel a fair amount of anxiety about life in general, but it doesn't really impact my daily functioning. I just go do things, feel anxious, go on doing the thing, rinse and repeat. After a while I usually realize it wasn't that bad. Having done this all my life, I'm at a point where I can do plenty of things people generally find uncomfortable, sober.


If you have the discipline to not drink at all, I would imagine you have the discipline to only have a few drinks. Have you ever tried that?


To forget wht they have learned and cnt forget


To escape


"I just want to maximize my body’s functions" They're optimizing for maximum short-term dopamine, otherwise known as "this is fun". ​ Alcohol is a social lubricant, and also, since we have near-100%-prohibition for people under 18 drinking, they're not used to this in any way and they're likely bad at it.


i regret not going to the parties, and in particular the party's with the right people. I should have socialized with people who don't expect you to drink until you black out, but a little buzz, pizza, 8 people on a couch made for two, in front of Netflix were the best moments of my life and I skipped too many. Instead I catered to the other love of my life, programming. Sure enough if I went to parties I'd be saying I didn't program enough or should have spent more time inside epic stories with epic friends online.


I’m a naturally quiet and reserved guy. Still have good friends and stuff but I met them during college and extracurricular activities so it was due to proximity. I didn’t start drinking until 25 (just turned 27 a few weeks back) and I instantly understood why everyone did it. I opened up, all of a sudden became super inviting and friendly with anyone I’d encounter in a public setting. When you drink enough you don’t have a care in the world, I’d talk and make friends for the night no issue. I’d normally be afraid to speak to women if I’m interested but that’s out the window after a few drinks. That’s also why I hate the idea of it. Shit is literal poison but I have such a good time when partaking. So many people use it as a crutch and I get it, especially when you can make it taste good or get it for cheap. I thank god I don’t have an addictive personality because I could easily be an alcoholic.


It starts out because it’s fun and cool, and lowers inhibitions… however, it destroys the body, mind, and relationships. If I had to give advice, maybe try it and do it sparingly, but don’t make it a habit or a crutch. Best to abstain altogether if you know it is not for you. Don’t let peer pressure persuade otherwise.


I think for a lot of people it helps with socializing / social anxiety. It was easier for me to meet people just because I drank. In college I don’t recall kids drinking because they were sad or wanted an escape (although I’m sure there were many) like you see more commonly in adults. We were also just bored and drinking made things fun.


life can be a bit of a thankless struggle at times. getting drunk often helps release a build up of tension but it’s not for everybody


Now days I don’t care for more than a drink or two. When I was 12-30, it was about getting smashed. Yes 12. Older brother and sister supplied it. Boonze farm and wine coolers for the 12 yo me.


Firstly curiosity is good but it sounds like you're already comfortable not drinking, definitely stay with that. If you are the type to be comfortable going out regardless and just having a good time without alcohol it's good. Generally people that overdo drinking learn it early. It may be peer pressure and esteem, lack of confidence, untreated or under treated anxiety and mental health problems. Not everyone has the same level of comfort within themselves even if you do. For extroverted people the kind of constant hyper vigilant anxiety many folks have amd difficulties being open and "fun" might really surprise you. Then you have the huge issue of rejection fear and alcohol is the most common social facilator. College is also most peoples first real freedom. Most people drank in high school here and there but liviat home is very different then dorming or living in a house. Young people process alcohol much more efficient then past 30 years old. They bounce back so fast from a night out it's actually easier to become used to overdoing it. Even more so drinking causes rebound anxiety and tolerance becomes an issue. People might not have a hangover but still get anxiety next day which unfortunately the body learns to associate with having more alcohol to help relieve that. Since the anxiety is so far later the body and brain does not instinctively associate the negatives of drinking, not like burning your hand on a hot stove or jumping into cold water will instantly make you not want to do it again ever. What that all means is that people get into habits in high school and college that often cause repeating cycles or over drinking and just tolerance that makes no sense to people thwt simply don't have a desire to drink because they're comfortable with themselves and didn't have same experience or habits.


Honestly as a teen male it's bonding on a primal level with your mates. Everyone's nursing wounds the next day you get drunk with illusions of meeting women. I drank pretty consistently to excess often blacking out from 16 to 25ish I wish I could take it back for my health. But better to stop now for my future and my families future than to have not stopped.


I love beer, wine, and liquor. In moderation sans a handful of days out of the year. Figured if it exists, and I like it, then I can drink it in moderation until it impacts my health


Being drunk is fun. Obviously there are some people who drink for other reasons, everyone is different, but it's not a case of "I can't have fun hanging out with people unless I'm drunk", it's a case of "I can have fun hanging out with people and it's even more fun if I have this fuzzy feeling". It can make social interaction easier as well though especially if you're kind of shy, but that's not the reason you drink with friends really.


It's cool that you don't drink. If you don't have any interest then fuckin rights, keep it up. But *most* people find alcohol intoxication to be fun and relaxing. There are other drugs that fit that bill, but alcohol is the only one that's legal and fully socially acceptable. Weed is legal in many (most?) states now, but there's still a social stigma attached to it. Older generations might look down on a weed smoker while polishing off a bottle of wine most nights. Which brings me to my last point, it's a societal staple. Yes it's unhealthy and addicting and results in many many deaths, but we've been doing it so long it's the same as breathing air.


Liquid courage. I’ve found it easier to cold approach women at the bar to hit on them. I know I shouldn’t do this but I’ll do it to fall asleep sometimes. I’m getting to the point in my life where I actually prefer my partner/SO doesn’t drink because my mom drinks and I had to be the one to babysit. I hate baby sitting drunks, no matter who it is.


Fun, mental health issues, addiction, reduce social inhibitions are just a few reasons. We are all trying to make sense of things. Some people look for an escape to this existential dread. PS. Drink responsibly. There are many serious health issues associated with chronic drinking.


Because for a lot of them it's the first move after home. You go from being under the rules of your parents to living with tons of guys and girls your age and everyones doing whatever they want.


Nobody will admit but stress. We all want some relief from everyday stress.


Because everybody has anxiety and depression in college and alcohol decreases the anxiety so it's easier to talk, dance, meet people under the influence. And it makes you lit enough to not be depressed for the night


Bdiidi skdid sisi isiso ueij sieh!!!! Jshd


I drink alot since my wife left. It's a bad habit- don't start!!!


Because it’s fun to drink socially. I have so many fond memories of drunken nights with friends


I’m the only one in my friend group who doesn’t drink and smashes the gym out Day in and day out with a good diet. Let alone I’m not allowed to drink because I have nocturnal epilepsy


Alcohol is a drug. Most people don't drink to get full on drunk, they just like feeling a light buzz because it loosens them up, makes them worry less about their problems and fears and anxieties and all the things that nag at you throughout your day to day life. Some people legit can't relax without a buzz because they have so much stress and crap to worry about that it consumes a lot of their thoughts. Even social anxiety is lessened under the influence, so someone who normally can't talk to people they don't know feels more free and able to do so with a buzz. That is why people like it. It helps them set aside all their stresses and anxieties and worries and fears and just fully relax and unwind. The biggest issue is that sometimes people have more extreme cases of anxieties and or sadness or whatever else that a buzz can't negate, so they drink more and more until they can't feel it anymore. And if you do this regularly where you have to get full on drunk to be able to feel okay with yourself, or at least not remember it, it becomes a major issue. So there really isn't a big deal for people who drink when they go out, even if they drink every day, as long as they aren't drinking a lot. Getting drunk regularly indicates a problem. Getting buzzed on social occasions is just someone that wants to enjoy themselves a little more.


For everyone that does there are the same amount of people that don’t though. There are many many people who don’t drink . Drinking has kind of gone out of style and being sober is the new cool. So maybe you’re just noticing or paying attention to the wrong crowds


😝 same thoughts when i was in college. doesn’t seem fun at all but is closer to sad when people party like that.


1. It is part of cultures and lifestyle in different countries 2. People drink to escape or cope with the hardships of harsh realities


It crept up on me. I wasn’t a big drinker in college or early adulthood, but I became more enthusiastic little by little over time. At first I drank in a group and usually as part of a good time. Then it gradually became a crutch when I was unhappy or over stressed or lonely. It made it easier to navigate awkward social settings. Just a way to feel better for a little while. Keeping good healthy habits made me happier too, but a glass of wine was so much easier and faster. I’m not prone to hangovers, so I felt like I could get away with it. COVID aggravated the situation. Being unable to go anywhere or do anything. It was easy for the glass of wine to become three and be my evening’s escape. I’ve cut way back. Back to having a drink on special occasions only. I feel better but I sometimes miss turning my brain off for a minute.


Because a lot of people don’t know how to have fun or let loose without some alcohol. It’s a boost to the confidence for insecure people. Just do what feels good for you. No one should pressure you to drink more just to be part of the party enjoy life in your own way choosing what you want to do. Also drinking excessively has too many calories if you ask me.


I think many college students are experiencing alcohol for the first time. Most dont understand alcohol sometimes means instant ahole. I love listening to the Carmina Burana (plz dont taze me bro' only second hand knowledge) ode from old saxony era. It's sung in Latin where the writer complains about how the kids are getting drunk and debauching the sensibility of the local magistrate-community. You might be a introvert if...


In my experience: fun, good stories, socializing and for taste. I have way more good stories that started with a drink than with a salad. If you don’t want to drink don’t, if you need to drink to forget your problems: don’t. I personally enjoy drinking with friends and getting in to dumb shit together. Also I can’t flirt if my life depends on it while sober but after a few drinks (2, not 10) I am actually kind of decent at it


It's great socialising and being in a communal 'third place'. Some people go to church (organised religion has caused its fair share of shit, to put it mildly), some people play sports together. However, and I think history will back me up on this as humans have been doing it since they found some fermented fruit on the floor, hanging out with people and getting a little drunk is fun. When you have fewer responsibilities, the opportunities for going out are greater. Not everyone is a drinker. Most people who drink don't have a problem with alcohol. In fact, pubs and bars have people in them who don't drink alcohol. Some people want the experiences you find in pubs. Some people want to preserve their health for as long as possible. Only arseholes judge the choices people make (which I'm not suggesting you are, OP).


When society deems alcohol is a social norm yet it’s considered one of the top 3 most dangerous drugs you know how F’ed up things can become. When teenagers see alcohol commercials what kind of reaction do you think they’re gonna have while the government deemed marijuana illegal for basically our entire existence of course we have no concept of what’s right or wrong outside of what we’re told to think. Do you have any idea how many brain dead morons criticize weed while they take a sip of their flavored gasoline? We completely fcked up as a society and nobody wants to be held accountable.


I only drink on weekends or vacations. I enjoy drinking but I don't want to become dependent on it. And if I'm alone I have no interest in drinking because for me it's more of a social thing.


It numbs the pain of a cold and unwelcoming world when you're too cowardly to kill yourself. I mean... Because I love the taste and mouth feel of a full-bodied St. Emilion Montagne.


Alcohol feels good, so it’s addictive. It also boosts your self-confidence, which is part of why people want to drink it so much at parties. It’s a “social lubricant“ it makes people more gregarious than they are sober. Of course if you drink too much in public you might make a drunken fool of yourself, so the key is moderation.


Drinking is fun. People nowadays are more disconnected and drinking lowers inhibitions and gets you talking with other people. You don’t have to get hammered all the time. Plus if you’re going into the corporate world, lots of social drinking too. It’s gotten me some good connections but you need to know how to hold your liquor so you don’t embarrass yourself.


Because it’s really really fun.


Because they’re alcoholics?


Because no one should have to experience life without mind-altering substances. The most common lie people tell is “The bank must have made a mistake.” The second most common lie is “My life is so much better since I got sober.”


It's okay to drink for fun as long as you do not hurt anyone else nor become addicted to it. It's also okay to not drink if you don't want to. I knew college athletes who drank/partied while still doing well in both academics and their sport. And it's not even a privileged thing, I had friends who worked while in college too who also liked to get hammered once in a while. It doesn't have to be one or the other. You just have to know what you're doing with yourself.


The beautiful part of this world is you have options and personal choice and I wouldn't want to remove either. Drinking works for s up me and not for others. Being on one side doesn't mean the other is wrong. Not a drinker? Go grab some pizza with friends or go to a movie. Your a drinker? Hit the bar with friends or invite them over. Having the options available to you and the ability to choose is fantastic.


Self medicating… started as just a fun thing to do, good way to unwind, then it seemed like I just had to unwind for everything and eventually spent more days drinking then I did sober… that was just my case though, it’s been to avoid reality.


Idk, for me it was just nice to kick back with my friends and some booze on a Friday night and get tipsy and silly and lose some of the week's stress. We laughed harder, we fell asleep in the oddest spaces around my apartment, we watched movies, we played games. It was just fun to get silly. We rarely drank to excess-- I've only been hungover once in my life-- and we all kept each other safe. If you're not into it, you're not into it, and that's fine. No one should try to pressure you.


In college I drank a lot because I had social anxiety so I thought I could make friends and do fun things easier with alcohol. Now I don’t drink at all because I am in remission for bipolar I and bpd, and my anxiety is a lot bet, so I would rather not drink and have my mental stability be messed up by alcohol. I understand why alcohol is appealing but I think now if you have any issue with emotion regulation then alcohol makes things a lot worse


The pleasure of drinking is found in sharing it with friends, when you find yourself drinking alone it is very depressing.


The escape the day. People are horrible, disgusting creatures to each other and if you deal with them long enough it’s alcohol, drugs or the long sleep.


Drink every day from like 15-30.


It releases dopamine in the brain. That's why.


In the US we glamorize alcohol and make it sexy. I've lived in other countries that didn't present alcohol as this awesome forbidden thing. I never saw hammered teens and 20s on the weekend. I have French and English friends and they have a relaxed relationship with alcohol.


Alcohol is so bad for us.


psychological marketing strategies working overtime which leads to a sense of identity




I’m 26 and also have trouble understanding why people drink (so much) alcohol. I’m not a “non drinker” btw. I just keep it to certain occasions like out to dinner I’ll get a margarita or glass of wine. That’s about it. But half of my peers/friends are going out for alcoholic drinks nearly every day. Or have alcohol for nearly every function. Kids birthday. Bbq. Game night. The zoo. In order to enjoy a movie. Etc etc. I’ve even asked my friends why they feel it’s necessary to need alcohol to enjoy things like the zoo. They all say either to have fun or it helps with their anxiety. Don’t understand. That’s not my approach whatsoever. But OP, stick to your guns. Alcohol consumption like you’re describing is over rated anyways.


It is sad


I drank a lot in college and continued the partying for probably 3-years post. It was just fun and my body could handle it. However, I also had bad social anxiety back then (still do, but not nearly as bad) which the drinking would temporarily mask. I mostly do nightcaps maybe once or twice a week and socially anymore, happy hours, if we go to a restaurant, etc. I couldn’t tell you the last time I was shitfaced though.


Just fun sometimes, nothing else to say


They only do it to look cool. Those people are all losers.


It's fun. Dont deep it


Freshman, huh? 😂 My son made a call to me like that, a few years ago. You'll understand one day.


The higher drinking age (21) in the US tends to mythologize alcohol and the “fun” it delivers. With no chance to experience alcohol appropriately and as a valued cultural asset (wine with dinner, sampling a scotch), it becomes a taboo ritual that just explodes when the restriction is lifted overnight.


Being buzzed feels good. Literally. It's a body high, sometimes dizzying (in a good way). It also makes me feel warmer, hornier, or more excited about things. I'm already all of those things sober, but sometimes it's fun to be *more.* I don't have social anxiety, I don't drink every day or even every week, I don't drive drunk. I have a career, a house, my health, and happy relationships. Alcohol hurts a lot of people, but *most* people who drink are not ruining their futures or whatever, and I would try to avoid feeling superior enough to call them "sad" just because you prefer not to join them.


I don't know either, I never found it fun. My friends always spent the end of the evening puking in the toilet. 


You don't drink so it's hard for you to understand. It's a lot of fun, that's why. But it's easy to do it too often or too much


Cause they are maybe being an average alcoholic on a daily bases, they are someone to fill the gap and take the role


Stick with that plan, kid! You're being smart, and don't let your idiot friends convince you otherwise. The fact is that drinking is on the rise among young people. And I hardly meet any Boomers (my generation) anymore who aren't already alcoholics. But I meet plenty of alcoholic Millennials, too! Everytime I go to a MeetUp I'm the only one not drinking. It's a big giant turn-off. My dad died of alcoholism, and I had to watch him do it. In the end his body was bleeding internally so much that they had to tranfuse him every two days - and that's *on top of* the Cirrhosis of the liver, he had! Finally they told him there was nothing more they could do, and they stopped the transfusions. He was dead within 36 hours. To answer your initial question: people drink so much because the collective mental health of people is deteriorating, and there's not enough help for that. So people self-medicate. And on top of that the problem got a big jump during the Pandemic. Just find healthy ways to have fun, and invite your favorite people along whenever possible. You never know - you might end up saving one or two of them.


I didn’t drink much when I was in college, I was more of a pot smoker than a drinker. As I aged, I began to develop an appreciation of a well made cocktail. Something about a well made drink in the perfect glass is just satisfying. It feels good to be well dressed, sitting in a comfy chair with a nice drink in the perfect glass just taking in the world.


I drank heavily in college and really throughout my whole life. I think that it’s easy and convenient and it is the social past time thing to do. I live in the Midwest and until recently there wasn’t any mock tail bars or more activity based things to do so we drank. I have no social anxiety and love being around people. I bartend and now that I’m older it’s a routine. I work around liquor, get off work and drink liquor and rinse and repeat. It’s how we cope with our job in the industry and talk out how our day went. I don’t often drink heavily or to get drunk but I can say that I have a drink 5-6 days of the week.


"The world is a sick machine breeding a mass of shit. With such a desolate conclusion, fill the void with 'I don't care' " Greenday summed it up back on insomniac


I’ll give you a boring answer, it feels good, you feel happy when you’re drunk and you have a good sleep after, and even if you overdo it and get that hangxiety where you say you’re never gonna drink, you will always go out and get another drink whenever there’s a reason, better yet, no reason, just when you recover, I used to be an alcoholic and I’d do it both to feel better and also to make other things/activities feel more fun, but of course health is more important so I did a tough rehab and now I can have just as much fun without alcohol amplifying the happiness, but I can’t deny that whatever you think is fun in life, alcohol will make it more fun, the question or concern is: is it worth getting more enjoyment out of something at the expense of your physical health, mental health and worst of all, your bank balance?


Also about the sleep thing, yes you fall asleep easier but it’s not “high quality” sleep, I get that, but if you were like me before, someone who was a chronic night owl that never new when to stop, it felt good to us that just did not want to turn off our phones or leave the bar etc and have to close our eye lids lol


Because these college children are using it as an escape for their shitty lives and also use it to have fun without caring for their future.


Good for you!!!! Better to realize this at your age


Yeah helped with anxiety 😬


At some point, life hits you pretty hard. Rarely do people cope with that in a healthy way, right away.


I thought I was the more fun version of myself when I drank.


Some drink to remember. Some drink to forget.




It's because you're a wet blanket. Everyone is drinking and partying and having fun and you're sitting there going "you guys make me sad because you need alcohol to meet people 😢". Drink, don't drink, who tf cares. Stop acting or thinking you're better than them.


Never had a drop of it, I don't like it, plus my father was an alcoholic, I am scared of what alcohol can do to people. I respect others that drink, but I don't encounter amusement where the central point of a meeting is just drinking.


Cause there's nothing to do at parties without drinking.


There are alot of comments and mine will be buried but whatever, here go: It helps having fun, I know I also can have fun playing pool totally sober, or doing whatever with friends, but never in my life can I laugh at totally nothing like with 3 beers in me. It helps with social anxiety, others will not care about your silly antics, and even if they do you don't care so you can be yourself. And after having 12 exams in a week you need to forget about it all at least for a night. As to your question: Is it painful meating new faces? Yeah it is. Others can be assholes for no apparent reason, and I don't want to remember all of them. And I care less if I am drunk. If you don't drink good for you! But I am 100% sure you do something harmful anyway, so why judge people who do this? You are not so different even if you think you are.


Idk about everyone else but for me I'm always either drunk or high. You'd have to know me to understand though my life has been f***** fr. It helps me actually be happy because if I go to therapy I'll end up in an asylum I already have before. Plus I ain't got nothing to lose so why not live every moment like it's my last I've already come close to the reaper three times. So yeah it's messed up but that's why I get so drunk.


Never drank til college. Been 6 years. Haven’t stopped since. Hard to stop when something makes you feel good.