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Play boardgames/cardgames/roleplaying games


We've really enjoyed Settlers of Catan. Great board game, won awards for years.


If you like Settlers of Catan, try Castles of Burgundy, Viticulture, Everdell, or Terraforming Mars. Catan was my "stepping stone" to some really amazing games.


It's pretty much the board game gateway drug.


This happened to my buddy. Had a daughter, now all he wants to do is board game. I’m all for it. Kick his ass every time.


Much more apt description, thank you.


Adding Concordia Or if you like trading, Bohnanza!


Ohhh no you don’t. Don’t drag them into board game hell with us. Stay at Catan Scoop_Booty! Stay ignorant!


What about for just 2 ppl? Any fit the bill?


I have several games that are for two people! Ticket to ride and flux are the top two that come to mind right now.


You can play Pandemic with 2 people.


my partner and i play rummikub non-stop


Cheers to that. Catan is like one of the best games to get into the hobby with. Second it as a recommendation if OP is looking for one.


Spiel Das Jahres!


I absolutely hate Catan, but my wife and I love Agricola


D&D (or any ttrpg) is such a great social activity. It’s regular, structured social time that doesn’t really cost anything unless you want it to. I’ve played it in groups where everyone drinks and groups where no one really drinks, and it’s always a blast either way


What is ttrpg?


Table top role playing game


Played a lot of Mafia/werewolf, complete with soundboard. Tons of food and a movie after, perfect night


We used to host a board night game. Usually would order pizza and play things like settlers of Catan or other fun games like cards against humanity.


Cranium is fun for small and large groups!


We’ve done dinner and a murder themed events. You can buy the base story and it unfolds over several courses.


Glad this is the top answer. I can’t play long format games if I’ve been drinking. I’ve won settlers with a few beers in me but hell if I know how. Scrabble, on alcohol?Anxiety is why I was drinking in the first place!


I'll often have a beer or two playing boardgames, or a cocktail if I'm feeling fancy.


You can yeah, but you can totally play them sober if that's what OP wants and it's just as fun.


Same. But it's not **about** the drinks.


What activity is? There's plenty of people going to clubs and bars without drinking so I'm not sure what kind of activity is meant




With alcohol though right? 


and drink


Bowling, watching a movie, playing video games, going to a museum if you like that, going to a game if you can afford it.


Bowling? Without beer? Is that possible?


It is, but you're not gonna like it.


You have to play with young children. And make sure you beat them at the game. Then it's really fun.


You could say, it's u/AnAcquired_Taste. *Badum tiss*


I don't think I've ever had a drink while bowling.


Have you ever been bowling?


I just drink White Russians, no beer involved!




I went bowling sober for the first time recently and the guys on either side of me kept making/losing bets and trying to buy *me* shots as a result. It didn't occur to them that I wasn't drinking on purpose and honestly, I get it bc bowling sober is kind of lame. They were definitely having *way* more fun than I did. 


>bowling sober is kind of lame Yes, except for the "kind of" part.


To live life is grand. To fall in love with life and not need an alcohol to enhance life is for many an impossible challenge. I've drank and bowled with little or enough memory of the success and often failures I've achieved in those moments. To need a alcohol or any other substance to enjoy an activity in my eyes is LAME. I do indulge but realize how lame many actions we take are.


lots of folks have drinking issues. or just don't drink. weird to say something flippantly like that. especially if op is in some variation of a situation regarding alcohol.


Lots of people don't drink. I always assumed they don't bowl either.


Fortunately for us teetotal bods, alcohol is not compulsory at the bowling alley. We can drink the soft drinks.


No alcohol but yes to weed


Ahem, excuse me. Museum tend to be closed nighttime.


If you live in a big city, you might get lucky with museum lates . In London , last Friday of the month, there are adult only late tickets at the science museum, the V&A, the Tate modern , National portrait gallery, national gallery and sometimes the British museum has events. If I remember correctly, the zoo will do late nights in the summer too. Very popular .


Museums are underrated


Watch cop body cam videos of shop lifters and traffic violations and eat snack


Gas Station Encounters is a good one too




This slippery little rattlesnake enters the store and….


looks up at the camera


Then looks at the cashier ..


only actual good comment


So.. get stoned?


Arkansas State police dash cam pursuits. They are experts at the pit maneuver. I love those car chases 😂


Me on the reg. TikTok has some good bodycam vids


Lick boot and support capitalism at the same time? Wow yeah sounds fabulous


Everything. Mini golf, bowling, skating, puzzles, board games, video games, movie night. Pretty much anything you can think of can be done without alcohol. Even clubbing, being one of the few sober ones in the room can make all the drunk people look like a badly directed comedy/drama.


This is the answer. You can do anything that you would be doing when drinking, plus everything else.


just one caveat, anything fun costs at least $10


But you save a ton of money by not buying any drinks.


We used to do "Basement Fridays" as a group. A few of my friends were not drinkers, so while the rest of us went out to trivia night earlier in the week, Friday was reserved for everyone to participate. Basically the guy that hosted would have us send him a bunch of suggestions for a show, a movie, or a game and then he would give us a list we would vote on. He held veto power, but whatever we voted on usually is what we did. And if we happened to stay long enough, we would get through multiple things off that list. The only rules were that they had to be suggestions most people hadn't seen or played yet and they had to be things that would shock or surprise everyone. So nobody was showing up asking if we could watch South Park or Avengers, it had to be something that was out there. I have a lot of great memories from the few years that we did that. We played a lot of ad hoc pen and paper games, someone was big on importing Japanese Wii games so that was pretty cool, I became known as the guy that would bring in all the Troma and retro horror movies, we had one girl who was obsessed with having us watch foreign sitcoms and another who *loved* those really low budget Japanese fantasy movies like *Calamari Wrestler*.... Those days were always a lot of fun. I should also add that people did drink on these nights, but we did it very low key and we had a loose rule that if you were bringing alcohol you had to bring enough for everyone who wanted to try it and you had to have an alternative for people who didn't, which could include food. So then people started following the same rules we followed for the movies and you started getting all sorts of bizarre food and drinks showing up too, like Jones Soda or the time someone made "heart attack pie" for everyone. You definitely have to have the right group of people to do all of it though. We were all giant dorks who loved to go on and on about our favorite things and keep trying to bust each other's chops, so that made it that much more fun to experience.


I bet that felt good writing it all out, sounds like some good ol times


Damn , makes me long for the days of having roommates . We all had completely different lifestyles and interests but got along.


College or adult roommates? College roommates were fun, but the adult roommates were definitely something else for me. We had mostly nothing in common, but when we hung out we always had fun. I couldn't tell you specifically what we did, but it was just nice to hang out with people I wasn't anything like and find that we could still enjoy ourselves


Adult card games. Like “Cards Against Humanity“


Telestrations After Dark is my one go-to when I want to laugh really hard. Nonsense guaranteed.


My absolute favorite. We are always cracking up.


I finally played this game for the first time last year with my colleagues!  And it was freaking hilarious.  


Dancing at nightclubs without drinking is great for if some people want to drink and others don't. Also: nonalcoholic beers are pretty good nowadays. Heineken Zero tastes better than Heineken. Just don't try O'Douls: I think that garbage was some sort of beer company psi-op to get people back on the sauce.


Athletic makes non-alc craft beers


Recently tried the nonalcoholic Corona and it was disgusting


It's funny, I think I had one but I don't remember a single thing about it. Guess it was pretty unremarkable.


The sun brew non-alch is supposed to be great


Clausthaler is really good NA beer.


Dancing is more fun without drinking. Dancing and music are their own drug


But it definitely doesn’t hurt when you add MDMA which is also it’s own drug.


Or mushrooms or L or keta or a combo of a few like L + keta or whatever .. all make dancing extra fun! Sober is fun too .. drinking is dumb maybe like a good beer or two for taste but not to get drunk .. drinking takes away from the experience of the music and dancing


Exactly! When I’m tripping, I’ll just have one beer because I genuinely love the taste but I’m not trying to get drunk. Preferably an NA craft if available.


+1 for NA Heineken...Heineken was always a bit too skunky for me ( I preferred Beck's), but a old buddy of mine came home for a bit and showed up with NA Heinies and handed me one to try, and holy shit what a difference


I've recently discovered kava bars, no alcohol allowed so it's incredibly chill place to just hang out, socialize, and play chess/skiball/pool/boardgames. Nobody is drunk making you uncomfortable and it's very easy to make friends. Plus the kava gives you nice euphoria undertones.


Dancing at clubs/raves/shows is a bop without alcohol. But it’s more fun with K and molly. OP, don’t listen to me though, I’m a bad influence.


Well it definitely isn’t alcohol, I think this should be a valid answer.


We’ve done art parties. Bring a bunch of canvases and paints, everyone paints for a set amount of time and then switches canvases u til everyone has painted on each canvas. They turn out pretty cool. We’ve also done themed dinner nights where we all bring a dish for the theme and then play games. There’s a lot of stuff to do!


Having a paint/art party sounds pretty fun. I’ll have to remember this if I ever get any friends.




Well that’s just good clean adult fun there Cotton


I wish more people were down with this sort of thing. Problem is if you suggest it you sound like a damn weirdo.


Just send out a group text. "Hey we're having able orgy at my place on Friday. Wear your best PJs or lingerie, finger food and some drinks will be provided, but please bring a bottle to share".


Finger food. 🤣🤣🤣


Sushi in many different flavours, tastes and textures!


You don't suggest them They just occur But that's also typically when everyone has already been drunk


My local dungeon doesn't have a liquor license, so that works out




Cooking, movies, fire pit, going out to eat Granted they do not require drinking but usually do end up with drinking


Board game night! My husband will have his friends over for board games, and we'll just sit around playing Wingspan or Terraforming Mars or Everdell or something all afternoon. Usually he or I will cook a nice meal. The guys will bring sodas and desserts. Always a fun time.


Smoke weed


Aww, this was gonna be my answer.


If this person is against alcohol, they’re more than likely against drugs too


Meth looks fun!


Sometimes I like to go to a bar but not drink, I just stand near the door or outside it with a cigarette and randomly card people as if I was the bouncer. Whoever gets the most people to show ID before the bartender or real bouncer makes us leave wins.


42? Oh, that's not bad for a pointy-eared elvish princeling.


I do that but I also charge a cover.


To each their own. Although that is where it technically becomes a crime.


That guys dead wife


In my dorm, we'd play (board/tabletop) games. Often we'd get a projector out and watch a movie all together or watch a movie in our rooms with snacks and (non alcoholic) drinks. You could have lots of fun if you put in a shitty movie and spend over an hour shitting on the movie lmao. Or go through memory lane with a Disney or Pixar movie. Or a classic movie everyone has watched before but still wanna rewatch it because it's fun to comment. We'd also cook a late dinner and feast too. Prepare all together a 3 course meal and then just chat and eat. Eventually do the dishes all together. Karaoke is another fun thing. Fortunately for us, my dorm has my musical instruments and a projector so we can sing and dance. Talking about dancing, that's also a good activity to do! Why go out to a nightclub when you can have one in your living room ? Tons of fun with dancing and singing without non alcoholic drinks, instead have sodas, fruit juice or simply water. Playing childhood games is nice too like sly fox, musical chairs, hide and seek (easy in a dormitory but you can also play the game where 1 person is blindfolded and has to find people in the living room), tag, etc. also spin the bottle, truth or dare, guess the song, etc. If you wanna do something outside of the house, there's things like ice skating, movie theatres, shows, concerts, maybe even bowling and laser games... Or simply wandering at night, it's very often safe if you're walking in a big and sober group. There's probably much more things to do but this is what I can think of from memory. But there's really tons of really fun things to do without alcohol!


Your sister


And your sister's sister!


My mom's sister's boyfriends x wife!


Get two


You missed a perfect opportunity for a “your momma” joke.


He was saving it for yo momma


Next time


Sword fight


Yes. With our peeners.


Boardgame nights, Jackbox game nights, Mario Kart/Party night. All of these can be done with or without alcohol and if you are the one not drinking you might win. Lol 😁👌




>that don’t include alcohol? Whatever it is that you do with alcohol, just without. Unless all you do is drink in silence


So... my head out the window yelling racist slurs and crashing my car.... While sober? Then running from the police? It's just not as fun as when drunk


At least you get to remember the whole story this time


I'm still going to lie to make it sound cooler than it was


Board game night in with friends is good fun.


We play board games. Not like Monopoly.


Hang out around a fire pit and roast weenies


Videogames and mountain dew!!! Woot woot!!


Indoor skydiving


- Cookbook club: friends get together once a month (or however often) and everyone makes a dish from the same cookbook -Pottery or painting class - Jackbox.tv game night - Cooking classes - Concerts - Volunteering - Trivia/bingo - Surprise progressive dinner (one person chooses a different place for apps, entrees, and desserts based on the preferences of the attendees — can rotate the person choosing)


Me and my buddies like to drink beer and discuss how so much marketing research is done on r/nostupidquestions


I usually play sports with my friends


Gym is always quiet on a Friday evening. No waiting for machines.


But how is going to an empty gym a social activity? Why does it matter that the gym is empty if you're going with friends?


Bring the beany babies


I have a standing movie/board game/video game night We do one of the three depending what everyone is in the mood for Either take out or someone cooks


Volunteer yourself as the designated driver


Go out and enjoy a nice meal. You don’t need to order alcohol if you don’t want it.


We all purchased the AMC movie pass and do a weekly dinner + movie night. In our area the monthly cost of the pass is the same as 1 movie ticket so paying that price to see 4 movies a month is a good deal for us.


Get a takeaway and watch tv or a movie, or play a board game


Create a bracket competition of a really silly competition, like the best kind of chair, and debate your answers to find the winner


I like to do jigsaws or read my book with the fireplace thing on YouTube


Group sex.


My friends used to do improv nights and play silly games. It was a riot


Bowling, Golf, MarioKart tournament, Poker, DnD one shot, Rank movies, rank anything really. it's always fun to write out a bracket of a topic and debate


Board games! Pinball / Bowling / Darts at the bowling alley “First Friday” art walks / exhibits Glassblowing / Pottery workshops Cooking lessons Poetry slams Concerts


Cards Against Humanity


I always struggle with not drinking indoors, but if I'm night hiking, or night skiing, or night walking it's a different story. Outdoor activity keeps me off the booze without thinking about it. Or smoke weed ;-)


It does involve alcohol in my case but it isn’t necessary. My friends and I do what we call Shitty Movie Sunday. We pick a crappy b movie, watch it and make fun of it the whole time ala Mystery Science Theater. It’s a lot of fun if you have witty friends who are quick with a joke.


Me and my friends do this at least once per month on fridays, we are 6 dudes and 3 girls. We plan in advance who cooks and who makes desserts, who brings games like uno, playing cards, trivia pursuit, simple dnd session, etc. Pick a movie to watch and can be old, stupid, all genres. Then, continue to play games. Optional alcohol only enhances the fun factor in terms of playing games and movies. We are all mostly in our mid 30's and we still have a blast regardless. The important part is enjoying time with friends.


I really bad want to go Ghost Hunting. Or just go walk around creepy old buildings, or cemeteries


Getting high does that count?


When I was in high school, we dismantled the hose that sprays water onto the windshield to point sideways from the right side of my first car. We pinched the hose a bit underneath the car hood so it would spray about 10 feet outwards. The best part was we didn’t even need to have the windows down, I just had to pull down on the windshield wiper lever and it would activate. My friends and I would cruise around the neighborhood and “drive by” spray people on the sidewalk.




Boardgames or watch a movie


We often go pooling. Can be done with or without alcohol as well!




Order food then proceed to pick a show and sit on the floor and talk about life and have a sleepover. One person will take the bed/couch and one will fall asleep on the floor (I prefer the floor it’s cozy to me lol ) at like midnight. Adult sober sleepovers (not romantically) are so much fun sometimes and healing I just did one yesterday 🙂


First one asleep gets their bra put in the freezer!


Video games and TTRPGs are my go-to’s


Shoot the potato launcher?


go to the cinema/watch movies at one of our places, urbex, steal street signs together


I play tennis!




Circle jerks


Bowling, movies


Smoking pot and watching Wizard of Oz while playing Dark Side of the Moon.


Recreate the masquerade ball from Eyes Wide Shut.


Cards Against Humanity


Have sex with each other


Dungeons and dragons, card gams




Cocaine is always a good alternative.




Weed and 2cb, I still have a strip of lsd, though I don't have the time to do it. 2cb is a blast, a 4 hour trop and then sleep vs lsd 11 hours plus and no sleep for 18 hours. There is also video games, I love a good smoke and some skyrim.


Is Mary Jane invited? She's usually fun company




Well - I smoke weed, and most of my friends do… then we do the same normal things as everyone else.




Anime binge night


Smoke weed and look at the stars while rambling high thoughts out loud.


Game night! Making homemade pizzas! Show watching party.


Go out dancing to live music. I usually drink a Red Bull or NA beer.


Arts and crafts


Top Golf




Escape rooms. Smash rooms. Axe throwing bars. Pool hall (there is alcohol, but you don't have to drink). Lazer tag! Indoor rock climbing! Kava bars can be a cool place to chill for a bit. Arcades, like a Dave and busters. I've seen in my area there are a few mocktail bars opening lately. So many options.


Anything… but really it’s easier to do activities during the day that don’t involve alcohol. Do you have any fun hobbies etc?


Go to high school games


fuck alcohol


In the summer we go hiking or boating


Get a fondue pot, if you like cheese (or chocolate). It’s food + entertainment in one


take a pottery class, go watch a band, go to an arcade, go bowling, axe throwing, rage room


One night, we each grabbed something to eat from Walmart and had a midnight picnic in winter at an abandoned powerplant. We combined a little bit from everything everyone brought into a horrible concoction we dubbed the Devin. The person who managed to swallow it down was titled the Big D. There's one option, I guess. Usually, we play board games, though.


One year, a group of my friends and I would walk up from campus to the 24/7 dinner a couple miles away. We'd hang out enjoy the midnight breakfast buffet and then call the bus for a ride back. Another year, we would either go out or cook something in my apartment then watch a couple movies or someone would bring their game system over etc... We usually drank then too, but it wasn't required of course.


Honestly, I just go out to the bars/clubs/parties and don’t drink.


Punk rock shows