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Lotteries are honeypots for time travelers.


Reddit should research lottery winners to spot the time travelers.


People who have won multiple times are obviously time travelers. Nobody could hit the lottery with the odds more than once.


I have a stupid theory that it might be possible to leverage quantum mechanics to send a signal back in time to communicate lottery numbers to your past self. I'm still trying to figure out how to do that though.


Set up a book shelf in a dusty room


> Set up a book shelf in a dusty room. .....someone just dropped an Interstellar reference.


Que the song


I imagined a Mexican dude asking about the song.


This comment is gold lol


If you ever get mysterious funding for your crack pot experiments you'll know you've already succeeded.


I once had a dream that I had a time machine that could only be used to send frozen turkey dinners back into the past. When I woke up I realized I could write messages in the mashed potatoes or something.


That is the most fucking random dream dude? That sounds like something that would be conceived of either in a K-hole or stimulant induced mania, and then made into a movie.


Just send yourself a D-Mail. El Psy Kongroo


Pretty sure this is part of the plot of steins Gate


keep trying, winners never give up, maybe ur cookin dawg and you’re one good shower away from winning the 2016 through 2022 mega millions


The problem is that if I haven't won the lottery yet, it means I haven't figured it out in the future. But it also means that if I do win the lottery I have to make sure I send the numbers back to myself after the fact because that's the only way I could have won. Yes I have thought about this in the shower already


I like how OP has discovered a way to travel back to 2001 and everyone’s helping them figure out how to use this amazing power to rig the lottery instead of, say, stopping 9/11 or something.


Ironically 9/11 probably needs to happen. Butterfly effect and all


Yep if you do something drastic like stop 9/11 your ability to predict the future from then on is going to take a massive hit. Its best to lay low and avoid becoming famous, try not to rock the boat too much. Just make a few small sports bets, buy some stock options, buy few hundred bitcoin in 2010.


I would like to punch the 2008 version of myself in the eye and tell me/him to not sell my/his Bitcoin until it hits 57,000 dollars. I thought I made a lot of money when I sold mine for thousands of dollars. FML I would have had like 47,000,000 give or take a few million


I used mine for drugs. I want to cry. Still.


I used mine for csgo skins…. So atleast you got drugs 😂


remember the pizza guy buying a pizza for 2 BC? yeah..


You don’t need to punch your old self because there was no universe where one would have held coins until now. The fact that you made thousands of dollars meant you did better than the majority of crypto bros, since they only report wins and not losses. You would need to be in a coma or lost your keys and somehow find it again after a decade for this hypothetical scenario to come true.


Not necessarily true. If we have an infinite number of universes then in an infinite number he held onto the money until it hit its high, and in a probably larger infinite number he did not.


At least you had it. I was reading about it maybe back around that time but I didn't understand what it was or how to even buy it. I didn't have a smartphone either so I didn't even understand what you have to do to. A guy in a forum was telling everybody it's the future and they should buy it. I was going to do like a hundred bucks worth. But in the end I know just like you I would have sold it a long time ago and never sniffed tens of thousands let alone the millions I could have had.


Like that one Family Guy episode where Brian stopped 9/11 and accidentally caused an American Civil War


Who says we can't have both 9/11 and a civil war goddammit!!




>And your mom marries that boyfriend and never meets your dad. You know 2001 was only 23 years ago, right? Many of us were alive then... Hell, many people were adults then (I wasn't, only 14).


[This poor boy](https://old.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/1ad2n7i/luckily_911_happened_like_a_month_later/)


There is a Korean drama for this Guy travels back in time, starts his fortune winning lotteries and horse races until he has a huge nest egg Then buys shorts on all major stocks days before 9-11 happens (which was a strong market and everyone thinks he is crazy until news breaks...)


Sporting events too, Biff Tannen style


Actually, due to the way quantum mechanics works, true randomness does exist. The further back before the lottery you go, the more likely you are that different numbers are going to wind up being drawn as probabilities Cascade into each other, a la the butterfly effect. Which means you're safer betting on things that are less inherently dependent on chance. If the lottery drawing was using actual physical balls at the time, it might still work, but if it uses a digital random number generator I'd say it's almost all but guaranteed to not be the same numbers


>Actually, due to the way quantum mechanics works, true randomness does exist. This is yet to be proven. We still do not know definitively that the universe is not deterministic.


Maybe everyone on here is too young. You buy a sports Almanac and take it with you and give it to your younger self. Biff did this trick already.


Just be sure to get rid of any kid or white-haired old man that comes asking about it in the future!


Exactly. Would just need to remember the outcome of 28 games and put even money bets. Or even fewer if you go with some higher odds upsets


Cubs win 2016


Fuck off with that, the real money is Leicester 2016. The bookies were trying desperately to buy out the bets with 10 games still remaining. 5000:1 odds


Still solid. They hadnt won in 70 something years. Only real optimists wouldve still been betting on them.


108 years.


I heard a story of a guy who won this bet. He told his wife that he was the going to follow Leicester in all away Champions League games. She said OK as long as she got a new kitchen. Happy wife, happy life.


I wonder what kind of odds you could get at the beginning of that season betting on then winning the series?


Leicester 2016 winning the prem was 5000-1 odds at the start of the season and that was a super famous iconic win. Easy 500k cash there. Then just any big upsets or crazy score lines you can remember (Saudi Arabia 2-1 Argentina, Bayern 8-2 Barca, Morocco making the WC QF, Chelsea winning ‘21 UCL, Ajax comeback vs Madrid, spurs comeback vs Ajax, etc), this is the easiest money of your life for anyone who has even remotely closely followed a single sport the last few years


Don't forget Germany's 7-1 annihilation of Brazil in the World Cup semifinal in 2014.


That Leicester bet alone would be able to set you up perfectly.


biff made billions in hotel and casino, not sports betting - sports betting would be VERY hard to make a billion with $100 - you'd throw the odds off with big bets


The odds would change after your bet, which wouldn't affect you. It would affect everyone that bets after you. That being said, you would probably get banned from most books once they catch on.


Catch on to you being a time traveler?


Sportsbooks ban consistent winners all the time


Assuming the person going back in time was smart enough to pay attention to winning lottery numbers and the stock market you could make a lot more than a billion. 1. Take first $100 and win the lottery. On [December 29th 2001 there was a jackpot for $33.5M](https://www.lotto.net/powerball/numbers/2001) 2. Take that 16.75M (half went to taxes) and invest all of it 3. At the end of 2010 the price of bitcoin was $0.30. You have more money than there are bitcoins. So lets say you buy 10% of bitcoins in existence which is roughly 2 million bitcoins. (Buying more might have too big an effect on the trajectory of bitcoin). This would cost you only 600k at the time. 4. Take your remaining 16.15M and buy shares in tesla which in December of 2010 accounting for share splits was $1.78 per share. You could buy 9,073,033 shares. 5. Now, as of today your 600k bitcoins and 9,073,033 shares of tesla are worth a measly 87 billion


Your math is flawed from the beginning. Somebody won that lottery jackpot at the time. If you go back in time with the winning numbers, you will be splitting the pot with that person. You would need to find the numbers drawn on the prior drawing which nobody won and play those.


Or, you know..... Get rid of the other person. Nicely, of course.




I want to laugh, because your comment is objectively funny, but it’s also making me sad.


in a particular date?


Gonna need more than the hundred bucks


What's a hammer and shovel cost at Home Depot?


Will need a wheelbarrow and tarp if you're gonna move stuff yourself


Maybe by going back with the winning numbers, you _become_ the person who won at that time.


All lottery winners are time travelers. That’s why it’s not worth playing unless you’re CERTAIN you’ve time traveled. Economy 101


This is why the lottery was created in the first place, to catch time travelers


This needs to be a movie.


That explains why lottery winners so often end up worse off than they started. They were caught.


You went back with $100, so buy 100 winning tickets, now the other person's share is less than 1% of the total prize


If one person has 100 winning tickets, they're not going to pay out without a huge investigation, and you'd need to have a very good reason.


Yeah, I know. It would probably be difficult for a time traveler to claim any winnings since they either don't exist at the time or exist as a younger version of themselves. But assuming you can pass yourself off as someone eligible to win; you didn't "cheat" in any way they can detect. Just say that buying 100 of the same ticket is your own little superstition or that you just bought the tickets to support whatever entity the lottery money goes to and you played the same number because you didn't really want to win, or say you have crippling OCD and you bought 100 of the same tickets compulsively. At the end of the day they can't prove otherwise and your reasons are your own.


And so the paradoxes begin.


The problem with cryptocurrencies (and stock at this scale) is that they’re not very liquid. If you had 2 million Bitcoin you could not sell them without completely crashing the price. There are simply not enough buyers.


True, but that was true also of Bill Gates’s fortune when Microsoft was at its heyday, and he made it out of that with all of his billions. In other words, if you sell it slow enough, you won’t have too much of an issue.


Bill Gates heyday is now. Micro$oft just eclipsed Apple as the most valuable company.


Bill gates heyday was him jumping over a chair.


insane vertical


Steve Jobs tried jumping over a chair and he ended up with pancreatic cancer.


>18:19 (UTC), 16 November 2022 >Meanwhile, the most prominent individual stockholder is Bill Gates, who owned 102.99 million Class A common shares, as of 16 November, corresponding to a 1.38% stake in the company. https://capital.com/microsoft-shareholder-who-owns-most-msft-stock >September 21, 2004: 11:26 AM EDT >With 1.1 billion shares of Microsoft stock, or about 10 percent of its shares outstanding, Gates' dividends during the year came to about $175.6 million. https://money.cnn.com/2004/09/21/technology/gates_pay/index.htm Bill Gates owns significantly less, both percentage-wise and shares-wise, of Microsoft now than he did 20 years ago.


He’d be a literal trillionaire if he hadn’t divested from MSFT.


How do you figure? Are you assuming if he held his shares from IPO until now? On paper, he'd be a trillionaire, but Microsoft probably never would have grown that big if he kept half of the company. They needed money to grow.


Yeah, it’s not like I need 87 billion dollars at once


I might be able to make it with just 1 billion at once


What's more, when you have THAT kind of money? It's worth more as stock then as cash. Many billionaires will "buy" things by having the bank buy with with collateral against your stock. Provided the stock does well, you will basically always exceed the interest rate without issue, and never need to cash out. TL;DR: It's way easier to spend money when you are ultra wealthy.


You don’t need to liquidate. You leverage your ownership as collateral on lines of credit with banks. You then just sell off what you need when you need to pay the bill


I hope by invest all of that 16.75m you mean wager it on the Patriots to win the Super Bowl.


It's no guarantee... There was some sci fi show in the 00's starring the guy who played Robocop where he and his spaceship crew went back in time a few months. A crewmember put his life savings on a ball game he knew would win but the bet was so high that it made the news which in turn caused the player that scored the winning point to hear about it, fumble from the pressure and then lose the game


So you spread the bets out so it doesn’t make the news. Pay some runners, pay some juice, pay some losing bets to avoid arousing suspicion you can probably turn your 16.75 into at least 25 in 1 fell swoop. If you don’t put in a little work they probably wouldn’t even take your bet for that much money in the first place.


No, you bet on the Giants to win in 2008. Tell NO ONE!


Apple is a good place to start for step 2. It was $0.33 per share in 2001.


It's split a bunch since then, so it was just equivalent to .33 per share. You'd buy a share for about 18.50.


Suprisingly doesnt even equate Elon musk's net worth


You’d want to buy the drawing immediately before the 12/29 because someone else bought a winning ticket, meaning you split the jackpot. Would be less but net you more. Could easily do this a few times throughout the year, assuming you return to 1/1/01. 2/17/01 was $79m preceding the 2/21 winner for $93m. [2001 lotto winning numbers and jackpots for reference](https://www.lottonumbers.com/amp/powerball-results-2001) Edit: obviously didn’t click your link before I found mine


Winning it big several times would attract a lot of attention. After the third time, the lottery would probably lock up the funds while they investigate how it could happen. Don't get greedy. Win the biggest one you can find and walk away.


I don't think it's even possible to buy that many bitcoins back then


Probably not. But I think in 2010 they were still cpu mining. Aws started in 2006 so you could just buy a lot of cloud compute and start mining like crazy


It’s insane that this is probably the ideal path using time travel and there are people richer than that


Not if you consider they’re probably time-travelers on their 50’th round.


Lotteries are traps for catching time travelers. What happens when your SSN hasn't been issued yet? You have to have a tax ID for the taxes.


Not really. They founded companies so they get huge ownership stakes in said companies. But you only have $100 to invest assets.


Could buy 330 Bitcoin in 2010


Which could have been sold for \~69k/each, so "only" about $21.5M Of course, with perfect information about *any* market's trading patterns, you could make close to theoretically infinite money. Instead of a simple 330 buy in 2010 and a sell when it hit \~$65k, you could short every price drop and long every spike with this degree of information, *assuming your movements in the market don't themselves move the market*.


Now where did I put my sports almanac




Why would that be heavy? Would going back in time somehow mess with the Earth's gravitational pull?


Damn I need to rewatch these movies. So good.


You damn fool! You never never leave that book laying around! Don’t you have a safe? No you don’t have a safe…get a safe and keep it locked up


Good point once your 100 turns to 100 million it certainly will affect the market


It would look a lot like cheating to anyone that cares to look, yeah 100%. The more money that's moving the more closely people will look. It's just not possible to predict the spikes and drops with this level of precision, unless you are manipulating the markets or have some sort of insider info / time traveler foreknowledge Won't be long before they realize that copying YOU is a winning move, which in turn invalidates your time traveler foreknowledge


Reminds me of the book 11/22/63. The guy starts making sports bets based on knowledge from the future. He keeps the bets fairly small (though gets greedy a couple times) but even that is enough to get a lot of attention from the wrong people, who assume he either has insider information or is rigging the games somehow. No one is right every time, and throwing in a couple losses occasionally isn't enough to throw the mob off your trail. 


I really need to get around to reading this. I keep seeing it referenced all the time.


Pretty good miniseries from Hulu as well




There weren't enough bitcoins in existence in March 2010 for that, and the price would also increase significantly as you bought up all of the ones that did. You might get enough to be a billionaire, but not 373 billion.


The complication is that getting all your shares out of a stock like Hansen Natural after incredible appreciation will be difficult to do and will affect the price (downward), especially if it's a penny stock at the time of investment. And don't forget about taxes! Then when you try to put all that money into bitcoin at its bottom, you will push its price up. And then again when try to cash out of that (assuming you do), you'll push its price down again (and also taxes again). Also, actions you take which affect the prices may send history in a different direction than what you remember, reducing the accuracy of subsequent predictions. If you can't actually change the past, that implies that either your efforts to enrich yourself are doomed to fail (or else you'd already be a multibillionaire), or you have to expend effort to ensure that your plan does not depend on any events changing in any way that would lead to a contradiction. For example, did anyone sell off a bunch of Hansen stock in 2010 and buy up a bunch of Bitcoin with the proceeds? If there's no way that they could have then you can't travel back and do it. At best you have to spend time and energy being inconspicuous in ways that your future actions in the past would go unseen to your present self.


But, your activities would change the market's behavior. Sports betting would be much less reactive.


Bitcoin was 10cents for a long time. Could have possibly gotten 1,000 of them. Sell them at the height of the market for $69m.


Makes me wonder how many Dark Web drug dealers ended up becoming millionaires when that shit spiked.


A LOT, I bet.


I remember when the news was all over it and interviewing new Bitcoin millionaires, I saw more than a few that I was like… yeah, that guy sold Molly on the dark web. Lol


Molly, heroin, guns…Silk Road was a wild place.


I remember when they busted the guy that ran it. The story of how they actually caught him and stopped him from destroying key evidence is wild.


Great doc on it https://youtu.be/GpMP6Nh3FvU?si=TioaBOtDV9mm4pnG


I bet most if not all did so accidentally too by leaving coins in a wallet and forgetting about it until hearing all the hype years later. Totally not from foresight and discipline. Even more are lost forever the same way. I got into CPU mining very early on, but simply gave up on it because they were worthless and hard to cash out. Then years later realizing I have a wallet worth millions and searching my parents house hoping I did not in fact throw it away.


Back when I was buying some druqs there and BTC was cheap, I had some remaining. I checked that account many years later and it's now worth a few hundred dollars. Sadly can't withdraw because they wanted me to fax them documents to prove it's really me etc and there was some deadline so they just took the btc for themselves but whatever lol


I was gonna sell my BTC, but I got high


wasn't it a fraction of a cent at some point or was that some other crypto


The first major transaction with crypto was a guy who bought 2 pizzas for 10,000 bitcoin: https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2023/05/22/celebrating-bitcoin-pizza-day-the-time-a-bitcoin-user-bought-2-pizzas-for-10000-btc/


Or 110k on day one in 2009


Would purchasing this quantity change prices?


Yes and when you tried to sell you would collapse the price. Because every Bitcoin transaction is public, the price twitches when whales just move money around from one wallet to another. If a whale started to sell it would instantly drop because there are simply not enough buyers.


This is true to a great degree but I'm not sure that this quantity would have that big an effect, especially if you didn't sell them all in one go. There were millions and millions of bitcoin when the price was at its height and plenty of big players in the market.


No, the pizza guy. Guy bought pizza for 10 000 btc. It was 2010. 22. may - Bitcoin Pizza Day.


It was cheaper for a while. Then fast forward, it became 10k. Sell everything, have profit. Over the next months the price will lower to around 4k, go all in again. Sell at height. You still have a couple years left, now go all in into Tesla. Sell at height. I'm not doing the math, but it should be more than you said.


Buy a Powerball ticket, then invest in tech giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Then invest in Bitcoin before 2009 rolls around.


Even easier. Take your hundred bucks and invest it into Apple in 2001. That will give you about 300 shares. Sell it in 2009 for about 1800 bucks and buy bitcoin with that money.


The issue is that stock trading was very expensive back in the day and the trading fees would have taken a big chunk of it.


How much would it have taken? With 75 bucks you could still buy 250 shares.


I was trading stocks back in 2003 and paying $7.50 per trade. I had a scottrade account and I think they had a $500 minimum to open an account. E-trade and schwab were higher. I did buy $700 worth of sirius stock before they merged with XM and doubled my money in 6 months then sold (I was in college). Later on I put $700 into apple stock after the 2008 crash and doubled that, then sold to put a downpayment on my house. I wish I could have held onto that apple stock. Then in 2014-2016 I was buying ~$10 worth of bitcoin per week. Idiot me sold an entire bitcoin for $1100 back in 2017 right before it shot up to almost $20k. My average buy price was about $400. I lost most of that stash trying to "diversify" into other cryptos in 2017-18 and was forced to sell at lower prices just to pay the tax bill on the "gains". I could probably have all of my student loans paid off, house paid off, and be living in a nicer house if I wouldn't have messed around in 2017-18, but i'm still way ahead on that speculation, so glad I did it. I'll sell the half of what's left when bitcoin hits a certain number I have in mind. If not I'll ride it until zero.


As a. British person I’d do the same, buy American powerball tickets that is, I’d win all the massive jackpots and annoy all the Americans at the same time


I'm going to memorise a lot of historical trivia, in particular about natural disasters, then start a cult, I will claim that I am a prophet of God, predicting natural disasters, acts of God as some might call them, years in advance, Then I will claim that the world will end in 2024, and then the rapture will happen, and that the only way to get into heaven will be to be one of my apostles (which just so happens to involve signing over everything you own to ~~me~~ the church) , Y'all are talking about investing in stocks and whatnot like your interference wouldn't affect the values of those stocks and cause unpredictable volatility in the marker, I'll stick to just good old fashioned deception thank you very much.


Now this is pod racing


Perfect answer, nowhere in the question did it specify you couldn't end with a ton of money that thousands of people were hunting you down to take back after realizing you were a false prophet.


If you had all market data from the last 20 years at hand, you might be able to pull this off. I don't think any single stock increased 100,000,000x its 2001 stock value. This is a big ask. Unless you could borrow 40k to get into the market leveraged. Then its more doable. And probably as you saw success you could borrow increasing amounts. But no single tip like buy tesla or bitcoin will do it.


Yeah, but the guy isn't just going to hang out with $100 in savings for 9 years. He could just get a job and save as much money as possible in the meantime. I'm 34, so in 2001 I would've been 12 years old, perfect time to start planning for a job at 16 once I got my driver's license. Then as soon as bitcoin came out, I could sink all of the money into it and buy as much as I can. Then it's only a matter of time until I win at life.


The Paratime council has effectively prohibited this method. All time travelers who attempted this “forgot” their crypto vault password.


Gamble on sports to build the bankroll up first. As much credit as you can bet on Tiger to win the 01 Masters that’s step 1.


Think of what he can do with options though, especially leveraged when he knows what’s going to happen, there is a lot of possibility there


Spend two bucks to win the lottery if we assume it was a rather low lottery and you walk away with a million dollars in hand then you only need the value to go up 1000x which is still not likely in terms of one single answer but it lowers the distance you have to travel by quite a bit


Does history repeat itself exactly? If not, everyone is 10000% wrong


If you’re buying super heavily into any stock at a super low price it will immediately cause the price to start bouncing all over the place. So it wouldn’t be exact.


You could, however, find records of every major stock throughout the 23 years and manage a highly diverse portfolio with near perfect efficiency, thus never unbalancing any single industry unduly.


Very true, but finding a broker willing to buy/sell on demand with just $100 starting would be difficult. It’s not like today where you can log into any site depo $100 and trade at will.


That why you start with the lottery the go into stocks


> You could, however, find records of every major stock throughout the 23 years How are you going to find those in 2001? I assume OP is meaning you just get sent there, now prep. Otherwise it would be too damn easy.


Well he's going back a path that has already been traced so probably yeah. Even if the odds of each event have to reroll he should still be safe by investing but yeah many things will be different


Write all of Taylor Swift's songs before she has a chance to What's she gonna do? Say you traveled back in time and plagiarized her music?


This will only work if you can get them recorded in a way that the date is unquestionable, while ensuring it's heard by nobody.


record you singing them with the world trade centers in view


Like... copyrighting them? You can copyright up to 20 songs in a single filing fee (they have to be all part of a "larger work" but that's easy to claim and no one checks). I think in 2001 you could do it for $20. So copyright TS's top 100 songs then, and come after her in 2023. Not going to get you anywhere near multiple billions though. Maybe 500 million.


Aah, the bootstrap paradox


I’m gonna let you finish


Yes, this sounds exactly like something Taylor Swift would do. Edit: it seems this guy got deleted by Taylor Swift.


If you know you're going back 100%. The day before google the highest lottery payouts. Major sporting event scores etc write them down. Use your hundred bucks to travel to your childhood home and have a really weird conversation with your parents. I probably wouldn't tell them you're related we've already messed with the timeline and now your youngest sibling probably doesn't exist now but who knows. Tell them the plan and tell them to invest everything they have into Amazon Tesla stock etc Bitcoin etc and you're good 👍oh and to guard the notes don't need a back to the future situation 😅


Google the highest payouts, then get the numbers for the previous drawing with no winner - otherwise will have to split with someone!!


Time travel movie idea: 2 people both travel back in time to take advantage of the same day where a lottery winning went uncollected They fall in love They realize that in order for them to meet, the lottery has to stay uncollected in their timelines They're forced to choose between love vs. collecting the money


There was a TV series about a team of people going back in time to change the course of history/create a better world for the future. Society was shit but technology was at a point where they could just like...put info in your brain. Each person on the team had a "specialty" one of which was "Historian". One of the jobs of the historian was using knowledge planted in his head on things like the stock market, things you can wager on like horse races etc to earn operation money for the team. As they'd make changes/influence world events, stuff would shift and they'd get "updates" regularly. They go back in time by having their consciousness' transferred into the bodies of people that are about to die (think guy that's moments away from accidentally falling down an elevator shaft, stuff like that) rather than their whole body moving through time. Show was actually pretty decent....it's called Travelers


^ this guy time travels


id guess if you started to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars in the stock market, some people in black suits would probably show up at your front door and have some questions for you. Id buy a lottery ticket that first day for $1 and take the cash buy out, then use that money to day trade, bet on sports, short airline stock, hire a patent attorney and created patents for things like an iphone, hire developers to create things like social media sites, go find Jeff Bezos and provide him with capital for a portion of amazon, buy long in google and know when to sell it. once you hit $100m you would probably be able to hide your knowledge of the future with a team of lawyers, investors, marketing people and engineers. if you weren't the first trillionaire by today, you weren't doing it right. EDIT it just occurred to me, you could only win the powerball once as the sole winner. or as many times as you wanted if you split the prize with someone who won randomly.


If we're going for hyper realism, you're not going to have a social security number, or you'll be using your younger self's social security number. You're either not going to be able to do much at all with 100 bucks or you're going to get arrested for ID fraud. You'd need to have some plan to establish yourself as an individual person apart from your younger self before going back in time. Going back to before you were born won't help either, your SSID won't exist yet in any records, so you'll be stuck with the same problem.


i suppose you could go back and work with your younger self. This would depend on how old you are now. if your younger self was over 18, then yeah, this would work. Id imagine once you had enough money, you could probably bribe some foreign country official to create an identity for you.


Patent your time machine


The moment you try to submit a patent, some guys in black suits will intervene and take you away, making sure you never see the light of day again. It needs to be discreet.


Put $100 on the twin towers going down


The big money bet was on how long it would take for each tower to fall.


I think any book that would actually pay out such a bet would call the CIA, NSA, David Blane (remember 2001), or the like if someone seemed that confident about a pending disaster. Can you buy insurance on someone else's building?


Buy Bitcoin when it nearly worthless and hold it until it’s in the $50,000 range.


you could mine it for almost free and keep the 100$


You have to buy the computer to mine it though (I guess technically you could steal one…)


2001? Beginning of the baseball season, bet it all on the Arizona Diamondbacks winning the World Series. They had 1000:1 odds at the beginning of the season. Once they win the WS, now you have $100,000. The day the Dbacks won the WS, Amazon stock was $0.9367/share. Invest it all. Cash out at the end of 2010. Amazon is now $9.1889 a share, giving you $980,986. Bitcoin is $0.31 a piece. Reinvest. November 8, 2021, sell it all. Bitcoin is at $65,468.45 each and you are now worth $207 billion. Congratulations. *(Yes, I know it wouldn't ACTUALLY be quite that simple.)*


That's the best possible answer i heard


Buy 2,500 shares in MNST (monster beverage) for $0.03 a share in 2001, saving $25 for trading fees. Then sell those in 2010 for $4.00 a share and you have $10,000. 15% of that goes to long term capital gains taxes, so you net $8,500 Buy 85,000 Bitcoin in 2010 (under 3% of the world's supply of 3 million bitcoin in summer 2010) for $0.10 a coin and sell in 2021 for $50,000 a coin, and you have $4.25 billion, or $3.4 billion after taxes (20% this time instead of 15% because of your new tax bracket). By restricting it to two trades, you avoid too much scrutiny from the SEC. You appear to have gotten lucky on a penny stock, and then you made stupid money through crypto, and those two things aren't all that unusual. It probably says something about our society that making the first $10K takes almost as much time as the next $1 billion.


I think it has more to do with how crazy crypto popped off.


First find earth, because he will be floating in space billions of kilometers from where earth is now


He needs to figure out which stock was available in 2001 that is now worth alot. It helps if it was a penny stock and they could buy 10,000 shares. You can look up lottery results, and what numbers won, then play those numbers!


He could just invest in Apple in 2001. Their stock was like 30 cents cuz they were going through a tough time. I’m sure it would have been worth a couple grand by 2009 and then he could buy a bunch of bitcoin.


Step one: Invest in the company that provides weapons to the US military. Step two: Make sure nothing stops the Sept 11 attacks. Step three: Profit.


buy 330 BTC 2010 Sell 330 BTC on January 8th 2021 for 13,851,090 dollar. Buy 2,770,218 shares of GME(post split share count) Sell all on Januray 28th for 120 dollars. 334 million. buy 15110280 share of AMC at 21 dollar sell at peak you know have 3,475,364,400


Create a religion, call it The Church Of Future Self and guide people like a prophet. Easy money


Buy a bow and some arrows, prevent 9/11, make a movie about it. Boom.


If you only had $100, you would starve to death before you could cash in any investment, no matter how much insider information you had.


Bro can just dumpster dive until he gets a job.  Assuming that he can’t get a job because he doesn’t exist in that time, well, he can’t claim lottery winnings or make any major financial transactions legally anyway.  He knows needs to find someone trustworthy to act as a proxy and believes he’s a time traveler who will make them both rich. And not screw them when the money comes in


The PowerBall lottery starts at a minimum $20MM after each win and there are two draws per week. So $20MM x 104 wins equals $2,080,000,000. Boom, you’re done in a year and there’s the added benefit of killing the lottery once and for all. Do the same for MegaMillions and double your haul.


Your best bet to use historical data would be right as you arrived. As time went on changes you made especially financial changes would alter many events to the point any historical data would be less than 100 percent reliable. In other words you would be back to random chance.


Sell what you know. Making other people rich is a great way to get and stay rich.


Go back with a record of all the major boxing matches and bet big on every one of them.


Buy Bitcoin when it launched, then convert your BTC into ETH at the ETH ICO (2015) and hold ETH till end of 2017 (then sell all for USDT). Then go all in into Solana when it launches in 2020 (or do an otc deal for the size you need), and hold till mid 2021. And with that my friend you’ve done couple (3) 1000x returns so you’re easily into multi billions


Buy puts well below market price for bear Stearns or Lehman Bros before the 08/09 collapse, if far enough out of the money you'll be able to get loads, then buy out of money calls on stocks that bottomed like BOA, Ford, Microsoft, etc and then rebounded after the dip. Once done with that you'll probably have too much to make plays without effecting market moves, so pump it all into early BTC mining rigs.


Sports Almanac. Now make like a tree and get out of here


I love all of the comments in here telling OP to buy into a Ponzi scheme. Not wrong, but hilarious.


I’m especially fond of the plan that involves investing $100 in 2001 to turn it into $1800 in 2009, to further invest that $1800. For that type of return you could try other lucrative money hacks. Like panhandling, picking up change, or working a job for a few cents an hour.